Xbase64 4.0.1
C++ Library for handling Xbase (DBF) format type files
Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Static Protected Attributes
xb::xbFile Class Reference

Class for handling low level file I/O. More...

#include <xbfile.h>

Inheritance diagram for xb::xbFile:
xb::xbSsv xb::xbDbf

Public Member Functions

 xbFile (xbXBase *x)
 Class Constructor. More...
 ~xbFile ()
 Class Destructor. More...
xbInt16 SetHomeFolders ()
 Create Home Folders. More...
xbInt16 CreateUniqueFileName (const xbString &sDirIn, const xbString &sExtIn, xbString &sFqnOut)
 Create a unique file name. More...
xbInt16 CreateUniqueFileName (const xbString &sDirIn, const xbString &sExtIn, xbString &sFqnOut, xbInt16 iOption)
 Create a unique file name. More...
const xbStringGetDirectory () const
 Get the directory name. More...
const xbStringGetFileName () const
 Get the file name. More...
const xbStringGetFqFileName () const
 Get the fully qualified file name. More...
void SetDirectory (const xbString &sDirectory)
 Set the directory. More...
void SetFileName (const xbString &sFileName)
 Set the filename. More...
void SetFqFileName (const xbString &sFqName)
 Set the fully qualifed filename. More...
xbUInt32 GetBlockSize () const
 Get the block size. More...
xbInt16 SetBlockSize (xbUInt32 ulBlockSize)
 Set the block size. More...
xbInt16 GetOpenMode () const
 Get the open mode of the file. More...
xbInt16 GetShareMode () const
 Get the share mode of the file. More...
xbInt16 GetFileDirPart (xbString &sFileDirPartOut) const
 Get the directory part of the file name. More...
xbInt16 GetFileDirPart (const xbString &sCompleteFileNameIn, xbString &sFileDirPartOut) const
 Get the directory part of the file name. More...
xbInt16 GetFileExtPart (xbString &sFileExtPartOut) const
 Get the extension part of the file name. More...
xbInt16 GetFileExtPart (const xbString &sCompleteFileNameIn, xbString &sFileExtPartOut) const
 Get the extension part of the file name. More...
xbInt16 GetFileNamePart (xbString &sFileNamePartOut) const
 Get the name part of the file name. More...
xbInt16 GetFileNamePart (const xbString &sCompleteFileNameIn, xbString &sFileNamePartOut) const
 Get the name part of the file name. More...
xbInt16 GetFileType (xbString &sFileType) const
 Get the file type aka Capitalized file extension. More...
xbInt16 GetXbaseFileTypeByte (const xbString &sFileName, xbInt16 &iVersion)
 Get the file type byte and version of the dbf file. More...
xbInt16 GetXbaseFileTypeByte (const xbString &sFileName, unsigned char &cFileTypeByte)
 Get the file type byte and version of the dbf file. More...
xbInt16 GetXbaseFileTypeByte (const xbString &sFileName, unsigned char &cFileTypeByte, xbInt16 &iVersion)
 Get the file type byte and version of the dbf file. More...
xbInt16 DetermineXbaseTableVersion (unsigned char cFileTypeByte) const
 Determine xbase dbf version. More...
xbInt16 DetermineXbaseMemoVersion (unsigned char cFileTypeByte) const
 Determine which version the memo (dbt) file is. More...
xbBool FileExists () const
 Determines if a file exists. More...
xbBool FileExists (xbInt16 iOption) const
 Determines if a file exists. More...
xbBool FileExists (const xbString &sFileName) const
 Determines if a file exists. More...
xbBool FileExists (const xbString &sFileName, xbInt16 iOption) const
 Determines if a file exists. More...
xbBool FileIsOpen () const
 Determines if file is open. More...
xbInt16 ReadBlock (xbUInt32 ulBlockNo, size_t readSize, void *buf)
 Read a block of data from file. More...
xbInt16 ReadBlock (xbUInt32 ulBlockNo, xbUInt32 ulBlockSize, size_t readSize, void *buf)
 Read a block of data from file. More...
xbInt16 WriteBlock (xbUInt32 ulBlockNo, size_t writeSize, void *buf)
 Write a block of data to file. More...
xbInt16 GetFileSize (xbUInt64 &ullFileSize)
 Get the size of the file as reported by the OS. More...
xbInt16 GetFileMtime (time_t &mtime)
 Get the time of last file modification timestamp as reported by the OS. More...
xbDouble eGetDouble (const char *p) const
 Get a portable double value. More...
xbInt32 eGetInt32 (const char *p) const
 Get a portable long value. More...
xbUInt32 eGetUInt32 (const char *p) const
 Get a portable unsigned long value. More...
xbInt16 eGetInt16 (const char *p) const
