path: root/doc/Mainpage
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authorJörg Frings-Fürst <>2018-03-21 22:11:05 +0100
committerJörg Frings-Fürst <>2018-03-21 22:11:05 +0100
commit6d05f3e01a26fa416c9d0150163db20abac4b4ef (patch)
treeb568a83a8759142bd580ee5bd59497092dc9c6f4 /doc/Mainpage
parentbb0fbadacbd603b1e8d258f75ff5ca8ee481feb4 (diff)
New upstream version 0.8.5upstream/0.8.5
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/Mainpage')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 343 deletions
diff --git a/doc/Mainpage b/doc/Mainpage
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index 3a80e30..0000000
--- a/doc/Mainpage
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
- * @mainpage
- *
- * @section SEC_TOC Table of Contents
- * - <a href="#intro">Introduction</a>
- * - Algorithms and Examples
- * - <a href="#parsing">Parsing URIs</a> (from string to object)
- * - <a href="#recomposition">Recomposing URIs</a> (from object back to string)
- * - <a href="#resolution">Resolving References</a>
- * - <a href="#shortening">Creating References</a>
- * - <a href="#filenames">Filenames and URIs</a>
- * - <a href="#normalization">Normalizing URIs</a>
- * - <a href="#querystrings">Working with query strings</a>
- * - <a href="#chartypes">Ansi and Unicode</a>
- * - <a href="#autoconf">Autoconf Check</a>
- *
- *
- * @section intro Introduction
- * Welcome to the short uriparser integration tutorial.
- * It is intended to answer upcoming questions and to shed light
- * where function prototypes alone are not enough.
- * Please drop me a line if you need further assistance and I will
- * see what I can do for you. Good luck with uriparser!
- *
- *
- * @subsection parsing Parsing URIs (from string to object)
- * Parsing a URI with uriparser looks like this:
- *
- * @code
- * UriParserStateA state;
- * UriUriA uri;
- *
- * state.uri = &uri;
- * if (uriParseUriA(&state, "file:///home/user/song.mp3") != URI_SUCCESS) {
- * uriFreeUriMembersA(&uri);
- * ...
- * }
- * ...
- * uriFreeUriMembersA(&uri);
- * @endcode
- *
- * While the URI object (::UriUriA) holds information about the recogized
- * parts of the given URI string, the parser state object (::UriParserStateA)
- * keeps error code and position. This information does not belong to
- * the URI itself, which is why there are two seperate objects.
- *
- * You can reuse parser state objects for parsing several URIs like this:
- *
- * @code
- * UriParserStateA state;
- * UriUriA uriOne;
- * UriUriA uriTwo;
- *
- * state.uri = &uriOne;
- * if (uriParseUriA(&state, "file:///home/user/one") != URI_SUCCESS) {
- * uriFreeUriMembersA(&uriOne);
- * ...
- * }
- * ...
- * state.uri = &uriTwo;
- * if (uriParseUriA(&state, "file:///home/user/two") != URI_SUCCESS) {
- * uriFreeUriMembersA(&uriOne);
- * uriFreeUriMembersA(&uriTwo);
- * ...
- * }
- * ...
- * uriFreeUriMembersA(&uriOne);
- * uriFreeUriMembersA(&uriTwo);
- * @endcode
- *
- *
- * @subsection recomposition Recomposing URIs (from object back to string)
- * According to <a href="" target="_blank">RFC 3986</a>
- * glueing parts of a URI together to form a string is called recomposition.
- * Before we can recompose a URI object we have to know how much
- * space the resulting string will take:
- *
- * @code
- * UriUriA uri;
- * char * uriString;
- * int charsRequired;
- * ...
- * if (uriToStringCharsRequiredA(&uri, &charsRequired) != URI_SUCCESS) {
- * ...
- * }
- * charsRequired++;
- * @endcode
- *
- * Now we can tell uriToStringA() to write the string to a given buffer:
- *
- * @code
- * uriString = malloc(charsRequired * sizeof(char));
- * if (uriString == NULL) {
- * ...
- * }
- * if (uriToStringA(uriString, &uri, charsRequired, NULL) != URI_SUCCESS) {
- * ...
- * }
- * @endcode
- *
- * @remarks
- * Incrementing <c>charsRequired</c> by 1 is required since
- * uriToStringCharsRequiredA() returns the length of the string
- * as strlen() does, but uriToStringA() works with the number
- * of maximum characters to be written <b>including</b> the
- * zero-terminator.
- *
- *
- * @subsection resolution Resolving References
- * <a href="" target="_blank">Reference Resolution</a>
- * is the process of turning a (relative) URI reference into an absolute URI by applying a base
- * URI to it. In code it looks like this:
- *
- * @code
- * UriUriA absoluteDest;
- * UriUriA relativeSource;
- * UriUriA absoluteBase;
- * ...
