#!/usr/bin/env python """ TestCommonTests.py: Unit tests for the TestCommon.py module. Copyright 2000-2010 Steven Knight This module is free software, and you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Python itself, so long as this copyright message and disclaimer are retained in their original form. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS CODE, EVEN IF THE AUTHOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. THE AUTHOR SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE CODE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THERE IS NO OBLIGATION WHATSOEVER TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. """ __author__ = "Steven Knight " __revision__ = "TestCommonTests.py 1.3.D001 2010/06/03 12:58:27 knight" import difflib import os import re import signal import stat import sys import unittest # Strip the current directory so we get the right TestCommon.py module. sys.path = sys.path[1:] import TestCmd import TestCommon def lstrip(s): lines = [ _.expandtabs() for _ in s.split('\n') ] if lines[0] == '': lines = lines[1:] spaces = len(re.match('^( *).*', lines[0]).group(1)) if spaces: lines = [ l[spaces:] for l in lines ] return '\n'.join(lines) if sys.version[:3] == '1.5': expected_newline = '\\012' else: expected_newline = '\\n' def assert_display(expect, result, error=None): try: expect = expect.pattern except AttributeError: pass result = [ '\n', ('*'*80) + '\n', expect, ('*'*80) + '\n', result, ('*'*80) + '\n', ] if error: result.append(error) return ''.join(result) class TestCommonTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Base class for TestCommon test cases, fixture and utility methods.""" create_run_env = True def setUp(self): self.orig_cwd = os.getcwd() if self.create_run_env: self.run_env = TestCmd.TestCmd(workdir = '') def tearDown(self): os.chdir(self.orig_cwd) def set_up_execution_scripts(self): run_env = self.run_env run_env.subdir('sub dir') self.python = sys.executable self.pass_script = run_env.workpath('sub dir', 'pass') self.fail_script = run_env.workpath('sub dir', 'fail') self.stdout_script = run_env.workpath('sub dir', 'stdout') self.stderr_script = run_env.workpath('sub dir', 'stderr') self.signal_script = run_env.workpath('sub dir', 'signal') self.stdin_script = run_env.workpath('sub dir', 'stdin') preamble = "import sys" stdout = "; sys.stdout.write(r'%s: STDOUT: ' + repr(sys.argv[1:]) + '\\n')" stderr = "; sys.stderr.write(r'%s: STDERR: ' + repr(sys.argv[1:]) + '\\n')" exit0 = "; sys.exit(0)" exit1 = "; sys.exit(1)" if sys.platform == 'win32': wrapper = '@python -c "%s" %%1 %%2 %%3 %%4 %%5 %%6 %%7 %%8 %%9\n' else: wrapper = '#! /usr/bin/env python\n%s\n' wrapper = '#! /usr/bin/env python\n%s\n' pass_body = preamble + stdout % self.pass_script + exit0 fail_body = preamble + stdout % self.fail_script + exit1 stderr_body = preamble + stderr % self.stderr_script + exit0 run_env.write(self.pass_script, wrapper % pass_body) run_env.write(self.fail_script, wrapper % fail_body) run_env.write(self.stderr_script, wrapper % stderr_body) signal_body = lstrip("""\ import os import signal os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM) """) run_env.write(self.signal_script, wrapper % signal_body) stdin_body = lstrip("""\ import sys input = sys.stdin.read()[:-1] sys.stdout.write(r'%s: STDOUT: ' + repr(input) + '\\n') sys.stderr.write(r'%s: STDERR: ' + repr(input) + '\\n') """ % (self.stdin_script, self.stdin_script)) run_env.write(self.stdin_script, wrapper % stdin_body) def run_execution_test(self, script, expect_stdout, expect_stderr): self.set_up_execution_scripts() run_env = self.run_env os.chdir(run_env.workpath('sub dir')) # Everything before this prepared our "source directory." # Now do the real test. script = script % self.__dict__ run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() stderr = run_env.stderr() expect_stdout = expect_stdout % self.__dict__ assert stdout == expect_stdout, assert_display(expect_stdout, stdout, stderr) try: match = expect_stderr.match except AttributeError: expect_stderr = expect_stderr % self.__dict__ assert stderr == expect_stderr, assert_display(expect_stderr, stderr) else: assert expect_stderr.match(stderr), assert_display(expect_stderr, stderr) class __init__TestCase(TestCommonTestCase): def test___init__(self): """Test initialization""" run_env = self.run_env os.chdir(run_env.workdir) script = lstrip("""\ from __future__ import print_function from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') import os print(os.getcwd()) """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout()[:-1] assert stdout != run_env.workdir, stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "", stderr class banner_TestCase(TestCommonTestCase): create_run_env = False def test_banner(self): """Test banner()""" tc = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') b = tc.banner('xyzzy ') assert b == "xyzzy ==========================================================================", b tc.banner_width = 10 b = tc.banner('xyzzy ') assert b == "xyzzy ====", b b = tc.banner('xyzzy ', 20) assert b == "xyzzy ==============", b tc.banner_char = '-' b = tc.banner('xyzzy ') assert b == "xyzzy ----", b class must_be_writable_TestCase(TestCommonTestCase): def test_file_does_not_exists(self): """Test must_be_writable(): file does not exist""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.must_be_writable('file1') tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "Missing files: `file1'\n", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr.find("FAILED") != -1, stderr def test_writable_file_exists(self): """Test must_be_writable(): writable file exists""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ import os import stat from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.write('file1', "file1\\n") f1 = tc.workpath('file1') mode = os.stat(f1)[stat.ST_MODE] os.chmod(f1, mode | stat.S_IWUSR) tc.must_be_writable('file1') tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_non_writable_file_exists(self): """Test