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get La get join WB /QL QL 1 sub D} D /RO {WB -1 SS /CF 0 D 0 FS} D /SY {WB -1 SS -1 FS} D /MY {WB -1 SS -2 FS} D /ES {WB /SL SL 1 sub NN D /CF 0 D /FN FO SL get D SZ SL get FR SL get FS ()Ec}D /FZ {3 sub 1.2 E exp GS mul E WB TL /C1 C1 ( Cp ) join D /SL SL 1 add D 0 FS} D /Ef {WB TL ()ES /C1 C1 ( Cp ) join D} D /BZ {dup /Bf E D FZ}D /Sc {dup -1 ne Cf and{/CL CL 1 add D dup 0 eq{pop [0 0 0]}if dup CA E CL E put VS ( VC ) join C1 E join /C1 E D}{pop}ie} D /Ec {WB Cf{/CL CL 1 sub NN D CA CL get VS ( VC ) join C1 E join /C1 E D}if} D /VS {dup type /arraytype eq{([) E {ST cvs join ( ) join}forall (]) join}if} D /VC {{255 div}forall setrgbcolor} D /Sl {dup type /integertype ne{Ds}if /La E D WB}d /UN {WB /UF t D} D /NU {WB /UF f D} D /SE {WB /sF t D} D /XE {WB /sF f D} D /sM {/C1 C1 ( k1 ) join D}d /eM {/C1 C1 ( k2 ) join D}d /k1 {/YC CP E pop Ts add D /mF t D /f1 t D}d /k2 {gsave 3 LW -9 CP E pop Ts 0.2 mul sub M -9 YC L stroke grestore /mF f D}d /Ac {/AC E D WB}d /Ca {eA{( \()join AC join(\) )join}if WB}d /s {OU{gsave 0 CS .25 mul R dup SW pop CJ 0 RL stroke grestore}if}D /CJ {AT 3 eq LB and{E dup dup length 1 sub A1 mul E {( ) search{pop pop E A2 add E}{pop exit}ie}loop 3 -1 roll add W CP pop sub 2 copy gt{E}if pop}if}D /So {/Co E D} D /SO {C1 Yo ST cvs join ( So ) join /C1 E D (j) SW pop 2 div Pd} D /Se {E WB CS E div Pd}D /Pd {dup type /stringtype eq{SW pop}if dup /L1 E L1 add D ST cvs ( 0 R ) join C1 E join /C1 E D} D /Sp {0.35 CO} D /Sb {-0.2 CO} D /CO {OV Io Yo put /Yo E CS mul Yo add D /Io Io 1 add D -1.5 Io mul 3 add FZ SO CS Yo add dup YA gt{/YA E D}{pop}ie Yo neg dup YB gt{/YB E D}{pop}ie} D /Es {ES /Io Io 1 sub NN D /Yo OV Io get D SO} D /SB {/N2 0 D 0 1 NI{/N E D{IX N2 get 0 lt{/N2 N2 1 add D}{exit}ie}loop /K WS N get FC N get mul D /NY AY N2 get D /BV NY array D 0 1 NY 1 sub{/TM K string D currentfile TM readhexstring pop pop BV E TM put} for BM N BV put /N2 N2 1 add D}for} D /IC [{/MA E D /MB 0 D}{2 div /MA E D /MB MA D}{/MB E CS sub D /MA CS D} {pop /MA YS AB mul D /MB 1 AB sub YS mul D}{pop /MA 0 D /MB 0 D}] D /IP {BV N get /N N 1 add D} D /II {/K E D IX K get 0 lt{/EC E D}if /TY E D TY 4 eq{/Y E D /X E D}if TY 3 eq{/AB E D}if /XW AX K get D /YW AY K get D /IS SG IT K get get D /XS XW IS mul D /YS YW IS mul D YS IC TY get exec /MA MA Fl not{3 add}if D} D /IM {II /ty TY D /xs XS D /ys YS D /ya YA D /yb YB D /ma MA D /mb MB D /k K D /ec EC D /BP f D /CI 0 D WB TL L1 xs add dup XO add MR add W gt {pop /ma ma Fl{3 add}if D NL /YA ma D /YB mb D /YS ys D /L1 xs D} {/L1 E D ma YA gt{/YA ma D}if mb YB gt{/YB mb D}if}ie /TB f D OU{CP E pop YS sub LE neg lt Fl not and PB not and{NP /YA ma D /YB mb D}if /BP f D ty ST cvs ( ) join IX k get 0 lt{(\() join ec join (\) ) join}if k ST cvs join ty 3 eq{AB ST cvs ( ) join E join}if ty 4 eq{X ST cvs ( ) join Y ST cvs join ( ) join E join}if C1 E join ( DI ) join FP 2 eq FP 1 eq AF and or{( FM ) join}if ( Il Cp ) apa /C1 E D /EN f D}if /HM t D /T f D} D /DI {II /Xc CP /Yc E D D /YN YW neg D /HM t D /CI 0 D /K2 IX K get D gsave TY 4 eq{OX X IS mul add OY FY add YS sub Y IS mul sub} {/FY YS D CP MB sub 2 copy /OY E D /OX E D}ie translate K2 0 ge{/DP AZ K2 get D /BV BM K2 get D XS YS scale /N 0 D XW YW DP [XW 0 0 YN 0 YW] {IP} FC K2 get 1 eq{image}{f 3 colorimage}ie} {EX}ie grestore XS 0 R /Ms t D} D /FM {gsave 0 Sg CP MB sub translate XS neg 0 M 0 YS RL XS 0 RL 0 YS neg RL XS neg 0 RL stroke grestore} D /NA {/AT E D /AL AL 1 add D AV AL AT put} D /OA {AL 0 gt{/AL AL 1 sub D /AT AV AL get D}if} D /D1 {/BR {CP E pop E BN Mb{CP E pop eq{0 YI R}if}{pop}ie} D /Sn {OU{C1 E ST cvs join ( Ld ) join /C1 E D}{pop}ie} D} D /D1 {/BR {BN} D /Sn {OU {C1 E ST cvs join ( Ld ) join /C1 E D} {pop} ie} D} D /TC {/TF t D /ML 0 D HN{SW pop dup ML gt{/ML E D}{pop}ie}forall NP /RM RM not D RC /OU Tc D Ep /PN 0 D Ms not TP and{Ip}if /W IW ML sub Ts sub D /A0 0 D TH{/BR {( ) join BT} D /Sn {pop} D /Au () D}if} D /TN {0 eq{E EA PF HF or not XR and{HN E get Xr}{pop}ie} {OU{Tn 0 ge{() BN}if /Tn E D}{pop}ie WB}ie} D /NT {OU LB not and Tn 0 ge and{PL 0 eq{Ms not{CS CF FS}if CP dup /y E YA sub D W 9 sub CS -1.8 mul XO L1 add 2 add{y M (.) show}for HN Tn get dup SW pop IW E sub y M show CP BB M}if /Tn -1 D}if} D /Ld {/DN E D HN DN Pn put [/View [/XYZ -4 Fl{PS}{CP YA add US E pop}ie null] /Dest DN ST cvs cvn /DEST pdfmark} D /C {ND 1 eq{1 sub}if TI mul /XO E D NL Nf not{pop()}if 0 3 -1 roll 1 A} D /OP {BP not{NP}if PN 2 mod 0 eq{/Ms t D NP}if}D /Ep {Xp PN 2 mod 0 eq and OU and{/Pn (-) D showpage /PM 1 D LA}if}D /Dg [73 86 88 76 67 68 77] D /Rd [0 [1 1 0][2 1 0][3 1 0][2 1 1][1 1 1][2 2 1][3 3 1][4 4 1][2 1 2]] D /Ns {/m E D /c E 32 mul D /j m 1000 idiv D /p j 12 add string D c 96 le m 0 gt and{c 32 le {/i 0 D /d 77 D /l 100 D /m m j 1000 mul sub D j -1 1 {pop p i d c add put /i i 1 add D}for 4 -2 0 {/j E D /n m l idiv D /m m n l mul sub D /d Dg j get D n 0 gt {/x Rd n get D x 0 get -1 1 {pop p i d c add put /i i 1 add D}for p i x 1 get sub Dg x 2 get j add get c add put}if /l l 10 idiv D }for 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0.8 mul}{11 mul}ie W XO sub MR sub 2 copy gt{E}if pop /HZ E D Bt 2 eq{Fi not{pop()}if ( )E join /Ft E D TT /PF t D /MW 1 D /Li 1 D /Fw Ft SW pop D Fw HZ gt{/HZ Fw 8 add D}if HZ ST cvs( )join}{WB Ch ST cvs( )join}ie L1 HZ add XO add MR add W gt{NL}if Bt 2 eq{Ft ES Fw neg HM{CS sub}if Pd}if Bt ST cvs join( Bx )join Bt 2 eq HM and{CS Pd}if C1 E join /C1 E D /L1 L1 HZ add D /T f D ( ) Pd /PF f D Bt 2 lt{YA CS .8 mul lt{/YA CS .8 mul D}if} {YB 5 lt{/YB 5 D}if YA 21 lt{/YA 21 D}if}ie /CI 0 D} D /Bx {dup 2 eq{E /Bz E D}{E /cH E D /Bz CS .8 mul D}ie OU {gsave 0 Sg XP E get exec stroke grestore}{pop}ie Bz 0 R /Ms t D}D /SD {FD 4 mul Dy add DZ NF newpath 0 0 M DX t charpath pathbbox 3 -1 roll sub /DY E D E dup /X1 E D sub WM mul WX DY mul add WM DG mul E div /DF E D /DR WX DF mul DY mul WM div 2 div D} d /Sd {gsave 0 IL Di mul neg translate IL IW atan Di 0 eq{neg}if rotate FD 4 mul Dy add DZ NF DR X1 sub DY 2 div neg M cD VC DX show grestore} d /Pt {/tp t D Tp{NP /Pn (TP) D 0 Tt neg R Th BN NP 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/AE f D /AF f D /BP t D /CD f D /PA t D /GL f D /T t D /HF f D /AH f D /SA f D /PB f D /f1 f D /mF f D /OX 0 D /OY 0 D /FY 0 D /EO 0 D /FB 0 D /PL 0 D /Bw 0 D /PD -1 D /TP f D /tp f D /TH t D /Ty 4 D /Tn -1 D /Fl t D /LB t D /PM 1 D /Ms f D /Ba f D /Bb f D /Hl 3 D /hl 6 D /Hv 6 D /Hs f D /HI 0 D /hi 0 D /PO t D /TE f D /LF t D /BO 0 D /Sm 1 D /Bf 3 D /A1 0 D /A2 0 D /Ds 1 D /QL -1 D /Cb Db D /Ct Dt D /Cl Dl D [/Creator (html2ps version 1.0 beta5) /Author () /Keywords (xsd, xml, schema, c++, mapping, data, binding, tree, serialization, guide, manual, examples) /Subject () /Title (C++/Tree Mapping User Manual) /DOCINFO pdfmark /ND 1 D /HN [(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) (3) (3) (3) (4) (5) (5) (5) (5) (6) (6) (7) (??) (9) (10) (11) (11) (12) (14) (17) (18) (19) (21) (22) (23) (24) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (28) (30) (31) (31) (35) (35) (35) (37) (39) (43) (45) (46) (48) (50) (50) (53) (54) (56) (59) (64) (69) (69) (72) (72) (73) (75) (76) (76) (77) (78) (78) (78) (79) (79) (80) (80) (80) (81) (81) (83) (83) (85) (86) (86) (87) (87) (87) (88) (89) (90) (90) (92) (93) (??) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) (3) (3) (3) (4) (5) (5) (5) (5) (6) (6) (7) (9) (10) (11) (11) (12) (14) (17) (18) (19) (21) (22) (23) (24) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (28) (30) (31) (31) (35) (35) (35) (37) (39) (43) (45) (46) (48) (50) (50) (53) (54) (56) (59) (64) (69) (69) (72) (72) (73) (75) (76) (76) (77) (78) (78) (78) (79) (79) (80) (80) (80) (81) (81) (83) (83) (85) (86) (86) (87) (87) (87) (88) (89) (90) (90) (92) (93)] D /h0 [()(Table of Contents)] D /h1 [(1\240\240)(Preface)] D /h2 [(1.1\240\240)(About This Document)] D /h3 [(1.2\240\240)(More Information)] D /h4 [(2\240\240)(1 Introduction)] D /h5 [(3\240\240)(2 C++/Tree Mapping)] D /h6 [(3.1\240\240)(2.1 Preliminary Information)] D /h7 [(3.1.1\240\240)(2.1.1 Identifiers)] D /h8 [(3.1.2\240\240)(2.1.2 Character Type and Encoding)] D /h9 [(3.1.3\240\240)(2.1.3 XML Schema Namespace)] D /h10 [(3.1.4\240\240)(2.1.4 Anonymous Types)] D /h11 [(3.2\240\240)(2.2 Error Handling)] D /h12 [(3.2.1\240\240)(2.2.1 xml_schema::duplicate_id)] D /h13 [(3.3\240\240)(2.3 Mapping for import and include)] D /h14 [(3.3.1\240\240)(2.3.1 Import)] D /h15 [(3.3.2\240\240)(2.3.2 Inclusion with Target Namespace)] D /h16 [(3.3.3\240\240)(2.3.3 Inclusion without Target Namespace)] D /h17 [(3.4\240\240)(2.4 Mapping for Namespaces)] D /h18 [(3.5\240\240)(2.5 Mapping for Built-in Data Types)] D /h19 [(3.5.1\240\240)(2.5.1 Inheritance from Built-in Data Types)] D /h20 [(3.5.2\240\240)(2.5.2 Mapping for anyType)] D /h21 [(3.5.3\240\240)(2.5.3 Mapping for anySimpleType)] D /h22 [(3.5.4\240\240)(2.5.4 Mapping for QName)] D /h23 [(3.5.5\240\240)(2.5.5 Mapping for IDREF)] D /h24 [(3.5.6\240\240)(2.5.6 Mapping for base64Binary and hexBinary)] D /h25 [(3.6\240\240)(2.5.7 Time Zone Representation)] D /h26 [(3.7\240\240)(2.5.8 Mapping for date)] D /h27 [(3.8\240\240)(2.5.9 Mapping for dateTime)] D /h28 [(3.9\240\240)(2.5.10 Mapping for duration)] D /h29 [(3.10\240\240)(2.5.11 Mapping for gDay)] D /h30 [(3.11\240\240)(2.5.12 Mapping for gMonth)] D /h31 [(3.12\240\240)(2.5.13 Mapping for gMonthDay)] D /h32 [(3.13\240\240)(2.5.14 Mapping for gYear)] D /h33 [(3.14\240\240)(2.5.15 Mapping for gYearMonth)] D /h34 [(3.15\240\240)(2.5.16 Mapping for time)] D /h35 [(3.16\240\240)(2.6 Mapping for Simple Types)] D /h36 [(3.16.1\240\240)(2.6.1 Mapping for Derivation by Restriction)] D /h37 [(3.16.2\240\240)(2.6.2 Mapping for Enumerations)] D /h38 [(3.16.3\240\240)(2.6.3 Mapping for Derivation by List)] D /h39 [(3.16.4\240\240)(2.6.4 Mapping for Derivation by Union)] D /h40 [(3.17\240\240)(2.7 Mapping for Complex Types)] D /h41 [(3.17.1\240\240)(2.7.1 Mapping for Derivation by Extension)] D /h42 [(3.17.2\240\240)(2.7.2 Mapping for Derivation by Restriction)] D /h43 [(3.18\240\240)(2.8 Mapping for Local Elements and Attributes)] D /h44 [(3.18.1\240\240)(2.8.1 Mapping for Members with the One Cardinality Class)] D /h45 [(3.18.2\240\240)(2.8.2 Mapping for Members with the Optional Cardinality Class)] D /h46 [(3.18.3\240\240)(2.8.3 Mapping for Members with the Sequence Cardinality Class)] D /h47 [(3.19\240\240)(2.9 Mapping for Global Elements)] D /h48 [(3.19.1\240\240)(2.9.1 Element Types)] D /h49 [(3.19.2\240\240)(2.9.2 Element Map)] D /h50 [(3.20\240\240)(2.10 Mapping for Global Attributes)] D /h51 [(3.21\240\240)(2.11 Mapping for xsi:type and Substitution Groups)] D /h52 [(3.22\240\240)(2.12 Mapping for any and anyAttribute)] D /h53 [(3.22.1\240\240)(2.12.1 Mapping for any with the One Cardinality Class)] D /h54 [(3.22.2\240\240)(2.12.2 Mapping for any with the Optional Cardinality Class)] D /h55 [(3.22.3\240\240)(2.12.3 Mapping for any with the Sequence Cardinality Class)] D /h56 [(3.22.4\240\240)(2.12.4 Mapping for anyAttribute)] D /h57 [(3.23\240\240)(2.13 Mapping for Mixed Content Models)] D /h58 [(4\240\240)(3 Parsing)] D /h59 [(4.1\240\240)(3.1 Initializing the Xerces-C++ Runtime)] D /h60 [(4.2\240\240)(3.2 Flags and Properties)] D /h61 [(4.3\240\240)(3.3 Error Handling)] D /h62 [(4.3.1\240\240)(3.3.1 xml_schema::parsing)] D /h63 [(4.3.2\240\240)(3.3.2 xml_schema::expected_element)] D /h64 [(4.3.3\240\240)(3.3.3 xml_schema::unexpected_element)] D /h65 [(4.3.4\240\240)(3.3.4 xml_schema::expected_attribute)] D /h66 [(4.3.5\240\240)(3.3.5 xml_schema::unexpected_enumerator)] D /h67 [(4.3.6\240\240)(3.3.6 xml_schema::expected_text_content)] D /h68 [(4.3.7\240\240)(3.3.7 xml_schema::no_type_info)] D /h69 [(4.3.8\240\240)(3.3.8 xml_schema::not_derived)] D /h70 [(4.3.9\240\240)(3.3.9 xml_schema::no_prefix_mapping)] D /h71 [(4.4\240\240)(3.4 Reading from a Local File or URI)] D /h72 [(4.5\240\240)(3.5 Reading from std::istream)] D /h73 [(4.6\240\240)(3.6 Reading from xercesc::InputSource)] D /h74 [(4.7\240\240)(3.7 Reading from DOM)] D /h75 [(5\240\240)(4 Serialization)] D /h76 [(5.1\240\240)(4.1 Initializing the Xerces-C++ Runtime)] D /h77 [(5.2\240\240)(4.2 Namespace Infomap and Character Encoding)] D /h78 [(5.3\240\240)(4.3 Flags)] D /h79 [(5.4\240\240)(4.4 Error Handling)] D /h80 [(5.4.1\240\240)(4.4.1 xml_schema::serialization)] D /h81 [(5.4.2\240\240)(4.4.2 xml_schema::unexpected_element)] D /h82 [(5.4.3\240\240)(4.4.3 xml_schema::no_type_info)] D /h83 [(5.5\240\240)(4.5 Serializing to std::ostream)] D /h84 [(5.6\240\240)(4.6 Serializing to xercesc::XMLFormatTarget)] D /h85 [(5.7\240\240)(4.7 Serializing to DOM)] D /h86 [(6\240\240)(5 Additional Functionality)] D /h87 [(6.1\240\240)(5.1 DOM Association)] D /h88 [(6.2\240\240)(5.2 Binary Serialization)] D /h89 [(7\240\240)(Appendix A \236 Default and Fixed Values)] D /Hr [94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182]D /HV [1 2 2 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 1]D /Cn [2 0 0 0 23 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0]D Hr length 0 gt{[/PageMode /UseOutlines /DOCVIEW pdfmark}if /Hn 1 D 0 1 Hr length 1 sub{ /Bn E D [Cn Bn get dup 0 gt{/Count E HV Bn get Bl ge{neg}if}{pop}ie /Dest Hr Bn get dup abs ST cvs cvn E 0 ge{(h)Hn ST cvs join cvx exec dup 1 get E Nf{0 get E join}{pop}ie /Hn Hn 1 add D}{()}ie /Title E dup length 255 gt{0 255 getinterval}if /OUT pdfmark}for ZF /FN Fp D Ps 0 FS /WC Wf{( )}{}ie SW pop D ET RC ZF /Df f D /R0 (http://www.codesynthesis.com/licenses/fdl-1.2.txt) D /R1 (http://www.codesynthesis.com/projects/xsd/documentation/cxx/tree/manual/index.xhtml) D /R2 (http://www.codesynthesis.com/projects/xsd/documentation/cxx/tree/manual/cxx-tree-manual.pdf) D /R3 (http://www.codesynthesis.com/projects/xsd/documentation/cxx/tree/manual/cxx-tree-manual.ps) D /R1 (http://www.codesynthesis.com/products/xsd) D /R2 (http://codesynthesis.com/projects/xsd/documentation/cxx/tree/manual/index.xhtml) D /R3 (http://codesynthesis.com/projects/xsd/documentation/cxx/tree/manual/cxx-tree-manual.pdf) D /R4 (http://codesynthesis.com/projects/xsd/documentation/cxx/tree/manual/cxx-tree-manual.ps) D /R5 (http://www.codesynthesis.com/projects/xsd/documentation/cxx/tree/guide/) D /R6 (http://wiki.codesynthesis.com/Tree/Customization_guide) D /R7 (http://www.codesynthesis.com/projects/xsd/documentation/cxx/tree/dbxml/) D /R8 (http://wiki.codesynthesis.com/Tree/FAQ) D /R9 (http://www.codesynthesis.com/projects/xsd/documentation/xsd.xhtml) D /R10 (http://www.codesynthesis.com/mailman/listinfo/xsd-users) D /R11 (http://www.codesynthesis.com/pipermail/xsd-users/) D /R12 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Character_code) D /TS { tables E get /table E D table aload pop /rdesc E D /cdesc E D /tdesc E D tdesc aload pop /capalg E D /caption E D /rules E D /frame E D /nfoot E D /nhead E D /ncol E D /nrow E D /border E D /twid E D /units E D /talign E D /flow E D /clear E D /tclass E D pop pop /w W D /eps 0.1 D /OU f D /PL 1 D /FN EF 21 get D EZ 21 get Ey 21 get FS 0 1 1{ /pass E D 0 1 nrow{ /irow E D /cells rdesc irow get 6 get D 0 1 ncol{ /icol E D /cell cells icol get D cell 0 ne{ cell aload pop /ang E D /CB E D pop pop pop /DV E D /bot E D /top E D /right E D /left E D /nowrap E D /valign E D /dp E D /align E D /rspan E D /cspan E D /cclass E D /ctype E D /cmax E D /cmin E D /proc E D rspan 0 eq{/rspan nrow irow sub 1 add D}if cspan 0 eq{/cspan ncol icol sub 1 add D}if pass 0 eq cspan 1 eq and pass 1 eq cspan 1 gt and or{ /W 1e5 D /LL W D /PH 1 D ctype 1 eq{() BD}if RC align NA AT 4 eq{/CD t D /DC dp D /LN 0 D /M1 0 D /M2 0 D}{/CD f D}ie 0 0 M /LM 0 D proc exec BN AT 4 eq{ LN array astore cell 15 3 -1 roll put cdesc icol get dup dup 5 get M1 lt{5 M1 put}{5 get /M1 E D}ie dup 6 get M2 lt{6 M2 put}{6 get /M2 E D}ie /LM M1 M2 add D }if /CD f D ang 0 ne{/LM CP E pop neg D}if /thiswid LM left add right add eps add D /oldmin 0 D /oldmax 0 D 0 1 cspan 1 sub{ icol add cdesc E get dup 2 get /oldmax E oldmax add D 1 get /oldmin E oldmin add D }for thiswid oldmax ge{ 0 1 cspan 1 sub{ icol add cdesc E get dup 2 E 2 get oldmax 0 eq {pop thiswid cspan div}{thiswid mul oldmax div}ie put }for }if nowrap 1 eq{ thiswid oldmin ge{ 0 1 cspan 1 sub{ icol add cdesc E get dup 1 E 1 get oldmin 0 eq {pop thiswid cspan div}{thiswid mul oldmin div}ie put }for }if }{ /W 0 D /LL W D /PH 2 D ctype 1 eq{() ES () BD}if 0 0 M /LM 0 D RC proc exec BN /thiswid LM left add right add eps add D thiswid oldmin ge{ 0 1 cspan 1 sub{ icol add cdesc E get dup 1 E 1 get oldmin 0 eq {pop thiswid cspan div}{thiswid mul oldmin div}ie put }for }if }ie ctype 1 eq{() ES}if }if }if }for }for }for /tmin 0 D /tmax 0 D 0 1 ncol{ cdesc E get dup 1 get E 2 get 2 copy gt{pop dup}if tmax add /tmax 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xo sub D twid 0 eq{0 1 ncol{cdesc E get dup 2 get E 3 get dup 0 gt{div neg dup twid lt {/twid E D}{pop}ie}{pop pop}ie}for}if /twid twid dup 0 lt{neg avail 2 copy gt{E}if pop}{avail mul}ie D /OK t D 0 1 ncol{cdesc E get dup 1 get E 3 get twid mul gt{/OK f D}if}for 0 1 ncol{ cdesc E get dup 1 get /colmin E D dup 3 get /cwid E twid mul D dup tmax avail le{2 get}if tmin avail le tmax avail gt and{ dup 2 get E 1 get dup 3 1 roll sub avail tmin sub mul tmax tmin sub div add }if tmin avail gt{1 get}if 0 E colmin cwid lt OK and{pop cwid}if dup /twidth E twidth add D put }for /OU f D CP tmin twid le{ 0 1 ncol{cdesc E get dup 0 get twidth div twid mul 0 E put}for /twidth twid D }if CP printcap CP E pop sub /caphig E D pop 0 1 1{ /pass E D 0 1 nrow{ /irow E D /cells rdesc irow get 6 get D 0 1 ncol{ /icol E D /cell cells icol get D cell 0 ne{ cell aload pop /ang E D /CB E D pop pop pop /DV E D /bot E D /top E D /right E D /left E D /nowrap E D /valign E D /dp E D /align E D /rspan E D /cspan E D /cclass E D /ctype E D /cmax E D /cmin E D /proc E D rspan 0 eq{/rspan nrow irow sub 1 add D}if cspan 0 eq{/cspan ncol icol sub 1 add D}if /W 0 D 0 1 cspan 1 sub{icol add cdesc E get 0 get /W E W add D}for pass 0 eq rspan 1 eq and pass 1 eq rspan 1 gt and or{ ctype 1 eq{() BD}if /W W left sub right sub D /XO 0 D /EO 0 D SI /A0 align D RC align NA AT 4 eq{ /DC dp D /DO 0 D /ID 1 D 0 1 DV length 1 sub{DV E get dup DO gt{/DO E D}{pop}ie}for /Lo DO DV 0 get sub D /L1 Lo D }if 0 0 M /BP t D /Fl t D /MF 0 D /FB 0 D proc exec T not{/CI 0 D}if BN 0 FB neg R MF 0 eq{/MF CS D}if CP /thishig E neg bot add top add CI add D pop ang 0 ne{/thishig LM bot add top add D}if cell 16 MF put cell 17 Ya put cell 18 thishig put valign 4 eq{ /below thishig Ya sub D rdesc irow get dup dup 4 get Ya lt {4 Ya put}{4 get /Ya E D}ie dup 5 get below lt{5 below put}{5 get /below E D}ie /thishig Ya below add D }if ctype 1 eq{()ES}if /oldhig 0 D 0 1 rspan 1 sub{ irow add rdesc E get 0 get /oldhig E oldhig add D }for thishig oldhig ge{ 0 1 rspan 1 sub{ irow add rdesc E get dup 0 E 0 get oldhig 0 eq {pop thishig rspan div}{thishig mul oldhig div}ie put }for }if }if }if }for }for }for M RC %ZF /thight 0 D /racc 0 D /maxh 0 D /brk 0 D /rbeg nhead nfoot add D 0 1 nrow{ rdesc E get dup 0 get dup /thight E thight add D brk 0 eq{/racc E D}{/racc E racc add D}ie racc maxh gt{/maxh racc D}if 2 get /brk E D }for ph 3 ge{thight caphig add E}if ph 0 eq ph 4 eq or{ /PH 4 D /LE Le D /OU Ou D /yoff 0 D /headsz 0 D 0 1 nhead 1 sub{rdesc E get 0 get headsz add /headsz E D}for /footsz 0 D 0 1 nfoot 1 sub{rdesc E nhead add get 0 get footsz add /footsz E D}for /ahig LE BO add MI add D /maxh maxh headsz add footsz add D /thight thight headsz add footsz add D tmin avail gt maxh ahig gt or {/Sf avail tmin div dup ahig maxh div gt{pop ahig maxh div}if D /SA t D} {/Sf 1 D}ie tclass 1 eq thight LE 15 sub gt and {/SA t D LE 15 sub thight div dup Sf lt{/Sf E D}{pop}ie}if SA{Sf Sf scale /ll ll Sf div D /xo xo Sf div D /LE LE Sf div D /mr mr Sf div D /BO BO Sf div D /ahig ahig Sf div D}if nhead nfoot add getwid LE CP E pop add capalg 0 eq{caphig sub}if bT{f}{dup thight lt thight ahig lt and}ie E headsz sub footsz sub rwid lt or{NP}if capalg 0 eq{printcap -8 SP}if CP /ycur E D pop printhead rbeg 1 nrow{/row E D row getwid ycur yoff add rwid sub footsz sub LE add 0 lt {nfoot 0 gt{printfoot}if Tf NP /rbeg irow1 D Ba{MI /MI MI SA{Sf div}if D MI SP /MI E D}if CP /ycur E D pop /yoff 0 D printhead}if irow1 printrow }for printfoot /row row 1 add D Tf 0 ycur yoff add M capalg 1 eq{/EO 0 D SI -3 SP printcap}if Sf 1 lt{1 Sf div dup scale /ll ll Sf mul D /xo xo Sf mul D /LE LE Sf mul D /mr mr Sf mul D /BO BO Sf mul D /SA f D}if /EO 0 D }if }ie /W w D /XO xo D /MR mr D /LL ll D /LG lg D /AI ai D /BC bc D /NR nr D /AR ar D /TR tr D /UI ui D /PH ph D /A0 a0 D /PF pf D /AT at D /AV av D /AL al D /La la D /SL SL 1 sub NN D /CF 0 D /FN 0 D SZ SL get FR SL get FS Wf not{()F2}if PL 2 ge{Ms E restore Ms or /Ms E D PH 1 eq PH 2 eq or {/LM E D}if PH 3 ge{/CI 0 D NL 0 E neg R}if }if /PL PL 1 sub D /CI 0 D /BP f D /PO f D () Bm 21 get Ts mul BE BL %CF CS SF } D /printcap{ capalg 0 ge{ SA{/W w Sf div D} {talign 1 eq{/XO xo ll twidth sub 2 div add D}if talign 2 eq{/XO xo ll twidth sub add D}if /W XO twidth add D }ie /XO xo D /LL W XO sub MR sub D /PA f D /Fl capalg 0 eq D 1 NA BL caption exec BN OA /PA t D }if } D /getwid{ /irow1 E D /irow2 irow1 D /rwid 0 D {rdesc irow2 get dup 0 get rwid add /rwid E D 2 get 0 eq {exit}{/irow2 irow2 1 add D}ie }loop } D /printrow{ /xoff ll twidth PL 2 ge{Sf div}if sub talign mul 2 div D /xleft xoff xo add D /irow E D /cells rdesc irow get 6 get D 0 1 ncol{ /icol E D /cell cells icol get D cell 0 ne{ cell aload pop /ang E D /CB E D /cvsize E D /above E D /fontsz E D /DV E D /bot E D /top E D /right E D /left E D /nowrap E D /valign E D /dp E D /align E D /rspan E D /cspan E D /cclass E D /ctype E D /cmax E D /cmin E D /proc E D rspan 0 eq{/rspan nrow irow sub 1 add D}if cspan 0 eq{/cspan ncol icol sub 1 add D}if /width 0 D 0 1 cspan 1 sub{icol add cdesc E get 0 get /width E width add D}for /rhight rdesc irow get 0 get D /hight rhight D 1 1 rspan 1 sub{irow add rdesc E get 0 get /hight E hight add D}for /W xo xoff add width add right sub D ang 0 ne{/W xo xoff add hight add right sub D}if /EO xo xoff add left add D SI Cf{ gsave CB VC xo xoff add ycur yoff add M 0 hight neg RL width 0 RL 0 hight RL width neg 0 RL fill grestore }if ctype 1 eq{() BD}if /A0 align D RC AT 4 eq{ /DC dp D /ID 1 D /DO cdesc icol get 5 get D /Lo DO DV 0 get sub D /L1 Lo D }if ang 0 ne{ gsave ang 90 eq {xoff ycur add hight cvsize sub 2 div sub ycur hight sub xoff sub} {xoff ycur sub width add hight cvsize sub 2 div add ycur xoff add}ie translate ang rotate }if valign 3 le{0 ycur yoff add top sub hight cvsize sub valign 1 sub mul 2 div sub M} {0 ycur yoff add top sub above add rdesc irow get 4 get sub M}ie /PA f D /BP t D /Fl t D BL proc exec BN ang 0 ne{grestore}if /PA t D ctype 1 eq{() ES}if }if /xoff xoff cdesc icol get 0 get add D }for /yoff yoff rhight sub D } D /printhead {0 1 nhead 1 sub{printrow}for} D /printfoot {nhead 1 nhead nfoot add 1 sub{printrow}for} D /Tf { OU{rules 2 ge{/yoff 0 D gsave 0 Sg [0 1 nhead 1 sub{}for rbeg 1 row 1 sub{}for nhead 1 nhead nfoot add 1 sub{}for]{ /irow E D /xoff ll twidth PL 2 ge{Sf div}if sub talign mul 2 div D /cells rdesc irow get 6 get D 0 1 ncol{ /icol E D /cell cells icol get D cell 0 ne{ /rspan cell 6 get D /cspan cell 5 get D rspan 0 eq{/rspan nrow irow sub 1 add D}if cspan 0 eq{/cspan ncol icol sub 1 add D}if /width 0 D 0 1 cspan 1 sub{icol add cdesc E get 0 get /width E width add D}for /rhight rdesc irow get 0 get D /hight rhight D 1 1 rspan 1 sub{irow add rdesc E get 0 get /hight E hight add D}for xo xoff add width add ycur yoff add M 0 hight neg icol cspan add 1 sub ncol lt {cdesc icol 1 add get 4 get dup rules 3 le{1 eq}{pop t}ie {1 eq{0.8}{0.3}ie LW RL CP stroke M}{pop R}ie}{R}ie irow nhead nfoot add 1 sub ne nfoot 0 eq or {irow rspan add 1 sub nrow lt {rdesc irow rspan add get 3 get}{nfoot 0 eq{0}{1}ie}ie dup rules 2 mod 0 eq{1 eq}{pop t}ie {1 eq irow rspan add nhead eq or irow rspan add row eq nfoot 0 gt and or {0.8}{0.3}ie LW width neg 0 RL CP stroke M}{pop}ie}if }if /xoff xoff cdesc icol get 0 get add D }for /yoff yoff rhight sub D }forall grestore /Ms t D }if frame 1 gt{ gsave 1 LW 0 Sg xleft ycur M CP BB 0 yoff frame 5 eq frame 7 ge or{RL}{R}ie twidth 0 frame 3 eq frame 4 eq or frame 8 ge or{RL}{R}ie CP BB 0 yoff neg frame 6 ge{RL}{R}ie twidth neg 0 frame 2 eq frame 4 eq or frame 8 ge or{RL}{R}ie closepath stroke grestore /Ms t D }if }if } D /tables [[[0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 1 58 2 0 0 9 5 {()} -1] [[0 0 0 0 0 0 0][0 0 0 0 0 0 0][0 0 0 0 0 0 0]] [[0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB(XML Schema type)} 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(Alias in the )SM(xml_schema)ES( names)HY(pace)YH()} 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(C++ type )} 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB(anyType and anySim)HY(ple)HY(Type)YH( types )} 0 0 1 0 3 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] 0 0 ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(anyType)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(type)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()0 23 1 A(Section 2.5.2, "Mapping for )SM(anyType)ES(")23 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(anySim)HY(ple)HY(Type)YH()ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(simple_type)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()0 24 1 A(Section 2.5.3, "Mapping for )SM(anySim)HY(ple)HY(Type)YH()ES(")24 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB(fixed-length inte)HY(gral)YH( types )} 0 0 1 0 3 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] 0 0 ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(byte)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(byte)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(signed\240char)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(unsigned)HY(Byte)YH()ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(unsigned_byte)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(unsigned\240char)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(short)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(short_)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(short)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(unsigned)HY(Short)YH()ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(unsigned_short)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(unsigned\240short)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(int)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(int_)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(int)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(unsignedInt)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(unsigned_int)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(unsigned\240int)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(long)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(long_)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(long\240long)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(unsigned)HY(Long)YH()ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(unsigned_long)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(unsigned\240long\240long)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB(arbi)HY(trary)YH(-length inte)HY(gral)YH( types )} 0 0 1 0 3 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] 0 0 ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(integer)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(integer)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(long\240long)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(nonPos)HY(i)HY(tiveIn)HY(te)HY(ger)YH()ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(non_posi)HY(tive)YH(_integer)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(long\240long)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(nonNeg)HY(a)HY(tiveIn)HY(te)HY(ger)YH()ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(non_nega)HY(tive)YH(_integer)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(unsigned long\240long)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(posi)HY(tiveIn)HY(te)HY(ger)YH()ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(posi)HY(tive)YH(_integer)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(unsigned long\240long)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(nega)HY(tiveIn)HY(te)HY(ger)YH()ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(nega)HY(tive)YH(_integer)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(long\240long)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB(boolean types )} 0 0 1 0 3 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] 0 0 ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(boolean)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(boolean)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(bool)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB(fixed-preci)HY(sion)YH( float)HY(ing)YH(-point types )} 0 0 1 0 3 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] 0 0 ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(float)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(float_)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(float)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(double)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(double_)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(double)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB(arbi)HY(trary)YH(-preci)HY(sion)YH( float)HY(ing)YH(-point types )} 0 0 1 0 3 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] 0 0 ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(decimal)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(decimal)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(double)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB(string types )} 0 0 1 0 3 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] 0 0 ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(string)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(string)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(type derived from )SM(std::basic_string)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(normal)HY(ized)HY(String)YH()ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(normal)HY(ized)YH(_string)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(type derived from )SM(string)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(token)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(token)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(type\240derived\240from\240)SM(normal)HY(ized)YH(_string)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(Name)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(name)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(type derived from )SM(token)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(NMTOKEN)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(nmtoken)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(type derived from )SM(token)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(NMTO)HY(KENS)YH()ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(nmto)HY(kens)YH()ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(type derived from )SM(sequence)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(NCName)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(ncname)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(type derived from )SM(name)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(language)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(language)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(type derived from )SM(token)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB(qual)HY(i)HY(fied)YH( name )} 0 0 1 0 3 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] 0 0 ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(QName)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(qname)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()0 25 1 A(Section 2.5.4, "Mapping for )SM(QName)ES(")25 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB(ID/IDREF types )} 0 0 1 0 3 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] 0 0 ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(ID)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(id)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(type derived from )SM(ncname)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(IDREF)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(idref)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()0 26 1 A(Section 2.5.5, "Mapping for )SM(IDREF)ES(")26 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(IDREFS)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(idrefs)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(type derived from )SM(sequence)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB(URI types )} 0 0 1 0 3 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] 0 0 ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(anyURI)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(uri)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(type derived from )SM(std::basic_string)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB(binary types )} 0 0 1 0 3 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] 0 0 ]] [0 0 1 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(base64Binary)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(base64_binary)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()0 27 1 A(Section 2.5.6, "Mapping for )SM(base64Binary)ES( and )SM(hexBi)HY(nary)YH()ES(")27 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D( )} 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(hexBi)HY(nary)YH()ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(hex_binary)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] 0 ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB(date/time types )} 0 0 1 0 3 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] 0 0 ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(date)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(date)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()0 29 1 A(Section 2.5.8, "Mapping for )SM(date)ES(")29 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(date)HY(Time)YH()ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(date_time)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()0 30 1 A(Section 2.5.9, "Mapping for )SM(date)HY(Time)YH()ES(")30 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(dura)HY(tion)YH()ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(dura)HY(tion)YH()ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()0 31 1 A(Section 2.5.10, "Mapping for )SM(dura)HY(tion)YH()ES(")31 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(gDay)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(gday)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()0 32 1 A(Section 2.5.11, "Mapping for )SM(gDay)ES(")32 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(gMonth)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(gmonth)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()0 33 1 A(Section 2.5.12, "Mapping for )SM(gMonth)ES(")33 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(gMon)HY(th)HY(Day)YH()ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(gmonth_day)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()0 34 1 A(Section 2.5.13, "Mapping for )SM(gMon)HY(th)HY(Day)YH()ES(")34 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(gYear)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(gyear)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()0 35 1 A(Section 2.5.14, "Mapping for )SM(gYear)ES(")35 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(gYear)HY(Month)YH()ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(gyear_month)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()0 36 1 A(Section 2.5.15, "Mapping for )SM(gYear)HY(Month)YH()ES(")36 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(time)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(time)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()0 37 1 A(Section 2.5.16, "Mapping for )SM(time)ES(")37 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB(entity types )} 0 0 1 0 3 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] 0 0 ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(ENTITY)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(entity)ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(type derived from )SM(name)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()SM(ENTI)HY(TIES)YH()ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()SM(enti)HY(ties)YH()ES()} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(type derived from )SM(sequence)ES( )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] ]] [[0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 1 8 5 0 0 9 5 {()} -1] [[0 0 0 0 0 0 0][0 0 0 0 0 0 0][0 0 0 0 0 0 0][0 0 0 0 0 0 0][0 0 0 0 0 0 0][0 0 0 0 0 0 0]] [[0 0 0 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB()} 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB()} 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(default)} 0 0 1 0 2 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] 0 [{()1 Sl()WB(fixed )} 0 0 1 0 2 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] 0 ]] [0 0 1 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB(element)} 0 0 1 0 1 4 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(not present)} 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(optional)} 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(required)} 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(optional)} 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(required )} 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 1 0 0 0 [0 0 [{()1 Sl()WB(not present)} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(invalid instance)} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(not present)} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(invalid instance )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 1 0 0 0 [0 [{()1 Sl()WB(empty)} 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(default value is used)} 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] 0 [{()1 Sl()WB(fixed value is used )} 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] 0 ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [0 [{()1 Sl()WB(value)} 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(value is used)} 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] 0 [{()1 Sl()WB(value is used provided it's the same as fixed )} 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] 0 ]] [0 0 1 0 0 0 [[{()1 Sl()WB(attribute)} 0 0 1 0 1 4 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(not present)} 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(optional)} 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(required)} 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(optional)} 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(required )} 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 1 0 0 0 [0 0 [{()1 Sl()WB(default value is used)} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(invalid schema)} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(fixed value is used)} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(invalid instance )} 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] ]] [0 0 1 0 0 0 [0 [{()1 Sl()WB(empty)} 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(empty value is used)} 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] 0 [{()1 Sl()WB(empty value is used provided it's the same as fixed )} 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] 0 ]] [0 0 0 0 0 0 [0 [{()1 Sl()WB(value)} 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] [{()1 Sl()WB(value is used)} 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] 0 [{()1 Sl()WB(value is used provided it's the same as fixed )} 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 (.) 