path: root/.pc/0100-ios8.patch/src/camera
diff options
authorJörg Frings-Fürst <>2017-11-12 17:19:32 +0100
committerJörg Frings-Fürst <>2017-11-12 17:19:32 +0100
commit0b7ebb2f0f7d70d50054380ff5878104b72710e9 (patch)
tree7dcb662c7fa4ea100bccfc3042b1785d305458e8 /.pc/0100-ios8.patch/src/camera
parent73542a3b4379319fc2d0a4d134f1f8a6d488dfc4 (diff)
Add missing .gitignore
Diffstat (limited to '.pc/0100-ios8.patch/src/camera')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1811 deletions
diff --git a/.pc/0100-ios8.patch/src/camera/ImportPage.vala b/.pc/0100-ios8.patch/src/camera/ImportPage.vala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e055ec..0000000
--- a/.pc/0100-ios8.patch/src/camera/ImportPage.vala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1811 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc.
- *
- * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later).
- * See the COPYING file in this distribution.
- */
-private class ImportSourceCollection : SourceCollection {
- public ImportSourceCollection(string name) {
- base (name);
- }
- public override bool holds_type_of_source(DataSource source) {
- return source is ImportSource;
- }
-abstract class ImportSource : ThumbnailSource, Indexable {
- private string camera_name;
- private GPhoto.Camera camera;
- private int fsid;
- private string folder;
- private string filename;
- private ulong file_size;
- private time_t modification_time;
- private Gdk.Pixbuf? preview = null;
- private string? indexable_keywords = null;
- public ImportSource(string camera_name, GPhoto.Camera camera, int fsid, string folder,
- string filename, ulong file_size, time_t modification_time) {
- this.camera_name = camera_name;
- = camera;
- this.fsid = fsid;
- this.folder = folder;
- this.filename = filename;
- this.file_size = file_size;
- this.modification_time = modification_time;
- indexable_keywords = prepare_indexable_string(filename);
- }
- protected void set_preview(Gdk.Pixbuf? preview) {
- this.preview = preview;
- }
- public string get_camera_name() {
- return camera_name;
- }
- public GPhoto.Camera get_camera() {
- return camera;
- }
- public int get_fsid() {
- return fsid;
- }
- public string get_folder() {
- return folder;
- }
- public string get_filename() {
- return filename;
- }
- public ulong get_filesize() {
- return file_size;
- }
- public time_t get_modification_time() {
- return modification_time;
- }
- public virtual Gdk.Pixbuf? get_preview() {
- return preview;
- }
- public virtual time_t get_exposure_time() {
- return get_modification_time();
- }
- public string? get_fulldir() {
- return ImportPage.get_fulldir(get_camera(), get_camera_name(), get_fsid(), get_folder());
- }
- public override string to_string() {
- return "%s %s/%s".printf(get_camera_name(), get_folder(), get_filename());
- }
- public override bool internal_delete_backing() throws Error {
- debug("Deleting %s from %s", to_string(), camera_name);
- string? fulldir = get_fulldir();
- if (fulldir == null) {
- warning("Skipping deleting %s from %s: invalid folder name", to_string(), camera_name);
- return base.internal_delete_backing();
- }
- GPhoto.Result result = get_camera().delete_file(fulldir, get_filename(),
- ImportPage.spin_idle_context.context);
- if (result != GPhoto.Result.OK)
- warning("Error deleting %s from %s: %s", to_string(), camera_name, result.to_full_string());
- return base.internal_delete_backing() && (result == GPhoto.Result.OK);
- }
- public unowned string? get_indexable_keywords() {
- return indexable_keywords;
- }
-class VideoImportSource : ImportSource {
- public VideoImportSource(string camera_name, GPhoto.Camera camera, int fsid, string folder,
- string filename, ulong file_size, time_t modification_time) {
- base(camera_name, camera, fsid, folder, filename, file_size, modification_time);
- }
- public override Gdk.Pixbuf? get_thumbnail(int scale) throws Error {
- return create_thumbnail(scale);
- }
- public override Gdk.Pixbuf? create_thumbnail(int scale) throws Error {
- if (get_preview() == null)
- return null;
- // this satifies the return-a-new-instance requirement of create_thumbnail( ) because
- // scale_pixbuf( ) allocates a new pixbuf
- return (scale > 0) ? scale_pixbuf(get_preview(), scale, Gdk.InterpType.BILINEAR, true) :
- get_preview();
- }
- public override string get_typename() {
- return "videoimport";
- }
- public override int64 get_instance_id() {
- return get_object_id();
- }
- public override PhotoFileFormat get_preferred_thumbnail_format() {
- return PhotoFileFormat.get_system_default_format();
- }
- public override string get_name() {
- return get_filename();
- }
- public void update(Gdk.Pixbuf? preview) {
- set_preview((preview != null) ? preview : Resources.get_noninterpretable_badge_pixbuf());
- }
-class PhotoImportSource : ImportSource {
- public const Gdk.InterpType INTERP = Gdk.InterpType.BILINEAR;
- private PhotoFileFormat file_format;
- private string? preview_md5 = null;
- private PhotoMetadata? metadata = null;
- private string? exif_md5 = null;
- private PhotoImportSource? associated = null; // JPEG source for RAW+JPEG
- public PhotoImportSource(string camera_name, GPhoto.Camera camera, int fsid, string folder,
- string filename, ulong file_size, time_t modification_time, PhotoFileFormat file_format) {
- base(camera_name, camera, fsid, folder, filename, file_size, modification_time);
- this.file_format = file_format;
- }
- public override string get_name() {
- string? title = get_title();
- return !is_string_empty(title) ? title : get_filename();
- }
- public override string get_typename() {
- return "photoimport";
- }
- public override int64 get_instance_id() {
- return get_object_id();
- }
- public override PhotoFileFormat get_preferred_thumbnail_format() {
- return (file_format.can_write()) ? file_format :
- PhotoFileFormat.get_system_default_format();
- }
- public override Gdk.Pixbuf? create_thumbnail(int scale) throws Error {
- if (get_preview() == null)
- return null;
- // this satifies the return-a-new-instance requirement of create_thumbnail( ) because
- // scale_pixbuf( ) allocates a new pixbuf
- return (scale > 0) ? scale_pixbuf(get_preview(), scale, INTERP, true) : get_preview();
- }
- // Needed because previews and exif are loaded after other information has been gathered.