must_be_writable(): non-writable file exists""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ import os import stat from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.write('file1', "file1\\n") f1 = tc.workpath('file1') mode = os.stat(f1)[stat.ST_MODE] os.chmod(f1, mode & ~stat.S_IWUSR) tc.must_be_writable('file1') tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "Unwritable files: `file1'\n", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr.find("FAILED") != -1, stderr def test_file_specified_as_list(self): """Test must_be_writable(): file specified as list""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ import os import stat from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.subdir('sub') tc.write(['sub', 'file1'], "sub/file1\\n") f1 = tc.workpath('sub', 'file1') mode = os.stat(f1)[stat.ST_MODE] os.chmod(f1, mode | stat.S_IWUSR) tc.must_be_writable(['sub', 'file1']) tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr class must_contain_TestCase(TestCommonTestCase): def test_success(self): """Test must_contain(): success""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.write('file1', "file1 contents\\n") tc.must_contain('file1', "1 c") tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_success_index_0(self): """Test must_contain(): success at index 0""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.write('file1', "file1 contents\\n") tc.must_contain('file1', "file1 c") tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_file_missing(self): """Test must_contain(): file missing""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.must_contain('file1', "1 c\\n") tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr.find("No such file or directory:") != -1, stderr def test_failure(self): """Test must_contain(): failure""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.write('file1', "file1 does not match\\n") tc.must_contain('file1', "1 c") tc.run() """) expect = lstrip("""\ File `file1' does not contain required string. Required string ================================================================ 1 c file1 contents ================================================================= file1 does not match """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == expect, repr(stdout) stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr.find("FAILED") != -1, stderr def test_mode(self): """Test must_contain(): mode""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.write('file1', "file1 contents\\n", mode='w') tc.must_contain('file1', "1 c", mode='r') tc.write('file2', "file2 contents\\n", mode='wb') tc.must_contain('file2', "2 c", mode='rb') tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr class must_contain_all_lines_TestCase(TestCommonTestCase): def test_success(self): """Test must_contain_all_lines(): success""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip(""" import TestCommon test = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') lines = [ 'xxx\\n', 'yyy\\n', ] output = '''\\ www xxx yyy zzz ''' test.must_contain_all_lines(output, lines) test.must_contain_all_lines(output, ['www\\n']) test.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_failure(self): """Test must_contain_all_lines(): failure""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip(""" import TestCommon test = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') lines = [ 'xxx\\n', 'yyy\\n', ] output = '''\\ www zzz ''' test.must_contain_all_lines(output, lines) test.pass_test() """) expect = lstrip("""\ Missing expected lines from output: 'xxx%(expected_newline)s' 'yyy%(expected_newline)s' output ========================================================================= www zzz """ % globals()) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stdout == expect, assert_display(expect, stdout, stderr) assert stderr.find("FAILED") != -1, stderr def test_find(self): """Test must_contain_all_lines(): find""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip(""" import re import TestCommon test = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') lines = [ 'x.*', '.*y', ] output = '''\\ www xxx yyy zzz ''' def re_search(output, line): return re.compile(line, re.S).search(output) test.must_contain_all_lines(output, lines, find=re_search) test.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_title(self): """Test must_contain_all_lines(): title""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip(""" import TestCommon test = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') lines = [ 'xxx\\n', 'yyy\\n', ] output = '''\\ www zzz ''' test.must_contain_all_lines(output, lines, title='STDERR') test.pass_test() """) expect = lstrip("""\ Missing expected lines from STDERR: 'xxx%(expected_newline)s' 'yyy%(expected_newline)s' STDERR ========================================================================= www zzz """ % globals()) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stdout == expect, assert_display(expect, stdout, stderr) assert stderr.find("FAILED") != -1, stderr class must_contain_any_line_TestCase(TestCommonTestCase): def test_success(self): """Test must_contain_any_line(): success""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip(""" import TestCommon test = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') lines = [ 'aaa\\n', 'yyy\\n', ] output = '''\\ www xxx yyy zzz ''' test.must_contain_any_line(output, lines) test.must_contain_any_line(output, ['www\\n']) test.