/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later). * See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ public errordomain DatabaseError { ERROR, BACKING, MEMORY, ABORT, LIMITS, TYPESPEC } public abstract class DatabaseTable { /*** * This number should be incremented every time any database schema is altered. * * NOTE: Adding or removing tables or removing columns do not need a new schema version, because * tables are created on demand and tables and columns are easily ignored when already present. * However, the change should be noted in upgrade_database() as a comment. ***/ public const int SCHEMA_VERSION = 20; protected static Sqlite.Database db; private static int in_transaction = 0; public string table_name = null; private static void prepare_db(string filename) { // Open DB. int res = Sqlite.Database.open_v2(filename, out db, Sqlite.OPEN_READWRITE | Sqlite.OPEN_CREATE, null); if (res != Sqlite.OK) AppWindow.panic(_("Unable to open/create photo database %s: error code %d").printf(filename, res)); // Check if we have write access to database. if (filename != Db.IN_MEMORY_NAME) { try { File file_db = File.new_for_path(filename); FileInfo info = file_db.query_info(FileAttribute.ACCESS_CAN_WRITE, FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE); if (!info.get_attribute_boolean(FileAttribute.ACCESS_CAN_WRITE)) AppWindow.panic(_("Unable to write to photo database file:\n %s").printf(filename)); } catch (Error e) { AppWindow.panic(_("Error accessing database file:\n %s\n\nError was: \n%s").printf(filename, e.message)); } } #if SQLITE_DEBUG db.trace (on_trace); #endif } public static void on_trace (string message) { debug ("SQLITE: %s", message); } public static void init(string filename) { // Open DB. prepare_db(filename); // Try a query to make sure DB is intact; if not, try to use the backup Sqlite.Statement stmt; int res = db.prepare_v2("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS VersionTable (" + "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " + "schema_version INTEGER, " + "app_version TEXT, " + "user_data TEXT NULL" + ")", -1, out stmt); // Query on db failed, copy over backup and open it if(res != Sqlite.OK) { db = null; string backup_path = filename + ".bak"; try { File src = File.new_for_commandline_arg(backup_path); File dest = File.new_for_commandline_arg(filename); src.copy(dest, FileCopyFlags.OVERWRITE | FileCopyFlags.ALL_METADATA); prepare_db(filename); } catch (Error error) { AppWindow.panic(_("Unable to restore photo database %s").printf(error.message)); } } // disable synchronized commits for performance reasons ... this is not vital, hence we // don't error out if this fails res = db.exec("PRAGMA synchronous=OFF"); if (res != Sqlite.OK) warning("Unable to disable synchronous mode", res); } public static void terminate() { // freeing the database closes it db = null; } // XXX: errmsg() is global, and so this will not be accurate in a threaded situation protected static void fatal(string op, int res) { error("%s: [%d] %s", op, res, db.errmsg()); } // XXX: errmsg() is global, and so this will not be accurate in a threaded situation protected static void warning(string op, int res) { GLib.warning("%s: [%d] %s", op, res, db.errmsg()); } protected void set_table_name(string table_name) { this.table_name = table_name; } // This method will throw an error on an SQLite return code unless it's OK, DONE, or ROW, which // are considered normal results. protected static void throw_error(string method, int res) throws DatabaseError { string msg = "(%s) [%d] - %s".printf(method, res, db.errmsg()); switch (res) { case Sqlite.OK: case Sqlite.DONE: case Sqlite.ROW: return; case Sqlite.PERM: case Sqlite.BUSY: case Sqlite.READONLY: case Sqlite.IOERR: case Sqlite.CORRUPT: case Sqlite.CANTOPEN: case Sqlite.NOLFS: case Sqlite.AUTH: case Sqlite.FORMAT: case Sqlite.NOTADB: throw new DatabaseError.BACKING(msg); case Sqlite.NOMEM: throw new DatabaseError.MEMORY(msg); case Sqlite.ABORT: case Sqlite.LOCKED: case Sqlite.INTERRUPT: throw new DatabaseError.ABORT(msg); case Sqlite.FULL: case Sqlite.EMPTY: case Sqlite.TOOBIG: case Sqlite.CONSTRAINT: case Sqlite.RANGE: throw new DatabaseError.LIMITS(msg); case Sqlite.SCHEMA: case Sqlite.MISMATCH: throw new DatabaseError.TYPESPEC(msg); case Sqlite.ERROR: case Sqlite.INTERNAL: case Sqlite.MISUSE: default: throw new DatabaseError.ERROR(msg); } } protected bool exists_by_id(int64 id) { Sqlite.Statement stmt; int res = db.prepare_v2("SELECT id FROM %s WHERE id=?".printf(table_name), -1, out stmt); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); res = stmt.bind_int64(1, id); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); res = stmt.step(); if (res != Sqlite.ROW && res != Sqlite.DONE) fatal("exists_by_id [%s] %s".printf(id.to_string(), table_name), res); return (res == Sqlite.ROW); } protected bool select_by_id(int64 id, string columns, out Sqlite.Statement stmt) { string sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE id=?".printf(columns, table_name); int res = db.prepare_v2(sql, -1, out stmt); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); res = stmt.bind_int64(1, id); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); res = stmt.step(); if (res != Sqlite.ROW && res != Sqlite.DONE) fatal("select_by_id [%s] %s %s".printf(id.to_string(), table_name, columns), res); return (res == Sqlite.ROW); } // Caller needs to bind value #1 before calling execute_update_by_id() private void prepare_update_by_id(int64 id, string