2 0 4 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 Db 0 ] 0 ]] ]] ] D 0 1 1{TS}for RC ZF /Ba f D /BO 0 D Bs /UR (/home/boris/work/xsd/xsd/documentation/cxx/tree/manual/index.xhtml) D /Ti (C++/Tree Mapping User Manual) D /Au () D /Df f D /ME [(2.3.0)] D Pt /BO 0 D TC /Ba f D Bs /AU f D /UR () D RC ZF tH WB ND 1 gt{Ts 3 mul Np 0()0 C()BD(C++/Tree Mapping User Manual)ES()0 1 TN()EA()BN}if 1 NH le{94(1\240\240)1 C(Preface)WB 3 Sn()94 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{95(1.1\240\240)2 C(About)WB 4 Sn( This Docu)HY(ment)YH()95 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{96(1.2\240\240)2 C(More)WB 5 Sn( Infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH()96 1 TN()EA()BN}if 1 NH le{97(2\240\240)1 C(1)WB 6 Sn( Intro)HY(duc)HY(tion)YH()97 1 TN()EA()BN}if 1 NH le{98(3\240\240)1 C(2)WB 7 Sn( C++/Tree Mapping)98 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{99(3.1\240\240)2 C(2.1)WB 8 Sn( Prelim)HY(i)HY(nary)YH( Infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH()99 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{100(3.1.1\240\240)3 C(2.1.1)WB 9 Sn( Iden)HY(ti)HY(fiers)YH()100 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{101(3.1.2\240\240)3 C(2.1.2)WB 10 Sn( Char)HY(ac)HY(ter)YH( Type and Encod)HY(ing)YH()101 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{102(3.1.3\240\240)3 C(2.1.3)WB 11 Sn( XML Schema Names)HY(pace)YH()102 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{103(3.1.4\240\240)3 C(2.1.4)WB 12 Sn( Anony)HY(mous)YH( Types)103 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{104(3.2\240\240)2 C(2.2)WB 13 Sn( Error Handling)104 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{105(3.2.1\240\240)3 C(2.2.1)WB 14 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::dupli)HY(cate)YH(_id)ES()105 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{106(3.3\240\240)2 C(2.3)WB 15 Sn( Mapping for )SM(import)ES( and )SM(include)ES()106 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{107(3.3.1\240\240)3 C(2.3.1)WB 16 Sn( Import)107 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{108(3.3.2\240\240)3 C(2.3.2)WB 17 Sn( Inclu)HY(sion)YH( with Target Names)HY(pace)YH()108 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{109(3.3.3\240\240)3 C(2.3.3)WB 18 Sn( Inclu)HY(sion)YH( without Target Names)HY(pace)YH()109 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{110(3.4\240\240)2 C(2.4)WB 19 Sn( Mapping for Names)HY(paces)YH()110 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{111(3.5\240\240)2 C(2.5)WB 20 Sn( Mapping for Built-in Data Types)111 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{112(3.5.1\240\240)3 C(2.5.1)WB 22 Sn( Inher)HY(i)HY(tance)YH( from Built-in Data Types)112 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{113(3.5.2\240\240)3 C(2.5.2)WB 23 Sn( Mapping for )SM(anyType)ES()113 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{114(3.5.3\240\240)3 C(2.5.3)WB 24 Sn( Mapping for )SM(anySim)HY(ple)HY(Type)YH()ES()114 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{115(3.5.4\240\240)3 C(2.5.4)WB 25 Sn( Mapping for )SM(QName)ES()115 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{116(3.5.5\240\240)3 C(2.5.5)WB 26 Sn( Mapping for )SM(IDREF)ES()116 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{117(3.5.6\240\240)3 C(2.5.6)WB 27 Sn( Mapping for )SM(base64Binary)ES( and )SM(hexBi)HY(nary)YH()ES()117 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{118(3.6\240\240)2 C(2.5.7)WB 28 Sn( Time Zone Repre)HY(sen)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH()118 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{119(3.7\240\240)2 C(2.5.8)WB 29 Sn( Mapping for )SM(date)ES()119 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{120(3.8\240\240)2 C(2.5.9)WB 30 Sn( Mapping for )SM(date)HY(Time)YH()ES()120 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{121(3.9\240\240)2 C(2.5.10)WB 31 Sn( Mapping for )SM(dura)HY(tion)YH()ES()121 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{122(3.10\240\240)2 C(2.5.11)WB 32 Sn( Mapping for )SM(gDay)ES()122 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{123(3.11\240\240)2 C(2.5.12)WB 33 Sn( Mapping for )SM(gMonth)ES()123 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{124(3.12\240\240)2 C(2.5.13)WB 34 Sn( Mapping for )SM(gMon)HY(th)HY(Day)YH()ES()124 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{125(3.13\240\240)2 C(2.5.14)WB 35 Sn( Mapping for )SM(gYear)ES()125 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{126(3.14\240\240)2 C(2.5.15)WB 36 Sn( Mapping for )SM(gYear)HY(Month)YH()ES()126 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{127(3.15\240\240)2 C(2.5.16)WB 37 Sn( Mapping for )SM(time)ES()127 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{128(3.16\240\240)2 C(2.6)WB 38 Sn( Mapping for Simple Types)128 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{129(3.16.1\240\240)3 C(2.6.1)WB 39 Sn( Mapping for Deriva)HY(tion)YH( by Restric)HY(tion)YH()129 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{130(3.16.2\240\240)3 C(2.6.2)WB 40 Sn( Mapping for Enumer)HY(a)HY(tions)YH()130 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{131(3.16.3\240\240)3 C(2.6.3)WB 41 Sn( Mapping for Deriva)HY(tion)YH( by List)131 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{132(3.16.4\240\240)3 C(2.6.4)WB 42 Sn( Mapping for Deriva)HY(tion)YH( by Union)132 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{133(3.17\240\240)2 C(2.7)WB 43 Sn( Mapping for Complex Types)133 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{134(3.17.1\240\240)3 C(2.7.1)WB 44 Sn( Mapping for Deriva)HY(tion)YH( by Exten)HY(sion)YH()134 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{135(3.17.2\240\240)3 C(2.7.2)WB 45 Sn( Mapping for Deriva)HY(tion)YH( by Restric)HY(tion)YH()135 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{136(3.18\240\240)2 C(2.8)WB 46 Sn( Mapping for Local Elements and Attributes)136 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{137(3.18.1\240\240)3 C(2.8.1)WB 47 Sn( Mapping for Members with the One Cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( Class)137 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{138(3.18.2\240\240)3 C(2.8.2)WB 48 Sn( Mapping for Members with the Optional Cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( Class)138 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{139(3.18.3\240\240)3 C(2.8.3)WB 49 Sn( Mapping for Members with the Sequence Cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( Class)139 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{140(3.19\240\240)2 C(2.9)WB 50 Sn( Mapping for Global Elements)140 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{141(3.19.1\240\240)3 C(2.9.1)WB 51 Sn( Element Types)141 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{142(3.19.2\240\240)3 C(2.9.2)WB 52 Sn( Element Map)142 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{143(3.20\240\240)2 C(2.10)WB 53 Sn( Mapping for Global Attributes)143 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{144(3.21\240\240)2 C(2.11)WB 54 Sn( Mapping for )SM(xsi:type)ES( and Substi)HY(tu)HY(tion)YH( Groups)144 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{145(3.22\240\240)2 C(2.12)WB 55 Sn( Mapping for )SM(any)ES( and )SM(anyAt)HY(tribute)YH()ES()145 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{146(3.22.1\240\240)3 C(2.12.1)WB 56 Sn( Mapping for )SM(any)ES( with the One Cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( Class)146 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{147(3.22.2\240\240)3 C(2.12.2)WB 57 Sn( Mapping for )SM(any)ES( with the Optional Cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( Class)147 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{148(3.22.3\240\240)3 C(2.12.3)WB 58 Sn( Mapping for )SM(any)ES( with the Sequence Cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( Class)148 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{149(3.22.4\240\240)3 C(2.12.4)WB 59 Sn( Mapping for )SM(anyAt)HY(tribute)YH()ES()149 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{150(3.23\240\240)2 C(2.13)WB 60 Sn( Mapping for Mixed Content Models)150 1 TN()EA()BN}if 1 NH le{151(4\240\240)1 C(3)WB 61 Sn( Parsing)151 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{152(4.1\240\240)2 C(3.1)WB 62 Sn( Initial)HY(iz)HY(ing)YH( the Xerces-C++ Runtime)152 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{153(4.2\240\240)2 C(3.2)WB 63 Sn( Flags and Prop)HY(er)HY(ties)YH()153 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{154(4.3\240\240)2 C(3.3)WB 64 Sn( Error Handling)154 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{155(4.3.1\240\240)3 C(3.3.1)WB 65 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::parsing)ES()155 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{156(4.3.2\240\240)3 C(3.3.2)WB 66 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::expected_element)ES()156 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{157(4.3.3\240\240)3 C(3.3.3)WB 67 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::unex)HY(pected)YH(_element)ES()157 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{158(4.3.4\240\240)3 C(3.3.4)WB 68 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::expected_attribute)ES()158 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{159(4.3.5\240\240)3 C(3.3.5)WB 69 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::unex)HY(pected)YH(_enumer)HY(a)HY(tor)YH()ES()159 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{160(4.3.6\240\240)3 C(3.3.6)WB 70 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::expected_text_content)ES()160 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{161(4.3.7\240\240)3 C(3.3.7)WB 71 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::no_type_info)ES()161 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{162(4.3.8\240\240)3 C(3.3.8)WB 72 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::not_derived)ES()162 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{163(4.3.9\240\240)3 C(3.3.9)WB 73 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::no_prefix_mapping)ES()163 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{164(4.4\240\240)2 C(3.4)WB 74 Sn( Reading from a Local File or URI)164 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{165(4.5\240\240)2 C(3.5)WB 75 Sn( Reading from )SM(std::istream)ES()165 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{166(4.6\240\240)2 C(3.6)WB 76 Sn( Reading from )SM(xercesc::Input)HY(Source)YH()ES()166 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{167(4.7\240\240)2 C(3.7)WB 77 Sn( Reading from DOM)167 1 TN()EA()BN}if 1 NH le{168(5\240\240)1 C(4)WB 78 Sn( Seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH()168 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{169(5.1\240\240)2 C(4.1)WB 79 Sn( Initial)HY(iz)HY(ing)YH( the Xerces-C++ Runtime)169 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{170(5.2\240\240)2 C(4.2)WB 80 Sn( Names)HY(pace)YH( Infomap and Char)HY(ac)HY(ter)YH( Encod)HY(ing)YH()170 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{171(5.3\240\240)2 C(4.3)WB 81 Sn( Flags)171 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{172(5.4\240\240)2 C(4.4)WB 82 Sn( Error Handling)172 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{173(5.4.1\240\240)3 C(4.4.1)WB 83 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH()ES()173 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{174(5.4.2\240\240)3 C(4.4.2)WB 84 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::unex)HY(pected)YH(_element)ES()174 1 TN()EA()BN}if 3 NH le{175(5.4.3\240\240)3 C(4.4.3)WB 85 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::no_type_info)ES()175 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{176(5.5\240\240)2 C(4.5)WB 86 Sn( Seri)HY(al)HY(iz)HY(ing)YH( to )SM(std::ostream)ES()176 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{177(5.6\240\240)2 C(4.6)WB 87 Sn( Seri)HY(al)HY(iz)HY(ing)YH( to )SM(xercesc::XMLFor)HY(mat)HY(Tar)HY(get)YH()ES()177 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{178(5.7\240\240)2 C(4.7)WB 88 Sn( Seri)HY(al)HY(iz)HY(ing)YH( to DOM)178 1 TN()EA()BN}if 1 NH le{179(6\240\240)1 C(5)WB 89 Sn( Addi)HY(tional)YH( Func)HY(tion)HY(al)HY(ity)YH()179 