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_failure(self): """Test must_contain_any_line(): failure""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip(""" import TestCommon test = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') lines = [ 'xxx\\n', 'yyy\\n', ] output = '''\\ www zzz ''' test.must_contain_any_line(output, lines) test.pass_test() """) expect = lstrip("""\ Missing any expected line from output: 'xxx%(expected_newline)s' 'yyy%(expected_newline)s' output ========================================================================= www zzz """ % globals()) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stdout == expect, assert_display(expect, stdout, stderr) assert stderr.find("FAILED") != -1, stderr def test_find(self): """Test must_contain_any_line(): find""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip(""" import re import TestCommon test = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') lines = [ 'aaa', '.*y', ] output = '''\\ www xxx yyy zzz ''' def re_search(output, line): return re.compile(line, re.S).search(output) test.must_contain_any_line(output, lines, find=re_search) test.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_title(self): """Test must_contain_any_line(): title""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip(""" import TestCommon test = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') lines = [ 'xxx\\n', 'yyy\\n', ] output = '''\\ www zzz ''' test.must_contain_any_line(output, lines, title='STDOUT') test.pass_test() """) expect = lstrip("""\ Missing any expected line from STDOUT: 'xxx%(expected_newline)s' 'yyy%(expected_newline)s' STDOUT ========================================================================= www zzz """ % globals()) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stdout == expect, assert_display(expect, stdout, stderr) assert stderr.find("FAILED") != -1, stderr class must_contain_exactly_lines_TestCase(TestCommonTestCase): def test_success_list(self): """Test must_contain_exactly_lines(): success (input list)""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip(""" import TestCommon test = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') lines = [ 'yyy\\n', 'xxx\\n', 'zzz', 'www\\n', ] output = '''\\ www xxx yyy zzz ''' test.must_contain_exactly_lines(output, lines) test.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_success_string(self): """Test must_contain_exactly_lines(): success (input string)""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip(""" import TestCommon test = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') lines = '''\\ yyy xxx zzz www ''' output = '''\\ www xxx yyy zzz ''' test.must_contain_exactly_lines(output, lines) test.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_failure(self): """Test must_contain_exactly_lines(): failure""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip(""" import TestCommon test = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') lines = [ 'xxx\\n', 'yyy\\n', ] output = '''\\ www zzz ''' test.must_contain_exactly_lines(output, lines) test.pass_test() """) expect = lstrip("""\ Missing expected lines from output: 'xxx' 'yyy' Missing output ================================================================= Extra unexpected lines from output: 'www' 'zzz' Extra output =================================================================== """ % globals()) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stdout == expect, assert_display(expect, stdout, stderr) assert stderr.find("FAILED") != -1, stderr def test_find(self): """Test must_contain_exactly_lines(): find""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip(""" import re import TestCommon test = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') lines = [ 'zzz', '.*y', 'xxx', 'www', ] output = '''\\\ www xxx yyy zzz ''' def re_search(output, line): pattern = re.compile(line, re.S) index = 0 for o in output: if pattern.search(o): return index index +=1 return None test.must_contain_exactly_lines(output, lines, find=re_search) test.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_title(self): """Test must_contain_exactly_lines(): title""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip(""" import TestCommon test = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') lines = [ 'xxx\\n', 'yyy\\n', ] output = '''\\ www zzz ''' test.must_contain_exactly_lines(output, lines, title='STDOUT') test.pass_test() """) expect = lstrip("""\ Missing expected lines from STDOUT: 'xxx' 'yyy' Missing STDOUT ================================================================= Extra unexpected lines from STDOUT: 'www' 'zzz' Extra STDOUT =================================================================== """ % globals()) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stdout == expect, assert_display(expect, stdout, stderr) assert stderr.find("FAILED") != -1, stderr class must_contain_lines_TestCase(TestCommonTestCase): def test_success(self): """Test must_contain_lines(): success""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip(""" import TestCommon test = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') lines = [ 'xxx\\n', 'yyy\\n', ] output = '''\\ www xxx yyy zzz ''' test.must_contain_lines(lines, output) test.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_failure(self): """Test must_contain_lines(): failure""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip(""" import TestCommon test = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') lines = [ 'xxx\\n', 'yyy\\n', ] output = '''\\ www zzz ''' test.must_contain_lines(lines, output) test.pass_test() """) expect = lstrip("""\ Missing expected lines from output: 'xxx%(expected_newline)s' 'yyy%(expected_newline)s' output ========================================================================= www zzz """ % globals()) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stdout == expect, assert_display(expect, stdout, stderr) assert stderr.find("FAILED") != -1, stderr class must_exist_TestCase(TestCommonTestCase): def test_success(self): """Test must_exist(): success""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.write('file1', "file1\\n") tc.must_exist('file1') tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_failure(self): """Test must_exist(): failure""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.must_exist('file1') tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "Missing