======================= SCons Testing Framework ======================= SCons uses extensive automated tests to ensure quality. The primary goal is that users be able to upgrade from version to version without any surprise changes in behavior. In general, no change goes into SCons unless it has one or more new or modified tests that demonstrably exercise the bug being fixed or the feature being added. There are exceptions to this guideline, but they should be just that, ''exceptions''. When in doubt, make sure it's tested. Test Organization ================= There are three types of SCons tests: *End-to-End Tests* End-to-end tests of SCons are Python scripts (``*.py``) underneath the ``test/`` subdirectory. They use the test infrastructure modules in the ``testing/framework`` subdirectory. They build set up complete projects and call scons to execute them, checking that the behavior is as expected. *Unit Tests* Unit tests for individual SCons modules live underneath the ``src/engine/`` subdirectory and are the same base name as the module to be tests, with ``Tests`` appended before the ``.py``. For example, the unit tests for the ``Builder.py`` module are in the ``BuilderTests.py`` script. Unit tests tend to be based on assertions. *External Tests* For the support of external Tools (in the form of packages, preferably), the testing framework is extended so it can run in standalone mode. You can start it from the top-level folder of your Tool's source tree, where it then finds all Python scripts (``*.py``) underneath the local ``test/`` directory. This implies that Tool tests have to be kept in a folder named ``test``, like for the SCons core. Contrasting End-to-End and Unit Tests ##################################### In general, functionality with end-to-end tests should be considered a hardened part of the public interface (that is, something that a user might do) and should not be broken. Unit tests are now considered more malleable, more for testing internal interfaces that can change so long as we don't break users' ``SConscript`` files. (This wasn't always the case, and there's a lot of meaty code in many of the unit test scripts that does, in fact, capture external interface behavior. In general, we should try to move those things to end-to-end scripts as we find them.) End-to-end tests are by their nature harder to debug. You can drop straight into the Python debugger on the unit test scripts by using the ``runtest.py --pdb`` option, but the end-to-end tests treat an SCons invocation as a "black box" and just look for external effects; simple methods like inserting ``print`` statements in the SCons code itself can disrupt those external effects. See `Debugging End-to-End Tests`_ for some more thoughts. Naming Conventions ################## The end-to-end tests, more or less, stick to the following naming conventions: #. All tests end with a .py suffix. #. In the *General* form we use ``Feature.py`` for the test of a specified feature; try to keep this description reasonably short ``Feature-x.py`` for the test of a specified feature using option ``x`` #. The *command line option* tests take the form ``option-x.py`` for a lower-case single-letter option ``option--X.py`` upper-case single-letter option (with an extra hyphen, so the file names will be unique on case-insensitive systems) ``option--lo.py`` long option; abbreviate the long option name to a few characters Running Tests ============= The standard set of SCons tests are run from the top-level source directory by the ``runtest.py`` script. Help is available through the ``-h`` option:: $ python runtest.py -h To simply run all the tests, use the ``-a`` option:: $ python runtest.py -a By default, ``runtest.py`` prints a count and percentage message for each test case, along with the name of the test file. If you need the output to be more silent, have a look at the ``-q``, ``-s`` and ``-k`` options. You may specifically list one or more tests to be run:: $ python runtest.py src/engine/SCons/BuilderTests.py $ python runtest.py test/option-j.py test/Program.py Folder names are allowed arguments as well, so you can do:: $ python runtest.py test/SWIG to run all SWIG tests only. You can also use the ``-f`` option to execute just the tests listed in a specified text file:: $ cat testlist.txt test/option-j.py test/Program.py $ python runtest.py -f testlist.txt One test must be listed per line, and any lines that begin with '#' will be ignored (the intent being to allow you, for example, to comment out tests that are currently passing and then uncomment all of the tests in the file for a final validation run). If more than one test is run, the ``runtest.py`` script