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{180(6.1\240\240)2 C(5.1)WB 90 Sn( DOM Asso)HY(ci)HY(a)HY(tion)YH()180 1 TN()EA()BN}if 2 NH le{181(6.2\240\240)2 C(5.2)WB 91 Sn( Binary Seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH()181 1 TN()EA()BN}if 1 NH le{182(7\240\240)1 C(Appendix)WB 92 Sn( A \236 Default and Fixed Values)182 1 TN()EA()BN}if /OU t D /Cb Db D NP Ep ET /Cb Db D /Ct [16#00 16#00 16#00] D /Cl [16#00 16#00 16#00] D /CL -1 D Ct Sc /Ba f D /BO 0 D Bs /UR (/home/boris/work/xsd/xsd/documentation/cxx/tree/manual/index.xhtml) D /Ti (C++/Tree Mapping User Manual) D /Au () D /Df f D /ME [(2.3.0)] D NP RC ZF ()1 Sl()WB 0 Sn( )BR()WB 1 Sn( )BR()WB 2 Sn( )0 1 0 H(Preface)WB 94 Sn()WB 3 Sn()EA()EH( )0 2 1 H(About)WB 95 Sn()WB 4 Sn( This Docu)HY(ment)YH()EA()EH( )0 P(This docu)HY(ment)YH( describes the mapping of W3C XML Schema to the C++ program)HY(ming)YH( language as imple)HY(mented)YH( by )R1 2 A(CodeSyn)HY(the)HY(sis)YH( XSD)EA( - an XML Schema to C++ data binding compiler. The mapping repre)HY(sents)YH( infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( stored in XML instance docu)HY(ments)YH( as a stat)HY(i)HY(cally)YH(-typed, tree-like in-memory data struc)HY(ture)YH( and is called C++/Tree. )EP( )0 P(Revi)HY(sion)YH( 2.3.0)BR( This revi)HY(sion)YH( of the manual describes the C++/Tree mapping as imple)HY(mented)YH( by CodeSyn)HY(the)HY(sis)YH( XSD version 3.3.0. )EP( )0 P(This docu)HY(ment)YH( is avail)HY(able)YH( in the follow)HY(ing)YH( formats: )R2 2 A(XHTML)EA(, )R3 2 A(PDF)EA(, and )R4 2 A(PostScript)EA(.)EP( )0 2 2 H(More)WB 96 Sn()WB 5 Sn( Infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH()EA()EH( )0 P(Beyond this manual, you may also find the follow)HY(ing)YH( sources of infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( useful:)EP( )UL( )-1 LI()R5 2 A(C++/Tree Mapping Getting Started Guide)EA( )-1 LI()R6 2 A(C++/Tree Mapping Customiza)HY(tion)YH( Guide)EA( )-1 LI()R7 2 A(C++/Tree Mapping and Berke)HY(ley)YH( DB XML Inte)HY(gra)HY(tion)YH( Guide)EA( )-1 LI()R8 2 A(C++/Tree Mapping Frequently Asked Ques)HY(tions)YH( \201FAQ\202)EA( )-1 LI()R9 2 A(XSD Compiler Command Line Manual)EA( )-1 LI(The )SM(exam)HY(ples)YH(/cxx/tree/)ES( direc)HY(tory)YH( in the XSD distri)HY(bu)HY(tion)YH( contains a collec)HY(tion)YH( of exam)HY(ples)YH( and a README file with an overview of each example. )-1 LI(The )SM(README)ES( file in the XSD distri)HY(bu)HY(tion)YH( explains how to compile the exam)HY(ples)YH( on various plat)HY(forms)YH(. )-1 LI(The )R10 2 A(xsd-users)EA( mailing list is a place to ask ques)HY(tions)YH(. Further)HY(more)YH( the )R11 2 A(archives)EA( may already have answers to some of your ques)HY(tions)YH(. )LU( )0 1 3 H(1)WB 97 Sn()WB 6 Sn( Intro)HY(duc)HY(tion)YH()EA()EH( )0 P(C++/Tree is a W3C XML Schema to C++ mapping that repre)HY(sents)YH( the data stored in XML as a stat)HY(i)HY(cally)YH(-typed, vocab)HY(u)HY(lary)YH(-specific object model. Based on a formal descrip)HY(tion)YH( of an XML vocab)HY(u)HY(lary)YH( \201schema\202, the C++/Tree mapping produces a tree-like data struc)HY(ture)YH( suit)HY(able)YH( for in-memory process)HY(ing)YH( as well as XML parsing and seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( code.)EP( )0 P(A typical appli)HY(ca)HY(tion)YH( that processes XML docu)HY(ments)YH( usually performs the follow)HY(ing)YH( three steps: it first reads \201parses\202 an XML instance docu)HY(ment)YH( to an object model, it then performs some useful compu)HY(ta)HY(tions)YH( on that model which may involve modi)HY(fi)HY(ca)HY(tion)YH( of the model, and finally it may write \201seri)HY(al)HY(ize)YH(\202 the modi)HY(fied)YH( object model back to XML. )EP( )0 P(The C++/Tree mapping consists of C++ types that repre)HY(sent)YH( the given vocab)HY(u)HY(lary)YH( \201)0 7 1 A(Chapter 2, "C++/Tree Mapping")7 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(\202, a set of parsing func)HY(tions)YH( that convert XML docu)HY(ments)YH( to a tree-like in-memory data struc)HY(ture)YH( \201)0 61 1 A(Chapter 3, "Parsing")61 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(\202, and a set of seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( that convert the object model back to XML \201)0 78 1 A(Chapter 4, "Seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH(")78 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(\202. Further)HY(more)YH(, the mapping provides a number of addi)HY(tional)YH( features, such as DOM asso)HY(ci)HY(a)HY(tion)YH( and binary seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH(, that can be useful in some appli)HY(ca)HY(tions)YH( \201)0 89 1 A(Chapter 5, "Addi)HY(tional)YH( Func)HY(tion)HY(al)HY(ity)YH(")89 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(\202. )EP( )0 1 4 H(2)WB 98 Sn()WB 7 Sn( C++/Tree Mapping)EA()EH( )0 2 5 H(2.1)WB 99 Sn()WB 8 Sn( Prelim)HY(i)HY(nary)YH( Infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH()EA()EH( )0 3 6 H(2.1.1)WB 100 Sn()WB 9 Sn( Iden)HY(ti)HY(fiers)YH()EA()EH( )0 P(XML Schema names may happen to be reserved C++ keywords or contain char)HY(ac)HY(ters)YH( that are illegal in C++ iden)HY(ti)HY(fiers)YH(. To avoid C++ compi)HY(la)HY(tion)YH( prob)HY(lems)YH(, such names are changed \201escaped\202 when mapped to C++. If an XML Schema name is a C++ keyword, the "_" suffix is added to it. All char)HY(ac)HY(ter)YH( of an XML Schema name that are not allowed in C++ iden)HY(ti)HY(fiers)YH( are replaced with "_". )EP( )0 P(For example, XML Schema name )SM(try)ES( will be mapped to C++ iden)HY(ti)HY(fier)YH( )SM(try_)ES(. Simi)HY(larly)YH(, XML Schema name )SM(strange.na-me)ES( will be mapped to C++ iden)HY(ti)HY(fier)YH( )SM(strange_na_me)ES(. )EP( )0 P(Further)HY(more)YH(, conflicts between type names and func)HY(tion)YH( names in the same scope are resolved using name escap)HY(ing)YH(. Such conflicts include both a global element \201which is mapped to a set of parsing and/or seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( or element types, see )0 50 1 A(Section 2.9, "Mapping for Global Elements")50 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(\202 and a global type sharing the same name as well as a local element or attribute inside a type having the same name as the type itself.)EP( )0 P(For example, if we had a global type )SM(catalog)ES( and a global element with the same name then the type would be mapped to a C++ class with name )SM(catalog)ES( while the parsing func)HY(tions)YH( corre)HY(spond)HY(ing)YH( to the global element would have their names escaped as )SM(catalog_)ES(. )EP( )0 P(By default the mapping uses the so-called K&R \201Kernighan and Ritchie\202 iden)HY(ti)HY(fier)YH( naming conven)HY(tion)YH( which is also used through)HY(out)YH( this manual. In this conven)HY(tion)YH( both type and func)HY(tion)YH( names are in lower case and words are sepa)HY(rated)YH( by under)HY(scores)YH(. If your appli)HY(ca)HY(tion)YH( code or schemas use a differ)HY(ent)YH( nota)HY(tion)YH(, you may want to change the naming conven)HY(tion)YH( used by the mapping for consis)HY(tency)YH(. The compiler supports a set of widely-used naming conven)HY(tions)YH( that you can select with the )SM(--type-naming)ES( and )SM(--func)HY(tion)YH(-naming)ES( options. You can also further refine one of the prede)HY(fined)YH( conven)HY(tions)YH( or create a completely custom naming scheme by using the )SM(--*-regex)ES( options. For more detailed infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( on these options refer to the NAMING CONVEN)HY(TION)YH( section in the )R9 2 A(XSD Compiler Command Line Manual)EA(.)EP( )0 3 7 H(2.1.2)WB 101 Sn()WB 10 Sn( Char)HY(ac)HY(ter)YH( Type and Encod)HY(ing)YH()EA()EH( )0 P(The code that imple)HY(ments)YH( the mapping, depend)HY(ing)YH( on the )SM(--char-type)ES( option, is gener)HY(ated)YH( using either )SM(char)ES( or )SM(wchar_t)ES( as the char)HY(ac)HY(ter)YH( type. In this docu)HY(ment)YH( code samples use symbol )SM(C)ES( to refer to the char)HY(ac)HY(ter)YH( type you have selected when trans)HY(lat)HY(ing)YH( your schemas, for example )SM(std::basic_string)ES(. )EP( )0 P(Another aspect of the mapping that depends on the char)HY(ac)HY(ter)YH( type is char)HY(ac)HY(ter)YH( encod)HY(ing)YH(. For the )SM(char)ES( char)HY(ac)HY(ter)YH( type the default encod)HY(ing)YH( is UTF-8. Other supported encod)HY(ings)YH( are ISO-8859-1, Xerces-C++ Local Code Page \201LPC\202, as well as custom encod)HY(ings)YH( and can be selected with the )SM(--char-encod)HY(ing)YH()ES( command line option.)EP( )0 P(For the )SM(wchar_t)ES( char)HY(ac)HY(ter)YH( type the encod)HY(ing)YH( is auto)HY(mat)HY(i)HY(cally)YH( selected between UTF-16 and UTF-32/UCS-4 depend)HY(ing)YH( on the size of the )SM(wchar_t)ES( type. On some plat)HY(forms)YH( \201for example, Windows with Visual C++ and AIX with IBM XL C++\202 )SM(wchar_t)ES( is 2 bytes long. For these plat)HY(forms)YH( the encod)HY(ing)YH( is UTF-16. On other plat)HY(forms)YH( )SM(wchar_t)ES( is 4 bytes long and UTF-32/UCS-4 is used.)EP( )0 3 8 H(2.1.3)WB 102 Sn()WB 11 Sn( XML Schema Names)HY(pace)YH()EA()EH( )0 P(The mapping relies on some prede)HY(fined)YH( types, classes, and func)HY(tions)YH( that are logi)HY(cally)YH( defined in the XML Schema names)HY(pace)YH( reserved for the XML Schema language \201)SM(http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema)ES(\202. By default, this names)HY(pace)YH( is mapped to C++ names)HY(pace)YH( )SM(xml_schema)ES(. It is auto)HY(mat)HY(i)HY(cally)YH( acces)HY(si)HY(ble)YH( from a C++ compi)HY(la)HY(tion)YH( unit that includes a header file gener)HY(ated)YH( from an XML Schema defi)HY(ni)HY(tion)YH(. )EP( )0 P(Note that, if desired, the default mapping of this names)HY(pace)YH( can be changed as described in )0 19 1 A(Section 2.4, "Mapping for Names)HY(paces)YH(")19 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(. )EP( )0 3 9 H(2.1.4)WB 103 Sn()WB 12 Sn( Anony)HY(mous)YH( Types)EA()EH( )0 P(For the purpose of code gener)HY(a)HY(tion)YH(, anony)HY(mous)YH( types defined in XML Schema are auto)HY(mat)HY(i)HY(cally)YH( assigned names that are derived from enclos)HY(ing)YH( attributes and elements. Other)HY(wise)YH(, such types follows stan)HY(dard)YH( mapping rules for simple and complex type defi)HY(ni)HY(tions)YH( \201see )0 38 1 A(Section 2.6, "Mapping for Simple Types")38 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D( and )0 43 1 A(Section 2.7, "Mapping for Complex Types")43 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(\202. For example, in the follow)HY(ing)YH( schema frag)HY(ment)YH(: )EP( ) 5 23 PR( ... )RP( )0 P(The anony)HY(mous)YH( type defined inside element )SM(object)ES( will be given name )SM(object)ES(. The compiler has a number of options that control the process of anony)HY(mous)YH( type naming. For more infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( refer to the )R9 2 A(XSD Compiler Command Line Manual)EA(.)EP( )0 2 10 H(2.2)WB 104 Sn()WB 13 Sn( Error Handling)EA()EH( )0 P(The mapping uses the C++ excep)HY(tion)YH( handling mech)HY(a)HY(nism)YH( as a primary way of report)HY(ing)YH( error condi)HY(tions)YH(. All excep)HY(tions)YH( that are spec)HY(i)HY(fied)YH( in this mapping derive from )SM(xml_schema::excep)HY(tion)YH()ES( which itself is derived from )SM(std::excep)HY(tion)YH()ES(: )EP( ) 14 60 PR(struct exception: virtual std::exception { friend std::basic_ostream& operator<< \201std::basic_ostream& os, const exception& e\202 { e.print \201os\202; return os; } protected: virtual void print \201std::basic_ostream&\202 const = 0; };)RP( )0 P(The excep)HY(tion)YH( hier)HY(ar)HY(chy)YH( supports "virtual" )SM(oper)HY(a)HY(tor)YH(<<)ES( which allows you to obtain diag)HY(nos)HY(tics)YH( corre)HY(spond)HY(ing)YH( to the thrown excep)HY(tion)YH( using the base excep)HY(tion)YH( inter)HY(face)YH(. For example:)EP( ) 8 38 PR(try { ... } catch \201const xml_schema::exception& e\202 { cerr << e << endl; })RP( )0 P(The follow)HY(ing)YH( sub-sections describe excep)HY(tions)YH( thrown by the types that consti)HY(tute)YH( the object model. )0 64 1 A(Section 3.3, "Error Handling")64 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D( of )0 61 1 A(Chapter 3, "Parsing")61 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D( describes excep)HY(tions)YH( and error handling mech)HY(a)HY(nisms)YH( specific to the parsing func)HY(tions)YH(. )0 82 1 A(Section 4.4, "Error Handling")82 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D( of )0 78 1 A(Chapter 4, "Seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH(")78 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D( describes excep)HY(tions)YH( and error handling mech)HY(a)HY(nisms)YH( specific to the seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( func)HY(tions)YH(. )EP( )0 3 11 H(2.2.1)WB 105 Sn()WB 14 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::dupli)HY(cate)YH(_id)ES()EA()EH( ) 10 48 PR(struct duplicate_id: virtual exception { duplicate_id \201const std::basic_string& id\202; const std::basic_string& id \201\202 const; virtual const char* what \201\202 const throw \201\202; };)RP( )0 