/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ namespace GRaw { public const double HD_POWER = 2.222; public const double HD_SLOPE = 4.5; public const double SRGB_POWER = 2.4; public const double SRGB_SLOPE = 12.92; public enum Colorspace { RAW = 0, SRGB = 1, ADOBE = 2, WIDE = 3, PROPHOTO = 4, XYZ = 5 } public errordomain Exception { UNSPECIFIED, UNSUPPORTED_FILE, NONEXISTANT_IMAGE, OUT_OF_ORDER_CALL, NO_THUMBNAIL, UNSUPPORTED_THUMBNAIL, OUT_OF_MEMORY, DATA_ERROR, IO_ERROR, CANCELLED_BY_CALLBACK, BAD_CROP, SYSTEM_ERROR } public enum Flip { FROM_SOURCE = -1, NONE = 0, UPSIDE_DOWN = 3, COUNTERCLOCKWISE = 5, CLOCKWISE = 6 } public enum FujiRotate { USE = -1, DONT_USE = 0 } public enum HighlightMode { CLIP = 0, UNCLIP = 1, BLEND = 2, REBUILD = 3 } public enum InterpolationQuality { LINEAR = 0, VNG = 1, PPG = 2, AHD = 3 } public class ProcessedImage { private LibRaw.ProcessedImage image; private Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf = null; public ushort width { get { return image.width; } } public ushort height { get { return image.height; } } public ushort colors { get { return image.colors; } } public ushort bits { get { return image.bits; } } public uint8* data { get { return image.data; } } public uint data_size { get { return image.data_size; } } public ProcessedImage(LibRaw.Processor proc) throws Exception { LibRaw.Result result = LibRaw.Result.SUCCESS; image = proc.make_mem_image(ref result); throw_exception("ProcessedImage", result); assert(image != null); // A regular mem image comes back with raw RGB data ready for pixbuf (data buffer is shared // between the ProcessedImage and the Gdk.Pixbuf) pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf.with_unowned_data(image.data, Gdk.Colorspace.RGB, false, image.bits, image.width, image.height, image.width * image.colors, null); } public ProcessedImage.from_thumb(LibRaw.Processor proc) throws Exception { LibRaw.Result result = LibRaw.Result.SUCCESS; image = proc.make_mem_thumb(ref result); throw_exception("ProcessedImage.from_thumb", result); assert(image != null); // A mem thumb comes back as the raw bytes from the data segment in the file -- this needs // to be decoded before being useful. This will throw an error if the format is not // supported try { pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_stream(new MemoryInputStream.from_data(image.data, null), null); } catch (Error err) { throw new Exception.UNSUPPORTED_THUMBNAIL(err.message); } // fix up the ProcessedImage fields (which are unset when decoding the thumb) image.width = (ushort) pixbuf.width; image.height = (ushort) pixbuf.height; image.colors = (ushort) pixbuf.n_channels; image.bits = (ushort) pixbuf.bits_per_sample; } // This method returns a copy of a pixbuf representing the ProcessedImage. public Gdk.Pixbuf get_pixbuf_copy() { return pixbuf.copy(); } } public class Processor { public LibRaw.OutputParams* output_params { get { return &proc.params; } } private LibRaw.Processor proc; public Processor(LibRaw.Options options = LibRaw.Options.NONE) { proc = new LibRaw.Processor(options); } public void adjust_sizes_info_only() throws Exception { throw_exception("adjust_sizes_info_only", proc.adjust_sizes_info_only()); } public unowned LibRaw.ImageOther get_image_other() { return proc.get_image_other(); } public unowned LibRaw.ImageParams get_image_params() { return proc.get_image_params(); } public unowned LibRaw.ImageSizes get_sizes() { return proc.get_sizes(); } public unowned LibRaw.Thumbnail get_thumbnail() { return