path: root/src/sql/xbcrix.cpp
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authorJörg Frings-Fürst <>2023-08-14 19:45:36 +0200
committerJörg Frings-Fürst <>2023-08-14 19:45:36 +0200
commitbfa452a375ea0a0a3f95304a69186936567e5263 (patch)
treeaade062a143c1afcc4ea06ee27905ffc34a9217b /src/sql/xbcrix.cpp
parentdd70ff8bf32c2d7ed365004b1770058265db1978 (diff)
New upstream version 4.1.4
Diffstat (limited to 'src/sql/xbcrix.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 289 deletions
diff --git a/src/sql/xbcrix.cpp b/src/sql/xbcrix.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index 6a391f7..0000000
--- a/src/sql/xbcrix.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-/* xbcrix.cpp
-XBase64 Software Library
-Copyright (c) 1997,2003,2014,2022 Gary A Kunkel
-The xb64 software library is covered under the terms of the GPL Version 3, 2007 license.
-Email Contact:
-#include "xbase.h"
-namespace xb{
-xbInt16 xbSql::SqlCreateIndex( const xbString &sCmdLine ){
- // std::cout << "CREATE INDEX " << sCmdLine << std::endl;
- // expected format to create an Dbase 3, NDX index:
- // CREATE INDEX ixname.ndx ON tablename.dbf ( EXPRESSION ) [ASSOCIATE]
- // expected format to create an Dbase 4, tag on an MDX index:
- // CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX tagname ON tablename.dbf ( EXPRESSION ) [DESC] [FILTER .NOT. DELETED()]
- // The ASSOCIATE parameter is specific to Xbase64 library, it is used to associate
- // a non production (NDX) index file to a dbf file so it will be automatically
- // opened with the dbf file whenever the dbf file is opened by the xbase64 routines.
- // The [ASSOCIATE] parameter is not used with MDX production indices
- // This method first looks for ".NDX" in the file name to determine if an NDX
- // index should be created.
- // if .NDX is not in the filename, it looks in the uda for "IXTYPE" for either
- // NDX or MDX to detmermine the index type to create
- // if IXTYPE not found, create an MDX tag
- // The optional DESC parameter defines an entire index key as descending. This is
- // different than other SQL implementations where specific fields can be descending.
- // The optional FILTER parameter is specific to the XBASE64 library, is it used to
- // assign a filter to a tag in an MDX style index. Everything to the right of
- // the keyword FILTER is considered part of the filter.
- // The original DBASE indices used to '+' to create an index on more than one field
- // SQL uses commas: ie: FIELD1, FIELD2, FIELD3
- // The Xbase library supports either '+' or ',' when creating mutli field indices.
- xbInt16 iRc = 0;
- xbInt16 iErrorStop = 0;
- xbString sTableName;
- xbString sIxName;
- xbString sIxType;
- xbUInt32 ulPos;
- xbString sCmd = sCmdLine;
- xbString sNode;
- xbBool bUnique = xbFalse;
- xbDbf * dbf = NULL;
- try{
- // drop off the first node
- ulPos = sCmd.Pos( ' ' );
- sCmd.Ltrunc( ulPos );
- sCmd.Ltrim();
- sNode.ExtractElement( sCmd, ' ', 1, 0 );
- sNode.ToUpperCase();
- if( sNode == "UNIQUE" ){
- //std::cout << "unique ix\n";
- bUnique = xbTrue;
- ulPos = sCmd.Pos( ' ' );
- sCmd.Ltrunc( ulPos );
- sCmd.Ltrim();
- }
- // go past the index keyword
- ulPos = sCmd.Pos( ' ' );
- sCmd.Ltrunc( ulPos );
- sCmd.Ltrim();
- // pull the index name off the cmd line
- sIxName.ExtractElement( sCmd, ' ', 1, 0 );
- xbString sTemp = sIxName;
- sTemp.ToUpperCase();
- ulPos = sTemp.Pos( ".NDX" );
- if(ulPos == (sTemp.Len() - 3) )
- sIxType = "NDX";
- #endif // XB_NDX_SUPPORT
- if( sIxType == "" ){
- if(( iRc = uda.GetTokenForKey( "IXTYPE", sIxType )) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- iErrorStop = 100;
- throw iRc;
- }
- }
- if( sIxType == "NDX" ){
- xbFile f( xbase );
- f.SetFileName( sIxName );
- if( f.FileExists()){
- iErrorStop = 110;