- * /COMMENT_HACK* relativeSource holds "../TWO" now *COMMENT_HACK/
- * /COMMENT_HACK* absoluteBase holds "file:///one/two/three" now *COMMENT_HACK/
- * if (uriAddBaseUriA(&absoluteDest, &relativeSource, &absoluteBase) != URI_SUCCESS) {
- * uriFreeUriMembersA(&absoluteDest);
- * ...
- * }
- * /COMMENT_HACK* absoluteDest holds "file:///one/TWO" now *COMMENT_HACK/
- * ...
- * uriFreeUriMembersA(&absoluteDest);
- * @endcode
- *
- * @remarks
- * uriAddBaseUriA() does not normalize the resulting URI.
- * Usually you might want to pass it through uriNormalizeSyntaxA() after.
- *
- *
- * @subsection shortening Creating References
- * Reference Creation is the inverse process of Reference Resolution: A common base URI
- * is &quot;substracted&quot; from an absolute URI to make a (relative) reference.
- * If the base URI is not common the remaining URI will still be absolute, i.e. will
- * carry a scheme
- *
- * @code
- * UriUriA dest;
- * UriUriA absoluteSource;
- * UriUriA absoluteBase;
- * ...
- * /COMMENT_HACK* absoluteSource holds "file:///one/TWO" now *COMMENT_HACK/
- * /COMMENT_HACK* absoluteBase holds "file:///one/two/three" now *COMMENT_HACK/
- * if (uriRemoveBaseUriA(&dest, &absoluteSource, &absoluteBase, URI_FALSE) != URI_SUCCESS) {
- * uriFreeUriMembersA(&dest);
- * ...
- * }
- * /COMMENT_HACK* dest holds "../TWO" now *COMMENT_HACK/
- * ...
- * uriFreeUriMembersA(&dest);
- * @endcode
- *
- * The fourth parameter is the domain root mode. With <c>URI_FALSE</c> as above this will produce
- * URIs relative to the base URI. With <c>URI_TRUE</c> the resulting URI will be relative to the
- * domain root instead, e.g. &quot;/one/TWO&quot; in this case.
- *
- *
- * @subsection filenames Filenames and URIs
- * Converting filenames to and from URIs works on strings directly,
- * i.e. without creating an URI object.
- *
- * @code
- * const char * const absFilename = "E:\\Documents and Settings";
- * const int bytesNeeded = 8 + 3 * strlen(absFilename) + 1;
- * char * absUri = malloc(bytesNeeded * sizeof(char));
- * if (uriWindowsFilenameToUriStringA(absFilename, absUri) != URI_SUCCESS) {
- * free(absUri);
- * ...
- * }
- * /COMMENT_HACK* absUri is "file:///E:/Documents%20and%20Settings" now *COMMENT_HACK/
- * ...
- * free(absUri);
- * @endcode
- *
- * Conversion works ..
- * - for relative or absolute values,
- * - in both directions (filenames &lt;--&gt; URIs) and
- * - with Unix and Windows filenames.
- *
- * All you have to do is to choose the right function for the task and allocate
- * the required space (in characters) for the target buffer.
- * Let me present you an overview:
- *
- * - Filename --&gt; URI
- * - uriUnixFilenameToUriStringA()\n
- * Space required: [<b>7</b> +] 3 * len(filename) + 1
- * - uriWindowsFilenameToUriStringA()\n
- * Space required: [<b>8</b> +] 3 * len(filename) + 1
- * - URI --&gt; filename
- * - uriUriStringToUnixFilenameA()\n
- * Space required: len(uriString) + 1 [- <b>7]</b>
- * - uriUriStringToWindowsFilenameA()\n
- * Space required: len(uriString) + 1 [- <b>8]</b>
- *
- *
- * @subsection normalization Normalizing URIs
- * Sometimes we come accross unnecessarily long URIs like &quot;http<b></b>://;.
- * The algorithm we can use to shorten this URI down to &quot;http<b></b>://; is called
- * <a href="" target="_blank">Syntax-Based Normalization</a>.
- * Note that normalizing a URI does more than just &quot;stripping dot segments&quot;. Please have a look at
- * <a href="" target="_blank">Section 6.2.2 of RFC 3986</a>
- * for the full description.
- *
- * As we asked uriToStringCharsRequiredA() for the required space when converting
- * a URI object back to a sring, we can ask uriNormalizeSyntaxMaskRequiredA() for
- * the parts of a URI that require normalization and then pass this normalization
- * mask to uriNormalizeSyntaxExA():
- *
- * @code
- * const unsigned int dirtyParts = uriNormalizeSyntaxMaskRequiredA(&uri);
- * if (uriNormalizeSyntaxExA(&uri, dirtyParts) != URI_SUCCESS) {
- * ...
