path: root/src/tests/xb_test_expression.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tests/xb_test_expression.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 804 deletions
diff --git a/src/tests/xb_test_expression.cpp b/src/tests/xb_test_expression.cpp
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--- a/src/tests/xb_test_expression.cpp
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-/* xb_test_expression.cpp
-XBase Software Library
-Copyright (c) 1997,2003,2014,2022,2023 Gary A Kunkel
-The xb64 software library is covered under the terms of the GPL Version 3, 2007 license.
-Email Contact:
-// This program tests the class xbExp
-// usage: xb_test_expression QUITE|NORMAL|VERBOSE
-#include "xbase.h"
-using namespace xb;
-#include "tstfuncs.cpp"
-///@cond DOXYOFF
-class xbExpTest : public xbExp {
- public:
- xbExpTest( xbXBase * x );
- xbInt16 GetNextTokenTest( xbExpToken &t );
- xbInt16 OperatorWeightTest( const xbString &sOperator );
- xbExpNode *GetNextNodeTest( xbExpNode * );
-xbExpTest::xbExpTest( xbXBase * x ) : xbExp( x ){
-xbExpNode *xbExpTest::GetNextNodeTest( xbExpNode *n ){
- return GetNextNode( n );
-xbInt16 xbExpTest::GetNextTokenTest( xbExpToken &t ){
- return GetNextToken( t );
-xbInt16 xbExpTest::OperatorWeightTest( const xbString &sOperator ){
- return OperatorWeight( sOperator );
-///@endcond DOXYOFF
-xbInt16 DevTester( xbXBase * xb, xbDbf * dbf, const char * sExpIn ){
- xbExpTest exp( xb );
- xbExpNode *n;
- std::cout << "going to parse expression [" << sExpIn << "]\n";
- xbInt16 iRc = exp.ParseExpression( dbf, sExpIn );
- std::cout << "back from parse expression\n";
- std::cout << "dump nodes\n";
- n = exp.GetNextNodeTest( NULL );
- if( iRc == XB_NO_ERROR ){
- exp.DumpTree( xbTrue );
- #endif // XB_DEBUG_SUPPORT
- std::cout << "dump nodes\n";
- n = exp.GetNextNodeTest( NULL );
- if( !n ){
- std::cout << "n is null\n";
- } else {
- xbInt16 i = 0;
- while( n && i < 30 ){
- std::cout << "Node Text = [" << n->GetStringResult().Str() << "]\n";
- n = exp.GetNextNodeTest( n );
- i++;
- }
- }
- std::cout << "end dump nodes\n";
- return 0;
- }else{
- std::cout << "Parse Error [" << iRc << "]\n";
- return -1;
- }
-xbInt16 TestWeight( xbXBase * xb, xbInt16 iPrintOption, const char * title, const char *sOperator, xbInt16 iExpectedWeight );
-xbInt16 TestWeight( xbXBase * xb, xbInt16 iPrintOption, const char * title, const char *sOperator, xbInt16 iExpectedWeight ){
- xbInt16 iRc = 0;
- xbExpTest expT1( xb );
- if(( iRc = expT1.OperatorWeightTest( sOperator )) != iExpectedWeight ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL O1] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Operator [" << sOperator << "] Weight [" << iRc << "] Expected [" << iExpectedWeight << "]" << std::endl;
- return -1;
- }
- if( iPrintOption == 2 )
- std::cout << "[PASS] " << title << " Expected matches actual Data=[" << sOperator << "][" << iExpectedWeight << "]" << std::endl;
- else if( iPrintOption == 1 )
- std::cout << "[PASS] " << title << std::endl;
- return XB_NO_ERROR;
-xbInt16 TestTokenMethod( xbXBase *xb, xbInt16 iPrintOption, const char * title, const char *sExpression,
- const char *sExpectedToken, const char *sExpectedRemainder, char cExpectedNodeType,
- char cExpectedReturnType, xbInt16 iErc, xbInt16 iTrc );
-xbInt16 TestTokenMethod( xbXBase *xb, xbInt16 iPrintOption, const char * title, const char *sExpression,
- const char *sExpectedToken, const char *sExpectedRemainder, char cExpectedNodeType,
- char cExpectedReturnType, xbInt16 iErc, xbInt16 iTrc ){
- xbExpTest expT1( xb );
- xbExpToken t;
- xbInt16 iRc = XB_NO_ERROR;
- t.sExpression = sExpression;
- if(( iRc = expT1.GetNextTokenTest( t )) != iErc ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL T1] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Expression [" << sExpression << "]" << std::endl;
- std::cout << " GetNextToken iRc = [" << iRc << "]" << std::endl;
- return -1;
- }
- if( iTrc != t.iSts ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL T2] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Expression [" << sExpression << "]" << std::endl;
- std::cout << " GetNextToken Token Return Code = [" << iTrc << "]" << std::endl;
- return -1;
- }
- if( iErc == XB_NO_ERROR && iTrc == XB_NO_ERROR && t.sToken != sExpectedToken ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL T3] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Expression " << sExpression << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Expected Result = [" << sExpectedToken << "] Actual = [" << t.sToken.Str() << "]\n";
- return -1;
- }
- if( iErc == XB_NO_ERROR && iTrc == XB_NO_ERROR && t.sExpression != sExpectedRemainder ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL T4] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Expression " << sExpression << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Expected Remainder = [" << sExpectedRemainder << "] Actual = [" << t.sExpression.Str() << "]\n";
- return -1;
- }
- if( iErc == XB_NO_ERROR && iTrc == XB_NO_ERROR&& t.cNodeType != cExpectedNodeType ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL T5] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Expression " << sExpression << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Expected Node type = [" << cExpectedNodeType << "] Actual = [" << t.cNodeType << "]\n";
- return -1;
- }
- if( iErc == XB_NO_ERROR && iTrc == XB_NO_ERROR&& t.cReturnType != cExpectedReturnType ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL T6] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Expression " << sExpression << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Expected Return type = [" << cExpectedReturnType << "] Actual = [" << t.cReturnType << "]\n";
- return -1;
- }