prints a summary of how many tests passed, failed, or yielded no result, and lists any unsuccessful tests. The above invocations all test directly the files underneath the ``src/`` subdirectory, and do not require that a packaging build be performed first. The ``runtest.py`` script supports additional options to run tests against unpacked packages in the ``build/test-*/`` subdirectories. If you are testing a separate Tool outside of the SCons source tree, you have to call the ``runtest.py`` script in *external* (stand-alone) mode:: $ python ~/scons/runtest.py -e -a This ensures that the testing framework doesn't try to access SCons classes needed for some of the *internal* test cases. Note, that the actual tests are carried out in a temporary folder each, which gets deleted afterwards. This ensures that your source directories don't get clobbered with temporary files from the test runs. It also means that you can't simply change into a folder to "debug things" after a test has gone wrong. For a way around this, check out the ``PRESERVE`` environment variable. It can be seen in action in `How to convert old tests`_ below. Not Running Tests ================= If you simply want to check which tests would get executed, you can call the ``runtest.py`` script with the ``-l`` option:: $ python runtest.py -l Then there is also the ``-n`` option, which prints the command line for each single test, but doesn't actually execute them:: $ python runtest.py -n Finding Tests ============= When started in *standard* mode:: $ python runtest.py -a ``runtest.py`` assumes that it is run from the SCons top-level source directory. It then dives into the ``src`` and ``test`` folders, where it tries to find filenames ``*Test.py`` for the ``src`` directory ``*.py`` for the ``test`` folder When using fixtures, you may quickly end up in a position where you have supporting Python script files in a subfolder, but they shouldn't get picked up as test scripts. In this case you have two options: #. Add a file with the name ``sconstest.skip`` to your subfolder. This lets ``runtest.py`` skip the contents of the directory completely. #. Create a file ``.exclude_tests`` in each folder in question, and in it list line-by-line the files to get excluded from testing. The same rules apply when testing external Tools by using the ``-e`` option. Example End-to-End Test Script ============================== To illustrate how the end-to-end test scripts work, let's walk through a simple "Hello, world!" example:: #!python import TestSCons test = TestSCons.TestSCons() test.write('SConstruct', """\ Program('hello.c') """) test.write('hello.c', """\ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("Hello, world!\\n"); exit (0); } """) test.run() test.run(program='./hello', stdout="Hello, world!\n") test.pass_test() ``import TestSCons`` Imports the main infrastructure for writing SCons tests. This is normally the only part of the infrastructure that needs importing. Sometimes other Python modules are necessary or helpful, and get imported before this line. ``test = TestSCons.TestSCons()`` This initializes an object for testing. A fair amount happens under the covers when the object is created, including: * A temporary directory is created for all the in-line files that will get created. * The temporary directory's removal is arranged for when the test is finished. * The test does ``os.chdir()`` to the temporary directory. ``test.write('SConstruct', ...)`` This line creates an ``SConstruct`` file in the temporary directory, to be used as input to the ``scons`` run(s) that we're testing. Note the use of the Python triple-quote syntax for the contents of the ``SConstruct`` file. Because input files for tests are all created from in-line data like this, the tests can sometimes get a little confusing to read, because some of the Python code is found ``test.write('hello.c', ...)`` This lines creates an ``hello.c`` file in the temporary directory. Note that we have to escape the ``\\n`` in the ``"Hello, world!\\n"`` string so that it ends up as a single backslash in the ``hello.c`` file on disk. ``test.run()`` This actually runs SCons. Like the object initialization, things happen under the covers: * The exit status is verified; the test exits with a failure if the exit status is not zero. * The error output is examined, and the test exits with a failure if there is any. ``test.run(program='./hello', stdout="Hello, world!\n")`` This shows use of the ``TestSCons.run()`` method to execute a program other than ``scons``, in this case the ``hello`` program we just presumably built. The ``stdout=`` keyword argument also tells the ``TestSCons.run()`` method to fail if the program output does not match the expected string ``"Hello, world!