Pulse el botón Girar, o elija uno de los comandos en el menú Foto.Daniel Mustielesdaniel.mustieles@gmail.com2014 - 2016Dámaris Letelierdam.letelier@gmail.com2014Girar o voltear una foto
You can rotate your photos left and right (clockwise and counterclockwise) with the Rotate button on the toolbar of most views. You can also make a mirror image of any photo.
To rotate right, click on the Rotate button. To rotate left, press and hold the Ctrl key and then click the button. Both commands are available in the Photos menu too. Alternatively, use the following keyboard shortcuts:
rotar a la izquierda: MayúsCtrlR o [
rotar a la derecha: CtrlR or ]
To create a mirror image of a photo, use the Flip Horizontally command in the Photos menu. To flip an image vertically, use the Flip Vertically command in the same menu.
Si selecciona más de una imagen, puede girar todas ellas al mismo tiempo.