- if( iPrintOption == 2 ){
- if( iErc == XB_NO_ERROR )
- std::cout << "[PASS] " << title << " Expected matches actual Data=[" << sExpectedToken << "]" << std::endl;
- else
- std::cout << "[PASS] " << title << " Expected return code matches actual =[" << iErc << "]" << std::endl;
- } else if( iPrintOption == 1 )
- std::cout << "[PASS] " << title << std::endl;
- return 0;
-xbInt16 TestMethod( xbXBase *xb, xbDbf *d, xbInt16 PrintOption, const char * title,
- const xbString &sExpression, const char * sExpectedResult, xbInt16 iExpectedResultLen );
-xbInt16 TestMethod( xbXBase *xb, xbDbf *d, xbInt16 PrintOption, const char * title,
- const xbString &sExpression, const char * sExpectedResult, xbInt16 iExpectedResultLen ){
- xbInt16 iRc = XB_NO_ERROR;
- xbString sResult;
- xbExp exp( xb );
- if(( iRc = exp.ParseExpression( d, sExpression )) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL 1] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Return Code = [" << iRc << "]" << std::endl;
- return -1;
- }
- if(( iRc = exp.GetReturnType()) != XB_EXP_CHAR ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL 2] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Result type not XB_EXP_CHAR = [" << exp.GetReturnType() << "]" << std::endl;
- return -1;
- }
- if(( iRc = exp.ProcessExpression()) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL 3] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Return Code = [" << iRc << "]" << std::endl;
- return -1;
- }
- if(( iRc = exp.GetStringResult( sResult )) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL 4] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Return Code = [" << iRc << "]" << std::endl;
- return -1;
- }
- if( sResult != sExpectedResult ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL 5] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Expected Result = [" << sExpectedResult << "] Actual Result =[" << sResult.Str() << "]" << std::endl;
- exp.DumpTree( 1 );
- #endif // XB_DEBUG_SUPPORT
- return -1;
- }
- if( exp.GetResultLen() != iExpectedResultLen ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL 6] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Expected Result Len = [" << iExpectedResultLen << "] Actual Result =[" << exp.GetResultLen() << "]" << std::endl;
- exp.DumpTree( 1 );
- #endif // XB_DEBUG_SUPPORT
- return -1;
- }
- if( PrintOption == 2 )
- std::cout << "[PASS] " << title << " Expected [" << sExpectedResult << "] matches actual [" << exp.GetResultLen() << "]" << std::endl;
- else if( PrintOption == 1 )
- std::cout << "[PASS] " << title << std::endl;
- return 0;
-xbInt16 TestMethod( xbXBase * xb, xbDbf * d, xbInt16 PrintOption, const char * title,
- const xbString &sExpression, xbDouble dExpectedResult );
-xbInt16 TestMethod( xbXBase * xb, xbDbf * d, xbInt16 PrintOption, const char * title,
- const xbString &sExpression, xbDouble dExpectedResult ){
- xbDouble dResult;
- xbInt16 iRc = XB_NO_ERROR;
- xbExp exp( xb );
- if(( iRc = exp.ParseExpression( d, sExpression )) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL 1] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Return Code = [" << iRc << "]" << std::endl;
- return -1;
- }
- if(( iRc = exp.GetReturnType()) != XB_EXP_NUMERIC ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL 2] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Result type not XB_EXP_NUMERIC = [" << exp.GetReturnType() << "]" << std::endl;
- return -1;
- }
- if(( iRc = exp.ProcessExpression()) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL 3] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Return Code = [" << iRc << "]" << std::endl;
- return -1;
- }
- if(( iRc = exp.GetNumericResult( dResult )) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL 4] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Return Code = [" << iRc << "]" << std::endl;
- return -1;
- }
- if( !dblEquals( dResult, dExpectedResult, .01 )){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL 5] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Expected Result = [" << dExpectedResult << "] Actual Result =[" << dResult << "]" << std::endl;
- // dump out the tree
- exp.DumpTree( 1 );
- #endif // XB_DEBUG_SUPPORT
- return -1;
- }
- if( PrintOption == 2 )
- std::cout << "[PASS] " << title << " Expected [" << dExpectedResult << "] matches actual [" << exp.GetResultLen() << "]" << std::endl;
- else if( PrintOption == 1 )
- std::cout << "[PASS] " << title << std::endl;
- return 0;
-xbInt16 TestMethod( xbXBase * xb, xbDbf * d, xbInt16 PrintOption, const char * title,
- const xbString &sExpression, xbDate dtExpectedResult );
-xbInt16 TestMethod( xbXBase * xb, xbDbf * d, xbInt16 PrintOption, const char * title,
- const xbString &sExpression, xbDate dtExpectedResult ){
- xbDate dtResult;
- xbInt16 iRc = XB_NO_ERROR;
- xbExp exp( xb );
- if(( iRc = exp.ParseExpression( d, sExpression )) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL 1] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Return Code = [" << iRc << "]" << std::endl;
- return -1;
- }
- if(( iRc = exp.GetReturnType()) != XB_EXP_DATE ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL 2] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Result type not XB_EXP_DATE = [" << exp.GetReturnType() << "]" << std::endl;
- return -1;
- }
- if(( iRc = exp.ProcessExpression()) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL 3] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Return Code = [" << iRc << "]" << std::endl;
- return -1;
- }
- if(( iRc = exp.GetDateResult( dtResult )) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL 4] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Return Code = [" << iRc << "]" << std::endl;
- return -1;
- }