\n"``. Like the previous ``test.run()`` line, it will also fail the test if the exit status is non-zero, or there is any error output. ``test.pass_test()`` This is always the last line in a test script. It prints ``PASSED`` on the screen and makes sure we exit with a ``0`` status to indicate the test passed. As a side effect of destroying the ``test`` object, the created temporary directory will be removed. Working with Fixtures ===================== In the simple example above, the files to set up the test are created on the fly by the test program. We give a filename to the ``TestSCons.write()`` method, and a string holding its contents, and it gets written to the test folder right before starting.. This technique can still be seen throughout most of the end-to-end tests, but there is a better way. To create a test, you need to create the files that will be used, then when they work reasonably, they need to be pasted into the script. The process repeats for maintenance. Once a test gets more complex and/or grows many steps, the test script gets harder to read. Why not keep the files as is? In testing parlance, a fixture is a repeatable test setup. The scons test harness allows the use of saved files or directories to be used in that sense: "the fixture for this test is foo", instead of writing a whole bunch of strings to create files. Since these setups can be reusable across multiple tests, the *fixture* terminology applies well. Directory Fixtures ################## The function ``dir_fixture(self, srcdir, dstdir=None)`` in the ``TestCmd`` class copies the contents of the specified folder ``srcdir`` from the directory of the called test script to the current temporary test directory. The ``srcdir`` name may be a list, in which case the elements are concatenated with the ``os.path.join()`` method. The ``dstdir`` is assumed to be under the temporary working directory, it gets created automatically, if it does not already exist. A short syntax example:: test = TestSCons.TestSCons() test.dir_fixture('image') test.run() would copy all files and subfolders from the local ``image`` folder, to the temporary directory for the current test. To see a real example for this in action, refer to the test named ``test/packaging/convenience-functions/convenience-functions.py``. File Fixtures ############# Like for directory fixtures, ``file_fixture(self, srcfile, dstfile=None)`` copies the file ``srcfile`` from the directory of the called script, to the temporary test directory. The ``dstfile`` is assumed to be under the temporary working directory, unless it is an absolute path name. If ``dstfile`` is specified, its target directory gets created automatically if it doesn't already exist. With the following code:: test = TestSCons.TestSCons() test.file_fixture('SConstruct') test.file_fixture(['src','main.cpp'],['src','main.cpp']) test.run() The files ``SConstruct`` and ``src/main.cpp`` are copied to the temporary test directory. Notice the second ``file_fixture`` line preserves the path of the original, otherwise ``main.cpp`` would have landed in the top level of the test directory. Again, a reference example can be found in the current revision of SCons, it is ``test/packaging/sandbox-test/sandbox-test.py``. For even more examples you should check out one of the external Tools, e.g. the *Qt4* Tool at https://bitbucket.org/dirkbaechle/scons_qt4. Also visit the SCons Tools Index at https://github.com/SCons/scons/wiki/ToolsIndex for a complete list of available Tools, though not all may have tests yet. How to Convert Old Tests to Use Fixures ####################################### Tests using the inline ``TestSCons.write()`` method can easily be converted to the fixture based approach. For this, we need to get at the files as they are written to each temporary test folder. ``runtest.py`` checks for the existence of an environment variable named ``PRESERVE``. If it is set to a non-zero value, the testing framework preserves the test folder instead of deleting it, and prints its name to the screen. So, you should be able to give the commands:: $ PRESERVE=1 python runtest.py test/packaging/sandbox-test.py assuming Linux and a bash-like shell. For a Windows ``cmd`` shell, use ``set PRESERVE=1`` (that will leave it set for the duration of the ``cmd`` session, unless manually deleted). The output should then look something like this:: 1/1 (100.00%) /usr/bin/python -tt test/packaging/sandbox-test.py PASSED Preserved directory /tmp/testcmd.4060.twlYNI You can now copy the files from that folder to your new *fixture* folder. Then, in the test script you simply remove all the