"""SCons.Tool.link Tool-specific initialization for the generic Posix linker. There normally shouldn't be any need to import this module directly. It will usually be imported through the generic SCons.Tool.Tool() selection method. """ # # Copyright (c) 2001 - 2017 The SCons Foundation # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # from __future__ import print_function __revision__ = "src/engine/SCons/Tool/link.py 74b2c53bc42290e911b334a6b44f187da698a668 2017/11/14 13:16:53 bdbaddog" import sys import re import os import SCons.Tool import SCons.Util import SCons.Warnings from SCons.Tool.FortranCommon import isfortran from SCons.Tool.DCommon import isD import SCons.Tool.cxx cplusplus = SCons.Tool.cxx # cplusplus = __import__(__package__+'.cxx', globals(), locals(), ['*']) issued_mixed_link_warning = False def smart_link(source, target, env, for_signature): has_cplusplus = cplusplus.iscplusplus(source) has_fortran = isfortran(env, source) has_d = isD(env, source) if has_cplusplus and has_fortran and not has_d: global issued_mixed_link_warning if not issued_mixed_link_warning: msg = "Using $CXX to link Fortran and C++ code together.\n\t" + \ "This may generate a buggy executable if the '%s'\n\t" + \ "compiler does not know how to deal with Fortran runtimes." SCons.Warnings.warn(SCons.Warnings.FortranCxxMixWarning, msg % env.subst('$CXX')) issued_mixed_link_warning = True return '$CXX' elif has_d: env['LINKCOM'] = env['DLINKCOM'] env['SHLINKCOM'] = env['SHDLINKCOM'] return '$DC' elif has_fortran: return '$FORTRAN' elif has_cplusplus: return '$CXX' return '$CC' def _lib_emitter(target, source, env, **kw): Verbose = False if Verbose: print("_lib_emitter: target[0]={:r}".format(target[0].get_path())) for tgt in target: tgt.attributes.shared = 1 try: symlink_generator = kw['symlink_generator'] except KeyError: pass else: if Verbose: print("_lib_emitter: symlink_generator={:r}".format(symlink_generator)) symlinks = symlink_generator(env, target[0]) if Verbose: print("_lib_emitter: symlinks={:r}".format(symlinks)) if symlinks: SCons.Tool.EmitLibSymlinks(env, symlinks, target[0]) target[0].attributes.shliblinks = symlinks return (target, source) def shlib_emitter(target, source, env): return _lib_emitter(target, source, env, symlink_generator = SCons.Tool.ShLibSymlinkGenerator) def ldmod_emitter(target, source, env): return _lib_emitter(target, source, env, symlink_generator = SCons.Tool.LdModSymlinkGenerator) # This is generic enough to be included here... def _versioned_lib_name(env, libnode, version, prefix, suffix, prefix_generator, suffix_generator, **kw): """For libnode='/optional/dir/libfoo.so.X.Y.Z' it returns 'libfoo.so'""" Verbose = False if Verbose: print("_versioned_lib_name: libnode={:r}".format(libnode.get_path())) print("_versioned_lib_name: version={:r}".format(version)) print("_versioned_lib_name: prefix={:r}".format(prefix)) print("_versioned_lib_name: suffix={:r}".format(suffix)) print("_versioned_lib_name: suffix_generator={:r}".format(suffix_generator)) versioned_name = os.path.basename(libnode.get_path()) if Verbose: print("_versioned_lib_name: versioned_name={:r}".format(versioned_name)) versioned_prefix = prefix_generator(env, **kw) versioned_suffix = suffix_generator(env, **kw) if Verbose: print("_versioned_lib_name: versioned_prefix={:r}".format(versioned_prefix)) print("_versioned_lib_name: versioned_suffix={:r}".format(versioned_suffix)) versioned_prefix_re = '^' + re.escape(versioned_prefix) versioned_suffix_re = re.escape(versioned_suffix) + '$' name = re.sub(versioned_prefix_re, prefix, versioned_name) name = re.sub(versioned_suffix_re, suffix, name) if Verbose: print("_versioned_lib_name: name={:r}".format(name)) return