- public void update(Gdk.Pixbuf? preview, string? preview_md5, PhotoMetadata? metadata, string? exif_md5) {
- set_preview(preview);
- this.preview_md5 = preview_md5;
- this.metadata = metadata;
- this.exif_md5 = exif_md5;
- }
- public override time_t get_exposure_time() {
- if (metadata == null)
- return get_modification_time();
- MetadataDateTime? date_time = metadata.get_exposure_date_time();
- return (date_time != null) ? date_time.get_timestamp() : get_modification_time();
- }
- public string? get_title() {
- return (metadata != null) ? metadata.get_title() : null;
- }
- public PhotoMetadata? get_metadata() {
- if (associated != null)
- return associated.get_metadata();
- return metadata;
- }
- public override Gdk.Pixbuf? get_preview() {
- if (associated != null)
- return associated.get_preview();
- if (base.get_preview() != null)
- return base.get_preview();
- return null;
- }
- public override Gdk.Pixbuf? get_thumbnail(int scale) throws Error {
- if (get_preview() == null)
- return null;
- return (scale > 0) ? scale_pixbuf(get_preview(), scale, INTERP, true) : get_preview();
- }
- public PhotoFileFormat get_file_format() {
- return file_format;
- }
- public string? get_preview_md5() {
- return preview_md5;
- }
- public void set_associated(PhotoImportSource? associated) {
- this.associated = associated;
- }
- public PhotoImportSource? get_associated() {
- return associated;
- }
- public override bool internal_delete_backing() throws Error {
- bool ret = base.internal_delete_backing();
- if (associated != null)
- ret &= associated.internal_delete_backing();
- return ret;
- }
-class ImportPreview : MediaSourceItem {
- public const int MAX_SCALE = 128;
- private static Gdk.Pixbuf placeholder_preview = null;
- private DuplicatedFile? duplicated_file;
- public ImportPreview(ImportSource source) {
- base(source, Dimensions(), source.get_name(), null);
- this.duplicated_file = null;
- // draw sprocket holes as visual indications on video previews
- if (source is VideoImportSource)
- set_enable_sprockets(true);
- // scale down pixbuf if necessary
- Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf = null;
- try {
- pixbuf = source.get_thumbnail(0);
- } catch (Error err) {
- warning("Unable to fetch loaded import preview for %s: %s", to_string(), err.message);
- }
- // use placeholder if no preview available
- bool using_placeholder = (pixbuf == null);
- if (pixbuf == null) {
- if (placeholder_preview == null) {
- placeholder_preview = get_placeholder_pixbuf();
- placeholder_preview = scale_pixbuf(placeholder_preview, MAX_SCALE,
- Gdk.InterpType.BILINEAR, true);
- }
- pixbuf = placeholder_preview;
- }
- // scale down if too large
- if (pixbuf.get_width() > MAX_SCALE || pixbuf.get_height() > MAX_SCALE)
- pixbuf = scale_pixbuf(pixbuf, MAX_SCALE, PhotoImportSource.INTERP, false);
- if (source is PhotoImportSource) {
- // honor rotation for photos -- we don't care about videos since they can't be rotated
- PhotoImportSource photo_import_source = source as PhotoImportSource;
- if (!using_placeholder && photo_import_source.get_metadata() != null)
- pixbuf = photo_import_source.get_metadata().get_orientation().rotate_pixbuf(pixbuf);
- if (photo_import_source.get_associated() != null) {
- set_subtitle("<small>%s</small>".printf(_("RAW+JPEG")), true);
- }
- }
- set_image(pixbuf);
- }
- public bool is_already_imported() {
- PhotoImportSource photo_import_source = get_import_source() as PhotoImportSource;
- if (photo_import_source != null) {
- string? preview_md5 = photo_import_source.get_preview_md5();
- PhotoFileFormat file_format = photo_import_source.get_file_format();
- // ignore trashed duplicates
- if (!is_string_empty(preview_md5)
- && LibraryPhoto.has_nontrash_duplicate(null, preview_md5, null, file_format)) {
- duplicated_file = DuplicatedFile.create_from_photo_id(
- LibraryPhoto.get_nontrash_duplicate(null, preview_md5, null, file_format));
- return true;
- }
- // Because gPhoto doesn't reliably return thumbnails for RAW files, and because we want
- // to avoid downloading huge RAW files during an "import all" only to determine they're
- // duplicates, use the image's basename and filesize to do duplicate detection
- if (file_format == PhotoFileFormat.RAW) {
- uint64 filesize = get_import_source().get_filesize();
- // unlikely to be a problem, but what the hay
- if (filesize <= int64.MAX) {
- PhotoID duplicated_photo_id =
- get_import_source().get_filename(), (int64) filesize);
- if (duplicated_photo_id.is_valid()) {
- // Check exposure timestamp
- LibraryPhoto duplicated_photo =;
- time_t photo_exposure_time = photo_import_source.get_exposure_time();
- time_t duplicated_photo_exposure_time = duplicated_photo.get_exposure_time();
- if (photo_exposure_time == duplicated_photo_exposure_time) {
- duplicated_file = DuplicatedFile.create_from_photo_id(
- get_import_source().get_filename(), (int64) filesize));
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- VideoImportSource video_import_source = get_import_source() as VideoImportSource;
- if (video_import_source != null) {
- // Unlike photos, if a video does have a thumbnail (i.e. gphoto2 can retrieve one from
- // a sidecar file), it will be unavailable to Shotwell during the import process, so
- // no comparison is available. Instead, like RAW files, use name and filesize to
- // do a less-reliable but better-than-nothing comparison
- if (,
- video_import_source.get_filesize())) {
- duplicated_file = DuplicatedFile.create_from_video_id(
- video_import_source.get_filename(),
- video_import_source.get_filesize()));
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public DuplicatedFile? get_duplicated_file() {
- if (!is_already_imported())
- return null;
- return duplicated_file;
- }
- public ImportSource get_import_source() {
- return (ImportSource) get_source();
- }
-public class CameraViewTracker : Core.ViewTracker {
- public CameraAccumulator all = new CameraAccumulator();
- public CameraAccumulator visible = new CameraAccumulator();
- public CameraAccumulator selected = new CameraAccumulator();
- public CameraViewTracker(ViewCollection collection) {
- base (collection);
- start(all, visible, selected);
- }
-public class CameraAccumulator : Object, Core.TrackerAccumulator {
- public int total { get; private set; default = 0; }
- public int photos { get; private set; default = 0; }
- public int videos { get; private set; default = 0; }
- public int raw { get; private set; default = 0; }
- public bool include(DataObject object) {
- ImportSource source = (ImportSource) ((DataView) object).get_source();
- total++;
- PhotoImportSource? photo = source as PhotoImportSource;
- if (photo != null && photo.get_file_format() != PhotoFileFormat.RAW)
- photos++;
- else if (photo != null && photo.get_file_format() == PhotoFileFormat.RAW)
- raw++;
- else if (source is VideoImportSource)
- videos++;
- // because of total, always fire "updated"
- return true;
- }
- public bool uninclude(DataObject object) {
- ImportSource source = (ImportSource) ((DataView) object).get_source();
- total++;
- PhotoImportSource? photo = source as PhotoImportSource;
- if (photo != null && photo.get_file_format() != PhotoFileFormat.RAW) {
- assert(photos > 0);
- photos--;
- } else if (photo != null && photo.get_file_format() == PhotoFileFormat.RAW) {
- assert(raw > 0);
- raw--;
- } else if (source is VideoImportSource) {
- assert(videos > 0);
- videos--;
- }
- // because of total, always fire "updated"
- return true;
- }
- public bool altered(DataObject object, Alteration alteration) {
- // no alteration affects accumulated data
- return false;
- }
- public string to_string() {
- return "%d total/%d photos/%d videos/%d raw".printf(total, photos, videos, raw);
- }
-public class ImportPage : CheckerboardPage {
- private const string UNMOUNT_FAILED_MSG = _("Unable to unmount camera. Try unmounting the camera from the file manager.");
- private class ImportViewManager : ViewManager {
- private ImportPage owner;
- public ImportViewManager(ImportPage owner) {
- this.owner = owner;
- }
- public override DataView create_view(DataSource source) {
- return new ImportPreview((ImportSource) source);
- }
- }
- private class CameraImportJob : BatchImportJob {
- private GPhoto.ContextWrapper context;
- private ImportSource import_file;
- private GPhoto.Camera camera;
- private string fulldir;
- private string filename;
- private uint64 filesize;
- private PhotoMetadata metadata;
- private time_t exposure_time;
- private CameraImportJob? associated = null;
- private BackingPhotoRow? associated_file = null;
- private DuplicatedFile? duplicated_file;
- public CameraImportJob(GPhoto.ContextWrapper context, ImportSource import_file,
- DuplicatedFile? duplicated_file = null) {
- this.context = context;
- this.import_file = import_file;
- this.duplicated_file = duplicated_file;
- // stash everything called in prepare(), as it may/will be called from a separate thread
- camera = import_file.get_camera();
- fulldir = import_file.get_fulldir();
- // this should've been caught long ago when the files were first enumerated
- assert(fulldir != null);
- filename = import_file.get_filename();
- filesize = import_file.get_filesize();
- metadata = (import_file is PhotoImportSource) ?
