This is the list of what I did to compile and install xsane-win32. Some parts may not be exact because I wrote them down from my mind. I) Needed installation of cygwin: I.1) go to I.2) click the install cygwin button I.3) follow the instructions (I installed all packages but not all packages are necessary) - install to c:\cygwin - use preselected options I.4) mkdir c:/sane I.5) cp /bin/cygwin1.dll c:/sane I.6) cp /bin/cygjpeg*.dll c:/sane I.7) cp /bin/cygpng*.dll c:/sane I.8) cp /bin/cygtiff*.dll c:/sane I.9) cp /bin/cygz.dll c:/sane I.a) cp /bin/cygintl.dll c:/sane II) Needed gtk+ and glib: II.1) get glib-dev-*.zip and gtk+-dev-*.zip and iconv-dev*.zip from II.2) start cygwin bash shell II.3) mkdir /src II.4) unpack gtk+, glib and iconv to c:\cygwin II.5) cd /src/glib II.6) cp *.h /usr/include II.7) cp libglib*.a /usr/lib II.8) cp glib-*.dll c:/sane II.9) cd /src/gtk+/gdk II.a) mkdir /usr/include/gdk II.b) cp *.h /usr/include/gdk II.c) cp libgdk-*.a /usr/lib II.d) cp gdk-*.dll c:/sane II.e) cd /src/gtk+/gtk II.f) mkdir /usr/include/gtk II.g) cp *.h /usr/include/gtk II.h) cp libgtk-*.a /usr/lib II.i) cp gtk-*.dll c:/sane II.j) cd /src/libiconv*/src II.k) cp iconv*.dll c:/sane IIb) If GIMP-Plugin shall be compiled (otherwise skip this section): IIb.1) get gimp-dev-*.zip from IIb.2) unpack gimp-dev to c:\cygwin IIb.3) cd /src/gimp/libgimp IIb.4) mkdir /usr/include/libgimp IIb.5) cp *.h /usr/include/libgimp IIb.6) cp gimp-*.dll c:/sane IIb.7) cp libgimp-*.a /usr/lib III) Needed sane-parts: III.1) copy sane-source-package to /src III.2) cd /src III.3) tar xvzf sane-*.tar.gz III.4) cd /src/sane-* III.5) edit backend/net.c and change sanei_backend.h to sanei_backend_win32.h III.6) cp src/sane-*/include/sane/sanei_backend.h to include/sane/sanei_backend_win32.h III.7) remove all lines containing "ENTRY" from sane/include/sanei_backend_win32.h III.8) call ./configure --prefix=/cygdrive/c/sane (do not use c:/sane because ":" is used as path separator) III.9) edit backend/Makefile - remove all backends but net from PRELOADABLE_BACKENDS - remove dll from ALL_BACKENDS - add net to DLL_PRELOAD - remove dll.lo dll-s.lo from line beginning with "" III.a) Remove lines with isfdtype and vsyslog from sanei/sanei_init_debug.c III.b) compile sane (in directory sane-1.0.*) (call make) this should create a file backend/.libs/libsane.a and frontend/scanimage.exe III.c) mkdir /usr/include/sane III.d) cp include/sane/sane.h /usr/include/sane III.e) cp include/sane/saneopts.h /usr/include/sane III.f) cp backend/.libs/libsane.a /usr/lib III.g) cp frontend/scanimage.exe /sane IV) compiling xsane: IV.1) copy xsane-source-package to /src IV.2) cd /src IV.3) tar xvzf xsane-*.tar.gz IV.4) cd /xsane-* IV.5) edit configure and remove "exit" after "ERROR: SANE" and "ERROR: GTK" IV.6) copy src/ to src/ IV.7) call ./configure --prefix="c:'\\\\'sane" ignore errors about missing gtk, gimp and sane IV.8) In src/Makefile do: - check GTK-DLL names, GDK-DLL names in GTK_LIBS: GTK_LIBS = -lgtk-1.3 -lgdk-1.3 and name of gimp-library: GIMP_LIBS = -lgimp-1.2 -lglib-1.3 - When you want to compile xsane without gimp support: comment out GIMP_LIBS ... with a "#" - When you want to compile xsane with debug output, remove "-mwindows" from the CC=... line (this creates a Dosbox when xsane is started, XSANE_DEBUG=128 and SANE_DEBUG_NET=128 enables debug messages) IV.9) compile xsane (in directory xsane-0.*/) (call make) IV.a) make install V) set up correct environment V.1) mkdir c:/sane/etc V.2) mkdir c:/sane/etc/sane.d V.3) vi c:/sane/etc/sane.d/net.conf and enter a list of NetBEUI names or of IP-addresses of machines you want to connect to. On some Windows system IP-addresses are not accepted; if you experience any problems try the NetBUI names. example for net.conf: myhost1 V.4) mkdir c:/sane/home V.5) mkdir c:/sane/home/xsane