files: `file1'\n", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr.find("FAILED") != -1, stderr def test_file_specified_as_list(self): """Test must_exist(): file specified as list""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.subdir('sub') tc.write(['sub', 'file1'], "sub/file1\\n") tc.must_exist(['sub', 'file1']) tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_broken_link(self) : """Test must_exist(): exists but it is a broken link""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.symlink('badtarget', "brokenlink") tc.must_exist('brokenlink') tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr class must_exist_one_of_TestCase(TestCommonTestCase): def test_success(self): """Test must_exist_one_of(): success""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.write('file1', "file1\\n") tc.must_exist_one_of(['file1']) tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_failure(self): """Test must_exist_one_of(): failure""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.must_exist_one_of(['file1']) tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "Missing one of: `file1'\n", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr.find("FAILED") != -1, stderr def test_files_specified_as_list(self): """Test must_exist_one_of(): files specified as list""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.write('file1', "file1\\n") tc.must_exist_one_of(['file2', 'file1']) tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_files_specified_with_wildcards(self): """Test must_exist_one_of(): files specified with wildcards""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.write('file7', "file7\\n") tc.must_exist_one_of(['file?']) tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_file_given_as_list(self): """Test must_exist_one_of(): file given as list""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.subdir('sub') tc.write(['sub', 'file1'], "sub/file1\\n") tc.must_exist_one_of(['file2', ['sub', 'file1']]) tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_file_given_as_sequence(self): """Test must_exist_one_of(): file given as sequence""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.subdir('sub') tc.write(['sub', 'file1'], "sub/file1\\n") tc.must_exist_one_of(['file2', ('sub', 'file1')]) tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr class must_match_TestCase(TestCommonTestCase): def test_success(self): """Test must_match(): success""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.write('file1', "file1\\n") tc.must_match('file1', "file1\\n") tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_file_does_not_exists(self): """Test must_match(): file does not exist""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.must_match('file1', "file1\\n") tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr.find("No such file or directory:") != -1, stderr def test_failure(self): """Test must_match(): failure""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.write('file1', "file1 does not match\\n") tc.must_match('file1', "file1\\n") tc.run() """) expect = lstrip("""\ match_re: mismatch at line 0: search re='^file1$' line='file1 does not match' Unexpected contents of `file1' contents ======================================================================= 1c1 < file1 --- > file1 does not match """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == expect, stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr.find("FAILED") != -1, stderr def test_mode(self): """Test must_match(): mode""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.write('file1', "file1\\n", mode='w') tc.must_match('file1', "file1\\n", mode='r') tc.write('file2', "file2\\n", mode='wb') tc.must_match('file2', "file2\\n", mode='rb') tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr class must_not_be_writable_TestCase(TestCommonTestCase): def test_file_does_not_exists(self): """Test must_not_be_writable(): file does not exist""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.must_not_be_writable('file1') tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "Missing files: `file1'\n", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr.find("FAILED") != -1, stderr def test_writable_file_exists(self): """Test must_not_be_writable(): writable file exists""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ import os import stat from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.write('file1', "file1\\n") f1 = tc.workpath('file1') mode = os.stat(f1)[stat.ST_MODE] os.chmod(f1, mode | stat.S_IWUSR) tc.must_not_be_writable('file1') tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "Writable files: `file1'\n", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr.find("FAILED") != -1, stderr def test_non_writable_file_exists(self): """Test must_not_be_writable(): non-writable file exists""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ import os import stat from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.write('file1', "file1\\n") f1 = tc.workpath('file1') mode = os.stat(f1)[stat.ST_MODE] os.chmod(f1, mode & ~stat.S_IWUSR) tc.must_not_be_writable('file1') tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_file_specified_as_list(self): """Test must_not_be_writable(): file specified as list""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ import os import stat from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.subdir('sub') tc.write(['sub', 'file1'], "sub/file1\\n") f1 = tc.workpath('sub', 'file1') mode = os.stat(f1)[stat.ST_MODE] os.chmod(f1, mode & ~stat.S_IWUSR) tc.must_not_be_writable(['sub', 'file1']) tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr class must_not_contain_TestCase(TestCommonTestCase): def test_success(self): """Test must_not_contain(): success""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.write('file1', "file1 contents\\n") tc.must_not_contain('file1', "1 does not contain c") tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_file_does_not_exist(self): """Test