
Multipage mode


XSane mode: xsane-target
Scan options

Medium selection

Color management

Color correction:
Standard options window

Advanced options window

Batch scan:

In the multipage mode you can collect several images and create a multipage file.
Available multipage formats are postscript, PDF and tiff.



Show image:

The internal viewer is opened to display the selected image.

Edit image:

The internal viewer is opened to edit the selected image.

Delete image:

Delete the selected image.

Save multipage file:

All images that are part of the multipage project are saved into the file with the name of the multipage project and with the selected filetype as extension.
After creating the multipage file you should delete the multipage project!

Delete project:

Delete the multipage project. Note that you should delete the project after creation of the multipage file to reduce disk usage!

Author: Oliver Rauch