- if( dtResult != dtExpectedResult ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL 5] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Expected Result = [" << dtExpectedResult.Str() << "] Actual Result =[" << dtResult.Str() << "]" << std::endl;
- // dump out the tree
- exp.DumpTree( 1 );
- #endif // XB_DEBUG_SUPPORT
- return -1;
- }
- if( PrintOption == 2 )
- std::cout << "[PASS] " << title << " Expected [" << dtExpectedResult.Str() << "] matches actual [" << exp.GetResultLen() << "]" << std::endl;
- else if( PrintOption == 1 )
- std::cout << "[PASS] " << title << std::endl;
- return 0;
-xbInt16 TestMethod( xbXBase * xb, xbDbf * d, xbInt16 PrintOption, const char * title,
- const xbString &sExpression, xbBool bExpectedResult );
-xbInt16 TestMethod( xbXBase * xb, xbDbf * d, xbInt16 PrintOption, const char * title,
- const xbString &sExpression, xbBool bExpectedResult ){
- xbInt16 iRc = XB_NO_ERROR;
- xbBool bResult;
- xbExp exp( xb );
- if(( iRc = exp.ParseExpression( d, sExpression )) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL 1] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Return Code = [" << iRc << "]" << std::endl;
- return -1;
- }
- if(( iRc = exp.GetReturnType()) != XB_EXP_LOGICAL ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL 2] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Result type not XB_EXP_LOGICAL = [" << exp.GetReturnType() << "]" << std::endl;
- return -1;
- }
- if(( iRc = exp.ProcessExpression()) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL 3] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Return Code = [" << iRc << "]" << std::endl;
- return -1;
- }
- if(( iRc = exp.GetBoolResult( bResult )) != XB_NO_ERROR ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL 4] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Return Code = [" << iRc << "]" << std::endl;
- return -1;
- }
- if( bResult != bExpectedResult ){
- std::cout << std::endl << "[FAIL 5] " << title << std::endl;
- std::cout << " Expected Result = [" << bExpectedResult << "] Actual Result =[" << bResult << "]" << std::endl;
- // dump out the tree
- exp.DumpTree( 1 );
- return -1;
- }
- if( PrintOption == 2 )
- std::cout << "[PASS] " << title << " Expected [" << bExpectedResult << "] matches actual [" << bResult << "]" << std::endl;
- else if( PrintOption == 1 )
- std::cout << "[PASS] " << title << std::endl;
- return 0;
-int main( int argCnt, char **av )
- xbInt16 iRc = 0;
- xbInt16 rc2 = 0;
- xbInt16 po = 1; /* print option */
- /* 0 - QUIET */
- /* 1 - NORMAL */
- /* 2 - VERBOSE */
- if( argCnt > 1 ) {
- if( av[1][0] == 'Q' )
- po = 0;
- else if( av[1][0] == 'V' )
- po = 2;
- }
- xbSchema MyRecord[] =
- {
- { "CHAR1", XB_CHAR_FLD, 5, 0 },
- { "CHAR2", XB_CHAR_FLD, 7, 0 },
- { "DATE1", XB_DATE_FLD, 8, 0 },
- { "DATE2", XB_DATE_FLD, 8, 0 },
- { "NUM1", XB_NUMERIC_FLD, 9, 2 },
- { "",0,0,0 }
- };
- xbXBase x;
- xbDbf * MyFile;
- xbDate d;
- x.SetLogDirectory( PROJECT_LOG_DIR );
- x.EnableMsgLogging();
- if( po ){
- std::cout << "Logfile is [" << x.GetLogFqFileName().Str() << "]" << std::endl;
- }
- xbString sMsg;
- sMsg.Sprintf( "Program [%s] initializing...", av[0] );
- x.WriteLogMessage( sMsg );
- #endif
- x.SetDataDirectory( PROJECT_DATA_DIR );
- InitTime();
- if( po > 0 ){
- std::cout << "XBase Expression testing program.." << std::endl;
- std::cout << "This program tests the XBase expression logic." << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Default Data Directory is [" << x.GetDataDirectory().Str() << "]" << std::endl;
- }
-// return 0;
- #ifdef XB_DBF4_SUPPORT
- MyFile = new xbDbf4( &x ); /* version 4 dbf file */
- #else
- MyFile = new xbDbf3( &x ); /* version 3 dbf file */
- #endif
-// return 0;
- rc2 = MyFile->CreateTable( "ExpTest.DBF", "ExpTest", MyRecord, XB_OVERLAY, XB_MULTI_USER );
-// return 0;
- iRc += TestMethod( po, "CreateTable()", rc2, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutField()", MyFile->PutField( "CHAR1", "TEST" ), XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutField()", MyFile->PutField( "CHAR2", "TEST7B" ), XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutField()", MyFile->PutFloatField( "NUM1", 5 ), XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutField()", MyFile->PutField( "DATE1", "19890303" ), XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutField()", MyFile->PutField ( "DATE2", "20120708" ), XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestMethod( po, "AppendRecord()", MyFile->AppendRecord(), XB_NO_ERROR );
-// return 0;
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "EOX Test1", "", "", "", '?', XB_EXP_UNKNOWN, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_END_OF_EXPRESSION );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "EOX Test2 ", " ", "", "", '?', XB_EXP_UNKNOWN, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_END_OF_EXPRESSION );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Paren Test1 ", "(SOMETOKEN)+5-100", "SOMETOKEN", "+5-100", XB_EXP_NOTROOT, XB_EXP_UNKNOWN, XB_NO_ERROR , XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Paren Test2 ", "{ANOTHERTOKEN} + 55-100", "ANOTHERTOKEN", " + 55-100", XB_EXP_NOTROOT, XB_EXP_UNKNOWN, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Paren Test3 ", "{{NESTED}TOKEN} + 55-100", "{NESTED}TOKEN", " + 55-100", XB_EXP_NOTROOT, XB_EXP_UNKNOWN, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- // next line generates log message