P(The )SM(xml_schema::dupli)HY(cate)YH(_id)ES( is thrown when a conflict)HY(ing)YH( instance of )SM(xml_schema::id)ES( \201see )0 20 1 A(Section 2.5, "Mapping for Built-in Data Types")20 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(\202 is added to a tree. The offend)HY(ing)YH( ID value can be obtained using the )SM(id)ES( func)HY(tion)YH(. )EP( )0 2 12 H(2.3)WB 106 Sn()WB 15 Sn( Mapping for )SM(import)ES( and )SM(include)ES()EA()EH( )0 3 13 H(2.3.1)WB 107 Sn()WB 16 Sn( Import)EA()EH( )0 P(The XML Schema )SM(import)ES( element is mapped to the C++ Prepro)HY(ces)HY(sor)YH( )SM(#include)ES( direc)HY(tive)YH(. The value of the )SM(schemaLo)HY(ca)HY(tion)YH()ES( attribute is used to derive the name of the header file that appears in the )SM(#include)ES( direc)HY(tive)YH(. For instance: )EP( ) 2 53 PR()RP( )0 P(is mapped to:)EP( ) 1 19 PR(#include "test.hxx")RP( )0 P(Note that you will need to compile imported schemas sepa)HY(rately)YH( in order to produce corre)HY(spond)HY(ing)YH( header files.)EP( )0 3 14 H(2.3.2)WB 108 Sn()WB 17 Sn( Inclu)HY(sion)YH( with Target Names)HY(pace)YH()EA()EH( )0 P(The XML Schema )SM(include)ES( element which refers to a schema with a target names)HY(pace)YH( or appears in a schema without a target names)HY(pace)YH( follows the same mapping rules as the )SM(import)ES( element, see )0 16 1 A(Section 2.3.1, "Import")16 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(. )EP( )0 3 15 H(2.3.3)WB 109 Sn()WB 18 Sn( Inclu)HY(sion)YH( without Target Names)HY(pace)YH()EA()EH( )0 P(For the XML Schema )SM(include)ES( element which refers to a schema without a target names)HY(pace)YH( and appears in a schema with a target names)HY(pace)YH( \201such inclu)HY(sion)YH( some)HY(times)YH( called "chameleon inclu)HY(sion)YH("\202, decla)HY(ra)HY(tions)YH( and defi)HY(ni)HY(tions)YH( from the included schema are gener)HY(ated)YH( in-line in the names)HY(pace)YH( of the includ)HY(ing)YH( schema as if they were declared and defined there verba)HY(tim)YH(. For example, consider the follow)HY(ing)YH( two schemas: )EP( ) 11 60 PR(<-- common.xsd --> ... <-- test.xsd --> )RP( )0 P(The frag)HY(ment)YH( of inter)HY(est)YH( from the gener)HY(ated)YH( header file for )SM(text.xsd)ES( would look like this:)EP( ) 8 14 PR(// test.hxx namespace test { class type { ... }; })RP( )0 2 16 H(2.4)WB 110 Sn()WB 19 Sn( Mapping for Names)HY(paces)YH()EA()EH( )0 P(An XML Schema names)HY(pace)YH( is mapped to one or more nested C++ names)HY(paces)YH(. XML Schema names)HY(paces)YH( are iden)HY(ti)HY(fied)YH( by URIs. By default, a names)HY(pace)YH( URI is mapped to a sequence of C++ names)HY(pace)YH( names by remov)HY(ing)YH( the proto)HY(col)YH( and host parts and split)HY(ting)YH( the rest into a sequence of names with ')SM(/)ES(' as the name sepa)HY(ra)HY(tor)YH(. For instance: )EP( ) 3 67 PR( ... )RP( )0 P(is mapped to:)EP( ) 7 16 PR(namespace system { namespace test { ... } })RP( )0 P(The default mapping of names)HY(pace)YH( URIs to C++ names)HY(pace)YH( names can be altered using the )SM(--names)HY(pace)YH(-map)ES( and )SM(--names)HY(pace)YH(-regex)ES( options. See the )R9 2 A(XSD Compiler Command Line Manual)EA( for more infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH(. )EP( )0 2 17 H(2.5)WB 111 Sn()WB 20 Sn( Mapping for Built-in Data Types)EA()EH( )0 P(The mapping of XML Schema built-in data types to C++ types is summa)HY(rized)YH( in the table below.)EP( )0 PT( )0 P(All XML Schema built-in types are mapped to C++ classes that are derived from the )SM(xml_schema::simple_type)ES( class except where the mapping is to a funda)HY(men)HY(tal)YH( C++ type.)EP( )0 P(The )SM(sequence)ES( class template is defined in an imple)HY(men)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH(-specific names)HY(pace)YH(. It conforms to the sequence inter)HY(face)YH( as defined by the ISO/ANSI Stan)HY(dard)YH( for C++ \201ISO/IEC 14882:1998, Section 23.1.1, "Sequences"\202. Prac)HY(ti)HY(cally)YH(, this means that you can treat such a sequence as if it was )SM(std::vector)ES(. One notable exten)HY(sion)YH( to the stan)HY(dard)YH( inter)HY(face)YH( that is avail)HY(able)YH( only for sequences of non-funda)HY(men)HY(tal)YH( C++ types is the addi)HY(tion)YH( of the over)HY(loaded)YH( )SM(push_back)ES( and )SM(insert)ES( member func)HY(tions)YH( which instead of the constant refer)HY(ence)YH( to the element type accept auto)HY(matic)YH( pointer to the element type. These func)HY(tions)YH( assume owner)HY(ship)YH( of the pointed to object and resets the passed auto)HY(matic)YH( pointer. )EP( )0 3 18 H(2.5.1)WB 112 Sn()WB 22 Sn( Inher)HY(i)HY(tance)YH( from Built-in Data Types)EA()EH( )0 P(In cases where the mapping calls for an inher)HY(i)HY(tance)YH( from a built-in type which is mapped to a funda)HY(men)HY(tal)YH( C++ type, a proxy type is used instead of the funda)HY(men)HY(tal)YH( C++ type \201C++ does not allow inher)HY(i)HY(tance)YH( from funda)HY(men)HY(tal)YH( types\202. For instance:)EP( ) 3 27 PR( )RP( )0 P(is mapped to:)EP( ) 4 42 PR(class my_int: public fundamental_base { ... };)RP( )0 P(The )SM(funda)HY(men)HY(tal)YH(_base)ES( class template provides a close emula)HY(tion)YH( \201though not exact\202 of a funda)HY(men)HY(tal)YH( C++ type. It is defined in an imple)HY(men)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH(-specific names)HY(pace)YH( and has the follow)HY(ing)YH( inter)HY(face)YH(:)EP( ) 22 44 PR(template class fundamental_base: public simple_type { public: fundamental_base \201\202; fundamental_base \201X\202 fundamental_base \201const fundamental_base&\202 public: fundamental_base& operator= \201const X&\202; public: operator const X & \201\202 const; operator X& \201\202; template operator Y \201\202 const; template operator Y \201\202; };)RP( )0 3 19 H(2.5.2)WB 113 Sn()WB 23 Sn( Mapping for )SM(anyType)ES()EA()EH( )0 P(The XML Schema )SM(anyType)ES( built-in data type is mapped to the )SM(xml_schema::type)ES( C++ class:)EP( ) 27 26 PR(class type { public: virtual ~type \201\202; public: type \201\202; type \201const type&\202; public: type& operator= \201const type&\202; public: virtual type* _clone \201\202 const; // DOM association. // public: const xercesc::DOMNode* _node \201\202 const; xercesc::DOMNode* _node \201\202; };)RP( )0 P(For more infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( about DOM asso)HY(ci)HY(a)HY(tion)YH( refer to )0 90 1 A(Section 5.1, "DOM Asso)HY(ci)HY(a)HY(tion)YH(")90 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(.)EP( )0 3 20 H(2.5.3)WB 114 Sn()WB 24 Sn( Mapping for )SM(anySim)HY(ple)HY(Type)YH()ES()EA()EH( )0 P(The XML Schema )SM(anySim)HY(ple)HY(Type)YH()ES( built-in data type is mapped to the )SM(xml_schema::simple_type)ES( C++ class:)EP( ) 14 35 PR(class simple_type: public type { public: simple_type \201\202; simple_type \201const simple_type&\202; public: simple_type& operator= \201const simple_type&\202; public: virtual simple_type* _clone \201\202 const; };)RP( )0 3 21 H(2.5.4)WB 115 Sn()WB 25 Sn( Mapping for )SM(QName)ES()EA()EH( )0 P(The XML Schema )SM(QName)ES( built-in data type is mapped to the )SM(xml_schema::qname)ES( C++ class:)EP( ) 25 36 PR(class qname: public simple_type { public: qname \201const ncname&\202; qname \201const uri&, const ncname&\202; qname \201const qname&\202; public: qname& operator= \201const qname&\202; public: virtual qname* _clone \201\202 const; public: bool qualified \201\202 const; const uri& namespace_ \201\202 const; const ncname& name \201\202 const; };)RP( )0 P(The )SM(qual)HY(i)HY(fied)YH()ES( acces)HY(sor)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( can be used to deter)HY(mine)YH( if the name is qual)HY(i)HY(fied)YH(.)EP( )0 3 22 H(2.5.5)WB 116 Sn()WB 26 Sn( Mapping for )SM(IDREF)ES()EA()EH( )0 P(The XML Schema )SM(IDREF)ES( built-in data type is mapped to the )SM(xml_schema::idref)ES( C++ class. This class imple)HY(ments)YH( the smart pointer C++ idiom:)EP( ) 56 44 PR(class idref: public ncname { public: idref \201const C* s\202; idref \201const C* s, std::size_t n\202; idref \201std::size_t n, C c\202; idref \201const std::basic_string&\202; idref \201const std::basic_string&, std::size_t pos, std::size_t n = npos\202; public: idref \201const idref&\202; public: virtual idref* _clone \201\202 const; public: idref& operator= \201C c\202; idref& operator= \201const C* s\202; idref& operator= \201const std::basic_string&\202 idref& operator= \201const idref&\202; )WR( public: const type* operator-> \201\202 const; type* operator-> \201\202; const type& operator* \201\202 const; type& operator* \201\202; const type* get \201\202 const; type* get \201\202; // Conversion to bool. // public: typedef void \201idref::*bool_convertible\202\201\202; operator bool_convertible \201\202 const; };)RP( )0 P(The object, )SM(idref)ES( instance refers to, is the imme)HY(di)HY(ate)YH( container of the match)HY(ing)YH( )SM(id)ES( instance. For example, with the follow)HY(ing)YH( instance docu)HY(ment)YH( and schema: )EP( ) 22 49 PR( obj-1 )RP( )0 P(The )SM(ref)ES( instance in the code below will refer to an object of type )SM(object_type)ES(:)EP( ) 4 53 PR(root_type& root = ...; xml_schema::idref& ref \201root.reference \201\202\202; object_type& obj \201dynamic_cast \201*ref\202\202; cout << obj.text \201\202 << endl;)RP( )0 P(The smart pointer inter)HY(face)YH( of the )SM(idref)ES( class always returns a pointer or refer)HY(ence)YH( to )SM(xml_schema::type)ES(. This means that you will need to manu)HY(ally)YH( cast such pointer or refer)HY(ence)YH( to its real \201dynamic\202 type before you can use it \201unless all you need is the base inter)HY(face)YH( provided by )SM(xml_schema::type)ES(\202. As a special exten)HY(sion)YH( to the XML Schema language, the mapping supports static typing of )SM(idref)ES( refer)HY(ences)YH( by employ)HY(ing)YH( the )SM(refType)ES( exten)HY(sion)YH( attribute. The follow)HY(ing)YH( example illus)HY(trates)YH( this mech)HY(a)HY(nism)YH(: )EP( ) 11 72 PR( ... ... )RP( )0 P(With this modi)HY(fi)HY(ca)HY(tion)YH( we do not need to do manual casting anymore: )EP( ) 4 51 PR(root_type& root = ...; root_type::reference_type& ref \201root.reference \201\202\202; object_type& obj \201*ref\202; cout << ref->text \201\202 << endl;)RP( )0 3 23 H(2.5.6)WB 117 Sn()WB 27 Sn( Mapping for )SM(base64Binary)ES( and )SM(hexBi)HY(nary)YH()ES()EA()EH( )0 P(The XML Schema )SM(base64Binary)ES( and )SM(hexBi)HY(nary)YH()ES( built-in data types are mapped to the )SM(xml_schema::base64_binary)ES( and )SM(xml_schema::hex_binary)ES( C++ classes, respec)HY(tively)YH(. The )SM(base64_binary)ES( and )SM(hex_binary)ES( classes support a simple buffer abstrac)HY(tion)YH( by inher)HY(it)HY(ing)YH( from the )SM(xml_schema::buffer)ES( class: )EP( ) 64 58 PR(class bounds: public virtual exception { public: virtual const char* what \201\202 const throw \201\202; }; class buffer { public: typedef std::size_t size_t; public: buffer \201size_t size = 0\202; buffer \201size_t size, size_t capacity\202; buffer \201const void* data, size_t size\202; buffer \201const void* data, size_t size, size_t capacity\202; buffer \201void* data, size_t size, size_t capacity, bool assume_ownership\202; public: buffer \201const buffer&\202; buffer& operator= \201const buffer&\202; void swap \201buffer&\202; )WR( public: size_t capacity \201\202 const; bool capacity \201size_t\202; public: size_t size \201\202 const; bool size \201size_t\202; public: const char* data \201\202 const; char* data \201\202; const char* begin \201\202 const; char* begin \201\202; const char* end \201\202 const; )WR( char* end \201\202; };)RP( )0 P(The last over)HY(loaded)YH( construc)HY(tor)YH( reuses an exist)HY(ing)YH( data buffer instead of making a copy. If the )SM(assume_owner)HY(ship)YH()ES( argu)HY(ment)YH( is )SM(true)ES(, the instance assumes owner)HY(ship)YH( of the memory block pointed to by the )SM(data)ES( argu)HY(ment)YH( and will even)HY(tu)HY(ally)YH( release it by calling )SM(oper)HY(a)HY(tor)YH( delete)ES(. The )SM(capac)HY(ity)YH()ES( and )SM(size)ES( modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( return )SM(true)ES( if the under)HY(ly)HY(ing)YH( buffer has moved. )EP( )0 P(The )SM(bounds)ES( excep)HY(tion)YH( is thrown if the construc)HY(tor)YH( argu)HY(ments)YH( violate the )SM(\201size\240<=\240capac)HY(ity)YH(\202)ES( constraint.)EP( )0 P(The )SM(base64_binary)ES( and )SM(hex_binary)ES( classes support the )SM(buffer)ES( inter)HY(face)YH( and perform auto)HY(matic)YH( decod)HY(ing)YH(/encod)HY(ing)YH( from/to the Base64 and Hex formats, respec)HY(tively)YH(: )EP( ) 25 65 PR(class base64_binary: public simple_type, public buffer { public: base64_binary \201size_t size = 0\202; base64_binary \201size_t size, size_t capacity\202; base64_binary \201const void* data, size_t size\202; base64_binary \201const void* data, size_t size, size_t capacity\202; base64_binary \201void* data, size_t size, size_t capacity, bool assume_ownership\202; public: base64_binary \201const base64_binary&\202; base64_binary& operator= \201const base64_binary&\202; virtual base64_binary* _clone \201\202 const; public: std::basic_string encode \201\202 const; };)RP( ) 25 62 PR(class hex_binary: public simple_type, public buffer { public: hex_binary \201size_t size = 0\202; hex_binary \201size_t size, size_t capacity\202; hex_binary \201const void* data, size_t size\202; hex_binary \201const void* data, size_t size, size_t capacity\202; hex_binary \201void* data, size_t size, size_t capacity, bool assume_ownership\202; public: hex_binary \201const hex_binary&\202; hex_binary& operator= \201const hex_binary&\202; virtual hex_binary* _clone \201\202 const; public: std::basic_string encode \201\202 const; };)RP( )0 2 24 H(2.5.7)WB 118 Sn()WB 28 Sn( Time Zone Repre)HY(sen)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH()EA()EH( )0 P(The )SM(date)ES(, )SM(date)HY(Time)YH()ES(, )SM(gDay)ES(, )SM(gMonth)ES(, )SM(gMon)HY(th)HY(Day)YH()ES(, )SM(gYear)ES(, )SM(gYear)HY(Month)YH()ES(, and )SM(time)ES( XML Schema built-in types all include an optional time zone compo)HY(nent)YH(. The follow)HY(ing)YH( )SM(xml_schema::time_zone)ES( base class is used to repre)HY(sent)YH( this infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH(:)EP( ) 30 48 PR(class time_zone { public: time_zone \201\202; time_zone \201short hours, short minutes\202; bool zone_present \201\202 const; void zone_reset \201\202; short zone_hours \201\202 const; void zone_hours \201short\202; short zone_minutes \201\202 const; void zone_minutes \201short\202; }; bool operator== \201const time_zone&, const time_zone&\202; bool operator!