path: root/src/Resources.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Resources.c')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/src/Resources.c b/src/Resources.c
index 2fb4a0d..541b6ac 100644
--- a/src/Resources.c
+++ b/src/Resources.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* Resources.c generated by valac 0.34.1, the Vala compiler
+/* Resources.c generated by valac 0.34.2, the Vala compiler
* generated from Resources.vala, do not modify */
/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc.
@@ -3244,7 +3244,7 @@ GdkPixbuf* resources_get_icon (const gchar* name, gint scale) {
#line 3216 "Resources.c"
GeeHashMap* _tmp11_ = NULL;
#line 913 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/Resources.vala"
- _tmp11_ = gee_hash_map_new (G_TYPE_STRING, (GBoxedCopyFunc) g_strdup, g_free, GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF, (GBoxedCopyFunc) g_object_ref, g_object_unref, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ _tmp11_ = gee_hash_map_new (G_TYPE_STRING, (GBoxedCopyFunc) g_strdup, g_free, gdk_pixbuf_get_type (), (GBoxedCopyFunc) g_object_ref, g_object_unref, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
#line 913 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/Resources.vala"
_g_object_unref0 (resources_icon_cache);
#line 913 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/Resources.vala"
@@ -3325,7 +3325,7 @@ GdkPixbuf* resources_get_icon (const gchar* name, gint scale) {
#line 3297 "Resources.c"
GeeHashMap* _tmp27_ = NULL;
#line 931 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/Resources.vala"
- _tmp27_ = gee_hash_map_new (G_TYPE_STRING, (GBoxedCopyFunc) g_strdup, g_free, GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF, (GBoxedCopyFunc) g_object_ref, g_object_unref, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ _tmp27_ = gee_hash_map_new (G_TYPE_STRING, (GBoxedCopyFunc) g_strdup, g_free, gdk_pixbuf_get_type (), (GBoxedCopyFunc) g_object_ref, g_object_unref, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
#line 931 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/Resources.vala"
_g_object_unref0 (resources_scaled_icon_cache);
#line 931 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/Resources.vala"
@@ -3694,7 +3694,7 @@ void resources_add_stock_icon_from_themed_icon (GThemedIcon* gicon, const gchar*
#line 973 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/Resources.vala"
_tmp10_ = gicon;
#line 973 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/Resources.vala"
- _tmp11_ = gtk_icon_theme_lookup_by_gicon (_tmp9_, G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST (_tmp10_, G_TYPE_ICON, GIcon), RESOURCES_DEFAULT_ICON_SCALE, GTK_ICON_LOOKUP_FORCE_SIZE);
+ _tmp11_ = gtk_icon_theme_lookup_by_gicon (_tmp9_, G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST (_tmp10_, g_icon_get_type (), GIcon), RESOURCES_DEFAULT_ICON_SCALE, GTK_ICON_LOOKUP_FORCE_SIZE);
#line 973 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/Resources.vala"
info = _tmp11_;
#line 975 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/Resources.vala"