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Paren Test4 ", "{{NESTED}TOKEN + 55-100", "{NESTED}TOKEN", " + 55-100", XB_EXP_NOTROOT, XB_EXP_UNKNOWN, XB_PARSE_ERROR, XB_UNBALANCED_PARENS );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Paren Test5 ", " (SOMETOKEN )+5-100", "SOMETOKEN ", "+5-100", XB_EXP_NOTROOT, XB_EXP_UNKNOWN, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Quote Test1 ", "\"SOMETOKEN\"+5-100", "SOMETOKEN", "+5-100", XB_EXP_CONSTANT, XB_EXP_CHAR, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Quote Test2 ", "'SOMETOKEN2'", "SOMETOKEN2", "", XB_EXP_CONSTANT, XB_EXP_CHAR, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Quote Test3 ", " 'SOMETOKEN3 '", "SOMETOKEN3 ", "", XB_EXP_CONSTANT, XB_EXP_CHAR, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- // next line generates log message
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Quote Test3 ", " 'SOMETOKEN4 ", "SOMETOKEN3 ", "", XB_EXP_CONSTANT, XB_EXP_CHAR, XB_PARSE_ERROR, XB_UNBALANCED_QUOTES );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Logical Constant1 ", ".T.", "T", "", XB_EXP_CONSTANT, XB_EXP_LOGICAL, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Logical Constant2 ", ".F.", "F", "", XB_EXP_CONSTANT, XB_EXP_LOGICAL, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Logical Constant3 ", ".TRUE.", "T", "", XB_EXP_CONSTANT, XB_EXP_LOGICAL, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Logical Constant4 ", ".FALSE.", "F", "", XB_EXP_CONSTANT, XB_EXP_LOGICAL, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Logical Constant5 ", ".T. and x", "T", " and x", XB_EXP_CONSTANT, XB_EXP_LOGICAL, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Numeric Constant1 ", "123", "123", "", XB_EXP_CONSTANT, XB_EXP_NUMERIC, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Numeric Constant2 ", "-123", "-123", "", XB_EXP_CONSTANT, XB_EXP_NUMERIC, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Numeric Constant3 ", " - 123", "-123", "", XB_EXP_CONSTANT, XB_EXP_NUMERIC, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Numeric Constant4 ", " - .456", "-.456", "", XB_EXP_CONSTANT, XB_EXP_NUMERIC, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Numeric Constant5 ", " -.002", "-.002", "", XB_EXP_CONSTANT, XB_EXP_NUMERIC, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Numeric Constant6 ", " - .002 + 1", "-.002", " + 1", XB_EXP_CONSTANT, XB_EXP_NUMERIC, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 1", "-", "-", "", XB_EXP_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_UNKNOWN, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 2", "+", "+", "", XB_EXP_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_UNKNOWN, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 3", "*", "*", "", XB_EXP_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_NUMERIC, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 4", "/", "/", "", XB_EXP_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_NUMERIC, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 5", "^", "^", "", XB_EXP_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_NUMERIC, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 6", "%", "%", "", XB_EXP_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_NUMERIC, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 7", "=", "=", "", XB_EXP_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_LOGICAL, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 8", "<", "<", "", XB_EXP_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_LOGICAL, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 9", ">", ">", "", XB_EXP_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_LOGICAL, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 10", "$", "$", "", XB_EXP_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_LOGICAL, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 11", "**", "**", "", XB_EXP_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_NUMERIC, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 12", "++", "++", "", XB_EXP_POST_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_NUMERIC, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 13", "--", "--", "", XB_EXP_POST_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_NUMERIC, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 14", "-- ", "--", " ", XB_EXP_POST_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_NUMERIC, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 15", "--X", "--", "X", XB_EXP_PRE_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_NUMERIC, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 16", "++X", "++", "X", XB_EXP_PRE_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_NUMERIC, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 17", "+=", "+=", "", XB_EXP_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_NUMERIC, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 18", "-=", "-=", "", XB_EXP_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_NUMERIC, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 19", "*=", "*=", "", XB_EXP_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_NUMERIC, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 20", "/=", "/=", "", XB_EXP_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_NUMERIC, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 21", "<>", "<>", "", XB_EXP_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_LOGICAL, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 22", "<=", "<=", "", XB_EXP_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_LOGICAL, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 23", ">=", ">=", "", XB_EXP_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_LOGICAL, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 24", ">= grapes", ">=", " grapes", XB_EXP_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_LOGICAL, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 25", "< apples ", "<", " apples ", XB_EXP_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_LOGICAL, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 26", ".NOT.", ".NOT.", "", XB_EXP_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_LOGICAL, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 