/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ namespace EditingTools { /** * An editing tool that allows one to introduce or remove a Dutch angle from * a photograph. */ public class StraightenTool : EditingTool { private const double MIN_ANGLE = -15.0; private const double MAX_ANGLE = 15.0; private const double INCREMENT = 0.1; private const int MIN_SLIDER_SIZE = 160; private const int MIN_LABEL_SIZE = 100; private const int MIN_BUTTON_SIZE = 84; private const int TEMP_PIXBUF_SIZE = 768; private const double GUIDE_DASH[2] = {10, 10}; private const int REPAINT_ON_STOP_DELAY_MSEC = 100; private class StraightenGuide { private bool is_active = false; private int x[2]; // start & end drag coords private int y[2]; private double angle0; // current angle public void reset(int x, int y, double angle) { this.x = {x, x}; this.y = {y, y}; this.is_active = true; this.angle0 = angle; } public bool update(int x, int y) { if (this.is_active) { this.x[1] = x; this.y[1] = y; return true; } return false; } public void clear() { this.is_active = false; } public double? get_angle() { double dx = x[1] - x[0]; double dy = y[1] - y[0]; // minimum radius to consider: discard clicks if (dy*dy + dx*dx < 40) return null; // distinguish guides closer to horizontal or vertical if (Math.fabs(dy) > Math.fabs(dx)) return angle0 + Math.atan(dx / dy) / Math.PI * 180; else return angle0 - Math.atan(dy / dx) / Math.PI * 180; } public void draw(Cairo.Context ctx) { if (!is_active) return; double angle = get_angle() ?? 0.0; if (angle == 0.0) return; double alpha = 1.0; if (angle < MIN_ANGLE || angle > MAX_ANGLE) alpha = 0.35; // b&w dashing so it will be more visible on // different backgrounds. ctx.set_source_rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, alpha); ctx.set_dash(GUIDE_DASH, GUIDE_DASH[0] / 2); ctx.move_to(x[0] * Application.get_scale() + 0.5, y[0]* Application.get_scale() + 0.5); ctx.line_to(x[1] * Application.get_scale()+ 0.5, y[1]* Application.get_scale() + 0.5); ctx.stroke(); ctx.set_dash(GUIDE_DASH, -GUIDE_DASH[0] / 2); ctx.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, alpha); ctx.move_to(x[0] * Application.get_scale()+ 0.5, y[0]* Application.get_scale() + 0.5); ctx.line_to(x[1] * Application.get_scale()+ 0.5, y[1] * Application.get_scale()+ 0.5); ctx.stroke(); } } private class StraightenToolWindow : EditingToolWindow { public const int CONTROL_SPACING = 8; public Gtk.Scale angle_slider = new Gtk.Scale.with_range(Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, MIN_ANGLE, MAX_ANGLE, INCREMENT); public Gtk.Label angle_label = new Gtk.Label(""); public Gtk.Label description_label = new Gtk.Label(_("Angle:")); public Gtk.Button ok_button = new Gtk.Button.with_mnemonic(_("_Straighten")); public Gtk.Button cancel_button = new Gtk.Button.with_mnemonic(Resources.CANCEL_LABEL); public Gtk.Button reset_button = new Gtk.Button.with_mnemonic(_("_Reset")); /** * Prepare straighten tool's window for use and initialize all its controls. * * @param container The application's main window. */ public StraightenToolWindow(Gtk.Window container) { base(container); angle_slider.set_size_request(MIN_SLIDER_SIZE, -1); angle_slider.set_value(0.0); angle_slider.set_draw_value(false); description_label.margin_start = CONTROL_SPACING; description_label.margin_end = CONTROL_SPACING; description_label.margin_top = 0; description_label.margin_bottom = 0; angle_label.margin_start = 0; angle_label.margin_end = 0; angle_label.margin_top = 0; angle_label.margin_bottom = 0; angle_label.set_size_request(MIN_LABEL_SIZE,-1); Gtk.Box slider_layout = new Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, CONTROL_SPACING); slider_layout.pack_start(angle_slider, true, true, 0); Gtk.Box button_layout = new Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, CONTROL_SPACING); cancel_button.set_size_request(MIN_BUTTON_SIZE, -1); reset_button.set_size_request(MIN_BUTTON_SIZE, -1); ok_button.set_size_request(MIN_BUTTON_SIZE, -1); button_layout.pack_start(cancel_button, true, true, 0); button_layout.pack_start(reset_button, true, true, 0); button_layout.pack_start(ok_button, true, true, 0); Gtk.Box main_layout = new Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0); main_layout.pack_start(description_label, true, true, 0); main_layout.pack_start(slider_layout, true, true, 0); main_layout.pack_start(angle_label, true, true, 0); main_layout.pack_start(button_layout, true, true, 0); add(main_layout); reset_button.clicked.connect(on_reset_clicked); set_position(Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER_ON_PARENT); } private