- (import_file as PhotoImportSource).get_metadata() : null;
- exposure_time = import_file.get_exposure_time();
- }
- public time_t get_exposure_time() {
- return exposure_time;
- }
- public override DuplicatedFile? get_duplicated_file() {
- return duplicated_file;
- }
- public override time_t get_exposure_time_override() {
- return (import_file is VideoImportSource) ? get_exposure_time() : 0;
- }
- public override string get_dest_identifier() {
- return filename;
- }
- public override string get_source_identifier() {
- return import_file.get_filename();
- }
- public override string get_basename() {
- return filename;
- }
- public override string get_path() {
- return fulldir;
- }
- public override void set_associated(BatchImportJob associated) {
- this.associated = associated as CameraImportJob;
- }
- public ImportSource get_source() {
- return import_file;
- }
- public override bool is_directory() {
- return false;
- }
- public override bool determine_file_size(out uint64 filesize, out File file) {
- file = null;
- filesize = this.filesize;
- return true;
- }
- public override bool prepare(out File file_to_import, out bool copy_to_library) throws Error {
- file_to_import = null;
- copy_to_library = false;
- File dest_file = null;
- try {
- bool collision;
- dest_file = LibraryFiles.generate_unique_file(filename, metadata, exposure_time,
- out collision);
- } catch (Error err) {
- warning("Unable to generate local file for %s: %s", import_file.get_filename(),
- err.message);
- }
- if (dest_file == null) {
- message("Unable to generate local file for %s", import_file.get_filename());
- return false;
- }
- // always blacklist the copied images from the LibraryMonitor, otherwise it'll think
- // they should be auto-imported
- LibraryMonitor.blacklist_file(dest_file, "CameraImportJob.prepare");
- try {
- GPhoto.save_image(context.context, camera, fulldir, filename, dest_file);
- } finally {
- LibraryMonitor.unblacklist_file(dest_file);
- }
- // Copy over associated file, if it exists.
- if (associated != null) {
- try {
- associated_file =
- RawDeveloper.CAMERA.create_backing_row_for_development(dest_file.get_path(),
- associated.get_basename());
- } catch (Error err) {
- warning("Unable to generate backing associated file for %s: %s", associated.filename,
- err.message);
- }
- if (associated_file == null) {
- message("Unable to generate backing associated file for %s", associated.filename);
- return false;
- }
- File assoc_dest = File.new_for_path(associated_file.filepath);
- LibraryMonitor.blacklist_file(assoc_dest, "CameraImportJob.prepare");
- try {
- GPhoto.save_image(context.context, camera, associated.fulldir, associated.filename,
- assoc_dest);
- } finally {
- LibraryMonitor.unblacklist_file(assoc_dest);
- }
- }
- file_to_import = dest_file;
- copy_to_library = false;
- return true;
- }
- public override bool complete(MediaSource source, BatchImportRoll import_roll) throws Error {
- bool ret = false;
- if (source is Photo) {
- Photo photo = source as Photo;
- // Associate paired JPEG with RAW photo.
- if (associated_file != null) {
- photo.add_backing_photo_for_development(RawDeveloper.CAMERA, associated_file);
- ret = true;
- photo.set_raw_developer(Config.Facade.get_instance().get_default_raw_developer());
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- }
- private class ImportPageSearchViewFilter : SearchViewFilter {
- public override uint get_criteria() {
- return SearchFilterCriteria.TEXT | SearchFilterCriteria.MEDIA;
- }
- public override bool predicate(DataView view) {
- ImportSource source = ((ImportPreview) view).get_import_source();
- // Media type.
- if ((bool) (SearchFilterCriteria.MEDIA & get_criteria()) && filter_by_media_type()) {
- if (source is VideoImportSource) {
- if (!show_media_video)
- return false;
- } else if (source is PhotoImportSource) {
- PhotoImportSource photo = source as PhotoImportSource;
- if (photo.get_file_format() == PhotoFileFormat.RAW) {
- if (photo.get_associated() != null) {
- if (!show_media_photos && !show_media_raw)
- return false;
- } else if (!show_media_raw) {
- return false;
- }
- } else if (!show_media_photos)
- return false;
- }
- }
- if ((bool) (SearchFilterCriteria.TEXT & get_criteria())) {
- unowned string? keywords = source.get_indexable_keywords();
- if (is_string_empty(keywords))
- return false;
- // Return false if the word isn't found, true otherwise.
- foreach (unowned string word in get_search_filter_words()) {
- if (!keywords.contains(word))
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- // View filter for already imported filter.
- private class HideImportedViewFilter : ViewFilter {
- public override bool predicate(DataView view) {
- return !((ImportPreview) view).is_already_imported();
- }
- }
- public static GPhoto.ContextWrapper null_context = null;
- public static GPhoto.SpinIdleWrapper spin_idle_context = null;
- private SourceCollection import_sources = null;
- private Gtk.Label camera_label = new Gtk.Label(null);
- private Gtk.CheckButton hide_imported;
- private Gtk.ProgressBar progress_bar = new Gtk.ProgressBar();
- private GPhoto.Camera camera;
- private string uri;
- private bool busy = false;
- private bool refreshed = false;
- private GPhoto.Result refresh_result = GPhoto.Result.OK;
- private string refresh_error = null;
- private string camera_name;
- private VolumeMonitor volume_monitor = null;
- private ImportPage? local_ref = null;
- private string? icon;
- private ImportPageSearchViewFilter search_filter = new ImportPageSearchViewFilter();
- private HideImportedViewFilter hide_imported_filter = new HideImportedViewFilter();
- private CameraViewTracker tracker;
- UnityProgressBar uniprobar = UnityProgressBar.get_instance();
- public enum RefreshResult {
- OK,
- }
- public ImportPage(GPhoto.Camera camera, string uri, string? display_name = null, string? icon = null) {
- base(_("Camera"));
- = camera;
- this.uri = uri;
- this.import_sources = new ImportSourceCollection("ImportSources for %s".printf(uri));
- this.icon = icon;
- tracker = new CameraViewTracker(get_view());
- // Get camera name.
