/* xb_test_xbdbf_v3_nomemos.cpp XBase64 Software Library Copyright (c) 1997,2003,2014,2022 Gary A Kunkel The xb64 software library is covered under the terms of the GPL Version 3, 2007 license. Email Contact: XDB-devel@lists.sourceforge.net XDB-users@lists.sourceforge.net */ // This program tests the class xbXdbf // usage: xb_test_dbf_v3_nomemos QUITE|NORMAL|VERBOSE #include "xbase.h" using namespace xb; #include "tstfuncs.cpp" int main( int argCnt, char **av ) { int iRc = 0; int iRc2 = 0; int po = 1; /* print option */ /* 0 - QUIET */ /* 1 - NORMAL */ /* 2 - VERBOSE */ if( argCnt > 1 ) { if( av[1][0] == 'Q' ) po = 0; else if( av[1][0] == 'V' ) po = 2; } xbSchema MyV3Record[] = { { "FIRSTNAME", XB_CHAR_FLD, 15, 0 }, { "LASTNAME", XB_CHAR_FLD, 20, 0 }, { "MIDDLEINIT", XB_CHAR_FLD, 1, 0 }, { "BIRTHDATE", XB_DATE_FLD, 8, 0 }, { "STARTDATE", XB_DATE_FLD, 8, 0 }, { "AMOUNT", XB_NUMERIC_FLD, 9, 2 }, { "TESTNUM", XB_NUMERIC_FLD, 12, 4 }, { "SWITCH", XB_LOGICAL_FLD, 1, 0 }, { "ZIPCODE", XB_NUMERIC_FLD, 5, 0 }, { "",0,0,0 } }; xbXBase x; #ifdef XB_LOGGING_SUPPORT x.EnableMsgLogging(); if( po ){ std::cout << "Logfile is [" << x.GetLogFqFileName().Str() << "]" << std::endl; } xbString sMsg; sMsg.Sprintf( "Program [%s] initializing...", av[0] ); x.WriteLogMessage( sMsg ); #endif x.SetDataDirectory( PROJECT_DATA_DIR ); x.EnableMsgLogging(); x.DisableDefaultAutoLock(); InitTime(); if( po > 0 ) std::cout << "Default Data Directory is [" << x.GetDataDirectory().Str() << "]" << std::endl; xbDbf3 V3Dbf( &x ); /* version 3 dbf file */ iRc2 = V3Dbf.CreateTable( "TestV3.DBF", "TestV3", MyV3Record, XB_OVERLAY, XB_MULTI_USER ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "CreateTable()", (xbInt32) iRc2, XB_NO_ERROR ); if( iRc2 ) x.DisplayError( iRc2 ); if( po == 2 ){ std::cout << "There should be one entry in the table list" << std::endl; x.DisplayTableList(); } xbDbf3 V3Dbf2( &x ); // next occurrence should error as a dup x.WriteLogMessage( "Second create attempt" ); iRc2 = V3Dbf2.CreateTable( "TestV3.DBF", "TestV3", MyV3Record, XB_DONTOVERLAY, XB_MULTI_USER ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "CreateTable()", iRc2, XB_FILE_EXISTS ); if( iRc2 != XB_FILE_EXISTS ){ x.DisplayError( iRc2 ); } if( po == 2 ){ std::cout << "There should be one entry in the table list" << std::endl; x.DisplayTableList(); } iRc += TestMethod( po, "BlankRecord()", V3Dbf.BlankRecord(), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetFieldNo()", V3Dbf.GetFieldNo("LASTNAME"), 1 ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetFieldNo()", V3Dbf.GetFieldNo("MIDDLEINIT"), 2 ); xbInt16 fldLastName = V3Dbf.GetFieldNo( "LASTNAME" ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutField()", V3Dbf.PutField( fldLastName, "NELSON" ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutField()", V3Dbf.PutField( "FIRSTNAME", "WILLIE" ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutField()", V3Dbf.PutField( "AMOUNT", "12.34" ), XB_NO_ERROR ); xbDate d( "19991201" ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutDateField()", V3Dbf.PutDateField( "STARTDATE", d ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutField()", V3Dbf.PutField( "STARTDATE", "19991301" ), XB_INVALID_DATA ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutField()", V3Dbf.PutField( "STARTDATE", "19991201" ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutLongField()", V3Dbf.PutLongField( "ZIPCODE", 12345 ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutLogicalField()", V3Dbf.PutLogicalField( "SWITCH", "Y" ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutFloatField()", V3Dbf.PutFloatField( "TESTNUM", (xbFloat) 1234.5678 ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "AppendRecord()", V3Dbf.AppendRecord(), XB_NO_ERROR ); xbString