path: root/src/AppWindow.vala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/AppWindow.vala')
1 files changed, 965 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/AppWindow.vala b/src/AppWindow.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a8e9c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AppWindow.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,965 @@
+/* Copyright 2009-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later).
+ * See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+public class FullscreenWindow : PageWindow {
+ public const int TOOLBAR_INVOCATION_MSEC = 250;
+ public const int TOOLBAR_DISMISSAL_SEC = 2;
+ public const int TOOLBAR_CHECK_DISMISSAL_MSEC = 500;
+ private Gtk.Window toolbar_window = new Gtk.Window(Gtk.WindowType.POPUP);
+ private Gtk.ToolButton close_button = new Gtk.ToolButton.from_stock(Gtk.Stock.LEAVE_FULLSCREEN);
+ private Gtk.ToggleToolButton pin_button = new Gtk.ToggleToolButton.from_stock(Resources.PIN_TOOLBAR);
+ private bool is_toolbar_shown = false;
+ private bool waiting_for_invoke = false;
+ private time_t left_toolbar_time = 0;
+ private bool switched_to = false;
+ private bool is_toolbar_dismissal_enabled;
+ public FullscreenWindow(Page page) {
+ set_current_page(page);
+ File ui_file = Resources.get_ui("fullscreen.ui");
+ try {
+ ui.add_ui_from_file(ui_file.get_path());
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ error("Error loading UI file %s: %s", ui_file.get_path(), err.message);
+ }
+ Gtk.ActionGroup action_group = new Gtk.ActionGroup("FullscreenActionGroup");
+ action_group.add_actions(create_actions(), this);
+ ui.insert_action_group(action_group, 0);
+ ui.ensure_update();
+ Gtk.AccelGroup accel_group = ui.get_accel_group();
+ if (accel_group != null)
+ add_accel_group(accel_group);
+ set_screen(AppWindow.get_instance().get_screen());
+ // Needed so fullscreen will occur on correct monitor in multi-monitor setups
+ Gdk.Rectangle monitor = get_monitor_geometry();
+ move(monitor.x, monitor.y);
+ set_border_width(0);
+ // restore pin state
+ is_toolbar_dismissal_enabled = Config.Facade.get_instance().get_pin_toolbar_state();
+ pin_button.set_label(_("Pin Toolbar"));
+ pin_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Pin the toolbar open"));
+ pin_button.set_active(!is_toolbar_dismissal_enabled);
+ pin_button.clicked.connect(update_toolbar_dismissal);
+ close_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Leave fullscreen"));
+ close_button.clicked.connect(on_close);
+ Gtk.Toolbar toolbar = page.get_toolbar();
+ toolbar.set_show_arrow(false);
+ if (page is SlideshowPage) {
+ // slideshow page doesn't own toolbar to hide it, subscribe to signal instead
+ ((SlideshowPage) page).hide_toolbar.connect(hide_toolbar);
+ } else {
+ // only non-slideshow pages should have pin button
+ toolbar.insert(pin_button, -1);
+ }
+ page.set_cursor_hide_time(TOOLBAR_DISMISSAL_SEC * 1000);
+ page.start_cursor_hiding();
+ toolbar.insert(close_button, -1);
+ // set up toolbar along bottom of screen
+ toolbar_window.set_screen(get_screen());
+ toolbar_window.set_border_width(0);
+ toolbar_window.add(toolbar);
+ toolbar_window.realize.connect(on_toolbar_realized);
+ add(page);
+ // call to set_default_size() saves one repaint caused by changing
+ // size from default to full screen. In slideshow mode, this change
+ // also causes pixbuf cache updates, so it really saves some work.