 Get a portable short value. More...
xbUInt16 eGetUInt16 (const char *p) const
 Get a portable unsigned short value. More...
void ePutDouble (char *p, xbDouble d)
 Write a portable double value to memory location. More...
void ePutInt32 (char *p, xbInt32 l)
 Write a portable long value to memory location. More...
void ePutUInt32 (char *p, xbUInt32 ul)
 Write a portable unsigned long value to memory location. More...
void ePutInt16 (char *p, xbInt16 s)
 Write a portable short value to memory location. More...
void ePutUInt16 (char *p, xbUInt16 s)
 Write a portable unsigned short value to memory location. More...
xbInt16 xbFclose ()
 Xbase wrapper for standard libary fclose. More...
xbInt16 xbFeof ()
 Xbase wrapper for standard libary feof. More...
xbInt16 xbFflush ()
 Xbase wrapper for standard libary fflush. More...
xbInt16 xbFgetc (xbInt32 &c)
 Xbase wrapper for standard libary fgetc. More...
xbInt16 xbFgetc (char &c)
 Xbase wrapper for standard libary fgetc. More...
xbInt16 xbFopen (xbInt16 iOpenMode)
xbInt16 xbFopen (const xbString &sOpenMode, xbInt16 iShareMode)
 Xbase wrapper for standard libary fopen. More...
xbInt16 xbFopen (xbInt16 iOpenMode, xbInt16 iShareMode)
 Xbase wrapper for standard libary fopen. More...
xbInt16 xbFopen (const xbString &sMode, const xbString &sFileName, xbInt16 iShareMode)
 Xbase wrapper for standard libary fopen. More...
xbInt16 xbFputc (xbInt32 c)
 Xbase wrapper for standard libary fputc. More...
xbInt16 xbFputc (xbInt32 c, xbInt32 iNoTimes)
 Xbase wrapper for standard libary fputc. More...
xbInt16 xbFputs (const xbString &s)
 Xbase wrapper for standard libary fputs. More...
xbInt16 xbFread (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb)
 Xbase wrapper for standard libary fread. More...
xbInt16 xbFgets (size_t lSize, xbString &sLine)
 Xbase wrapper for standard libary fgets. More...
size_t xbFtell ()
 Xbase wrapper for standard libary ftell. More...
xbInt16 xbFseek (xbInt64 llOffset, xbInt32 whence)
 Xbase wrapper for standard libary fseek. More...
void xbFTurnOffFileBuffering ()
 Turn off file buffering. More...
xbInt16 xbFwrite (const void *ptr, size_t lSize, size_t lNmemb)
 Xbase wrapper for standard libary fwrite. More...
xbInt16 xbReadUntil (const char cDelim, xbString &sOut)
 Read file until a particular character is encountered on input stream. More...
xbInt16 xbRemove (const xbString &sFileName, xbInt16 iOption)
 Delete file. More...
xbInt16 xbRemove (const xbString &sFileName)
 Delete file. More...
xbInt16 xbRemove ()
 Delete file. More...
xbInt16 xbRename (const xbString &sOldName, const xbString &sNewName)
 Rename file. More...
void xbRewind ()
 Xbase wrapper for rewind. More...
xbInt16 xbTruncate (xbInt64 llSize)
 Xbase wrapper for ftruncate. More...
xbInt16 NameSuffixMissing (const xbString &sFileName, xbInt16 iOption) const
 Determines status of file extension. More...
void DisplayError (xbInt16 ErrorCode) const
 Display error message on console for a given error number. More...
xbStringGetDefaultDateFormat () const
 Get the default date format. More...
xbStringGetDataDirectory () const
 Get the current data directory. More...
xbInt16 GetEndianType () const
 Get the Endian type. More...
const char * GetErrorMessage (xbInt16 ErrorCode) const
 Get an error message. More...
void SetDataDirectory (const xbString &sDataDirectory)
 Set the data directory. More...
void SetDefaultDateFormat (const xbString &sDefaultDateFormat)
 Set the default date format. More...
xbBool BitSet (unsigned char c, xbInt16 iBitNo) const
 Check a bit in a one byte field and see if it is set. More...
void BitDump (unsigned char c) const
void BitDump (char c) const
xbBool GetDefaultAutoCommit () const
 Get the default auto commit setting. More...
void SetDefaultAutoCommit (xbBool bDefaultAutoCommit)
 Set the default auto commit. More...
void GetHomeDir (xbString &sHomeDirOut)
 Get home directory. More...
xbStringGetLogDirectory () const
xbStringGetLogFileName () const
void SetLogDirectory (const xbString &sLogDirectory)
xbBool GetMultiUser () const
 Get the multi user setting. More...
void SetMultiUser (xbBool bMultiUser)
 Get the multi user setting. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const char * ErrorCodeText []