- if (null != display_name) {
- camera_name = display_name;
- } else {
- GPhoto.CameraAbilities abilities;
- GPhoto.Result res = camera.get_abilities(out abilities);
- if (res != GPhoto.Result.OK) {
- debug("Unable to get camera abilities: %s", res.to_full_string());
- camera_name = _("Camera");
- }
- }
- camera_label.set_text(camera_name);
- set_page_name(camera_name);
- // Mount.unmounted signal is *only* fired when a VolumeMonitor has been instantiated.
- this.volume_monitor = VolumeMonitor.get();
- // set up the global null context when needed
- if (null_context == null)
- null_context = new GPhoto.ContextWrapper();
- // same with idle-loop wrapper
- if (spin_idle_context == null)
- spin_idle_context = new GPhoto.SpinIdleWrapper();
- // monitor source collection to add/remove views
- get_view().monitor_source_collection(import_sources, new ImportViewManager(this), null);
- // sort by exposure time
- get_view().set_comparator(preview_comparator, preview_comparator_predicate);
- // monitor selection for UI
- get_view().items_state_changed.connect(on_view_changed);
- get_view().contents_altered.connect(on_view_changed);
- get_view().items_visibility_changed.connect(on_view_changed);
- // Show subtitles.
- get_view().set_property(CheckerboardItem.PROP_SHOW_SUBTITLES, true);
- // monitor Photos for removals, as that will change the result of the ViewFilter
- init_item_context_menu("ImportContextMenu");
- init_page_context_menu("ImportContextMenu");
- }
- ~ImportPage() {
- }
- public override Gtk.Toolbar get_toolbar() {
- if (toolbar == null) {
- base.get_toolbar();
- // hide duplicates checkbox
- hide_imported = new Gtk.CheckButton.with_label(_("Hide photos already imported"));
- hide_imported.set_tooltip_text(_("Only display photos that have not been imported"));
- hide_imported.clicked.connect(on_hide_imported);
- hide_imported.sensitive = false;
- = Config.Facade.get_instance().get_hide_photos_already_imported();
- Gtk.ToolItem hide_item = new Gtk.ToolItem();
- hide_item.is_important = true;
- hide_item.add(hide_imported);
- toolbar.insert(hide_item, -1);
- // separator to force buttons to right side of toolbar
- Gtk.SeparatorToolItem separator = new Gtk.SeparatorToolItem();
- separator.set_draw(false);
- toolbar.insert(separator, -1);
- // progress bar in center of toolbar
- progress_bar.set_orientation(Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL);
- progress_bar.visible = false;
- Gtk.ToolItem progress_item = new Gtk.ToolItem();
- progress_item.set_expand(true);
- progress_item.add(progress_bar);
- progress_bar.set_show_text(true);
- toolbar.insert(progress_item, -1);
- // Find button
- Gtk.ToggleToolButton find_button = new Gtk.ToggleToolButton();
- find_button.set_icon_name("edit-find");
- find_button.set_action_name ("win.CommonDisplaySearchbar");
- toolbar.insert(find_button, -1);
- // Separator
- toolbar.insert(new Gtk.SeparatorToolItem(), -1);
- // Import selected
- Gtk.ToolButton import_selected_button = new Gtk.ToolButton(null, null);
- import_selected_button.set_icon_name("import");
- import_selected_button.set_label(_("Import _Selected"));
- import_selected_button.is_important = true;
- import_selected_button.use_underline = true;
- import_selected_button.set_action_name ("win.ImportSelected");
- toolbar.insert(import_selected_button, -1);
- // Import all
- Gtk.ToolButton import_all_button = new Gtk.ToolButton(null, null);
- import_all_button.set_icon_name("import-all");
- import_all_button.set_label(_("Import _All"));
- import_all_button.is_important = true;
- import_all_button.use_underline = true;
- import_all_button.set_action_name ("win.ImportAll");
- toolbar.insert(import_all_button, -1);
- // restrain the recalcitrant rascal! prevents the progress bar from being added to the
- // show_all queue so we have more control over its visibility
- progress_bar.set_no_show_all(true);
- update_toolbar_state();
- show_all();
- }
- return toolbar;
- }
- public override Core.ViewTracker? get_view_tracker() {
- return tracker;
- }
- protected override string get_view_empty_message() {
- return _("The camera seems to be empty. No photos/videos found to import");
- }
- protected override string get_filter_no_match_message () {
- return _("No new photos/videos found on camera");
- }
- private static int64 preview_comparator(void *a, void *b) {
- return ((ImportPreview *) a)->get_import_source().get_exposure_time()
- - ((ImportPreview *) b)->get_import_source().get_exposure_time();
- }
- private static bool preview_comparator_predicate(DataObject object, Alteration alteration) {
- return alteration.has_detail("metadata", "exposure-time");
- }
- private int64 import_job_comparator(void *a, void *b) {
- return ((CameraImportJob *) a)->get_exposure_time() - ((CameraImportJob *) b)->get_exposure_time();
- }
- protected override void init_collect_ui_filenames(Gee.List<string> ui_filenames) {
- base.init_collect_ui_filenames(ui_filenames);
- ui_filenames.add("import.ui");
- }
- private const GLib.ActionEntry[] entries = {
- { "ImportSelected", on_import_selected },
- { "ImportAll", on_import_all },
- // Toggle actions
- { "ViewTitle", on_action_toggle, null, "false", on_display_titles },
- };
- protected override void add_actions (GLib.ActionMap map) {
- base.add_actions (map);
- map.add_action_entries (entries, this);
- get_action ("ViewTitle").change_state (Config.Facade.get_instance ().get_display_photo_titles ());
- }
- protected override void remove_actions(GLib.ActionMap map) {
- base.remove_actions(map);
- foreach (var entry in entries) {
- map.remove_action(;
- }
- }
- public GPhoto.Camera get_camera() {
- return camera;
- }
- public string get_uri() {
- return uri;
- }
- public bool is_busy() {
- return busy;
- }
- protected override void init_actions(int selected_count, int count) {
- on_view_changed();
- set_action_important("ImportSelected", true);
- set_action_important("ImportAll", true);
- base.init_actions(selected_count, count);