+ set_default_size(monitor.width, monitor.height);
+ // need to create a Gdk.Window to set masks
+ fullscreen();
+ show_all();
+ // capture motion events to show the toolbar
+ add_events(Gdk.EventMask.POINTER_MOTION_MASK);
+ // start off with toolbar invoked, as a clue for the user
+ invoke_toolbar();
+ }
+ public void disable_toolbar_dismissal() {
+ is_toolbar_dismissal_enabled = false;
+ }
+ public void update_toolbar_dismissal() {
+ is_toolbar_dismissal_enabled = !pin_button.get_active();
+ }
+ private Gdk.Rectangle get_monitor_geometry() {
+ Gdk.Rectangle monitor;
+ get_screen().get_monitor_geometry(
+ get_screen().get_monitor_at_window(AppWindow.get_instance().get_window()), out monitor);
+ return monitor;
+ }
+ public override bool configure_event(Gdk.EventConfigure event) {
+ bool result = base.configure_event(event);
+ if (!switched_to) {
+ get_current_page().switched_to();
+ switched_to = true;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ private Gtk.ActionEntry[] create_actions() {
+ Gtk.ActionEntry[] actions = new Gtk.ActionEntry[0];
+ Gtk.ActionEntry leave_fullscreen = { "LeaveFullscreen", Gtk.Stock.LEAVE_FULLSCREEN,
+ leave_fullscreen.label = _("Leave _Fullscreen");
+ leave_fullscreen.tooltip = _("Leave fullscreen");
+ actions += leave_fullscreen;
+ return actions;
+ }
+ public override bool key_press_event(Gdk.EventKey event) {
+ // check for an escape/abort
+ if (Gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) == "Escape") {
+ on_close();
+ return true;
+ }
+ // propagate to this (fullscreen) window respecting "stop propagation" result...
+ if (base.key_press_event != null && base.key_press_event(event))
+ return true;
+ // ... then propagate to the underlying window hidden behind this fullscreen one
+ return AppWindow.get_instance().key_press_event(event);
+ }
+ private void on_close() {
+ Config.Facade.get_instance().set_pin_toolbar_state(is_toolbar_dismissal_enabled);
+ hide_toolbar();
+ toolbar_window = null;
+ AppWindow.get_instance().end_fullscreen();
+ }
+ public new void close() {
+ on_close();
+ }
+ public override void destroy() {
+ Page? page = get_current_page();
+ clear_current_page();
+ if (page != null) {
+ page.stop_cursor_hiding();
+ page.switching_from();
+ }
+ base.destroy();
+ }
+ public override bool delete_event(Gdk.EventAny event) {
+ on_close();
+ AppWindow.get_instance().destroy();
+ return true;
+ }
+ public override bool motion_notify_event(Gdk.EventMotion event) {
+ if (!is_toolbar_shown) {
+ // if pointer is in toolbar height range without the mouse down (i.e. in the middle of
+ // an edit operation) and it stays there the necessary amount of time, invoke the
+ // toolbar
+ if (!waiting_for_invoke && is_pointer_in_toolbar()) {
+ Timeout.add(TOOLBAR_INVOCATION_MSEC, on_check_toolbar_invocation);
+ waiting_for_invoke = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return (base.motion_notify_event != null) ? base.motion_notify_event(event) : false;
+ }
+ private bool is_pointer_in_toolbar() {
+ Gdk.DeviceManager? devmgr = get_display().get_device_manager();
+ if (devmgr == null) {
+ debug("No device manager for display");
+ return false;
+ }
+ int py;
+ devmgr.get_client_pointer().get_position(null, null, out py);
+ int wy;
+ toolbar_window.get_window().get_geometry(null, out wy, null, null);
+ return (py >= wy);
+ }
+ private bool on_check_toolbar_invocation() {
+ waiting_for_invoke = false;
+ if (is_toolbar_shown)
+ return false;
+ if (!is_pointer_in_toolbar())
+ return false;
+ invoke_toolbar();
+ return false;
+ }
+ private void on_toolbar_realized() {
+ Gtk.Requisition req;
+ toolbar_window.get_preferred_size(null, out req);
+ // place the toolbar in the center of the monitor along the bottom edge