must_not_contain(): file does not exist""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.must_not_contain('file1', "1 c\\n") tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr.find("No such file or directory:") != -1, stderr def test_failure(self): """Test must_not_contain(): failure""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.write('file1', "file1 does contain contents\\n") tc.must_not_contain('file1', "1 does contain c") tc.run() """) expect = lstrip("""\ File `file1' contains banned string. Banned string ================================================================== 1 does contain c file1 contents ================================================================= file1 does contain contents """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == expect, repr(stdout) stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr.find("FAILED") != -1, stderr def test_failure_index_0(self): """Test must_not_contain(): failure at index 0""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.write('file1', "file1 does contain contents\\n") tc.must_not_contain('file1', "file1 does") tc.run() """) expect = lstrip("""\ File `file1' contains banned string. Banned string ================================================================== file1 does file1 contents ================================================================= file1 does contain contents """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == expect, repr(stdout) stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr.find("FAILED") != -1, stderr def test_mode(self): """Test must_not_contain(): mode""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.write('file1', "file1 contents\\n", mode='w') tc.must_not_contain('file1', "1 does not contain c", mode='r') tc.write('file2', "file2 contents\\n", mode='wb') tc.must_not_contain('file2', "2 does not contain c", mode='rb') tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr class must_not_contain_any_line_TestCase(TestCommonTestCase): def test_failure(self): """Test must_not_contain_any_line(): failure""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip(""" import TestCommon test = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') lines = [ 'xxx\\n', 'yyy\\n', 'www\\n', ] output = '''\\ www xxx yyy zzz ''' test.must_not_contain_any_line(output, lines) test.pass_test() """) expect = lstrip("""\ Unexpected lines in output: 'xxx%(expected_newline)s' 'yyy%(expected_newline)s' 'www%(expected_newline)s' output ========================================================================= www xxx yyy zzz """ % globals()) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stdout == expect, assert_display(expect, stdout, stderr) assert stderr.find("FAILED") != -1, stderr def test_find(self): """Test must_not_contain_any_line(): find""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip(""" import re import TestCommon test = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') lines = [ 'x.*' '.*y' ] output = '''\\ www zzz ''' def re_search(output, line): return re.compile(line, re.S).search(output) test.must_not_contain_any_line(output, lines, find=re_search) test.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_success(self): """Test must_not_contain_any_line(): success""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip(""" import TestCommon test = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') lines = [ 'xxx\\n' 'yyy\\n' ] output = '''\\ www zzz ''' test.must_not_contain_any_line(output, lines) test.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_title(self): """Test must_not_contain_any_line(): title""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip(""" import TestCommon test = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') lines = [ 'xxx\\n', 'yyy\\n', ] output = '''\\ www xxx yyy zzz ''' test.must_not_contain_any_line(output, lines, title='XYZZY') test.pass_test() """) expect = lstrip("""\ Unexpected lines in XYZZY: 'xxx%(expected_newline)s' 'yyy%(expected_newline)s' XYZZY ========================================================================== www xxx yyy zzz """ % globals()) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stdout == expect, assert_display(expect, stdout, stderr) assert stderr.find("FAILED") != -1, stderr class must_not_contain_lines_TestCase(TestCommonTestCase): def test_failure(self): """Test must_not_contain_lines(): failure""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip(""" import TestCommon test = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') lines = [ 'xxx\\n', 'yyy\\n', ] output = '''\\ www xxx yyy zzz ''' test.must_not_contain_lines(lines, output) test.pass_test() """) expect = lstrip("""\ Unexpected lines in output: 'xxx%(expected_newline)s' 'yyy%(expected_newline)s' output ========================================================================= www xxx yyy zzz """ % globals()) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stdout == expect, assert_display(expect, stdout, stderr) assert stderr.find("FAILED") != -1, stderr def test_success(self): """Test must_not_contain_lines(): success""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip(""" import TestCommon test = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') lines = [ 'xxx\\n' 'yyy\\n' ] output = '''\\ www zzz ''' test.must_not_contain_lines(lines, output) test.