Function Name | Return Type | Description |
ABS | N | Calculate absolute value of numeric expression |
ALLTRIM | C | Trim leading andtrailing whitespace from a string |
ASC | N | Return ASCII code for first character in a string |
AT | N | Return starting position of a string within a string |
CDOW | C | Retun character weekday name for a date |
CHR | C | Convert numeric expression to a character |
CMONTH | C | Return month name for a date |
CTOD | D | Return date from a character date input |
DATE | D | Return system date |
DAY | N | Return the day of the month from a date |
DEL | C | Return record deletion status for a record |
DELETED | L | Return record deletion status for a record< |
DESCEND | 1 | Clipper DESCEND function |
DOW | N | Return number of day of week |
DTOC | C | Return character date from input date |
DTOS | C | Return character CCYYMMDD date from input date |
EXP | N | Return exponent value |
IIF | C | Immediate If |
INT | N | Convert number to integer, truncate any decimals |
ISALPHA | L | Check if string begins with alpha character |
ISLOWER | L | Check if string begins with lower case alpha character |
ISUPPER | L | Check if string begins with upper case character |
LEFT | C | Return left characters from a string |
LEN | N | Return lenght of string |
LOG | N | Calculate logarithm |
LOWER | C | Convert upper case to lower case |
LTRIM | C | Trim left side of a string |
MAX | N | Return higher of two values |
MIN | N | Return lesser of two values |
MONTH | N | Return number of month for a given date |
RECNO | N | Return current rec number for a given table |
RECCOUNT | N | Return number of records in a given table |
REPLICATE | C | Repeat character expression N times |
RIGHT | C | Return right characters from as tring |
RTRIM | C | Trim right side of string |
SPACE | C | Generate a string of N spaces |
SQRT | N | Calculate square root |
STOD | D | Convert 8 byte CCYYMMDD date to date |
STR | C | Convert number to character string |
STRZERO | C | Convert number to character string with leading zeroes. Clipper Function. |
SUBSTR | C | Extract portion oif one string from another string |
TRIM | C | Trim left and right sides of a string |
UPPER | C | Conver lower case to upper case |
VAL | N | Convert numeric characters to number |
YEAR | N | Return year for a given date |