+ Gdk.Rectangle monitor = get_monitor_geometry();
+ int tx = monitor.x + (monitor.width - req.width) / 2;
+ if (tx < 0)
+ tx = 0;
+ int ty = monitor.y + monitor.height - req.height;
+ if (ty < 0)
+ ty = 0;
+ toolbar_window.move(tx, ty);
+ toolbar_window.set_opacity(Resources.TRANSIENT_WINDOW_OPACITY);
+ }
+ private void invoke_toolbar() {
+ toolbar_window.show_all();
+ is_toolbar_shown = true;
+ Timeout.add(TOOLBAR_CHECK_DISMISSAL_MSEC, on_check_toolbar_dismissal);
+ }
+ private bool on_check_toolbar_dismissal() {
+ if (!is_toolbar_shown)
+ return false;
+ if (toolbar_window == null)
+ return false;
+ // if dismissal is disabled, keep open but keep checking
+ if ((!is_toolbar_dismissal_enabled))
+ return true;
+ // if the pointer is in toolbar range, keep it alive, but keep checking
+ if (is_pointer_in_toolbar()) {
+ left_toolbar_time = 0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // if this is the first time noticed, start the timer and keep checking
+ if (left_toolbar_time == 0) {
+ left_toolbar_time = time_t();
+ return true;
+ }
+ // see if enough time has elapsed
+ time_t now = time_t();
+ assert(now >= left_toolbar_time);
+ if (now - left_toolbar_time < TOOLBAR_DISMISSAL_SEC)
+ return true;
+ hide_toolbar();
+ return false;
+ }
+ private void hide_toolbar() {
+ toolbar_window.hide();
+ is_toolbar_shown = false;
+ }
+// PageWindow is a Gtk.Window with essential functions for hosting a Page. There may be more than
+// one PageWindow in the system, and closing one does not imply exiting the application.
+// PageWindow offers support for hosting a single Page; multiple Pages must be handled by the
+// subclass. A subclass should set current_page to the user-visible Page for it to receive
+// various notifications. It is the responsibility of the subclass to notify Pages when they're
+// switched to and from, and other aspects of the Page interface.
+public abstract class PageWindow : Gtk.Window {
+ protected Gtk.UIManager ui = new Gtk.UIManager();
+ private Page current_page = null;
+ private int busy_counter = 0;
+ protected virtual void switched_pages(Page? old_page, Page? new_page) {
+ }
+ public PageWindow() {
+ // the current page needs to know when modifier keys are pressed
+ add_events(Gdk.EventMask.KEY_PRESS_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.KEY_RELEASE_MASK
+ | Gdk.EventMask.STRUCTURE_MASK);
+ set_has_resize_grip(false);
+ }
+ public Gtk.UIManager get_ui_manager() {
+ return ui;
+ }
+ public Page? get_current_page() {
+ return current_page;
+ }
+ public virtual void set_current_page(Page page) {
+ if (current_page != null)
+ current_page.clear_container();
+ Page? old_page = current_page;
+ current_page = page;
+ current_page.set_container(this);
+ switched_pages(old_page, page);
+ }
+ public virtual void clear_current_page() {
+ if (current_page != null)
+ current_page.clear_container();
+ Page? old_page = current_page;
+ current_page = null;
+ switched_pages(old_page, null);
+ }
+ public override bool key_press_event(Gdk.EventKey event) {
+ if (get_focus() is Gtk.Entry && get_focus().key_press_event(event))
+ return true;
+ if (current_page != null && current_page.notify_app_key_pressed(event))
+ return true;
+ return (base.key_press_event != null) ? base.key_press_event(event) : false;
+ }
+ public override bool key_release_event(Gdk.EventKey event) {
+ if (get_focus() is Gtk.Entry && get_focus().key_release_event(event))
+ return true;
+ if (current_page != null && current_page.notify_app_key_released(event))
+ return true;
+ return (base.key_release_event != null) ? base.key_release_event(event) : false;
+ }
+ public override bool focus_in_event(Gdk.EventFocus event) {
+ if (current_page != null && current_page.notify_app_focus_in(event))
