Markieren Sie Fotos, um sie als besondere zu kennzeichnen oder mit diesen als Menge zu arbeiten. Mario Blättermann 2009, 2016 Benjamin Steinwender 2014-2015 Christian Kirbach 2014, 2016, 2017 Fotos markieren

Shotwell lets you flag photos. When a photo is flagged, a small flag icon appears in its upper right corner. You can select the Flagged item in the sidebar to see all photos which have been flagged.

Flagging a photo marks it as special. You can interpret this in any way you like. For example, you might flag all photos which need visual adjustment, or all photos which you want to share with a friend.

Flagging is also useful because you can operate on all flagged photos as a set. For example, you can select the Flagged view and then upload all flagged photos to a publishing service.

So markieren Sie ein Foto oder heben die Markierung auf

To flag or unflag a photo, right-click the photo and choose Flag or Unflag from the context menu. Or use the CtrlG or / shortcut keys.