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr class must_not_exist_TestCase(TestCommonTestCase): def test_failure(self): """Test must_not_exist(): failure""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.write('file1', "file1\\n") tc.must_not_exist('file1') tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "Unexpected files exist: `file1'\n", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr.find("FAILED") != -1, stderr def test_success(self): """Test must_not_exist(): success""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.must_not_exist('file1') tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_file_specified_as_list(self): """Test must_not_exist(): file specified as list""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.subdir('sub') tc.must_not_exist(['sub', 'file1']) tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_existing_broken_link(self): """Test must_not_exist(): exists but it is a broken link""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.symlink('badtarget', 'brokenlink') tc.must_not_exist('brokenlink') tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "Unexpected files exist: `brokenlink'\n", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr.find("FAILED") != -1, stderr class must_not_exist_any_of_TestCase(TestCommonTestCase): def test_success(self): """Test must_not_exist_any_of(): success""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.must_not_exist_any_of(['file1']) tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_failure(self): """Test must_not_exist_any_of(): failure""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.write('file1', "file1\\n") tc.must_not_exist_any_of(['file1']) tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "Unexpected files exist: `file1'\n", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr.find("FAILED") != -1, stderr def test_files_specified_as_list(self): """Test must_not_exist_any_of(): files specified as list""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.must_not_exist_any_of(['file2', 'file1']) tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_files_specified_with_wildcards(self): """Test must_not_exist_any_of(): files specified with wildcards""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.write('file7', "file7\\n") tc.must_not_exist_any_of(['files?']) tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_file_given_as_list(self): """Test must_not_exist_any_of(): file given as list""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.subdir('sub') tc.write(['sub', 'file1'], "sub/file1\\n") tc.must_not_exist_any_of(['file2', ['sub', 'files*']]) tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr def test_file_given_as_sequence(self): """Test must_not_exist_any_of(): file given as sequence""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(workdir='') tc.subdir('sub') tc.write(['sub', 'file1'], "sub/file1\\n") tc.must_not_exist_any_of(['file2', ('sub', 'files?')]) tc.pass_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr class run_TestCase(TestCommonTestCase): def test_argument_handling(self): """Test run(): argument handling""" script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon, match_exact tc = TestCommon(program=r'%(pass_script)s', interpreter='%(python)s', workdir="", match=match_exact) tc.run(arguments = "arg1 arg2 arg3", stdout = r"%(pass_script)s: STDOUT: ['arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3']" + "\\n") """) self.run_execution_test(script, "", "") def test_default_pass(self): """Test run(): default arguments, script passes""" script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(program=r'%(pass_script)s', interpreter=r'%(python)s', workdir='') tc.run() """) self.run_execution_test(script, "", "") def test_default_fail(self): """Test run(): default arguments, script fails""" script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(program=r'%(fail_script)s', interpreter='%(python)s', workdir='') tc.run() """) expect_stdout = lstrip("""\ %(fail_script)s returned 1 STDOUT ========================================================================= %(fail_script)s: STDOUT: [] STDERR ========================================================================= """) expect_stderr = lstrip("""\ FAILED test of .*fail \\tat line \\d+ of .*TestCommon\\.py \\(_complete\\) \\tfrom line \\d+ of .*TestCommon\\.py \\(run\\) \\tfrom line \\d+ of ( \(\))? """) expect_stderr = re.compile(expect_stderr, re.M) self.run_execution_test(script, expect_stdout, expect_stderr) def test_default_stderr(self): """Test run(): default arguments, error output""" script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(program=r'%(stderr_script)s', interpreter='%(python)s', workdir='') tc.run() """) expect_stdout = lstrip("""\ match_re: expected 1 lines, found 2 STDOUT ========================================================================= STDERR ========================================================================= 0a1 > %(stderr_script)s: STDERR: [] """) expect_stderr = lstrip("""\ FAILED test of .*stderr \\tat line \\d+ of .*TestCommon\\.py \\(_complete\\) \\tfrom line \\d+ of .*TestCommon\\.py \\(run\\) \\tfrom line \\d+ of """) expect_stderr = re.compile(expect_stderr, re.M) self.run_execution_test(script, expect_stdout, expect_stderr) def test_exception_handling(self): """Test run(): exception handling""" script = lstrip("""\ import TestCmd from TestCommon import TestCommon def raise_exception(*args, **kw): raise TypeError("forced TypeError") TestCmd.TestCmd.start = raise_exception tc = TestCommon(program='%(pass_script)s', interpreter='%(python)s', workdir='') tc.run() """) expect_stdout = lstrip("""\ STDOUT ========================================================================= STDERR ========================================================================= """) expect_stderr = lstrip("""\ Exception trying to execute: \\[%s, '[^']*pass'\\] Traceback \\((innermost|most recent call) last\\): File "", line \\d+, in (\\?|) File "[^"]+TestCommon.py", line \\d+, in run TestCmd.run\\(self, \\*\\*kw\\) File "[^"]+TestCmd.py", line \\d+, in run .