+ return true;
+ return (base.focus_in_event != null) ? base.focus_in_event(event) : false;
+ }
+ public override bool focus_out_event(Gdk.EventFocus event) {
+ if (current_page != null && current_page.notify_app_focus_out(event))
+ return true;
+ return (base.focus_out_event != null) ? base.focus_out_event(event) : false;
+ }
+ public override bool configure_event(Gdk.EventConfigure event) {
+ if (current_page != null) {
+ if (current_page.notify_configure_event(event))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return (base.configure_event != null) ? base.configure_event(event) : false;
+ }
+ public void set_busy_cursor() {
+ if (busy_counter++ > 0)
+ return;
+ get_window().set_cursor(new Gdk.Cursor(Gdk.CursorType.WATCH));
+ spin_event_loop();
+ }
+ public void set_normal_cursor() {
+ if (busy_counter <= 0) {
+ busy_counter = 0;
+ return;
+ } else if (--busy_counter > 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ get_window().set_cursor(new Gdk.Cursor(Gdk.CursorType.LEFT_PTR));
+ spin_event_loop();
+ }
+// AppWindow is the parent window for most windows in Shotwell (FullscreenWindow is the exception).
+// There are multiple types of AppWindows (LibraryWindow, DirectWindow) for different tasks, but only
+// one AppWindow may exist per process. Thus, if the user closes an AppWindow, the program exits.
+// AppWindow also offers support for going into fullscreen mode. It handles the interface
+// notifications Page is expecting when switching back and forth.
+public abstract class AppWindow : PageWindow {
+ public const int DND_ICON_SCALE = 128;
+ protected static AppWindow instance = null;
+ private static FullscreenWindow fullscreen_window = null;
+ private static CommandManager command_manager = null;
+ // the AppWindow maintains its own UI manager because the first UIManager an action group is
+ // added to is the one that claims its accelerators
+ protected Gtk.ActionGroup[] common_action_groups;
+ protected bool maximized = false;
+ protected Dimensions dimensions;
+ protected int pos_x = 0;
+ protected int pos_y = 0;
+ private Gtk.ActionGroup common_action_group = new Gtk.ActionGroup("AppWindowGlobalActionGroup");
+ public AppWindow() {
+ // although there are multiple AppWindow types, only one may exist per-process
+ assert(instance == null);
+ instance = this;
+ title = Resources.APP_TITLE;
+ GLib.List<Gdk.Pixbuf> pixbuf_list = new GLib.List<Gdk.Pixbuf>();
+ foreach (string resource in Resources.APP_ICONS)
+ pixbuf_list.append(Resources.get_icon(resource, 0));
+ // Use copy() because set_default_icon_list() actually accepts an owned reference
+ // If we didn't hold the pixbufs in memory, would need to use copy_deep()
+ // See
+ set_default_icon_list(pixbuf_list.copy());
+ // restore previous size and maximization state
+ if (this is LibraryWindow) {
+ Config.Facade.get_instance().get_library_window_state(out maximized, out dimensions);
+ } else {
+ assert(this is DirectWindow);
+ Config.Facade.get_instance().get_direct_window_state(out maximized, out dimensions);
+ }
+ set_default_size(dimensions.width, dimensions.height);
+ if (maximized)
+ maximize();
+ assert(command_manager == null);
+ command_manager = new CommandManager();
+ command_manager.altered.connect(on_command_manager_altered);
+ // Because the first UIManager to associated with an ActionGroup claims the accelerators,
+ // need to create the AppWindow's ActionGroup early on and add it to an application-wide
+ // UIManager. In order to activate those accelerators, we need to create a dummy UI string
+ // that lists all the common actions. We build it on-the-fly from the actions associated
+ // with each ActionGroup while we're adding the groups to the UIManager.
