path: root/src/Commands.vala
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Commands.vala')
1 files changed, 2505 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Commands.vala b/src/Commands.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04b771c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Commands.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,2505 @@
+/* Copyright 2009-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later).
+ * See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+// PageCommand stores the current page when a Command is created. Subclasses can call return_to_page()
+// if it's appropriate to return to that page when executing an undo() or redo().
+public abstract class PageCommand : Command {
+ private Page? page;
+ private bool auto_return = true;
+ private Photo library_photo = null;
+ private CollectionPage collection_page = null;
+ public PageCommand(string name, string explanation) {
+ base (name, explanation);
+ page = AppWindow.get_instance().get_current_page();
+ if (page != null) {
+ page.destroy.connect(on_page_destroyed);
+ // If the command occurred on a LibaryPhotoPage, the PageCommand must record additional
+ // objects to be restore it to its old state: a specific photo to focus on, a page to return
+ // to, and a view collection to operate over. Note that these objects can be cleared if
+ // the page goes into the background. The required objects are stored below.
+ LibraryPhotoPage photo_page = page as LibraryPhotoPage;
+ if (photo_page != null) {
+ library_photo = photo_page.get_photo();
+ collection_page = photo_page.get_controller_page();
+ if (library_photo != null && collection_page != null) {
+ library_photo.destroyed.connect(on_photo_destroyed);
+ collection_page.destroy.connect(on_controller_destroyed);
+ } else {
+ library_photo = null;
+ collection_page = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ~PageCommand() {
+ if (page != null)
+ page.destroy.disconnect(on_page_destroyed);
+ if (library_photo != null)
+ library_photo.destroyed.disconnect(on_photo_destroyed);
+ if (collection_page != null)
+ collection_page.destroy.disconnect(on_controller_destroyed);
+ }
+ public void set_auto_return_to_page(bool auto_return) {
+ this.auto_return = auto_return;
+ }
+ public override void prepare() {
+ if (auto_return)
+ return_to_page();
+ base.prepare();
+ }
+ public void return_to_page() {
+ LibraryPhotoPage photo_page = page as LibraryPhotoPage;
+ if (photo_page != null) {
+ if (library_photo != null && collection_page != null) {
+ bool photo_in_collection = false;
+ int count = collection_page.get_view().get_count();
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ if ( ((Thumbnail) collection_page.get_view().get_at(i)).get_media_source() == library_photo) {
+ photo_in_collection = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (photo_in_collection)
+ LibraryWindow.get_app().switch_to_photo_page(collection_page, library_photo);
+ }
+ } else if (page != null)
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_current_page(page);
+ }
+ private void on_page_destroyed() {
+ page.destroy.disconnect(on_page_destroyed);
+ page = null;
+ }
+ private void on_photo_destroyed() {
+ library_photo.destroyed.disconnect(on_photo_destroyed);
+ library_photo = null;
+ }
+ private void on_controller_destroyed() {
+ collection_page.destroy.disconnect(on_controller_destroyed);
+ collection_page = null;
+ }
+public abstract class SingleDataSourceCommand : PageCommand {
+ protected DataSource source;
+ public SingleDataSourceCommand(DataSource source, string name, string explanation) {
+ base(name, explanation);
+ this.source = source;
+ source.destroyed.connect(on_source_destroyed);
+ }
+ ~SingleDataSourceCommand() {
+ source.destroyed.disconnect(on_source_destroyed);
+ }
+ public DataSource get_source() {
+ return source;
+ }
+ private void on_source_destroyed() {
+ // too much risk in simply removing this from the CommandManager; if this is considered too
+ // broad a brushstroke, can return to this later
+ get_command_manager().reset();
+ }
+public abstract class SimpleProxyableCommand : PageCommand {
+ private SourceProxy proxy;
+ private Gee.HashSet<SourceProxy> proxies = new Gee.HashSet<SourceProxy>();
+ public SimpleProxyableCommand(Proxyable proxyable, string name, string explanation) {
+ base (name, explanation);
+ proxy = proxyable.get_proxy();
+ proxy.broken.connect(on_proxy_broken);
+ }
+ ~SimpleProxyableCommand() {
+ proxy.broken.disconnect(on_proxy_broken);
+ clear_added_proxies();
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ execute_on_source(proxy.get_source());
+ }
+ protected abstract void execute_on_source(DataSource source);
+ public override void undo() {
+ undo_on_source(proxy.get_source());
+ }
+ protected abstract void undo_on_source(DataSource source);
+ // If the Command deals with other Proxyables during processing, it can add them here and the
+ // SimpleProxyableCommand will deal with created a SourceProxy and if it signals it's broken.
+ // Note that these cannot be removed programatically, but only cleared en masse; it's expected
+ // this is fine for the nature of a Command.
+ protected void add_proxyables(Gee.Collection<Proxyable> proxyables) {
+ foreach (Proxyable proxyable in proxyables) {
+ SourceProxy added_proxy = proxyable.get_proxy();
+ added_proxy.broken.connect(on_proxy_broken);
+ proxies.add(added_proxy);
+ }
+ }
+ // See add_proxyables() for a note on use.
+ protected void clear_added_proxies() {
+ foreach (SourceProxy added_proxy in proxies)
+ added_proxy.broken.disconnect(on_proxy_broken);
+ proxies.clear();
+ }
+ private void on_proxy_broken() {
+ debug("on_proxy_broken");
+ get_command_manager().reset();
+ }
+public abstract class SinglePhotoTransformationCommand : SingleDataSourceCommand {
+ private PhotoTransformationState state;
+ public SinglePhotoTransformationCommand(Photo photo, string name, string explanation) {
+ base(photo, name, explanation);
+ state = photo.save_transformation_state();
+ state.broken.connect(on_state_broken);
+ }
+ ~SinglePhotoTransformationCommand() {
+ state.broken.disconnect(on_state_broken);
+ }
+ public override void undo() {
+ ((Photo) source).load_transformation_state(state);
+ }
+ private void on_state_broken() {
+ get_command_manager().reset();
+ }
+public abstract class GenericPhotoTransformationCommand : SingleDataSourceCommand {
+ private PhotoTransformationState original_state = null;
+ private PhotoTransformationState transformed_state = null;
+ public GenericPhotoTransformationCommand(Photo photo, string name, string explanation) {
+ base(photo, name, explanation);
+ }
+ ~GenericPhotoTransformationCommand() {
+ if (original_state != null)
+ original_state.broken.disconnect(on_state_broken);
+ if (transformed_state != null)
+ transformed_state.broken.disconnect(on_state_broken);
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ Photo photo = (Photo) source;
+ original_state = photo.save_transformation_state();
+ original_state.broken.connect(on_state_broken);
+ execute_on_photo(photo);
+ transformed_state = photo.save_transformation_state();
+ transformed_state.broken.connect(on_state_broken);
+ }
+ public abstract void execute_on_photo(Photo photo);
+ public override void undo() {
+ // use the original state of the photo
+ ((Photo) source).load_transformation_state(original_state);
+ }
+ public override void redo() {
+ // use the state of the photo after transformation
+ ((Photo) source).load_transformation_state(transformed_state);
+ }
+ protected virtual bool can_compress(Command command) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ public override bool compress(Command command) {
+ if (!can_compress(command))
+ return false;
+ GenericPhotoTransformationCommand generic = command as GenericPhotoTransformationCommand;
+ if (generic == null)
+ return false;
+ if (generic.source != source)
+ return false;
+ // execute this new (and successive) command
+ generic.execute();
+ // save it's new transformation state as ours
+ transformed_state = generic.transformed_state;
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void on_state_broken() {
+ get_command_manager().reset();
+ }
+public abstract class MultipleDataSourceCommand : PageCommand {
+ protected const int MIN_OPS_FOR_PROGRESS_WINDOW = 5;
+ protected Gee.ArrayList<DataSource> source_list = new Gee.ArrayList<DataSource>();
+ private string progress_text;
+ private string undo_progress_text;
+ private Gee.ArrayList<DataSource> acted_upon = new Gee.ArrayList<DataSource>();
+ private Gee.HashSet<SourceCollection> hooked_collections = new Gee.HashSet<SourceCollection>();
+ public MultipleDataSourceCommand(Gee.Iterable<DataView> iter, string progress_text,
+ string undo_progress_text, string name, string explanation) {
+ base(name, explanation);
+ this.progress_text = progress_text;
+ this.undo_progress_text = undo_progress_text;
+ foreach (DataView view in iter) {
+ DataSource source = view.get_source();
+ SourceCollection? collection = (SourceCollection) source.get_membership();
+ if (collection != null) {
+ hooked_collections.add(collection);
+ }
+ source_list.add(source);
+ }
+ foreach (SourceCollection current_collection in hooked_collections) {
+ current_collection.item_destroyed.connect(on_source_destroyed);
+ }
+ }
+ ~MultipleDataSourceCommand() {
+ foreach (SourceCollection current_collection in hooked_collections) {
+ current_collection.item_destroyed.disconnect(on_source_destroyed);
+ }
+ }
+ public Gee.Iterable<DataSource> get_sources() {
+ return source_list;
+ }
+ public int get_source_count() {
+ return source_list.size;
+ }
+ private void on_source_destroyed(DataSource source) {
+ // as with SingleDataSourceCommand, too risky to selectively remove commands from the stack,
+ // although this could be reconsidered in the future
+ if (source_list.contains(source))
+ get_command_manager().reset();
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ acted_upon.clear();
+ start_transaction();
+ execute_all(true, true, source_list, acted_upon);
+ commit_transaction();
+ }
+ public abstract void execute_on_source(DataSource source);
+ public override void undo() {
+ if (acted_upon.size > 0) {
+ start_transaction();
+ execute_all(false, false, acted_upon, null);
+ commit_transaction();
+ acted_upon.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ public abstract void undo_on_source(DataSource source);
+ private void start_transaction() {
+ foreach (SourceCollection sources in hooked_collections) {
+ MediaSourceCollection? media_collection = sources as MediaSourceCollection;
+ if (media_collection != null)
+ media_collection.transaction_controller.begin();
+ }
+ }
+ private void commit_transaction() {
+ foreach (SourceCollection sources in hooked_collections) {
+ MediaSourceCollection? media_collection = sources as MediaSourceCollection;
+ if (media_collection != null)
+ media_collection.transaction_controller.commit();
+ }
+ }
+ private void execute_all(bool exec, bool can_cancel, Gee.ArrayList<DataSource> todo,
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataSource>? completed) {
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_busy_cursor();
+ int count = 0;
+ int total = todo.size;
+ int two_percent = (int) ((double) total / 50.0);
+ if (two_percent <= 0)
+ two_percent = 1;
+ string text = exec ? progress_text : undo_progress_text;
+ Cancellable cancellable = null;
+ ProgressDialog progress = null;
+ cancellable = can_cancel ? new Cancellable() : null;
+ progress = new ProgressDialog(AppWindow.get_instance(), text, cancellable);
+ }
+ foreach (DataSource source in todo) {
+ if (exec)
+ execute_on_source(source);
+ else
+ undo_on_source(source);
+ if (completed != null)
+ completed.add(source);
+ if (progress != null) {
+ if ((++count % two_percent) == 0) {
+ progress.set_fraction(count, total);
+ spin_event_loop();
+ }
+ if (cancellable != null && cancellable.is_cancelled())
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (progress != null)
+ progress.close();
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_normal_cursor();
+ }
+// TODO: Upgrade MultipleDataSourceAtOnceCommand to use TransactionControllers.
