path: root/src/tags/HierarchicalTagUtilities.vala
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1 files changed, 184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tags/HierarchicalTagUtilities.vala b/src/tags/HierarchicalTagUtilities.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbb7165
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tags/HierarchicalTagUtilities.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+/* Copyright 2011-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later).
+ * See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+class HierarchicalTagUtilities {
+ /**
+ * converts a flat tag name 'name' (e.g., "Animals") to a tag path compatible with the
+ * hierarchical tag data model (e.g., "/Animals"). if 'name' is already a path compatible with
+ * the hierarchical data model, 'name' is returned untouched
+ */
+ public static string flat_to_hierarchical(string name) {
+ if (!name.has_prefix(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING))
+ return Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING + name;
+ else
+ return name;
+ }
+ /**
+ * converts a hierarchical tag path 'path' (e.g., "/Animals") to a flat tag name
+ * (e.g., "Animals"); if 'path' is already a flat tag name, 'path' is returned untouched; note
+ * that 'path' must be a top-level path (i.e., "/Animals" not "/Animals/Mammals/...") with
+ * only one path component; invoking this method with a 'path' argument other than a top-level
+ * path will cause an assertion failure.
+ */
+ public static string hierarchical_to_flat(string path) {
+ if (path.has_prefix(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING)) {
+ assert(enumerate_path_components(path).size == 1);
+ return path.substring(1);
+ } else {
+ return path;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * given a path 'path', generate all parent paths of 'path' and return them in sorted order,
+ * from most basic to most derived. For example, if 'path' == "/Animals/Mammals/Elephant",
+ * the list { "/Animals", "/Animals/Mammals" } is returned
+ */
+ public static Gee.List<string> enumerate_parent_paths(string in_path) {
+ string path = flat_to_hierarchical(in_path);
+ Gee.List<string> result = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+ string accumulator = "";
+ foreach (string component in enumerate_path_components(path)) {
+ accumulator += (Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING + component);
+ if (accumulator != path)
+ result.add(accumulator);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * given a path 'path', enumerate all of the components of 'path' and return them in
+ * order, excluding the path component separator. For example if
+ * 'path' == "/Animals/Mammals/Elephant" the list { "Animals", "Mammals", "Elephant" } will
+ * be returned
+ */
+ public static Gee.List<string> enumerate_path_components(string in_path) {
+ string path = flat_to_hierarchical(in_path);
+ Gee.ArrayList<string> components = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+ string[] raw_components = path.split(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING);
+ foreach (string component in raw_components) {
+ if (component != "")
+ components.add(component);
+ }
+ assert(components.size > 0);
+ return components;
+ }
+ /**
+ * given a list of path elements, create a fully qualified path string.
+ * For example if 'path_elements' is the list { "Animals", "Mammals", "Elephant" }
+ * the path "/Animals/Mammals/Elephant" will be returned
+ */
+ public static string? join_path_components(string[] path_components) {
+ if (path_components.length <= 0)
+ return null;
+ string tmp = string.joinv(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING, path_components);
+ return string.joinv(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING, { "", tmp });
+ }
+ public static string get_basename(string in_path) {
+ string path = flat_to_hierarchical(in_path);
+ Gee.List<string> components = enumerate_path_components(path);
+ string basename = components.get(components.size - 1);
+ return basename;
+ }
+ public static string? canonicalize(string in_tag, string foreign_separator) {
+ string result = in_tag.replace(foreign_separator, Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING);
+ if (!result.has_prefix(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING))
+ result = Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING + result;
+ // ensure the result has text other than separators in it
+ bool is_valid = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
+ if (result[i] != Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING[0]) {
+ is_valid = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return (is_valid) ? result : null;
+ }
+ public static string make_flat_tag_safe(string in_tag) {
+ return in_tag.replace(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING, "-");
+ }
+ public static HierarchicalTagIndex process_hierarchical_import_keywords(Gee.Collection<string> h_keywords) {
+ HierarchicalTagIndex index = new HierarchicalTagIndex();
+ foreach (string keyword in h_keywords) {
+ Gee.List<string> parent_paths =
+ HierarchicalTagUtilities.enumerate_parent_paths(keyword);
+ Gee.List<string> path_components =
+ HierarchicalTagUtilities.enumerate_path_components(keyword);
+ assert(parent_paths.size <= path_components.size);
+ for (int i = 0; i < parent_paths.size; i++) {
+ if (!index.is_path_known(path_components[i]))
+ index.add_path(path_components[i], parent_paths[i]);
+ }
+ index.add_path(HierarchicalTagUtilities.get_basename(keyword), keyword);
+ }
+ return index;
+ }
+ public static string? get_root_path_form(string? client_path) {
+ if (client_path == null)
+ return null;
+ if (HierarchicalTagUtilities.enumerate_parent_paths(client_path).size != 0)
+ return client_path;
+ string path = client_path;
+ if (! {
+ if (path.has_prefix(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING))
+ path = HierarchicalTagUtilities.hierarchical_to_flat(path);
+ else
+ path = HierarchicalTagUtilities.flat_to_hierarchical(path);
+ }
+ return ( ? path : null;
+ }
+ public static void cleanup_root_path(string path) {
+ Gee.List<string> paths = HierarchicalTagUtilities.enumerate_parent_paths(path);
+ if (paths.size == 0) {
+ string? actual_path = HierarchicalTagUtilities.get_root_path_form(path);
+ if (actual_path == null)
+ return;
+ Tag? t = null;
+ if (
+ t = Tag.for_path(actual_path);
+ if (t != null && t.get_hierarchical_children().size == 0)
+ t.flatten();
+ }
+ }