# unitize.mk # # Post-processes each unit's .mk file to properly add its requirements to the master Makefile. # append files to SRC_FILES (*don't* use +=, that's a recursive append) UNITIZED_SRC_FILES := $(UNITIZED_SRC_FILES) src/$(UNIT_DIR)/$(UNIT_NAME).vala $(foreach file,$(UNIT_FILES),src/$(UNIT_DIR)/$(file)) # append unit namespace to master list UNIT_NAMESPACES := $(UNIT_NAMESPACES) $(UNIT_NAME) # append unit resources to master list UNIT_RESOURCES := $(UNIT_RESOURCES) $(foreach rc,$(UNIT_RC),src/$(UNIT_DIR)/$(rc)) # create custom uses lists for this unit; note that the unit-unit is automatically included # (unless the unit is the unit-unit) ifneq ($(UNIT_NAME),Unit) $(UNIT_NAME)_USES := Unit $(UNIT_USES) else $(UNIT_NAME)_USES := $(UNIT_USES) endif $(UNIT_NAME)_USES_INITS := $(foreach uses,$($(UNIT_NAME)_USES),$(uses).init_entry();) $(UNIT_NAME)_USES_TERMINATORS := $(foreach uses,$($(UNIT_NAME)_USES),$(uses).terminate_entry();) # clear unit variables so they are not appended to by the next unit UNIT_NAME= UNIT_DIR= UNIT_FILES= UNIT_USES= UNIT_RC=