+public abstract class MultipleDataSourceAtOnceCommand : PageCommand {
+ private Gee.HashSet<DataSource> sources = new Gee.HashSet<DataSource>();
+ private Gee.HashSet<SourceCollection> hooked_collections = new Gee.HashSet<SourceCollection>();
+ public MultipleDataSourceAtOnceCommand(Gee.Collection<DataSource> sources, string name,
+ string explanation) {
+ base (name, explanation);
+ this.sources.add_all(sources);
+ foreach (DataSource source in this.sources) {
+ SourceCollection? membership = source.get_membership() as SourceCollection;
+ if (membership != null)
+ hooked_collections.add(membership);
+ }
+ foreach (SourceCollection source_collection in hooked_collections)
+ source_collection.items_destroyed.connect(on_sources_destroyed);
+ }
+ ~MultipleDataSourceAtOnceCommand() {
+ foreach (SourceCollection source_collection in hooked_collections)
+ source_collection.items_destroyed.disconnect(on_sources_destroyed);
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_busy_cursor();
+ DatabaseTable.begin_transaction();
+ MediaCollectionRegistry.get_instance().freeze_all();
+ execute_on_all(sources);
+ MediaCollectionRegistry.get_instance().thaw_all();
+ try {
+ DatabaseTable.commit_transaction();
+ } catch (DatabaseError err) {
+ AppWindow.database_error(err);
+ } finally {
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_normal_cursor();
+ }
+ }
+ protected abstract void execute_on_all(Gee.Collection<DataSource> sources);
+ public override void undo() {
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_busy_cursor();
+ DatabaseTable.begin_transaction();
+ MediaCollectionRegistry.get_instance().freeze_all();
+ undo_on_all(sources);
+ MediaCollectionRegistry.get_instance().thaw_all();
+ try {
+ DatabaseTable.commit_transaction();
+ } catch (DatabaseError err) {
+ AppWindow.database_error(err);
+ } finally {
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_normal_cursor();
+ }
+ }
+ protected abstract void undo_on_all(Gee.Collection<DataSource> sources);
+ private void on_sources_destroyed(Gee.Collection<DataSource> destroyed) {
+ foreach (DataSource source in destroyed) {
+ if (sources.contains(source)) {
+ get_command_manager().reset();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+public abstract class MultiplePhotoTransformationCommand : MultipleDataSourceCommand {
+ private Gee.HashMap<Photo, PhotoTransformationState> map = new Gee.HashMap<
+ Photo, PhotoTransformationState>();
+ public MultiplePhotoTransformationCommand(Gee.Iterable<DataView> iter, string progress_text,
+ string undo_progress_text, string name, string explanation) {
+ base(iter, progress_text, undo_progress_text, name, explanation);
+ foreach (DataSource source in source_list) {
+ Photo photo = (Photo) source;
+ PhotoTransformationState state = photo.save_transformation_state();
+ state.broken.connect(on_state_broken);
+ map.set(photo, state);
+ }
+ }
+ ~MultiplePhotoTransformationCommand() {
+ foreach (PhotoTransformationState state in map.values)
+ state.broken.disconnect(on_state_broken);
+ }
+ public override void undo_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ Photo photo = (Photo) source;
+ PhotoTransformationState state = map.get(photo);
+ assert(state != null);
+ photo.load_transformation_state(state);
+ }
+ private void on_state_broken() {
+ get_command_manager().reset();
+ }
+public class RotateSingleCommand : SingleDataSourceCommand {
+ private Rotation rotation;
+ public RotateSingleCommand(Photo photo, Rotation rotation, string name, string explanation) {
+ base(photo, name, explanation);
+ this.rotation = rotation;
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ ((Photo) source).rotate(rotation);
+ }
+ public override void undo() {
+ ((Photo) source).rotate(rotation.opposite());
+ }
+public class RotateMultipleCommand : MultipleDataSourceCommand {
+ private Rotation rotation;
+ public RotateMultipleCommand(Gee.Iterable<DataView> iter, Rotation rotation, string name,
+ string explanation, string progress_text, string undo_progress_text) {
+ base(iter, progress_text, undo_progress_text, name, explanation);
+ this.rotation = rotation;
+ }
+ public override void execute_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ ((Photo) source).rotate(rotation);
+ }
+ public override void undo_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ ((Photo) source).rotate(rotation.opposite());
+ }
+public class EditTitleCommand : SingleDataSourceCommand {
+ private string new_title;
+ private string? old_title;
+ public EditTitleCommand(MediaSource source, string new_title) {
+ base(source, Resources.EDIT_TITLE_LABEL, "");
+ this.new_title = new_title;
+ old_title = source.get_title();
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ ((MediaSource) source).set_title(new_title);
+ }
+ public override void undo() {
+ ((MediaSource) source).set_title(old_title);
+ }
+public class EditCommentCommand : SingleDataSourceCommand {
+ private string new_comment;
+ private string? old_comment;
+ public EditCommentCommand(MediaSource source, string new_comment) {
+ base(source, Resources.EDIT_COMMENT_LABEL, "");
+ this.new_comment = new_comment;
+ old_comment = source.get_comment();
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ ((MediaSource) source).set_comment(new_comment);
+ }
+ public override void undo() {
+ ((MediaSource) source).set_comment(old_comment);
+ }
+public class EditMultipleTitlesCommand : MultipleDataSourceAtOnceCommand {
+ public string new_title;
+ public Gee.HashMap<MediaSource, string?> old_titles = new Gee.HashMap<MediaSource, string?>();
+ public EditMultipleTitlesCommand(Gee.Collection<MediaSource> media_sources, string new_title) {
+ base (media_sources, Resources.EDIT_TITLE_LABEL, "");
+ this.new_title = new_title;
+ foreach (MediaSource media in media_sources)
+ old_titles.set(media, media.get_title());
+ }
+ public override void execute_on_all(Gee.Collection<DataSource> sources) {
+ foreach (DataSource source in sources)
+ ((MediaSource) source).set_title(new_title);
+ }
+ public override void undo_on_all(Gee.Collection<DataSource> sources) {
+ foreach (DataSource source in sources)
+ ((MediaSource) source).set_title(old_titles.get((MediaSource) source));
+ }
+public class EditMultipleCommentsCommand : MultipleDataSourceAtOnceCommand {
+ public string new_comment;
+ public Gee.HashMap<MediaSource, string?> old_comments = new Gee.HashMap<MediaSource, string?>();
+ public EditMultipleCommentsCommand(Gee.Collection<MediaSource> media_sources, string new_comment) {
+ base (media_sources, Resources.EDIT_COMMENT_LABEL, "");
+ this.new_comment = new_comment;
+ foreach (MediaSource media in media_sources)
+ old_comments.set(media, media.get_comment());
+ }
+ public override void execute_on_all(Gee.Collection<DataSource> sources) {
+ foreach (DataSource source in sources)
+ ((MediaSource) source).set_comment(new_comment);
+ }
+ public override void undo_on_all(Gee.Collection<DataSource> sources) {
+ foreach (DataSource source in sources)
+ ((MediaSource) source).set_comment(old_comments.get((MediaSource) source));
+ }
+public class RenameEventCommand : SimpleProxyableCommand {
+ private string new_name;
+ private string? old_name;
+ public RenameEventCommand(Event event, string new_name) {
+ base(event, Resources.RENAME_EVENT_LABEL, "");
+ this.new_name = new_name;
+ old_name = event.get_raw_name();
+ }
+ public override void execute_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ ((Event) source).rename(new_name);
+ }
+ public override void undo_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ ((Event) source).rename(old_name);
+ }
+public class EditEventCommentCommand : SimpleProxyableCommand {
+ private string new_comment;
+ private string? old_comment;
+ public EditEventCommentCommand(Event event, string new_comment) {
+ base(event, Resources.EDIT_COMMENT_LABEL, "");
+ this.new_comment = new_comment;
+ old_comment = event.get_comment();
+ }
+ public override void execute_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ ((Event) source).set_comment(new_comment);