- }
- public bool is_refreshed() {
- return refreshed && !busy;
- }
- public string? get_refresh_message() {
- string msg = null;
- if (refresh_error != null) {
- msg = refresh_error;
- } else if (refresh_result == GPhoto.Result.OK) {
- // all went well
- } else {
- msg = refresh_result.to_full_string();
- }
- return msg;
- }
- private void update_status(bool busy, bool refreshed) {
- this.busy = busy;
- this.refreshed = refreshed;
- on_view_changed();
- }
- private void update_toolbar_state() {
- if (hide_imported != null)
- hide_imported.sensitive = !busy && refreshed && (get_view().get_unfiltered_count() > 0);
- }
- private void on_view_changed() {
- set_action_sensitive("ImportSelected", !busy && refreshed && get_view().get_selected_count() > 0);
- set_action_sensitive("ImportAll", !busy && refreshed && get_view().get_count() > 0);
- set_action_sensitive("CommonSelectAll", !busy && (get_view().get_count() > 0));
- update_toolbar_state();
- }
- private void on_media_added_removed() {
- search_filter.refresh();
- }
- private void on_display_titles(GLib.SimpleAction action, Variant? value) {
- bool display = value.get_boolean ();
- set_display_titles(display);
- Config.Facade.get_instance().set_display_photo_titles(display);
- action.set_state (value);
- }
- public override void switched_to() {
- set_display_titles(Config.Facade.get_instance().get_display_photo_titles());
- base.switched_to();
- }
- public override void ready() {
- try_refreshing_camera(false);
- hide_imported_filter.refresh();
- }
- private void try_refreshing_camera(bool fail_on_locked) {
- // if camera has been refreshed or is in the process of refreshing, go no further
- if (refreshed || busy)
- return;
- RefreshResult res = refresh_camera();
- switch (res) {
- case ImportPage.RefreshResult.OK:
- case ImportPage.RefreshResult.BUSY:
- // nothing to report; if busy, let it continue doing its thing
- // (although earlier check should've caught this)
- break;
- case ImportPage.RefreshResult.LOCKED:
- if (fail_on_locked) {
- AppWindow.error_message(UNMOUNT_FAILED_MSG);
- break;
- }
- // if locked because it's mounted, offer to unmount
- debug("Checking if %s is mounted…", uri);
- File uri = File.new_for_uri(uri);
- Mount mount = null;
- try {
- mount = uri.find_enclosing_mount(null);
- } catch (Error err) {
- // error means not mounted
- }
- if (mount != null) {
- // it's mounted, offer to unmount for the user
- string mounted_message = _("Shotwell needs to unmount the camera from the filesystem in order to access it. Continue?");
- Gtk.MessageDialog dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog(AppWindow.get_instance(),
- Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION,
- Gtk.ButtonsType.CANCEL, "%s", mounted_message);
- dialog.title = Resources.APP_TITLE;
- dialog.add_button(_("_Unmount"), Gtk.ResponseType.YES);
- int dialog_res =;
- dialog.destroy();
- if (dialog_res != Gtk.ResponseType.YES) {
- set_page_message(_("Please unmount the camera."));
- } else {
- unmount_camera(mount);
- }
- } else {
- string locked_message = _("The camera is locked by another application. Shotwell can only access the camera when it’s unlocked. Please close any other application using the camera and try again.");
- // it's not mounted, so another application must have it locked
- Gtk.MessageDialog dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog(AppWindow.get_instance(),
- Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.WARNING,
- Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, "%s", locked_message);
- dialog.title = Resources.APP_TITLE;
- dialog.destroy();
- set_page_message(_("Please close any other application using the camera."));
- }
- break;
- case ImportPage.RefreshResult.LIBRARY_ERROR:
- AppWindow.error_message(_("Unable to fetch previews from the camera:\n%s").printf(
- get_refresh_message()));
- break;
- default:
- error("Unknown result type %d", (int) res);
- }
- }
- public bool unmount_camera(Mount mount) {
- if (busy)
- return false;
- update_status(true, false);
- progress_bar.visible = true;
- progress_bar.set_fraction(0.0);
- progress_bar.set_ellipsize(Pango.EllipsizeMode.NONE);
- progress_bar.set_text(_("Unmounting…"));
- // unmount_with_operation() can/will complete with the volume still mounted (probably meaning
- // it's been *scheduled* for unmounting). However, this signal is fired when the mount
- // really is unmounted -- *if* a VolumeMonitor has been instantiated.
- mount.unmounted.connect(on_unmounted);
- debug("Unmounting camera…");
- mount.unmount_with_operation.begin(MountUnmountFlags.NONE,
- new Gtk.MountOperation(AppWindow.get_instance()), null, on_unmount_finished);
- return true;
- }
- private void on_unmount_finished(Object? source, AsyncResult aresult) {
- debug("Async unmount finished");
- Mount mount = (Mount) source;
- try {
- mount.unmount_with_operation.end(aresult);
- } catch (Error err) {
- AppWindow.error_message(UNMOUNT_FAILED_MSG);
- // don't trap this signal, even if it does come in, we've backed off
- mount.unmounted.disconnect(on_unmounted);
- update_status(false, refreshed);
- progress_bar.set_ellipsize(Pango.EllipsizeMode.NONE);
- progress_bar.set_text("");
- progress_bar.visible = false;
- }
- }
- private void on_unmounted(Mount mount) {
- debug("on_unmounted");
- update_status(false, refreshed);
- progress_bar.set_ellipsize(Pango.EllipsizeMode.NONE);
- progress_bar.set_text("");
- progress_bar.visible = false;
- try_refreshing_camera(true);
- }
- private void clear_all_import_sources() {
- Marker marker = import_sources.start_marking();
- marker.mark_all();
- import_sources.destroy_marked(marker, false);
- }
- /**
- * @brief Returns whether the current device has a given directory or not.
- *
- * @param fsid The file system id of the camera or other device to search.
- * @param dir The path to start searching from.
- * @param search_target The name of the directory to look for.