* File "[^"]+TestCommon.py", line \\d+, in start raise e TypeError: forced TypeError """ % re.escape(repr(sys.executable))) expect_stderr = re.compile(expect_stderr, re.M) self.run_execution_test(script, expect_stdout, expect_stderr) def test_ignore_stderr(self): """Test run(): ignore stderr""" script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(program=r'%(stderr_script)s', interpreter='%(python)s', workdir='') tc.run(stderr = None) """) self.run_execution_test(script, "", "") def test_match_function_stdout(self): """Test run(): explicit match function, stdout""" script = lstrip("""\ def my_match_exact(actual, expect): return actual == expect from TestCommon import TestCommon, match_re_dotall tc = TestCommon(program=r'%(pass_script)s', interpreter='%(python)s', workdir="", match=match_re_dotall) tc.run(arguments = "arg1 arg2 arg3", stdout = r"%(pass_script)s: STDOUT: ['arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3']" + "\\n", match = my_match_exact) """) self.run_execution_test(script, "", "") def test_match_function_stderr(self): """Test run(): explicit match function, stderr""" script = lstrip("""\ def my_match_exact(actual, expect): return actual == expect from TestCommon import TestCommon, match_re_dotall tc = TestCommon(program=r'%(stderr_script)s', interpreter='%(python)s', workdir="", match=match_re_dotall) tc.run(arguments = "arg1 arg2 arg3", stderr = r"%(stderr_script)s: STDERR: ['arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3']" + "\\n", match = my_match_exact) """) self.run_execution_test(script, "", "") def test_matched_status_fails(self): """Test run(): matched status, script fails""" script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(program=r'%(fail_script)s', interpreter='%(python)s', workdir='') tc.run(status = 1) """) self.run_execution_test(script, "", "") def test_matched_stdout(self): """Test run(): matched stdout""" script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon, match_exact tc = TestCommon(program=r'%(pass_script)s', interpreter='%(python)s', workdir="", match=match_exact) tc.run(stdout = r"%(pass_script)s: STDOUT: []" + "\\n") """) self.run_execution_test(script, "", "") def test_matched_stderr(self): """Test run(): matched stderr""" script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon, match_exact tc = TestCommon(program=r'%(stderr_script)s', interpreter='%(python)s', workdir="", match=match_exact) tc.run(stderr = r"%(stderr_script)s: STDERR: []" + "\\n") """) self.run_execution_test(script, "", "") def test_mismatched_status_pass(self): """Test run(): mismatched status, script passes""" script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(program=r'%(pass_script)s', interpreter='%(python)s', workdir='') tc.run(status = 1) """) expect_stdout = lstrip("""\ %(pass_script)s returned 0 (expected 1) STDOUT ========================================================================= %(pass_script)s: STDOUT: [] STDERR ========================================================================= """) expect_stderr = lstrip("""\ FAILED test of .*pass \\tat line \\d+ of .*TestCommon\\.py \\(_complete\\) \\tfrom line \\d+ of .*TestCommon\\.py \\(run\\) \\tfrom line \\d+ of ( \(\))? """) expect_stderr = re.compile(expect_stderr, re.M) self.run_execution_test(script, expect_stdout, expect_stderr) def test_mismatched_status_fail(self): """Test run(): mismatched status, script fails""" script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(program=r'%(fail_script)s', interpreter='%(python)s', workdir='') tc.run(status = 2) """) expect_stdout = lstrip("""\ %(fail_script)s returned 1 (expected 2) STDOUT ========================================================================= %(fail_script)s: STDOUT: [] STDERR ========================================================================= """) expect_stderr = lstrip("""\ FAILED test of .*fail \\tat line \\d+ of .*TestCommon\\.py \\(_complete\\) \\tfrom line \\d+ of .*TestCommon\\.py \\(run\\) \\tfrom line \\d+ of ( \(\))? """) expect_stderr = re.compile(expect_stderr, re.M) self.run_execution_test(script, expect_stdout, expect_stderr) def test_mismatched_stdout(self): """Test run(): mismatched stdout""" script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(program=r'%(pass_script)s', interpreter='%(python)s', workdir='') tc.run(stdout = "Not found\\n") """) expect_stdout = lstrip("""\ match_re: mismatch at line 0: search re='^Not found$' line='%(pass_script)s: STDOUT: []' STDOUT ========================================================================= 1c1 < Not found --- > %(pass_script)s: STDOUT: [] """) expect_stderr = lstrip("""\ FAILED test of .*pass \\tat line \\d+ of .*TestCommon\\.py \\(_complete\\) \\tfrom line \\d+ of .*TestCommon\\.py \\(run\\) \\tfrom line \\d+ of ( \(\))? """) expect_stderr = re.compile(expect_stderr, re.M) self.run_execution_test(script, expect_stdout, expect_stderr) def test_mismatched_stderr(self): """Test run(): mismatched stderr""" script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(program=r'%(stderr_script)s', interpreter='%(python)s', workdir='') tc.run(stderr = "Not found\\n") """) expect_stdout = lstrip("""\ match_re: mismatch at line 0: search re='^Not found$' line='%(stderr_script)s: STDERR: []' STDOUT ========================================================================= STDERR ========================================================================= 1c1 < Not found --- > %(stderr_script)s: STDERR: [] """) expect_stderr = lstrip("""\ FAILED test of .*stderr \\tat line \\d+ of .*TestCommon\\.py \\(_complete\\) \\tfrom line \\d+ of .