Protected Member Functions

void SetEndianType ()
 Set the endian type. More...

Protected Attributes


Static Protected Attributes

static xbInt16 iEndianType = 0
static xbString sNullString = ""

Detailed Description

Class for handling low level file I/O.

The xbFile class is used as an abstraction layer to isolate the library from the nuances of different operating systems and machine architectures.

This module handles low level file I/O and is a base class for the (dbf) table, (dbt) memo and (ndx,mdx) index classes. Files are opened and manipulated via methods in the xbFile class.
This class handles:
1) Big and little endian reads/writes
2) 32 or 64 bit system calls, depending on OS
3) Various different c/c++ calls to open/close/read/write based on OS and compiler version

If you are wanting to port this library to a new platform, start with this class. This class could be used if you want to write a platform independent program that needs R/W file access.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ xbFile()

xb::xbFile::xbFile ( xbXBase x)

Class Constructor.

◆ ~xbFile()

xb::xbFile::~xbFile ( )

Class Destructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ BitDump() [1/2]

void xb::xbSsv::BitDump ( char  c) const

◆ BitDump() [2/2]

void xb::xbSsv::BitDump ( unsigned char  c) const

◆ BitSet()

xbBool xb::xbSsv::BitSet ( unsigned char  c,
xbInt16  iBitNo 
) const

Check a bit in a one byte field and see if it is set.

cOne byte char field to examine.
iBitNowhich bit to examine.
xbTrue Bit is set
xbFalse Bit is not set

◆ CreateUniqueFileName() [1/2]

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::CreateUniqueFileName ( const xbString sDirIn,
const xbString sExtIn,
xbString sFqnOut 

Create a unique file name.

Given a directory and file extension as inputs, create a unique file name.

sExtInFile Extension
sFqnOutA fully qualifed unique file name as output
Return Codes

◆ CreateUniqueFileName() [2/2]

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::CreateUniqueFileName ( const xbString sDirIn,
const xbString sExtIn,
xbString sFqnOut,
xbInt16  iOption 

Create a unique file name.

Given a directory and file extension as inputs, create a unique file name.

sExtInFile Extension
iOption0 - look only for one file for a given directory and extension
1 - if file name extension is "dbf" or "DBF", verify unique dbt or DBT (memo) file is also available
sFqnOutA fully qualifed unique file name as output
Return Codes

◆ DetermineXbaseMemoVersion()

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::DetermineXbaseMemoVersion ( unsigned char  cFileTypeByte) const

Determine which version the memo (dbt) file is.

This routine uses the first byte in the dbf file to determine which memo file version is in use. The main difference between version 3 and 4 is that version 4 will reuse blocks if they become available. Version 3 does not.

cFileTypeByteis an output field and is one of:

0 - none
3 - Dbase III+
4 - Dbase IV
Return Codes

◆ DetermineXbaseTableVersion()

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::DetermineXbaseTableVersion ( unsigned char  cFileTypeByte) const

Determine xbase dbf version.

This routine is used to determine which version of the Xbase classes can be used for a given DBF file.

It attempts to use the highest version compiled into the library.