+ common_action_groups = create_common_action_groups();
+ foreach (Gtk.ActionGroup group in common_action_groups)
+ ui.insert_action_group(group, 0);
+ try {
+ ui.add_ui_from_string(build_dummy_ui_string(common_action_groups), -1);
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ error("Unable to add AppWindow UI: %s", err.message);
+ }
+ ui.ensure_update();
+ add_accel_group(ui.get_accel_group());
+ }
+ private Gtk.ActionEntry[] create_common_actions() {
+ Gtk.ActionEntry[] actions = new Gtk.ActionEntry[0];
+ Gtk.ActionEntry quit = { "CommonQuit", Gtk.Stock.QUIT, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>Q",
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_quit };
+ quit.label = _("_Quit");
+ actions += quit;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry about = { "CommonAbout", Gtk.Stock.ABOUT, TRANSLATABLE, null,
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_about };
+ about.label = _("_About");
+ actions += about;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry fullscreen = { "CommonFullscreen", Gtk.Stock.FULLSCREEN,
+ TRANSLATABLE, "F11", TRANSLATABLE, on_fullscreen };
+ fullscreen.label = _("Fulls_creen");
+ actions += fullscreen;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry help_contents = { "CommonHelpContents", Gtk.Stock.HELP,
+ TRANSLATABLE, "F1", TRANSLATABLE, on_help_contents };
+ help_contents.label = _("_Contents");
+ actions += help_contents;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry help_faq = { "CommonHelpFAQ", null, TRANSLATABLE, null,
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_help_faq };
+ help_faq.label = _("_Frequently Asked Questions");
+ actions += help_faq;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry help_report_problem = { "CommonHelpReportProblem", null, TRANSLATABLE, null,
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_help_report_problem };
+ help_report_problem.label = _("_Report a Problem...");
+ actions += help_report_problem;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry undo = { "CommonUndo", Gtk.Stock.UNDO, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>Z",
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_undo };
+ undo.label = Resources.UNDO_MENU;
+ actions += undo;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry redo = { "CommonRedo", Gtk.Stock.REDO, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl><Shift>Z",
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_redo };
+ redo.label = Resources.REDO_MENU;
+ actions += redo;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry jump_to_file = { "CommonJumpToFile", Gtk.Stock.JUMP_TO, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "<Ctrl><Shift>M", TRANSLATABLE, on_jump_to_file };
+ jump_to_file.label = Resources.JUMP_TO_FILE_MENU;
+ actions += jump_to_file;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry select_all = { "CommonSelectAll", Gtk.Stock.SELECT_ALL, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "<Ctrl>A", TRANSLATABLE, on_select_all };
+ select_all.label = Resources.SELECT_ALL_MENU;
+ actions += select_all;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry select_none = { "CommonSelectNone", null, null,
+ "<Ctrl><Shift>A", TRANSLATABLE, on_select_none };
+ actions += select_none;
+ return actions;
+ }
+ protected abstract void on_fullscreen();
+ public static bool has_instance() {
+ return instance != null;
+ }
+ public static AppWindow get_instance() {
+ return instance;
+ }
+ public static FullscreenWindow get_fullscreen() {
+ return fullscreen_window;
+ }
+ public static Gtk.Builder create_builder(string glade_filename = "", void *user = null) {
+ Gtk.Builder builder = new Gtk.Builder();
+ try {
+ builder.add_from_file(AppDirs.get_resources_dir().get_child("ui").get_child(
+ glade_filename).get_path());
+ } catch(GLib.Error error) {
+ warning("Unable to create Gtk.Builder: %s\n", error.message);
+ }
+ builder.connect_signals(user);
+ return builder;
+ }
+ public static void error_message(string message, Gtk.Window? parent = null) {
+ error_message_with_title(Resources.APP_TITLE, message, parent);
+ }
+ public static void error_message_with_title(string title, string message, Gtk.Window? parent = null, bool should_escape = true) {
+ // Per the Gnome HIG (,
+ // alert-style dialogs mustn't have titles; we use the title as the primary text, and the
+ // existing message as the secondary text.
