path: root/src/Properties.vala
diff options
authorJörg Frings-Fürst <>2018-10-01 07:17:16 +0200
committerJörg Frings-Fürst <>2018-10-01 07:17:16 +0200
commit71137cc5832110d91599d68790402cf196762ed3 (patch)
treee7985bbfb6ca50ea738b38a9f852ee51431d48a7 /src/Properties.vala
parent8ae550d463720d5d1c0e253af29843ff15de1a54 (diff)
parent1e92964463e564bb3359a7110342182fcfdc67f2 (diff)
Merge branch 'release/debian/0.30.1-1'debian/0.30.1-1
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Properties.vala')
1 files changed, 185 insertions, 227 deletions
diff --git a/src/Properties.vala b/src/Properties.vala
index 3cbd5af..2a07bb0 100644
--- a/src/Properties.vala
+++ b/src/Properties.vala
@@ -8,53 +8,64 @@ private abstract class Properties : Gtk.Grid {
uint line_count = 0;
public Properties() {
- row_spacing = 0;
- column_spacing = 6;
+ row_spacing = 6;
+ column_spacing = 12;
- protected void add_line(string label_text, string info_text, bool multi_line = false) {
+ protected void add_line(string label_text, string info_text, bool multi_line = false, string? href = null) {
Gtk.Label label = new Gtk.Label("");
Gtk.Widget info;
+ label.get_style_context().add_class("dim-label");
label.set_markup(GLib.Markup.printf_escaped("<span font_weight=\"bold\">%s</span>", label_text));
if (multi_line) {
Gtk.ScrolledWindow info_scroll = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(null, null);
- info_scroll.shadow_type = Gtk.ShadowType.ETCHED_IN;
+ info_scroll.shadow_type = Gtk.ShadowType.NONE;
Gtk.TextView view = new Gtk.TextView();
// by default TextView widgets have a white background, which
// makes sense during editing. In this instance we only *show*
// the content and thus want that the parent's background color
// is inherited to the TextView
- Gtk.StyleContext context = info_scroll.get_style_context();
- view.override_background_color (Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL,
- context.get_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL));
+ view.get_style_context().add_class("shotwell-static");
view.buffer.text = is_string_empty(info_text) ? "" : info_text;
+ view.hexpand = true;
- label.xalign = 1.0f;
- label.yalign = 0.0f;
+ label.halign = Gtk.Align.END;
+ label.valign = Gtk.Align.START;
info = (Gtk.Widget) info_scroll;
} else {
Gtk.Label info_label = new Gtk.Label("");
- info_label.set_markup(is_string_empty(info_text) ? "" : info_text);
+ if (!is_string_empty(info_text)) {
+ info_label.set_tooltip_markup(info_text);
+ }
+ if (href == null) {
+ info_label.set_markup(is_string_empty(info_text) ? "" : info_text);
+ } else {
+ info_label.set_markup("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>".printf(href, info_text));
+ }
- info_label.xalign = 0.0f;
- info_label.yalign = 0.5f;
+ info_label.halign = Gtk.Align.START;
+ info_label.valign = Gtk.Align.FILL;
+ info_label.hexpand = false;
+ info_label.vexpand = false;
+ info_label.set_justify(Gtk.Justification.LEFT);
- label.xalign = 1.0f;
- label.yalign = 0.5f;
+ label.halign = Gtk.Align.END;
+ label.valign = Gtk.Align.FILL;
info = (Gtk.Widget) info_label;
attach(label, 0, (int) line_count, 1, 1);
if (multi_line) {
- attach(info, 1, (int) line_count, 1, 2);
+ attach(info, 1, (int) line_count, 1, 3);
} else {
attach(info, 1, (int) line_count, 1, 1);
@@ -144,13 +155,6 @@ private abstract class Properties : Gtk.Grid {
public virtual void internal_update_properties(Page page) {
- public void unselect_text() {
- foreach (Gtk.Widget child in get_children()) {
- if (child is Gtk.Label)
- ((Gtk.Label) child).select_region(0, 0);
- }
- }
private class BasicProperties : Properties {
@@ -454,237 +458,191 @@ private class BasicProperties : Properties {
-private class ExtendedPropertiesWindow : Gtk.Dialog {
- private ExtendedProperties properties = null;
- private class ExtendedProperties : Properties {
- private const string NO_VALUE = "";
- // Photo stuff
- private string file_path;
- private uint64 filesize;
- private Dimensions? original_dim;
- private string camera_make;
- private string camera_model;
- private string flash;
- private string focal_length;
- private double gps_lat;
- private string gps_lat_ref;
- private double gps_long;
- private string gps_long_ref;
- private double gps_alt;
- private string artist;
- private string copyright;
- private string software;
- private string exposure_bias;
- private string exposure_date;
- private string exposure_time;
- private bool is_raw;
- private string? development_path;
- // Event stuff