name def _versioned_shlib_name(env, libnode, version, prefix, suffix, **kw): pg = SCons.Tool.ShLibPrefixGenerator sg = SCons.Tool.ShLibSuffixGenerator return _versioned_lib_name(env, libnode, version, prefix, suffix, pg, sg, **kw) def _versioned_ldmod_name(env, libnode, version, prefix, suffix, **kw): pg = SCons.Tool.LdModPrefixGenerator sg = SCons.Tool.LdModSuffixGenerator return _versioned_lib_name(env, libnode, version, prefix, suffix, pg, sg, **kw) def _versioned_lib_suffix(env, suffix, version): """For suffix='.so' and version='0.1.2' it returns '.so.0.1.2'""" Verbose = False if Verbose: print("_versioned_lib_suffix: suffix={:r}".format(suffix)) print("_versioned_lib_suffix: version={:r}".format(version)) if not suffix.endswith(version): suffix = suffix + '.' + version if Verbose: print("_versioned_lib_suffix: return suffix={:r}".format(suffix)) return suffix def _versioned_lib_soname(env, libnode, version, prefix, suffix, name_func): """For libnode='/optional/dir/libfoo.so.X.Y.Z' it returns 'libfoo.so.X'""" Verbose = False if Verbose: print("_versioned_lib_soname: version={:r}".format(version)) name = name_func(env, libnode, version, prefix, suffix) if Verbose: print("_versioned_lib_soname: name={:r}".format(name)) major = version.split('.')[0] soname = name + '.' + major if Verbose: print("_versioned_lib_soname: soname={:r}".format(soname)) return soname def _versioned_shlib_soname(env, libnode, version, prefix, suffix): return _versioned_lib_soname(env, libnode, version, prefix, suffix, _versioned_shlib_name) def _versioned_ldmod_soname(env, libnode, version, prefix, suffix): return _versioned_lib_soname(env, libnode, version, prefix, suffix, _versioned_ldmod_name) def _versioned_lib_symlinks(env, libnode, version, prefix, suffix, name_func, soname_func): """Generate link names that should be created for a versioned shared lirbrary. Returns a dictionary in the form { linkname : linktarget } """ Verbose = False if Verbose: print("_versioned_lib_symlinks: libnode={:r}".format(libnode.get_path())) print("_versioned_lib_symlinks: version={:r}".format(version)) if sys.platform.startswith('openbsd'): # OpenBSD uses x.y shared library versioning numbering convention # and doesn't use symlinks to backwards-compatible libraries if Verbose: print("_versioned_lib_symlinks: return symlinks={:r}".format(None)) return None linkdir = libnode.get_dir() if Verbose: print("_versioned_lib_symlinks: linkdir={:r}".format(linkdir.get_path())) name = name_func(env, libnode, version, prefix, suffix) if Verbose: print("_versioned_lib_symlinks: name={:r}".format(name)) soname = soname_func(env, libnode, version, prefix, suffix) link0 = env.fs.File(soname, linkdir) link1 = env.fs.File(name, linkdir) # We create direct symlinks, not daisy-chained. if link0 == libnode: # This enables SHLIBVERSION without periods (e.g. SHLIBVERSION=1) symlinks = [ (link1, libnode) ] else: # This handles usual SHLIBVERSION, i.e. '1.2', '1.2.3', etc. symlinks = [ (link0, libnode), (link1, libnode) ] if Verbose: print("_versioned_lib_symlinks: return symlinks={:r}".format(SCons.Tool.StringizeLibSymlinks(symlinks))) return symlinks def _versioned_shlib_symlinks(env, libnode, version, prefix, suffix): nf = _versioned_shlib_name sf = _versioned_shlib_soname return _versioned_lib_symlinks(env, libnode, version, prefix, suffix, nf, sf) def _versioned_ldmod_symlinks(env, libnode, version, prefix, suffix): nf = _versioned_ldmod_name sf = _versioned_ldmod_soname return _versioned_lib_symlinks(env, libnode, version, prefix, suffix, nf, sf) def _versioned_lib_callbacks(): return { 'VersionedShLibSuffix' : _versioned_lib_suffix, 'VersionedLdModSuffix' : _versioned_lib_suffix, 