# $Id: xbase.spec.in,v 1.10 2003/02/08 03:02:22 dbryson Exp $ %define xbase_ver @VERSION@ Summary: Xbase dBase database file library Name: xbase-@RHREL@-@GXXVER@ Provides: xbase-@RELEASE@ Version: %{xbase_ver} Release: 1 Source: xbase-@VERSION@.tar.gz Copyright: LGPL Group: Development/Libraries Packager: Derry Bryson Vendor: Xbase Development Team (linux.techass.com/projects/xdb) %description Library for accessing dBase .dbf, .ndx, .dbt, and Clipper .ntx files. %package -n xbase-devel-@RHREL@-@GXXVER@ Version: %{xbase_ver} Summary: Xbase development package Group: Development/Libraries Provides: xbase-devel-@RELEASE@ Requires: xbase-@RELEASE@ %description -n xbase-devel-@RHREL@-@GXXVER@ Headers and such for compiling programs that use the Xbase library. %prep %setup -n xbase-@VERSION@ CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-static %build make %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install %post /sbin/ldconfig %postun /sbin/ldconfig %files -n xbase-@RHREL@-@GXXVER@ /usr/bin/checkndx /usr/bin/copydbf /usr/bin/deletall /usr/bin/dumphdr /usr/bin/dumprecs /usr/bin/packdbf /usr/bin/reindex /usr/bin/undelall /usr/bin/zap /usr/bin/dbfutil1 /usr/lib/libxbase.so /usr/lib/libxbase-@RELEASE@.so.* %doc NEWS README TODO AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog %files -n xbase-devel-@RHREL@-@GXXVER@ /usr/include/xbase /usr/bin/xbase-config /usr/lib/libxbase.la /usr/lib/libxbase.a %doc docs/html docs/latex