*TestCommon\\.py \\(run\\) \\tfrom line \\d+ of ( \(\))? """) expect_stderr = re.compile(expect_stderr, re.M) self.run_execution_test(script, expect_stdout, expect_stderr) def test_option_handling(self): """Test run(): option handling""" script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon, match_exact tc = TestCommon(program=r'%(pass_script)s', interpreter='%(python)s', workdir="", match=match_exact) tc.run(options = "opt1 opt2 opt3", stdout = r"%(pass_script)s: STDOUT: ['opt1', 'opt2', 'opt3']" + "\\n") """) self.run_execution_test(script, "", "") def test_options_plus_arguments(self): """Test run(): option handling with arguments""" script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon, match_exact tc = TestCommon(program=r'%(pass_script)s', interpreter='%(python)s', workdir="", match=match_exact) tc.run(options = "opt1 opt2 opt3", arguments = "arg1 arg2 arg3", stdout = r"%(pass_script)s: STDOUT: ['opt1', 'opt2', 'opt3', 'arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3']" + "\\n") """) self.run_execution_test(script, "", "") def test_signal_handling(self): """Test run(): signal handling""" try: os.kill except AttributeError: sys.stderr.write('can not test, no os.kill ... ') return script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon tc = TestCommon(program=r'%(signal_script)s', interpreter='%(python)s', workdir='') tc.run() """) self.SIGTERM = signal.SIGTERM # Script returns the signal value as a negative number. expect_stdout = lstrip("""\ %(signal_script)s returned -%(SIGTERM)s STDOUT ========================================================================= STDERR ========================================================================= """) expect_stderr = lstrip("""\ FAILED test of .*signal \\tat line \\d+ of .*TestCommon\\.py \\(_complete\\) \\tfrom line \\d+ of .*TestCommon\\.py \\(run\\) \\tfrom line \\d+ of """) expect_stderr = re.compile(expect_stderr, re.M) self.run_execution_test(script, expect_stdout, expect_stderr) def test_stdin(self): """Test run(): stdin handling""" script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon, match_exact tc = TestCommon(program=r'%(stdin_script)s', interpreter='%(python)s', workdir='', match=match_exact) expect_stdout = r"%(stdin_script)s: STDOUT: 'input'" + "\\n" expect_stderr = r"%(stdin_script)s: STDERR: 'input'" + "\\n" tc.run(stdin="input\\n", stdout = expect_stdout, stderr = expect_stderr) """) expect_stdout = lstrip("""\ %(pass_script)s returned 0 (expected 1) STDOUT ========================================================================= %(pass_script)s: STDOUT: [] STDERR ========================================================================= """) self.run_execution_test(script, "", "") class start_TestCase(TestCommonTestCase): def test_option_handling(self): """Test start(): option handling""" script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon, match_exact tc = TestCommon(program=r'%(pass_script)s', interpreter='%(python)s', workdir="", match=match_exact) p = tc.start(options = "opt1 opt2 opt3") expect = r"%(pass_script)s: STDOUT: ['opt1', 'opt2', 'opt3']" + "\\n" tc.finish(p, stdout = expect) """) self.run_execution_test(script, "", "") def test_options_plus_arguments(self): """Test start(): option handling with arguments""" script = lstrip("""\ from TestCommon import TestCommon, match_exact tc = TestCommon(program=r'%(pass_script)s', interpreter='%(python)s', workdir="", match=match_exact) p = tc.start(options = "opt1 opt2 opt3", arguments = "arg1 arg2 arg3") expect = r"%(pass_script)s: STDOUT: ['opt1', 'opt2', 'opt3', 'arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3']" + "\\n" tc.finish(p, stdout = expect) """) self.run_execution_test(script, "", "") class skip_test_TestCase(TestCommonTestCase): def test_skip_test(self): """Test skip_test()""" run_env = self.run_env script = lstrip("""\ import TestCommon test = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') test.skip_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "Skipping test.\n", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() expect = [ "NO RESULT for test at line 3 of \n", "NO RESULT for test at line 3 of ()\n", ] assert stderr in expect, repr(stderr) script = lstrip("""\ import TestCommon test = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') test.skip_test("skipping test because I said so\\n") """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "skipping test because I said so\n", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() expect = [ "NO RESULT for test at line 3 of \n", "NO RESULT for test at line 3 of ()\n", ] assert stderr in expect, repr(stderr) import os os.environ['TESTCOMMON_PASS_SKIPS'] = '1' try: script = lstrip("""\ import TestCommon test = TestCommon.TestCommon(workdir='') test.skip_test() """) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stdout = run_env.stdout() assert stdout == "Skipping test.\n", stdout stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "PASSED\n", stderr finally: del os.environ['TESTCOMMON_PASS_SKIPS'] class variables_TestCase(TestCommonTestCase): def test_variables(self): """Test global variables""" run_env = self.run_env variables = [ 'fail_test', 'no_result', 'pass_test', 'match_exact', 'match_re', 'match_re_dotall', 'python', '_python_', 'TestCmd', 'TestCommon', 'exe_suffix', 'obj_suffix', 'shobj_prefix', 'shobj_suffix', 'lib_prefix', 'lib_suffix', 'dll_prefix', 'dll_suffix', ] script = "from __future__ import print_function\n" + \ "import TestCommon\n" + \ '\n'.join([ "print(TestCommon.%s)\n" % v for v in variables ]) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "", stderr script = "from __future__ import print_function\n" + \ "from TestCommon import *\n" + \ '\n'.join([ "print(%s)" % v for v in variables ]) run_env.run(program=sys.executable, stdin=script) stderr = run_env.stderr() assert stderr == "", stderr if __name__ == "__main__": tclasses = [ __init__TestCase, banner_TestCase, must_be_writable_TestCase, must_contain_TestCase, must_contain_all_lines_TestCase, must_contain_any_line_TestCase, must_contain_exactly_lines_TestCase, must_contain_lines_TestCase, must_exist_TestCase, must_exist_one_of_TestCase, must_match_TestCase, must_not_be_writable_TestCase, must_not_contain_TestCase, must_not_contain_any_line_TestCase, must_not_contain_lines_TestCase, must_not_exist_TestCase, must_not_exist_any_of_TestCase, run_TestCase, start_TestCase, skip_test_TestCase, variables_TestCase, ] suite = unittest.TestSuite() for tclass in tclasses: names = unittest.getTestCaseNames(tclass, 'test_') suite.addTests([ tclass(n) for n in names ]) if not unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite).wasSuccessful(): sys.exit(1) # Local Variables: # tab-width:4 # indent-tabs-mode:nil # End: # vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: