path: root/src/PhotoPage.vala
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/PhotoPage.vala')
1 files changed, 3371 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/PhotoPage.vala b/src/PhotoPage.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8db84a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PhotoPage.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,3371 @@
+/* Copyright 2009-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later).
+ * See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+public class ZoomBuffer : Object {
+ private enum ObjectState {
+ }
+ private class IsoSourceFetchJob : BackgroundJob {
+ private Photo to_fetch;
+ public Gdk.Pixbuf? fetched = null;
+ public IsoSourceFetchJob(ZoomBuffer owner, Photo to_fetch,
+ CompletionCallback completion_callback) {
+ base(owner, completion_callback);
+ this.to_fetch = to_fetch;
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ try {
+ fetched = to_fetch.get_pixbuf_with_options(Scaling.for_original(),
+ Photo.Exception.ADJUST);
+ } catch (Error fetch_error) {
+ critical("IsoSourceFetchJob: execute( ): can't get pixbuf from backing photo");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // it's worth noting that there are two different kinds of transformation jobs (though this
+ // single class supports them both). There are "isomorphic" (or "iso") transformation jobs that
+ // operate over full-size pixbufs and are relatively long-running and then there are
+ // "demand" transformation jobs that occur over much smaller pixbufs as needed; these are
+ // relatively quick to run.
+ private class TransformationJob : BackgroundJob {
+ private Gdk.Pixbuf to_transform;
+ private PixelTransformer? transformer;
+ private Cancellable cancellable;
+ public Gdk.Pixbuf transformed = null;
+ public TransformationJob(ZoomBuffer owner, Gdk.Pixbuf to_transform, PixelTransformer?
+ transformer, CompletionCallback completion_callback, Cancellable cancellable) {
+ base(owner, completion_callback, cancellable);
+ this.cancellable = cancellable;
+ this.to_transform = to_transform;
+ this.transformer = transformer;
+ this.transformed = to_transform.copy();
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ if (transformer != null) {
+ transformer.transform_to_other_pixbuf(to_transform, transformed, cancellable);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private const int MEGAPIXEL = 1048576;
+ private const int USE_REDUCED_THRESHOLD = (int) 2.0 * MEGAPIXEL;
+ private Gdk.Pixbuf iso_source_image = null;
+ private Gdk.Pixbuf? reduced_source_image = null;
+ private Gdk.Pixbuf iso_transformed_image = null;
+ private Gdk.Pixbuf? reduced_transformed_image = null;
+ private Gdk.Pixbuf preview_image = null;
+ private Photo backing_photo = null;
+ private ObjectState object_state = ObjectState.SOURCE_NOT_LOADED;
+ private Gdk.Pixbuf? demand_transform_cached_pixbuf = null;
+ private ZoomState demand_transform_zoom_state;
+ private TransformationJob? demand_transform_job = null; // only 1 demand transform job can be
+ // active at a time
+ private Workers workers = null;
+ private SinglePhotoPage parent_page;
+ private bool is_interactive_redraw_in_progress = false;
+ public ZoomBuffer(SinglePhotoPage parent_page, Photo backing_photo,
+ Gdk.Pixbuf preview_image) {
+ this.parent_page = parent_page;
+ this.preview_image = preview_image;
+ this.backing_photo = backing_photo;
+ this.workers = new Workers(2, false);
+ }
+ private void on_iso_source_fetch_complete(BackgroundJob job) {
+ IsoSourceFetchJob fetch_job = (IsoSourceFetchJob) job;
+ if (fetch_job.fetched == null) {
+ critical("ZoomBuffer: iso_source_fetch_complete( ): fetch job has null image member");
+ return;
+ }
+ iso_source_image = fetch_job.fetched;
+ if ((iso_source_image.width * iso_source_image.height) > USE_REDUCED_THRESHOLD) {
+ reduced_source_image = iso_source_image.scale_simple(iso_source_image.width / 2,
+ iso_source_image.height / 2, Gdk.InterpType.BILINEAR);
+ }
+ object_state = ObjectState.SOURCE_NOT_TRANSFORMED;
+ if (!is_interactive_redraw_in_progress)
+ parent_page.repaint();
+ BackgroundJob transformation_job = new TransformationJob(this, iso_source_image,
+ backing_photo.get_pixel_transformer(), on_iso_transformation_complete,
+ new Cancellable());
+ workers.enqueue(transformation_job);
+ }
+ private void on_iso_transformation_complete(BackgroundJob job) {
+ TransformationJob transform_job = (TransformationJob) job;
+ if (transform_job.transformed == null) {
+ critical("ZoomBuffer: on_iso_transformation_complete( ): completed job has null " +
+ "image");
+ return;
+ }
+ iso_transformed_image = transform_job.transformed;
+ if ((iso_transformed_image.width * iso_transformed_image.height) > USE_REDUCED_THRESHOLD) {
+ reduced_transformed_image = iso_transformed_image.scale_simple(
+ iso_transformed_image.width / 2, iso_transformed_image.height / 2,
+ Gdk.InterpType.BILINEAR);
+ }
+ object_state = ObjectState.TRANSFORMED_READY;
+ }
+ private void on_demand_transform_complete(BackgroundJob job) {
+ TransformationJob transform_job = (TransformationJob) job;
+ if (transform_job.transformed == null) {
+ critical("ZoomBuffer: on_demand_transform_complete( ): completed job has null " +
+ "image");
+ return;
+ }
+ demand_transform_cached_pixbuf = transform_job.transformed;
+ demand_transform_job = null;
+ parent_page.repaint();
+ }
+ // passing a 'reduced_pixbuf' that has one-quarter the number of pixels as the 'iso_pixbuf' is
+ // optional, but including one can dramatically increase performance obtaining projection
+ // pixbufs at for ZoomStates with zoom factors less than 0.5
+ private Gdk.Pixbuf get_view_projection_pixbuf(ZoomState zoom_state, Gdk.Pixbuf iso_pixbuf,
+ Gdk.Pixbuf? reduced_pixbuf = null) {
+ Gdk.Rectangle view_rect = zoom_state.get_viewing_rectangle_wrt_content();
+ Gdk.Rectangle view_rect_proj = zoom_state.get_viewing_rectangle_projection(
+ iso_pixbuf);
+ Gdk.Pixbuf sample_source_pixbuf = iso_pixbuf;
+ if ((reduced_pixbuf != null) && (zoom_state.get_zoom_factor() < 0.5)) {
+ sample_source_pixbuf = reduced_pixbuf;
+ view_rect_proj.x /= 2;
+ view_rect_proj.y /= 2;
+ view_rect_proj.width /= 2;
+ view_rect_proj.height /= 2;
+ }
+ // On very small images, it's possible for these to
+ // be 0, and GTK doesn't like sampling a region 0 px
+ // across.
+ view_rect_proj.width = view_rect_proj.width.clamp(1, int.MAX);
+ view_rect_proj.height = view_rect_proj.height.clamp(1, int.MAX);
+ view_rect.width = view_rect.width.clamp(1, int.MAX);
+ view_rect.height = view_rect.height.clamp(1, int.MAX);
+ Gdk.Pixbuf proj_subpixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf.subpixbuf(sample_source_pixbuf, view_rect_proj.x,
+ view_rect_proj.y, view_rect_proj.width, view_rect_proj.height);
+ Gdk.Pixbuf zoomed = proj_subpixbuf.scale_simple(view_rect.width, view_rect.height,
+ Gdk.InterpType.BILINEAR);
+ assert(zoomed != null);
+ return zoomed;
+ }
+ private Gdk.Pixbuf get_zoomed_image_source_not_transformed(ZoomState zoom_state) {
+ if (demand_transform_cached_pixbuf != null) {
+ if (zoom_state.equals(demand_transform_zoom_state)) {
+ // if a cached pixbuf from a previous on-demand transform operation exists and
+ // its zoom state is the same as the currently requested zoom state, then we
+ // don't need to do any work -- just return the cached copy
+ return demand_transform_cached_pixbuf;
+ } else if (zoom_state.get_zoom_factor() ==
+ demand_transform_zoom_state.get_zoom_factor()) {
+ // if a cached pixbuf from a previous on-demand transform operation exists and
+ // its zoom state is different from the currently requested zoom state, then we
+ // can't just use the cached pixbuf as-is. However, we might be able to use *some*
+ // of the information in the previously cached pixbuf. Specifically, if the zoom
+ // state of the previously cached pixbuf is merely a translation of the currently
+ // requested zoom state (the zoom states are not equal but the zoom factors are the
+ // same), then all that has happened is that the user has panned the viewing
+ // window. So keep all the pixels from the cached pixbuf that are still on-screen
+ // in the current view.
+ Gdk.Rectangle curr_rect = zoom_state.get_viewing_rectangle_wrt_content();
+ Gdk.Rectangle pre_rect =
+ demand_transform_zoom_state.get_viewing_rectangle_wrt_content();
+ Gdk.Rectangle transfer_src_rect = Gdk.Rectangle();
+ Gdk.Rectangle transfer_dest_rect = Gdk.Rectangle();
+ transfer_src_rect.x = (curr_rect.x - pre_rect.x).clamp(0, pre_rect.width);
+ transfer_src_rect.y = (curr_rect.y - pre_rect.y).clamp(0, pre_rect.height);
+ int transfer_src_right = ((curr_rect.x + curr_rect.width) - pre_rect.width).clamp(0,
+ pre_rect.width);
+ transfer_src_rect.width = transfer_src_right - transfer_src_rect.x;
+ int transfer_src_bottom = ((curr_rect.y + curr_rect.height) - pre_rect.width).clamp(
+ 0, pre_rect.height);
+ transfer_src_rect.height = transfer_src_bottom - transfer_src_rect.y;
+ transfer_dest_rect.x = (pre_rect.x - curr_rect.x).clamp(0, curr_rect.width);
+ transfer_dest_rect.y = (pre_rect.y - curr_rect.y).clamp(0, curr_rect.height);
+ int transfer_dest_right = (transfer_dest_rect.x + transfer_src_rect.width).clamp(0,
+ curr_rect.width);
+ transfer_dest_rect.width = transfer_dest_right - transfer_dest_rect.x;
+ int transfer_dest_bottom = (transfer_dest_rect.y + transfer_src_rect.height).clamp(0,
+ curr_rect.height);
+ transfer_dest_rect.height = transfer_dest_bottom - transfer_dest_rect.y;
+ Gdk.Pixbuf composited_result = get_zoom_preview_image_internal(zoom_state);
+ demand_transform_cached_pixbuf.copy_area (transfer_src_rect.x,
+ transfer_src_rect.y, transfer_dest_rect.width, transfer_dest_rect.height,
+ composited_result, transfer_dest_rect.x, transfer_dest_rect.y);
+ return composited_result;
+ }
+ }
+ // ok -- the cached pixbuf didn't help us -- so check if there is a demand
+ // transformation background job currently in progress. if such a job is in progress,
+ // then check if it's for the same zoom state as the one requested here. If the
+ // zoom states are the same, then just return the preview image for now -- we won't
+ // get a crisper one until the background job completes. If the zoom states are not the
+ // same however, then cancel the existing background job and initiate a new one for the
+ // currently requested zoom state.
+ if (demand_transform_job != null) {
+ if (zoom_state.equals(demand_transform_zoom_state)) {
+ return get_zoom_preview_image_internal(zoom_state);
+ } else {
+ demand_transform_job.cancel();
+ demand_transform_job = null;
+ Gdk.Pixbuf zoomed = get_view_projection_pixbuf(zoom_state, iso_source_image,
+ reduced_source_image);
+ demand_transform_job = new TransformationJob(this, zoomed,
+ backing_photo.get_pixel_transformer(), on_demand_transform_complete,
+ new Cancellable());
+ demand_transform_zoom_state = zoom_state;
+ workers.enqueue(demand_transform_job);
+ return get_zoom_preview_image_internal(zoom_state);
+ }
+ }
+ // if no on-demand background transform job is in progress at all, then start one
+ if (demand_transform_job == null) {
+ Gdk.Pixbuf zoomed = get_view_projection_pixbuf(zoom_state, iso_source_image,
+ reduced_source_image);
+ demand_transform_job = new TransformationJob(this, zoomed,
+ backing_photo.get_pixel_transformer(), on_demand_transform_complete,
+ new Cancellable());
+ demand_transform_zoom_state = zoom_state;
+ workers.enqueue(demand_transform_job);
+ return get_zoom_preview_image_internal(zoom_state);
+ }
+ // execution should never reach this point -- the various nested conditionals above should
+ // account for every possible case that can occur when the ZoomBuffer is in the
+ // SOURCE-NOT-TRANSFORMED state. So if execution does reach this point, print a critical
+ // warning to the console and just zoom using the preview image (the preview image, since
+ // it's managed by the SinglePhotoPage that created us, is assumed to be good).
+ critical("ZoomBuffer: get_zoomed_image( ): in SOURCE-NOT-TRANSFORMED but can't transform " +
+ "on-screen projection on-demand; using preview image");
+ return get_zoom_preview_image_internal(zoom_state);
+ }
+ public Gdk.Pixbuf get_zoom_preview_image_internal(ZoomState zoom_state) {
+ if (object_state == ObjectState.SOURCE_NOT_LOADED) {
+ BackgroundJob iso_source_fetch_job = new IsoSourceFetchJob(this, backing_photo,
+ on_iso_source_fetch_complete);
+ workers.enqueue(iso_source_fetch_job);
+ object_state = ObjectState.SOURCE_LOAD_IN_PROGRESS;
+ }
+ Gdk.Rectangle view_rect = zoom_state.get_viewing_rectangle_wrt_content();
+ Gdk.Rectangle view_rect_proj = zoom_state.get_viewing_rectangle_projection(
+ preview_image);
+ view_rect_proj.width = view_rect_proj.width.clamp(1, int.MAX);
+ view_rect_proj.height = view_rect_proj.height.clamp(1, int.MAX);
+ Gdk.Pixbuf proj_subpixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf.subpixbuf(preview_image,
+ view_rect_proj.x, view_rect_proj.y, view_rect_proj.width, view_rect_proj.height);
+ Gdk.Pixbuf zoomed = proj_subpixbuf.scale_simple(view_rect.width, view_rect.height,
+ Gdk.InterpType.BILINEAR);
+ return zoomed;
+ }
+ public Photo get_backing_photo() {
+ return backing_photo;
+ }
+ public void update_preview_image(Gdk.Pixbuf preview_image) {
+ this.preview_image = preview_image;
+ }
+ // invoke with no arguments or with null to merely flush the cache or alternatively pass in a
+ // single zoom state argument to re-seed the cache for that zoom state after it's been flushed
+ public void flush_demand_cache(ZoomState? initial_zoom_state = null) {
+ demand_transform_cached_pixbuf = null;
+ if (initial_zoom_state != null)
+ get_zoomed_image(initial_zoom_state);
+ }
+ public Gdk.Pixbuf get_zoomed_image(ZoomState zoom_state) {
+ is_interactive_redraw_in_progress = false;
+ // if request is for a zoomed image with an interpolation factor of zero (i.e., no zooming
+ // needs to be performed since the zoom slider is all the way to the left), then just
+ // return the zoom preview image
+ if (zoom_state.get_interpolation_factor() == 0.0) {
+ return get_zoom_preview_image_internal(zoom_state);
+ }
+ switch (object_state) {
+ case ObjectState.SOURCE_NOT_LOADED:
+ return get_zoom_preview_image_internal(zoom_state);
+ return get_zoomed_image_source_not_transformed(zoom_state);
+ case ObjectState.TRANSFORMED_READY:
+ // if an isomorphic, transformed pixbuf is ready, then just sample the projection of
+ // current viewing window from it and return that.
+ return get_view_projection_pixbuf(zoom_state, iso_transformed_image,
+ reduced_transformed_image);
+ default:
+ critical("ZoomBuffer: get_zoomed_image( ): object is an inconsistent state");
+ return get_zoom_preview_image_internal(zoom_state);
+ }
+ }
+ public Gdk.Pixbuf get_zoom_preview_image(ZoomState zoom_state) {
+ is_interactive_redraw_in_progress = true;
+ return get_zoom_preview_image_internal(zoom_state);
+ }
+public abstract class EditingHostPage : SinglePhotoPage {
+ public const int TRINKET_SCALE = 20;
+ public const int TRINKET_PADDING = 1;
+ public const double ZOOM_INCREMENT_SIZE = 0.1;
+ public const int PAN_INCREMENT_SIZE = 64; /* in pixels */
+ public const int TOOL_WINDOW_SEPARATOR = 8;
+ public const int PIXBUF_CACHE_COUNT = 5;
+ public const int ORIGINAL_PIXBUF_CACHE_COUNT = 5;
+ private class EditingHostCanvas : EditingTools.PhotoCanvas {
+ private EditingHostPage host_page;
+ public EditingHostCanvas(EditingHostPage host_page) {
+ base(host_page.get_container(), host_page.canvas.get_window(), host_page.get_photo(),
+ host_page.get_cairo_context(), host_page.get_surface_dim(), host_page.get_scaled_pixbuf(),
+ host_page.get_scaled_pixbuf_position());
+ this.host_page = host_page;
+ }
+ public override void repaint() {
+ host_page.repaint();
+ }
+ }
+ private SourceCollection sources;
+ private ViewCollection? parent_view = null;
+ private Gdk.Pixbuf swapped = null;
+ private bool pixbuf_dirty = true;
+ private Gtk.ToolButton rotate_button = null;
+ private Gtk.ToggleToolButton crop_button = null;
+ private Gtk.ToggleToolButton redeye_button = null;
+ private Gtk.ToggleToolButton adjust_button = null;
+ private Gtk.ToggleToolButton straighten_button = null;
+ private Gtk.ToolButton enhance_button = null;
+ private Gtk.Scale zoom_slider = null;
+ private Gtk.ToolButton prev_button = new Gtk.ToolButton.from_stock(Gtk.Stock.GO_BACK);
+ private Gtk.ToolButton next_button = new Gtk.ToolButton.from_stock(Gtk.Stock.GO_FORWARD);
+ private EditingTools.EditingTool current_tool = null;
+ private Gtk.ToggleToolButton current_editing_toggle = null;
+ private Gdk.Pixbuf cancel_editing_pixbuf = null;
+ private bool photo_missing = false;
+ private PixbufCache cache = null;
+ private PixbufCache master_cache = null;
+ private DragAndDropHandler dnd_handler = null;
+ private bool enable_interactive_zoom_refresh = false;
+ private Gdk.Point zoom_pan_start_point;
+ private bool is_pan_in_progress = false;
+ private double saved_slider_val = 0.0;
+ private ZoomBuffer? zoom_buffer = null;
+ private Gee.HashMap<string, int> last_locations = new Gee.HashMap<string, int>();
+ public EditingHostPage(SourceCollection sources, string name) {
+ base(name, false);
+ this.sources = sources;
+ // when photo is altered need to update it here
+ sources.items_altered.connect(on_photos_altered);
+ // monitor when the ViewCollection's contents change
+ get_view().contents_altered.connect(on_view_contents_ordering_altered);
+ get_view().ordering_changed.connect(on_view_contents_ordering_altered);
+ // the viewport can change size independent of the window being resized (when the searchbar
+ // disappears, for example)
+ viewport.size_allocate.connect(on_viewport_resized);
+ // set up page's toolbar (used by AppWindow for layout and FullscreenWindow as a popup)
+ Gtk.Toolbar toolbar = get_toolbar();
+ // rotate tool
+ rotate_button = new Gtk.ToolButton.from_stock("");
+ rotate_button.set_icon_name(Resources.CLOCKWISE);
+ rotate_button.set_label(Resources.ROTATE_CW_LABEL);
+ rotate_button.set_tooltip_text(Resources.ROTATE_CW_TOOLTIP);
+ rotate_button.clicked.connect(on_rotate_clockwise);
+ rotate_button.is_important = true;
+ toolbar.insert(rotate_button, -1);
+ // crop tool
+ crop_button = new Gtk.ToggleToolButton.from_stock(Resources.CROP);
+ crop_button.set_label(Resources.CROP_LABEL);
+ crop_button.set_tooltip_text(Resources.CROP_TOOLTIP);
+ crop_button.toggled.connect(on_crop_toggled);
+ crop_button.is_important = true;
+ toolbar.insert(crop_button, -1);
+ // straightening tool
+ straighten_button = new Gtk.ToggleToolButton.from_stock(Resources.STRAIGHTEN);
+ straighten_button.set_label(Resources.STRAIGHTEN_LABEL);
+ straighten_button.set_tooltip_text(Resources.STRAIGHTEN_TOOLTIP);
+ straighten_button.toggled.connect(on_straighten_toggled);
+ straighten_button.is_important = true;
+ toolbar.insert(straighten_button, -1);
+ // redeye reduction tool
+ redeye_button = new Gtk.ToggleToolButton.from_stock(Resources.REDEYE);
+ redeye_button.set_label(Resources.RED_EYE_LABEL);
+ redeye_button.set_tooltip_text(Resources.RED_EYE_TOOLTIP);
+ redeye_button.toggled.connect(on_redeye_toggled);
+ redeye_button.is_important = true;
+ toolbar.insert(redeye_button, -1);
+ // adjust tool
+ adjust_button = new Gtk.ToggleToolButton.from_stock(Resources.ADJUST);
+ adjust_button.set_label(Resources.ADJUST_LABEL);
+ adjust_button.set_tooltip_text(Resources.ADJUST_TOOLTIP);
+ adjust_button.toggled.connect(on_adjust_toggled);
+ adjust_button.is_important = true;
+ toolbar.insert(adjust_button, -1);
+ // enhance tool
+ enhance_button = new Gtk.ToolButton.from_stock(Resources.ENHANCE);
+ enhance_button.set_label(Resources.ENHANCE_LABEL);
+ enhance_button.set_tooltip_text(Resources.ENHANCE_TOOLTIP);
+ enhance_button.clicked.connect(on_enhance);
+ enhance_button.is_important = true;
+ toolbar.insert(enhance_button, -1);
+ // separator to force next/prev buttons to right side of toolbar
+ Gtk.SeparatorToolItem separator = new Gtk.SeparatorToolItem();
+ separator.set_expand(true);
+ separator.set_draw(false);
+ toolbar.insert(separator, -1);
+ Gtk.Box zoom_group = new Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0);
+ Gtk.Image zoom_out = new Gtk.Image.from_pixbuf(Resources.load_icon(Resources.ICON_ZOOM_OUT,
+ Resources.ICON_ZOOM_SCALE));
+ Gtk.EventBox zoom_out_box = new Gtk.EventBox();
+ zoom_out_box.set_above_child(true);
+ zoom_out_box.set_visible_window(false);
+ zoom_out_box.add(zoom_out);
+ zoom_out_box.button_press_event.connect(on_zoom_out_pressed);
+ zoom_group.pack_start(zoom_out_box, false, false, 0);
+ // zoom slider
+ zoom_slider = new Gtk.Scale(Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, new Gtk.Adjustment(0.0, 0.0, 1.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1));
+ zoom_slider.set_draw_value(false);
+ zoom_slider.set_size_request(120, -1);
+ zoom_slider.value_changed.connect(on_zoom_slider_value_changed);
+ zoom_slider.button_press_event.connect(on_zoom_slider_drag_begin);
+ zoom_slider.button_release_event.connect(on_zoom_slider_drag_end);
+ zoom_slider.key_press_event.connect(on_zoom_slider_key_press);
+ zoom_group.pack_start(zoom_slider, false, false, 0);
+ Gtk.Image zoom_in = new Gtk.Image.from_pixbuf(Resources.load_icon(Resources.ICON_ZOOM_IN,
+ Resources.ICON_ZOOM_SCALE));
+ Gtk.EventBox zoom_in_box = new Gtk.EventBox();
+ zoom_in_box.set_above_child(true);
+ zoom_in_box.set_visible_window(false);
+ zoom_in_box.add(zoom_in);
+ zoom_in_box.button_press_event.connect(on_zoom_in_pressed);
+ zoom_group.pack_start(zoom_in_box, false, false, 0);
+ Gtk.ToolItem group_wrapper = new Gtk.ToolItem();
+ group_wrapper.add(zoom_group);
+ toolbar.insert(group_wrapper, -1);
+ // previous button
+ prev_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Previous photo"));
+ prev_button.clicked.connect(on_previous_photo);
+ toolbar.insert(prev_button, -1);
+ // next button
+ next_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Next photo"));
+ next_button.clicked.connect(on_next_photo);
+ toolbar.insert(next_button, -1);
+ }
+ ~EditingHostPage() {
+ sources.items_altered.disconnect(on_photos_altered);
+ get_view().contents_altered.disconnect(on_view_contents_ordering_altered);
+ get_view().ordering_changed.disconnect(on_view_contents_ordering_altered);
+ }
+ private void on_zoom_slider_value_changed() {
+ ZoomState new_zoom_state = ZoomState.rescale(get_zoom_state(), zoom_slider.get_value());
+ if (enable_interactive_zoom_refresh) {
+ on_interactive_zoom(new_zoom_state);
+ if (new_zoom_state.is_default())
+ set_zoom_state(new_zoom_state);
+ } else {
+ if (new_zoom_state.is_default()) {
+ cancel_zoom();
+ } else {
+ set_zoom_state(new_zoom_state);
+ }
+ repaint();
+ }
+ update_cursor_for_zoom_context();
+ }
+ private bool on_zoom_slider_drag_begin(Gdk.EventButton event) {
+ enable_interactive_zoom_refresh = true;
+ if (get_container() is FullscreenWindow)
+ ((FullscreenWindow) get_container()).disable_toolbar_dismissal();
+ return false;
+ }
+ private bool on_zoom_slider_drag_end(Gdk.EventButton event) {
+ enable_interactive_zoom_refresh = false;
+ if (get_container() is FullscreenWindow)
+ ((FullscreenWindow) get_container()).update_toolbar_dismissal();
+ ZoomState zoom_state = ZoomState.rescale(get_zoom_state(), zoom_slider.get_value());
+ set_zoom_state(zoom_state);
+ repaint();
+ return false;
+ }
+ private bool on_zoom_out_pressed(Gdk.EventButton event) {
+ snap_zoom_to_min();
+ return true;
+ }
+ private bool on_zoom_in_pressed(Gdk.EventButton event) {
+ snap_zoom_to_max();
+ return true;
+ }
+ private Gdk.Point get_cursor_wrt_viewport(Gdk.EventScroll event) {
+ Gdk.Point cursor_wrt_canvas = {0};
+ cursor_wrt_canvas.x = (int) event.x;
+ cursor_wrt_canvas.y = (int) event.y;
+ Gdk.Rectangle viewport_wrt_canvas = get_zoom_state().get_viewing_rectangle_wrt_screen();
+ Gdk.Point result = {0};
+ result.x = cursor_wrt_canvas.x - viewport_wrt_canvas.x;
+ result.x = result.x.clamp(0, viewport_wrt_canvas.width);
+ result.y = cursor_wrt_canvas.y - viewport_wrt_canvas.y;
+ result.y = result.y.clamp(0, viewport_wrt_canvas.height);
+ return result;
+ }
+ private Gdk.Point get_cursor_wrt_viewport_center(Gdk.EventScroll event) {
+ Gdk.Point cursor_wrt_viewport = get_cursor_wrt_viewport(event);
+ Gdk.Rectangle viewport_wrt_canvas = get_zoom_state().get_viewing_rectangle_wrt_screen();
+ Gdk.Point viewport_center = {0};
+ viewport_center.x = viewport_wrt_canvas.width / 2;
+ viewport_center.y = viewport_wrt_canvas.height / 2;
+ return subtract_points(cursor_wrt_viewport, viewport_center);
+ }
+ private Gdk.Point get_iso_pixel_under_cursor(Gdk.EventScroll event) {
+ Gdk.Point viewport_center_iso = scale_point(get_zoom_state().get_viewport_center(),
+ 1.0 / get_zoom_state().get_zoom_factor());
+ Gdk.Point cursor_wrt_center_iso = scale_point(get_cursor_wrt_viewport_center(event),
+ 1.0 / get_zoom_state().get_zoom_factor());
+ return add_points(viewport_center_iso, cursor_wrt_center_iso);
+ }
+ private double snap_interpolation_factor(double interp) {
+ if (interp < 0.03)
+ interp = 0.0;
+ else if (interp > 0.97)
+ interp = 1.0;
+ return interp;
+ }
+ private double adjust_interpolation_factor(double adjustment) {
+ return snap_interpolation_factor(get_zoom_state().get_interpolation_factor() + adjustment);
+ }
+ private void zoom_about_event_cursor_point(Gdk.EventScroll event, double zoom_increment) {
+ if (photo_missing)
+ return;
+ Gdk.Point cursor_wrt_viewport_center = get_cursor_wrt_viewport_center(event);
+ Gdk.Point iso_pixel_under_cursor = get_iso_pixel_under_cursor(event);
+ double interp = adjust_interpolation_factor(zoom_increment);
+ zoom_slider.value_changed.disconnect(on_zoom_slider_value_changed);
+ zoom_slider.set_value(interp);
+ zoom_slider.value_changed.connect(on_zoom_slider_value_changed);
+ ZoomState new_zoom_state = ZoomState.rescale(get_zoom_state(), interp);
+ if (new_zoom_state.is_min()) {
+ cancel_zoom();
+ update_cursor_for_zoom_context();
+ repaint();
+ return;
+ }
+ Gdk.Point new_zoomed_old_cursor = scale_point(iso_pixel_under_cursor,
+ new_zoom_state.get_zoom_factor());
+ Gdk.Point desired_new_viewport_center = subtract_points(new_zoomed_old_cursor,
+ cursor_wrt_viewport_center);
+ new_zoom_state = ZoomState.pan(new_zoom_state, desired_new_viewport_center);
+ set_zoom_state(new_zoom_state);
+ repaint();
+ update_cursor_for_zoom_context();
+ }
+ protected void snap_zoom_to_min() {
+ zoom_slider.set_value(0.0);
+ }
+ protected void snap_zoom_to_max() {
+ zoom_slider.set_value(1.0);
+ }
+ protected void snap_zoom_to_isomorphic() {
+ ZoomState iso_state = ZoomState.rescale_to_isomorphic(get_zoom_state());
+ zoom_slider.set_value(iso_state.get_interpolation_factor());
+ }
+ protected virtual bool on_zoom_slider_key_press(Gdk.EventKey event) {
+ switch (Gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval)) {
+ case "equal":
+ case "plus":
+ case "KP_Add":
+ activate_action("IncreaseSize");
+ return true;
+ case "minus":
+ case "underscore":
+ case "KP_Subtract":
+ activate_action("DecreaseSize");
+ return true;
+ case "KP_Divide":
+ activate_action("Zoom100");
+ return true;
+ case "KP_Multiply":
+ activate_action("ZoomFit");
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ protected virtual void on_increase_size() {
+ zoom_slider.set_value(adjust_interpolation_factor(ZOOM_INCREMENT_SIZE));
+ }
+ protected virtual void on_decrease_size() {
+ zoom_slider.set_value(adjust_interpolation_factor(-ZOOM_INCREMENT_SIZE));
+ }
+ protected override void save_zoom_state() {
+ base.save_zoom_state();
+ saved_slider_val = zoom_slider.get_value();
+ }
+ protected override ZoomBuffer? get_zoom_buffer() {
+ return zoom_buffer;
+ }
+ protected override bool on_mousewheel_up(Gdk.EventScroll event) {
+ if (get_zoom_state().is_max() || !zoom_slider.get_sensitive())
+ return false;
+ zoom_about_event_cursor_point(event, ZOOM_INCREMENT_SIZE);
+ return false;
+ }
+ protected override bool on_mousewheel_down(Gdk.EventScroll event) {
+ if (get_zoom_state().is_min() || !zoom_slider.get_sensitive())
+ return false;
+ zoom_about_event_cursor_point(event, -ZOOM_INCREMENT_SIZE);
+ return false;
+ }
+ protected override void restore_zoom_state() {
+ base.restore_zoom_state();
+ zoom_slider.value_changed.disconnect(on_zoom_slider_value_changed);
+ zoom_slider.set_value(saved_slider_val);
+ zoom_slider.value_changed.connect(on_zoom_slider_value_changed);
+ }
+ public override bool is_zoom_supported() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ public override void set_container(Gtk.Window container) {
+ base.set_container(container);
+ // DnD not available in fullscreen mode
+ if (!(container is FullscreenWindow))
+ dnd_handler = new DragAndDropHandler(this);
+ }
+ public ViewCollection? get_parent_view() {
+ return parent_view;
+ }
+ public bool has_photo() {
+ return get_photo() != null;
+ }
+ public Photo? get_photo() {
+ // If there is currently no selected photo, return null.
+ if (get_view().get_selected_count() == 0)
+ return null;
+ // Use the selected photo. There should only ever be one selected photo,
+ // which is the currently displayed photo.
+ assert(get_view().get_selected_count() == 1);
+ return (Photo) get_view().get_selected_at(0).get_source();
+ }
+ // Called before the photo changes.
+ protected virtual void photo_changing(Photo new_photo) {
+ // If this is a raw image with a missing development, we can regenerate it,
+ // so don't mark it as missing.
+ if (new_photo.get_file_format() == PhotoFileFormat.RAW)
+ set_photo_missing(false);
+ else
+ set_photo_missing(!new_photo.get_file().query_exists());
+ update_ui(photo_missing);
+ }
+ private void set_photo(Photo photo) {
+ zoom_slider.value_changed.disconnect(on_zoom_slider_value_changed);
+ zoom_slider.set_value(0.0);
+ zoom_slider.value_changed.connect(on_zoom_slider_value_changed);
+ photo_changing(photo);
+ DataView view = get_view().get_view_for_source(photo);
+ assert(view != null);
+ // Select photo.
+ get_view().unselect_all();
+ Marker marker = get_view().mark(view);
+ get_view().select_marked(marker);
+ // also select it in the parent view's collection, so when the user returns to that view
+ // it's apparent which one was being viewed here
+ if (parent_view != null) {
+ parent_view.unselect_all();
+ DataView? view_in_parent = parent_view.get_view_for_source_filtered(photo);
+ if (null != view_in_parent)
+ parent_view.select_marked(parent_view.mark(view_in_parent));
+ }
+ }
+ public override void realize() {
+ base.realize();
+ rebuild_caches("realize");
+ }
+ public override void switched_to() {
+ base.switched_to();
+ rebuild_caches("switched_to");
+ // check if the photo altered while away
+ if (has_photo() && pixbuf_dirty)
+ replace_photo(get_photo());
+ }
+ public override void switching_from() {
+ base.switching_from();
+ cancel_zoom();
+ is_pan_in_progress = false;
+ deactivate_tool();
+ // Ticket #3255 - Checkerboard page didn't `remember` what was selected
+ // when the user went into and out of the photo page without navigating
+ // to next or previous.
+ // Since the base class intentionally unselects everything in the parent
+ // view, reselect the currently marked photo here...
+ if ((has_photo()) && (parent_view != null)) {
+ parent_view.select_marked(parent_view.mark(parent_view.get_view_for_source(get_photo())));
+ }
+ parent_view = null;
+ get_view().clear();
+ }
+ public override void switching_to_fullscreen(FullscreenWindow fsw) {
+ base.switching_to_fullscreen(fsw);
+ deactivate_tool();
+ cancel_zoom();
+ is_pan_in_progress = false;
+ Page page = fsw.get_current_page();
+ if (page != null)
+ page.get_view().items_selected.connect(on_selection_changed);
+ }
+ public override void returning_from_fullscreen(FullscreenWindow fsw) {
+ base.returning_from_fullscreen(fsw);
+ repaint();
+ Page page = fsw.get_current_page();
+ if (page != null)
+ page.get_view().items_selected.disconnect(on_selection_changed);
+ }
+ private void on_selection_changed(Gee.Iterable<DataView> selected) {
+ foreach (DataView view in selected) {
+ replace_photo((Photo) view.get_source());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ protected void enable_rotate(bool should_enable) {
+ rotate_button.set_sensitive(should_enable);
+ }
+ // This function should be called if the viewport has changed and the pixbuf cache needs to be
+ // regenerated. Use refresh_caches() if the contents of the ViewCollection have changed
+ // but not the viewport.
+ private void rebuild_caches(string caller) {
+ Scaling scaling = get_canvas_scaling();
+ // only rebuild if not the same scaling
+ if (cache != null && cache.get_scaling().equals(scaling))
+ return;
+ debug("Rebuild pixbuf caches: %s (%s)", caller, scaling.to_string());
+ // if dropping an old cache, clear the signal handler so currently executing requests
+ // don't complete and cancel anything queued up
+ if (cache != null) {
+ cache.fetched.disconnect(on_pixbuf_fetched);
+ cache.cancel_all();
+ }
+ cache = new PixbufCache(sources, PixbufCache.PhotoType.BASELINE, scaling, PIXBUF_CACHE_COUNT);
+ cache.fetched.connect(on_pixbuf_fetched);
+ master_cache = new PixbufCache(sources, PixbufCache.PhotoType.MASTER, scaling,
+ ORIGINAL_PIXBUF_CACHE_COUNT, master_cache_filter);
+ refresh_caches(caller);
+ }
+ // See note at rebuild_caches() for usage.
+ private void refresh_caches(string caller) {
+ if (has_photo()) {
+ debug("Refresh pixbuf caches (%s): prefetching neighbors of %s", caller,
+ get_photo().to_string());
+ prefetch_neighbors(get_view(), get_photo());
+ } else {
+ debug("Refresh pixbuf caches (%s): (no photo)", caller);
+ }
+ }
+ private bool master_cache_filter(Photo photo) {
+ return photo.has_transformations() || photo.has_editable();
+ }
+ private void on_pixbuf_fetched(Photo photo, Gdk.Pixbuf? pixbuf, Error? err) {
+ // if not of the current photo, nothing more to do
+ if (!photo.equals(get_photo()))
+ return;
+ if (pixbuf != null) {
+ // update the preview image in the zoom buffer
+ if ((zoom_buffer != null) && (zoom_buffer.get_backing_photo() == photo))
+ zoom_buffer = new ZoomBuffer(this, photo, pixbuf);
+ // if no tool, use the pixbuf directly, otherwise, let the tool decide what should be
+ // displayed
+ Dimensions max_dim = photo.get_dimensions();
+ if (current_tool != null) {
+ try {
+ Dimensions tool_pixbuf_dim;
+ Gdk.Pixbuf? tool_pixbuf = current_tool.get_display_pixbuf(get_canvas_scaling(),
+ photo, out tool_pixbuf_dim);
+ if (tool_pixbuf != null) {
+ pixbuf = tool_pixbuf;
+ max_dim = tool_pixbuf_dim;
+ }
+ } catch(Error err) {
+ warning("Unable to fetch tool pixbuf for %s: %s", photo.to_string(), err.message);
+ set_photo_missing(true);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ set_pixbuf(pixbuf, max_dim);
+ pixbuf_dirty = false;
+ notify_photo_backing_missing((Photo) photo, false);
+ } else if (err != null) {
+ // this call merely updates the UI, and can be called indiscriminantly, whether or not
+ // the photo is actually missing
+ set_photo_missing(true);
+ // this call should only be used when we're sure the photo is missing
+ notify_photo_backing_missing((Photo) photo, true);
+ }
+ }
+ private void prefetch_neighbors(ViewCollection controller, Photo photo) {
+ PixbufCache.PixbufCacheBatch normal_batch = new PixbufCache.PixbufCacheBatch();
+ PixbufCache.PixbufCacheBatch master_batch = new PixbufCache.PixbufCacheBatch();
+ normal_batch.set(BackgroundJob.JobPriority.HIGHEST, photo);
+ master_batch.set(BackgroundJob.JobPriority.LOW, photo);
+ DataSource next_source, prev_source;
+ if (!controller.get_immediate_neighbors(photo, out next_source, out prev_source, Photo.TYPENAME))
+ return;
+ Photo next = (Photo) next_source;
+ Photo prev = (Photo) prev_source;
+ // prefetch the immediate neighbors and their outer neighbors, for plenty of readahead
+ foreach (DataSource neighbor_source in controller.get_extended_neighbors(photo, Photo.TYPENAME)) {
+ Photo neighbor = (Photo) neighbor_source;
+ BackgroundJob.JobPriority priority = BackgroundJob.JobPriority.NORMAL;
+ if (neighbor.equals(next) || neighbor.equals(prev))
+ priority = BackgroundJob.JobPriority.HIGH;
+ normal_batch.set(priority, neighbor);
+ master_batch.set(BackgroundJob.JobPriority.LOWEST, neighbor);
+ }
+ cache.prefetch_batch(normal_batch);
+ master_cache.prefetch_batch(master_batch);
+ }
+ // Cancels prefetches of old neighbors, but does not cancel them if they are the new
+ // neighbors
+ private void cancel_prefetch_neighbors(ViewCollection old_controller, Photo old_photo,
+ ViewCollection new_controller, Photo new_photo) {
+ Gee.Set<Photo> old_neighbors = (Gee.Set<Photo>)
+ old_controller.get_extended_neighbors(old_photo, Photo.TYPENAME);
+ Gee.Set<Photo> new_neighbors = (Gee.Set<Photo>)
+ new_controller.get_extended_neighbors(new_photo, Photo.TYPENAME);
+ foreach (Photo old_neighbor in old_neighbors) {
+ // cancel prefetch and drop from cache if old neighbor is not part of the new
+ // neighborhood
+ if (!new_neighbors.contains(old_neighbor) && !new_photo.equals(old_neighbor)) {
+ cache.drop(old_neighbor);
+ master_cache.drop(old_neighbor);
+ }
+ }
+ // do same for old photo
+ if (!new_neighbors.contains(old_photo) && !new_photo.equals(old_photo)) {
+ cache.drop(old_photo);
+ master_cache.drop(old_photo);
+ }
+ }
+ protected virtual DataView create_photo_view(DataSource source) {
+ return new PhotoView((PhotoSource) source);
+ }
+ private bool is_photo(DataSource source) {
+ return source is PhotoSource;
+ }
+ protected void display_copy_of(ViewCollection controller, Photo starting_photo) {
+ assert(controller.get_view_for_source(starting_photo) != null);
+ if (controller != get_view() && controller != parent_view) {
+ get_view().clear();
+ get_view().copy_into(controller, create_photo_view, is_photo);
+ parent_view = controller;
+ }
+ replace_photo(starting_photo);
+ }
+ protected void display_mirror_of(ViewCollection controller, Photo starting_photo) {
+ assert(controller.get_view_for_source(starting_photo) != null);
+ if (controller != get_view() && controller != parent_view) {
+ get_view().clear();
+ get_view().mirror(controller, create_photo_view, is_photo);
+ parent_view = controller;
+ }
+ replace_photo(starting_photo);
+ }
+ protected virtual void update_ui(bool missing) {
+ bool sensitivity = !missing;
+ rotate_button.sensitive = sensitivity;
+ crop_button.sensitive = sensitivity;
+ straighten_button.sensitive = sensitivity;
+ redeye_button.sensitive = sensitivity;
+ adjust_button.sensitive = sensitivity;
+ enhance_button.sensitive = sensitivity;
+ zoom_slider.sensitive = sensitivity;
+ deactivate_tool();
+ }
+ // This should only be called when it's known that the photo is actually missing.
+ protected virtual void notify_photo_backing_missing(Photo photo, bool missing) {
+ }
+ private void draw_message(string message) {
+ // draw the message in the center of the window
+ Pango.Layout pango_layout = create_pango_layout(message);
+ int text_width, text_height;
+ pango_layout.get_pixel_size(out text_width, out text_height);
+ Gtk.Allocation allocation;
+ get_allocation(out allocation);
+ int x = allocation.width - text_width;
+ x = (x > 0) ? x / 2 : 0;
+ int y = allocation.height - text_height;
+ y = (y > 0) ? y / 2 : 0;
+ paint_text(pango_layout, x, y);
+ }
+ // This method can be called indiscriminantly, whether or not the backing is actually present.
+ protected void set_photo_missing(bool missing) {
+ if (photo_missing == missing)
+ return;
+ photo_missing = missing;
+ Photo? photo = get_photo();
+ if (photo == null)
+ return;
+ update_ui(missing);
+ if (photo_missing) {
+ try {
+ Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf = photo.get_preview_pixbuf(get_canvas_scaling());
+ pixbuf = pixbuf.composite_color_simple(pixbuf.get_width(), pixbuf.get_height(),
+ Gdk.InterpType.NEAREST, 100, 2, 0, 0);
+ set_pixbuf(pixbuf, photo.get_dimensions());
+ } catch (GLib.Error err) {
+ warning("%s", err.message);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public bool get_photo_missing() {
+ return photo_missing;
+ }
+ protected virtual bool confirm_replace_photo(Photo? old_photo, Photo new_photo) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ private Gdk.Pixbuf get_zoom_pixbuf(Photo new_photo) {
+ Gdk.Pixbuf? pixbuf = cache.get_ready_pixbuf(new_photo);
+ if (pixbuf == null) {
+ try {
+ pixbuf = new_photo.get_preview_pixbuf(get_canvas_scaling());
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ warning("%s", err.message);
+ }
+ }
+ if (pixbuf == null) {
+ // Create empty pixbuf.
+ pixbuf = AppWindow.get_instance().render_icon(Gtk.Stock.MISSING_IMAGE,
+ Gtk.IconSize.DIALOG, null);
+ get_canvas_scaling().perform_on_pixbuf(pixbuf, Gdk.InterpType.NEAREST, true);
+ }
+ return pixbuf;
+ }
+ private void replace_photo(Photo new_photo) {
+ // if it's the same Photo object, the scaling hasn't changed, and the photo's file
+ // has not gone missing or re-appeared, there's nothing to do otherwise,
+ // just need to reload the image for the proper scaling. Of course, the photo's pixels
+ // might've changed, so rebuild the zoom buffer.
+ if (new_photo.equals(get_photo()) && !pixbuf_dirty && !photo_missing) {
+ zoom_buffer = new ZoomBuffer(this, new_photo, get_zoom_pixbuf(new_photo));
+ return;
+ }
+ // only check if okay to replace if there's something to replace and someone's concerned
+ if (has_photo() && !new_photo.equals(get_photo()) && confirm_replace_photo != null) {
+ if (!confirm_replace_photo(get_photo(), new_photo))
+ return;
+ }
+ deactivate_tool();
+ // swap out new photo and old photo and process change
+ Photo old_photo = get_photo();
+ set_photo(new_photo);
+ set_page_name(new_photo.get_name());
+ // clear out the swap buffer
+ swapped = null;
+ // reset flags
+ set_photo_missing(!new_photo.get_file().query_exists());
+ pixbuf_dirty = true;
+ // it's possible for this to be called prior to the page being realized, however, the
+ // underlying canvas has a scaling, so use that (hence rebuild rather than refresh)
+ rebuild_caches("replace_photo");
+ if (old_photo != null)
+ cancel_prefetch_neighbors(get_view(), old_photo, get_view(), new_photo);
+ cancel_zoom();
+ zoom_buffer = new ZoomBuffer(this, new_photo, get_zoom_pixbuf(new_photo));
+ quick_update_pixbuf();
+ // now refresh the caches, which ensures that the neighbors get pulled into memory
+ refresh_caches("replace_photo");
+ }
+ protected override void cancel_zoom() {
+ base.cancel_zoom();
+ zoom_slider.value_changed.disconnect(on_zoom_slider_value_changed);
+ zoom_slider.set_value(0.0);
+ zoom_slider.value_changed.connect(on_zoom_slider_value_changed);
+ if (get_photo() != null)
+ set_zoom_state(ZoomState(get_photo().get_dimensions(), get_surface_dim(), 0.0));
+ // when cancelling zoom, panning becomes impossible, so set the cursor back to
+ // a left pointer in case it had been a hand-grip cursor indicating that panning
+ // was possible; the null guards are required because zoom can be cancelled at
+ // any time
+ if (canvas != null && canvas.get_window() != null)
+ set_page_cursor(Gdk.CursorType.LEFT_PTR);
+ repaint();
+ }
+ private void quick_update_pixbuf() {
+ Gdk.Pixbuf? pixbuf = cache.get_ready_pixbuf(get_photo());
+ if (pixbuf != null) {
+ set_pixbuf(pixbuf, get_photo().get_dimensions());
+ pixbuf_dirty = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ Scaling scaling = get_canvas_scaling();
+ debug("Using progressive load for %s (%s)", get_photo().to_string(), scaling.to_string());
+ // throw a resized large thumbnail up to get an image on the screen quickly,
+ // and when ready decode and display the full image
+ try {
+ set_pixbuf(get_photo().get_preview_pixbuf(scaling), get_photo().get_dimensions());
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ warning("%s", err.message);
+ }
+ cache.prefetch(get_photo(), BackgroundJob.JobPriority.HIGHEST);
+ // although final pixbuf not in place, it's on its way, so set this to clean so later calls
+ // don't reload again
+ pixbuf_dirty = false;
+ }
+ private bool update_pixbuf() {
+ Timer timer = new Timer();
+ Photo? photo = get_photo();
+ if (photo == null)
+ return false;
+ Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf = null;
+ Dimensions max_dim = photo.get_dimensions();
+ try {
+ Dimensions tool_pixbuf_dim = {0};
+ if (current_tool != null)
+ pixbuf = current_tool.get_display_pixbuf(get_canvas_scaling(), photo, out tool_pixbuf_dim);
+ if (pixbuf != null)
+ max_dim = tool_pixbuf_dim;
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ warning("%s", err.message);
+ set_photo_missing(true);
+ }
+ if (!photo_missing) {
+ // if no pixbuf, see if it's waiting in the cache
+ if (pixbuf == null)
+ pixbuf = cache.get_ready_pixbuf(photo);
+ // if still no pixbuf, background fetch and let the signal handler update the display
+ if (pixbuf == null)
+ cache.prefetch(photo);
+ }
+ if (!photo_missing && pixbuf != null) {
+ set_pixbuf(pixbuf, max_dim);
+ pixbuf_dirty = false;
+ }
+ debug("UPDATE_PIXBUF: total=%lf", timer.elapsed());
+ return false;
+ }
+ protected override void on_resize(Gdk.Rectangle rect) {
+ base.on_resize(rect);
+ track_tool_window();
+ }
+ protected override void on_resize_finished(Gdk.Rectangle rect) {
+ // because we've loaded SinglePhotoPage with an image scaled to window size, as the window
+ // is resized it scales that, which pixellates, especially scaling upward. Once the window
+ // resize is complete, we get a fresh image for the new window's size
+ rebuild_caches("on_resize_finished");
+ pixbuf_dirty = true;
+ update_pixbuf();
+ }
+ private void on_viewport_resized() {
+ // this means the viewport (the display area) has changed, but not necessarily the
+ // toplevel window's dimensions
+ rebuild_caches("on_viewport_resized");
+ pixbuf_dirty = true;
+ update_pixbuf();
+ }
+ protected override void update_actions(int selected_count, int count) {
+ bool multiple_photos = get_view().get_sources_of_type_count(typeof(Photo)) > 1;
+ prev_button.sensitive = multiple_photos;
+ next_button.sensitive = multiple_photos;
+ Photo? photo = get_photo();
+ Scaling scaling = get_canvas_scaling();
+ rotate_button.sensitive = ((photo != null) && (!photo_missing) && photo.check_can_rotate()) ?
+ is_rotate_available(photo) : false;
+ crop_button.sensitive = ((photo != null) && (!photo_missing)) ?
+ EditingTools.CropTool.is_available(photo, scaling) : false;
+ redeye_button.sensitive = ((photo != null) && (!photo_missing)) ?
+ EditingTools.RedeyeTool.is_available(photo, scaling) : false;
+ adjust_button.sensitive = ((photo != null) && (!photo_missing)) ?
+ EditingTools.AdjustTool.is_available(photo, scaling) : false;
+ enhance_button.sensitive = ((photo != null) && (!photo_missing)) ?
+ is_enhance_available(photo) : false;
+ straighten_button.sensitive = ((photo != null) && (!photo_missing)) ?
+ EditingTools.StraightenTool.is_available(photo, scaling) : false;
+ base.update_actions(selected_count, count);
+ }
+ protected override bool on_shift_pressed(Gdk.EventKey? event) {
+ // show quick compare of original only if no tool is in use, the original pixbuf is handy
+ if (current_tool == null && !get_ctrl_pressed() && !get_alt_pressed() && has_photo())
+ swap_in_original();
+ return base.on_shift_pressed(event);
+ }
+ protected override bool on_shift_released(Gdk.EventKey? event) {
+ if (current_tool == null)
+ swap_out_original();
+ return base.on_shift_released(event);
+ }
+ protected override bool on_alt_pressed(Gdk.EventKey? event) {
+ if (current_tool == null)
+ swap_out_original();
+ return base.on_alt_pressed(event);
+ }
+ protected override bool on_alt_released(Gdk.EventKey? event) {
+ if (current_tool == null && get_shift_pressed() && !get_ctrl_pressed())
+ swap_in_original();
+ return base.on_alt_released(event);
+ }
+ private void swap_in_original() {
+ Gdk.Pixbuf original;
+ try {
+ original = get_photo().get_original_orientation().rotate_pixbuf(
+ get_photo().get_prefetched_copy());
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // store what's currently displayed only for the duration of the shift pressing
+ swapped = get_unscaled_pixbuf();
+ // save the zoom state and cancel zoom so that the user can see all of the original
+ // photo
+ if (zoom_slider.get_value() != 0.0) {
+ save_zoom_state();
+ cancel_zoom();
+ }
+ set_pixbuf(original, get_photo().get_master_dimensions());
+ }
+ private void swap_out_original() {
+ if (swapped != null) {
+ set_pixbuf(swapped, get_photo().get_dimensions());
+ restore_zoom_state();
+ update_cursor_for_zoom_context();
+ // only store swapped once; it'll be set the next on_shift_pressed
+ swapped = null;
+ }
+ }
+ private void activate_tool(EditingTools.EditingTool tool) {
+ // cancel any zoom -- we don't currently allow tools to be used when an image is zoomed,
+ // though we may at some point in the future.
+ save_zoom_state();
+ cancel_zoom();
+ // deactivate current tool ... current implementation is one tool at a time. In the future,
+ // tools may be allowed to be executing at the same time.
+ deactivate_tool();
+ // save current pixbuf to use if user cancels operation
+ cancel_editing_pixbuf = get_unscaled_pixbuf();
+ // see if the tool wants a different pixbuf displayed and what its max dimensions should be
+ Gdk.Pixbuf unscaled;
+ Dimensions max_dim = get_photo().get_dimensions();
+ try {
+ Dimensions tool_pixbuf_dim = {0};
+ unscaled = tool.get_display_pixbuf(get_canvas_scaling(), get_photo(), out tool_pixbuf_dim);
+ if (unscaled != null)
+ max_dim = tool_pixbuf_dim;
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ warning("%s", err.message);
+ set_photo_missing(true);
+ // untoggle tool button (usually done after deactivate, but tool never deactivated)
+ assert(current_editing_toggle != null);
+ = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (unscaled != null)
+ set_pixbuf(unscaled, max_dim);
+ // create the PhotoCanvas object for a two-way interface to the tool
+ EditingTools.PhotoCanvas photo_canvas = new EditingHostCanvas(this);
+ // hook tool into event system and activate it
+ current_tool = tool;
+ current_tool.activate(photo_canvas);
+ // if the tool has an auxiliary window, move it properly on the screen
+ place_tool_window();
+ // repaint entire view, with the tool now hooked in
+ repaint();
+ }
+ private void deactivate_tool(Command? command = null, Gdk.Pixbuf? new_pixbuf = null,
+ Dimensions new_max_dim = Dimensions(), bool needs_improvement = false) {
+ if (current_tool == null)
+ return;
+ EditingTools.EditingTool tool = current_tool;
+ current_tool = null;
+ // save the position of the tool
+ EditingTools.EditingToolWindow? tool_window = tool.get_tool_window();
+ if (tool_window != null && tool_window.has_user_moved()) {
+ int last_location_x, last_location_y;
+ tool_window.get_position(out last_location_x, out last_location_y);
+ last_locations[ + "_x"] = last_location_x;
+ last_locations[ + "_y"] = last_location_y;
+ }
+ // deactivate with the tool taken out of the hooks and
+ // disconnect any signals we may have connected on activating
+ tool.deactivate();
+ tool.activated.disconnect(on_tool_activated);
+ tool.deactivated.disconnect(on_tool_deactivated);
+ tool.applied.disconnect(on_tool_applied);
+ tool.cancelled.disconnect(on_tool_cancelled);
+ tool.aborted.disconnect(on_tool_aborted);
+ tool = null;
+ // only null the toggle when the tool is completely deactivated; that is, deactive the tool
+ // before updating the UI
+ current_editing_toggle = null;
+ // display the (possibly) new photo
+ Gdk.Pixbuf replacement = null;
+ if (new_pixbuf != null) {
+ replacement = new_pixbuf;
+ } else if (cancel_editing_pixbuf != null) {
+ replacement = cancel_editing_pixbuf;
+ new_max_dim = Dimensions.for_pixbuf(replacement);
+ needs_improvement = false;
+ } else {
+ needs_improvement = true;
+ }
+ if (replacement != null)
+ set_pixbuf(replacement, new_max_dim);
+ cancel_editing_pixbuf = null;
+ // if this is a rough pixbuf, schedule an improvement
+ if (needs_improvement) {
+ pixbuf_dirty = true;
+ Idle.add(update_pixbuf);
+ }
+ // execute the tool's command
+ if (command != null)
+ get_command_manager().execute(command);
+ }
+ // This virtual method is called only when the user double-clicks on the page and no tool
+ // is active
+ protected virtual bool on_double_click(Gdk.EventButton event) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Return true to block the DnD handler from activating a drag
+ protected override bool on_left_click(Gdk.EventButton event) {
+ // report double-click if no tool is active, otherwise all double-clicks are eaten
+ if (event.type == Gdk.EventType.2BUTTON_PRESS)
+ return (current_tool == null) ? on_double_click(event) : false;
+ int x = (int) event.x;
+ int y = (int) event.y;
+ // if no editing tool, then determine whether we should start a pan operation over the
+ // zoomed photo or fall through to the default DnD behavior if we're not zoomed
+ if ((current_tool == null) && (zoom_slider.get_value() != 0.0)) {
+ zoom_pan_start_point.x = (int) event.x;
+ zoom_pan_start_point.y = (int) event.y;
+ is_pan_in_progress = true;
+ suspend_cursor_hiding();
+ return true;
+ }
+ // default behavior when photo isn't zoomed -- return false to start DnD operation
+ if (current_tool == null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // only concerned about mouse-downs on the pixbuf ... return true prevents DnD when the
+ // user drags outside the displayed photo
+ if (!is_inside_pixbuf(x, y))
+ return true;
+ current_tool.on_left_click(x, y);
+ // block DnD handlers if tool is enabled
+ return true;
+ }
+ protected override bool on_left_released(Gdk.EventButton event) {
+ if (is_pan_in_progress) {
+ Gdk.Point viewport_center = get_zoom_state().get_viewport_center();
+ int delta_x = ((int) event.x) - zoom_pan_start_point.x;
+ int delta_y = ((int) event.y) - zoom_pan_start_point.y;
+ viewport_center.x -= delta_x;
+ viewport_center.y -= delta_y;
+ ZoomState zoom_state = ZoomState.pan(get_zoom_state(), viewport_center);
+ set_zoom_state(zoom_state);
+ get_zoom_buffer().flush_demand_cache(zoom_state);
+ is_pan_in_progress = false;
+ restore_cursor_hiding();
+ }
+ // report all releases, as it's possible the user click and dragged from inside the
+ // pixbuf to the gutters
+ if (current_tool == null)
+ return false;
+ current_tool.on_left_released((int) event.x, (int) event.y);
+ if (current_tool.get_tool_window() != null)
+ current_tool.get_tool_window().present();
+ return false;
+ }
+ protected override bool on_right_click(Gdk.EventButton event) {
+ return on_context_buttonpress(event);
+ }
+ private void on_photos_altered(Gee.Map<DataObject, Alteration> map) {
+ if (!map.has_key(get_photo()))
+ return;
+ pixbuf_dirty = true;
+ // if transformed, want to prefetch the original pixbuf for this photo, but after the
+ // signal is completed as PixbufCache may remove it in this round of fired signals
+ if (get_photo().has_transformations())
+ Idle.add(on_fetch_original);
+ update_actions(get_view().get_selected_count(), get_view().get_count());
+ }
+ private void on_view_contents_ordering_altered() {
+ refresh_caches("on_view_contents_ordering_altered");
+ }
+ private bool on_fetch_original() {
+ if (has_photo())
+ master_cache.prefetch(get_photo(), BackgroundJob.JobPriority.LOW);
+ return false;
+ }
+ private bool is_panning_possible() {
+ // panning is impossible if all the content to be drawn completely fits on the drawing
+ // canvas
+ Dimensions content_dim = {0};
+ content_dim.width = get_zoom_state().get_zoomed_width();
+ content_dim.height = get_zoom_state().get_zoomed_height();
+ Dimensions canvas_dim = get_surface_dim();
+ return (!(canvas_dim.width >= content_dim.width && canvas_dim.height >= content_dim.height));
+ }
+ private void update_cursor_for_zoom_context() {
+ if (is_panning_possible())
+ set_page_cursor(Gdk.CursorType.FLEUR);
+ else
+ set_page_cursor(Gdk.CursorType.LEFT_PTR);
+ }
+ // Return true to block the DnD handler from activating a drag
+ protected override bool on_motion(Gdk.EventMotion event, int x, int y, Gdk.ModifierType mask) {
+ if (current_tool != null) {
+ current_tool.on_motion(x, y, mask);
+ // this requests more events after "hints"
+ Gdk.Event.request_motions(event);
+ return true;
+ }
+ update_cursor_for_zoom_context();
+ if (is_pan_in_progress) {
+ int delta_x = ((int) event.x) - zoom_pan_start_point.x;
+ int delta_y = ((int) event.y) - zoom_pan_start_point.y;
+ Gdk.Point viewport_center = get_zoom_state().get_viewport_center();
+ viewport_center.x -= delta_x;
+ viewport_center.y -= delta_y;
+ ZoomState zoom_state = ZoomState.pan(get_zoom_state(), viewport_center);
+ on_interactive_pan(zoom_state);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return base.on_motion(event, x, y, mask);
+ }
+ protected override bool on_leave_notify_event() {
+ if (current_tool != null)
+ return current_tool.on_leave_notify_event();
+ return base.on_leave_notify_event();
+ }
+ private void track_tool_window() {
+ // if editing tool window is present and the user hasn't touched it, it moves with the window
+ if (current_tool != null) {
+ EditingTools.EditingToolWindow tool_window = current_tool.get_tool_window();
+ if (tool_window != null && !tool_window.has_user_moved())
+ place_tool_window();
+ }
+ }
+ protected override void on_move(Gdk.Rectangle rect) {
+ track_tool_window();
+ base.on_move(rect);
+ }
+ protected override void on_move_finished(Gdk.Rectangle rect) {
+ last_locations.clear();
+ base.on_move_finished(rect);
+ }
+ private bool on_keyboard_pan_event(Gdk.EventKey event) {
+ ZoomState current_zoom_state = get_zoom_state();
+ Gdk.Point viewport_center = current_zoom_state.get_viewport_center();
+ switch (Gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval)) {
+ case "Left":
+ case "KP_Left":
+ case "KP_4":
+ viewport_center.x -= PAN_INCREMENT_SIZE;
+ break;
+ case "Right":
+ case "KP_Right":
+ case "KP_6":
+ viewport_center.x += PAN_INCREMENT_SIZE;
+ break;
+ case "Down":
+ case "KP_Down":
+ case "KP_2":
+ viewport_center.y += PAN_INCREMENT_SIZE;
+ break;
+ case "Up":
+ case "KP_Up":
+ case "KP_8":
+ viewport_center.y -= PAN_INCREMENT_SIZE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ ZoomState new_zoom_state = ZoomState.pan(current_zoom_state, viewport_center);
+ set_zoom_state(new_zoom_state);
+ repaint();
+ return true;
+ }
+ public override bool key_press_event(Gdk.EventKey event) {
+ // editing tool gets first crack at the keypress
+ if (current_tool != null) {
+ if (current_tool.on_keypress(event))
+ return true;
+ }
+ // if panning is possible, the pan handler (on MUNI?) gets second crack at the keypress
+ if (is_panning_possible()) {
+ if (on_keyboard_pan_event(event))
+ return true;
+ }
+ // if the user pressed the "0", "1" or "2" keys then handle the event as if were
+ // directed at the zoom slider ("0", "1" and "2" are hotkeys that jump to preset
+ // zoom levels
+ if (on_zoom_slider_key_press(event))
+ return true;
+ bool handled = true;
+ switch (Gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval)) {
+ // this block is only here to prevent base from moving focus to toolbar
+ case "Down":
+ case "KP_Down":
+ ;
+ break;
+ case "equal":
+ case "plus":
+ case "KP_Add":
+ activate_action("IncreaseSize");
+ break;
+ // underscore is the keysym generated by SHIFT-[minus sign] -- this means zoom out
+ case "minus":
+ case "underscore":
+ case "KP_Subtract":
+ activate_action("DecreaseSize");
+ break;
+ default:
+ handled = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (handled)
+ return true;
+ return (base.key_press_event != null) ? base.key_press_event(event) : true;
+ }
+ protected override void new_surface(Cairo.Context default_ctx, Dimensions dim) {
+ // if tool is open, update its canvas object
+ if (current_tool != null)
+ current_tool.canvas.set_surface(default_ctx, dim);
+ }
+ protected override void updated_pixbuf(Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf, SinglePhotoPage.UpdateReason reason,
+ Dimensions old_dim) {
+ // only purpose here is to inform editing tool of change and drop the cancelled
+ // pixbuf, which is now sized incorrectly
+ if (current_tool != null && reason != SinglePhotoPage.UpdateReason.QUALITY_IMPROVEMENT) {
+ current_tool.canvas.resized_pixbuf(old_dim, pixbuf, get_scaled_pixbuf_position());
+ cancel_editing_pixbuf = null;
+ }
+ }
+ protected virtual Gdk.Pixbuf? get_bottom_left_trinket(int scale) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ protected virtual Gdk.Pixbuf? get_top_left_trinket(int scale) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ protected virtual Gdk.Pixbuf? get_top_right_trinket(int scale) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ protected virtual Gdk.Pixbuf? get_bottom_right_trinket(int scale) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ protected override void paint(Cairo.Context ctx, Dimensions ctx_dim) {
+ if (current_tool != null) {
+ current_tool.paint(ctx);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (photo_missing && has_photo()) {
+ set_source_color_from_string(ctx, "#000");
+ ctx.rectangle(0, 0, get_surface_dim().width, get_surface_dim().height);
+ ctx.fill();
+ ctx.paint();
+ draw_message(_("Photo source file missing: %s").printf(get_photo().get_file().get_path()));
+ return;
+ }
+ base.paint(ctx, ctx_dim);
+ if (!get_zoom_state().is_default())
+ return;
+ // paint trinkets last
+ Gdk.Rectangle scaled_rect = get_scaled_pixbuf_position();
+ Gdk.Pixbuf? trinket = get_bottom_left_trinket(TRINKET_SCALE);
+ if (trinket != null) {
+ int x = scaled_rect.x + TRINKET_PADDING;
+ int y = scaled_rect.y + scaled_rect.height - trinket.height - TRINKET_PADDING;
+ Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf(ctx, trinket, x, y);
+ ctx.rectangle(x, y, trinket.width, trinket.height);
+ ctx.fill();
+ }
+ trinket = get_top_left_trinket(TRINKET_SCALE);
+ if (trinket != null) {
+ int x = scaled_rect.x + TRINKET_PADDING;
+ int y = scaled_rect.y + TRINKET_PADDING;
+ Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf(ctx, trinket, x, y);
+ ctx.rectangle(x, y, trinket.width, trinket.height);
+ ctx.fill();
+ }
+ trinket = get_top_right_trinket(TRINKET_SCALE);
+ if (trinket != null) {
+ int x = scaled_rect.x + scaled_rect.width - trinket.width - TRINKET_PADDING;
+ int y = scaled_rect.y + TRINKET_PADDING;
+ Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf(ctx, trinket, x, y);
+ ctx.rectangle(x, y, trinket.width, trinket.height);
+ ctx.fill();
+ }
+ trinket = get_bottom_right_trinket(TRINKET_SCALE);
+ if (trinket != null) {
+ int x = scaled_rect.x + scaled_rect.width - trinket.width - TRINKET_PADDING;
+ int y = scaled_rect.y + scaled_rect.height - trinket.height - TRINKET_PADDING;
+ Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf(ctx, trinket, x, y);
+ ctx.rectangle(x, y, trinket.width, trinket.height);
+ ctx.fill();
+ }
+ }
+ public bool is_rotate_available(Photo photo) {
+ return !photo_missing;
+ }
+ private void rotate(Rotation rotation, string name, string description) {
+ cancel_zoom();
+ deactivate_tool();
+ if (!has_photo())
+ return;
+ RotateSingleCommand command = new RotateSingleCommand(get_photo(), rotation, name,
+ description);
+ get_command_manager().execute(command);
+ }
+ public void on_rotate_clockwise() {
+ rotate(Rotation.CLOCKWISE, Resources.ROTATE_CW_FULL_LABEL, Resources.ROTATE_CW_TOOLTIP);
+ }
+ public void on_rotate_counterclockwise() {
+ }
+ public void on_flip_horizontally() {
+ rotate(Rotation.MIRROR, Resources.HFLIP_LABEL, "");
+ }
+ public void on_flip_vertically() {
+ rotate(Rotation.UPSIDE_DOWN, Resources.VFLIP_LABEL, "");
+ }
+ public void on_revert() {
+ if (photo_missing)
+ return;
+ deactivate_tool();
+ if (!has_photo())
+ return;
+ if (get_photo().has_editable()) {
+ if (!revert_editable_dialog(AppWindow.get_instance(),
+ (Gee.Collection<Photo>) get_view().get_sources())) {
+ return;
+ }
+ get_photo().revert_to_master();
+ }
+ cancel_zoom();
+ set_photo_missing(false);
+ RevertSingleCommand command = new RevertSingleCommand(get_photo());
+ get_command_manager().execute(command);
+ }
+ public void on_edit_title() {
+ LibraryPhoto item;
+ if (get_photo() is LibraryPhoto)
+ item = get_photo() as LibraryPhoto;
+ else
+ return;
+ EditTitleDialog edit_title_dialog = new EditTitleDialog(item.get_title());
+ string? new_title = edit_title_dialog.execute();
+ if (new_title == null)
+ return;
+ EditTitleCommand command = new EditTitleCommand(item, new_title);
+ get_command_manager().execute(command);
+ }
+ public void on_edit_comment() {
+ LibraryPhoto item;
+ if (get_photo() is LibraryPhoto)
+ item = get_photo() as LibraryPhoto;
+ else
+ return;
+ EditCommentDialog edit_comment_dialog = new EditCommentDialog(item.get_comment());
+ string? new_comment = edit_comment_dialog.execute();
+ if (new_comment == null)
+ return;
+ EditCommentCommand command = new EditCommentCommand(item, new_comment);
+ get_command_manager().execute(command);
+ }
+ public void on_adjust_date_time() {
+ if (!has_photo())
+ return;
+ AdjustDateTimeDialog dialog = new AdjustDateTimeDialog(get_photo(), 1, !(this is DirectPhotoPage));
+ int64 time_shift;
+ bool keep_relativity, modify_originals;
+ if (dialog.execute(out time_shift, out keep_relativity, out modify_originals)) {
+ get_view().get_selected();
+ AdjustDateTimePhotoCommand command = new AdjustDateTimePhotoCommand(get_photo(),
+ time_shift, modify_originals);
+ get_command_manager().execute(command);
+ }
+ }
+ public void on_set_background() {
+ if (has_photo()) {
+ SetBackgroundPhotoDialog dialog = new SetBackgroundPhotoDialog();
+ bool desktop, screensaver;
+ if (dialog.execute(out desktop, out screensaver)) {
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_busy_cursor();
+ DesktopIntegration.set_background(get_photo(), desktop, screensaver);
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_normal_cursor();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected override bool on_ctrl_pressed(Gdk.EventKey? event) {
+ rotate_button.set_icon_name(Resources.COUNTERCLOCKWISE);
+ rotate_button.set_label(Resources.ROTATE_CCW_LABEL);
+ rotate_button.set_tooltip_text(Resources.ROTATE_CCW_TOOLTIP);
+ rotate_button.clicked.disconnect(on_rotate_clockwise);
+ rotate_button.clicked.connect(on_rotate_counterclockwise);
+ if (current_tool == null)
+ swap_out_original();
+ return base.on_ctrl_pressed(event);
+ }
+ protected override bool on_ctrl_released(Gdk.EventKey? event) {
+ rotate_button.set_icon_name(Resources.CLOCKWISE);
+ rotate_button.set_label(Resources.ROTATE_CW_LABEL);
+ rotate_button.set_tooltip_text(Resources.ROTATE_CW_TOOLTIP);
+ rotate_button.clicked.disconnect(on_rotate_counterclockwise);
+ rotate_button.clicked.connect(on_rotate_clockwise);
+ if (current_tool == null && get_shift_pressed() && !get_alt_pressed())
+ swap_in_original();
+ return base.on_ctrl_released(event);
+ }
+ protected void on_tool_button_toggled(Gtk.ToggleToolButton toggle, EditingTools.EditingTool.Factory factory) {
+ // if the button is an activate, deactivate any current tool running; if the button is
+ // a deactivate, deactivate the current tool and exit
+ bool deactivating_only = (! && current_editing_toggle == toggle);
+ deactivate_tool();
+ if (deactivating_only) {
+ restore_cursor_hiding();
+ return;
+ }
+ suspend_cursor_hiding();
+ current_editing_toggle = toggle;
+ // create the tool, hook its signals, and activate
+ EditingTools.EditingTool tool = factory();
+ tool.activated.connect(on_tool_activated);
+ tool.deactivated.connect(on_tool_deactivated);
+ tool.applied.connect(on_tool_applied);
+ tool.cancelled.connect(on_tool_cancelled);
+ tool.aborted.connect(on_tool_aborted);
+ activate_tool(tool);
+ }
+ private void on_tool_activated() {
+ assert(current_editing_toggle != null);
+ zoom_slider.set_sensitive(false);
+ = true;
+ }
+ private void on_tool_deactivated() {
+ assert(current_editing_toggle != null);
+ zoom_slider.set_sensitive(true);
+ = false;
+ }
+ private void on_tool_applied(Command? command, Gdk.Pixbuf? new_pixbuf, Dimensions new_max_dim,
+ bool needs_improvement) {
+ deactivate_tool(command, new_pixbuf, new_max_dim, needs_improvement);
+ }
+ private void on_tool_cancelled() {
+ deactivate_tool();
+ restore_zoom_state();
+ repaint();
+ }
+ private void on_tool_aborted() {
+ deactivate_tool();
+ set_photo_missing(true);
+ }
+ protected void toggle_crop() {
+ crop_button.set_active(!crop_button.get_active());
+ }
+ protected void toggle_straighten() {
+ straighten_button.set_active(!straighten_button.get_active());
+ }
+ protected void toggle_redeye() {
+ redeye_button.set_active(!redeye_button.get_active());
+ }
+ protected void toggle_adjust() {
+ adjust_button.set_active(!adjust_button.get_active());
+ }
+ private void on_straighten_toggled() {
+ on_tool_button_toggled(straighten_button, EditingTools.StraightenTool.factory);
+ }
+ private void on_crop_toggled() {
+ on_tool_button_toggled(crop_button, EditingTools.CropTool.factory);
+ }
+ private void on_redeye_toggled() {
+ on_tool_button_toggled(redeye_button, EditingTools.RedeyeTool.factory);
+ }
+ private void on_adjust_toggled() {
+ on_tool_button_toggled(adjust_button, EditingTools.AdjustTool.factory);
+ }
+ public bool is_enhance_available(Photo photo) {
+ return !photo_missing;
+ }
+ public void on_enhance() {
+ // because running multiple tools at once is not currently supported, deactivate any current
+ // tool; however, there is a special case of running enhancement while the AdjustTool is
+ // open, so allow for that
+ if (!(current_tool is EditingTools.AdjustTool)) {
+ deactivate_tool();
+ cancel_zoom();
+ }
+ if (!has_photo())
+ return;
+ EditingTools.AdjustTool adjust_tool = current_tool as EditingTools.AdjustTool;
+ if (adjust_tool != null) {
+ adjust_tool.enhance();
+ return;
+ }
+ EnhanceSingleCommand command = new EnhanceSingleCommand(get_photo());
+ get_command_manager().execute(command);
+ }
+ public void on_copy_adjustments() {
+ if (!has_photo())
+ return;
+ PixelTransformationBundle.set_copied_color_adjustments(get_photo().get_color_adjustments());
+ set_action_sensitive("PasteColorAdjustments", true);
+ }
+ public void on_paste_adjustments() {
+ PixelTransformationBundle? copied_adjustments = PixelTransformationBundle.get_copied_color_adjustments();
+ if (!has_photo() || copied_adjustments == null)
+ return;
+ AdjustColorsSingleCommand command = new AdjustColorsSingleCommand(get_photo(), copied_adjustments,
+ get_command_manager().execute(command);
+ }
+ private void place_tool_window() {
+ if (current_tool == null)
+ return;
+ EditingTools.EditingToolWindow tool_window = current_tool.get_tool_window();
+ if (tool_window == null)
+ return;
+ // do this so window size is properly allocated, but window not shown
+ tool_window.show_all();
+ tool_window.hide();
+ Gtk.Allocation tool_alloc;
+ tool_window.get_allocation(out tool_alloc);
+ int x, y;
+ // Check if the last location of the adjust tool is stored.
+ if (last_locations.has_key( + "_x")) {
+ x = last_locations[ + "_x"];
+ y = last_locations[ + "_y"];
+ } else {
+ // No stored position
+ if (get_container() == AppWindow.get_instance()) {
+ // Normal: position crop tool window centered on viewport/canvas at the bottom,
+ // straddling the canvas and the toolbar
+ int rx, ry;
+ get_container().get_window().get_root_origin(out rx, out ry);
+ Gtk.Allocation viewport_allocation;
+ viewport.get_allocation(out viewport_allocation);
+ int cx, cy, cwidth, cheight;
+ cx = viewport_allocation.x;
+ cy = viewport_allocation.y;
+ cwidth = viewport_allocation.width;
+ cheight = viewport_allocation.height;
+ // it isn't clear why, but direct mode seems to want to position tool windows
+ // differently than library mode...
+ x = (this is DirectPhotoPage) ? (rx + cx + (cwidth / 2) - (tool_alloc.width / 2)) :
+ (rx + cx + (cwidth / 2));
+ y = ry + cy + cheight - ((tool_alloc.height / 4) * 3);
+ } else {
+ assert(get_container() is FullscreenWindow);
+ // Fullscreen: position crop tool window centered on screen at the bottom, just above the
+ // toolbar
+ Gtk.Allocation toolbar_alloc;
+ get_toolbar().get_allocation(out toolbar_alloc);
+ Gdk.Screen screen = get_container().get_screen();
+ x = screen.get_width();
+ y = screen.get_height() - toolbar_alloc.height -
+ tool_alloc.height - TOOL_WINDOW_SEPARATOR;
+ // put larger adjust tool off to the side
+ if (current_tool is EditingTools.AdjustTool) {
+ x = x * 3 / 4;
+ } else {
+ x = (x - tool_alloc.width) / 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // however, clamp the window so it's never off-screen initially
+ Gdk.Screen screen = get_container().get_screen();
+ x = x.clamp(0, screen.get_width() - tool_alloc.width);
+ y = y.clamp(0, screen.get_height() - tool_alloc.height);
+ tool_window.move(x, y);
+ tool_window.present();
+ }
+ protected override void on_next_photo() {
+ deactivate_tool();
+ if (!has_photo())
+ return;
+ Photo? current_photo = get_photo();
+ assert(current_photo != null);
+ DataView current = get_view().get_view_for_source(get_photo());
+ if (current == null)
+ return;
+ // search through the collection until the next photo is found or back at the starting point
+ DataView? next = current;
+ for (;;) {
+ next = get_view().get_next(next);
+ if (next == null)
+ break;
+ Photo? next_photo = next.get_source() as Photo;
+ if (next_photo == null)
+ continue;
+ if (next_photo == current_photo)
+ break;
+ replace_photo(next_photo);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ protected override void on_previous_photo() {
+ deactivate_tool();
+ if (!has_photo())
+ return;
+ Photo? current_photo = get_photo();
+ assert(current_photo != null);
+ DataView current = get_view().get_view_for_source(get_photo());
+ if (current == null)
+ return;
+ // loop until a previous photo is found or back at the starting point
+ DataView? previous = current;
+ for (;;) {
+ previous = get_view().get_previous(previous);
+ if (previous == null)
+ break;
+ Photo? previous_photo = previous.get_source() as Photo;
+ if (previous_photo == null)
+ continue;
+ if (previous_photo == current_photo)
+ break;
+ replace_photo(previous_photo);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ public bool has_current_tool() {
+ return (current_tool != null);
+ }
+ protected void unset_view_collection() {
+ parent_view = null;
+ }
+// LibraryPhotoPage
+public class LibraryPhotoPage : EditingHostPage {
+ private class LibraryPhotoPageViewFilter : ViewFilter {
+ public override bool predicate (DataView view) {
+ return !((MediaSource) view.get_source()).is_trashed();
+ }
+ }
+ private CollectionPage? return_page = null;
+ private bool return_to_collection_on_release = false;
+ private LibraryPhotoPageViewFilter filter = new LibraryPhotoPageViewFilter();
+ public LibraryPhotoPage() {
+ base(, "Photo");
+ // monitor view to update UI elements
+ get_view().items_altered.connect(on_photos_altered);
+ // watch for photos being destroyed or altered, either here or in other pages
+ // watch for updates to the external app settings
+ Config.Facade.get_instance().external_app_changed.connect(on_external_app_changed);
+ // Filter out trashed files.
+ get_view().install_view_filter(filter);
+ }
+ ~LibraryPhotoPage() {
+ Config.Facade.get_instance().external_app_changed.disconnect(on_external_app_changed);
+ }
+ public bool not_trashed_view_filter(DataView view) {
+ return !((MediaSource) view.get_source()).is_trashed();
+ }
+ private void on_photo_unlinking(Gee.Collection<DataSource> unlinking) {
+ filter.refresh();
+ }
+ private void on_photo_relinked(Gee.Collection<DataSource> relinked) {
+ filter.refresh();
+ }
+ protected override void init_collect_ui_filenames(Gee.List<string> ui_filenames) {
+ base.init_collect_ui_filenames(ui_filenames);
+ ui_filenames.add("photo_context.ui");
+ ui_filenames.add("photo.ui");
+ }
+ protected override Gtk.ActionEntry[] init_collect_action_entries() {
+ Gtk.ActionEntry[] actions = base.init_collect_action_entries();
+ Gtk.ActionEntry export = { "Export", Gtk.Stock.SAVE_AS, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl><Shift>E",
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_export };
+ export.label = Resources.EXPORT_MENU;
+ actions += export;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry print = { "Print", Gtk.Stock.PRINT, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>P",
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_print };
+ print.label = Resources.PRINT_MENU;
+ actions += print;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry publish = { "Publish", Resources.PUBLISH, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl><Shift>P",
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_publish };
+ publish.label = Resources.PUBLISH_MENU;
+ publish.tooltip = Resources.PUBLISH_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += publish;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry remove_from_library = { "RemoveFromLibrary", Gtk.Stock.REMOVE, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "<Shift>Delete", TRANSLATABLE, on_remove_from_library };
+ remove_from_library.label = Resources.REMOVE_FROM_LIBRARY_MENU;
+ actions += remove_from_library;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry move_to_trash = { "MoveToTrash", "user-trash-full", TRANSLATABLE, "Delete",
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_move_to_trash };
+ move_to_trash.label = Resources.MOVE_TO_TRASH_MENU;
+ actions += move_to_trash;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry view = { "ViewMenu", null, TRANSLATABLE, null, null, on_view_menu };
+ view.label = _("_View");
+ actions += view;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry tools = { "Tools", null, TRANSLATABLE, null, null, null };
+ tools.label = _("T_ools");
+ actions += tools;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry prev = { "PrevPhoto", Gtk.Stock.GO_BACK, TRANSLATABLE, null,
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_previous_photo };
+ prev.label = _("_Previous Photo");
+ prev.tooltip = _("Previous Photo");
+ actions += prev;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry next = { "NextPhoto", Gtk.Stock.GO_FORWARD, TRANSLATABLE, null,
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_next_photo };
+ next.label = _("_Next Photo");
+ next.tooltip = _("Next Photo");
+ actions += next;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry rotate_right = { "RotateClockwise", Resources.CLOCKWISE, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "<Ctrl>R", TRANSLATABLE, on_rotate_clockwise };
+ rotate_right.label = Resources.ROTATE_CW_MENU;
+ rotate_right.tooltip = Resources.ROTATE_CW_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += rotate_right;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry rotate_left = { "RotateCounterclockwise", Resources.COUNTERCLOCKWISE,
+ TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl><Shift>R", TRANSLATABLE, on_rotate_counterclockwise };
+ rotate_left.label = Resources.ROTATE_CCW_MENU;
+ rotate_left.tooltip = Resources.ROTATE_CCW_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += rotate_left;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry hflip = { "FlipHorizontally", Resources.HFLIP, TRANSLATABLE, null,
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_flip_horizontally };
+ hflip.label = Resources.HFLIP_MENU;
+ actions += hflip;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry vflip = { "FlipVertically", Resources.VFLIP, TRANSLATABLE, null,
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_flip_vertically };
+ vflip.label = Resources.VFLIP_MENU;
+ actions += vflip;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry enhance = { "Enhance", Resources.ENHANCE, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>E",
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_enhance };
+ enhance.label = Resources.ENHANCE_MENU;
+ enhance.tooltip = Resources.ENHANCE_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += enhance;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry copy_adjustments = { "CopyColorAdjustments", null, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "<Ctrl><Shift>C", TRANSLATABLE, on_copy_adjustments};
+ copy_adjustments.label = Resources.COPY_ADJUSTMENTS_MENU;
+ copy_adjustments.tooltip = Resources.COPY_ADJUSTMENTS_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += copy_adjustments;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry paste_adjustments = { "PasteColorAdjustments", null, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "<Ctrl><Shift>V", TRANSLATABLE, on_paste_adjustments};
+ paste_adjustments.label = Resources.PASTE_ADJUSTMENTS_MENU;
+ paste_adjustments.tooltip = Resources.PASTE_ADJUSTMENTS_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += paste_adjustments;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry crop = { "Crop", Resources.CROP, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>O",
+ TRANSLATABLE, toggle_crop };
+ crop.label = Resources.CROP_MENU;
+ crop.tooltip = Resources.CROP_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += crop;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry straighten = { "Straighten", Gtk.Stock.REFRESH, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>A",
+ TRANSLATABLE, toggle_straighten };
+ straighten.label = Resources.STRAIGHTEN_MENU;
+ straighten.tooltip = Resources.STRAIGHTEN_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += straighten;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry red_eye = { "RedEye", Resources.REDEYE, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>Y",
+ TRANSLATABLE, toggle_redeye };
+ red_eye.label = Resources.RED_EYE_MENU;
+ red_eye.tooltip = Resources.RED_EYE_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += red_eye;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry adjust = { "Adjust", Resources.ADJUST, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>D",
+ TRANSLATABLE, toggle_adjust };
+ adjust.label = Resources.ADJUST_MENU;
+ adjust.tooltip = Resources.ADJUST_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += adjust;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry revert = { "Revert", Gtk.Stock.REVERT_TO_SAVED, TRANSLATABLE,
+ null, TRANSLATABLE, on_revert };
+ revert.label = Resources.REVERT_MENU;
+ actions += revert;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry edit_title = { "EditTitle", null, TRANSLATABLE, "F2", TRANSLATABLE,
+ on_edit_title };
+ edit_title.label = Resources.EDIT_TITLE_MENU;
+ actions += edit_title;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry edit_comment = { "EditComment", null, TRANSLATABLE, "F3", TRANSLATABLE,
+ on_edit_comment };
+ edit_comment.label = Resources.EDIT_COMMENT_MENU;
+ actions += edit_comment;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry adjust_date_time = { "AdjustDateTime", null, TRANSLATABLE, null,
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_adjust_date_time };
+ adjust_date_time.label = Resources.ADJUST_DATE_TIME_MENU;
+ actions += adjust_date_time;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry external_edit = { "ExternalEdit", Gtk.Stock.EDIT, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "<Ctrl>Return", TRANSLATABLE, on_external_edit };
+ external_edit.label = Resources.EXTERNAL_EDIT_MENU;
+ actions += external_edit;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry edit_raw = { "ExternalEditRAW", null, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl><Shift>Return",
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_external_edit_raw };
+ edit_raw.label = Resources.EXTERNAL_EDIT_RAW_MENU;
+ actions += edit_raw;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry send_to = { "SendTo", "document-send", TRANSLATABLE, null,
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_send_to };
+ send_to.label = Resources.SEND_TO_MENU;
+ actions += send_to;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry set_background = { "SetBackground", null, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>B",
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_set_background };
+ set_background.label = Resources.SET_BACKGROUND_MENU;
+ set_background.tooltip = Resources.SET_BACKGROUND_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += set_background;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry flag = { "Flag", null, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>G", TRANSLATABLE, on_flag_unflag };
+ flag.label = Resources.FLAG_MENU;
+ actions += flag;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry set_rating = { "Rate", null, TRANSLATABLE, null, null, null };
+ set_rating.label = Resources.RATING_MENU;
+ actions += set_rating;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry increase_rating = { "IncreaseRating", null, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "greater", TRANSLATABLE, on_increase_rating };
+ increase_rating.label = Resources.INCREASE_RATING_MENU;
+ actions += increase_rating;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry decrease_rating = { "DecreaseRating", null, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "less", TRANSLATABLE, on_decrease_rating };
+ decrease_rating.label = Resources.DECREASE_RATING_MENU;
+ actions += decrease_rating;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry rate_rejected = { "RateRejected", null, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "9", TRANSLATABLE, on_rate_rejected };
+ rate_rejected.label = Resources.rating_menu(Rating.REJECTED);
+ actions += rate_rejected;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry rate_unrated = { "RateUnrated", null, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "0", TRANSLATABLE, on_rate_unrated };
+ rate_unrated.label = Resources.rating_menu(Rating.UNRATED);
+ actions += rate_unrated;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry rate_one = { "RateOne", null, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "1", TRANSLATABLE, on_rate_one };
+ rate_one.label = Resources.rating_menu(Rating.ONE);
+ actions += rate_one;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry rate_two = { "RateTwo", null, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "2", TRANSLATABLE, on_rate_two };
+ rate_two.label = Resources.rating_menu(Rating.TWO);
+ actions += rate_two;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry rate_three = { "RateThree", null, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "3", TRANSLATABLE, on_rate_three };
+ rate_three.label = Resources.rating_menu(Rating.THREE);
+ actions += rate_three;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry rate_four = { "RateFour", null, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "4", TRANSLATABLE, on_rate_four };
+ rate_four.label = Resources.rating_menu(Rating.FOUR);
+ actions += rate_four;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry rate_five = { "RateFive", null, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "5", TRANSLATABLE, on_rate_five };
+ rate_five.label = Resources.rating_menu(Rating.FIVE);
+ actions += rate_five;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry increase_size = { "IncreaseSize", Gtk.Stock.ZOOM_IN, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "<Ctrl>plus", TRANSLATABLE, on_increase_size };
+ increase_size.label = _("Zoom _In");
+ increase_size.tooltip = _("Increase the magnification of the photo");
+ actions += increase_size;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry decrease_size = { "DecreaseSize", Gtk.Stock.ZOOM_OUT, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "<Ctrl>minus", TRANSLATABLE, on_decrease_size };
+ decrease_size.label = _("Zoom _Out");
+ decrease_size.tooltip = _("Decrease the magnification of the photo");
+ actions += decrease_size;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry best_fit = { "ZoomFit", Gtk.Stock.ZOOM_FIT, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "<Ctrl>0", TRANSLATABLE, snap_zoom_to_min };
+ best_fit.label = _("Fit to _Page");
+ best_fit.tooltip = _("Zoom the photo to fit on the screen");
+ actions += best_fit;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry actual_size = { "Zoom100", Gtk.Stock.ZOOM_100, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "<Ctrl>1", TRANSLATABLE, snap_zoom_to_isomorphic };
+ /// xgettext:no-c-format
+ actual_size.label = _("Zoom _100%");
+ /// xgettext:no-c-format
+ actual_size.tooltip = _("Zoom the photo to 100% magnification");
+ actions += actual_size;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry max_size = { "Zoom200", null, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "<Ctrl>2", TRANSLATABLE, snap_zoom_to_max };
+ /// xgettext:no-c-format
+ max_size.label = _("Zoom _200%");
+ /// xgettext:no-c-format
+ max_size.tooltip = _("Zoom the photo to 200% magnification");
+ actions += max_size;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry add_tags = { "AddTags", null, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>T", TRANSLATABLE,
+ on_add_tags };
+ add_tags.label = Resources.ADD_TAGS_MENU;
+ actions += add_tags;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry modify_tags = { "ModifyTags", null, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>M", TRANSLATABLE,
+ on_modify_tags };
+ modify_tags.label = Resources.MODIFY_TAGS_MENU;
+ actions += modify_tags;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry slideshow = { "Slideshow", null, TRANSLATABLE, "F5", TRANSLATABLE,
+ on_slideshow };
+ slideshow.label = _("S_lideshow");
+ slideshow.tooltip = _("Play a slideshow");
+ actions += slideshow;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry raw_developer = { "RawDeveloper", null, TRANSLATABLE, null, null, null };
+ raw_developer.label = _("_Developer");
+ actions += raw_developer;
+ // These are identical to add_tags and send_to, except that they have
+ // different mnemonics and are _only_ for use in the context menu.
+ Gtk.ActionEntry send_to_context_menu = { "SendToContextMenu", "document-send", TRANSLATABLE, null,
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_send_to };
+ send_to_context_menu.label = Resources.SEND_TO_CONTEXT_MENU;
+ actions += send_to_context_menu;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry add_tags_context_menu = { "AddTagsContextMenu", null, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>A", TRANSLATABLE,
+ on_add_tags };
+ add_tags_context_menu.label = Resources.ADD_TAGS_CONTEXT_MENU;
+ actions += add_tags_context_menu;
+ return actions;
+ }
+ protected override Gtk.ToggleActionEntry[] init_collect_toggle_action_entries() {
+ Gtk.ToggleActionEntry[] toggle_actions = base.init_collect_toggle_action_entries();
+ Gtk.ToggleActionEntry ratings = { "ViewRatings", null, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl><Shift>N",
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_display_ratings, Config.Facade.get_instance().get_display_photo_ratings() };
+ ratings.label = Resources.VIEW_RATINGS_MENU;
+ ratings.tooltip = Resources.VIEW_RATINGS_TOOLTIP;
+ toggle_actions += ratings;
+ return toggle_actions;
+ }
+ protected override InjectionGroup[] init_collect_injection_groups() {
+ InjectionGroup[] groups = base.init_collect_injection_groups();
+ InjectionGroup print_group = new InjectionGroup("/MenuBar/FileMenu/PrintPlaceholder");
+ print_group.add_menu_item("Print");
+ groups += print_group;
+ InjectionGroup publish_group = new InjectionGroup("/MenuBar/FileMenu/PublishPlaceholder");
+ publish_group.add_menu_item("Publish");
+ groups += publish_group;
+ InjectionGroup bg_group = new InjectionGroup("/MenuBar/FileMenu/SetBackgroundPlaceholder");
+ bg_group.add_menu_item("SetBackground");
+ groups += bg_group;
+ return groups;
+ }
+ protected override void register_radio_actions(Gtk.ActionGroup action_group) {
+ // RAW developer.
+ //get_config_photos_sort(out sort_order, out sort_by); // TODO: fetch default from config
+ Gtk.RadioActionEntry[] developer_actions = new Gtk.RadioActionEntry[0];
+ Gtk.RadioActionEntry dev_shotwell = { "RawDeveloperShotwell", null, TRANSLATABLE, null, TRANSLATABLE,
+ RawDeveloper.SHOTWELL };
+ string label_shotwell = RawDeveloper.SHOTWELL.get_label();
+ dev_shotwell.label = label_shotwell;
+ developer_actions += dev_shotwell;
+ Gtk.RadioActionEntry dev_camera = { "RawDeveloperCamera", null, TRANSLATABLE, null, TRANSLATABLE,
+ RawDeveloper.CAMERA };
+ string label_camera = RawDeveloper.CAMERA.get_label();
+ dev_camera.label = label_camera;
+ developer_actions += dev_camera;
+ action_group.add_radio_actions(developer_actions, RawDeveloper.SHOTWELL, on_raw_developer_changed);
+ base.register_radio_actions(action_group);
+ }
+ private void on_display_ratings(Gtk.Action action) {
+ bool display = ((Gtk.ToggleAction) action).get_active();
+ set_display_ratings(display);
+ Config.Facade.get_instance().set_display_photo_ratings(display);
+ repaint();
+ }
+ private void set_display_ratings(bool display) {
+ Gtk.ToggleAction? action = get_action("ViewRatings") as Gtk.ToggleAction;
+ if (action != null)
+ action.set_active(display);
+ }
+ protected override void update_actions(int selected_count, int count) {
+ bool multiple = get_view().get_count() > 1;
+ bool rotate_possible = has_photo() ? is_rotate_available(get_photo()) : false;
+ bool is_raw = has_photo() && get_photo().get_master_file_format() == PhotoFileFormat.RAW;
+ set_action_sensitive("ExternalEdit",
+ has_photo() && Config.Facade.get_instance().get_external_photo_app() != "");
+ set_action_sensitive("Revert", has_photo() ?
+ (get_photo().has_transformations() || get_photo().has_editable()) : false);
+ if (has_photo() && !get_photo_missing()) {
+ update_rating_menu_item_sensitivity();
+ update_development_menu_item_sensitivity();
+ }
+ set_action_sensitive("SetBackground", has_photo());
+ set_action_sensitive("CopyColorAdjustments", (has_photo() && get_photo().has_color_adjustments()));
+ set_action_sensitive("PasteColorAdjustments", PixelTransformationBundle.has_copied_color_adjustments());
+ set_action_sensitive("PrevPhoto", multiple);
+ set_action_sensitive("NextPhoto", multiple);
+ set_action_sensitive("RotateClockwise", rotate_possible);
+ set_action_sensitive("RotateCounterclockwise", rotate_possible);
+ set_action_sensitive("FlipHorizontally", rotate_possible);
+ set_action_sensitive("FlipVertically", rotate_possible);
+ if (has_photo()) {
+ set_action_sensitive("Crop", EditingTools.CropTool.is_available(get_photo(), Scaling.for_original()));
+ set_action_sensitive("RedEye", EditingTools.RedeyeTool.is_available(get_photo(),
+ Scaling.for_original()));
+ }
+ update_flag_action();
+ set_action_visible("ExternalEditRAW",
+ is_raw && Config.Facade.get_instance().get_external_raw_app() != "");
+ base.update_actions(selected_count, count);
+ }
+ private void on_photos_altered() {
+ set_action_sensitive("Revert", has_photo() ?
+ (get_photo().has_transformations() || get_photo().has_editable()) : false);
+ update_flag_action();
+ }
+ private void on_raw_developer_changed(Gtk.Action action, Gtk.Action current) {
+ developer_changed((RawDeveloper) ((Gtk.RadioAction) current).get_current_value());
+ }
+ protected virtual void developer_changed(RawDeveloper rd) {
+ if (get_view().get_selected_count() != 1)
+ return;
+ Photo? photo = get_view().get_selected().get(0).get_source() as Photo;
+ if (photo == null || rd.is_equivalent(photo.get_raw_developer()))
+ return;
+ // Check if any photo has edits
+ // Display warning only when edits could be destroyed
+ if (!photo.has_transformations() || Dialogs.confirm_warn_developer_changed(1)) {
+ SetRawDeveloperCommand command = new SetRawDeveloperCommand(get_view().get_selected(),
+ rd);
+ get_command_manager().execute(command);
+ update_development_menu_item_sensitivity();
+ }
+ }
+ private void update_flag_action() {
+ if (has_photo()) {
+ Gtk.Action? action = get_action("Flag");
+ assert(action != null);
+ bool is_flagged = ((LibraryPhoto) get_photo()).is_flagged();
+ action.label = is_flagged ? Resources.UNFLAG_MENU : Resources.FLAG_MENU;
+ action.sensitive = true;
+ } else {
+ set_action_sensitive("Flag", false);
+ }
+ }
+ // Displays a photo from a specific CollectionPage. When the user exits this view,
+ // they will be sent back to the return_page. The optional view paramters is for using
+ // a ViewCollection other than the one inside return_page; this is necessary if the
+ // view and return_page have different filters.
+ public void display_for_collection(CollectionPage return_page, Photo photo,
+ ViewCollection? view = null) {
+ this.return_page = return_page;
+ return_page.destroy.connect(on_page_destroyed);
+ display_copy_of(view != null ? view : return_page.get_view(), photo);
+ }
+ public void on_page_destroyed() {
+ // The parent page was removed, so drop the reference to the page and
+ // its view collection.
+ return_page = null;
+ unset_view_collection();
+ }
+ public CollectionPage? get_controller_page() {
+ return return_page;
+ }
+ public override void switched_to() {
+ // since LibraryPhotoPages often rest in the background, their stored photo can be deleted by
+ // another page. this checks to make sure a display photo has been established before the
+ // switched_to call.
+ assert(get_photo() != null);
+ base.switched_to();
+ update_zoom_menu_item_sensitivity();
+ update_rating_menu_item_sensitivity();
+ set_display_ratings(Config.Facade.get_instance().get_display_photo_ratings());
+ }
+ protected override Gdk.Pixbuf? get_bottom_left_trinket(int scale) {
+ if (!has_photo() || !Config.Facade.get_instance().get_display_photo_ratings())
+ return null;
+ return Resources.get_rating_trinket(((LibraryPhoto) get_photo()).get_rating(), scale);
+ }
+ protected override Gdk.Pixbuf? get_top_right_trinket(int scale) {
+ if (!has_photo() || !((LibraryPhoto) get_photo()).is_flagged())
+ return null;
+ return Resources.get_icon(Resources.ICON_FLAGGED_TRINKET);
+ }
+ private void on_slideshow() {
+ LibraryPhoto? photo = (LibraryPhoto?) get_photo();
+ if (photo == null)
+ return;
+ AppWindow.get_instance().go_fullscreen(new SlideshowPage(, get_view(),
+ photo));
+ }
+ private void update_zoom_menu_item_sensitivity() {
+ set_action_sensitive("IncreaseSize", !get_zoom_state().is_max() && !get_photo_missing());
+ set_action_sensitive("DecreaseSize", !get_zoom_state().is_default() && !get_photo_missing());
+ }
+ protected override void on_increase_size() {
+ base.on_increase_size();
+ update_zoom_menu_item_sensitivity();
+ }
+ protected override void on_decrease_size() {
+ base.on_decrease_size();
+ update_zoom_menu_item_sensitivity();
+ }
+ protected override bool on_zoom_slider_key_press(Gdk.EventKey event) {
+ if (base.on_zoom_slider_key_press(event))
+ return true;
+ if (Gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) == "Escape") {
+ return_to_collection();
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ protected override void update_ui(bool missing) {
+ bool sensitivity = !missing;
+ set_action_sensitive("SendTo", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("Publish", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("Print", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("CommonJumpToFile", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("CommonUndo", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("CommonRedo", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("IncreaseSize", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("DecreaseSize", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("ZoomFit", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("Zoom100", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("Zoom200", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("Slideshow", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("RotateClockwise", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("RotateCounterclockwise", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("FlipHorizontally", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("FlipVertically", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("Enhance", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("Crop", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("RedEye", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("Adjust", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("EditTitle", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("AdjustDateTime", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("ExternalEdit", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("ExternalEditRAW", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("Revert", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("Rate", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("Flag", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("AddTags", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("ModifyTags", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("SetBackground", sensitivity);
+ base.update_ui(missing);
+ }
+ protected override void notify_photo_backing_missing(Photo photo, bool missing) {
+ if (missing)
+ ((LibraryPhoto) photo).mark_offline();
+ else
+ ((LibraryPhoto) photo).mark_online();
+ base.notify_photo_backing_missing(photo, missing);
+ }
+ public override bool key_press_event(Gdk.EventKey event) {
+ if (base.key_press_event != null && base.key_press_event(event) == true)
+ return true;
+ bool handled = true;
+ switch (Gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval)) {
+ case "Escape":
+ case "Return":
+ case "KP_Enter":
+ if (!(get_container() is FullscreenWindow))
+ return_to_collection();
+ break;
+ case "Delete":
+ // although bound as an accelerator in the menu, accelerators are currently
+ // unavailable in fullscreen mode (a variant of #324), so we do this manually
+ // here
+ activate_action("MoveToTrash");
+ break;
+ case "period":
+ case "greater":
+ activate_action("IncreaseRating");
+ break;
+ case "comma":
+ case "less":
+ activate_action("DecreaseRating");
+ break;
+ case "KP_1":
+ activate_action("RateOne");
+ break;
+ case "KP_2":
+ activate_action("RateTwo");
+ break;
+ case "KP_3":
+ activate_action("RateThree");
+ break;
+ case "KP_4":
+ activate_action("RateFour");
+ break;
+ case "KP_5":
+ activate_action("RateFive");
+ break;
+ case "KP_0":
+ activate_action("RateUnrated");
+ break;
+ case "KP_9":
+ activate_action("RateRejected");
+ break;
+ case "bracketright":
+ activate_action("RotateClockwise");
+ break;
+ case "bracketleft":
+ activate_action("RotateCounterclockwise");
+ break;
+ case "slash":
+ activate_action("Flag");
+ break;
+ default:
+ handled = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ return handled;
+ }
+ protected override bool on_double_click(Gdk.EventButton event) {
+ if (!(get_container() is FullscreenWindow)) {
+ return_to_collection_on_release = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ AppWindow.get_instance().end_fullscreen();
+ return base.on_double_click(event);
+ }
+ protected override bool on_left_released(Gdk.EventButton event) {
+ if (return_to_collection_on_release) {
+ return_to_collection_on_release = false;
+ return_to_collection();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return base.on_left_released(event);
+ }
+ private Gtk.Menu get_context_menu() {
+ Gtk.Menu menu = (Gtk.Menu) ui.get_widget("/PhotoContextMenu");
+ assert(menu != null);
+ return menu;
+ }
+ protected override bool on_context_buttonpress(Gdk.EventButton event) {
+ popup_context_menu(get_context_menu(), event);
+ return true;
+ }
+ protected override bool on_context_keypress() {
+ popup_context_menu(get_context_menu());
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void return_to_collection() {
+ // Return to the previous page if it exists.
+ if (null != return_page)
+ LibraryWindow.get_app().switch_to_page(return_page);
+ else
+ LibraryWindow.get_app().switch_to_library_page();
+ }
+ private void on_remove_from_library() {
+ LibraryPhoto photo = (LibraryPhoto) get_photo();
+ Gee.Collection<LibraryPhoto> photos = new Gee.ArrayList<LibraryPhoto>();
+ photos.add(photo);
+ remove_from_app(photos, _("Remove From Library"), _("Removing Photo From Library"));
+ }
+ private void on_move_to_trash() {
+ if (!has_photo())
+ return;
+ // Temporarily prevent the application from switching pages if we're viewing
+ // the current photo from within an Event page. This is needed because the act of
+ // trashing images from an Event causes it to be renamed, which causes it to change
+ // positions in the sidebar, and the selection moves with it, causing the app to
+ // inappropriately switch to the Event page.
+ if (return_page is EventPage) {
+ LibraryWindow.get_app().set_page_switching_enabled(false);
+ }
+ LibraryPhoto photo = (LibraryPhoto) get_photo();
+ Gee.Collection<LibraryPhoto> photos = new Gee.ArrayList<LibraryPhoto>();
+ photos.add(photo);
+ // move on to next photo before executing
+ on_next_photo();
+ // this indicates there is only one photo in the controller, or about to be zero, so switch
+ // to the library page, which is guaranteed to be there when this disappears
+ if (photo.equals(get_photo())) {
+ // If this is the last photo in an Event, then trashing it
+ // _should_ cause us to switch pages, so re-enable it here.
+ LibraryWindow.get_app().set_page_switching_enabled(true);
+ if (get_container() is FullscreenWindow)
+ ((FullscreenWindow) get_container()).close();
+ LibraryWindow.get_app().switch_to_library_page();
+ }
+ get_command_manager().execute(new TrashUntrashPhotosCommand(photos, true));
+ LibraryWindow.get_app().set_page_switching_enabled(true);
+ }
+ private void on_flag_unflag() {
+ if (has_photo()) {
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataSource> photo_list = new Gee.ArrayList<DataSource>();
+ photo_list.add(get_photo());
+ get_command_manager().execute(new FlagUnflagCommand(photo_list,
+ !((LibraryPhoto) get_photo()).is_flagged()));
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_photo_destroyed(DataSource source) {
+ on_photo_removed((LibraryPhoto) source);
+ }
+ private void on_photo_removed(LibraryPhoto photo) {
+ // only interested in current photo
+ if (photo == null || !photo.equals(get_photo()))
+ return;
+ // move on to the next one in the collection
+ on_next_photo();
+ ViewCollection view = get_view();
+ view.remove_marked(view.mark(view.get_view_for_source(photo)));
+ if (photo.equals(get_photo())) {
+ // this indicates there is only one photo in the controller, or now zero, so switch
+ // to the Photos page, which is guaranteed to be there
+ LibraryWindow.get_app().switch_to_library_page();
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_print() {
+ if (get_view().get_selected_count() > 0) {
+ PrintManager.get_instance().spool_photo(
+ (Gee.Collection<Photo>) get_view().get_selected_sources_of_type(typeof(Photo)));
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_external_app_changed() {
+ set_action_sensitive("ExternalEdit", has_photo() &&
+ Config.Facade.get_instance().get_external_photo_app() != "");
+ }
+ private void on_external_edit() {
+ if (!has_photo())
+ return;
+ try {
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_busy_cursor();
+ get_photo().open_with_external_editor();
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_normal_cursor();
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_normal_cursor();
+ open_external_editor_error_dialog(err, get_photo());
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_external_edit_raw() {
+ if (!has_photo())
+ return;
+ if (get_photo().get_master_file_format() != PhotoFileFormat.RAW)
+ return;
+ try {
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_busy_cursor();
+ get_photo().open_with_raw_external_editor();
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_normal_cursor();
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_normal_cursor();
+ AppWindow.error_message(Resources.launch_editor_failed(err));
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_send_to() {
+ if (has_photo())
+ DesktopIntegration.send_to((Gee.Collection<Photo>) get_view().get_selected_sources());
+ }
+ private void on_export() {
+ if (!has_photo())
+ return;
+ ExportDialog export_dialog = new ExportDialog(_("Export Photo"));
+ int scale;
+ ScaleConstraint constraint;
+ ExportFormatParameters export_params = ExportFormatParameters.last();
+ if (!export_dialog.execute(out scale, out constraint, ref export_params))
+ return;
+ File save_as =
+ ExportUI.choose_file(get_photo().get_export_basename_for_parameters(export_params));
+ if (save_as == null)
+ return;
+ Scaling scaling = Scaling.for_constraint(constraint, scale, false);
+ try {
+ get_photo().export(save_as, scaling, export_params.quality,
+ get_photo().get_export_format_for_parameters(export_params),
+ export_params.mode == ExportFormatMode.UNMODIFIED, export_params.export_metadata);
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ AppWindow.error_message(_("Unable to export %s: %s").printf(save_as.get_path(), err.message));
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_publish() {
+ if (get_view().get_count() > 0)
+ PublishingUI.PublishingDialog.go(
+ (Gee.Collection<MediaSource>) get_view().get_selected_sources());
+ }
+ private void on_view_menu() {
+ update_zoom_menu_item_sensitivity();
+ }
+ private void on_increase_rating() {
+ if (!has_photo() || get_photo_missing())
+ return;
+ SetRatingSingleCommand command = new SetRatingSingleCommand.inc_dec(get_photo(), true);
+ get_command_manager().execute(command);
+ update_rating_menu_item_sensitivity();
+ }
+ private void on_decrease_rating() {
+ if (!has_photo() || get_photo_missing())
+ return;
+ SetRatingSingleCommand command = new SetRatingSingleCommand.inc_dec(get_photo(), false);
+ get_command_manager().execute(command);
+ update_rating_menu_item_sensitivity();
+ }
+ private void on_set_rating(Rating rating) {
+ if (!has_photo() || get_photo_missing())
+ return;
+ SetRatingSingleCommand command = new SetRatingSingleCommand(get_photo(), rating);
+ get_command_manager().execute(command);
+ update_rating_menu_item_sensitivity();
+ }
+ private void on_rate_rejected() {
+ on_set_rating(Rating.REJECTED);
+ }
+ private void on_rate_unrated() {
+ on_set_rating(Rating.UNRATED);
+ }
+ private void on_rate_one() {
+ on_set_rating(Rating.ONE);
+ }
+ private void on_rate_two() {
+ on_set_rating(Rating.TWO);
+ }
+ private void on_rate_three() {
+ on_set_rating(Rating.THREE);
+ }
+ private void on_rate_four() {
+ on_set_rating(Rating.FOUR);
+ }
+ private void on_rate_five() {
+ on_set_rating(Rating.FIVE);
+ }
+ private void update_rating_menu_item_sensitivity() {
+ set_action_sensitive("RateRejected", get_photo().get_rating() != Rating.REJECTED);
+ set_action_sensitive("RateUnrated", get_photo().get_rating() != Rating.UNRATED);
+ set_action_sensitive("RateOne", get_photo().get_rating() != Rating.ONE);
+ set_action_sensitive("RateTwo", get_photo().get_rating() != Rating.TWO);
+ set_action_sensitive("RateThree", get_photo().get_rating() != Rating.THREE);
+ set_action_sensitive("RateFour", get_photo().get_rating() != Rating.FOUR);
+ set_action_sensitive("RateFive", get_photo().get_rating() != Rating.FIVE);
+ set_action_sensitive("IncreaseRating", get_photo().get_rating().can_increase());
+ set_action_sensitive("DecreaseRating", get_photo().get_rating().can_decrease());
+ }
+ private void update_development_menu_item_sensitivity() {
+ PhotoFileFormat format = get_photo().get_master_file_format() ;
+ set_action_sensitive("RawDeveloper", format == PhotoFileFormat.RAW);
+ if (format == PhotoFileFormat.RAW) {
+ // Set which developers are available.
+ set_action_sensitive("RawDeveloperShotwell",
+ get_photo().is_raw_developer_available(RawDeveloper.SHOTWELL));
+ set_action_sensitive("RawDeveloperCamera",
+ get_photo().is_raw_developer_available(RawDeveloper.EMBEDDED) ||
+ get_photo().is_raw_developer_available(RawDeveloper.CAMERA));;
+ // Set active developer in menu.
+ switch (get_photo().get_raw_developer()) {
+ case RawDeveloper.SHOTWELL:
+ activate_action("RawDeveloperShotwell");
+ break;
+ case RawDeveloper.CAMERA:
+ case RawDeveloper.EMBEDDED:
+ activate_action("RawDeveloperCamera");
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert_not_reached();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_metadata_altered(Gee.Map<DataObject, Alteration> map) {
+ if (map.has_key(get_photo()) && map.get(get_photo()).has_subject("metadata"))
+ repaint();
+ }
+ private void on_add_tags() {
+ AddTagsDialog dialog = new AddTagsDialog();
+ string[]? names = dialog.execute();
+ if (names != null) {
+ get_command_manager().execute(new AddTagsCommand(
+ HierarchicalTagIndex.get_global_index().get_paths_for_names_array(names),
+ (Gee.Collection<LibraryPhoto>) get_view().get_selected_sources()));
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_modify_tags() {
+ LibraryPhoto photo = (LibraryPhoto) get_view().get_selected_at(0).get_source();
+ ModifyTagsDialog dialog = new ModifyTagsDialog(photo);
+ Gee.ArrayList<Tag>? new_tags = dialog.execute();
+ if (new_tags == null)
+ return;
+ get_command_manager().execute(new ModifyTagsCommand(photo, new_tags));
+ }