- // nothing here which is not already shown in the BasicProperties but
- // comments, which are common, see below
+private class ExtendedProperties : Properties {
+ private const string NO_VALUE = "";
+ // Photo stuff
+ private string file_path;
+ private uint64 filesize;
+ private Dimensions? original_dim;
+ private string camera_make;
+ private string camera_model;
+ private string flash;
+ private string focal_length;
+ private double gps_lat;
+ private string gps_lat_ref;
+ private double gps_long;
+ private string gps_long_ref;
+ private double gps_alt;
+ private string artist;
+ private string copyright;
+ private string software;
+ private string exposure_bias;
+ private string exposure_date;
+ private string exposure_time;
+ private bool is_raw;
+ private string? development_path;
+ private const string OSM_LINK_TEMPLATE = "$f&amp;mlon=%2$f#map=16/%1$f/%2$f";
+ public ExtendedProperties() {
+ base();
+ row_spacing = 6;
+ }
+ // Event stuff
+ // nothing here which is not already shown in the BasicProperties but
+ // comments, which are common, see below
+ // common stuff
+ private string comment;
- // common stuff
- private string comment;
- protected override void clear_properties() {
- base.clear_properties();
- file_path = "";
- development_path = "";
- is_raw = false;
- filesize = 0;
- original_dim = Dimensions(0, 0);
- camera_make = "";
- camera_model = "";
- flash = "";
- focal_length = "";
- gps_lat = -1;
- gps_lat_ref = "";
- gps_long = -1;
- gps_long_ref = "";
- artist = "";
- copyright = "";
- software = "";
- exposure_bias = "";
- exposure_date = "";
- exposure_time = "";
- comment = "";
- }
+ protected override void clear_properties() {
+ base.clear_properties();
+ file_path = "";
+ development_path = "";
+ is_raw = false;
+ filesize = 0;
+ original_dim = Dimensions(0, 0);
+ camera_make = "";
+ camera_model = "";
+ flash = "";
+ focal_length = "";
+ gps_lat = -1;
+ gps_lat_ref = "";
+ gps_long = -1;
+ gps_long_ref = "";
+ artist = "";
+ copyright = "";
+ software = "";
+ exposure_bias = "";
+ exposure_date = "";
+ exposure_time = "";
+ comment = "";
+ }
+ protected override void get_single_properties(DataView view) {
+ base.get_single_properties(view);
+ DataSource source = view.get_source();
+ if (source == null)
+ return;
+ if (source is MediaSource) {
+ MediaSource media = (MediaSource) source;
+ file_path = media.get_master_file().get_path();
+ development_path = media.get_file().get_path();
+ filesize = media.get_master_filesize();
+ // as of right now, all extended properties other than filesize, filepath & comment aren't
+ // applicable to non-photo media types, so if the current media source isn't a photo,
+ // just do a short-circuit return
+ Photo photo = media as Photo;
+ if (photo == null)
+ return;
- protected override void get_single_properties(DataView view) {
- base.get_single_properties(view);
+ PhotoMetadata? metadata;
+ try {
+ // For some raw files, the developments may not contain metadata (please
+ // see the comment about cameras generating 'crazy' exif segments in
+ // Photo.develop_photo() for why), and so we'll want to display what was
+ // in the original raw file instead.
+ metadata = photo.get_master_metadata();
+ } catch (Error e) {
+ metadata = photo.get_metadata();
+ }
- DataSource source = view.get_source();
- if (source == null)
+ if (metadata == null)
- if (source is MediaSource) {
- MediaSource media = (MediaSource) source;
- file_path = media.get_master_file().get_path();
- development_path = media.get_file().get_path();
- filesize = media.get_master_filesize();
- // as of right now, all extended properties other than filesize, filepath & comment aren't
- // applicable to non-photo media types, so if the current media source isn't a photo,
- // just do a short-circuit return
- Photo photo = media as Photo;
- if (photo == null)
- return;
+ // Fix up any timestamp weirdness.
+ //
+ // If the exposure date wasn't properly set (the most likely cause of this
+ // is a raw with a metadataless development), use the one from the photo
+ // row.
+ if (metadata.get_exposure_date_time() == null)
+ metadata.set_exposure_date_time(new MetadataDateTime(photo.get_timestamp()));
- PhotoMetadata? metadata;
- try {
- // For some raw files, the developments may not contain metadata (please
- // see the comment about cameras generating 'crazy' exif segments in
- // Photo.develop_photo() for why), and so we'll want to display what was
- // in the original raw file instead.
