path: root/plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotPhotoVersionsTable.vala
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotPhotoVersionsTable.vala')
1 files changed, 271 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotPhotoVersionsTable.vala b/plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotPhotoVersionsTable.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8378884
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotPhotoVersionsTable.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+/* Copyright 2011-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+namespace DataImports.FSpot.Db {
+ * The value object for the "photo_versions" table, representing a single database row.
+ */
+public class FSpotPhotoVersionRow : Object {
+ public int64 photo_id;
+ public int64 version_id;
+ public string name;
+ public File? base_path;
+ public string? filename;
+ public string md5_sum;
+ public bool is_protected;
+ * This class represents the F-Spot photo_versions table.
+ */
+public class FSpotPhotoVersionsTable : FSpotDatabaseTable<FSpotPhotoVersionRow> {
+ public static const string TABLE_NAME = "Photo_versions";
+ public FSpotPhotoVersionsTable(Sqlite.Database db, FSpotDatabaseBehavior db_behavior) {
+ base(db);
+ set_behavior(db_behavior.get_photo_versions_behavior());
+ }
+ public Gee.ArrayList<FSpotPhotoVersionRow> get_by_photo_id(int64 photo_id) throws DatabaseError {
+ Gee.ArrayList<FSpotPhotoVersionRow> rows = new Gee.ArrayList<FSpotPhotoVersionRow?>();
+ Sqlite.Statement stmt;
+ string column_list = get_joined_column_list();
+ string sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE photo_id=?".printf(
+ column_list, table_name
+ );
+ int res = fspot_db.prepare_v2(sql, -1, out stmt);
+ if (res != Sqlite.OK)
+ throw_error("Statement failed: %s".printf(sql), res);
+ res = stmt.bind_int64(1, photo_id);
+ if (res != Sqlite.OK)
+ throw_error("Bind failed for photo_id", res);
+ res = stmt.step();
+ while (res == Sqlite.ROW) {
+ FSpotPhotoVersionRow row;
+ behavior.build_row(stmt, out row);
+ rows.add(row);
+ res = stmt.step();
+ }
+ return rows;
+ }
+// Photo_versions table behavior for v0-8
+// Note: there is a change in the URI format in version 8 but the File.new_for_uri
+// constructor should be able to deal with the variation, so the v8 behavior should
+// be handled in a way identical to v0-7
+public class FSpotPhotoVersionsV0Behavior : FSpotTableBehavior<FSpotPhotoVersionRow>, Object {
+ private static FSpotPhotoVersionsV0Behavior instance;
+ private FSpotPhotoVersionsV0Behavior() {
+ }
+ public static FSpotPhotoVersionsV0Behavior get_instance() {
+ if (instance == null)
+ instance = new FSpotPhotoVersionsV0Behavior();
+ return instance;
+ }
+ public string get_table_name() {
+ return FSpotPhotoVersionsTable.TABLE_NAME;
+ }
+ public string[] list_columns() {
+ return { "photo_id", "version_id", "name", "uri" };
+ }
+ public void build_row(Sqlite.Statement stmt, out FSpotPhotoVersionRow row, int offset = 0) {
+ row = new FSpotPhotoVersionRow();
+ row.photo_id = stmt.column_int64(offset + 0);
+ row.version_id = stmt.column_int64(offset + 1);
+ = stmt.column_text(offset + 2);
+ string? full_path = stmt.column_text(offset + 3);
+ if (full_path != null) {
+ File uri = File.new_for_uri(full_path);
+ row.base_path = uri.get_parent();
+ row.filename = uri.get_basename();
+ }
+ row.md5_sum = "";
+ row.is_protected = false;
+ }
+// Photo_versions table behavior for v9-15
+// add protected field
+public class FSpotPhotoVersionsV9Behavior : FSpotTableBehavior<FSpotPhotoVersionRow>, Object {
+ private static FSpotPhotoVersionsV9Behavior instance;
+ private FSpotPhotoVersionsV9Behavior() {
+ }
+ public static FSpotPhotoVersionsV9Behavior get_instance() {
+ if (instance == null)
+ instance = new FSpotPhotoVersionsV9Behavior();
+ return instance;
+ }
+ public string get_table_name() {
+ return FSpotPhotoVersionsTable.TABLE_NAME;
+ }
+ public string[] list_columns() {
+ return { "photo_id", "version_id", "name", "uri",
+ "protected" };
+ }
+ public void build_row(Sqlite.Statement stmt, out FSpotPhotoVersionRow row, int offset = 0) {
+ row = new FSpotPhotoVersionRow();
+ row.photo_id = stmt.column_int64(offset + 0);
