/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later). * See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ public class DetectedPhotoInformation { public PhotoFileFormat file_format = PhotoFileFormat.UNKNOWN; public PhotoMetadata? metadata = null; public string? md5 = null; public string? exif_md5 = null; public string? thumbnail_md5 = null; public string? format_name = null; public Dimensions image_dim = Dimensions(); public Gdk.Colorspace colorspace = Gdk.Colorspace.RGB; public int channels = 0; public int bits_per_channel = 0; } // // A PhotoFileSniffer is expected to examine the supplied file as efficiently as humanly possible // to detect (a) if it is of a file format supported by the particular sniffer, and (b) fill out // a DetectedPhotoInformation record and return it to the caller. // // The PhotoFileSniffer is not expected to cache information. It should return a fresh // DetectedPhotoInformation record each time. // // PhotoFileSniffer must be thread-safe. Like PhotoFileAdapters, it is not expected to guarantee // atomicity with respect to the filesystem. // public abstract class PhotoFileSniffer { public enum Options { GET_ALL = 0x00000000, NO_MD5 = 0x00000001 } protected File file; protected Options options; protected bool calc_md5; protected PhotoFileSniffer(File file, Options options) { this.file = file; this.options = options; calc_md5 = (options & Options.NO_MD5) == 0; } public abstract DetectedPhotoInformation? sniff(out bool is_corrupted) throws Error; protected static bool is_supported_bmff_with_variants(File file, string[] variants) throws Error { FileInputStream instream = file.read(null); // Skip the first four bytes if (instream.skip(4) != 4) { return false; } // The next four bytes need to be ftyp var buf = new uint8[4]; if (instream.read(buf, null) != 4) { return false; } if (Memory.cmp("ftyp".data, buf, 4) != 0) { return false; } if (instream.read(buf, null) != 4) { return false; } buf += '\0'; return (string)buf in variants; } } // // PhotoFileInterrogator // // A PhotoFileInterrogator is merely an aggregator of PhotoFileSniffers. It will create sniffers // for each supported PhotoFileFormat and see if they recognize the file. // // The PhotoFileInterrogator is not thread-safe. // public class PhotoFileInterrogator { private File file; private PhotoFileSniffer.Options options; private DetectedPhotoInformation? detected = null; private bool is_photo_corrupted = false; public PhotoFileInterrogator(File file, PhotoFileSniffer.Options options = PhotoFileSniffer.Options.GET_ALL) { this.file = file; this.options = options; } // This should only be called after interrogate(). Will return null every time, otherwise. // If called after interrogate and returns null, that indicates the file is not an image file. public DetectedPhotoInformation? get_detected_photo_information() { return detected; } // Call after interrogate(). public bool get_is_photo_corrupted() { return is_photo_corrupted; } public void interrogate() throws Error { foreach (PhotoFileFormat file_format in PhotoFileFormat.get_supported()) { PhotoFileSniffer sniffer = file_format.create_sniffer(file, options); bool is_corrupted; detected = sniffer.sniff(out is_corrupted); if (detected != null && !is_corrupted) { assert(detected.file_format == file_format); break; } else if (is_corrupted) { message("Sniffing halted for %s: potentially corrupted image file", file.get_path()); is_photo_corrupted = true; detected = null; break; } } } }