path: root/src/sql/xbinsert.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/sql/xbinsert.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 190 deletions
diff --git a/src/sql/xbinsert.cpp b/src/sql/xbinsert.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index 835f9e6..0000000
--- a/src/sql/xbinsert.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-/* xbinsert.cpp
-XBase64 Software Library
-Copyright (c) 1997,2003,2014,2022 Gary A Kunkel
-The xb64 software library is covered under the terms of the GPL Version 3, 2007 license.
-Email Contact:
-#include "xbase.h"
-namespace xb{
-xbInt16 xbSql::SqlInsert( const xbString &sCmdLine ){
- // expected format:
- // INSERT INTO tablename (field1, field2, field3,...) VALUES ( 'charval', numval, 'what is the correct odbc date format to use? CCYYMMDD');
- xbInt16 iRc = 0;
- xbInt16 iErrorStop = 0;
- xbString sTableName;
- xbDbf * dbf = NULL;
- xbString sWork1;
- xbString sFieldList;
- xbString sDataList;
- xbString sFieldName;
- xbString sFieldData;
- // queue the memo data to post after the append occurs
- // dbase does not support usage of memo fields with insert commands
- xbLinkList <xbInt16> llMemoFieldNos;
- xbLinkList <xbString> llMemoFieldData;
- try{
- // retrieve table name
- sTableName.ExtractElement( sCmdLine, ' ', 3, 0 );
- sTableName.Trim();
- // if not open, attempt to open it
- dbf = xbase->GetDbfPtr( sTableName );
- if( !dbf ){
- if(( iRc = xbase->OpenHighestVersion( sTableName, "", &dbf )) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- iErrorStop = 100;
- throw iRc;
- }
- }
- if( !dbf ){
- iErrorStop = 110;
- throw iRc;
- }
- // blank the record buffer
- dbf->BlankRecord();
- sWork1.ExtractElement( sCmdLine, ')', 1, 0 );
- sFieldList.ExtractElement( sWork1, '(', 2, 0 );
- sDataList.ExtractElement( sCmdLine, '(', 3, 0 );
- sDataList.Trim();
- sDataList.ZapTrailingChar( ')' );
- xbUInt32 iFldCnt = sFieldList.CountChar( ',' );
- xbUInt32 iDataCnt = sDataList.CountChar( ',', 1 );
- // verify there are the same count in the field list and values list
- if( iFldCnt != iDataCnt ){
- iErrorStop = 120;
- throw iRc;
- }
- iFldCnt++;
- xbInt16 iFldNo = -1;
- char cFldType = 0x00;
- for( xbUInt32 i = 1; i <= iFldCnt; i++ ){
- sFieldName.ExtractElement( sFieldList, ',', i, 0 );
- sFieldName.Trim();
- if(( iRc = dbf->GetFieldNo( sFieldName, iFldNo )) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- iErrorStop = 130;
- throw iRc;
- }
- if(( iRc = dbf->GetFieldType( iFldNo, cFldType )) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- iErrorStop = 140;
- throw iRc;
- }
- // get the field data here
- sFieldData.ExtractElement( sDataList, ',', i, 1 );
- sFieldData.Trim();
- // remove beginning and ending quotes
- if(( sFieldData[1] == '\'' && sFieldData[sFieldData.Len()] == '\'') || (sFieldData[1] == '"' && sFieldData[sFieldData.Len()] == '"' )){
- sFieldData.Remove( sFieldData.Len(), 1 );
- sFieldData.Remove( 1, 1 );
- }
- switch( cFldType ){
- case 'C':
- case 'N':
- case 'L':
- if(( iRc = dbf->PutField( iFldNo, sFieldData )) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- iErrorStop = 150;
- throw iRc;
- }
- break;
- case 'D':
- // assumes input date format of yyyy-mm-dd
- if( sFieldData.Len() != 10 || sFieldData[5] != '-' || sFieldData[8] != '-' ){
- iErrorStop = 160;
- throw iRc;
- }
- sWork1 = sFieldData;
- sWork1.Remove( 8, 1 );
- sWork1.Remove( 5, 1 );
- if(( iRc = dbf->PutField( iFldNo, sWork1 )) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- iErrorStop = 170;
- throw iRc;
- }
- break;
- case 'M':
- llMemoFieldNos.InsertAtFront( iFldNo );
- llMemoFieldData.InsertAtFront( sFieldData );
- break;
- default:
- iErrorStop= 180;
- throw iRc;
- }
- }
- if(( iRc = dbf->AppendRecord()) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- iErrorStop = 190;
- throw iRc;
- }
- // Add any memo fields
- xbLinkListNode<xbInt16> * llN = llMemoFieldNos.GetHeadNode();
- xbLinkListNode<xbString> * llD = llMemoFieldData.GetHeadNode();
- xbUInt32 ulCnt = llMemoFieldNos.GetNodeCnt();
- for( xbUInt32 i = 0; i < ulCnt; i++ ){
- iFldNo = llN->GetKey();
- sFieldData = llD->GetKey();
- if(( iRc = dbf->UpdateMemoField( iFldNo, sFieldData )) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- iErrorStop = 200;
- throw iRc;
- }
- llN = llN->GetNextNode();
- llD = llD->GetNextNode();
- }
- if(( iRc = dbf->Commit()) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- iErrorStop = 210;
- throw iRc;
- }
- }
- catch (xbInt16 iRc ){
- xbString sMsg;
- xbase->WriteLogMessage( sCmdLine );
- sMsg.Sprintf( "xbSql::SqlInsert() Exception Caught. Error Stop = [%d] rc = [%d] table = [%s] field = [%s] data = [%s]", iErrorStop, iRc, sTableName.Str(), sFieldName.Str(), sFieldData.Str() );
- xbase->WriteLogMessage( sMsg.Str() );
- xbase->WriteLogMessage( GetErrorMessage( iRc ));
- if( dbf )
- dbf->Abort();
- }
- return iRc;
-} /* namespace */
-#endif /* XB_SQL_SUPPORT */