+ row.version_id = stmt.column_int64(offset + 1);
+ = stmt.column_text(offset + 2);
+ string? full_path = stmt.column_text(offset + 3);
+ if (full_path != null) {
+ File uri = File.new_for_uri(full_path);
+ row.base_path = uri.get_parent();
+ row.filename = uri.get_basename();
+ }
+ row.md5_sum = "";
+ row.is_protected = (stmt.column_int(offset + 4) > 0);
+ }
+// Photo_versions table behavior for v16
+// add md5_sum in photo_versions
+public class FSpotPhotoVersionsV16Behavior : FSpotTableBehavior<FSpotPhotoVersionRow>, Object {
+ private static FSpotPhotoVersionsV16Behavior instance;
+ private FSpotPhotoVersionsV16Behavior() {
+ }
+ public static FSpotPhotoVersionsV16Behavior get_instance() {
+ if (instance == null)
+ instance = new FSpotPhotoVersionsV16Behavior();
+ return instance;
+ }
+ public string get_table_name() {
+ return FSpotPhotoVersionsTable.TABLE_NAME;
+ }
+ public string[] list_columns() {
+ return { "photo_id", "version_id", "name", "uri",
+ "md5_sum", "protected" };
+ }
+ public void build_row(Sqlite.Statement stmt, out FSpotPhotoVersionRow row, int offset = 0) {
+ row = new FSpotPhotoVersionRow();
+ row.photo_id = stmt.column_int64(offset + 0);
+ row.version_id = stmt.column_int64(offset + 1);
+ = stmt.column_text(offset + 2);
+ string? full_path = stmt.column_text(offset + 3);
+ if (full_path != null) {
+ File uri = File.new_for_uri(full_path);
+ row.base_path = uri.get_parent();
+ row.filename = uri.get_basename();
+ }
+ row.md5_sum = stmt.column_text(offset + 4);
+ row.is_protected = (stmt.column_int(offset + 5) > 0);
+ }
+// Photo_versions table behavior for v17
+// v17 split the URI into base_uri and filename (reverting back to the original
+// design introduced in v0, albeit with a URI rather than a file system path)
+public class FSpotPhotoVersionsV17Behavior : FSpotTableBehavior<FSpotPhotoVersionRow>, Object {
+ private static FSpotPhotoVersionsV17Behavior instance;
+ private FSpotPhotoVersionsV17Behavior() {
+ }
+ public static FSpotPhotoVersionsV17Behavior get_instance() {
+ if (instance == null)
+ instance = new FSpotPhotoVersionsV17Behavior();
+ return instance;
+ }
+ public string get_table_name() {
+ return FSpotPhotoVersionsTable.TABLE_NAME;
+ }
+ public string[] list_columns() {
+ return { "photo_id", "version_id", "name", "base_uri", "filename",
+ "md5_sum", "protected" };
+ }
+ public void build_row(Sqlite.Statement stmt, out FSpotPhotoVersionRow row, int offset = 0) {
+ row = new FSpotPhotoVersionRow();
+ row.photo_id = stmt.column_int64(offset + 0);
+ row.version_id = stmt.column_int64(offset + 1);
+ = stmt.column_text(offset + 2);
+ string? base_path = stmt.column_text(offset + 3);
+ string? filename = stmt.column_text(offset + 4);
+ if (base_path != null && filename != null) {
+ row.base_path = File.new_for_uri(base_path);
+ row.filename = filename;
+ }
+ row.md5_sum = stmt.column_text(offset + 5);
+ row.is_protected = (stmt.column_int(offset + 6) > 0);
+ }
+// Photo_versions table behavior for v18
+// md5_sum renamed import_md5
+public class FSpotPhotoVersionsV18Behavior : FSpotTableBehavior<FSpotPhotoVersionRow>, Object {
+ private static FSpotPhotoVersionsV18Behavior instance;
+ private FSpotPhotoVersionsV18Behavior() {
+ }
+ public static FSpotPhotoVersionsV18Behavior get_instance() {
+ if (instance == null)
+ instance = new FSpotPhotoVersionsV18Behavior();
+ return instance;
+ }
+ public string get_table_name() {
+ return FSpotPhotoVersionsTable.TABLE_NAME;
+ }
+ public string[] list_columns() {
+ return { "photo_id", "version_id", "name", "base_uri", "filename",
+ "import_md5", "protected" };
+ }
+ public void build_row(Sqlite.Statement stmt, out FSpotPhotoVersionRow row, int offset = 0) {
+ row = new FSpotPhotoVersionRow();
+ row.photo_id = stmt.column_int64(offset + 0);
+ row.version_id = stmt.column_int64(offset + 1);
+ = stmt.column_text(offset + 2);
+ string? base_path = stmt.column_text(offset + 3);
+ string? filename = stmt.column_text(offset + 4);
+ if (base_path != null && filename != null) {
+ row.base_path = File.new_for_uri(base_path);
+ row.filename = filename;
+ }
+ row.md5_sum = stmt.column_text(offset + 5);
+ row.is_protected = (stmt.column_int(offset + 6) > 0);
+ }