+ }
+ public override void undo_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ ((Event) source).set_comment(old_comment);
+ }
+public class SetKeyPhotoCommand : SingleDataSourceCommand {
+ private MediaSource new_primary_source;
+ private MediaSource old_primary_source;
+ public SetKeyPhotoCommand(Event event, MediaSource new_primary_source) {
+ base(event, Resources.MAKE_KEY_PHOTO_LABEL, "");
+ this.new_primary_source = new_primary_source;
+ old_primary_source = event.get_primary_source();
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ ((Event) source).set_primary_source(new_primary_source);
+ }
+ public override void undo() {
+ ((Event) source).set_primary_source(old_primary_source);
+ }
+public class RevertSingleCommand : GenericPhotoTransformationCommand {
+ public RevertSingleCommand(Photo photo) {
+ base(photo, Resources.REVERT_LABEL, "");
+ }
+ public override void execute_on_photo(Photo photo) {
+ photo.remove_all_transformations();
+ }
+ public override bool compress(Command command) {
+ RevertSingleCommand revert_single_command = command as RevertSingleCommand;
+ if (revert_single_command == null)
+ return false;
+ if (revert_single_command.source != source)
+ return false;
+ // no need to execute anything; multiple successive reverts on the same photo are as good
+ // as one
+ return true;
+ }
+public class RevertMultipleCommand : MultiplePhotoTransformationCommand {
+ public RevertMultipleCommand(Gee.Iterable<DataView> iter) {
+ base(iter, _("Reverting"), _("Undoing Revert"), Resources.REVERT_LABEL,
+ "");
+ }
+ public override void execute_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ ((Photo) source).remove_all_transformations();
+ }
+public class EnhanceSingleCommand : GenericPhotoTransformationCommand {
+ public EnhanceSingleCommand(Photo photo) {
+ base(photo, Resources.ENHANCE_LABEL, Resources.ENHANCE_TOOLTIP);
+ }
+ public override void execute_on_photo(Photo photo) {
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_busy_cursor();
+ Timer overall_timer = new Timer();
+ photo.enhance();
+ overall_timer.stop();
+ debug("Auto-Enhance overall time: %f sec", overall_timer.elapsed());
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_normal_cursor();
+ }
+ public override bool compress(Command command) {
+ EnhanceSingleCommand enhance_single_command = command as EnhanceSingleCommand;
+ if (enhance_single_command == null)
+ return false;
+ if (enhance_single_command.source != source)
+ return false;
+ // multiple successive enhances on the same photo are as good as a single
+ return true;
+ }
+public class EnhanceMultipleCommand : MultiplePhotoTransformationCommand {
+ public EnhanceMultipleCommand(Gee.Iterable<DataView> iter) {
+ base(iter, _("Enhancing"), _("Undoing Enhance"), Resources.ENHANCE_LABEL,
+ }
+ public override void execute_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ ((Photo) source).enhance();
+ }
+public class StraightenCommand : GenericPhotoTransformationCommand {
+ private double theta;
+ private Box crop; // straightening can change the crop rectangle
+ public StraightenCommand(Photo photo, double theta, Box crop, string name, string explanation) {
+ base(photo, name, explanation);
+ this.theta = theta;
+ this.crop = crop;
+ }
+ public override void execute_on_photo(Photo photo) {
+ // thaw collection so both alterations are signalled at the same time
+ DataCollection? collection = photo.get_membership();
+ if (collection != null)
+ collection.freeze_notifications();
+ photo.set_straighten(theta);
+ photo.set_crop(crop);
+ if (collection != null)
+ collection.thaw_notifications();
+ }
+public class CropCommand : GenericPhotoTransformationCommand {
+ private Box crop;
+ public CropCommand(Photo photo, Box crop, string name, string explanation) {
+ base(photo, name, explanation);
+ this.crop = crop;
+ }
+ public override void execute_on_photo(Photo photo) {
+ photo.set_crop(crop);
+ }
+public class AdjustColorsSingleCommand : GenericPhotoTransformationCommand {
+ private PixelTransformationBundle transformations;
+ public AdjustColorsSingleCommand(Photo photo, PixelTransformationBundle transformations,
+ string name, string explanation) {
+ base(photo, name, explanation);
+ this.transformations = transformations;
+ }
+ public override void execute_on_photo(Photo photo) {
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_busy_cursor();
+ photo.set_color_adjustments(transformations);
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_normal_cursor();
+ }
+ public override bool can_compress(Command command) {
+ return command is AdjustColorsSingleCommand;
+ }
+public class AdjustColorsMultipleCommand : MultiplePhotoTransformationCommand {
+ private PixelTransformationBundle transformations;
+ public AdjustColorsMultipleCommand(Gee.Iterable<DataView> iter,
+ PixelTransformationBundle transformations, string name, string explanation) {
+ base(iter, _("Applying Color Transformations"), _("Undoing Color Transformations"),
+ name, explanation);
+ this.transformations = transformations;
+ }
+ public override void execute_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ ((Photo) source).set_color_adjustments(transformations);
+ }
+public class RedeyeCommand : GenericPhotoTransformationCommand {
+ private EditingTools.RedeyeInstance redeye_instance;
+ public RedeyeCommand(Photo photo, EditingTools.RedeyeInstance redeye_instance, string name,
+ string explanation) {
+ base(photo, name, explanation);
+ this.redeye_instance = redeye_instance;
+ }
+ public override void execute_on_photo(Photo photo) {
+ photo.add_redeye_instance(redeye_instance);
+ }
+public abstract class MovePhotosCommand : Command {
+ // Piggyback on a private command so that processing to determine new_event can occur before
+ // construction, if needed
+ protected class RealMovePhotosCommand : MultipleDataSourceCommand {
+ private SourceProxy new_event_proxy = null;
+ private Gee.HashMap<MediaSource, SourceProxy?> old_events = new Gee.HashMap<
+ MediaSource, SourceProxy?>();
+ public RealMovePhotosCommand(Event? new_event, Gee.Iterable<DataView> source_views,
+ string progress_text, string undo_progress_text, string name, string explanation) {
+ base(source_views, progress_text, undo_progress_text, name, explanation);
+ // get proxies for each media source's event
+ foreach (DataSource source in source_list) {
+ MediaSource current_media = (MediaSource) source;
+ Event? old_event = current_media.get_event();
+ SourceProxy? old_event_proxy = (old_event != null) ? old_event.get_proxy() : null;
+ // if any of the proxies break, the show's off
+ if (old_event_proxy != null)
+ old_event_proxy.broken.connect(on_proxy_broken);
+ old_events.set(current_media, old_event_proxy);
+ }
+ // stash the proxy of the new event
+ new_event_proxy = new_event.get_proxy();
+ new_event_proxy.broken.connect(on_proxy_broken);
+ }
+ ~RealMovePhotosCommand() {
+ new_event_proxy.broken.disconnect(on_proxy_broken);
+ foreach (SourceProxy? proxy in old_events.values) {
+ if (proxy != null)
+ proxy.broken.disconnect(on_proxy_broken);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ // Are we at an event page already?
+ if ((LibraryWindow.get_app().get_current_page() is EventPage)) {
+ Event evt = ((EventPage) LibraryWindow.get_app().get_current_page()).get_event();
+ // Will moving these empty this event?
+ if (evt.get_media_count() == source_list.size) {
+ // Yes - jump away from this event, since it will have zero
+ // entries and is going to be removed.
+ LibraryWindow.get_app().switch_to_event((Event) new_event_proxy.get_source());
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We're in a library or tag page.
+ // Are we moving these to a newly-created (and therefore empty) event?
+ if (((Event) new_event_proxy.get_source()).get_media_count() == 0) {
+ // Yes - jump to the new event.
+ LibraryWindow.get_app().switch_to_event((Event) new_event_proxy.get_source());
+ }
+ }
+ // Otherwise - don't jump; users found the jumping disconcerting.
+ // create the new event
+ base.execute();
+ }
+ public override void execute_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ ((MediaSource) source).set_event((Event?) new_event_proxy.get_source());
+ }
+ public override void undo_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ MediaSource current_media = (MediaSource) source;
+ SourceProxy? event_proxy = old_events.get(current_media);
+ current_media.set_event(event_proxy != null ? (Event?) event_proxy.get_source() : null);
+ }
+ private void on_proxy_broken() {
+ get_command_manager().reset();
+ }
+ }
+ protected RealMovePhotosCommand real_command;
+ public MovePhotosCommand(string name, string explanation) {
+ base(name, explanation);
+ }
+ public override void prepare() {
+ assert(real_command != null);
+ real_command.prepare();
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ assert(real_command != null);
+ real_command.execute();
+ }
+ public override void undo() {
+ assert(real_command != null);
+ real_command.undo();
+ }
+public class NewEventCommand : MovePhotosCommand {
+ public NewEventCommand(Gee.Iterable<DataView> iter) {
+ base(Resources.NEW_EVENT_LABEL, "");
+ // get the primary or "key" source for the new event (which is simply the first one)
+ MediaSource key_source = null;
+ foreach (DataView view in iter) {
+ MediaSource current_source = (MediaSource) view.get_source();
+ if (key_source == null) {
+ key_source = current_source;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // key photo is required for an event
+ assert(key_source != null);
+ Event new_event = Event.create_empty_event(key_source);
+ real_command = new RealMovePhotosCommand(new_event, iter, _("Creating New Event"),
+ _("Removing Event"), Resources.NEW_EVENT_LABEL,
+ "");
+ }
+public class SetEventCommand : MovePhotosCommand {
+ public SetEventCommand(Gee.Iterable<DataView> iter, Event new_event) {
+ real_command = new RealMovePhotosCommand(new_event, iter, _("Moving Photos to New Event"),
+ _("Setting Photos to Previous Event"), Resources.SET_PHOTO_EVENT_LABEL,
+ "");
+ }
+public class MergeEventsCommand : MovePhotosCommand {
+ public MergeEventsCommand(Gee.Iterable<DataView> iter) {
+ base (Resources.MERGE_LABEL, "");
+ // Because it requires fewer operations to merge small events onto large ones,
+ // rather than the other way round, we try to choose the event with the most
+ // sources as the 'master', preferring named events over unnamed ones so that
+ // names can persist.
+ Event master_event = null;
+ int named_evt_src_count = 0;
+ int unnamed_evt_src_count = 0;
+ Gee.ArrayList<ThumbnailView> media_thumbs = new Gee.ArrayList<ThumbnailView>();
+ foreach (DataView view in iter) {
+ Event event = (Event) view.get_source();
+ // First event we've examined?
+ if (master_event == null) {
+ // Yes. Make it the master for now and remember it as
+ // having the most sources (out of what we've seen so far).
+ master_event = event;
+ unnamed_evt_src_count = master_event.get_media_count();
+ if (event.has_name())
+ named_evt_src_count = master_event.get_media_count();
+ } else {
+ // No. Check whether this event has a name and whether
+ // it has more sources than any other we've seen...
+ if (event.has_name()) {
+ if (event.get_media_count() > named_evt_src_count) {
+ named_evt_src_count = event.get_media_count();
+ master_event = event;
+ }
+ } else if (named_evt_src_count == 0) {
+ // Per the original app design, named events -always- trump
+ // unnamed ones, so only choose an unnamed one if we haven't
+ // seen any named ones yet.
+ if (event.get_media_count() > unnamed_evt_src_count) {
+ unnamed_evt_src_count = event.get_media_count();
+ master_event = event;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // store all media sources in this operation; they will be moved to the master event
+ // (keep proxies of their original event for undo)
+ foreach (MediaSource media_source in event.get_media())
+ media_thumbs.add(new ThumbnailView(media_source));
+ }
+ assert(master_event != null);
+ assert(media_thumbs.size > 0);
+ real_command = new RealMovePhotosCommand(master_event, media_thumbs, _("Merging"),
+ _("Unmerging"), Resources.MERGE_LABEL, "");
+ }
+public class DuplicateMultiplePhotosCommand : MultipleDataSourceCommand {
+ private Gee.HashMap<LibraryPhoto, LibraryPhoto> dupes = new Gee.HashMap<LibraryPhoto, LibraryPhoto>();
+ private int failed = 0;
+ public DuplicateMultiplePhotosCommand(Gee.Iterable<DataView> iter) {
+ base (iter, _("Duplicating photos"), _("Removing duplicated photos"),
+ }
+ ~DuplicateMultiplePhotosCommand() {
+ }
+ private void on_photo_destroyed(DataSource source) {
+ // if one of the duplicates is destroyed, can no longer undo it (which destroys it again)
+ if (dupes.values.contains((LibraryPhoto) source))
+ get_command_manager().reset();
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ dupes.clear();
+ failed = 0;
+ base.execute();
+ if (failed > 0) {
+ string error_string = (ngettext("Unable to duplicate one photo due to a file error",
+ "Unable to duplicate %d photos due to file errors", failed)).printf(failed);
+ AppWindow.error_message(error_string);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void execute_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ LibraryPhoto photo = (LibraryPhoto) source;
+ try {
+ LibraryPhoto dupe = photo.duplicate();
+ dupes.set(photo, dupe);
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ critical("Unable to duplicate file %s: %s", photo.get_file().get_path(), err.message);
+ failed++;
+ }
+ }
+ public override void undo() {
+ // disconnect from monitoring the duplicates' destruction, as undo() does exactly that
+ base.undo();
+ // be sure to drop everything that was destroyed
+ dupes.clear();
+ failed = 0;
+ // re-monitor for duplicates' destruction
+ }
+ public override void undo_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ LibraryPhoto photo = (LibraryPhoto) source;
+ Marker marker =;
+, true);
+ }
+public class SetRatingSingleCommand : SingleDataSourceCommand {
+ private Rating last_rating;
+ private Rating new_rating;
+ private bool set_direct;
+ private bool incrementing;
+ public SetRatingSingleCommand(DataSource source, Rating rating) {
+ base (source, Resources.rating_label(rating), "");
+ set_direct = true;
+ new_rating = rating;
+ last_rating = ((LibraryPhoto)source).get_rating();
+ }
+ public SetRatingSingleCommand.inc_dec(DataSource source, bool is_incrementing) {
+ base (source, is_incrementing ? Resources.INCREASE_RATING_LABEL :
+ set_direct = false;
+ incrementing = is_incrementing;
+ last_rating = ((MediaSource) source).get_rating();
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ if (set_direct)
+ ((MediaSource) source).set_rating(new_rating);
+ else {
+ if (incrementing)
+ ((MediaSource) source).increase_rating();
+ else
+ ((MediaSource) source).decrease_rating();
+ }
+ }
+ public override void undo() {
+ ((MediaSource) source).set_rating(last_rating);
+ }
+public class SetRatingCommand : MultipleDataSourceCommand {
+ private Gee.HashMap<DataSource, Rating> last_rating_map;
+ private Rating new_rating;
+ private bool set_direct;
+ private bool incrementing;
+ private int action_count = 0;
+ public SetRatingCommand(Gee.Iterable<DataView> iter, Rating rating) {
+ base (iter, Resources.rating_progress(rating), _("Restoring previous rating"),
+ Resources.rating_label(rating), "");
+ set_direct = true;
+ new_rating = rating;
+ save_source_states(iter);
+ }
+ public SetRatingCommand.inc_dec(Gee.Iterable<DataView> iter, bool is_incrementing) {
+ base (iter,
+ is_incrementing ? _("Increasing ratings") : _("Decreasing ratings"),
+ is_incrementing ? _("Decreasing ratings") : _("Increasing ratings"),
+ is_incrementing ? Resources.INCREASE_RATING_LABEL : Resources.DECREASE_RATING_LABEL,
+ "");
+ set_direct = false;
+ incrementing = is_incrementing;
+ save_source_states(iter);
+ }
+ private void save_source_states(Gee.Iterable<DataView> iter) {
+ last_rating_map = new Gee.HashMap<DataSource, Rating>();
+ foreach (DataView view in iter) {
+ DataSource source = view.get_source();
+ last_rating_map[source] = ((MediaSource) source).get_rating();
+ }
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ action_count = 0;
+ base.execute();
+ }
+ public override void undo() {
+ action_count = 0;
+ base.undo();
+ }
+ public override void execute_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ if (set_direct)
+ ((MediaSource) source).set_rating(new_rating);
+ else {
+ if (incrementing)
+ ((MediaSource) source).increase_rating();
+ else
+ ((MediaSource) source).decrease_rating();
+ }
+ }
+ public override void undo_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ ((MediaSource) source).set_rating(last_rating_map[source]);
+ }
+public class SetRawDeveloperCommand : MultipleDataSourceCommand {
+ private Gee.HashMap<Photo, RawDeveloper> last_developer_map;
+ private Gee.HashMap<Photo, PhotoTransformationState> last_transformation_map;
+ private RawDeveloper new_developer;
+ public SetRawDeveloperCommand(Gee.Iterable<DataView> iter, RawDeveloper developer) {
+ base (iter, _("Setting RAW developer"), _("Restoring previous RAW developer"),
+ _("Set Developer"), "");
+ new_developer = developer;
+ save_source_states(iter);
+ }
+ private void save_source_states(Gee.Iterable<DataView> iter) {
+ last_developer_map = new Gee.HashMap<Photo, RawDeveloper>();
+ last_transformation_map = new Gee.HashMap<Photo, PhotoTransformationState>();
+ foreach (DataView view in iter) {
+ Photo? photo = view.get_source() as Photo;
+ if (is_raw_photo(photo)) {
+ last_developer_map[photo] = photo.get_raw_developer();
+ last_transformation_map[photo] = photo.save_transformation_state();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ base.execute();
+ }
+ public override void undo() {
+ base.undo();
+ }
+ public override void execute_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ Photo? photo = source as Photo;
+ if (is_raw_photo(photo)) {
+ if (new_developer == RawDeveloper.CAMERA && !photo.is_raw_developer_available(RawDeveloper.CAMERA))
+ photo.set_raw_developer(RawDeveloper.EMBEDDED);
+ else
+ photo.set_raw_developer(new_developer);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void undo_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ Photo? photo = source as Photo;
+ if (is_raw_photo(photo)) {
+ photo.set_raw_developer(last_developer_map[photo]);
+ photo.load_transformation_state(last_transformation_map[photo]);
+ }
+ }
+ private bool is_raw_photo(Photo? photo) {
+ return photo != null && photo.get_master_file_format() == PhotoFileFormat.RAW;
+ }
+public class AdjustDateTimePhotoCommand : SingleDataSourceCommand {
+ private Dateable dateable;
+ private Event? prev_event;
+ private int64 time_shift;
+ private bool modify_original;
+ public AdjustDateTimePhotoCommand(Dateable dateable, int64 time_shift, bool modify_original) {
+ base(dateable, Resources.ADJUST_DATE_TIME_LABEL, "");
+ this.dateable = dateable;
+ this.time_shift = time_shift;
+ this.modify_original = modify_original;
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ set_time(dateable, dateable.get_exposure_time() + (time_t) time_shift);
+ prev_event = dateable.get_event();
+ ViewCollection all_events = new ViewCollection("tmp");
+ foreach (DataObject dobj in {
+ Event event = dobj as Event;
+ if (event != null) {
+ all_events.add(new EventView(event));
+ }
+ }
+ Event.generate_single_event(dateable, all_events, null);
+ }
+ public override void undo() {
+ set_time(dateable, dateable.get_exposure_time() - (time_t) time_shift);
+ dateable.set_event(prev_event);
+ }
+ private void set_time(Dateable dateable, time_t exposure_time) {
+ if (modify_original && dateable is Photo) {
+ try {
+ ((Photo)dateable).set_exposure_time_persistent(exposure_time);
+ } catch(GLib.Error err) {
+ AppWindow.error_message(_("Original photo could not be adjusted."));
+ }
+ } else {
+ dateable.set_exposure_time(exposure_time);
+ }
+ }
+public class AdjustDateTimePhotosCommand : MultipleDataSourceCommand {
+ private int64 time_shift;
+ private bool keep_relativity;
+ private bool modify_originals;
+ private Gee.Map<Dateable, Event?> prev_events;
+ // used when photos are batch changed instead of shifted uniformly
+ private time_t? new_time = null;
+ private Gee.HashMap<Dateable, time_t?> old_times;
+ private Gee.ArrayList<Dateable> error_list;
+ public AdjustDateTimePhotosCommand(Gee.Iterable<DataView> iter, int64 time_shift,
+ bool keep_relativity, bool modify_originals) {
+ base(iter, _("Adjusting Date and Time"), _("Undoing Date and Time Adjustment"),
+ Resources.ADJUST_DATE_TIME_LABEL, "");
+ this.time_shift = time_shift;
+ this.keep_relativity = keep_relativity;
+ this.modify_originals = modify_originals;
+ // TODO: implement modify originals option
+ prev_events = new Gee.HashMap<Dateable, Event?>();
+ // this should be replaced by a first function when we migrate to Gee's List
+ foreach (DataView view in iter) {
+ prev_events.set(view.get_source() as Dateable, (view.get_source() as MediaSource).get_event());
+ if (new_time == null) {
+ new_time = ((Dateable) view.get_source()).get_exposure_time() +
+ (time_t) time_shift;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ old_times = new Gee.HashMap<Dateable, time_t?>();
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ error_list = new Gee.ArrayList<Dateable>();
+ base.execute();
+ if (error_list.size > 0) {
+ multiple_object_error_dialog(error_list,
+ ngettext("One original photo could not be adjusted.",
+ "The following original photos could not be adjusted.", error_list.size),
+ _("Time Adjustment Error"));
+ }
+ ViewCollection all_events = new ViewCollection("tmp");
+ foreach (Dateable d in prev_events.keys) {
+ foreach (DataObject dobj in {
+ Event event = dobj as Event;
+ if (event != null) {
+ all_events.add(new EventView(event));
+ }
+ }
+ Event.generate_single_event(d, all_events, null);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void undo() {
+ error_list = new Gee.ArrayList<Dateable>();
+ base.undo();
+ if (error_list.size > 0) {
+ multiple_object_error_dialog(error_list,
+ ngettext("Time adjustments could not be undone on the following photo file.",
+ "Time adjustments could not be undone on the following photo files.",
+ error_list.size), _("Time Adjustment Error"));
+ }
+ }
+ private void set_time(Dateable dateable, time_t exposure_time) {
+ // set_exposure_time_persistent wouldn't work on videos,
+ // since we can't actually write them from inside shotwell,
+ // so check whether we're working on a Photo or a Video
+ if (modify_originals && (dateable is Photo)) {
+ try {
+ ((Photo) dateable).set_exposure_time_persistent(exposure_time);
+ } catch(GLib.Error err) {
+ error_list.add(dateable);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // modifying originals is disabled, or this is a
+ // video
+ dateable.set_exposure_time(exposure_time);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void execute_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ Dateable dateable = ((Dateable) source);
+ if (keep_relativity && dateable.get_exposure_time() != 0) {
+ set_time(dateable, dateable.get_exposure_time() + (time_t) time_shift);
+ } else {
+ old_times.set(dateable, dateable.get_exposure_time());
+ set_time(dateable, new_time);
+ }
+ ViewCollection all_events = new ViewCollection("tmp");
+ foreach (DataObject dobj in {
+ Event event = dobj as Event;
+ if (event != null) {
+ all_events.add(new EventView(event));
+ }
+ }
+ Event.generate_single_event(dateable, all_events, null);
+ }
+ public override void undo_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ Dateable photo = ((Dateable) source);
+ if (old_times.has_key(photo)) {
+ set_time(photo, old_times.get(photo));
+ old_times.unset(photo);
+ } else {
+ set_time(photo, photo.get_exposure_time() - (time_t) time_shift);
+ }
+ (source as MediaSource).set_event(prev_events.get(source as Dateable));
+ }
+public class AddTagsCommand : PageCommand {
+ private Gee.HashMap<SourceProxy, Gee.ArrayList<MediaSource>> map =
+ new Gee.HashMap<SourceProxy, Gee.ArrayList<MediaSource>>();
+ public AddTagsCommand(string[] paths, Gee.Collection<MediaSource> sources) {
+ base (Resources.add_tags_label(paths), "");
+ // load/create the tags here rather than in execute() so that we can merely use the proxy
+ // to access it ... this is important with the redo() case, where the tags may have been
+ // created by another proxy elsewhere
+ foreach (string path in paths) {
+ Gee.List<string> paths_to_create =
+ HierarchicalTagUtilities.enumerate_parent_paths(path);
+ paths_to_create.add(path);
+ foreach (string create_path in paths_to_create) {
+ Tag tag = Tag.for_path(create_path);
+ SourceProxy tag_proxy = tag.get_proxy();
+ // for each Tag, only attach sources which are not already attached, otherwise undo()
+ // will not be symmetric
+ Gee.ArrayList<MediaSource> add_sources = new Gee.ArrayList<MediaSource>();
+ foreach (MediaSource source in sources) {
+ if (!tag.contains(source))
+ add_sources.add(source);
+ }
+ if (add_sources.size > 0) {
+ tag_proxy.broken.connect(on_proxy_broken);
+ map.set(tag_proxy, add_sources);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ~AddTagsCommand() {
+ foreach (SourceProxy tag_proxy in map.keys)
+ tag_proxy.broken.disconnect(on_proxy_broken);
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ foreach (SourceProxy tag_proxy in map.keys)
+ ((Tag) tag_proxy.get_source()).attach_many(map.get(tag_proxy));
+ }
+ public override void undo() {
+ foreach (SourceProxy tag_proxy in map.keys) {
+ Tag tag = (Tag) tag_proxy.get_source();
+ tag.detach_many(map.get(tag_proxy));
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_source_destroyed(DataSource source) {
+ foreach (Gee.ArrayList<MediaSource> sources in map.values) {
+ if (sources.contains((MediaSource) source)) {
+ get_command_manager().reset();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_proxy_broken() {
+ get_command_manager().reset();
+ }
+public class RenameTagCommand : SimpleProxyableCommand {
+ private string old_name;
+ private string new_name;
+ // NOTE: new_name should be a name, not a path
+ public RenameTagCommand(Tag tag, string new_name) {
+ base (tag, Resources.rename_tag_label(tag.get_user_visible_name(), new_name),
+ tag.get_name());
+ old_name = tag.get_user_visible_name();
+ this.new_name = new_name;
+ }
+ protected override void execute_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ if (!((Tag) source).rename(new_name))
+ AppWindow.error_message(Resources.rename_tag_exists_message(new_name));
+ }
+ protected override void undo_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ if (!((Tag) source).rename(old_name))
+ AppWindow.error_message(Resources.rename_tag_exists_message(old_name));
+ }
+public class DeleteTagCommand : SimpleProxyableCommand {
+ Gee.List<SourceProxy>? recursive_victim_proxies = null;
+ public DeleteTagCommand(Tag tag) {
+ base (tag, Resources.delete_tag_label(tag.get_user_visible_name()), tag.get_name());
+ }
+ protected override void execute_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ Tag tag = (Tag) source;
+ // process children first, if any
+ Gee.List<Tag> recursive_victims = tag.get_hierarchical_children();
+ if (recursive_victims.size > 0) {
+ // save proxies for these Tags and then delete, in order .. can't use mark_many() or
+ // add_proxyables() here because they make no guarantee of order
+ recursive_victim_proxies = new Gee.ArrayList<SourceProxy>();
+ foreach (Tag victim in recursive_victims) {
+ SourceProxy proxy = victim.get_proxy();
+ proxy.broken.connect(on_proxy_broken);
+ recursive_victim_proxies.add(proxy);
+, false);
+ }
+ }
+ // destroy parent tag, which is already proxied
+, false);
+ }
+ protected override void undo_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ // merely instantiating the Tag will rehydrate it ... should always work, because the
+ // undo stack is cleared if the proxy ever breaks
+ assert(source is Tag);
+ // rehydrate the children, in reverse order
+ if (recursive_victim_proxies != null) {
+ for (int i = recursive_victim_proxies.size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ SourceProxy proxy = recursive_victim_proxies.get(i);
+ DataSource victim_source = proxy.get_source();
+ assert(victim_source is Tag);
+ proxy.broken.disconnect(on_proxy_broken);
+ }
+ recursive_victim_proxies = null;
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_proxy_broken() {
+ get_command_manager().reset();
+ }
+public class NewChildTagCommand : SimpleProxyableCommand {
+ Tag? created_child = null;
+ public NewChildTagCommand(Tag tag) {
+ base (tag, _("Create Tag"), tag.get_name());
+ }
+ protected override void execute_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ Tag tag = (Tag) source;
+ created_child = tag.create_new_child();
+ }
+ protected override void undo_on_source(DataSource source) {
+, true);
+ }
+ public Tag get_created_child() {
+ assert(created_child != null);
+ return created_child;
+ }
+public class NewRootTagCommand : PageCommand {
+ SourceProxy? created_proxy = null;
+ public NewRootTagCommand() {
+ base (_("Create Tag"), "");
+ }
+ protected override void execute() {
+ if (created_proxy == null)
+ created_proxy = Tag.create_new_root().get_proxy();
+ else
+ created_proxy.get_source();
+ }
+ protected override void undo() {
+, true);
+ }
+ public Tag get_created_tag() {
+ return (Tag) created_proxy.get_source();
+ }
+public class ReparentTagCommand : PageCommand {
+ string from_path;
+ string to_path;
+ string? to_path_parent_path;
+ Gee.List<SourceProxy>? src_before_state = null;
+ Gee.List<SourceProxy>? dest_before_state = null;
+ Gee.List<SourceProxy>? after_state = null;
+ Gee.HashSet<MediaSource> sources_in_play = new Gee.HashSet<MediaSource>();
+ Gee.Map<string, Gee.Set<MediaSource>> dest_parent_attachments = null;
+ Gee.Map<string, Gee.Set<MediaSource>> src_parent_detachments = null;
+ Gee.Map<string, Gee.Set<MediaSource>> in_play_child_structure = null;
+ Gee.Map<string, Gee.Set<MediaSource>> existing_dest_child_structure = null;
+ Gee.Set<MediaSource>? existing_dest_membership = null;
+ bool to_path_exists = false;
+ public ReparentTagCommand(Tag tag, string new_parent_path) {
+ base (_("Move Tag \"%s\"").printf(tag.get_user_visible_name()), "");
+ this.from_path = tag.get_path();
+ bool has_children = (tag.get_hierarchical_children().size > 0);
+ string basename = tag.get_user_visible_name();
+ if (new_parent_path == Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING)
+ this.to_path = (has_children) ? (Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING + basename) : basename;
+ else if (new_parent_path.has_prefix(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING))
+ this.to_path = new_parent_path + Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING + basename;
+ else
+ this.to_path = Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING + new_parent_path + Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING +
+ basename;
+ string? new_to_path = HierarchicalTagUtilities.get_root_path_form(to_path);
+ if (new_to_path != null)
+ this.to_path = new_to_path;
+ if (
+ to_path_exists = true;
+ sources_in_play.add_all(tag.get_sources());
+ }
+ ~ReparentTagCommand() {
+ }
+ private void on_items_destroyed(Gee.Collection<DataSource> destroyed) {
+ foreach (DataSource source in destroyed) {
+ if (sources_in_play.contains((MediaSource) source))
+ get_command_manager().reset();
+ }
+ }
+ private Gee.Map<string, Gee.Set<MediaSource>> get_child_structure_at(string client_path) {
+ string? path = HierarchicalTagUtilities.get_root_path_form(client_path);
+ path = (path != null) ? path : client_path;
+ Gee.Map<string, Gee.Set<MediaSource>> result =
+ new Gee.HashMap<string, Gee.Set<MediaSource>>();
+ if (!
+ return result;
+ Tag tag = Tag.for_path(path);
+ string path_prefix = tag.get_path() + Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING;
+ foreach (Tag t in tag.get_hierarchical_children()) {
+ string child_subpath = t.get_path().replace(path_prefix, "");
+ result.set(child_subpath, new Gee.HashSet<MediaSource>());
+ result.get(child_subpath).add_all(t.get_sources());
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ private void restore_child_attachments_at(string client_path,
+ Gee.Map<string, Gee.Set<MediaSource>> child_structure) {
+ string? new_path = HierarchicalTagUtilities.get_root_path_form(client_path);
+ string path = (new_path != null) ? new_path : client_path;
+ assert(;
+ Tag tag = Tag.for_path(path);
+ foreach (string child_subpath in child_structure.keys) {
+ string child_path = tag.get_path() + Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING + child_subpath;
+ if (!tag.get_path().has_prefix(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING)) {
+ tag.promote();
+ child_path = tag.get_path() + Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING + child_subpath;
+ }
+ assert(;
+ foreach (MediaSource s in child_structure.get(child_subpath))
+ Tag.for_path(child_path).attach(s);
+ }
+ }
+ private void reattach_in_play_sources_at(string client_path) {
+ string? new_path = HierarchicalTagUtilities.get_root_path_form(client_path);
+ string path = (new_path != null) ? new_path : client_path;
+ assert(;
+ Tag tag = Tag.for_path(path);
+ foreach (MediaSource s in sources_in_play)
+ tag.attach(s);
+ }
+ private void save_before_state() {
+ assert(src_before_state == null);
+ assert(dest_before_state == null);
+ src_before_state = new Gee.ArrayList<SourceProxy>();
+ dest_before_state = new Gee.ArrayList<SourceProxy>();
+ // capture the child structure of the from tag
+ assert(in_play_child_structure == null);
+ in_play_child_structure = get_child_structure_at(from_path);
+ // save the state of the from tag
+ assert(;
+ Tag from_tag = Tag.for_path(from_path);
+ src_before_state.add(from_tag.get_proxy());
+ // capture the child structure of the parent of the to tag, if the to tag has a parent
+ Gee.List<string> parent_paths = HierarchicalTagUtilities.enumerate_parent_paths(to_path);
+ if (parent_paths.size > 0)
+ to_path_parent_path = parent_paths.get(parent_paths.size - 1);
+ if (to_path_parent_path != null) {
+ assert(existing_dest_child_structure == null);
+ existing_dest_child_structure = get_child_structure_at(to_path_parent_path);
+ }
+ // if the to tag doesn't have a parent, then capture the structure of the to tag itself
+ if (to_path_parent_path == null) {
+ assert(existing_dest_child_structure == null);
+ assert(existing_dest_membership == null);
+ existing_dest_child_structure = get_child_structure_at(to_path);
+ existing_dest_membership = new Gee.HashSet<MediaSource>();
+ existing_dest_membership.add_all(Tag.for_path(to_path).get_sources());
+ }
+ // save the state of the to tag's parent
+ if (to_path_parent_path != null) {
+ string? new_tpp = HierarchicalTagUtilities.get_root_path_form(to_path_parent_path);
+ to_path_parent_path = (new_tpp != null) ? new_tpp : to_path_parent_path;
+ assert(;
+ dest_before_state.add(Tag.for_path(to_path_parent_path).get_proxy());
+ }
+ // if the to tag doesn't have a parent, save the state of the to tag itself
+ if (to_path_parent_path == null) {
+ dest_before_state.add(Tag.for_path(to_path).get_proxy());
+ }
+ // save the state of the children of the from tag in order from most basic to most derived
+ Gee.List<Tag> from_children = from_tag.get_hierarchical_children();
+ for (int i = from_children.size - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ src_before_state.add(from_children.get(i).get_proxy());
+ // save the state of the children of the to tag's parent in order from most basic to most
+ // derived
+ if (to_path_parent_path != null) {
+ Gee.List<Tag> to_children = Tag.for_path(to_path_parent_path).get_hierarchical_children();
+ for (int i = to_children.size - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ dest_before_state.add(to_children.get(i).get_proxy());
+ }
+ // if the to tag doesn't have a parent, then save the state of the to tag's direct
+ // children, if any
+ if (to_path_parent_path == null) {
+ Gee.List<Tag> to_children = Tag.for_path(to_path).get_hierarchical_children();
+ for (int i = to_children.size - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ dest_before_state.add(to_children.get(i).get_proxy());
+ }
+ }
+ private void restore_before_state() {
+ assert(src_before_state != null);
+ assert(existing_dest_child_structure != null);
+ // unwind the destination tree to its pre-merge state
+ if (to_path_parent_path != null) {
+ string? new_tpp = HierarchicalTagUtilities.get_root_path_form(to_path_parent_path);
+ to_path_parent_path = (new_tpp != null) ? new_tpp : to_path_parent_path;
+ }
+ string unwind_target = (to_path_parent_path != null) ? to_path_parent_path : to_path;
+ foreach (Tag t in Tag.for_path(unwind_target).get_hierarchical_children()) {
+ string child_subpath = t.get_path().replace(unwind_target, "");
+ if (child_subpath.has_prefix(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING))
+ child_subpath = child_subpath.substring(1);
+ if (!existing_dest_child_structure.has_key(child_subpath)) {
+, true);
+ } else {
+ Gee.Set<MediaSource> starting_sources = new Gee.HashSet<MediaSource>();
+ starting_sources.add_all(t.get_sources());
+ foreach (MediaSource source in starting_sources)
+ if (!(existing_dest_child_structure.get(child_subpath).contains(source)))
+ t.detach(source);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < src_before_state.size; i++)
+ src_before_state.get(i).get_source();
+ for (int i = 0; i < dest_before_state.size; i++)
+ dest_before_state.get(i).get_source();
+ if (to_path_parent_path != null) {
+ string? new_path = HierarchicalTagUtilities.get_root_path_form(to_path_parent_path);
+ string path = (new_path != null) ? new_path : to_path_parent_path;
+ assert(;
+ Tag t = Tag.for_path(path);
+ Gee.List<Tag> kids = t.get_hierarchical_children();
+ foreach (Tag kidtag in kids)
+ kidtag.detach_many(kidtag.get_sources());
+ restore_child_attachments_at(path, existing_dest_child_structure);
+ } else {
+ assert(existing_dest_membership != null);
+ Tag.for_path(to_path).detach_many(Tag.for_path(to_path).get_sources());
+ Tag.for_path(to_path).attach_many(existing_dest_membership);
+ Gee.List<Tag> kids = Tag.for_path(to_path).get_hierarchical_children();
+ foreach (Tag kidtag in kids)
+ kidtag.detach_many(kidtag.get_sources());
+ restore_child_attachments_at(to_path, existing_dest_child_structure);
+ }
+ }
+ private void save_after_state() {
+ assert(after_state == null);
+ after_state = new Gee.ArrayList<SourceProxy>();
+ // save the state of the to tag
+ assert(;
+ Tag to_tag = Tag.for_path(to_path);
+ after_state.add(to_tag.get_proxy());
+ // save the state of the children of the to tag in order from most basic to most derived
+ Gee.List<Tag> to_children = to_tag.get_hierarchical_children();
+ for (int i = to_children.size - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ after_state.add(to_children.get(i).get_proxy());
+ }
+ private void restore_after_state() {
+ assert(after_state != null);
+ for (int i = 0; i < after_state.size; i++)
+ after_state.get(i).get_source();
+ }
+ private void prepare_parent(string path) {
+ // find our new parent tag (if one exists) and promote it
+ Tag? new_parent = null;
+ if (path.has_prefix(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING)) {
+ Gee.List<string> parent_paths = HierarchicalTagUtilities.enumerate_parent_paths(path);
+ if (parent_paths.size > 0) {
+ string immediate_parent_path = parent_paths.get(parent_paths.size - 1);
+ if (
+ new_parent = Tag.for_path(immediate_parent_path);
+ else if (
+ new_parent = Tag.for_path(immediate_parent_path.substring(1));
+ else
+ assert_not_reached();
+ }
+ }
+ if (new_parent != null)
+ new_parent.promote();
+ }
+ private void do_source_parent_detachments() {
+ assert(;
+ Tag from_tag = Tag.for_path(from_path);
+ // see if this copy operation will detach any media items from the source tag's parents
+ if (src_parent_detachments == null) {
+ src_parent_detachments = new Gee.HashMap<string, Gee.Set<MediaSource>>();
+ foreach (MediaSource source in from_tag.get_sources()) {
+ Tag? current_parent = from_tag.get_hierarchical_parent();
+ int running_attach_count = from_tag.get_attachment_count(source) + 1;
+ while (current_parent != null) {
+ string current_parent_path = current_parent.get_path();
+ if (!src_parent_detachments.has_key(current_parent_path))
+ src_parent_detachments.set(current_parent_path, new Gee.HashSet<MediaSource>());
+ int curr_parent_attach_count = current_parent.get_attachment_count(source);
+ assert (curr_parent_attach_count >= running_attach_count);
+ // if this parent tag has no other child tags that the current media item is
+ // attached to
+ if (curr_parent_attach_count == running_attach_count)
+ src_parent_detachments.get(current_parent_path).add(source);
+ running_attach_count++;
+ current_parent = current_parent.get_hierarchical_parent();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // perform collected detachments
+ foreach (string p in src_parent_detachments.keys)
+ foreach (MediaSource s in src_parent_detachments.get(p))
+ Tag.for_path(p).detach(s);
+ }
+ private void do_source_parent_reattachments() {
+ assert(src_parent_detachments != null);
+ foreach (string p in src_parent_detachments.keys)
+ foreach (MediaSource s in src_parent_detachments.get(p))
+ Tag.for_path(p).attach(s);
+ }
+ private void do_destination_parent_detachments() {
+ assert(dest_parent_attachments != null);
+ foreach (string p in dest_parent_attachments.keys)
+ foreach (MediaSource s in dest_parent_attachments.get(p))
+ Tag.for_path(p).detach(s);
+ }
+ private void do_destination_parent_reattachments() {
+ assert(dest_parent_attachments != null);
+ foreach (string p in dest_parent_attachments.keys)
+ foreach (MediaSource s in dest_parent_attachments.get(p))
+ Tag.for_path(p).attach(s);
+ }
+ private void copy_subtree(string from, string to) {
+ assert(;
+ Tag from_tag = Tag.for_path(from);
+ // get (or create) a tag for the destination path
+ Tag to_tag = Tag.for_path(to);
+ // see if this copy operation will attach any new media items to the destination's parents,
+ // if so, record them for later undo/redo
+ dest_parent_attachments = new Gee.HashMap<string, Gee.Set<MediaSource>>();
+ foreach (MediaSource source in from_tag.get_sources()) {
+ Tag? current_parent = to_tag.get_hierarchical_parent();
+ while (current_parent != null) {
+ string current_parent_path = current_parent.get_path();
+ if (!dest_parent_attachments.has_key(current_parent_path))
+ dest_parent_attachments.set(current_parent_path, new Gee.HashSet<MediaSource>());
+ if (!current_parent.contains(source))
+ dest_parent_attachments.get(current_parent_path).add(source);
+ current_parent = current_parent.get_hierarchical_parent();
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (MediaSource source in from_tag.get_sources())
+ to_tag.attach(source);
+ // loop through the children of the from tag in order from most basic to most derived,
+ // creating corresponding child tags on the to tag and attaching corresponding sources
+ Gee.List<Tag> from_children = from_tag.get_hierarchical_children();
+ for (int i = from_children.size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ Tag from_child = from_children.get(i);
+ string child_subpath = from_child.get_path().replace(from + Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING,
+ "");
+ Tag to_child = Tag.for_path(to_tag.get_path() + Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING +
+ child_subpath);
+ foreach (MediaSource source in from_child.get_sources())
+ to_child.attach(source);
+ }
+ }
+ private void destroy_subtree(string client_path) {
+ string? victim_path = HierarchicalTagUtilities.get_root_path_form(client_path);
+ if (victim_path == null)
+ victim_path = client_path;
+ if (!
+ return;
+ Tag victim = Tag.for_path(victim_path);
+ // destroy the children of the victim in order from most derived to most basic
+ Gee.List<Tag> victim_children = victim.get_hierarchical_children();
+ for (int i = 0; i < victim_children.size; i++)
+, true);
+ // destroy the victim itself
+, true);
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ if (after_state == null) {
+ save_before_state();
+ prepare_parent(to_path);
+ copy_subtree(from_path, to_path);
+ save_after_state();
+ do_source_parent_detachments();
+ destroy_subtree(from_path);
+ } else {
+ prepare_parent(to_path);
+ restore_after_state();
+ restore_child_attachments_at(to_path, in_play_child_structure);
+ reattach_in_play_sources_at(to_path);
+ do_source_parent_detachments();
+ do_destination_parent_reattachments();
+ destroy_subtree(from_path);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void undo() {
+ assert(src_before_state != null);
+ prepare_parent(from_path);
+ restore_before_state();
+ if (!to_path_exists)
+ destroy_subtree(to_path);
+ restore_child_attachments_at(from_path, in_play_child_structure);
+ reattach_in_play_sources_at(from_path);
+ do_source_parent_reattachments();
+ do_destination_parent_detachments();
+ HierarchicalTagUtilities.cleanup_root_path(to_path);
+ HierarchicalTagUtilities.cleanup_root_path(from_path);
+ if (to_path_parent_path != null)
+ HierarchicalTagUtilities.cleanup_root_path(to_path_parent_path);
+ }
+public class ModifyTagsCommand : SingleDataSourceCommand {
+ private MediaSource media;
+ private Gee.ArrayList<SourceProxy> to_add = new Gee.ArrayList<SourceProxy>();
+ private Gee.ArrayList<SourceProxy> to_remove = new Gee.ArrayList<SourceProxy>();
+ public ModifyTagsCommand(MediaSource media, Gee.Collection<Tag> new_tag_list) {
+ base (media, Resources.MODIFY_TAGS_LABEL, "");
+ = media;
+ // Prepare to remove all existing tags, if any, from the current media source.
+ Gee.List<Tag>? original_tags =;
+ if (original_tags != null) {
+ foreach (Tag tag in original_tags) {
+ SourceProxy proxy = tag.get_proxy();
+ to_remove.add(proxy);
+ proxy.broken.connect(on_proxy_broken);
+ }
+ }
+ // Prepare to add all new tags; remember, if a tag is added, its parent must be
+ // added as well. So enumerate all paths to add and then get the tags for them.
+ Gee.SortedSet<string> new_paths = new Gee.TreeSet<string>();
+ foreach (Tag new_tag in new_tag_list) {
+ string new_tag_path = new_tag.get_path();
+ new_paths.add(new_tag_path);
+ new_paths.add_all(HierarchicalTagUtilities.enumerate_parent_paths(new_tag_path));
+ }
+ foreach (string path in new_paths) {
+ assert(;
+ SourceProxy proxy = Tag.for_path(path).get_proxy();
+ to_add.add(proxy);
+ proxy.broken.connect(on_proxy_broken);
+ }
+ }
+ ~ModifyTagsCommand() {
+ foreach (SourceProxy proxy in to_add)
+ proxy.broken.disconnect(on_proxy_broken);
+ foreach (SourceProxy proxy in to_remove)
+ proxy.broken.disconnect(on_proxy_broken);
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ foreach (SourceProxy proxy in to_remove)
+ ((Tag) proxy.get_source()).detach(media);
+ foreach (SourceProxy proxy in to_add)
+ ((Tag) proxy.get_source()).attach(media);
+ }
+ public override void undo() {
+ foreach (SourceProxy proxy in to_add)
+ ((Tag) proxy.get_source()).detach(media);
+ foreach (SourceProxy proxy in to_remove)
+ ((Tag) proxy.get_source()).attach(media);
+ }
+ private void on_proxy_broken() {
+ get_command_manager().reset();
+ }
+public class TagUntagPhotosCommand : SimpleProxyableCommand {
+ private Gee.Collection<MediaSource> sources;
+ private bool attach;
+ private Gee.MultiMap<Tag, MediaSource>? detached_from = null;
+ private Gee.List<Tag>? attached_to = null;
+ public TagUntagPhotosCommand(Tag tag, Gee.Collection<MediaSource> sources, int count, bool attach) {
+ base (tag,
+ attach ? Resources.tag_photos_label(tag.get_user_visible_name(), count)
+ : Resources.untag_photos_label(tag.get_user_visible_name(), count),
+ tag.get_name());
+ this.sources = sources;
+ this.attach = attach;
+ }
+ ~TagUntagPhotosCommand() {
+ }
+ public override void execute_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ if (attach)
+ do_attach((Tag) source);
+ else
+ do_detach((Tag) source);
+ }
+ public override void undo_on_source(DataSource source) {
+ if (attach)
+ do_detach((Tag) source);
+ else
+ do_attach((Tag) source);
+ }
+ private void do_attach(Tag tag) {
+ // if not attaching previously detached Tags, attach and done
+ if (detached_from == null) {
+ tag.attach_many(sources);
+ attached_to = new Gee.ArrayList<Tag>();
+ Tag curr_tmp = tag;
+ while (curr_tmp != null) {
+ attached_to.add(curr_tmp);
+ curr_tmp = curr_tmp.get_hierarchical_parent();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // reattach
+ foreach (Tag detached_tag in detached_from.get_all_keys())
+ detached_tag.attach_many(detached_from.get(detached_tag));
+ detached_from = null;
+ clear_added_proxies();
+ }
+ private void do_detach(Tag tag) {
+ if (attached_to == null) {
+ // detaching a MediaSource from a Tag may result in the MediaSource being detached from
+ // many tags (due to heirarchical tagging), so save the MediaSources for each detached
+ // Tag for reversing the process
+ detached_from = tag.detach_many(sources);
+ // since the "master" Tag (supplied in the ctor) is not necessarily the only one being
+ // saved, add proxies for all of the other ones as well
+ add_proxyables(detached_from.get_keys());
+ } else {
+ foreach (Tag t in attached_to) {
+ foreach (MediaSource ms in sources) {
+ // is this photo/video attached to this tag elsewhere?
+ if (t.get_attachment_count(ms) < 2) {
+ //no, remove it.
+ t.detach(ms);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_source_destroyed(DataSource source) {
+ debug("on_source_destroyed: %s", source.to_string());
+ if (sources.contains((MediaSource) source))
+ get_command_manager().reset();
+ }
+public class RenameSavedSearchCommand : SingleDataSourceCommand {
+ private SavedSearch search;
+ private string old_name;
+ private string new_name;
+ public RenameSavedSearchCommand(SavedSearch search, string new_name) {
+ base (search, Resources.rename_search_label(search.get_name(), new_name), search.get_name());
+ = search;
+ old_name = search.get_name();
+ this.new_name = new_name;
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ if (!search.rename(new_name))
+ AppWindow.error_message(Resources.rename_search_exists_message(new_name));
+ }
+ public override void undo() {
+ if (!search.rename(old_name))
+ AppWindow.error_message(Resources.rename_search_exists_message(old_name));
+ }
+public class DeleteSavedSearchCommand : SingleDataSourceCommand {
+ private SavedSearch search;
+ public DeleteSavedSearchCommand(SavedSearch search) {
+ base (search, Resources.delete_search_label(search.get_name()), search.get_name());
+ = search;
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ SavedSearchTable.get_instance().remove(search);
+ }
+ public override void undo() {
+ search.reconstitute();
+ }
+public class TrashUntrashPhotosCommand : PageCommand {
+ private Gee.Collection<MediaSource> sources;
+ private bool to_trash;
+ public TrashUntrashPhotosCommand(Gee.Collection<MediaSource> sources, bool to_trash) {
+ base (
+ to_trash ? _("Move Photos to Trash") : _("Restore Photos from Trash"),
+ to_trash ? _("Move the photos to the Shotwell trash") : _("Restore the photos back to the Shotwell library"));
+ this.sources = sources;
+ this.to_trash = to_trash;
+ }
+ ~TrashUntrashPhotosCommand() {
+ }
+ private ProgressDialog? get_progress_dialog(bool to_trash) {
+ if (sources.size <= 5)
+ return null;
+ ProgressDialog dialog = new ProgressDialog(AppWindow.get_instance(),
+ to_trash ? _("Moving Photos to Trash") : _("Restoring Photos From Trash"));
+ dialog.update_display_every((sources.size / 5).clamp(2, 10));
+ return dialog;
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ ProgressDialog? dialog = get_progress_dialog(to_trash);
+ ProgressMonitor monitor = null;
+ if (dialog != null)
+ monitor = dialog.monitor;
+ if (to_trash)
+ trash(monitor);
+ else
+ untrash(monitor);
+ if (dialog != null)
+ dialog.close();
+ }
+ public override void undo() {
+ ProgressDialog? dialog = get_progress_dialog(!to_trash);
+ ProgressMonitor monitor = null;
+ if (dialog != null)
+ monitor = dialog.monitor;
+ if (to_trash)
+ untrash(monitor);
+ else
+ trash(monitor);
+ if (dialog != null)
+ dialog.close();
+ }
+ private void trash(ProgressMonitor? monitor) {
+ int ctr = 0;
+ int count = sources.size;
+ foreach (MediaSource source in sources) {
+ source.trash();
+ if (monitor != null)
+ monitor(++ctr, count);
+ }
+ }
+ private void untrash(ProgressMonitor? monitor) {
+ int ctr = 0;
+ int count = sources.size;
+ foreach (MediaSource source in sources) {
+ source.untrash();
+ if (monitor != null)
+ monitor(++ctr, count);
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_photo_destroyed(DataSource source) {
+ // in this case, don't need to reset the command manager, simply remove the photo from the
+ // internal list and allow the others to be moved to and from the trash
+ sources.remove((MediaSource) source);
+ // however, if all photos missing, then remove this from the command stack, and there's
+ // only one way to do that
+ if (sources.size == 0)
+ get_command_manager().reset();
+ }
+public class FlagUnflagCommand : MultipleDataSourceAtOnceCommand {
+ private const int MIN_PROGRESS_BAR_THRESHOLD = 1000;
+ private const string FLAG_SELECTED_STRING = _("Flag selected photos");
+ private const string UNFLAG_SELECTED_STRING = _("Unflag selected photos");
+ private const string FLAG_PROGRESS = _("Flagging selected photos");
+ private const string UNFLAG_PROGRESS = _("Unflagging selected photos");
+ private bool flag;
+ private ProgressDialog progress_dialog = null;
+ public FlagUnflagCommand(Gee.Collection<MediaSource> sources, bool flag) {
+ base (sources,
+ flag ? _("Flag") : _("Unflag"),
+ this.flag = flag;
+ if (sources.size >= MIN_PROGRESS_BAR_THRESHOLD) {
+ progress_dialog = new ProgressDialog(null,
+ progress_dialog.show_all();
+ }
+ }
+ public override void execute_on_all(Gee.Collection<DataSource> sources) {
+ int num_processed = 0;
+ foreach (DataSource source in sources) {
+ flag_unflag(source, flag);
+ num_processed++;
+ if (progress_dialog != null) {
+ progress_dialog.set_fraction(num_processed, sources.size);
+ progress_dialog.queue_draw();
+ spin_event_loop();
+ }
+ }
+ if (progress_dialog != null)
+ progress_dialog.hide();
+ }
+ public override void undo_on_all(Gee.Collection<DataSource> sources) {
+ foreach (DataSource source in sources)
+ flag_unflag(source, !flag);
+ }
+ private void flag_unflag(DataSource source, bool flag) {
+ Flaggable? flaggable = source as Flaggable;
+ if (flaggable != null) {
+ if (flag)
+ flaggable.mark_flagged();
+ else
+ flaggable.mark_unflagged();
+ }
+ }