27", ".AND.", ".AND.", "", XB_EXP_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_LOGICAL, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Operator 28", ".OR.", ".OR.", "", XB_EXP_OPERATOR, XB_EXP_LOGICAL, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Function 1", "STOD ( \"08252017\" )", "STOD ( \"08252017\" )", "", XB_EXP_FUNCTION, XB_EXP_DATE, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Function 2", "STR( 8 )", "STR( 8 )", "", XB_EXP_FUNCTION, XB_EXP_CHAR, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Function 3", "STR( (8-3)+3 )", "STR( (8-3)+3 )", "", XB_EXP_FUNCTION, XB_EXP_CHAR, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Function 4", "STR( (8-3)+3 ) + \"A\"", "STR( (8-3)+3 )", " + \"A\"", XB_EXP_FUNCTION, XB_EXP_CHAR, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Function 5", "ISALPHA( \"A\" )", "ISALPHA( \"A\" )", "", XB_EXP_FUNCTION, XB_EXP_LOGICAL, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Function 6", "EXP( 6 )", "EXP( 6 )", "", XB_EXP_FUNCTION, XB_EXP_NUMERIC, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Field 1", "NUM1", "NUM1", "", XB_EXP_FIELD, XB_EXP_UNKNOWN, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Field 2", "NUM1 + X", "NUM1", " + X", XB_EXP_FIELD, XB_EXP_UNKNOWN, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Field 3", "ExpTest->NUM1", "ExpTest->NUM1", "", XB_EXP_FIELD, XB_EXP_UNKNOWN, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Field 4", "ExpTest ->NUM1", "ExpTest ->NUM1", "", XB_EXP_FIELD, XB_EXP_UNKNOWN, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Field 5", "ExpTest -> NUM1", "ExpTest -> NUM1", "", XB_EXP_FIELD, XB_EXP_UNKNOWN, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestTokenMethod( &x, po, "Field 6", "ExpTest -> NUM1+1", "ExpTest -> NUM1", "+1", XB_EXP_FIELD, XB_EXP_UNKNOWN, XB_NO_ERROR, XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, "Weight Test", "", 0 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, "Weight Test", "toobig", 0 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, ".OR. Weight Test", ".OR.", 1 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, ".AND. Weight Test", ".AND.", 2 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, ".NOT. Weight Test", ".NOT.", 3 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, "> Weight Test", ">", 4 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, ">= Weight Test", ">=", 4 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, "< Weight Test", "<", 4 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, "<= Weight Test", "<=", 4 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, "<> Weight Test", "<>", 4 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, "# Weight Test", "#", 4 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, "$ Weight Test", "$", 4 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, "= Weight Test", "=", 4 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, "-- Prefix decrement Weight Test", "--0", 9 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, "++ Prefix increment Weight Test", "++0", 9 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, "** Weight Test", "**", 8 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, "^ Weight Test", "^", 8 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, "* Weight Test", "*", 7 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, "* Weight Test", "/", 7 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, "* Weight Test", "%", 7 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, "* Weight Test", "*=", 7 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, "* Weight Test", "/=", 7 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, "+ Weight Test", "+", 6 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, "- Weight Test", "-", 6 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, "+= Weight Test", "+=", 6 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, "-= Weight Test", "-=", 6 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, "-- Postfix decrement Weight Test", "--1", 5 );
- iRc += TestWeight( &x, po, "++ Postfix increment Weight Test", "++1", 5 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "CharTest1", "CHAR1", "TEST ", 5 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "CharTest2", "ExpTest->CHAR1", "TEST ", 5 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "CharTest3", "ExpTest->CHAR1+CHAR1", "TEST TEST ", 10 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "CharTest4", "\"PRE_ \"+\" _POST\"", "PRE_ _POST", 11 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "CharTest5", "\"PRE_ \"-\" _POST\"", "PRE_ _POST ", 11 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "CharTest6", "\"PRE_\"+ExpTest->CHAR1+\"_POST\"", "PRE_TEST _POST", 14 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "CharTest7", "STR(123)", " 123", 10 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "CharTest8", "STR(123)+LTRIM(STR(456))", " 123456", 20 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "CharTest9", "STR(8)+STR(7)", " 8 7", 20 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest1", "ALLTRIM( \" ABCD \" )", "ABCD", 11 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest2", "CDOW( STOD( \"20171014\" ))", "Saturday", 9 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest3", "CHR( 66 )", "B", 1 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest4", "CMONTH( STOD( \"20171114\" ) )", "November", 9 );
- // next line causes MAC compiler to cough up a furball
- //iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest5", "DESCEND( \"ABCDE\" )", "¾½¼»º", 5 );
- char sDescendResult[6]; // = "¾½¼»º";
- sDescendResult[0] = (char) 0xBE;
- sDescendResult[1] = (char) 0xBD;