tedious ``TestSCons.write()`` statements and replace them by a single ``TestSCons.dir_fixture()``. Finally, don't forget to clean up and remove the temporary test directory. ``;)`` When Not to Use a Fixture ######################### Note that some files are not appropriate for use in a fixture as-is: fixture files should be static. If the creation of the file involves interpolating data discovered during the run of the test script, that process should stay in the script. Here is an example of this kind of usage that does not lend itself to a fixture:: import TestSCons _python_ = TestSCons._python_ test.write('SConstruct', """ cc = Environment().Dictionary('CC') env = Environment(LINK = r'%(_python_)s mylink.py', LINKFLAGS = [], CC = r'%(_python_)s mycc.py', CXX = cc, CXXFLAGS = []) env.Program(target = 'test1', source = 'test1.c') """ % locals()) Here the value of ``_python_`` is picked out of the script's ``locals`` dictionary and interpolated into the string that will be written to ``SConstruct``. The other files created in this test may still be candidates for use in a fixture, however. Debugging End-to-End Tests ========================== Most of the end to end tests have expectations for standard output and error from the test runs. The expectation could be either that there is nothing on that stream, or that it will contain very specific text which the test matches against. So adding ``print()`` calls, or ``sys,stderr.write()`` or similar will emit data that the tests do not expect, and cause further failures. Say you have three different tests in a script, and the third one is unexpectedly failing. You add some debug prints to the part of scons that is involved, and now the first test of the three starts failing, aborting the test run before it gets to the third test you were trying to debug. Still, there are some techniques to help debugging. Probably the most effective technique is to use the internal ``SCons.Debug.Trace()`` function, which prints output to ``/dev/tty`` on Linux/UNIX systems and ``con`` on Windows systems, so you can see what's going on. If you do need to add informational messages in scons code to debug a problem, you can use logging and send the messages to a file instead, so they don't interrupt the test expectations. Part of the technique discussed in the section `How to Convert Old Tests to Use Fixures`_ can also be helpful for debugging purposes. If you have a failing test, try:: $ PRESERVE=1 python runtest.py test/failing-test.py You can now go to the save directory reported from this run and invoke the test manually to see what it is doing, without the presence of the test infrastructure which would otherwise "swallow" output you may be interested in. In this case, adding debug prints may be more useful. Test Infrastructure =================== The main test API in the ``TestSCons.py`` class. ``TestSCons`` is a subclass of ``TestCommon``, which is a subclass of ``TestCmd``. All those classes are defined in python files of the same name in ``testing/framework``. Start in ``testing/framework/TestCmd.py`` for the base API definitions, like how to create files (``test.write()``) and run commands (``test.run()``). Use ``TestSCons`` for the end-to-end tests in ``test``, but use ``TestCmd`` for the unit tests in the ``src`` folder. The match functions work like this: ``TestSCons.match_re`` match each line with a RE * Splits the lines into a list (unless they already are) * splits the REs at newlines (unless already a list) and puts ^..$ around each * then each RE must match each line. This means there must be as many REs as lines. ``TestSCons.match_re_dotall`` match all the lines against a single RE * Joins the lines with newline (unless already a string) * joins the REs with newline (unless it's a string) and puts ``^..$`` around the whole thing * then whole thing must match with python re.DOTALL. Use them in a test like this:: test.run(..., match=TestSCons.match_re, ...) or:: test.must_match(..., match=TestSCons.match_re, ...) Avoiding Tests Based on Tool Existence ====================================== Here's a simple example:: #!python intelc = test.detect_tool('intelc', prog='icpc') if not intelc: test.skip_test("Could not load 'intelc' Tool; skipping test(s).\n") See ``testing/framework/TestSCons.py`` for the ``detect_tool`` method. It calls the tool's ``generate()`` method, and then looks for the given program (tool name by default) in ``env['ENV']['PATH']``. The ``where_is`` method can be used to look for programs that are do not have tool specifications. The existing test code will have many samples of using either or both of these to detect if it is worth even proceeding with a test.