= \201const time_zone&, const time_zone&\202;)RP( )0 P(The )SM(zone_present\201\202)ES( acces)HY(sor)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( returns )SM(true)ES( if the time zone is spec)HY(i)HY(fied)YH(. The )SM(zone_reset\201\202)ES( modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( resets the time zone object to the )EM(not spec)HY(i)HY(fied)YH()ES( state. If the time zone offset is nega)HY(tive)YH( then both hours and minutes compo)HY(nents)YH( are repre)HY(sented)YH( as nega)HY(tive)YH( inte)HY(gers)YH(.)EP( )0 2 25 H(2.5.8)WB 119 Sn()WB 29 Sn( Mapping for )SM(date)ES()EA()EH( )0 P(The XML Schema )SM(date)ES( built-in data type is mapped to the )SM(xml_schema::date)ES( C++ class which repre)HY(sents)YH( a year, a day, and a month with an optional time zone. Its inter)HY(face)YH( is presented below. For more infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( on the base )SM(xml_schema::time_zone)ES( class refer to )0 28 1 A(Section 2.5.7, "Time Zone Repre)HY(sen)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH(")28 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(.)EP( ) 41 60 PR(class date: public simple_type, public time_zone { public: date \201int year, unsigned short month, unsigned short day\202; date \201int year, unsigned short month, unsigned short day, short zone_hours, short zone_minutes\202; public: date \201const date&\202; date& operator= \201const date&\202; virtual date* _clone \201\202 const; public: int year \201\202 const; void year \201int\202; unsigned short month \201\202 const; void month \201unsigned short\202; unsigned short day \201\202 const;)WR( void day \201unsigned short\202; }; bool operator== \201const date&, const date&\202; bool operator!= \201const date&, const date&\202;)RP( )0 2 26 H(2.5.9)WB 120 Sn()WB 30 Sn( Mapping for )SM(date)HY(Time)YH()ES()EA()EH( )0 P(The XML Schema )SM(date)HY(Time)YH()ES( built-in data type is mapped to the )SM(xml_schema::date_time)ES( C++ class which repre)HY(sents)YH( a year, a month, a day, hours, minutes, and seconds with an optional time zone. Its inter)HY(face)YH( is presented below. For more infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( on the base )SM(xml_schema::time_zone)ES( class refer to )0 28 1 A(Section 2.5.7, "Time Zone Repre)HY(sen)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH(")28 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(.)EP( ) 62 67 PR(class date_time: public simple_type, public time_zone { public: date_time \201int year, unsigned short month, unsigned short day, unsigned short hours, unsigned short minutes, double seconds\202; date_time \201int year, unsigned short month, unsigned short day, unsigned short hours, unsigned short minutes, double seconds, short zone_hours, short zone_minutes\202; public: date_time \201const date_time&\202; date_time& operator= \201const date_time&\202; virtual date_time* _clone \201\202 const; public: int year \201\202 const; void year \201int\202; unsigned short month \201\202 const; void month \201unsigned short\202;)WR( unsigned short day \201\202 const; void day \201unsigned short\202; unsigned short hours \201\202 const; void hours \201unsigned short\202; unsigned short minutes \201\202 const; void minutes \201unsigned short\202; double seconds \201\202 const; void seconds \201double\202; }; bool operator== \201const date_time&, const date_time&\202; bool)WR( operator!= \201const date_time&, const date_time&\202;)RP( )0 2 27 H(2.5.10)WB 121 Sn()WB 31 Sn( Mapping for )SM(dura)HY(tion)YH()ES()EA()EH( )0 P(The XML Schema )SM(dura)HY(tion)YH()ES( built-in data type is mapped to the )SM(xml_schema::dura)HY(tion)YH()ES( C++ class which repre)HY(sents)YH( a poten)HY(tially)YH( nega)HY(tive)YH( dura)HY(tion)YH( in the form of years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Its inter)HY(face)YH( is presented below.)EP( ) 64 71 PR(class duration: public simple_type { public: duration \201bool negative, unsigned int years, unsigned int months, unsigned int days, unsigned int hours, unsigned int minutes, double seconds\202; public: duration \201const duration&\202; duration& operator= \201const duration&\202; virtual duration* _clone \201\202 const; public: bool negative \201\202 const; void negative \201bool\202; unsigned int years \201\202 const; void years \201unsigned int\202; unsigned int months \201\202 const; )WR( void months \201unsigned int\202; unsigned int days \201\202 const; void days \201unsigned int\202; unsigned int hours \201\202 const; void hours \201unsigned int\202; unsigned int minutes \201\202 const; void minutes \201unsigned int\202; double seconds \201\202 const; void seconds \201double\202; }; bool operator== \201const duration&, const duration&\202;)WR( bool operator!= \201const duration&, const duration&\202;)RP( )0 2 28 H(2.5.11)WB 122 Sn()WB 32 Sn( Mapping for )SM(gDay)ES()EA()EH( )0 P(The XML Schema )SM(gDay)ES( built-in data type is mapped to the )SM(xml_schema::gday)ES( C++ class which repre)HY(sents)YH( a day of the month with an optional time zone. Its inter)HY(face)YH( is presented below. For more infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( on the base )SM(xml_schema::time_zone)ES( class refer to )0 28 1 A(Section 2.5.7, "Time Zone Repre)HY(sen)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH(")28 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(.)EP( ) 29 66 PR(class gday: public simple_type, public time_zone { public: explicit gday \201unsigned short day\202; gday \201unsigned short day, short zone_hours, short zone_minutes\202; public: gday \201const gday&\202; gday& operator= \201const gday&\202; virtual gday* _clone \201\202 const; public: unsigned short day \201\202 const; void day \201unsigned short\202; }; bool operator== \201const gday&, const gday&\202; bool operator!= \201const gday&, const gday&\202;)RP( )0 2 29 H(2.5.12)WB 123 Sn()WB 33 Sn( Mapping for )SM(gMonth)ES()EA()EH( )0 P(The XML Schema )SM(gMonth)ES( built-in data type is mapped to the )SM(xml_schema::gmonth)ES( C++ class which repre)HY(sents)YH( a month of the year with an optional time zone. Its inter)HY(face)YH( is presented below. For more infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( on the base )SM(xml_schema::time_zone)ES( class refer to )0 28 1 A(Section 2.5.7, "Time Zone Repre)HY(sen)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH(")28 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(.)EP( ) 30 50 PR(class gmonth: public simple_type, public time_zone { public: explicit gmonth \201unsigned short month\202; gmonth \201unsigned short month, short zone_hours, short zone_minutes\202; public: gmonth \201const gmonth&\202; gmonth& operator= \201const gmonth&\202; virtual gmonth* _clone \201\202 const; public: unsigned short month \201\202 const; void month \201unsigned short\202; }; bool operator== \201const gmonth&, const gmonth&\202; bool operator!= \201const gmonth&, const gmonth&\202;)RP( )0 2 30 H(2.5.13)WB 124 Sn()WB 34 Sn( Mapping for )SM(gMon)HY(th)HY(Day)YH()ES()EA()EH( )0 P(The XML Schema )SM(gMon)HY(th)HY(Day)YH()ES( built-in data type is mapped to the )SM(xml_schema::gmonth_day)ES( C++ class which repre)HY(sents)YH( a day and a month of the year with an optional time zone. Its inter)HY(face)YH( is presented below. For more infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( on the base )SM(xml_schema::time_zone)ES( class refer to )0 28 1 A(Section 2.5.7, "Time Zone Repre)HY(sen)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH(")28 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(.)EP( ) 35 56 PR(class gmonth_day: public simple_type, public time_zone { public: gmonth_day \201unsigned short month, unsigned short day\202; gmonth_day \201unsigned short month, unsigned short day, short zone_hours, short zone_minutes\202; public: gmonth_day \201const gmonth_day&\202; gmonth_day& operator= \201const gmonth_day&\202; virtual gmonth_day* _clone \201\202 const; public: unsigned short month \201\202 const; void month \201unsigned short\202; unsigned short day \201\202 const; void day \201unsigned short\202; }; bool)WR( operator== \201const gmonth_day&, const gmonth_day&\202; bool operator!= \201const gmonth_day&, const gmonth_day&\202;)RP( )0 2 31 H(2.5.14)WB 125 Sn()WB 35 Sn( Mapping for )SM(gYear)ES()EA()EH( )0 P(The XML Schema )SM(gYear)ES( built-in data type is mapped to the )SM(xml_schema::gyear)ES( C++ class which repre)HY(sents)YH( a year with an optional time zone. Its inter)HY(face)YH( is presented below. For more infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( on the base )SM(xml_schema::time_zone)ES( class refer to )0 28 1 A(Section 2.5.7, "Time Zone Repre)HY(sen)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH(")28 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(.)EP( ) 29 57 PR(class gyear: public simple_type, public time_zone { public: explicit gyear \201int year\202; gyear \201int year, short zone_hours, short zone_minutes\202; public: gyear \201const gyear&\202; gyear& operator= \201const gyear&\202; virtual gyear* _clone \201\202 const; public: int year \201\202 const; void year \201int\202; }; bool operator== \201const gyear&, const gyear&\202; bool operator!= \201const gyear&, const gyear&\202;)RP( )0 2 32 H(2.5.15)WB 126 Sn()WB 36 Sn( Mapping for )SM(gYear)HY(Month)YH()ES()EA()EH( )0 P(The XML Schema )SM(gYear)HY(Month)YH()ES( built-in data type is mapped to the )SM(xml_schema::gyear_month)ES( C++ class which repre)HY(sents)YH( a year and a month with an optional time zone. Its inter)HY(face)YH( is presented below. For more infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( on the base )SM(xml_schema::time_zone)ES( class refer to )0 28 1 A(Section 2.5.7, "Time Zone Repre)HY(sen)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH(")28 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(.)EP( ) 34 55 PR(class gyear_month: public simple_type, public time_zone { public: gyear_month \201int year, unsigned short month\202; gyear_month \201int year, unsigned short month, short zone_hours, short zone_minutes\202; public: gyear_month \201const gyear_month&\202; gyear_month& operator= \201const gyear_month&\202; virtual gyear_month* _clone \201\202 const; public: int year \201\202 const; void year \201int\202; unsigned short month \201\202 const; void month \201unsigned short\202; }; bool operator== \201const gyear_month&, const gyear_month&\202;)WR( bool operator!= \201const gyear_month&, const gyear_month&\202;)RP( )0 2 33 H(2.5.16)WB 127 Sn()WB 37 Sn( Mapping for )SM(time)ES()EA()EH( )0 P(The XML Schema )SM(time)ES( built-in data type is mapped to the )SM(xml_schema::time)ES( C++ class which repre)HY(sents)YH( hours, minutes, and seconds with an optional time zone. Its inter)HY(face)YH( is presented below. For more infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( on the base )SM(xml_schema::time_zone)ES( class refer to )0 28 1 A(Section 2.5.7, "Time Zone Repre)HY(sen)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH(")28 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(.)EP( ) 41 70 PR(class time: public simple_type, public time_zone { public: time \201unsigned short hours, unsigned short minutes, double seconds\202; time \201unsigned short hours, unsigned short minutes, double seconds, short zone_hours, short zone_minutes\202; public: time \201const time&\202; time& operator= \201const time&\202; virtual time* _clone \201\202 const; public: unsigned short hours \201\202 const; void hours \201unsigned short\202; unsigned short minutes \201\202 const; void minutes \201unsigned short\202; double seconds \201\202 const;)WR( void seconds \201double\202; }; bool operator== \201const time&, const time&\202; bool operator!