- metadata = photo.get_master_metadata();
- } catch (Error e) {
- metadata = photo.get_metadata();
- }
- if (metadata == null)
- return;
- // Fix up any timestamp weirdness.
- //
- // If the exposure date wasn't properly set (the most likely cause of this
- // is a raw with a metadataless development), use the one from the photo
- // row.
- if (metadata.get_exposure_date_time() == null)
- metadata.set_exposure_date_time(new MetadataDateTime(photo.get_timestamp()));
- is_raw = (photo.get_master_file_format() == PhotoFileFormat.RAW);
- original_dim = metadata.get_pixel_dimensions();
- camera_make = metadata.get_camera_make();
- camera_model = metadata.get_camera_model();
- flash = metadata.get_flash_string();
- focal_length = metadata.get_focal_length_string();
- metadata.get_gps(out gps_long, out gps_long_ref, out gps_lat, out gps_lat_ref, out gps_alt);
- artist = metadata.get_artist();
- copyright = metadata.get_copyright();
- software = metadata.get_software();
- exposure_bias = metadata.get_exposure_bias();
- time_t exposure_time_obj = metadata.get_exposure_date_time().get_timestamp();
- exposure_date = get_prettyprint_date(Time.local(exposure_time_obj));
- exposure_time = get_prettyprint_time_with_seconds(Time.local(exposure_time_obj));
- comment = media.get_comment();
- } else if (source is EventSource) {
- Event event = (Event) source;
- comment = event.get_comment();
- }
+ is_raw = (photo.get_master_file_format() == PhotoFileFormat.RAW);
+ original_dim = metadata.get_pixel_dimensions();
+ camera_make = metadata.get_camera_make();
+ camera_model = metadata.get_camera_model();
+ flash = metadata.get_flash_string();
+ focal_length = metadata.get_focal_length_string();
+ metadata.get_gps(out gps_long, out gps_long_ref, out gps_lat, out gps_lat_ref, out gps_alt);
+ artist = metadata.get_artist();
+ copyright = metadata.get_copyright();
+ software = metadata.get_software();
+ exposure_bias = metadata.get_exposure_bias();
+ time_t exposure_time_obj = metadata.get_exposure_date_time().get_timestamp();
+ exposure_date = get_prettyprint_date(Time.local(exposure_time_obj));
+ exposure_time = get_prettyprint_time_with_seconds(Time.local(exposure_time_obj));
+ comment = media.get_comment();
+ } else if (source is EventSource) {
+ Event event = (Event) source;
+ comment = event.get_comment();
- public override void internal_update_properties(Page page) {
- base.internal_update_properties(page);
+ }
- if (page is EventsDirectoryPage) {
- // nothing special to be done for now for Events
- } else {
- add_line(_("Location:"), (file_path != "" && file_path != null) ?
- file_path.replace("&", "&amp;") : NO_VALUE);
+ public override void internal_update_properties(Page page) {
+ base.internal_update_properties(page);
- add_line(_("File size:"), (filesize > 0) ?
- format_size((int64) filesize) : NO_VALUE);
+ if (page is EventsDirectoryPage) {
+ // nothing special to be done for now for Events
+ } else {
+ add_line(_("Location:"), (file_path != "" && file_path != null) ?
+ file_path.replace("&", "&amp;") : NO_VALUE);
- if (is_raw)
- add_line(_("Current Development:"), development_path);
+ add_line(_("File size:"), (filesize > 0) ?
+ format_size((int64) filesize) : NO_VALUE);
- add_line(_("Original dimensions:"), (original_dim != null && original_dim.has_area()) ?
- "%d &#215; %d".printf(original_dim.width, original_dim.height) : NO_VALUE);
+ if (is_raw)
+ add_line(_("Current Development:"), development_path);
- add_line(_("Camera make:"), (camera_make != "" && camera_make != null) ?
- camera_make : NO_VALUE);
+ add_line(_("Original dimensions:"), (original_dim != null && original_dim.has_area()) ?
+ "%d &#215; %d".printf(original_dim.width, original_dim.height) : NO_VALUE);
- add_line(_("Camera model:"), (camera_model != "" && camera_model != null) ?
- camera_model : NO_VALUE);
+ add_line(_("Camera make:"), (camera_make != "" && camera_make != null) ?
+ camera_make : NO_VALUE);
- add_line(_("Flash:"), (flash != "" && flash != null) ? flash : NO_VALUE);
+ add_line(_("Camera model:"), (camera_model != "" && camera_model != null) ?
+ camera_model : NO_VALUE);
- add_line(_("Focal length:"), (focal_length != "" && focal_length != null) ?
- focal_length : NO_VALUE);
- add_line(_("Exposure date:"), (exposure_date != "" && exposure_date != null) ?