- */
- private bool check_directory_exists(int fsid, string dir, string search_target) {
- string? fulldir = get_fulldir(camera, camera_name, fsid, dir);
- GPhoto.Result result;
- GPhoto.CameraList folders;
- result = GPhoto.CameraList.create(out folders);
- if (result != GPhoto.Result.OK) {
- // couldn't create a list - can't determine whether specified dir is present
- return false;
- }
- result = camera.list_folders(fulldir, folders, spin_idle_context.context);
- if (result != GPhoto.Result.OK) {
- // fetching the list failed - can't determine whether specified dir is present
- return false;
- }
- int list_len = folders.count();
- for(int list_index = 0; list_index < list_len; list_index++) {
- string tmp;
- folders.get_name(list_index, out tmp);
- if (tmp == search_target) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- private RefreshResult refresh_camera() {
- if (busy)
- return RefreshResult.BUSY;
- this.set_page_message (_("Starting import, please wait…"));
- update_status(busy, false);
- refresh_error = null;
- refresh_result = camera.init(spin_idle_context.context);
- if (refresh_result != GPhoto.Result.OK) {
- warning("Unable to initialize camera: %s", refresh_result.to_full_string());
- return (refresh_result == GPhoto.Result.IO_LOCK) ? RefreshResult.LOCKED : RefreshResult.LIBRARY_ERROR;
- }
- update_status(true, refreshed);
- on_view_changed();
- progress_bar.set_ellipsize(Pango.EllipsizeMode.NONE);
- progress_bar.set_text(_("Fetching photo information"));
- progress_bar.set_fraction(0.0);
- progress_bar.set_pulse_step(0.01);
- progress_bar.visible = true;
- Gee.ArrayList<ImportSource> import_list = new Gee.ArrayList<ImportSource>();
- GPhoto.CameraStorageInformation *sifs = null;
- int count = 0;
- refresh_result = camera.get_storageinfo(&sifs, out count, spin_idle_context.context);
- if (refresh_result == GPhoto.Result.OK) {
- for (int fsid = 0; fsid < count; fsid++) {
- // Check well-known video and image paths first to prevent accidental
- // scanning of undesired directories (which can cause user annoyance with
- // some smartphones or camera-equipped media players)
- bool got_well_known_dir = false;
- // Check common paths for most primarily-still cameras, many (most?) smartphones
- if (check_directory_exists(fsid, "/", "DCIM")) {
- enumerate_files(fsid, "/DCIM", import_list);
- got_well_known_dir = true;
- }
- if (check_directory_exists(fsid, "/", "dcim")) {
- enumerate_files(fsid, "/dcim", import_list);
- got_well_known_dir = true;
- }
- // Check common paths for AVCHD camcorders, primarily-still
- // cameras that shoot .mts video files
- if (check_directory_exists(fsid, "/PRIVATE/", "AVCHD")) {
- enumerate_files(fsid, "/PRIVATE/AVCHD", import_list);
- got_well_known_dir = true;
- }
- if (check_directory_exists(fsid, "/private/", "avchd")) {
- enumerate_files(fsid, "/private/avchd", import_list);
- got_well_known_dir = true;
- }
- if (check_directory_exists(fsid, "/", "AVCHD")) {
- enumerate_files(fsid, "/AVCHD", import_list);
- got_well_known_dir = true;
- }
- if (check_directory_exists(fsid, "/", "avchd")) {
- enumerate_files(fsid, "/avchd", import_list);
- got_well_known_dir = true;
- }
- // Check common video paths for some Sony primarily-still
- // cameras
- if (check_directory_exists(fsid, "/PRIVATE/", "SONY")) {
- enumerate_files(fsid, "/PRIVATE/SONY", import_list);
- got_well_known_dir = true;
- }
- if (check_directory_exists(fsid, "/private/", "sony")) {
- enumerate_files(fsid, "/private/sony", import_list);
- got_well_known_dir = true;
- }
- // Check common video paths for Sony NEX3, PSP addon camera
- if (check_directory_exists(fsid, "/", "MP_ROOT")) {
- enumerate_files(fsid, "/MP_ROOT", import_list);
- got_well_known_dir = true;
- }
- if (check_directory_exists(fsid, "/", "mp_root")) {
- enumerate_files(fsid, "/mp_root", import_list);
- got_well_known_dir = true;
- }
- // Didn't find any of the common directories we know about
- // already - try scanning from device root.
- if (!got_well_known_dir) {
- if (!enumerate_files(fsid, "/", import_list))
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- clear_all_import_sources();
- // Associate files (for RAW+JPEG)
- auto_match_raw_jpeg(import_list);
- //UnityProgressBar: try to draw progress bar
- uniprobar.set_visible(true);
- load_previews_and_metadata(import_list);
- //UnityProgressBar: reset
- uniprobar.reset();
- progress_bar.visible = false;
- progress_bar.set_ellipsize(Pango.EllipsizeMode.NONE);
- progress_bar.set_text("");
- progress_bar.set_fraction(0.0);
- GPhoto.Result res = camera.exit(spin_idle_context.context);
- if (res != GPhoto.Result.OK) {
- // log but don't fail
- warning("Unable to unlock camera: %s", res.to_full_string());
- }
- if (refresh_result == GPhoto.Result.OK) {
- if (import_sources.get_count () == 0) {
- this.set_page_message (this.get_view_empty_message ());
- }
- update_status(false, true);
- } else {
- update_status(false, false);
- // show 'em all or show none
- clear_all_import_sources();
- }
- on_view_changed();
- switch (refresh_result) {
- case GPhoto.Result.OK:
- return RefreshResult.OK;
- case GPhoto.Result.IO_LOCK:
- return RefreshResult.LOCKED;
- default:
- return RefreshResult.LIBRARY_ERROR;
- }
- }
- private static string chomp_ch(string str, char ch) {
- long offset = str.length;
- while (--offset >= 0) {
- if (str[offset] != ch)
- return str.slice(0, offset);
- }
- return "";
- }
- public static string append_path(string basepath, string addition) {
- if (!basepath.has_suffix("/") && !addition.has_prefix("/"))
- return basepath + "/" + addition;
- else if (basepath.has_suffix("/") && addition.has_prefix("/"))
- return chomp_ch(basepath, '/') + addition;
- else
- return basepath + addition;
- }
- // Need to do this because some phones (iPhone, in particular) changes the name of their filesystem
- // between each mount
- public static string? get_fs_basedir(GPhoto.Camera camera, int fsid) {
- GPhoto.CameraStorageInformation *sifs = null;
- int count = 0;
- GPhoto.Result res = camera.get_storageinfo(&sifs, out count, null_context.context);
- if (res != GPhoto.Result.OK)
- return null;
- if (fsid >= count)
- return null;
- GPhoto.CameraStorageInformation *ifs = sifs + fsid;
- return (ifs->fields & GPhoto.CameraStorageInfoFields.BASE) != 0 ? ifs->basedir : "/";
- }
- public static string? get_fulldir(GPhoto.Camera camera, string camera_name, int fsid, string folder) {
- if (folder.length > GPhoto.MAX_BASEDIR_LENGTH)
- return null;
- string basedir = get_fs_basedir(camera, fsid);
- if (basedir == null) {
- debug("Unable to find base directory for %s fsid %d", camera_name, fsid);
- return folder;
- }
- return append_path(basedir, folder);
- }
- private bool enumerate_files(int fsid, string dir, Gee.ArrayList<ImportSource> import_list) {
- string? fulldir = get_fulldir(camera, camera_name, fsid, dir);
- if (fulldir == null) {
- warning("Skipping enumerating %s: invalid folder name", dir);
- return true;
- }
- GPhoto.CameraList files;
- refresh_result = GPhoto.CameraList.create(out files);
- if (refresh_result != GPhoto.Result.OK) {
- warning("Unable to create file list: %s", refresh_result.to_full_string());
- return false;
- }
- refresh_result = camera.list_files(fulldir, files, spin_idle_context.context);
- if (refresh_result != GPhoto.Result.OK) {
- warning("Unable to list files in %s: %s", fulldir, refresh_result.to_full_string());
