/* xbcrtbl.cpp XBase64 Software Library Copyright (c) 1997,2003,2014,2019,2022 Gary A Kunkel The xb64 software library is covered under the terms of the GPL Version 3, 2007 license. Email Contact: XDB-devel@lists.sourceforge.net XDB-users@lists.sourceforge.net */ #include "xbase.h" #ifdef XB_SQL_SUPPORT namespace xb{ /***********************************************************************/ xbInt16 xbSql::SqlCreateTable( const xbString &sCmdLine ){ // std::cout << "CREATE TABLE " << sCmdLine << std::endl; // expected format: // CREATE TABLE tablename.dbf (Field1 CHAR(10), INTFLD1 INTEGER, ... ) // supported field types // // SQL TYPE XBASE Field Type // -------- ---------------- // SMALLINT NUMERIC(6,0) // INTEGER NUMERIC(11,0) // DECIMAL(x,y) NUMERIC(x+1,y) // NUMERIC(x,y) NUMERIC(x,y) // FLOAT(x,y) FLOAT(x,y) // CHAR(n) CHARACTER(n) // DATE DATE // VARCHAR MEMO // LOGICAL LOGICAL xbInt16 iRc = 0; xbInt16 iErrorStop = 0; xbString sTableName; xbString sFieldName; xbString sDataType; xbString sAttrib1; xbString sAttrib2; xbString sLlEntry; xbInt16 iType = 0; xbInt16 iAttribCnt; // number of attributes for a given data type xbString s; xbUInt32 lPos = 0; xbUInt32 lSpPos = 0; // space position xbUInt32 lCmPos = 0; // comma position xbUInt32 lLpPos = 0; // left paren position xbLinkList ll; xbSchema *schema = NULL; xbString sMsg; xbString sWork; try{ // retrieve table name s.ExtractElement( sCmdLine, '(', 1, 0 ); sTableName.ExtractElement( s, ' ', 3, 0 ); sTableName.Trim(); // std::cout << "Tablename = [" << sTableName << "]\n"; // determine if it already exists xbFile f( xbase ); f.SetFileName( sTableName ); if( f.FileExists() ){ iErrorStop = 100; iRc = XB_FILE_EXISTS; throw iRc; } // build out table structure with parms from the sql string lPos = sCmdLine.Pos( '(' ); s = sCmdLine; s.Ltrunc( lPos ); s.Trim(); // remove the last byte, should be a ) s.Remove( s.Len(), 1 ); s.Trim(); xbBool bDone = xbFalse; xbInt16 iLoop = 0; while( !bDone && iLoop++ < 255 ){ sFieldName.ExtractElement( s, ' ', 1 , 0 ); lPos = sFieldName.Len(); sFieldName.Trim(); if( sFieldName.Len() > 10 ) sFieldName.Mid( 1, 10 ); // shrink to 10 buytes if too big //std::cout << "field name=[" << sFieldName << "]\n"; s.Ltrunc( lPos + 1 ); s.Ltrim(); //std::cout << "remainder after field name removed = [" << s << "]\n"; // Data type is delimited with either a space, comma or left paren lPos = 9999999; lSpPos = s.Pos( ' ' ); lCmPos = s.Pos( ',' ); lLpPos = s.Pos( '(' ); if( lSpPos != 0 ) lPos = lSpPos; if( lCmPos != 0 && lCmPos < lPos ) lPos = lCmPos; if( lLpPos != 0 && lLpPos < lPos ) lPos = lLpPos; //sMsg.Sprintf( "SpPos=[%d] CmPos=[%d] LpPos=[%d] lPos=[%d]", lSpPos, lCmPos, lLpPos, lPos ); //std::cout << sMsg << "\n"; sDataType.Assign( s, 1, lPos-1 ); //std::cout << "DataType=[" << sDataType << "]\n"; if( sDataType == "CHAR" ) iAttribCnt = 1; else if( sDataType == "DECIMAL" || sDataType == "NUMERIC" || sDataType == "FLOAT" ) iAttribCnt = 2; else if( sDataType == "SMALLINT" || sDataType == "INTEGER" || sDataType == "DATE" || sDataType == "VARCHAR" || sDataType == "LOGICAL" ) iAttribCnt = 0; else{ iErrorStop = 110; iRc = XB_INVALID_FIELD_TYPE; throw