+ Gtk.MessageDialog dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog.with_markup((parent != null) ? parent : get_instance(),
+ Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, "%s", build_alert_body_text(title, message, should_escape));
+ // Occasionally, with_markup doesn't actually do anything, but set_markup always works.
+ dialog.set_markup(build_alert_body_text(title, message, should_escape));
+ dialog.use_markup = true;
+ dialog.destroy();
+ }
+ public static bool negate_affirm_question(string message, string negative, string affirmative,
+ string? title = null, Gtk.Window? parent = null) {
+ Gtk.MessageDialog dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog((parent != null) ? parent : get_instance(),
+ Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION, Gtk.ButtonsType.NONE, "%s", build_alert_body_text(title, message));
+ dialog.set_markup(build_alert_body_text(title, message));
+ dialog.add_buttons(negative, Gtk.ResponseType.NO, affirmative, Gtk.ResponseType.YES);
+ dialog.set_urgency_hint(true);
+ bool response = ( == Gtk.ResponseType.YES);
+ dialog.destroy();
+ return response;
+ }
+ public static Gtk.ResponseType negate_affirm_cancel_question(string message, string negative,
+ string affirmative, string? title = null, Gtk.Window? parent = null) {
+ Gtk.MessageDialog dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog.with_markup((parent != null) ? parent : get_instance(),
+ Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION, Gtk.ButtonsType.NONE, "%s", build_alert_body_text(title, message));
+ dialog.add_buttons(negative, Gtk.ResponseType.NO, affirmative, Gtk.ResponseType.YES,
+ _("_Cancel"), Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL);
+ // Occasionally, with_markup doesn't actually enable markup, but set_markup always works.
+ dialog.set_markup(build_alert_body_text(title, message));
+ dialog.use_markup = true;
+ int response =;
+ dialog.destroy();
+ return (Gtk.ResponseType) response;
+ }
+ public static Gtk.ResponseType affirm_cancel_question(string message, string affirmative,
+ string? title = null, Gtk.Window? parent = null) {
+ Gtk.MessageDialog dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog.with_markup((parent != null) ? parent : get_instance(),
+ Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION, Gtk.ButtonsType.NONE, "%s", message);
+ // Occasionally, with_markup doesn't actually enable markup...? Force the issue.
+ dialog.set_markup(message);
+ dialog.use_markup = true;
+ dialog.title = (title != null) ? title : Resources.APP_TITLE;
+ dialog.add_buttons(affirmative, Gtk.ResponseType.YES, _("_Cancel"),
+ Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL);
+ int response =;
+ dialog.destroy();
+ return (Gtk.ResponseType) response;
+ }
+ public static Gtk.ResponseType negate_affirm_all_cancel_question(string message,
+ string negative, string affirmative, string affirmative_all, string? title = null,
+ Gtk.Window? parent = null) {
+ Gtk.MessageDialog dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog((parent != null) ? parent : get_instance(),
+ Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION, Gtk.ButtonsType.NONE, "%s", message);
+ dialog.title = (title != null) ? title : Resources.APP_TITLE;
+ dialog.add_buttons(negative, Gtk.ResponseType.NO, affirmative, Gtk.ResponseType.YES,
+ affirmative_all, Gtk.ResponseType.APPLY, _("_Cancel"), Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL);
+ int response =;
+ dialog.destroy();
+ return (Gtk.ResponseType) response;
+ }
+ public static void database_error(DatabaseError err) {
+ panic(_("A fatal error occurred when accessing Shotwell's library. Shotwell cannot continue.\n\n%s").printf(
+ err.message));
+ }
+ public static void panic(string msg) {
+ critical(msg);
+ error_message(msg);
+ Application.get_instance().panic();
+ }
+ public abstract string get_app_role();
+ protected void on_about() {
+ Gtk.show_about_dialog(this,
+ "version", Resources.APP_VERSION,
+ "comments", get_app_role(),
+ "copyright", Resources.COPYRIGHT,
+ "website", Resources.HOME_URL,
+ "license", Resources.LICENSE,
+ "website-label", _("Visit the Yorba web site"),
+ "authors", Resources.AUTHORS,
+ "logo", Resources.get_icon(Resources.ICON_ABOUT_LOGO, -1),
+ "translator-credits", _("translator-credits"),
+ null
+ );
+ }
+ private void on_help_contents() {
+ try {
+ Resources.launch_help(get_screen());
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ error_message(_("Unable to display help: %s").printf(err.message));
