Sets construction variables for the &yacc; parse generator. YACC YACCFLAGS YACCCOM YACCHFILESUFFIX YACCHXXFILESUFFIX YACCVCGFILESUFFIX YACCCOMSTR The parser generator. The command line used to call the parser generator to generate a source file. The string displayed when generating a source file using the parser generator. If this is not set, then &cv-link-YACCCOM; (the command line) is displayed. env = Environment(YACCCOMSTR = "Yacc'ing $TARGET from $SOURCES") General options passed to the parser generator. If &cv-link-YACCFLAGS; contains a option, SCons assumes that the call will also create a .h file (if the yacc source file ends in a .y suffix) or a .hpp file (if the yacc source file ends in a .yy suffix) The suffix of the C header file generated by the parser generator when the option is used. Note that setting this variable does not cause the parser generator to generate a header file with the specified suffix, it exists to allow you to specify what suffix the parser generator will use of its own accord. The default value is .h. The suffix of the C++ header file generated by the parser generator when the option is used. Note that setting this variable does not cause the parser generator to generate a header file with the specified suffix, it exists to allow you to specify what suffix the parser generator will use of its own accord. The default value is .hpp, except on Mac OS X, where the default is ${TARGET.suffix}.h. because the default &bison; parser generator just appends .h to the name of the generated C++ file. The suffix of the file containing the VCG grammar automaton definition when the option is used. Note that setting this variable does not cause the parser generator to generate a VCG file with the specified suffix, it exists to allow you to specify what suffix the parser generator will use of its own accord. The default value is .vcg.