A new SCons release, 2.4.1, is now available on the SCons download page: http://www.scons.org/download.php Here is a summary of the changes since 2.4.0: NEW FUNCTIONALITY - InstallVersionedLib now available in the DefaultEnvironment context. - Added new configure check, CheckProg, to check for existence of a program. - Add support `Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7' Compiler can be obtained at: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=44266 DEPRECATED FUNCTIONALITY CHANGED/ENHANCED EXISTING FUNCTIONALITY - Reimplemented versioning for shared libraries, with the following effects - Fixed tigris issues #3001, #3006. - Fixed several other issues not reported to tigris, including: issues with versioned libraries in subdirectories with tricky names, issues with versioned libraries and variant directories, issue with soname not being injected to library when using D linkers, - Switched to direct symlinks instead of daisy-chained ones -- soname and development symlinks point directly to the versioned shared library now), for rationale see: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-sharedlibs.html https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Guidelines#Devel_Packages https://bitbucket.org/scons/scons/pull-requests/247/new-versioned-libraries-gnulink-cyglink/diff#comment-10063929 - New construction variables to allow override default behavior: SONAME, SHLIBVERSIONFLAGS, _SHLIBVERSIONFLAGS, SHLIBNOVERSIONSYMLINKS, LDMODULEVERSION, LDMODULEVERSIONFLAGS, _LDMODULEVERSIONFLAGS, LDMODULENOVERSIONSYMLINKS. - Changed logic used to configure the versioning machinery from platform-centric to linker-oriented. - The SHLIBVERSION/LDMODULEVERSION variables are no longer validated by SCons (more freedom to users). - InstallVersionedLib() doesn't use SHLIBVERSION anymore. - Enchanced docs for the library versioning stuff. - New tests for versioned libraries. - Library versioning is currently implemented for the following linker tools: 'cyglink', 'gnulink', 'sunlink'. FIXES - Fix for issue #2840 - Fix for two environments specifying same target with different actions not throwing hard error. Instead SCons was incorrectly issuing a warning and continuing. - Fix to swig tool - pick-up 'swig', 'swig3.0' and 'swig2.0' (in order). - Fix to swig tool - respect env['SWIG'] provided by user. - Fix for Bug # 2791 - Setup.py fails unnecessarily under Jython. - Fixed license of SVG titlepage files in the context of Debian packaging, such that they allow for commercial use too (#2985). - Fixed tigris issue #3011: Glob() excludes didn't work when used with VariantDir(duplicate=0) - Fix bug 2831 and allow Help() text to be appended to AddOption() help. IMPROVEMENTS PACKAGING DOCUMENTATION DEVELOPMENT Thanks to Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis, Dirk Baechle, William Blevins, Carnë Draug, Andrew Featherstone, Hiroaki Itoh, Florian Miedniak, William Roberts, Paweł Tomulik for their contributions to this release. Contributors are listed alphabetically by their last name. Copyright (c) 2001 - 2015 The SCons Foundation src/RELEASE.txt rel_2.4.1:3453:73fefd3ea0b0 2015/11/09 03:25:05 bdbaddog