This routine uses the first byte from the dbf file.
Per DBase documentation:
Valid dBASE for Windows table file, bits 0-2 indicate version number: 3 for dBASE Level 5, 4 for dBASE Level 7.
Bit 3 and bit 7 indicate presence of a dBASE IV or dBASE for Windows memo file;
Bits 4-6 indicate the presence of a dBASE IV SQL table;
Bit 7 indicates the presence of any .DBT memo file (either a dBASE III PLUS type or a dBASE IV or dBASE for Windows memo file).

Bachmann spec (used extensively in library build), page 7 - does not match DBase documentation

0 - unknown
3 - Dbase level 3
4 - Dbase level 4
5 - Dbase Level 5 (future)
7 - Dbase Level 7 (future)

1x - Clipper files (future)
2x - Foxbase files (future)

◆ DisplayError()

void xb::xbSsv::DisplayError ( xbInt16  iErrorCode) const

Display error message on console for a given error number.

iErrorCodeError number to reference

◆ eGetDouble()

xbDouble xb::xbFile::eGetDouble ( const char *  p) const

Get a portable double value.

This routine returns a double value from an 8 byte character stream, accounting for endian type.

Converts a double (64 bit floating point) value stored at p from a portable format to the machine format.

ppointer to memory containing the portable double value
the double value.

◆ eGetInt16()

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::eGetInt16 ( const char *  p) const

Get a portable short value.

This routine returns a short int value from a 2 byte character stream, accounting for endian type.

ppointer to memory containing the portable long value
the short value.

◆ eGetInt32()

xbInt32 xb::xbFile::eGetInt32 ( const char *  p) const

Get a portable long value.

This routine returns a long int value from a 4 byte character stream, accounting for endian type.

ppointer to memory containing the portable long value
the long value.

◆ eGetUInt16()

xbUInt16 xb::xbFile::eGetUInt16 ( const char *  p) const

Get a portable unsigned short value.

This routine returns a short unsigned int value from a 2 byte character stream, accounting for endian type.

ppointer to memory containing the portable long value
the short value.

◆ eGetUInt32()

xbUInt32 xb::xbFile::eGetUInt32 ( const char *  p) const

Get a portable unsigned long value.

This routine returns an unsigned long int value from a 4 byte character stream, accounting for endian type.

ppointer to memory containing the portable long value
the unsigned long value.

◆ ePutDouble()

void xb::xbFile::ePutDouble ( char *  c,
xbDouble  d 

Write a portable double value to memory location.

Converts a double (64 bit floating point) value from machine format to a portable format and stores the converted value in the memory referenced by c.

This routine puts a double value to an 8 byte character stream

cPointer to memory to hold converted value
dInput value to be converted

◆ ePutInt16()

void xb::xbFile::ePutInt16 ( char *  c,
xbInt16  s 

Write a portable short value to memory location.

Converts a short (16 bit integer) value from machine format to a portable format and stores the converted value in the memory referenced by c.

This routine puts a short value to a 2 byte character stream

cPointer to memory to hold converted value
sInput value to be converted

◆ ePutInt32()

void xb::xbFile::ePutInt32 ( char *  c,
xbInt32  l 

Write a portable long value to memory location.

Converts a long (32 bit integer) value from machine format to a portable format and stores the converted value in the memory referenced by c.

This routine puts a long value to a 4 byte character stream.

cPointer to memory to hold converted value
lInput value to be converted

◆ ePutUInt16()

void xb::xbFile::ePutUInt16 ( char *  c,
xbUInt16  s 

Write a portable unsigned short value to memory location.

Converts an unsigned short (16 bit integer) value from machine format to a portable format and stores the converted value in the memory referenced by c.

This routine puts an unsigned short value to a 2 byte character stream

cPointer to memory to hold converted value
sInput value to be converted

◆ ePutUInt32()

void xb::xbFile::ePutUInt32 ( char *  c,
xbUInt32  ul 

Write a portable unsigned long value to memory location.

Converts an unsigned long (32 bit integer) value from machine format to a portable format and stores the converted value in the memory referenced by c.

This routine puts an unsigned long value to a 4 byte character stream.

cPointer to memory to hold converted value
ulInput value to be converted

◆ FileExists() [1/4]

xbBool xb::xbFile::FileExists ( ) const

Determines if a file exists.

xbTrue if file exists
xbFalse if file does not exist

◆ FileExists() [2/4]

xbBool xb::xbFile::FileExists ( const xbString sFileName) const

Determines if a file exists.

sFileName- file name to check for
xbTrue if file exists
xbFalse if file does not exist

◆ FileExists() [3/4]

xbBool xb::xbFile::FileExists ( const xbString sFileName,
xbInt16  iOption 
) const

Determines if a file exists.

sFileName- file name to check for
iOptionif 1, assume this is a request for a dbf file and check for the a dbt memo file also, returns true if both files are found
xbTrue if both dbf and dbt files exist
xbFalse if file does not exist

◆ FileExists() [4/4]

xbBool xb::xbFile::FileExists ( xbInt16  iOption) const

Determines if a file exists.

iOptionif 1, assume this is a request for a dbf file and check for the a dbt memo file also, returns true if both files are found
xbTrue if both files exist
xbFalse if file does not exist

◆ FileIsOpen()

xbBool xb::xbFile::FileIsOpen ( ) const

Determines if file is open.

xbTrue if file is open
xbFalse if file is not open

◆ GetBlockSize()

xbUInt32 xb::xbFile::GetBlockSize ( ) const

Get the block size.

Block Size

◆ GetDataDirectory()

xbString & xb::xbSsv::GetDataDirectory ( ) const

Get the current data directory.

xbString containing the current data directory where the database files are stored.

◆ GetDefaultAutoCommit()

xbBool xb::xbSsv::GetDefaultAutoCommit ( ) const

Get the default auto commit setting.

When auto commit is enabled, the library will automatically post any updates when moving off an updated record or closing files. If auto commit is disabled, the application program will need to explicitly update the tables using using dbf->Put() and dbf->AppendRecord().

xbTrue if auto commit is turned on
xbFalse is auto commit is turned off

◆ GetDefaultDateFormat()

xbString & xb::xbSsv::GetDefaultDateFormat ( ) const

Get the default date format.

xbString containing the default date format.

◆ GetDirectory()

const xbString & xb::xbFile::GetDirectory ( ) const

Get the directory name.

the directory name of the file

◆ GetEndianType()

xbInt16 xb::xbSsv::GetEndianType ( ) const

Get the Endian type.

B - Big endian
L - Little endian

◆ GetErrorMessage()

const char * xb::xbSsv::GetErrorMessage ( xbInt16  iErrorCode) const

Get an error message.

iErrorCodeErrorCode is the error number of description to be returned.
Returns a pointer to a string containing a text description for the error code.

◆ GetFileDirPart() [1/2]

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::GetFileDirPart ( const xbString sCompleteFileNameIn,
xbString sFileDirPartOut 
) const

Get the directory part of the file name.

sCompleteFileNameIn- a fully qualfied input file name
sFileDirPartOut- the returned directory name part out of sCompleteFileNameIn
Return Codes

◆ GetFileDirPart() [2/2]

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::GetFileDirPart ( xbString sFileDirPartOut) const

Get the directory part of the file name.

sFileDirPartOut- the returned directory name
Return Codes

◆ GetFileExtPart() [1/2]

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::GetFileExtPart ( const xbString sCompleteFileNameIn,
xbString sFileExtPartOut 
) const

Get the extension part of the file name.

sCompleteFileNameIn- a fully qualfied input file name
sFileExtPartOut- the returned directory name part out of sCompleteFileNameIn
Return Codes

◆ GetFileExtPart() [2/2]

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::GetFileExtPart ( xbString sFileNameExtOut) const

Get the extension part of the file name.

sFileNameExtOut- the returned extension part out of sCompleteFileNameIn
Return Codes

◆ GetFileMtime()

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::GetFileMtime ( time_t &  mtime)

Get the time of last file modification timestamp as reported by the OS.

mtime- returned time of last file modification
Return Codes

◆ GetFileName()

const xbString & xb::xbFile::GetFileName ( ) const

Get the file name.

the file name portion of the file

◆ GetFileNamePart() [1/2]

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::GetFileNamePart ( const xbString sCompleteFileNameIn,
xbString sFileNamePartOut 
) const

Get the name part of the file name.

sCompleteFileNameIn- a fully qualified input file name
sFileNamePartOut- the returned file name part out of sCompleteFileNameIn
Return Codes

◆ GetFileNamePart() [2/2]

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::GetFileNamePart ( xbString sFileNamePartOut) const

Get the name part of the file name.

sFileNamePartOut- the returned file name part out of sCompleteFileNameIn
Return Codes

◆ GetFileSize()

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::GetFileSize ( xbUInt64 &  ullFileSize)

Get the size of the file as reported by the OS.

ullFileSize- unsigned long long field as output
Return Codes

◆ GetFileType()

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::GetFileType ( xbString sFileTypeOut) const

Get the file type aka Capitalized file extension.

sFileTypeOut- the returned extension part out of sCompleteFileNameIn
Return Codes

◆ GetFqFileName()

const xbString & xb::xbFile::GetFqFileName ( ) const

Get the fully qualified file name.

the fully qualfied name of the file

◆ GetHomeDir()

void xb::xbSsv::GetHomeDir ( xbString sHomeDirOut)

Get home directory.

sHomeDirOut- Output home directory for current user.

◆ GetLogDirectory()

xbString & xb::xbSsv::GetLogDirectory ( ) const

◆ GetLogFileName()

xbString & xb::xbSsv::GetLogFileName ( ) const

◆ GetMultiUser()

xbBool xb::xbSsv::GetMultiUser ( ) const

Get the multi user setting.

xbTrue - Multi user mode turned on.
xbFalse - Multi user mode turned off.

◆ GetOpenMode()

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::GetOpenMode ( ) const

Get the open mode of the file.


◆ GetShareMode()

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::GetShareMode ( ) const

Get the share mode of the file.

XB_SINGLE_USER - (file buffering on>
XB_MULTI_USER - (file buffering off)

◆ GetXbaseFileTypeByte() [1/3]

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::GetXbaseFileTypeByte ( const xbString sFileName,
unsigned char &  cFileTypeByte 

Get the file type byte and version of the dbf file.

Pull the first bye off the DBF file for further inspection. First byte has various bits set to determine what the file format is.

sFileName- Name of file to examine
cFileTypeByte- Retruned first byte of dbf file
Return Codes

◆ GetXbaseFileTypeByte() [2/3]

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::GetXbaseFileTypeByte ( const xbString sFileName,
unsigned char &  cFileTypeByte,
xbInt16 &  iVersion 

Get the file type byte and version of the dbf file.

Pull the first bye off the DBF file for further inspection. First byte has various bits set to determine what the file format is.

sFileName- Name of file to examine
cFileTypeByte- Returned first byte of dbf file
iVersion- Returned file version
Return Codes

◆ GetXbaseFileTypeByte() [3/3]

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::GetXbaseFileTypeByte ( const xbString sFileName,
xbInt16 &  iVersion 

Get the file type byte and version of the dbf file.

Pull the first bye off the DBF file for further inspection. First byte has various bits set to determine what the file format is.

sFileName- Name of file to examine
iVersion- Returned file version
Return Codes

◆ NameSuffixMissing()

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::NameSuffixMissing ( const xbString sFileName,
xbInt16  iOption 
) const

Determines status of file extension.

sFileName- Name of file to examine
iOption- Inspection type
1 check for DBF
2 check for NDX
3 check for MDX
4 check for NTX
0 if suffix found
1 if suffix not found, lower case
2 is suffix not found, upper case

◆ ReadBlock() [1/2]

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::ReadBlock ( xbUInt32  ulBlockNo,
size_t  lReadSize,
void *  buf 

Read a block of data from file.

ulBlockNo- block number to read
lReadSize- size of data to read at block location, set to 0 to read blocksize
*buf- pointer to buffer to write output data, assumed to be previosuly allocated and large enough to contain data
Return Codes

◆ ReadBlock() [2/2]

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::ReadBlock ( xbUInt32  ulBlockNo,
xbUInt32  ulBlockSize,
size_t  lReadSize,
void *  buf 

Read a block of data from file.

ulBlockNo- block number to read
ulBlockSize- block size
lReadSize- size of data to read at block location, set to 0 to read blocksize
buf- pointer to buffer to write output data, assumed to be previosuly allocated and large enough to contain data
Return Codes

◆ SetBlockSize()

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::SetBlockSize ( xbUInt32  ulBlockSize)

Set the block size.

ulBlockSize- unsigned long block size, divisible by 512
Return Codes

◆ SetDataDirectory()

void xb::xbSsv::SetDataDirectory ( const xbString sDataDirectory)

Set the data directory.

sDataDirectorySet the data direcroty.