- sDescendResult[2] = (char) 0xBC;
- sDescendResult[3] = (char) 0xBB;
- sDescendResult[4] = (char) 0xBA;
- sDescendResult[5] = (char) 0x00;
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest5", "DESCEND( \"ABCDE\" )", sDescendResult, 5 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest6", "DTOC( STOD( \"20171114\" ))", "11/14/17", 8 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest7", "DTOS( STOD( \"20171114\" ))", "20171114", 8 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest8", "LEFT( \"ABCDEFGH\", 5 )", "ABCDE", 5 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest9", "LOWER( \"ABCDEFGH\" )", "abcdefgh", 8 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest10", "LTRIM( \" ABC\" )", "ABC", 6 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest11", "REPLICATE( \"ABC\", 3 )", "ABCABCABC", 9 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest12", "RIGHT( \"ABCDEFGH\", 5 )", "DEFGH", 5 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest13", "RTRIM( \"ABCD \" )", "ABCD", 7 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest14", "SPACE( 5 )", " ", 5 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest15", "STR( 8 )", " 8", 10 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest16", "STR( 3, 4 )", " 3", 4 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest17", "STR( 12.7, 5, 2 )", "12.70", 5 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest18", "STR( 43.17, 9, 4, \"0\" )", "0043.1700", 9 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest19", "STRZERO( 56.21, 9, 4 )", "0056.2100", 9 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest20", "SUBSTR( \"SOMESTRING\", 3, 5 )", "MESTR", 5 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest21", "TRIM( \" abc123 \" )", " abc123", 12 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest22", "UPPER( \"abc123RRR\" )", "ABC123RRR", 9 );
- // numeric logic tests
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "NumericTest1", "1 + 1", (xbDouble) 2 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "NumericTest2", "6 - 1", (xbDouble) 5 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "NumericTest3", "6 * 4", (xbDouble) 24 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "NumericTest4", "8 / 2", (xbDouble) 4 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "NumericTest5", "3 ^ 3", (xbDouble) 27 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "NumericTest6", "4 ** 4", (xbDouble) 256 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "NumericTest7", "NUM1", (xbDouble) 5 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "NumericTest8", "NUM1 + 2.3", (xbDouble) 7.3 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "NumericTest9", "++NUM1", (xbDouble) 6 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "NumericTest10", "NUM1++", (xbDouble) 5 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "NumericTest11", "--NUM1", (xbDouble) 4 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "NumericTest12", "NUM1--", (xbDouble) 5 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "NumericTest13", "3++", (xbDouble) 3 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "NumericTest14", "++3", (xbDouble) 4 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "NumericTest15", "4--", (xbDouble) 4 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "NumericTest16", "--4", (xbDouble) 3 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "NumericTest17", "3 += 12", (xbDouble) 15 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "NumericTest18", "3 -= 12", (xbDouble) -9 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "NumericTest19", "3 *= 12", (xbDouble) 36 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "NumericTest20", "12 /= 3", (xbDouble) 4 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "NumericTest21", "(12+3)*(15-13)", (xbDouble) 30 );
- // numeric functions
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest23", "ABS( -22 )", (xbDouble) 22 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest24", "ABS( 23 )", (xbDouble) 23 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest25", "ASC( \"A\" )", (xbDouble) 65 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest26", "AT( \",\", \"Booth, Joseph\" )", (xbDouble) 6 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest27", "DAY( STOD( \"20171017\" ))", (xbDouble) 17 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest28", "DESCEND( 1991 )", (xbDouble) -1991 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest29", "DOW( STOD( \"20171017\" ) )", (xbDouble) 3 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest30", "DOW( STOD( \"20171021\" ) )", (xbDouble) 0 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest31", "EXP( 0 )", (xbDouble) 1 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest32", "INT( 123.45 )", (xbDouble) 123 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest33", "LEN( \"ABC123\" )", (xbDouble) 6 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest34", "LOG( 10 )", (xbDouble) 2.3 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest35", "MAX( 10, 20 )", (xbDouble) 20 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest36", "MIN( 10, 20 )", (xbDouble) 10 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest37", "MONTH( STOD( \"20171017\" ))", (xbDouble) 10 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest38", "RECCOUNT()", (xbDouble) 1 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest39", "RECNO()", (xbDouble) 1 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest40", "SQRT( 9 )", (xbDouble) 3 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest41", "VAL( \"89\" )", (xbDouble) 89 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest42", "VAL( \"22.13 and some text\" )", (xbDouble) 22.13 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest43", "YEAR( STOD( \"20171017\" ))", (xbDouble) 2017 );