column, out Sqlite.Statement stmt) { string sql = "UPDATE %s SET %s=? WHERE id=?".printf(table_name, column); int res = db.prepare_v2(sql, -1, out stmt); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); res = stmt.bind_int64(2, id); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); } private bool execute_update_by_id(Sqlite.Statement stmt) { int res = stmt.step(); if (res != Sqlite.DONE) { fatal("execute_update_by_id", res); return false; } return true; } protected bool update_text_by_id(int64 id, string column, string text) { Sqlite.Statement stmt; prepare_update_by_id(id, column, out stmt); int res = stmt.bind_text(1, text); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); return execute_update_by_id(stmt); } protected void update_text_by_id_2(int64 id, string column, string text) throws DatabaseError { Sqlite.Statement stmt; prepare_update_by_id(id, column, out stmt); int res = stmt.bind_text(1, text); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); res = stmt.step(); if (res != Sqlite.DONE) throw_error("DatabaseTable.update_text_by_id_2 %s.%s".printf(table_name, column), res); } protected bool update_int_by_id(int64 id, string column, int value) { Sqlite.Statement stmt; prepare_update_by_id(id, column, out stmt); int res = stmt.bind_int(1, value); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); return execute_update_by_id(stmt); } protected void update_int_by_id_2(int64 id, string column, int value) throws DatabaseError { Sqlite.Statement stmt; prepare_update_by_id(id, column, out stmt); int res = stmt.bind_int(1, value); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); res = stmt.step(); if (res != Sqlite.DONE) throw_error("DatabaseTable.update_int_by_id_2 %s.%s".printf(table_name, column), res); } protected bool update_int64_by_id(int64 id, string column, int64 value) { Sqlite.Statement stmt; prepare_update_by_id(id, column, out stmt); int res = stmt.bind_int64(1, value); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); return execute_update_by_id(stmt); } protected void update_int64_by_id_2(int64 id, string column, int64 value) throws DatabaseError { Sqlite.Statement stmt; prepare_update_by_id(id, column, out stmt); int res = stmt.bind_int64(1, value); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); res = stmt.step(); if (res != Sqlite.DONE) throw_error("DatabaseTable.update_int64_by_id_2 %s.%s".printf(table_name, column), res); } protected void delete_by_id(int64 id) throws DatabaseError { Sqlite.Statement stmt; int res = db.prepare_v2("DELETE FROM %s WHERE id=?".printf(table_name), -1, out stmt); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); res = stmt.bind_int64(1, id); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); res = stmt.step(); if (res != Sqlite.DONE) throw_error("%s.remove".printf(table_name), res); } public static bool has_column(string table_name, string column_name) { Sqlite.Statement stmt; int res = db.prepare_v2("PRAGMA table_info(%s)".printf(table_name), -1, out stmt); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); for (;;) { res = stmt.step(); if (res == Sqlite.DONE) { break; } else if (res != Sqlite.ROW) { fatal("has_column %s".printf(table_name), res); break; } else { string column = stmt.column_text(1); if (column != null && column == column_name) return true; } } return false; } public static bool has_table(string table_name) { Sqlite.Statement stmt; int res = db.prepare_v2("PRAGMA table_info(%s)".printf(table_name), -1, out stmt); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); res = stmt.step(); return (res != Sqlite.DONE); } public static bool add_column(string table_name, string column_name, string column_constraints) { Sqlite.Statement stmt; int res = db.prepare_v2("ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s %s".printf(table_name, column_name, column_constraints), -1, out stmt); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); res = stmt.step(); if (res != Sqlite.DONE) { critical("Unable to add column %s %s %s: (%d) %s", table_name, column_name, column_constraints, res, db.errmsg()); return false; } return true; } // This method will only add the column if a table exists (relying on the table object // to build a new one when first referenced) and only if the column does not exist. In essence, // it's a cleaner way to run has_table(), has_column(), and add_column(). public static bool ensure_column(string table_name, string column_name, string column_constraints, string upgrade_msg) { if (!has_table(table_name) || has_column(table_name, column_name)) return true; message("%s", upgrade_msg); return add_column(table_name, column_name, column_constraints); } public int get_row_count() { Sqlite.Statement stmt; int res = db.prepare_v2("SELECT COUNT(id) AS RowCount FROM %s".printf(table_name), -1, out stmt); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); res = stmt.step(); if (res != Sqlite.ROW) { critical("Unable to retrieve row count on %s: (%d) %s", table_name, res, db.errmsg()); return 0; } return stmt.column_int(0); } // This is not thread-safe. public static void begin_transaction() { if (in_transaction++ != 0) return; int res = db.exec("BEGIN TRANSACTION"); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); } // This is not thread-safe. public static void commit_transaction() throws DatabaseError { assert(in_transaction > 0); if (--in_transaction != 0) return; int res = db.exec("COMMIT TRANSACTION"); if (res != Sqlite.DONE) throw_error("commit_transaction", res); } }