- * }
- * @endcode
- *
- * If you don't want to normalize all parts of the URI you can pass a custom
- * mask as well:
- *
- * @code
- * const unsigned int normMask = URI_NORMALIZE_SCHEME | URI_NORMALIZE_USER_INFO;
- * if (uriNormalizeSyntaxExA(&uri, normMask) != URI_SUCCESS) {
- * ...
- * }
- * @endcode
- *
- * Please see ::UriNormalizationMaskEnum for the complete set of flags.
- *
- * On the other hand calling plain uriNormalizeSyntaxA() (without the &quot;Ex&quot;)
- * saves you thinking about single parts, as it queries uriNormalizeSyntaxMaskRequiredA()
- * internally:
- *
- * @code
- * if (uriNormalizeSyntaxA(&uri) != URI_SUCCESS) {
- * ...
- * }
- * @endcode
- *
- *
- * @section querystrings Working with query strings
- * <a href="" target="_blank">RFC 3986</a>
- * itself does not understand the query part of a URI as a list of key/value pairs.
- * But HTML 2.0 does and defines a media type <i>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</i>
- * in in <a href="" target="blank">section 8.2.1</a>
- * of <a href="" target="blank">RFC 1866</a>.
- * uriparser allows you to dissect (or parse) a query string into unescaped key/value pairs
- * and back.
- *
- * To dissect the query part of a just-parsed URI you could write code like this:
- *
- * @code
- * UriUriA uri;
- * UriQueryListA * queryList;
- * int itemCount;
- * ...
- * if (uriDissectQueryMallocA(&queryList, &itemCount, uri.query.first,
- * uri.query.afterLast) != URI_SUCCESS) {
- * ...
- * }
- * ...
- * uriFreeQueryListA(queryList);
- * @endcode
- *
- * @remarks
- * - <c>NULL</c> in the <c>value</c> member means there was <b>no</b> '=' in the item text as with "?abc&def".
- * - An empty string in the <c>value</c> member means there was '=' in the item as with "?abc=&def".
- *
- *
- * To compose a query string from a query list you could write code like this:
- *
- * @code
- * int charsRequired;
- * int charsWritten;
- * char * queryString;
- * ...
- * if (uriComposeQueryCharsRequiredA(queryList, &charsRequired) != URI_SUCCESS) {
- * ...
- * }
- * queryString = malloc((charsRequired + 1) * sizeof(char));
- * if (queryString == NULL) {
- * ...
- * }
- * if (uriComposeQueryA(queryString, queryList, charsRequired + 1, &charsWritten) != URI_SUCCESS) {
- * ...
- * }
- * ...
- * free(queryString);
- * @endcode
- *
- *
- * @section chartypes Ansi and Unicode
- * uriparser comes with two versions of every structure and function:
- * one handling Ansi text (char *) and one working with Unicode text (wchar_t *),
- * for instance
- * - uriParseUriA() for Ansi and
- * - uriParseUriW() for Unicode.
- *
- * This tutorial only shows the usage of the Ansi editions but
- * their Unicode counterparts work in the very same way.
- *
- *
- * @section autoconf Autoconf Check
- * You can use the code below to make <c>./configure</c> test for presence
- * of uriparser 0.6.4 or later.
- *
- *<div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment">URIPARSER_MISSING=<span class="stringliteral">"Please install uriparser 0.6.4 or later.
- * On a Debian-based system enter 'sudo apt-get install liburiparser-dev'."</span>
- *<b></b>
- *URIPARSER_TOO_OLD=<span class="stringliteral">"uriparser 0.6.4 or later is required, your copy is too old."</span>
- *<span class="preprocessor">\#include <uriparser/Uri.h>
- *\#if (defined(URI_VER_MAJOR) && defined(URI_VER_MINOR) && defined(URI_VER_RELEASE) \\<b></b>
- *&& ((URI_VER_MAJOR > 0) \\<b></b>
- *|| ((URI_VER_MAJOR == 0) && (URI_VER_MINOR > 6)) \\<b></b>
- *|| ((URI_VER_MAJOR == 0) && (URI_VER_MINOR == 6) && (URI_VER_RELEASE >= 4)) \\<b></b>
- *))</span>
- *<span class="comment"><b></b>/<b></b>* FINE *<b></b>/</span>
- *<span class="preprocessor">\#else
- *\# error uriparser not recent enough
- *\#endif</span>
- *],,AC_MSG_ERROR(${URIPARSER_TOO_OLD}))</pre></div>
- */