- exposure_date : NO_VALUE);
- add_line(_("Exposure time:"), (exposure_time != "" && exposure_time != null) ?
- exposure_time : NO_VALUE);
- add_line(_("Exposure bias:"), (exposure_bias != "" && exposure_bias != null) ? exposure_bias : NO_VALUE);
+ add_line(_("Flash:"), (flash != "" && flash != null) ? flash : NO_VALUE);
+ add_line(_("Focal length:"), (focal_length != "" && focal_length != null) ?
+ focal_length : NO_VALUE);
- add_line(_("GPS latitude:"), (gps_lat != -1 && gps_lat_ref != "" &&
- gps_lat_ref != null) ? "%f °%s".printf(gps_lat, gps_lat_ref) : NO_VALUE);
+ add_line(_("Exposure date:"), (exposure_date != "" && exposure_date != null) ?
+ exposure_date : NO_VALUE);
- add_line(_("GPS longitude:"), (gps_long != -1 && gps_long_ref != "" &&
- gps_long_ref != null) ? "%f °%s".printf(gps_long, gps_long_ref) : NO_VALUE);
+ add_line(_("Exposure time:"), (exposure_time != "" && exposure_time != null) ?
+ exposure_time : NO_VALUE);
- add_line(_("Artist:"), (artist != "" && artist != null) ? artist : NO_VALUE);
+ add_line(_("Exposure bias:"), (exposure_bias != "" && exposure_bias != null) ? exposure_bias : NO_VALUE);
- add_line(_("Copyright:"), (copyright != "" && copyright != null) ? copyright : NO_VALUE);
- add_line(_("Software:"), (software != "" && software != null) ? software : NO_VALUE);
+ string? osm_link = null;
+ if (gps_lat != -1 && gps_lat_ref != "" && gps_long != -1 && gps_long_ref != "") {
+ var old_locale = Intl.setlocale(LocaleCategory.NUMERIC, "C");
+ osm_link = OSM_LINK_TEMPLATE.printf(gps_lat, gps_long);
+ Intl.setlocale(LocaleCategory.NUMERIC, old_locale);
- bool has_comment = (comment != "" && comment != null);
- add_line(_("Comment:"), has_comment ? comment : NO_VALUE, has_comment);
- }
- }
+ add_line(_("GPS latitude:"), (gps_lat != -1 && gps_lat_ref != "" &&
+ gps_lat_ref != null) ? "%f °%s".printf(gps_lat, gps_lat_ref) : NO_VALUE, false, osm_link);
- public ExtendedPropertiesWindow(Gtk.Window owner) {
- Object(use_header_bar: Resources.use_header_bar());
- add_events(Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.KEY_PRESS_MASK);
- focus_on_map = true;
- set_accept_focus(true);
- set_can_focus(true);
- set_title(_("Extended Information"));
- set_position(Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER);
- set_transient_for(owner);
- set_type_hint(Gdk.WindowTypeHint.DIALOG);
- delete_event.connect(hide_on_delete);
- properties = new ExtendedProperties();
- properties.halign = Gtk.Align.FILL;
- properties.valign = Gtk.Align.FILL;
- properties.hexpand = true;
- properties.vexpand = true;
- properties.set_margin_top (3);
- properties.set_margin_bottom (3);
- properties.set_margin_start (3);
- properties.set_margin_end (3);
- ((Gtk.Box) get_content_area()).add(properties);
- }
+ add_line(_("GPS longitude:"), (gps_long != -1 && gps_long_ref != "" &&
+ gps_long_ref != null) ? "%f °%s".printf(gps_long, gps_long_ref) : NO_VALUE, false, osm_link);
- public override bool button_press_event(Gdk.EventButton event) {
- // LMB only
- if (event.button != 1)
- return (base.button_press_event != null) ? base.button_press_event(event) : true;
+ add_line(_("Artist:"), (artist != "" && artist != null) ? artist : NO_VALUE);
- begin_move_drag((int) event.button, (int) event.x_root, (int) event.y_root, event.time);
+ add_line(_("Copyright:"), (copyright != "" && copyright != null) ? copyright : NO_VALUE);
- return true;
- }
- public override bool key_press_event(Gdk.EventKey event) {
- // hide properties
- if (Gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) == "Escape") {
- hide();
- return true;
+ add_line(_("Software:"), (software != "" && software != null) ? software : NO_VALUE);
- // or send through to AppWindow
- return AppWindow.get_instance().key_press_event(event);
- }
- public void update_properties(Page page) {
- properties.update_properties(page);
- }
- public override void show_all() {
- base.show_all();
- properties.unselect_text();
- grab_focus();
+ bool has_comment = (comment != "" && comment != null);
+ add_line(_("Comment:"), has_comment ? comment : NO_VALUE, has_comment);