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_help_report_problem() {
+ try {
+ show_uri(Resources.BUG_DB_URL);
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ error_message(_("Unable to navigate to bug database: %s").printf(err.message));
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_help_faq() {
+ try {
+ show_uri(Resources.FAQ_URL);
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ error_message(_("Unable to display FAQ: %s").printf(err.message));
+ }
+ }
+ protected virtual void on_quit() {
+ Application.get_instance().exit();
+ }
+ protected void on_jump_to_file() {
+ if (get_current_page().get_view().get_selected_count() != 1)
+ return;
+ MediaSource? media = get_current_page().get_view().get_selected_at(0).get_source()
+ as MediaSource;
+ if (media == null)
+ return;
+ try {
+ AppWindow.get_instance().show_file_uri(media.get_master_file());
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ AppWindow.error_message(Resources.jump_to_file_failed(err));
+ }
+ }
+ protected override void destroy() {
+ on_quit();
+ }
+ public void show_file_uri(File file) throws Error {
+ string tmp;
+ // if file manager is nautilus then pass the full path to file; otherwise pass
+ // the enclosing directory
+ if(get_nautilus_install_location() != null) {
+ tmp = file.get_uri().replace("'","\\\'");
+ show_file_in_nautilus(tmp);
+ } else {
+ tmp = file.get_parent().get_uri().replace("'","\\\'");
+ show_uri(tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ public void show_uri(string url) throws Error {
+ sys_show_uri(get_window().get_screen(), url);
+ }
+ protected virtual Gtk.ActionGroup[] create_common_action_groups() {
+ Gtk.ActionGroup[] groups = new Gtk.ActionGroup[0];
+ common_action_group.add_actions(create_common_actions(), this);
+ groups += common_action_group;
+ return groups;
+ }
+ public Gtk.ActionGroup[] get_common_action_groups() {
+ return common_action_groups;
+ }
+ public virtual void replace_common_placeholders(Gtk.UIManager ui) {
+ }
+ public void go_fullscreen(Page page) {
+ // if already fullscreen, use that
+ if (fullscreen_window != null) {
+ fullscreen_window.present();
+ return;
+ }
+ get_position(out pos_x, out pos_y);
+ hide();
+ FullscreenWindow fsw = new FullscreenWindow(page);
+ if (get_current_page() != null)
+ get_current_page().switching_to_fullscreen(fsw);
+ fullscreen_window = fsw;
+ fullscreen_window.present();
+ }
+ public void end_fullscreen() {
+ if (fullscreen_window == null)
+ return;
+ move(pos_x, pos_y);
+ show_all();
+ if (get_current_page() != null)
+ get_current_page().returning_from_fullscreen(fullscreen_window);
+ fullscreen_window.hide();
+ fullscreen_window.destroy();
+ fullscreen_window = null;
+ present();
+ }
+ public Gtk.Action? get_common_action(string name) {
+ foreach (Gtk.ActionGroup group in common_action_groups) {
+ Gtk.Action? action = group.get_action(name);
+ if (action != null)
+ return action;
+ }
+ warning("No common action found: %s", name);
+ return null;
+ }
+ public void set_common_action_sensitive(string name, bool sensitive) {
+ Gtk.Action? action = get_common_action(name);
+ if (action != null)
+ action.sensitive = sensitive;
+ }
+ public void set_common_action_important(string name, bool important) {
+ Gtk.Action? action = get_common_action(name);
+ if (action != null)
+ action.is_important = important;
+ }
+ public void set_common_action_visible(string name, bool visible) {
+ Gtk.Action? action = get_common_action(name);
+ if (action != null)
+ action.visible = visible;
+ }
+ protected override void switched_pages(Page? old_page, Page? new_page) {
+ update_common_action_availability(old_page, new_page);
+ if (old_page != null) {
+ old_page.get_view().contents_altered.disconnect(on_update_common_actions);
+ old_page.get_view().selection_group_altered.disconnect(on_update_common_actions);
+ old_page.get_view().items_state_changed.disconnect(on_update_common_actions);
+ }
+ if (new_page != null) {
+ new_page.get_view().contents_altered.connect(on_update_common_actions);
+ new_page.get_view().selection_group_altered.connect(on_update_common_actions);
+ new_page.get_view().items_state_changed.connect(on_update_common_actions);
+ update_common_actions(new_page, new_page.get_view().get_selected_count(),
+ new_page.get_view().get_count());
+ }
+ base.switched_pages(old_page, new_page);
+ }
+ // This is called when a Page is switched out and certain common actions are simply
+ // unavailable for the new one. This is different than update_common_actions() in that that
+ // call is made when state within the Page has changed.