void on_reset_clicked() { angle_slider.set_value(0.0); } } private StraightenToolWindow window; // the incoming image itself. private Cairo.Surface photo_surf; Dimensions image_dims; // temporary surface we'll draw the rotated image into. private Cairo.Surface rotate_surf; private Cairo.Context rotate_ctx; private Dimensions last_viewport; private int view_width; private int view_height; private double photo_angle = 0.0; // should we use a nicer-but-more-expensive filter // when repainting the rotated image? private bool use_high_qual = true; private OneShotScheduler? slider_sched = null; private Gdk.Point crop_center; // original center in image coordinates private int crop_width; private int crop_height; private StraightenGuide guide = new StraightenGuide(); // As the crop box rotates, we adjust its center and/or scale it so that it fits in the image. private Gdk.Point rotated_center; // in image coordinates private double rotate_scale; // always <= 1.0: rotation may shrink but not grow box private double preview_scale; private StraightenTool() { base("StraightenTool"); } public static StraightenTool factory() { return new StraightenTool(); } public static bool is_available(Photo photo, Scaling scaling) { return true; } /** * @brief Signal handler for when the 'OK' button has been clicked. Computes where a previously- * set crop region should have rotated to (to match the Photo's straightening angle). * * @note After this has been called against a Photo, it will always have a crop region; in the * case of a previously-uncropped Photo, the crop region will be set to the original dimensions * of the photo and centered at the Photo's center. */ private void on_ok_clicked() { assert(canvas.get_photo() != null); // compute where the crop box should be now and set the image's // current crop to it double slider_val = window.angle_slider.get_value(); Gdk.Point new_crop_center = rotate_point_arb(rotated_center, image_dims.width, image_dims.height, slider_val); StraightenCommand command = new StraightenCommand( canvas.get_photo(), slider_val, Box.from_center(new_crop_center, (int) (rotate_scale * crop_width), (int) (rotate_scale * crop_height)), Resources.STRAIGHTEN_LABEL, Resources.STRAIGHTEN_TOOLTIP); applied(command, null, image_dims, true); } private void high_qual_repaint(){ use_high_qual = true; update_rotated_surface(); this.canvas.repaint(); } private void on_slider_stopped_delayed() { high_qual_repaint(); } public override void on_left_click(int x, int y) { guide.reset(x, y, photo_angle); } public override void on_left_released(int x, int y) { guide.update(x, y); double? a = guide.get_angle(); guide.clear(); if (a != null) { window.angle_slider.set_value(a); high_qual_repaint(); } } public override void on_motion(int x, int y, Gdk.ModifierType mask) { if (guide.update(x, y)) canvas.repaint(); } public override bool on_keypress(Gdk.EventKey event) { if ((Gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) == "KP_Enter") || (Gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) == "Enter") || (Gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) == "Return")) { on_ok_clicked(); return true; } if (Gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) == "Escape") { notify_cancel(); return true; } return base.on_keypress(event); } private void prepare_image() { Dimensions canvas_dims = canvas.get_surface_dim(); Dimensions viewport = canvas_dims.with_max(TEMP_PIXBUF_SIZE, TEMP_PIXBUF_SIZE); if (viewport == last_viewport) return; // no change last_viewport = viewport; Gdk.Pixbuf low_res_tmp = null; try { low_res_tmp = canvas.get_photo().get_pixbuf_with_options(Scaling.for_viewport(viewport, false), Photo.Exception.STRAIGHTEN | Photo.Exception.CROP); } catch (Error e) { warning("A pixbuf for %s couldn't be fetched.", canvas.get_photo().to_string()); low_res_tmp = new Gdk.Pixbuf(Gdk.Colorspace.RGB, false, 8, 1, 1); } preview_scale = low_res_tmp.width / (double) image_dims.width; // copy image data from photo into a cairo surface. photo_surf = new Cairo.ImageSurface(Cairo.Format.ARGB32, low_res_tmp.width, low_res_tmp.height); Cairo.Context ctx = new Cairo.Context(photo_surf); paint_pixmap_with_background(ctx, low_res_tmp, 0, 0); // prepare rotation surface and context. we paint a rotated, // low-res copy of the image into it, followed by a faint grid. view_width = (int) (crop_width * preview_scale); view_height = (int) (crop_height * preview_scale); rotate_surf = new Cairo.ImageSurface(Cairo.Format.ARGB32, view_width, view_height); rotate_ctx = new Cairo.Context(rotate_surf); } // Adjust the rotated crop box so that it fits in the source image. void adjust_for_rotation() { double width, height; compute_arb_rotated_size(crop_width, crop_height, photo_angle, out width, out height); // First compute a scaling factor that will let the rotated box fit in the image. rotate_scale = double.min(image_dims.width / width, image_dims.height / height); rotate_scale = double.min(rotate_scale, 1.0); // Now nudge the box into the image if necessary. rotated_center = crop_center; int radius_x = (int) (rotate_scale * width / 2); int radius_y = (int) (rotate_scale * height / 2); rotated_center.x = rotated_center.x.clamp(radius_x, image_dims.width - radius_x); rotated_center.y = rotated_center.y.clamp(radius_y, image_dims.height - radius_y); } /** * @brief Spawn the tool window, set up the scratch surfaces and prepare the straightening * tool for use. If a valid pixbuf of the incoming Photo can't be loaded for any * reason, the tool will use a 1x1 temporary image instead to avoid crashing. * * @param canvas The PhotoCanvas the tool's output should be painted to. */ public override void activate(PhotoCanvas canvas) { base.activate(canvas); this.canvas = canvas; bind_canvas_handlers(this.canvas); image_dims = canvas.get_photo().get_dimensions( Photo.Exception.STRAIGHTEN | Photo.Exception.CROP); Box crop_region; if (!canvas.get_photo().get_crop(out crop_region)) { crop_region.left = 0; crop_region.right = image_dims.width; crop_region.top = 0; crop_region.bottom = image_dims.height; } // read the photo's current angle and start the tool with the slider set to that value. we // also use this to de-rotate the crop region double incoming_angle = 0.0; canvas.get_photo().get_straighten(out incoming_angle); // Translate the crop center to image coordinates. crop_center = derotate_point_arb(crop_region.get_center(), image_dims.width, image_dims.height, incoming_angle); crop_width = crop_region.get_width(); crop_height = crop_region.get_height(); adjust_for_rotation(); prepare_image(); // set crosshair cursor var drawing_window = canvas.get_drawing_window (); var display = drawing_window.get_display (); var cursor = new Gdk.Cursor.for_display (display, Gdk.CursorType.CROSSHAIR); drawing_window.set_cursor (cursor); window = new StraightenToolWindow(canvas.get_container()); bind_window_handlers(); // prepare ths slider for display window.angle_slider.set_value(incoming_angle); photo_angle = incoming_angle; string tmp = "%2.1f°".printf(incoming_angle); window.angle_label.set_text(tmp); high_qual_repaint(); window.show_all(); } /** * Tears down the tool window and frees resources. */ public override void deactivate() { if(window != null) { unbind_window_handlers(); window.hide(); window = null; } if (canvas != null) { unbind_canvas_handlers(canvas); canvas.get_drawing_window().set_cursor(null); } base.deactivate(); } private void bind_canvas_handlers(PhotoCanvas canvas) { canvas.resized_scaled_pixbuf.connect(on_resized_pixbuf); } private void unbind_canvas_handlers(PhotoCanvas canvas) { canvas.resized_scaled_pixbuf.disconnect(on_resized_pixbuf); } private void bind_window_handlers() { window.key_press_event.connect(on_keypress); window.ok_button.clicked.connect(on_ok_clicked); window.cancel_button.clicked.connect(notify_cancel); window.angle_slider.value_changed.connect(on_angle_changed); } private void unbind_window_handlers() { window.key_press_event.disconnect(on_keypress); window.ok_button.clicked.disconnect(on_ok_clicked); window.cancel_button.clicked.disconnect(notify_cancel); window.angle_slider.value_changed.disconnect(on_angle_changed); } private void on_angle_changed() { photo_angle = window.angle_slider.get_value(); string tmp = "%2.1f°".printf(window.angle_slider.get_value()); window.angle_label.set_text(tmp); if (slider_sched == null) slider_sched = new OneShotScheduler("straighten", on_slider_stopped_delayed); slider_sched.after_timeout(REPAINT_ON_STOP_DELAY_MSEC, true); use_high_qual = false; adjust_for_rotation(); update_rotated_surface(); this.canvas.repaint(); } /** * @brief Called by the EditingHostPage when a resize event occurs. */ private void on_resized_pixbuf(Dimensions old_dim, Gdk.Pixbuf scaled, Gdk.Rectangle scaled_position) { prepare_image(); } /** * Returns a reference to the current StraightenTool instance's tool window; * the PhotoPage uses this to control the tool window's positioning, etc. */ public override EditingToolWindow? get_tool_window() { return window; } /** * Draw the