/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ extern const string _VERSION; // "core services" are: F-Spot private class ShotwellDataImportsCoreServices : Object, Spit.Module { private Spit.Pluggable[] pluggables = new Spit.Pluggable[0]; // we need to get a module file handle because our pluggables have to load resources from the // module file directory public ShotwellDataImportsCoreServices(GLib.File module_file) { GLib.File resource_directory = module_file.get_parent(); pluggables += new FSpotService(resource_directory); } public unowned string get_module_name() { return _("Core Data Import Services"); } public unowned string get_version() { return _VERSION; } public unowned string get_id() { return "org.yorba.shotwell.data_imports.core_services"; } public unowned Spit.Pluggable[]? get_pluggables() { return pluggables; } } // This entry point is required for all SPIT modules. public Spit.Module? spit_entry_point(Spit.EntryPointParams *params) { params->module_spit_interface = Spit.negotiate_interfaces(params->host_min_spit_interface, params->host_max_spit_interface, Spit.CURRENT_INTERFACE); return (params->module_spit_interface != Spit.UNSUPPORTED_INTERFACE) ? new ShotwellDataImportsCoreServices(params->module_file) : null; }