sf; iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetField1()", V3Dbf.GetField( fldLastName, sf, 0 ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetField2()", sf, "NELSON ", 20 ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetField3()", V3Dbf.GetField( fldLastName, sf ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetField4()", sf, "NELSON ", 20 ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetField5()", V3Dbf.GetField( "LASTNAME", sf ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetField6()", sf, "NELSON ", 20 ); xbInt16 iNoOfDecimals; iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetFieldDecimal()", V3Dbf.GetFieldDecimal( "AMOUNT", iNoOfDecimals ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetFieldDecimal()", iNoOfDecimals, 2 ); char FieldType; iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetFieldType()", V3Dbf.GetFieldType( "STARTDATE", FieldType ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetFieldType()", FieldType , 'D' ); xbInt16 iFieldLen; iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetFieldLen()", V3Dbf.GetFieldLen( "STARTDATE", iFieldLen ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetFieldLen()", iFieldLen, 8 ); xbInt16 fldAMT = V3Dbf.GetFieldNo( "AMOUNT" ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetRawField1()", V3Dbf.GetField( fldAMT, sf ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetRawField2()", sf, " 12.34", 9 ); xbInt32 lZip; iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetLongField()", V3Dbf.GetLongField( "ZIPCODE", lZip ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetLongField()", lZip, 12345 ); xbString sSwitch; iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetLogicalField()", V3Dbf.GetLogicalField( "SWITCH", sSwitch ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetLogicalField()", sSwitch, "Y", 1 ); xbFloat fNum; iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetFloatField()", V3Dbf.GetFloatField( "TESTNUM", fNum ), 0 ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetFloatField()", fNum, (xbFloat) 1234.5678 ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetDateField()", V3Dbf.GetDateField( "STARTDATE", d ), 0 ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetDateField()", d.Str(), "19991201", 8 ); // init a second record for more testing iRc += TestMethod( po, "BlankRecord()", V3Dbf.BlankRecord(), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutLogicalField()", V3Dbf.PutLogicalField( "SWITCH", xbTrue ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "AppendRecord()", V3Dbf.AppendRecord(), XB_NO_ERROR ); xbBool bSwitch; iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetLogicalField()", V3Dbf.GetLogicalField( "SWITCH", bSwitch ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetLogicalField()", bSwitch, xbTrue ); // init a third record for more testing iRc += TestMethod( po, "BlankRecord()", V3Dbf.BlankRecord(), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutLogicalField()", V3Dbf.PutLogicalField( "SWITCH", xbFalse ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "AppendRecord()", V3Dbf.AppendRecord(), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetLogicalField()", V3Dbf.GetLogicalField( "SWITCH", bSwitch ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetLogicalField()", bSwitch, xbFalse ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutField()", V3Dbf.PutField( "TESTNUM", "12345678" ), XB_INVALID_DATA ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutField()", V3Dbf.PutField( "TESTNUM", "1234567" ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutField()", V3Dbf.PutField( "TESTNUM", "1234567.12345" ), XB_INVALID_DATA ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutField()", V3Dbf.PutField( "TESTNUM", ".12345" ), XB_INVALID_DATA ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutField()", V3Dbf.PutField( "TESTNUM", ".1234" ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutField()", V3Dbf.PutField( "TESTNUM", "12345678.1234" ), XB_INVALID_DATA ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutField()", V3Dbf.PutField( "TESTNUM", "1234567.1234" ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "AppendRecord()", V3Dbf.AppendRecord(), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetFieldCnt()", V3Dbf.GetFieldCnt(), 9 ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetTblAlias()", V3Dbf.GetTblAlias(), "TestV3", 6 ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetDbfStatus()", V3Dbf.GetDbfStatus(), XB_OPEN ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetCurRecNo()", (xbInt32) V3Dbf.GetCurRecNo(), 4 ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetFirstRecord()", V3Dbf.GetFirstRecord(), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetCurRecNo()", (xbInt32) V3Dbf.GetCurRecNo(), 1 ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetNextRecord()", V3Dbf.GetNextRecord(), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetCurRecNo()", (xbInt32) V3Dbf.GetCurRecNo(), 2 ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetLastRecord()", V3Dbf.GetLastRecord(), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetCurRecNo()", (xbInt32) V3Dbf.GetCurRecNo(), 4 ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetPrevRecord()", V3Dbf.GetPrevRecord(), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetCurRecNo()", (xbInt32) V3Dbf.GetCurRecNo(), 3 ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetRecordLen()", V3Dbf.GetRecordLen(), 80 ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetFirstRecord( XB_ALL_RECS )", V3Dbf.GetFirstRecord( XB_ALL_RECS ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetCurRecNo()", (xbInt32) V3Dbf.GetCurRecNo(), 1 ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetNextRecord( XB_ALL_RECS )", V3Dbf.GetNextRecord( XB_ALL_RECS ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetCurRecNo()", (xbInt32) V3Dbf.GetCurRecNo(), 2 ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetLastRecord( XB_ALL_RECS )", V3Dbf.GetLastRecord( XB_ALL_RECS ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetCurRecNo()", (xbInt32) V3Dbf.GetCurRecNo(), 4 ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetPrevRecord( XB_ALL_RECS )", V3Dbf.GetPrevRecord( XB_ALL_RECS ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetCurRecNo()", (xbInt32) V3Dbf.GetCurRecNo(), 3 ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetFirstRecord( XB_DELETED_RECS )", V3Dbf.GetFirstRecord( XB_DELETED_RECS ), XB_EOF ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetLastRecord( XB_DELETED_RECS )", V3Dbf.GetLastRecord( XB_DELETED_RECS ), XB_EOF ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetFirstRecord( XB_ALL_RECS )", V3Dbf.GetFirstRecord( XB_ALL_RECS ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetNextRecord( XB_DELETED_RECS )", V3Dbf.GetNextRecord( XB_DELETED_RECS ), XB_EOF ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetLastRecord( XB_ALL_RECS )", V3Dbf.GetLastRecord( XB_ALL_RECS ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetPrevRecord( XB_DELETED_RECS )", V3Dbf.GetPrevRecord( XB_DELETED_RECS ), XB_BOF ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "DeleteAllRecords()", V3Dbf.DeleteAllRecords(), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetFirstRecord()", V3Dbf.GetFirstRecord(), XB_EOF ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetLastRecord()", V3Dbf.GetLastRecord(), XB_EOF ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetFirstRecord( XB_ALL_RECS )", V3Dbf.GetFirstRecord( XB_ALL_RECS ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetCurRecNo()", (xbInt32) V3Dbf.GetCurRecNo(), 1 ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetNextRecord( XB_ALL_RECS )", V3Dbf.GetNextRecord( XB_ALL_RECS ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetCurRecNo()", (xbInt32) V3Dbf.GetCurRecNo(), 2 ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetNextRecord()", V3Dbf.GetNextRecord(), XB_EOF ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetLastRecord( XB_ALL_RECS )", V3Dbf.GetLastRecord( XB_ALL_RECS ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetCurRecNo()", (xbInt32) V3Dbf.GetCurRecNo(), 4 ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetPrevRecord( XB_ALL_RECS )", V3Dbf.GetPrevRecord( XB_ALL_RECS ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetCurRecNo()", (xbInt32) V3Dbf.GetCurRecNo(), 3 ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "UndeleteAllRecords()", V3Dbf.UndeleteAllRecords(), XB_NO_ERROR ); char * p = V3Dbf.GetRecordBuf(); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetRecordBuf()", p[0], ' ' ); if( po == 2 ){ V3Dbf.DumpHeader( 3 ); V3Dbf.DumpRecord( 4 ); } iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutField()", V3Dbf.PutField( "LASTNAME", "CLINTON" ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "PutRecord()", V3Dbf.PutRecord(), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "DeleteRecord()", V3Dbf.DeleteRecord(), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "UndeleteRecord()", V3Dbf.UndeleteRecord(), XB_NO_ERROR ); xbUInt32 ulRecCnt = 0; iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetRecordCnt()", V3Dbf.GetRecordCnt( ulRecCnt ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetRecordCnt()b",(xbInt32) ulRecCnt, 4 ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "DeleteAllRecords()", V3Dbf.DeleteAllRecords(), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "UndeleteAllRecords()", V3Dbf.UndeleteAllRecords(), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetRecord()", V3Dbf.GetRecord( 4 ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "DeleteRecord()", V3Dbf.DeleteRecord(), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "Commit()", V3Dbf.Commit(), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetDbfStatus()", V3Dbf.GetDbfStatus(), XB_OPEN ); if( po == 2 ){ V3Dbf.DumpRecord( 4 ); } xbDbf3 CopyDbf( &x ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "CopyDbfStructure()", V3Dbf.CopyDbfStructure( &CopyDbf, "CopyStructureV3NoMemos", "CopyAliasV3NoMemos", XB_OVERLAY, XB_MULTI_USER ), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "CopyDbf.Close()", CopyDbf.Close(), XB_NO_ERROR ); if( po == 2 ){ std::cout << "There should be one entry in the table list" << std::endl; x.DisplayTableList(); } iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetDbfStatus()", CopyDbf.GetDbfStatus(), XB_CLOSED ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "Open()", CopyDbf.xbDbf::Open( "CopyStructureV3NoMemos.DBF", "CopyAliasV3NoMemos" ), XB_NO_ERROR ); if( po == 2 ){ std::cout << "There should be two entries in the table list" << std::endl; x.DisplayTableList(); } iRc += TestMethod( po, "CopyDbf.Close()", CopyDbf.Close(), XB_NO_ERROR ); #ifdef XB_DEBUG_SUPPORT #ifdef XB_LOCKING_SUPPORT V3Dbf.DumpTableLockStatus(); #endif #endif iRc += TestMethod( po, "PackTable( 0, 0 )", V3Dbf.Pack(), XB_NO_ERROR ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "GetDbfStatus()", V3Dbf.GetDbfStatus(), XB_OPEN ); iRc += TestMethod( po, "Zap()", V3Dbf.Zap(), XB_NO_ERROR ); if( po == 2 ) x.DisplayTableList(); iRc += TestMethod( po, "Close()", V3Dbf.Close(), XB_NO_ERROR ); if( po == 2 ) x.DisplayTableList(); if( po > 0 || iRc < 0 ) fprintf( stdout, "Total Errors = %d\n", iRc * -1 ); V3Dbf.Abort(); // don't crash the program if uncommited updates #ifdef XB_LOGGING_SUPPORT sMsg.Sprintf( "Program [%s] terminating with [%d] errors...", av[0], iRc * -1 ); x.WriteLogMessage( sMsg ); #endif return iRc; }