proc.get_thumbnail(); } public ProcessedImage make_mem_image() throws Exception { return new ProcessedImage(proc); } public ProcessedImage make_thumb_image() throws Exception { return new ProcessedImage.from_thumb(proc); } public void open_buffer(uint8[] buffer) throws Exception { throw_exception("open_buffer", proc.open_buffer(buffer)); } public void open_file(string filename) throws Exception { throw_exception("open_file", proc.open_file(filename)); } public void process() throws Exception { throw_exception("process", proc.process()); } public void ppm_tiff_writer(string filename) throws Exception { throw_exception("ppm_tiff_writer", proc.ppm_tiff_writer(filename)); } public void thumb_writer(string filename) throws Exception { throw_exception("thumb_writer", proc.thumb_writer(filename)); } public void recycle() { proc.recycle(); } public void unpack() throws Exception { throw_exception("unpack", proc.unpack()); } public void unpack_thumb() throws Exception { throw_exception("unpack_thumb", proc.unpack_thumb()); } // This configures output_params for reasonable settings for turning a RAW image into an // RGB ProcessedImage suitable for display. Tweaks can occur after this call and before // process(). public void configure_for_rgb_display(bool half_size) { // Fields in comments are left to their defaults and/or should be modified by the caller. // These fields are set to reasonable defaults by libraw. // greybox output_params->set_chromatic_aberrations(1.0, 1.0); output_params->set_gamma_curve(GRaw.SRGB_POWER, GRaw.SRGB_SLOPE); // user_mul // shot_select // multi_out output_params->bright = 1.0f; // threshold output_params->half_size = half_size; // four_color_rgb output_params->highlight = GRaw.HighlightMode.CLIP; output_params->use_auto_wb = true; output_params->use_camera_wb = true; output_params->use_camera_matrix = true; output_params->output_color = GRaw.Colorspace.SRGB; // output_profile // camera_profile // bad_pixels // dark_frame output_params->output_bps = 8; // output_tiff output_params->user_flip = GRaw.Flip.FROM_SOURCE; output_params->user_qual = GRaw.InterpolationQuality.PPG; // user_black // user_sat // med_passes output_params->no_auto_bright = true; output_params->auto_bright_thr = 0.01f; output_params->use_fuji_rotate = GRaw.FujiRotate.USE; } } private void throw_exception(string caller, LibRaw.Result result) throws Exception { if (result == LibRaw.Result.SUCCESS) return; else if (result > 0) throw new Exception.SYSTEM_ERROR("%s: System error %d: %s", caller, (int) result, strerror(result)); string msg = "%s: %s".printf(caller, result.to_string()); switch (result) { case LibRaw.Result.UNSPECIFIED_ERROR: throw new Exception.UNSPECIFIED(msg); case LibRaw.Result.FILE_UNSUPPORTED: throw new Exception.UNSUPPORTED_FILE(msg); case LibRaw.Result.REQUEST_FOR_NONEXISTENT_IMAGE: throw new Exception.NONEXISTANT_IMAGE(msg); case LibRaw.Result.OUT_OF_ORDER_CALL: throw new Exception.OUT_OF_ORDER_CALL(msg); case LibRaw.Result.NO_THUMBNAIL: throw new Exception.NO_THUMBNAIL(msg); case LibRaw.Result.UNSUPPORTED_THUMBNAIL: throw new Exception.UNSUPPORTED_THUMBNAIL(msg); case LibRaw.Result.UNSUFFICIENT_MEMORY: throw new Exception.OUT_OF_MEMORY(msg); case LibRaw.Result.DATA_ERROR: throw new Exception.DATA_ERROR(msg); case LibRaw.Result.IO_ERROR: throw new Exception.IO_ERROR(msg); case LibRaw.Result.CANCELLED_BY_CALLBACK: throw new Exception.CANCELLED_BY_CALLBACK(msg); case LibRaw.Result.BAD_CROP: throw new Exception.BAD_CROP(msg); default: return; } } }