+ protected virtual void update_common_action_availability(Page? old_page, Page? new_page) {
+ bool is_checkerboard = new_page is CheckerboardPage;
+ set_common_action_sensitive("CommonSelectAll", is_checkerboard);
+ set_common_action_sensitive("CommonSelectNone", is_checkerboard);
+ }
+ // This is a counterpart to Page.update_actions(), but for common Gtk.Actions
+ // NOTE: Although CommonFullscreen is declared here, it's implementation is up to the subclasses,
+ // therefore they need to update its action.
+ protected virtual void update_common_actions(Page page, int selected_count, int count) {
+ if (page is CheckerboardPage)
+ set_common_action_sensitive("CommonSelectAll", count > 0);
+ set_common_action_sensitive("CommonJumpToFile", selected_count == 1);
+ decorate_undo_action();
+ decorate_redo_action();
+ }
+ private void on_update_common_actions() {
+ Page? page = get_current_page();
+ if (page != null)
+ update_common_actions(page, page.get_view().get_selected_count(), page.get_view().get_count());
+ }
+ public static CommandManager get_command_manager() {
+ return command_manager;
+ }
+ private void on_command_manager_altered() {
+ decorate_undo_action();
+ decorate_redo_action();
+ }
+ private void decorate_command_manager_action(string name, string prefix,
+ string default_explanation, CommandDescription? desc) {
+ Gtk.Action? action = get_common_action(name);
+ if (action == null)
+ return;
+ if (desc != null) {
+ action.label = "%s %s".printf(prefix, desc.get_name());
+ action.tooltip = desc.get_explanation();
+ action.sensitive = true;
+ } else {
+ action.label = prefix;
+ action.tooltip = default_explanation;
+ action.sensitive = false;
+ }
+ }
+ public void decorate_undo_action() {
+ decorate_command_manager_action("CommonUndo", Resources.UNDO_MENU, "",
+ get_command_manager().get_undo_description());
+ }
+ public void decorate_redo_action() {
+ decorate_command_manager_action("CommonRedo", Resources.REDO_MENU, "",
+ get_command_manager().get_redo_description());
+ }
+ private void on_undo() {
+ command_manager.undo();
+ }
+ private void on_redo() {
+ command_manager.redo();
+ }
+ private void on_select_all() {
+ Page? page = get_current_page() as CheckerboardPage;
+ if (page != null)
+ page.get_view().select_all();
+ }
+ private void on_select_none() {
+ Page? page = get_current_page() as CheckerboardPage;
+ if (page != null)
+ page.get_view().unselect_all();
+ }
+ public override bool configure_event(Gdk.EventConfigure event) {
+ maximized = (get_window().get_state() == Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED);
+ if (!maximized)
+ get_size(out dimensions.width, out dimensions.height);
+ return base.configure_event(event);
+ }