- // Although an error, don't abort the import because of this
- refresh_result = GPhoto.Result.OK;
- return true;
- }
- for (int ctr = 0; ctr < files.count(); ctr++) {
- string filename;
- refresh_result = files.get_name(ctr, out filename);
- if (refresh_result != GPhoto.Result.OK) {
- warning("Unable to get the name of file %d in %s: %s", ctr, fulldir,
- refresh_result.to_full_string());
- return false;
- }
- try {
- GPhoto.CameraFileInfo info;
- if (!GPhoto.get_info(spin_idle_context.context, camera, fulldir, filename, out info)) {
- warning("Skipping import of %s/%s: name too long", fulldir, filename);
- continue;
- }
- if ((info.file.fields & GPhoto.CameraFileInfoFields.TYPE) == 0) {
- message("Skipping %s/%s: No file (file=%02Xh)", fulldir, filename,
- info.file.fields);
- continue;
- }
- if (VideoReader.is_supported_video_filename(filename)) {
- VideoImportSource video_source = new VideoImportSource(camera_name, camera,
- fsid, dir, filename, info.file.size, info.file.mtime);
- import_list.add(video_source);
- } else {
- // determine file format from type, and then from file extension
- PhotoFileFormat file_format = PhotoFileFormat.from_gphoto_type(info.file.type);
- if (file_format == PhotoFileFormat.UNKNOWN) {
- file_format = PhotoFileFormat.get_by_basename_extension(filename);
- if (file_format == PhotoFileFormat.UNKNOWN) {
- message("Skipping %s/%s: Not a supported file extension (%s)", fulldir,
- filename, info.file.type);
- continue;
- }
- }
- import_list.add(new PhotoImportSource(camera_name, camera, fsid, dir, filename,
- info.file.size, info.file.mtime, file_format));
- }
- progress_bar.pulse();
- // spin the event loop so the UI doesn't freeze
- spin_event_loop();
- } catch (Error err) {
- warning("Error while enumerating files in %s: %s", fulldir, err.message);
- refresh_error = err.message;
- return false;
- }
- }
- GPhoto.CameraList folders;
- refresh_result = GPhoto.CameraList.create(out folders);
- if (refresh_result != GPhoto.Result.OK) {
- warning("Unable to create folder list: %s", refresh_result.to_full_string());
- return false;
- }
- refresh_result = camera.list_folders(fulldir, folders, spin_idle_context.context);
- if (refresh_result != GPhoto.Result.OK) {
- warning("Unable to list folders in %s: %s", fulldir, refresh_result.to_full_string());
- // Although an error, don't abort the import because of this
- refresh_result = GPhoto.Result.OK;
- return true;
- }
- for (int ctr = 0; ctr < folders.count(); ctr++) {
- string subdir;
- refresh_result = folders.get_name(ctr, out subdir);
- if (refresh_result != GPhoto.Result.OK) {
- warning("Unable to get name of folder %d: %s", ctr, refresh_result.to_full_string());
- return false;
- }
- if (!enumerate_files(fsid, append_path(dir, subdir), import_list))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- // Try to match RAW+JPEG pairs.
- private void auto_match_raw_jpeg(Gee.ArrayList<ImportSource> import_list) {
- for (int i = 0; i < import_list.size; i++) {
- PhotoImportSource? current = import_list.get(i) as PhotoImportSource;
- PhotoImportSource? next = (i + 1 < import_list.size) ?
- import_list.get(i + 1) as PhotoImportSource : null;
- PhotoImportSource? prev = (i > 0) ?
- import_list.get(i - 1) as PhotoImportSource : null;
- if (current != null && current.get_file_format() == PhotoFileFormat.RAW) {
- string current_name;
- string ext;
- disassemble_filename(current.get_filename(), out current_name, out ext);
- // Try to find a matching pair.
- PhotoImportSource? associated = null;
- if (next != null && next.get_file_format() == PhotoFileFormat.JFIF) {
- string next_name;
- disassemble_filename(next.get_filename(), out next_name, out ext);
- if (next_name == current_name)
- associated = next;
- }
- if (prev != null && prev.get_file_format() == PhotoFileFormat.JFIF) {
- string prev_name;
- disassemble_filename(prev.get_filename(), out prev_name, out ext);
- if (prev_name == current_name)
- associated = prev;
- }
- // Associate!
- if (associated != null) {
- debug("Found RAW+JPEG pair: %s and %s", current.get_filename(), associated.get_filename());
- current.set_associated(associated);
- if (!import_list.remove(associated)) {
- debug("Unable to associate files");
- current.set_associated(null);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private void load_previews_and_metadata(Gee.List<ImportSource> import_list) {
- int loaded_photos = 0;
- foreach (ImportSource import_source in import_list) {
- string filename = import_source.get_filename();
- string? fulldir = import_source.get_fulldir();
- if (fulldir == null) {
- warning("Skipping loading preview of %s: invalid folder name", import_source.to_string());
- continue;
- }
- // Get JPEG pair, if available.
- PhotoImportSource? associated = null;
- if (import_source is PhotoImportSource &&
- ((PhotoImportSource) import_source).get_associated() != null) {
- associated = ((PhotoImportSource) import_source).get_associated();
- }
- progress_bar.set_ellipsize(Pango.EllipsizeMode.MIDDLE);
- progress_bar.set_text(_("Fetching preview for %s").printf(import_source.get_name()));
- // Ask GPhoto to read the current file's metadata, but only if the file is not a
- // video. Across every memory card and camera type I've tested (lucas, as of 10/27/2010)
- // GPhoto always loads null metadata for videos. So without the is-not-video guard,
- // this code segment just needlessly and annoyingly prints a warning message to the
- // console.
- PhotoMetadata? metadata = null;
- if (!VideoReader.is_supported_video_filename(filename)) {
- try {
- metadata = GPhoto.load_metadata(spin_idle_context.context, camera, fulldir,
- filename);
- } catch (Error err) {
- warning("Unable to fetch metadata for %s/%s: %s", fulldir, filename,
- err.message);
- }
- }
- // calculate EXIF's fingerprint
- string? exif_only_md5 = null;
- if (metadata != null) {
- uint8[]? flattened_sans_thumbnail = metadata.flatten_exif(false);
- if (flattened_sans_thumbnail != null && flattened_sans_thumbnail.length > 0)
- exif_only_md5 = md5_binary(flattened_sans_thumbnail, flattened_sans_thumbnail.length);
- }
- // XXX: Cannot use the metadata for the thumbnail preview because libgphoto2
- // 2.4.6 has a bug where the returned EXIF data object is complete garbage. This
- // is fixed in 2.4.7, but need to work around this as best we can. In particular,
- // this means the preview orientation will be wrong and the MD5 is not generated
- // if the EXIF did not parse properly (see above)
- uint8[] preview_raw = null;
- size_t preview_raw_length = 0;
- Gdk.Pixbuf preview = null;
- try {
- string preview_fulldir = fulldir;
- string preview_filename = filename;
- if (associated != null) {
- preview_fulldir = associated.get_fulldir();
- preview_filename = associated.get_filename();
- }
- preview = GPhoto.load_preview(spin_idle_context.context, camera, preview_fulldir,
- preview_filename, out preview_raw, out preview_raw_length);
- } catch (Error err) {
- // only issue the warning message if we're not reading a video. GPhoto is capable
- // of reading video previews about 50% of the time, so we don't want to put a guard
- // around this entire code segment like we did with the metadata-read segment above,
- // however video previews being absent is so common that there's no reason
- // we should generate a warning for one.