◆ SetDefaultAutoCommit()

void xb::xbSsv::SetDefaultAutoCommit ( xbBool  bDefaultAutoCommit)

Set the default auto commit.

Disabling auto commit requires the application execute explicit updates using dbf->Put() and dbf->AppendRecord(). With auto commit on, the library posts updates automatically when moving off the current record or closing a file.

bDefaultAutoCommitxbTrue - Enable default auto commit.
xbFalse - Disable default auto commit.

◆ SetDefaultDateFormat()

void xb::xbSsv::SetDefaultDateFormat ( const xbString sDefaultDateFormat)

Set the default date format.

sDefaultDateFormatSet the default date format.

◆ SetDirectory()

void xb::xbFile::SetDirectory ( const xbString sDirectory)

Set the directory.

sDirectory- Valid directory name

◆ SetEndianType()

void xb::xbSsv::SetEndianType ( )

Set the endian type.

This routine determines the Endian-ness at run time instead of compile time as some processers (ie; Sparc,ARM) can be switched either way. This routine is called automatically by the library at startup and does not need to be called in an application program.

◆ SetFileName()

void xb::xbFile::SetFileName ( const xbString sFileName)

Set the filename.

This routine builds out two internal variables from the input file name
sFileName - the file name part
sFqFileName - the fully qualified file name

sFileName- Input file name

◆ SetFqFileName()

void xb::xbFile::SetFqFileName ( const xbString sFqFileName)

Set the fully qualifed filename.

sFqFileName- Fully qualifed input file name

◆ SetHomeFolders()

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::SetHomeFolders ( )

Create Home Folders.

Create xbase64 log and data folders in the home directory for current usre.

Return Codes

◆ SetLogDirectory()

void xb::xbSsv::SetLogDirectory ( const xbString sLogDirectory)

◆ SetMultiUser()

void xb::xbSsv::SetMultiUser ( xbBool  bMultiUser)

Get the multi user setting.

bMultiUserxbTrue - Turn on Multi user mode.
xbFalse - Turn off Multi user mode.

◆ WriteBlock()

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::WriteBlock ( xbUInt32  ulBlockNo,
size_t  lWriteSize,
void *  buf 

Write a block of data to file.

ulBlockNo- block number to write
lWriteSize- size of data to write, set to 0 to write blocksize
*buf- pointer to buffer of data to be written
Return Codes

◆ xbFclose()

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::xbFclose ( )

Xbase wrapper for standard libary fclose.

Return Codes

◆ xbFeof()

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::xbFeof ( )

Xbase wrapper for standard libary feof.

non zero if end-of-file is set for the stream.

◆ xbFflush()

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::xbFflush ( )

Xbase wrapper for standard libary fflush.

Return Codes

◆ xbFgetc() [1/2]

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::xbFgetc ( char &  c)

Xbase wrapper for standard libary fgetc.

c- output character returned by fgetc
Return Codes

◆ xbFgetc() [2/2]

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::xbFgetc ( xbInt32 &  c)

Xbase wrapper for standard libary fgetc.

c- output integer returned by fgetc
Return Codes

◆ xbFgets()

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::xbFgets ( size_t  lSize,
xbString s 

Xbase wrapper for standard libary fgets.

lSize- reads in at most, one character less than lSize
s- an xbString containing data returned by fseek
Return Codes

◆ xbFopen() [1/4]

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::xbFopen ( const xbString sOpenMode,
const xbString sFileName,
xbInt16  iShareMode 

Xbase wrapper for standard libary fopen.

This routine supports all the standard C library open modes. The Xbase routines only use "r" and "r+b".

r+Reading and Writing
wOpen for writing. Truncate to zero bytes if it exists
w+Open for reading and writing, truncate to zero bytes if it exists
aOpen for append
a+Open for reading and writing (at end).
The mode can also include the letter "b" for binary ie; "r+b". The "b" is ignored on POSIX compliant systems, but is included for cross platform compatibility.
sFileNameFile name to open
Return Codes

◆ xbFopen() [2/4]

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::xbFopen ( const xbString sOpenMode,
xbInt16  iShareMode 

Xbase wrapper for standard libary fopen.

