path: root/src/core/xblog.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/core/xblog.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 208 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/xblog.cpp b/src/core/xblog.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index 6031c9e..0000000
--- a/src/core/xblog.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-/* xblog.cpp
-XBase64 Software Library
-Copyright (c) 1997,2003,2014,2022 Gary A Kunkel
-The xb64 software library is covered under the terms of the GPL Version 3, 2007 license.
-Email Contact:
-#include "xbase.h"
-//#include <time.h>
-namespace xb{
-//! @brief Constructor.
-xbLog::xbLog() : xbFile( NULL ){
- SetDirectory( GetLogDirectory());
- SetFileName ( GetLogFileName());
- bLoggingStatus = xbFalse;
- lLogSize = 50000;
- iShareMode = XB_MULTI_USER;
- #else
- iShareMode = XB_SINGLE_USER;
- #endif
-//! @brief Constructor.
- \param sLogFileName - Log file name.
-xbLog::xbLog( const xbString & sLogFileName ) : xbFile( NULL ){
- if( sLogFileName.GetPathSeparator())
- SetFqFileName( sLogFileName ); // file name includes a path
- else
- SetFileName( sLogFileName ); // no file path
- bLoggingStatus = xbFalse;
- lLogSize = 50000;
- iShareMode = XB_MULTI_USER;
- #else
- iShareMode = XB_SINGLE_USER;
- #endif
-//! @brief Deconstructor.
- xbFclose();
-//! @brief Get the current log status
- \returns xbTrue - Logging turned on.<br>xbFalse - Logging turned off.
-xbBool xbLog::LogGetStatus(){
- return bLoggingStatus;
-//! @brief Close the logfile.
- \returns <a href="xbretcod_8h.html">Return Codes</a>
-xbInt16 xbLog::LogClose(){
- return xbFclose();
-//! @brief Set maximum log file size.
- \param lSize - New maximum log file size.
- \returns void
-void xbLog::LogSetLogSize( size_t lSize ){
- lLogSize = lSize;
-//! @brief Set log status.
- \param bStatus xbTrue - Turn logging on.<br>xbFalse - Turn logging off.
- \returns void
-void xbLog::LogSetStatus( xbBool bStatus ){
- bLoggingStatus = bStatus;
-//! @brief Open the logfile.
- \returns <a href="xbretcod_8h.html">Return Codes</a>
-xbInt16 xbLog::LogOpen(){
- xbInt16 rc;
- if(( rc = xbFopen( "a", iShareMode )) != XB_NO_ERROR )
- return rc;
- xbFTurnOffFileBuffering();
- return XB_NO_ERROR;
-//! @brief Write a logfile message.
- \param sLogEntryData - Message to write to the logfile.
- \param iOutputOption 0 - Write to logfile.<br>
- 1 - Write to stdout.<br>
- 2 - Write to both logfile and stdout.
- \returns <a href="xbretcod_8h.html">Return Codes</a>
-xbInt16 xbLog::LogWrite( const xbString &sLogEntryData, xbInt16 iOutputOption ){
- if( bLoggingStatus == xbFalse ){ // logging turned off
- return XB_NO_ERROR;
- }
- xbInt16 rc = 0;
- if( iOutputOption != 1 && !FileIsOpen() ){
- if(( rc = LogOpen()) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- fprintf( stderr, "Error - cant write to logfile\n" );
- return rc;
- }
- }
- if( iOutputOption != 1 && lLogSize < xbFtell()){
- xbFputs( "Swapping to next log file" );
- xbFclose();
- xbString sBackupName;
- sBackupName.Sprintf( "%s.bak", GetFqFileName().Str());
- if( FileExists( sBackupName ))
- xbRemove( sBackupName );
- xbRename( GetFqFileName(), sBackupName );
- xbFopen( "a", iShareMode );
- }
- xbString sTimeStamp;
- xbString sFled; // formatted log entry data
- if( iOutputOption != 1 ){
- #ifdef HAVE__LOCALTIME64_S_F
- __time64_t timer;
- struct tm tb;
- _time64( &timer );
- _localtime64_s( &tb, &timer );
- tb.tm_year += 1900;
- tb.tm_mon++;
- sTimeStamp.Sprintf( "%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", tb.tm_year, tb.tm_mon, tb.tm_mday, tb.tm_hour, tb.tm_min, tb.tm_sec );
- #else
- time_t timer;
- struct tm *tb;
- timer = time( NULL );
- tb = localtime( &timer );
- tb->tm_year += 1900;
- tb->tm_mon++;
- sTimeStamp.Sprintf( "%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", tb->tm_year, tb->tm_mon, tb->tm_mday, tb->tm_hour, tb->tm_min, tb->tm_sec );
- #endif
- sFled.Sprintf( "%s - %s\n", sTimeStamp.Str(), sLogEntryData.Str() );
- }
- switch( iOutputOption ){
- case 0:
- xbFputs( sFled );
- break;
- case 1:
- std::cout << sLogEntryData << std::endl;
- break;
- case 2:
- xbFputs( sFled );
- std::cout << sLogEntryData << std::endl;
- break;
- }
- return XB_NO_ERROR;
-//! @brief Write bytes to logfile.
- \param ulByteCnt - Number of bytes to write to logfile.
- \param p - Pointer to data to write to logfile.
- \returns XB_NO_ERROR
-xbInt16 xbLog::LogWriteBytes( xbUInt32 ulByteCnt, const char *p ){
- if( bLoggingStatus == xbFalse ) // logging turned off
- return XB_NO_ERROR;
- const char *p2 = p;
- xbFputc( '[' );
- for( xbUInt32 l = 0; l < ulByteCnt; l++ )
- xbFputc( *p2++ );
- xbFputc( ']' );
- return XB_NO_ERROR;
-} // namespace
-#endif // XB_LOGGING_ON