- if (!VideoReader.is_supported_video_filename(filename)) {
- warning("Unable to fetch preview for %s/%s: %s", fulldir, filename, err.message);
- }
- }
- // calculate thumbnail fingerprint
- string? preview_md5 = null;
- if (preview != null && preview_raw != null && preview_raw_length > 0)
- preview_md5 = md5_binary(preview_raw, preview_raw_length);
-#if TRACE_MD5
- debug("camera MD5 %s: exif=%s preview=%s", filename, exif_only_md5, preview_md5);
- if (import_source is VideoImportSource)
- (import_source as VideoImportSource).update(preview);
- if (import_source is PhotoImportSource)
- (import_source as PhotoImportSource).update(preview, preview_md5, metadata,
- exif_only_md5);
- if (associated != null) {
- try {
- PhotoMetadata? associated_metadata = GPhoto.load_metadata(spin_idle_context.context,
- camera, associated.get_fulldir(), associated.get_filename());
- associated.update(preview, preview_md5, associated_metadata, null);
- } catch (Error err) {
- warning("Unable to fetch metadata for %s/%s: %s", associated.get_fulldir(),
- associated.get_filename(), err.message);
- }
- }
- // *now* add to the SourceCollection, now that it is completed
- import_sources.add(import_source);
- progress_bar.set_fraction((double) (++loaded_photos) / (double) import_list.size);
- //UnityProgressBar: set progress
- uniprobar.set_progress((double) (loaded_photos) / (double) import_list.size);
- // spin the event loop so the UI doesn't freeze
- spin_event_loop();
- }
- }
- private void on_hide_imported() {
- if (hide_imported.get_active())
- get_view().install_view_filter(hide_imported_filter);
- else
- get_view().remove_view_filter(hide_imported_filter);
- Config.Facade.get_instance().set_hide_photos_already_imported(hide_imported.get_active());
- }
- private void on_import_selected() {
- import(get_view().get_selected());
- }
- private void on_import_all() {
- import(get_view().get_all());
- }
- private void import(Gee.Iterable<DataObject> items) {
- GPhoto.Result res = camera.init(spin_idle_context.context);
- if (res != GPhoto.Result.OK) {
- AppWindow.error_message(_("Unable to lock camera: %s").printf(res.to_full_string()));
- return;
- }
- update_status(true, refreshed);
- on_view_changed();
- progress_bar.visible = false;
- SortedList<CameraImportJob> jobs = new SortedList<CameraImportJob>(import_job_comparator);
- Gee.ArrayList<CameraImportJob> already_imported = new Gee.ArrayList<CameraImportJob>();
- foreach (DataObject object in items) {
- ImportPreview preview = (ImportPreview) object;
- ImportSource import_file = (ImportSource) preview.get_source();
- if (preview.is_already_imported()) {
- message("Skipping import of %s: checksum detected in library",
- import_file.get_filename());
- already_imported.add(new CameraImportJob(null_context, import_file,
- preview.get_duplicated_file()));
- continue;
- }
- CameraImportJob import_job = new CameraImportJob(null_context, import_file);
- // Maintain RAW+JPEG association.
- if (import_file is PhotoImportSource &&
- ((PhotoImportSource) import_file).get_associated() != null) {
- import_job.set_associated(new CameraImportJob(null_context,
- ((PhotoImportSource) import_file).get_associated()));
- }
- jobs.add(import_job);
- }
- debug("Importing %d files from %s", jobs.size, camera_name);
- if (jobs.size > 0) {
- // see import_reporter() to see why this is held during the duration of the import
- assert(local_ref == null);
- local_ref = this;
- BatchImport batch_import = new BatchImport(jobs, camera_name, import_reporter,
- null, already_imported);
- batch_import.import_job_failed.connect(on_import_job_failed);
- batch_import.import_complete.connect(close_import);
- LibraryWindow.get_app().enqueue_batch_import(batch_import, true);
- LibraryWindow.get_app().switch_to_import_queue_page();
- // camera.exit() and busy flag will be handled when the batch import completes
- } else {
- // since failed up-front, build a fake (faux?) ImportManifest and report it here
- if (already_imported.size > 0)
- import_reporter(new ImportManifest(null, already_imported));
- close_import();
- }
- }
- private void on_import_job_failed(BatchImportResult result) {
- if (result.file == null || result.result == ImportResult.SUCCESS)
- return;
- // delete the copied file
- try {
- result.file.delete(null);
- } catch (Error err) {
- message("Unable to delete downloaded file %s: %s", result.file.get_path(), err.message);
- }
- }
- private void import_reporter(ImportManifest manifest) {
- // TODO: Need to keep the ImportPage around until the BatchImport is completed, but the
- // page controller (i.e. LibraryWindow) needs to know (a) if ImportPage is busy before
- // removing and (b) if it is, to be notified when it ain't. Until that's in place, need
- // to hold the ref so the page isn't destroyed ... this switcheroo keeps the ref alive
- // until this function returns (at any time)
- ImportPage? local_ref = this.local_ref;
- this.local_ref = null;
- if (manifest.success.size > 0) {
- string photos_string = (ngettext("Delete this photo from camera?",
- "Delete these %d photos from camera?",
- manifest.success.size)).printf(manifest.success.size);
- string videos_string = (ngettext("Delete this video from camera?",
- "Delete these %d videos from camera?",
- manifest.success.size)).printf(manifest.success.size);
- string both_string = (ngettext("Delete this photo/video from camera?",
- "Delete these %d photos/videos from camera?",
- manifest.success.size)).printf(manifest.success.size);
- string neither_string = (ngettext("Delete these files from camera?",
- "Delete these %d files from camera?",
- manifest.success.size)).printf(manifest.success.size);
- string question_string = ImportUI.get_media_specific_string(manifest.success,
- photos_string, videos_string, both_string, neither_string);
- ImportUI.QuestionParams question = new ImportUI.QuestionParams(
- question_string, Resources.DELETE_LABEL, _("_Keep"));
- if (!ImportUI.report_manifest(manifest, false, question))
- return;
- } else {
- ImportUI.report_manifest(manifest, false, null);
- return;
- }
- // delete the photos from the camera and the SourceCollection... for now, this is an
- // all-or-nothing deal
- Marker marker = import_sources.start_marking();
- foreach (BatchImportResult batch_result in manifest.success) {
- CameraImportJob job = batch_result.job as CameraImportJob;
- marker.mark(job.get_source());
- }
- ProgressDialog progress = new ProgressDialog(AppWindow.get_instance(),
- _("Removing photos/videos from camera"), new Cancellable());
- int error_count = import_sources.destroy_marked(marker, true, progress.monitor);
- if (error_count > 0) {
- string error_string =
- (ngettext("Unable to delete %d photo/video from the camera due to errors.",
- "Unable to delete %d photos/videos from the camera due to errors.", error_count)).printf(
- error_count);
- AppWindow.error_message(error_string);
- }
- progress.close();
- // to stop build warnings
- local_ref = null;
- }
- private void close_import() {
- GPhoto.Result res = camera.exit(spin_idle_context.context);
- if (res != GPhoto.Result.OK) {
- // log but don't fail
- message("Unable to unlock camera: %s", res.to_full_string());
- }
- update_status(false, refreshed);
- on_view_changed();
- }
- public override void set_display_titles(bool display) {
- base.set_display_titles(display);
- set_action_active ("ViewTitle", display);
- }
- // Gets the search view filter for this page.
- public override SearchViewFilter get_search_view_filter() {
- return search_filter;
- }