This routine supports all the standard C library open modes. The Xbase routines only use "r" and "r+".

r+Reading and Writing
wOpen for writing. Truncate to zero bytes if it exists
w+Open for reading and writing, truncate to zero bytes if it exists
aOpen for append
a+Open for reading and writing (at end).
The mode can also include the letter "b" for binary ie; "r+b". The "b" is ignored on POSIX compliant systems, but is included for cross platform compatibility.
Return Codes

◆ xbFopen() [3/4]

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::xbFopen ( xbInt16  iOpenMode)

◆ xbFopen() [4/4]

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::xbFopen ( xbInt16  iOpenMode,
xbInt16  iShareMode 

Xbase wrapper for standard libary fopen.

Return Codes

◆ xbFputc() [1/2]

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::xbFputc ( xbInt32  c)

Xbase wrapper for standard libary fputc.

cCharacter to write
Return Codes

◆ xbFputc() [2/2]

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::xbFputc ( xbInt32  c,
xbInt32  iNoOfTimes 

Xbase wrapper for standard libary fputc.

cCharacter to write
iNoOfTimesNumber of times to write the character
Return Codes

◆ xbFputs()

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::xbFputs ( const xbString s)

Xbase wrapper for standard libary fputs.

sxbString to write to file
Return Codes

◆ xbFread()

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::xbFread ( void *  p,
size_t  size,
size_t  nmemb 

Xbase wrapper for standard libary fread.

pPointer to data to write
sizesize of write
nmembNumber of times to read it
Return Codes

◆ xbFseek()

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::xbFseek ( xbInt64  lOffset,
xbInt32  iWhence 

Xbase wrapper for standard libary fseek.

lOffsetPosition in file to seek to
iWhenceSEEK_SET - from beginning of file
SEEK_CUR - from current position
SEEK_END - from end of file
Return Codes

◆ xbFtell()

size_t xb::xbFile::xbFtell ( )

Xbase wrapper for standard libary ftell.

Returns the current file position.

Current file position.

◆ xbFTurnOffFileBuffering()

void xb::xbFile::xbFTurnOffFileBuffering ( )

Turn off file buffering.

Turns off file buffering. File buffering can't be used while in multi user mode.

◆ xbFwrite()

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::xbFwrite ( const void *  p,
size_t  size,
size_t  nmemb 

Xbase wrapper for standard libary fwrite.

pPointer to data buffer to write
sizeSize of data to write
nmembNumber of times to write data buffer
Return Codes

◆ xbReadUntil()

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::xbReadUntil ( const char  cDelim,
xbString sOut 

Read file until a particular character is encountered on input stream.

This routine will read until cDelim is encountered or eof, which ever occurs first.

cDelimDelimiter to stop writing at.
sOutOutput xbString containing data read
Return Codes

◆ xbRemove() [1/3]

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::xbRemove ( )

Delete file.

Return Codes

◆ xbRemove() [2/3]

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::xbRemove ( const xbString sFileNameIn)

Delete file.

sFileNameInName of file to delete
Return Codes

◆ xbRemove() [3/3]

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::xbRemove ( const xbString sFileNameIn,
xbInt16  iOption 

Delete file.

sFileNameInName of file to delete
iOptionIf Set to 1, assume this is a delete request for a dbf file, and should rename the dbt file also
Return Codes

◆ xbRename()

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::xbRename ( const xbString sOldName,
const xbString sNewName 

Rename file.

sOldNameOriginal file name
sNewNameNew file name
Return Codes

◆ xbRewind()

void xb::xbFile::xbRewind ( )

Xbase wrapper for rewind.

Set file pointer at beginning of file.

◆ xbTruncate()

xbInt16 xb::xbFile::xbTruncate ( xbInt64  llSize)

Xbase wrapper for ftruncate.

Set file size to llSize

llSizeNew file size.
Return Codes

Field Documentation

◆ ErrorCodeText

const char* xb::xbSsv::ErrorCodeText[]

◆ iEndianType

xbInt16 xb::xbSsv::iEndianType = 0

◆ sNullString

xbString xb::xbSsv::sNullString = ""

◆ xbase

xbXBase* xb::xbFile::xbase

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