iRc; } sAttrib1 = ""; sAttrib2 = "0"; if( iAttribCnt == 0 ){ s.Ltrunc( sDataType.Len()); } else if( iAttribCnt > 0 ){ lPos = s.Pos( '(' ); if( lPos <= 0 ){ iErrorStop = 120; iRc = XB_INVALID_FIELD_LEN; throw iRc; } s.Ltrunc( lPos ); lPos = s.Pos( ')' ); if( lPos <= 0 ){ iErrorStop = 130; iRc = XB_INVALID_FIELD_LEN; throw iRc; } sWork.Assign( s, 1, lPos - 1); sWork.Trim(); if( iAttribCnt == 1 ){ sAttrib1 = sWork; } else { lCmPos = sWork.Pos( ',' ); if( lCmPos <= 0 ){ iErrorStop = 140; iRc = XB_INVALID_FIELD_LEN; throw iRc; } sAttrib1.Assign( sWork, 1, lCmPos - 1); sAttrib1.Trim(); sWork.Ltrunc( lCmPos ); sAttrib2 = sWork; sAttrib2.Trim(); } s.Ltrunc( lPos ); } s.Ltrim(); s.ZapLeadingChar( ',' ); s.Ltrim(); if( sDataType == "CHAR" ){ iType = XB_CHAR_FLD; } else if( sDataType == "DECIMAL" ){ xbInt32 lVal = atol( sAttrib1.Str()) + 1; sAttrib1.Sprintf( "%d", lVal ); iType = XB_NUMERIC_FLD; } else if( sDataType == "SMALLINT" ){ sAttrib1 = "6"; iType = XB_NUMERIC_FLD; } else if( sDataType == "INTEGER" ){ sAttrib1 = "11"; iType = XB_NUMERIC_FLD; } else if( sDataType == "NUMERIC" ){ iType = XB_NUMERIC_FLD; } else if( sDataType == "FLOAT" ) { iType = XB_FLOAT_FLD; } else if( sDataType == "DATE" ){ iType = XB_DATE_FLD; sAttrib1 = "8"; } else if( sDataType == "VARCHAR" ){ iType = XB_MEMO_FLD; sAttrib1 = "10"; } else if( sDataType == "LOGICAL" ){ iType = XB_LOGICAL_FLD; sAttrib1 = "1"; } sLlEntry.Sprintf( "%s,%s,%c,%s,%s", sFieldName.Str(), sDataType.Str(), iType, sAttrib1.Str(), sAttrib2.Str()); ll.InsertAtEnd( sLlEntry ); if( s.Len() == 0 ) bDone = xbTrue; } schema = (xbSchema *) calloc( ll.GetNodeCnt()+1, sizeof( xbSchema )); xbLinkListNode * llN = ll.GetHeadNode(); xbUInt32 ulCnt = ll.GetNodeCnt(); char *pTrg; for( xbUInt32 i = 0; i < ulCnt; i++ ){ s = llN->GetKey(); sFieldName.ExtractElement( s, ',', 1 , 0 ); pTrg = schema[i].cFieldName; for( xbUInt32 j = 0; j < sFieldName.Len(); j++ ) *pTrg++ = sFieldName[j+1]; sDataType.ExtractElement( s, ',', 3, 0 ); schema[i].cType = sDataType[1]; sAttrib1.ExtractElement( s, ',', 4, 0 ); schema[i].iFieldLen = atoi( sAttrib1.Str()); sAttrib2.ExtractElement( s, ',', 5, 0 ); schema[i].iNoOfDecs = atoi( sAttrib2.Str()); llN = llN->GetNextNode(); } // create the table xbDbf * dbf = NULL; #ifdef XB_DBF4_SUPPORT dbf = new xbDbf4( xbase ); #elif defined (XB_DBF3_SUPPORT) dbf = new xbDbf3( xbase ); #endif if(( iRc = dbf->CreateTable( sTableName, "", schema, 0, XB_MULTI_USER )) != XB_NO_ERROR ){ iErrorStop = 150; throw iRc; } free( schema ); ll.Clear(); } catch (xbInt16 iRc ){ xbString sMsg; if( sFieldName.Len() > 0 ) sMsg.Sprintf( "xbSql::SqlCreateTbl() Exception Caught. Error Stop = [%d] rc = [%d] table = [%s] field = [%s]", iErrorStop, iRc, sTableName.Str(), sFieldName.Str() ); else sMsg.Sprintf( "xbSql::SqlCreateTbl() Exception Caught. Error Stop = [%d] rc = [%d] table = [%s]", iErrorStop, iRc, sTableName.Str() ); xbase->WriteLogMessage( sMsg.Str() ); xbase->WriteLogMessage( GetErrorMessage( iRc )); if( schema ) free( schema ); } return iRc; } /***********************************************************************/ } /* namespace */ #endif /* XB_SQL_SUPPORT */