/* xbexpnode.h XBase64 Software Library Copyright (c) 1997,2003,2014,2022 Gary A Kunkel The xb64 software library is covered under the terms of the GPL Version 3, 2007 license. Email Contact: XDB-devel@lists.sourceforge.net XDB-users@lists.sourceforge.net */ #ifndef __XB_EXPNODE_H__ #define __XB_EXPNODE_H__ // #ifdef CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC // #pragma interface // #endif #ifdef XB_EXPRESSION_SUPPORT namespace xb{ //class XBDLLEXPORT xbDbf; /************************************************************************/ //! @brief Expression node class for handling expression nodes. /*! The xbExpNode class is used by the expression logic for handling specific nodes within a tree of nodes.
Expressions are parsed into nodes and a logical tree of nodes is created out of all the individual components within the expression.
This class is used for handling a specific node within a tree.
An application program will typically not need to be concerned with this class.
*/ class XBDLLEXPORT xbExpNode { public: xbExpNode(); xbExpNode( xbString &sNodeText, char cReturnType, char cNodeType ); xbExpNode( xbString &sNodeText, char cNodeType ); xbExpNode( char cNodeType ); virtual ~xbExpNode(); xbInt16 AddChild( xbExpNode *n ); xbExpNode *GetChild( xbUInt32 ulChildNo ) const; xbUInt32 GetChildCnt() const; xbUInt32 GetChildNo() const; xbDbf *GetDbf() const; xbInt16 GetFieldNo() const; xbExpNode *GetFirstNode(); xbExpNode *GetNextNode() const; void GetNodeText( xbString &sNodeText ) const; char GetNodeType() const; xbExpNode *GetParent() const; xbString &GetStringResult(); xbBool GetBoolResult() const; xbDouble GetNumericResult() const; xbUInt32 GetResultLen() const; xbExpNode *GetRightSibling() const; char GetReturnType() const; xbInt16 GetWeight() const; xbBool HasRightSibling() const; xbBool IsOperator() const; xbBool IsUnaryOperator() const; void RemoveLastChild(); void SetResultLen( xbUInt32 ulResultLen ); void SetDbfInfo( xbDbf *dbf ); void SetDbfInfo( xbDbf *dbf, xbInt16 iFieldNo ); void SetNodeText( xbString &sNodeText ); void SetNodeType( char cNodeType ); void SetParent( xbExpNode *n ); void SetResult( xbString &sResult ); void SetResult( xbDate &dtResult ); void SetResult( xbBool bResult ); void SetResult( xbDouble dResult ); void SetReturnType( char cReturnType ); void SetWeight( xbInt16 iWeight ); #ifdef XB_DEBUG_SUPPORT void DumpNode( xbInt16 iOption ) const; // 0 = no children, 1 = and children #endif private: xbString sNodeText; // expression text char cReturnType; // one of: XB_EXP_CHAR, XB_EXP_DATE, XB_EXP_LOGICAL, XB_EXP_NUMERIC char cNodeType; // one of: XB_EXP_CONSTANT, XB_EXP_FUNCTION, XB_EXP_FIELD, XB_EXP_OPERATOR xbString sResult; // char result, and operator xbDouble dResult; // numeric and bool results xbExpNode * nParent; // pointer to parent xbLinkList llChildren; // linked list of descendent nodes xbDbf *dbf; // pointer to dbf, used for field, RECNO() and RECCOUNT() xbInt16 iFieldNo; // field no if DBF field xbUInt32 ulResultLen; // for string results, accumulated length of character operations // includes the sum of all nodes under this + this // date = 8, numeric = 4, logical = 1 xbInt16 iWeight; // used for buildign the tree of nodes, assigned to operators // the higher the number, the lower it goes on the tree }; /************************************************************************/ /* Expression handler */ }; #endif // XB_EXPRESSION_SUPPORT #endif // __XB_EXP_H__