/* Copyright 2011-2015 Yorba Foundation * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ public class DirectView : DataView { private File file; private string? collate_key = null; public DirectView(DirectPhoto source) { base ((DataSource) source); this.file = ((Photo) source).get_file(); } public File get_file() { return file; } public string get_collate_key() { if (collate_key == null) collate_key = file.get_basename().collate_key_for_filename(); return collate_key; } } private class DirectViewCollection : ViewCollection { private class DirectViewManager : ViewManager { public override DataView create_view(DataSource source) { return new DirectView((DirectPhoto) source); } } public DirectViewCollection() { base ("DirectViewCollection"); set_comparator(filename_comparator, null); monitor_source_collection(DirectPhoto.global, new DirectViewManager(), null); } private static int64 filename_comparator(void *a, void *b) { DirectView *aview = (DirectView *) a; DirectView *bview = (DirectView *) b; return strcmp(aview->get_collate_key(), bview->get_collate_key()); } }