- throw iRc;
- }
- }
- #endif // XB_NDX_SUPPORT
- // skip past index name
- ulPos = sCmd.Pos( ' ' );
- sCmd.Ltrunc( ulPos );
- sCmd.Ltrim();
- // skip past "ON"
- ulPos = sCmd.Pos( ' ' );
- sCmd.Ltrunc( ulPos );
- sCmd.Ltrim();
- // get the table name
- ulPos = sCmd.Pos( '(' );
- sTableName.ExtractElement( sCmd, '(', 1, 0 );
- sTableName.Trim();
- xbFile fDbf( xbase );
- fDbf.SetFileName( sTableName );
- // if not open, attempt to open it
- dbf = xbase->GetDbfPtr( fDbf.GetFqFileName());
- if( !dbf ){
- if(( iRc = xbase->OpenHighestVersion( sTableName, "", &dbf )) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- iErrorStop = 120;
- throw iRc;
- }
- }
- if( dbf == NULL ){
- iErrorStop = 130;
- throw iRc;
- }
- sCmd.Ltrunc( ulPos );
- // std::cout << "cp1 ulPos = " << ulPos << " sCmd = [" << sCmd << "]\n";
- //ulPos = sCmd.GetLastPos( ')' );
- xbString sKeyExpression;
- xbBool bDone = xbFalse;
- xbUInt32 lPos = 1;
- xbInt16 iParenCtr = 0;
- while( !bDone && lPos < sCmd.Len()){
- if( sCmd[lPos] == '(' ){
- iParenCtr++;
- sKeyExpression.Append( sCmd[lPos] );
- } else if( sCmd[lPos] == ')' ){
- if( iParenCtr > 0 ){
- iParenCtr--;
- sKeyExpression.Append( sCmd[lPos] );
- } else {
- bDone = xbTrue;
- }
- } else if( sCmd[lPos] == ',' && iParenCtr == 0 ){
- sKeyExpression.Append( '+' );
- } else if( sCmd[lPos] != ' ' ){
- sKeyExpression.Append( sCmd[lPos] );
- }
- lPos++;
- }
- // std::cout << "Key Expression =[" << sKeyExpression << "]\n";
- sCmd.Ltrunc( lPos );
- sCmd.Trim();
- xbBool bDesc = xbFalse;
- // std::cout << "sCmd - looking for DESC [" << sCmd << "]\n";
- if( sCmd.Len() > 4 ){
- sNode = sCmd;
- sNode.ToUpperCase();
- ulPos = sNode.Pos( "DESC" );
- if( ulPos > 0 ){
- bDesc = xbTrue;
- sCmd.Ltrunc( 4 );
- sCmd.Trim();
- std::cout << "Descending\n";
- }
- }
- // std::cout << "sCmd - looking for FILTER stuff [" << sCmd << "]\n";
- xbString sFilter;
- if( sCmd.Len() > 6 ){
- sNode = sCmd;
- sNode.ToUpperCase();
- ulPos = sNode.Pos( "FILTER" );
- if( ulPos > 0 ){
- sFilter = sCmd;
- sFilter.Ltrunc( ulPos + 6 );
- sFilter.Trim();
- }
- }
- // std::cout << "sCmd - FILTER = [" << sFilter << "]\n";
- if(( iRc = dbf->LockTable( XB_LOCK )) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- iErrorStop = 140;
- throw iRc;
- }
- // std::cout << "SqlCreateIndex() - ixtype = " << sIxType << "\n";
- xbIx *pIx;
- void *vpTag;
- if(( iRc = dbf->CreateTag( sIxType, sIxName, sKeyExpression, sFilter, bDesc, bUnique, xbFalse, &pIx, &vpTag )) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- iErrorStop = 150;
- throw iRc;
- }
- // std::cout << "SqlCreateIndex() - back from tag create\n";
- if( sIxType == "NDX"){
- sCmd.Ltrunc( ulPos );
- sCmd.Trim();
- if( sCmd.Len() > 0 ){
- sCmd.ToUpperCase();
- if( sCmd.Pos( "ASSOCIATE" )){
- if(( iRc = dbf->AssociateIndex( "NDX", sIxName, 0 )) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- iErrorStop = 160;
- throw iRc;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// if( sIxType == "NDX"){
-// if(( iRc = pIx->Reindex( &vpTag )) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
-// iErrorStop = 160;
-// throw iRc;
-// }
-// }
- #endif // XB_NDX_SUPPORT
- if(( iRc = pIx->Reindex( &vpTag )) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- iErrorStop = 170;
- throw iRc;
- }
- if(( iRc = dbf->LockTable( XB_UNLOCK )) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- iErrorStop = 180;
- throw iRc;
- }
- }
- catch (xbInt16 iRc ){
- xbString sMsg;
- sMsg.Sprintf( "xbSql::SqlCreateIndex() Exception Caught. Error Stop = [%d] rc = [%d] table = [%s]", iErrorStop, iRc, sTableName.Str() );
- xbase->WriteLogMessage( sMsg.Str() );
- xbase->WriteLogMessage( GetErrorMessage( iRc ));
- }
- dbf->LockTable( XB_UNLOCK );
- return iRc;
-} /* namespace */
-#endif /* XB_SQL_SUPPORT */