'VersionedShLibSymlinks' : _versioned_shlib_symlinks, 'VersionedLdModSymlinks' : _versioned_ldmod_symlinks, 'VersionedShLibName' : _versioned_shlib_name, 'VersionedLdModName' : _versioned_ldmod_name, 'VersionedShLibSoname' : _versioned_shlib_soname, 'VersionedLdModSoname' : _versioned_ldmod_soname, }.copy() def _setup_versioned_lib_variables(env, **kw): """ Setup all variables required by the versioning machinery """ tool = None try: tool = kw['tool'] except KeyError: pass use_soname = False try: use_soname = kw['use_soname'] except KeyError: pass # The $_SHLIBVERSIONFLAGS define extra commandline flags used when # building VERSIONED shared libraries. It's always set, but used only # when VERSIONED library is built (see __SHLIBVERSIONFLAGS in SCons/Defaults.py). if use_soname: # If the linker uses SONAME, then we need this little automata if tool == 'sunlink': env['_SHLIBVERSIONFLAGS'] = '$SHLIBVERSIONFLAGS -h $_SHLIBSONAME' env['_LDMODULEVERSIONFLAGS'] = '$LDMODULEVERSIONFLAGS -h $_LDMODULESONAME' else: env['_SHLIBVERSIONFLAGS'] = '$SHLIBVERSIONFLAGS -Wl,-soname=$_SHLIBSONAME' env['_LDMODULEVERSIONFLAGS'] = '$LDMODULEVERSIONFLAGS -Wl,-soname=$_LDMODULESONAME' env['_SHLIBSONAME'] = '${ShLibSonameGenerator(__env__,TARGET)}' env['_LDMODULESONAME'] = '${LdModSonameGenerator(__env__,TARGET)}' env['ShLibSonameGenerator'] = SCons.Tool.ShLibSonameGenerator env['LdModSonameGenerator'] = SCons.Tool.LdModSonameGenerator else: env['_SHLIBVERSIONFLAGS'] = '$SHLIBVERSIONFLAGS' env['_LDMODULEVERSIONFLAGS'] = '$LDMODULEVERSIONFLAGS' # LDOMDULVERSIONFLAGS should always default to $SHLIBVERSIONFLAGS env['LDMODULEVERSIONFLAGS'] = '$SHLIBVERSIONFLAGS' def generate(env): """Add Builders and construction variables for gnulink to an Environment.""" SCons.Tool.createSharedLibBuilder(env) SCons.Tool.createProgBuilder(env) env['SHLINK'] = '$LINK' env['SHLINKFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('$LINKFLAGS -shared') env['SHLINKCOM'] = '$SHLINK -o $TARGET $SHLINKFLAGS $__SHLIBVERSIONFLAGS $__RPATH $SOURCES $_LIBDIRFLAGS $_LIBFLAGS' # don't set up the emitter, cause AppendUnique will generate a list # starting with None :-( env.Append(SHLIBEMITTER = [shlib_emitter]) env['SMARTLINK'] = smart_link env['LINK'] = "$SMARTLINK" env['LINKFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('') # __RPATH is only set to something ($_RPATH typically) on platforms that support it. env['LINKCOM'] = '$LINK -o $TARGET $LINKFLAGS $__RPATH $SOURCES $_LIBDIRFLAGS $_LIBFLAGS' env['LIBDIRPREFIX']='-L' env['LIBDIRSUFFIX']='' env['_LIBFLAGS']='${_stripixes(LIBLINKPREFIX, LIBS, LIBLINKSUFFIX, LIBPREFIXES, LIBSUFFIXES, __env__)}' env['LIBLINKPREFIX']='-l' env['LIBLINKSUFFIX']='' if env['PLATFORM'] == 'hpux': env['SHLIBSUFFIX'] = '.sl' elif env['PLATFORM'] == 'aix': env['SHLIBSUFFIX'] = '.a' # For most platforms, a loadable module is the same as a shared # library. Platforms which are different can override these, but # setting them the same means that LoadableModule works everywhere. SCons.Tool.createLoadableModuleBuilder(env) env['LDMODULE'] = '$SHLINK' env.Append(LDMODULEEMITTER = [ldmod_emitter]) env['LDMODULEPREFIX'] = '$SHLIBPREFIX' env['LDMODULESUFFIX'] = '$SHLIBSUFFIX' env['LDMODULEFLAGS'] = '$SHLINKFLAGS' env['LDMODULECOM'] = '$LDMODULE -o $TARGET $LDMODULEFLAGS $__LDMODULEVERSIONFLAGS $__RPATH $SOURCES $_LIBDIRFLAGS $_LIBFLAGS' env['LDMODULEVERSION'] = '$SHLIBVERSION' env['LDMODULENOVERSIONSYMLINKS'] = '$SHLIBNOVERSIONSYMLINKS' def exists(env): # This module isn't really a Tool on its own, it's common logic for # other linkers. return None # Local Variables: # tab-width:4 # indent-tabs-mode:nil # End: # vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: