path: root/src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala')
1 files changed, 587 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala b/src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dfd520
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+/* Copyright 2009-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+public class DirectPhotoPage : EditingHostPage {
+ private File initial_file;
+ private DirectViewCollection? view_controller = null;
+ private File current_save_dir;
+ private bool drop_if_dirty = false;
+ public DirectPhotoPage(File file) {
+ base (, file.get_basename());
+ if (!check_editable_file(file)) {
+ Application.get_instance().panic();
+ return;
+ }
+ initial_file = file;
+ view_controller = new DirectViewCollection();
+ current_save_dir = file.get_parent();
+ get_view().selection_group_altered.connect(on_selection_group_altered);
+ }
+ ~DirectPhotoPage() {
+ }
+ protected override void init_collect_ui_filenames(Gee.List<string> ui_filenames) {
+ base.init_collect_ui_filenames(ui_filenames);
+ ui_filenames.add("direct_context.ui");
+ ui_filenames.add("direct.ui");
+ }
+ protected override Gtk.ActionEntry[] init_collect_action_entries() {
+ Gtk.ActionEntry[] actions = base.init_collect_action_entries();
+ Gtk.ActionEntry file = { "FileMenu", null, TRANSLATABLE, null, null, null };
+ file.label = _("_File");
+ actions += file;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry save = { "Save", Gtk.Stock.SAVE, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>S", TRANSLATABLE,
+ on_save };
+ save.label = _("_Save");
+ save.tooltip = _("Save photo");
+ actions += save;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry save_as = { "SaveAs", Gtk.Stock.SAVE_AS, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "<Ctrl><Shift>S", TRANSLATABLE, on_save_as };
+ save_as.label = _("Save _As...");
+ save_as.tooltip = _("Save photo with a different name");
+ actions += save_as;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry send_to = { "SendTo", "document-send", TRANSLATABLE, null,
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_send_to };
+ send_to.label = Resources.SEND_TO_MENU;
+ actions += send_to;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry print = { "Print", Gtk.Stock.PRINT, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>P",
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_print };
+ print.label = Resources.PRINT_MENU;
+ print.tooltip = _("Print the photo to a printer connected to your computer");
+ actions += print;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry edit = { "EditMenu", null, TRANSLATABLE, null, null, null };
+ edit.label = _("_Edit");
+ actions += edit;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry photo = { "PhotoMenu", null, "", null, null, null };
+ photo.label = _("_Photo");
+ actions += photo;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry tools = { "Tools", null, TRANSLATABLE, null, null, null };
+ tools.label = _("T_ools");
+ actions += tools;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry prev = { "PrevPhoto", Gtk.Stock.GO_BACK, TRANSLATABLE, null,
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_previous_photo };
+ prev.label = _("_Previous Photo");
+ prev.tooltip = _("Previous Photo");
+ actions += prev;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry next = { "NextPhoto", Gtk.Stock.GO_FORWARD, TRANSLATABLE, null,
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_next_photo };
+ next.label = _("_Next Photo");
+ next.tooltip = _("Next Photo");
+ actions += next;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry rotate_right = { "RotateClockwise", Resources.CLOCKWISE,
+ TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>R", TRANSLATABLE, on_rotate_clockwise };
+ rotate_right.label = Resources.ROTATE_CW_MENU;
+ rotate_right.tooltip = Resources.ROTATE_CCW_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += rotate_right;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry rotate_left = { "RotateCounterclockwise", Resources.COUNTERCLOCKWISE,
+ TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl><Shift>R", TRANSLATABLE, on_rotate_counterclockwise };
+ rotate_left.label = Resources.ROTATE_CCW_MENU;
+ rotate_left.tooltip = Resources.ROTATE_CCW_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += rotate_left;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry hflip = { "FlipHorizontally", Resources.HFLIP, TRANSLATABLE, null,
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_flip_horizontally };
+ hflip.label = Resources.HFLIP_MENU;
+ actions += hflip;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry vflip = { "FlipVertically", Resources.VFLIP, TRANSLATABLE, null,
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_flip_vertically };
+ vflip.label = Resources.VFLIP_MENU;
+ actions += vflip;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry enhance = { "Enhance", Resources.ENHANCE, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>E",
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_enhance };
+ enhance.label = Resources.ENHANCE_MENU;
+ enhance.tooltip = Resources.ENHANCE_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += enhance;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry crop = { "Crop", Resources.CROP, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>O",
+ TRANSLATABLE, toggle_crop };
+ crop.label = Resources.CROP_MENU;
+ crop.tooltip = Resources.CROP_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += crop;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry straighten = { "Straighten", Gtk.Stock.REFRESH, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>A",
+ TRANSLATABLE, toggle_straighten };
+ straighten.label = Resources.STRAIGHTEN_MENU;
+ straighten.tooltip = Resources.STRAIGHTEN_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += straighten;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry red_eye = { "RedEye", Resources.REDEYE, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>Y",
+ TRANSLATABLE, toggle_redeye };
+ red_eye.label = Resources.RED_EYE_MENU;
+ red_eye.tooltip = Resources.RED_EYE_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += red_eye;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry adjust = { "Adjust", Resources.ADJUST, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>D",
+ TRANSLATABLE, toggle_adjust };
+ adjust.label = Resources.ADJUST_MENU;
+ adjust.tooltip = Resources.ADJUST_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += adjust;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry revert = { "Revert", Gtk.Stock.REVERT_TO_SAVED, TRANSLATABLE,
+ null, TRANSLATABLE, on_revert };
+ revert.label = Resources.REVERT_MENU;
+ actions += revert;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry adjust_date_time = { "AdjustDateTime", null, TRANSLATABLE, null,
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_adjust_date_time };
+ adjust_date_time.label = Resources.ADJUST_DATE_TIME_MENU;
+ actions += adjust_date_time;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry set_background = { "SetBackground", null, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>B",
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_set_background };
+ set_background.label = Resources.SET_BACKGROUND_MENU;
+ set_background.tooltip = Resources.SET_BACKGROUND_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += set_background;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry view = { "ViewMenu", null, TRANSLATABLE, null, null, null };
+ view.label = _("_View");
+ actions += view;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry help = { "HelpMenu", null, TRANSLATABLE, null, null, null };
+ help.label = _("_Help");
+ actions += help;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry increase_size = { "IncreaseSize", Gtk.Stock.ZOOM_IN, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "<Ctrl>plus", TRANSLATABLE, on_increase_size };
+ increase_size.label = _("Zoom _In");
+ increase_size.tooltip = _("Increase the magnification of the photo");
+ actions += increase_size;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry decrease_size = { "DecreaseSize", Gtk.Stock.ZOOM_OUT, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "<Ctrl>minus", TRANSLATABLE, on_decrease_size };
+ decrease_size.label = _("Zoom _Out");
+ decrease_size.tooltip = _("Decrease the magnification of the photo");
+ actions += decrease_size;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry best_fit = { "ZoomFit", Gtk.Stock.ZOOM_FIT, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "<Ctrl>0", TRANSLATABLE, snap_zoom_to_min };
+ best_fit.label = _("Fit to _Page");
+ best_fit.tooltip = _("Zoom the photo to fit on the screen");
+ actions += best_fit;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry actual_size = { "Zoom100", Gtk.Stock.ZOOM_100, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "<Ctrl>1", TRANSLATABLE, snap_zoom_to_isomorphic };
+ /// xgettext:no-c-format
+ actual_size.label = _("Zoom _100%");
+ /// xgettext:no-c-format
+ actual_size.tooltip = _("Zoom the photo to 100% magnification");
+ actions += actual_size;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry max_size = { "Zoom200", null, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "<Ctrl>2", TRANSLATABLE, snap_zoom_to_max };
+ /// xgettext:no-c-format
+ max_size.label = _("Zoom _200%");
+ /// xgettext:no-c-format
+ max_size.tooltip = _("Zoom the photo to 200% magnification");
+ actions += max_size;
+ return actions;
+ }
+ protected override InjectionGroup[] init_collect_injection_groups() {
+ InjectionGroup[] groups = base.init_collect_injection_groups();
+ InjectionGroup print_group = new InjectionGroup("/MenuBar/FileMenu/PrintPlaceholder");
+ print_group.add_menu_item("Print");
+ groups += print_group;
+ InjectionGroup bg_group = new InjectionGroup("/MenuBar/FileMenu/SetBackgroundPlaceholder");
+ bg_group.add_menu_item("SetBackground");
+ groups += bg_group;
+ return groups;
+ }
+ private static bool check_editable_file(File file) {
+ if (!FileUtils.test(file.get_path(), FileTest.EXISTS))
+ AppWindow.error_message(_("%s does not exist.").printf(file.get_path()));
+ else if (!FileUtils.test(file.get_path(), FileTest.IS_REGULAR))
+ AppWindow.error_message(_("%s is not a file.").printf(file.get_path()));
+ else if (!PhotoFileFormat.is_file_supported(file))
+ AppWindow.error_message(_("%s does not support the file format of\n%s.").printf(
+ Resources.APP_TITLE, file.get_path()));
+ else
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ public override void realize() {
+ if (base.realize != null)
+ base.realize();
+ DirectPhoto? photo =;
+ display_mirror_of(view_controller, photo);
+ initial_file = null;
+ }
+ protected override void photo_changing(Photo new_photo) {
+ if (get_photo() != null) {
+ DirectPhoto tmp = get_photo() as DirectPhoto;
+ if (tmp != null) {
+ tmp.can_rotate_changed.disconnect(on_dphoto_can_rotate_changed);
+ }
+ }
+ ((DirectPhoto) new_photo).demand_load();
+ DirectPhoto tmp = new_photo as DirectPhoto;
+ if (tmp != null) {
+ tmp.can_rotate_changed.connect(on_dphoto_can_rotate_changed);
+ }
+ }
+ public File get_current_file() {
+ return get_photo().get_file();
+ }
+ protected override bool on_context_buttonpress(Gdk.EventButton event) {
+ Gtk.Menu context_menu = (Gtk.Menu) ui.get_widget("/DirectContextMenu");
+ popup_context_menu(context_menu, event);
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void update_zoom_menu_item_sensitivity() {
+ set_action_sensitive("IncreaseSize", !get_zoom_state().is_max() && !get_photo_missing());
+ set_action_sensitive("DecreaseSize", !get_zoom_state().is_default() && !get_photo_missing());
+ }
+ protected override void on_increase_size() {
+ base.on_increase_size();
+ update_zoom_menu_item_sensitivity();
+ }
+ protected override void on_decrease_size() {
+ base.on_decrease_size();
+ update_zoom_menu_item_sensitivity();
+ }
+ private void on_photos_altered(Gee.Map<DataObject, Alteration> map) {
+ bool contains = false;
+ if (has_photo()) {
+ Photo photo = get_photo();
+ foreach (DataObject object in map.keys) {
+ if (((Photo) object) == photo) {
+ contains = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool sensitive = has_photo() && !get_photo_missing();
+ if (sensitive)
+ sensitive = contains;
+ set_action_sensitive("Save", sensitive && get_photo().get_file_format().can_write());
+ set_action_sensitive("Revert", sensitive);
+ }
+ private void on_selection_group_altered() {
+ // On EditingHostPage, the displayed photo is always selected, so this signal is fired
+ // whenever a new photo is displayed (which even happens on an in-place save; the changes
+ // are written and a new DirectPhoto is loaded into its place).
+ //
+ // In every case, reset the CommandManager, as the command stack is not valid against this
+ // new file.
+ get_command_manager().reset();
+ }
+ protected override bool on_double_click(Gdk.EventButton event) {
+ AppWindow.get_instance().end_fullscreen();
+ return base.on_double_click(event);
+ }
+ protected override void update_ui(bool missing) {
+ bool sensitivity = !missing;
+ set_action_sensitive("Save", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("SaveAs", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("SendTo", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("Publish", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("Print", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("CommonJumpToFile", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("CommonUndo", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("CommonRedo", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("IncreaseSize", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("DecreaseSize", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("ZoomFit", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("Zoom100", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("Zoom200", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("RotateClockwise", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("RotateCounterclockwise", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("FlipHorizontally", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("FlipVertically", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("Enhance", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("Crop", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("Straighten", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("RedEye", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("Adjust", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("Revert", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("AdjustDateTime", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("Fullscreen", sensitivity);
+ set_action_sensitive("SetBackground", has_photo() && !get_photo_missing());
+ base.update_ui(missing);
+ }
+ protected override void update_actions(int selected_count, int count) {
+ bool multiple = get_view().get_count() > 1;
+ bool revert_possible = has_photo() ? get_photo().has_transformations()
+ && !get_photo_missing() : false;
+ bool rotate_possible = has_photo() ? is_rotate_available(get_photo()) : false;
+ bool enhance_possible = has_photo() ? is_enhance_available(get_photo()) : false;
+ set_action_sensitive("PrevPhoto", multiple);
+ set_action_sensitive("NextPhoto", multiple);
+ set_action_sensitive("RotateClockwise", rotate_possible);
+ set_action_sensitive("RotateCounterclockwise", rotate_possible);
+ set_action_sensitive("FlipHorizontally", rotate_possible);
+ set_action_sensitive("FlipVertically", rotate_possible);
+ set_action_sensitive("Revert", revert_possible);
+ set_action_sensitive("Enhance", enhance_possible);
+ set_action_sensitive("SetBackground", has_photo());
+ if (has_photo()) {
+ set_action_sensitive("Crop", EditingTools.CropTool.is_available(get_photo(), Scaling.for_original()));
+ set_action_sensitive("RedEye", EditingTools.RedeyeTool.is_available(get_photo(),
+ Scaling.for_original()));
+ }
+ // can't write to raws, and trapping the output JPEG here is tricky,
+ // so don't allow date/time changes here.
+ if (get_photo() != null) {
+ set_action_sensitive("AdjustDateTime", (get_photo().get_file_format() != PhotoFileFormat.RAW));
+ } else {
+ set_action_sensitive("AdjustDateTime", false);
+ }
+ base.update_actions(selected_count, count);
+ }
+ private bool check_ok_to_close_photo(Photo photo) {
+ if (!photo.has_alterations())
+ return true;
+ if (drop_if_dirty) {
+ // need to remove transformations, or else they stick around in memory (reappearing
+ // if the user opens the file again)
+ photo.remove_all_transformations();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool is_writeable = get_photo().get_file_format().can_write();
+ string save_option = is_writeable ? _("_Save") : _("_Save a Copy");
+ Gtk.ResponseType response = AppWindow.negate_affirm_cancel_question(
+ _("Lose changes to %s?").printf(photo.get_basename()), save_option,
+ _("Close _without Saving"));
+ if (response == Gtk.ResponseType.YES)
+ photo.remove_all_transformations();
+ else if (response == Gtk.ResponseType.NO) {
+ if (is_writeable)
+ save(photo.get_file(), 0, ScaleConstraint.ORIGINAL, Jpeg.Quality.HIGH,
+ get_photo().get_file_format());
+ else
+ on_save_as();
+ } else if ((response == Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL) || (response == Gtk.ResponseType.DELETE_EVENT) ||
+ (response == Gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public bool check_quit() {
+ return check_ok_to_close_photo(get_photo());
+ }
+ protected override bool confirm_replace_photo(Photo? old_photo, Photo new_photo) {
+ return (old_photo != null) ? check_ok_to_close_photo(old_photo) : true;
+ }
+ private void save(File dest, int scale, ScaleConstraint constraint, Jpeg.Quality quality,
+ PhotoFileFormat format, bool copy_unmodified = false, bool save_metadata = true) {
+ Scaling scaling = Scaling.for_constraint(constraint, scale, false);
+ try {
+ get_photo().export(dest, scaling, quality, format, copy_unmodified, save_metadata);
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ AppWindow.error_message(_("Error while saving to %s: %s").printf(dest.get_path(),
+ err.message));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Fetch the DirectPhoto and reimport.
+ DirectPhoto photo;
+, out photo, true);
+ DirectView tmp_view = new DirectView(photo);
+ view_controller.add(tmp_view);
+ display_mirror_of(view_controller, photo);
+ }
+ private void on_save() {
+ if (!get_photo().has_alterations() || !get_photo().get_file_format().can_write() ||
+ get_photo_missing())
+ return;
+ // save full-sized version right on top of the current file
+ save(get_photo().get_file(), 0, ScaleConstraint.ORIGINAL, Jpeg.Quality.HIGH,
+ get_photo().get_file_format());
+ }
+ private void on_save_as() {
+ ExportDialog export_dialog = new ExportDialog(_("Save As"));
+ int scale;
+ ScaleConstraint constraint;
+ ExportFormatParameters export_params = ExportFormatParameters.last();
+ if (!export_dialog.execute(out scale, out constraint, ref export_params))
+ return;
+ string filename = get_photo().get_export_basename_for_parameters(export_params);
+ PhotoFileFormat effective_export_format =
+ get_photo().get_export_format_for_parameters(export_params);
+ string[] output_format_extensions =
+ effective_export_format.get_properties().get_known_extensions();
+ Gtk.FileFilter output_format_filter = new Gtk.FileFilter();
+ foreach(string extension in output_format_extensions) {
+ string uppercase_extension = extension.up();
+ output_format_filter.add_pattern("*." + extension);
+ output_format_filter.add_pattern("*." + uppercase_extension);
+ }
+ Gtk.FileChooserDialog save_as_dialog = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog(_("Save As"),
+ AppWindow.get_instance(), Gtk.FileChooserAction.SAVE, Gtk.Stock.CANCEL,
+ Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Gtk.Stock.OK, Gtk.ResponseType.OK);
+ save_as_dialog.set_select_multiple(false);
+ save_as_dialog.set_current_name(filename);
+ save_as_dialog.set_current_folder(current_save_dir.get_path());
+ save_as_dialog.add_filter(output_format_filter);
+ save_as_dialog.set_do_overwrite_confirmation(true);
+ save_as_dialog.set_local_only(false);
+ int response =;
+ if (response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK) {
+ // flag to prevent asking user about losing changes to the old file (since they'll be
+ // loaded right into the new one)
+ drop_if_dirty = true;
+ save(File.new_for_uri(save_as_dialog.get_uri()), scale, constraint, export_params.quality,
+ effective_export_format, export_params.mode == ExportFormatMode.UNMODIFIED,
+ export_params.export_metadata);
+ drop_if_dirty = false;
+ current_save_dir = File.new_for_path(save_as_dialog.get_current_folder());
+ }
+ save_as_dialog.destroy();
+ }
+ private void on_send_to() {
+ if (has_photo())
+ DesktopIntegration.send_to((Gee.Collection<Photo>) get_view().get_selected_sources());
+ }
+ protected override bool on_app_key_pressed(Gdk.EventKey event) {
+ bool handled = true;
+ switch (Gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval)) {
+ case "bracketright":
+ activate_action("RotateClockwise");
+ break;
+ case "bracketleft":
+ activate_action("RotateClockwise");
+ break;
+ default:
+ handled = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ return handled ? true : base.on_app_key_pressed(event);
+ }
+ private void on_print() {
+ if (get_view().get_selected_count() > 0) {
+ PrintManager.get_instance().spool_photo(
+ (Gee.Collection<Photo>) get_view().get_selected_sources_of_type(typeof(Photo)));
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_dphoto_can_rotate_changed(bool should_allow_rotation) {
+ // since this signal handler can be called from a background thread (gah, don't get me
+ // started...), chain to the "enable-rotate" signal in the foreground thread, as it's
+ // tied to UI elements
+ Idle.add(() => {
+ enable_rotate(should_allow_rotation);
+ return false;
+ });
+ }
+ protected override DataView create_photo_view(DataSource source) {
+ return new DirectView((DirectPhoto) source);
+ }
+public class DirectFullscreenPhotoPage : DirectPhotoPage {
+ public DirectFullscreenPhotoPage(File file) {
+ base(file);
+ }
+ protected override void init_collect_ui_filenames(Gee.List<string> ui_filenames) {
+ // We intentionally avoid calling the base class implementation since we don't want
+ // direct.ui.
+ ui_filenames.add("direct_context.ui");
+ }