- // date logic tests
- xbDate dtTest1( "19890303" );
- xbDate dtTest2( "20120708" );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "DateTest1", "ExpTest->DATE1", dtTest1 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "DateTest2", "DATE1", dtTest1 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "DateTest3", "ExpTest->DATE2", dtTest2 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "DateTest4", "DATE2", dtTest2 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "DateTest5", "DATE2 - DATE1", (xbDouble) 8528 );
- dtTest1.Set( "20120705" );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "DateTest6", "DATE2 - 3", dtTest1 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "DateTest7", "DATE2 -= 3", dtTest1 );
- dtTest1.Set( "20120718" );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "DateTest8", "DATE2 + 10", dtTest1 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "DateTest9", "DATE2 += 10", dtTest1 );
- dtTest1.Set( "20120709" );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "DateTest10", "++DATE2", dtTest1 );
- dtTest1.Set( "20120707" );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "DateTest11", "--DATE2", dtTest1 );
- dtTest1.Set( "20120708" );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "DateTest12", "DATE2++", dtTest1 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "DateTest13", "DATE2--", dtTest1 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "DateTest14", "{07/08/12}", dtTest1 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "DateTest15", "{07/08/2012}", dtTest1 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "DateTest16", "{07/11/12} -3", dtTest1 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "DateTest17", "{07/06/2012} + 2", dtTest1 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest44", "CTOD( \"07\\08\\12\" )", dtTest1 );
- xbDate dtToday;
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest45", "DATE()", dtToday );
- dtTest2 = "28870625";
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest46", "DESCEND( DATE2 )", dtTest2 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest47", "STOD( \"20120708\" )", dtTest1 );
- // boolean logic tests
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest1", "3=5", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest2", "5=5", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest3", "\"abc\"=\"def\"", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest4", "\"abc\"=\"abc\"", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest5", "CTOD( \"07\\08\\12\" ) = CTOD ( \"07\\08\\12\" )", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest6", "CTOD( \"07\\09\\12\" ) = CTOD ( \"07\\08\\12\" )", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest7", "3<>5", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest8", "5<>5", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest9", "3!=5", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest10", "5!=5", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest11", "3 # 5", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest12", "5#5", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest13", "\"3\"<>\"5\"", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest14", "\"5\"<>\"5\"", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest15", "\"3\"!=\"5\"", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest16", "\"5\"!=\"5\"", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest17", "\"3\" # \"5\"", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest18", "\"5\"#\"5\"", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest19", "CTOD( \"07\\08\\12\" ) <> CTOD ( \"07\\08\\12\" )", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest20", "CTOD( \"07\\09\\12\" ) <> CTOD ( \"07\\08\\12\" )", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest21", "CTOD( \"07\\08\\12\" ) != CTOD ( \"07\\08\\12\" )", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest22", "CTOD( \"07\\09\\12\" ) != CTOD ( \"07\\08\\12\" )", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest23", "CTOD( \"07\\08\\12\" ) # CTOD ( \"07\\08\\12\" )", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest24", "CTOD( \"07\\09\\12\" ) # CTOD ( \"07\\08\\12\" )", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest25", "3<5", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest26", "5<5", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest27", "5<4", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest28", "\"a\"<\"b\"", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest29", "\"a\"<\"a\"", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest30", "\"c\"<\"b\"", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest31", "CTOD( \"07\\07\\12\" ) < CTOD ( \"07\\08\\12\" )", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest32", "CTOD( \"07\\08\\12\" ) < CTOD ( \"07\\08\\12\" )", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest33", "CTOD( \"07\\09\\12\" ) < CTOD ( \"07\\08\\12\" )", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest34", "3>5", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest35", "5>5", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest36", "5>4", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest37", "\"a\">\"b\"", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest38", "\"a\">\"a\"", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest39", "\"c\">\"b\"", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest40", "CTOD( \"07\\07\\12\" ) > CTOD ( \"07\\08\\12\" )", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest41", "CTOD( \"07\\08\\12\" ) > CTOD ( \"07\\08\\12\" )", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest42", "CTOD( \"07\\09\\12\" ) > CTOD ( \"07\\08\\12\" )", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest43", "3<=5", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest44", "5<=5", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest45", "5<=4", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest46", "\"a\"<=\"b\"", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest47", "\"a\"<=\"a\"", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest48", "\"c\"<=\"b\"", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest49", "CTOD( \"07\\07\\12\" ) <= CTOD ( \"07\\08\\12\" )", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest50", "CTOD( \"07\\08\\12\" ) <= CTOD ( \"07\\08\\12\" )", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest51", "CTOD( \"07\\09\\12\" ) <= CTOD ( \"07\\08\\12\" )", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest52", "3>=5", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest53", "5>=5", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest54", "5>=4", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest55", "\"a\">=\"b\"", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest56", "\"a\">=\"a\"", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest57", "\"c\">=\"b\"", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest58", "CTOD( \"07\\07\\12\" ) >= CTOD ( \"07\\08\\12\" )", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest59", "CTOD( \"07\\08\\12\" ) >= CTOD ( \"07\\08\\12\" )", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest60", "CTOD( \"07\\09\\12\" ) >= CTOD ( \"07\\08\\12\" )", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest61", "\"abc123\" $ \"abc\"", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest62", "\"abc\" $ \"abc123\"", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest63", "\"abc\" $ \"zzabc123\"", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest64", ".T.", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest65", ".F.", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest66", ".TRUE.", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest67", ".FALSE.", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest68", ".NOT. .F.", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest69", " NOT .F.", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest70", ".NOT. .T.", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest71", " NOT .T.", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest72", ".T. .AND. .T.", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest73", ".T. AND .T.", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest74", ".T. .AND. .NOT. .T.", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest75", ".T. AND NOT .T.", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest76", ".NOT. .T. .AND. .T.", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest77", " NOT .T. AND .T.", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest78", ".NOT. .T. .AND. .NOT. .T.", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest79", " NOT .T. AND NOT .T.", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest80", ".T. .OR. .T.", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest81", ".T. OR .T.", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest82", ".T. .OR. .NOT. .T.", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest83", ".T. OR NOT .T.", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest84", ".NOT. .T. .OR. .T.", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest85", " NOT .T. OR .T.", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest86", ".NOT. .T. .OR. .NOT. .T.", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "LogicTest87", " NOT .T. OR NOT .T.", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest48", "ISALPHA( \"12345\" )", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest49", "ISALPHA( \"ABCDEF\" )", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest50", "ISALPHA( \"A1234\" )", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest51", "ISLOWER( \"12345\" )", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest52", "ISLOWER( \"ABCDEF\" )", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest53", "ISLOWER( \"abc123\" )", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest54", "ISLOWER( \"xyz\" )", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest55", "ISUPPER( \"12345\" )", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest56", "ISUPPER( \"ABCDEF\" )", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest57", "ISUPPER( \"abc123\" )", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest58", "ISUPPER( \"xyz\" )", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest59", "ISUPPER( \"Xyz\" )", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest60", "IIF( .T., \"TRUE \", \"FALSE\" )", "TRUE ", 5 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest61", "IIF( .F., \"TRUE \", \"FALSE\" )", "FALSE", 5 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest62", "DEL()", " ", 1 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest63", "DELETED()", (xbBool) xbFalse );
- iRc += TestMethod( po, "DeleteRecord()", MyFile->DeleteRecord(), XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest64", "DEL()", "*", 1 );
- iRc += TestMethod( &x, MyFile, po, "FuncTest65", "DELETED()", (xbBool) xbTrue );
- iRc += TestMethod( po, "UndeleteRecord()", MyFile->UndeleteRecord(), XB_NO_ERROR );
- iRc += TestMethod( po, "Close()", MyFile->Close(), XB_NO_ERROR );
- delete MyFile;
- if( po > 0 || iRc < 0 )
- fprintf( stdout, "Total Errors = %d\n", iRc * -1 );
- sMsg.Sprintf( "Program [%s] terminating with [%d] errors...", av[0], iRc * -1 );
- x.WriteLogMessage( sMsg );
- #endif
- return iRc;