/* Copyright 2010-2014 Yorba Foundation * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ [CCode (cprefix="libraw_", cheader_filename="libraw/libraw.h")] namespace LibRaw { [CCode (cname="LIBRAW_CHECK_VERSION")] public bool check_version(int major, int minor, int patch); public unowned string version(); public unowned string versionNumber(); [SimpleType] [CCode (cname="libraw_imgother_t")] public struct ImageOther { public float iso_speed; public float shutter; public float aperture; public float focal_len; public time_t timestamp; public uint shot_order; public uint gpsdata[32]; public char desc[512]; public char artist[64]; } [SimpleType] [CCode (cname="libraw_iparams_t")] public struct ImageParams { public uint raw_count; public uint dng_version; public bool is_foveon; public int colors; public uint filters; private char *make; private char *model; private char *cdesc; public string get_make() { return build_string(make, 64); } public string get_model() { return build_string(model, 64); } public string get_cdesc() { return build_string(cdesc, 5); } private static string build_string(char *array, int len) { GLib.StringBuilder builder = new GLib.StringBuilder(); for (int ctr = 0; ctr < len; ctr++) { if (array[ctr] != '\0') builder.append_c(array[ctr]); else break; } return builder.str; } } [SimpleType] [CCode (cname="libraw_image_sizes_t")] public struct ImageSizes { public ushort raw_height; public ushort raw_width; public ushort height; public ushort width; public ushort top_margin; public ushort left_margin; public ushort iheight; public ushort iwidth; public double pixel_aspect; public int flip; public ushort right_margin; public ushort bottom_margin; } [CCode (cname="enum LibRaw_constructor_flags", cprefix="LIBRAW_OPIONS_")] public enum Options { [CCode (cname="LIBRAW_OPTIONS_NONE")] NONE, NO_MEMERR_CALLBACK, NO_DATAERR_CALLBACK } [SimpleType] [CCode (cname="libraw_output_params_t")] public struct OutputParams { public uint greybox[4]; public double aber[4]; public double gamm[6]; public float user_mul[4]; public uint shot_select; public uint multi_out; public float bright; public float threshold; public bool half_size; public bool four_color_rgb; public int highlight; public bool use_auto_wb; public bool use_camera_wb; public bool use_camera_matrix; public int output_color; public int output_bps; public bool output_tiff; public int user_flip; public int user_qual; public int user_black; public int user_sat; public int med_passes; public bool no_auto_bright; public float auto_bright_thr; public int use_fuji_rotate; public int green_matching; /* DCB parameters */ public int dcb_iterations; public int dcb_enhance_fl; public int fbdd_noiserd; /* VCD parameters */ public int eeci_refine; public int es_med_passes; /* AMaZE*/ public int ca_correc; public float cared; public float cablue; public int cfaline; public float linenoise; public int cfa_clean; public float lclean; public float cclean; public int cfa_green; public float green_thresh; public int exp_correc; public float exp_shift; public float exp_preser; public void set_chromatic_aberrations(double red_multiplier, double green_multiplier) { aber[0] = red_multiplier; aber[2] = green_multiplier; } public void set_gamma_curve(double power, double slope) { gamm[0] = power; gamm[1] = slope; } } [Compact] [CCode (cname="libraw_processed_image_t", free_function="free")] public class ProcessedImage { public ushort height; public ushort width; public ushort colors; public ushort bits; public uint data_size; [CCode (array_length=false)] public uint8[] data; } [Compact] [CCode (cname="libraw_data_t", cprefix="libraw_", free_function="libraw_close")] public class Processor { public OutputParams params; private Progress progress_flags; private Warnings process_warnings; private ImageParams idata; private ImageSizes sizes; private ImageOther other; private Thumbnail thumbnail; [CCode (cname="libraw_init")] public Processor(Options flags = Options.NONE); public Result adjust_sizes_info_only(); [CCode (cname="libraw_dcraw_document_mode_processing")] public Result document_mode_processing(); public unowned ImageOther get_image_other() { return other; } public unowned ImageParams get_image_params() { return idata; } public Progress get_progress_flags() { return progress_flags; } public Warnings get_process_warnings() { return process_warnings; } public unowned ImageSizes get_sizes() { return sizes; } public unowned Thumbnail get_thumbnail() { return thumbnail; } [CCode (cname="libraw_dcraw_make_mem_image")] public ProcessedImage make_mem_image(ref Result result); [CCode (cname="libraw_dcraw_make_mem_thumb")] public ProcessedImage make_mem_thumb(ref Result result); public Result open_buffer(uint8[] buffer); public Result open_file(string filename); [CCode (cname="libraw_dcraw_process")] public Result process(); [CCode (cname="libraw_dcraw_ppm_tiff_writer")] public Result ppm_tiff_writer(string outfile); public void recycle(); public Result rotate_fuji_raw(); [CCode (cname="libraw_dcraw_thumb_writer")] public Result thumb_writer(string outfile); public Result unpack(); public Result unpack_thumb(); } [CCode (cname="enum LibRaw_progress", cprefix="LIBRAW_PROGRESS_")] public enum Progress { START; [CCode (cname="libraw_strprogress")] public unowned string to_string(); } [CCode (cname="enum LibRaw_errors", cprefix="LIBRAW_")] public enum Result { SUCCESS, UNSPECIFIED_ERROR, FILE_UNSUPPORTED, REQUEST_FOR_NONEXISTENT_IMAGE, OUT_OF_ORDER_CALL, NO_THUMBNAIL, UNSUPPORTED_THUMBNAIL, UNSUFFICIENT_MEMORY, DATA_ERROR, IO_ERROR, CANCELLED_BY_CALLBACK, BAD_CROP; [CCode (cname="LIBRAW_FATAL_ERROR")] public bool is_fatal_error(); [CCode (cname="libraw_strerror")] public unowned string to_string(); } [SimpleType] [CCode (cname="libraw_thumbnail_t")] public struct Thumbnail { public ThumbnailFormat tformat; public ushort twidth; public ushort theight; public uint tlength; public int tcolors; public int8 *thumb; } [CCode (cname="enum LibRaw_thumbnail_formats", cprefix="LIBRAW_THUMBNAIL_")] public enum ThumbnailFormat { UNKNOWN, JPEG, BITMAP, LAYER, ROLLEI; } [CCode (cname="enum LibRaw_warnings", cprefix="LIBRAW_WARN_")] public enum Warnings { NONE } }