rotated photo and grid. */ private void update_rotated_surface() { draw_rotated_source(photo_surf, rotate_ctx, view_width, view_height, photo_angle); rotate_ctx.set_line_width(1.0 * Application.get_scale()); draw_superimposed_grid(rotate_ctx, view_width, view_height); } /** * Render a smaller, rotated version of the image, with a grid superimposed over it. * * @param ctx The rendering context of a 'scratch' Cairo surface. The tool makes its own * surfaces and contexts so it can have things set up exactly like it wants them, so * it's not used. */ public override void paint(Cairo.Context ctx) { var w = canvas.get_drawing_window().get_width() * Application.get_scale(); var h = canvas.get_drawing_window().get_height() * Application.get_scale(); // fill region behind the rotation surface with neutral color. canvas.get_default_ctx().identity_matrix(); canvas.get_default_ctx().set_source_rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); canvas.get_default_ctx().rectangle(0, 0, w, h); canvas.get_default_ctx().fill(); // copy the composited result to the main window. canvas.get_default_ctx().translate((w - view_width) / 2.0, (h - view_height) / 2.0); canvas.get_default_ctx().set_source_surface(rotate_surf, 0, 0); canvas.get_default_ctx().rectangle(0, 0, view_width, view_height); canvas.get_default_ctx().fill(); canvas.get_default_ctx().paint(); // reset the 'modelview' matrix, since when the canvas is not in // 'tool' mode, it 'expects' things to be set up a certain way. canvas.get_default_ctx().identity_matrix(); guide.draw(canvas.get_default_ctx()); } /** * Copy a rotated version of the source image onto the destination * context. * * @param src_surf A Cairo surface containing the source image. * @param dest_ctx The rendering context of the destination image. * @param src_width The width of the image data in src_surf in pixels. * @param src_height The height of the image data in src_surf in pixels. * @param angle The angle the source image should be rotated by, in degrees. */ private void draw_rotated_source(Cairo.Surface src_surf, Cairo.Context dest_ctx, int src_width, int src_height, double angle) { double angle_internal = degrees_to_radians(angle); // fill area behind rotated image with neutral color to avoid 'ghosting'. // this should be removed after #4612 has been addressed. dest_ctx.identity_matrix(); dest_ctx.set_source_rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); dest_ctx.rectangle(0, 0, view_width, view_height); dest_ctx.fill(); // rotate the image, taking into account that the position of the // upper left corner must change depending on rotation amount and direction // and translate so center of preview crop region is now center of rotation dest_ctx.identity_matrix(); dest_ctx.translate(view_width / 2, view_height / 2); dest_ctx.scale(1.0 / rotate_scale, 1.0 / rotate_scale); dest_ctx.rotate(angle_internal); dest_ctx.translate(- rotated_center.x * preview_scale, - rotated_center.y * preview_scale); dest_ctx.set_source_surface(src_surf, 0, 0); dest_ctx.get_source().set_filter(use_high_qual ? Cairo.Filter.BEST : Cairo.Filter.NEAREST); dest_ctx.rectangle(0, 0, src_width, src_height); dest_ctx.fill(); dest_ctx.paint(); } /** * Superimpose a faint grid over the supplied image. * * @param width The total width the grid should be drawn to. * @param height The total height the grid should be drawn to. * @param dest_ctx The rendering context of the destination image. */ private void draw_superimposed_grid(Cairo.Context dest_ctx, int width, int height) { int half_width = width / 2; int quarter_width = width / 4; int half_height = height / 2; int quarter_height = height / 4; dest_ctx.identity_matrix(); dest_ctx.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); canvas.draw_horizontal_line(dest_ctx, 0, 0, width, false); canvas.draw_horizontal_line(dest_ctx, 0, half_height, width, false); canvas.draw_horizontal_line(dest_ctx, 0, view_height - 1, width, false); canvas.draw_vertical_line(dest_ctx, 0, 0, height + 1, false); canvas.draw_vertical_line(dest_ctx, half_width, 0, height + 1, false); canvas.draw_vertical_line(dest_ctx, width - 1, 0, height + 1, false); dest_ctx.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.33); canvas.draw_horizontal_line(dest_ctx, 0, quarter_height, width, false); canvas.draw_horizontal_line(dest_ctx, 0, half_height + quarter_height, width, false); canvas.draw_vertical_line(dest_ctx, quarter_width, 0, height, false); canvas.draw_vertical_line(dest_ctx, half_width + quarter_width, 0, height, false); } } } // end namespace