= \201const time&, const time&\202;)RP( )0 2 34 H(2.6)WB 128 Sn()WB 38 Sn( Mapping for Simple Types)EA()EH( )0 P(An XML Schema simple type is mapped to a C++ class with the same name as the simple type. The class defines a public copy construc)HY(tor)YH(, a public copy assign)HY(ment)YH( oper)HY(a)HY(tor)YH(, and a public virtual )SM(_clone)ES( func)HY(tion)YH(. The )SM(_clone)ES( func)HY(tion)YH( is declared )SM(const)ES(, does not take any argu)HY(ments)YH(, and returns a pointer to a complete copy of the instance allo)HY(cated)YH( in the free store. The )SM(_clone)ES( func)HY(tion)YH( shall be used to make copies when static type and dynamic type of the instance may differ \201see )0 54 1 A(Section 2.11, "Mapping for )SM(xsi:type)ES( and Substi)HY(tu)HY(tion)YH( Groups")54 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(\202. For instance:)EP( ) 3 26 PR( ... )RP( )0 P(is mapped to:)EP( ) 16 28 PR(class object: ... { public: object \201const object&\202; public: object& operator= \201const object&\202; public: virtual object* _clone \201\202 const; ... };)RP( )0 P(The base class spec)HY(i)HY(fi)HY(ca)HY(tion)YH( and the rest of the class defi)HY(ni)HY(tion)YH( depend on the type of deriva)HY(tion)YH( used to define the simple type. )EP( )0 3 35 H(2.6.1)WB 129 Sn()WB 39 Sn( Mapping for Deriva)HY(tion)YH( by Restric)HY(tion)YH()EA()EH( )0 P(XML Schema deriva)HY(tion)YH( by restric)HY(tion)YH( is mapped to C++ public inher)HY(i)HY(tance)YH(. The base type of the restric)HY(tion)YH( becomes the base type for the result)HY(ing)YH( C++ class. In addi)HY(tion)YH( to the members described in )0 38 1 A(Section 2.6, "Mapping for Simple Types")38 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(, the result)HY(ing)YH( C++ class defines a public construc)HY(tor)YH( with the base type as its single argu)HY(ment)YH(. For instance:)EP( ) 5 27 PR( ... )RP( )0 P(is mapped to:)EP( ) 14 28 PR(class object: public base { public: object \201const base&\202; object \201const object&\202; public: object& operator= \201const object&\202; public: virtual object* _clone \201\202 const; };)RP( )0 3 36 H(2.6.2)WB 130 Sn()WB 40 Sn( Mapping for Enumer)HY(a)HY(tions)YH()EA()EH( )0 P(XML Schema restric)HY(tion)YH( by enumer)HY(a)HY(tion)YH( is mapped to a C++ class with seman)HY(tics)YH( similar to C++ )SM(enum)ES(. Each XML Schema enumer)HY(a)HY(tion)YH( element is mapped to a C++ enumer)HY(a)HY(tor)YH( with the name derived from the )SM(value)ES( attribute and defined in the class scope. In addi)HY(tion)YH( to the members described in )0 38 1 A(Section 2.6, "Mapping for Simple Types")38 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(, the result)HY(ing)YH( C++ class defines a public construc)HY(tor)YH( that can be called with one of the enumer)HY(a)HY(tors)YH( as its single argu)HY(ment)YH(, a public construc)HY(tor)YH( that can be called with enumer)HY(a)HY(tion)YH('s base value as its single argu)HY(ment)YH(, a public assign)HY(ment)YH( oper)HY(a)HY(tor)YH( that can be used to assign the value of one of the enumer)HY(a)HY(tors)YH(, and a public implicit conver)HY(sion)YH( oper)HY(a)HY(tor)YH( to the under)HY(ly)HY(ing)YH( C++ enum type.)EP( )0 P(Further)HY(more)YH(, for string-based enumer)HY(a)HY(tion)YH( types, the result)HY(ing)YH( C++ class defines a public construc)HY(tor)YH( with a single argu)HY(ment)YH( of type )SM(const C*)ES( and a public construc)HY(tor)YH( with a single argu)HY(ment)YH( of type )SM(const std::basic_string&)ES(. For instance:)EP( ) 7 32 PR( )RP( )0 P(is mapped to:)EP( ) 31 38 PR(class color: xml_schema::string { public: enum value { red, green, blue }; public: color \201value\202; color \201const C*\202; color \201const std::basic_string&\202; color \201const xml_schema::string&\202; color \201const color&\202; public: color& operator= \201value\202; color& operator= \201const color&\202; public: virtual color* _clone \201\202 const; public: operator value \201\202 const; };)WR()RP( )0 3 37 H(2.6.3)WB 131 Sn()WB 41 Sn( Mapping for Deriva)HY(tion)YH( by List)EA()EH( )0 P(XML Schema deriva)HY(tion)YH( by list is mapped to C++ public inher)HY(i)HY(tance)YH( from )SM(xml_schema::simple_type)ES( \201)0 24 1 A(Section 2.5.3, "Mapping for )SM(anySim)HY(ple)HY(Type)YH()ES(")24 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(\202 and a suit)HY(able)YH( sequence type. The list item type becomes the element type of the sequence. In addi)HY(tion)YH( to the members described in )0 38 1 A(Section 2.6, "Mapping for Simple Types")38 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(, the result)HY(ing)YH( C++ class defines a public default construc)HY(tor)YH(, a public construc)HY(tor)YH( with the first argu)HY(ment)YH( of type )SM(size_type)ES( and the second argu)HY(ment)YH( of list item type that creates a list object with the spec)HY(i)HY(fied)YH( number of copies of the spec)HY(i)HY(fied)YH( element value, and a public construc)HY(tor)YH( with the two argu)HY(ments)YH( of an input iter)HY(a)HY(tor)YH( type that creates a list object from an iter)HY(a)HY(tor)YH( range. For instance: )EP( ) 3 28 PR( )RP( )0 P(is mapped to:)EP( ) 19 42 PR(class int_list: public simple_type, public sequence { public: int_list \201\202; int_list \201size_type n, int x\202; template int_list \201const I& begin, const I& end\202; int_list \201const int_list&\202; public: int_list& operator= \201const int_list&\202; public: virtual int_list* _clone \201\202 const; };)RP( )0 P(The )SM(sequence)ES( class template is defined in an imple)HY(men)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH(-specific names)HY(pace)YH(. It conforms to the sequence inter)HY(face)YH( as defined by the ISO/ANSI Stan)HY(dard)YH( for C++ \201ISO/IEC 14882:1998, Section 23.1.1, "Sequences"\202. Prac)HY(ti)HY(cally)YH(, this means that you can treat such a sequence as if it was )SM(std::vector)ES(. One notable exten)HY(sion)YH( to the stan)HY(dard)YH( inter)HY(face)YH( that is avail)HY(able)YH( only for sequences of non-funda)HY(men)HY(tal)YH( C++ types is the addi)HY(tion)YH( of the over)HY(loaded)YH( )SM(push_back)ES( and )SM(insert)ES( member func)HY(tions)YH( which instead of the constant refer)HY(ence)YH( to the element type accept auto)HY(matic)YH( pointer to the element type. These func)HY(tions)YH( assume owner)HY(ship)YH( of the pointed to object and resets the passed auto)HY(matic)YH( pointer. )EP( )0 3 38 H(2.6.4)WB 132 Sn()WB 42 Sn( Mapping for Deriva)HY(tion)YH( by Union)EA()EH( )0 P(XML Schema deriva)HY(tion)YH( by union is mapped to C++ public inher)HY(i)HY(tance)YH( from )SM(xml_schema::simple_type)ES( \201)0 24 1 A(Section 2.5.3, "Mapping for )SM(anySim)HY(ple)HY(Type)YH()ES(")24 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(\202 and )SM(std::basic_string)ES(. In addi)HY(tion)YH( to the members described in )0 38 1 A(Section 2.6, "Mapping for Simple Types")38 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(, the result)HY(ing)YH( C++ class defines a public construc)HY(tor)YH( with a single argu)HY(ment)YH( of type )SM(const C*)ES( and a public construc)HY(tor)YH( with a single argu)HY(ment)YH( of type )SM(const std::basic_string&)ES(. For instance: )EP( ) 3 47 PR( )RP( )0 P(is mapped to:)EP( ) 16 51 PR(class int_string_union: public simple_type, public std::basic_string { public: int_string_union \201const C*\202; int_string_union \201const std::basic_string&\202; int_string_union \201const int_string_union&\202; public: int_string_union& operator= \201const int_string_union&\202; public: virtual int_string_union* _clone \201\202 const; };)RP( )0 2 39 H(2.7)WB 133 Sn()WB 43 Sn( Mapping for Complex Types)EA()EH( )0 P(An XML Schema complex type is mapped to a C++ class with the same name as the complex type. The class defines a public copy construc)HY(tor)YH(, a public copy assign)HY(ment)YH( oper)HY(a)HY(tor)YH(, and a public virtual )SM(_clone)ES( func)HY(tion)YH(. The )SM(_clone)ES( func)HY(tion)YH( is declared )SM(const)ES(, does not take any argu)HY(ments)YH(, and returns a pointer to a complete copy of the instance allo)HY(cated)YH( in the free store. The )SM(_clone)ES( func)HY(tion)YH( shall be used to make copies when static type and dynamic type of the instance may differ \201see )0 54 1 A(Section 2.11, "Mapping for )SM(xsi:type)ES( and Substi)HY(tu)HY(tion)YH( Groups")54 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(\202.)EP( )0 P(Addi)HY(tion)HY(ally)YH(, the result)HY(ing)YH( C++ class defines two public construc)HY(tors)YH( that take an initial)HY(izer)YH( for each member of the complex type and all its base types that belongs to the One cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( class \201see )0 46 1 A(Section 2.8, "Mapping for Local Elements and Attributes")46 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(\202. In the first construc)HY(tor)YH(, the argu)HY(ments)YH( are passed as constant refer)HY(ences)YH( and the newly created instance is initial)HY(ized)YH( with copies of the passed objects. In the second construc)HY(tor)YH(, argu)HY(ments)YH( that are complex types \201that is, they them)HY(selves)YH( contain elements or attributes\202 are passed as refer)HY(ences)YH( to )SM(std::auto_ptr)ES(. In this case the newly created instance is directly initial)HY(ized)YH( with and assumes owner)HY(ship)YH( of the pointed to objects and the )SM(std::auto_ptr)ES( argu)HY(ments)YH( are reset to )SM(0)ES(. For instance:)EP( ) 15 66 PR( )RP( )0 P(is mapped to:)EP( ) 36 60 PR(class complex: xml_schema::type { public: object \201const int& a, const xml_schema::string& b\202; object \201const complex&\202; public: object& operator= \201const complex&\202; public: virtual complex* _clone \201\202 const; ... }; class object: xml_schema::type { public: object \201const bool& s_one, const complex& c_one\202; object \201const bool& s_one, std::auto_ptr& c_one\202; object \201const object&\202; public: object& operator= \201const object&\202; public: virtual object*)WR( _clone \201\202 const; ... };)RP( )0 P(Notice that the gener)HY(ated)YH( )SM(complex)ES( class does not have the second \201)SM(std::auto_ptr)ES(\202 version of the construc)HY(tor)YH( since all its required members are of simple types.)EP( )0 P(If an XML Schema complex type has an ulti)HY(mate)YH( base which is an XML Schema simple type then the result)HY(ing)YH( C++ class also defines a public construc)HY(tor)YH( that takes an initial)HY(izer)YH( for the base type as well as for each member of the complex type and all its base types that belongs to the One cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( class. For instance:)EP( ) 7 61 PR( )RP( )0 P(is mapped to:)EP( ) 11 44 PR(class object: xml_schema::string { public: object \201const xml_schema::language& lang\202; object \201const xml_schema::date& base, const xml_schema::language& lang\202; ... };)RP( )0 P(Further)HY(more)YH(, for string-based XML Schema complex types, the result)HY(ing)YH( C++ class also defines two public construc)HY(tors)YH( with the first argu)HY(ments)YH( of type )SM(const C*)ES( and )SM(std::basic_string&)ES(, respec)HY(tively)YH(, followed by argu)HY(ments)YH( for each member of the complex type and all its base types that belongs to the One cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( class. For enumer)HY(a)HY(tion)YH(-based complex types the result)HY(ing)YH( C++ class also defines a public construc)HY(tor)YH( with the first argu)HY(ments)YH( of the under)HY(ly)HY(ing)YH( enum type followed by argu)HY(ments)YH( for each member of the complex type and all its base types that belongs to the One cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( class. For instance:)EP( ) 15 61 PR( )RP( )0 P(is mapped to:)EP( ) 37 44 PR(class color: xml_schema::string { public: enum value { red, green, blue }; public: color \201value\202; color \201const C*\202; color \201const std::basic_string&\202; ... }; class object: color { public: object \201const color& base, const xml_schema::language& lang\202; object \201const color::value& base, const xml_schema::language& lang\202; object \201const C* base, const xml_schema::language& lang\202; )WR( object \201const std::basic_string& base, const xml_schema::language& lang\202; ... };)RP( )0 P(Addi)HY(tional)YH( construc)HY(tors)YH( can be requested with the )SM(--gener)HY(ate)YH(-default-ctor)ES( and )SM(--gener)HY(ate)YH(-from-base-ctor)ES( options. See the )R9 2 A(XSD Compiler Command Line Manual)EA( for details.)EP( )0 P(If an XML Schema complex type is not explic)HY(itly)YH( derived from any type, the result)HY(ing)YH( C++ class is derived from )SM(xml_schema::type)ES(. In cases where an XML Schema complex type is defined using deriva)HY(tion)YH( by exten)HY(sion)YH( or restric)HY(tion)YH(, the result)HY(ing)YH( C++ base class spec)HY(i)HY(fi)HY(ca)HY(tion)YH( depends on the type of deriva)HY(tion)YH( and is described in the subse)HY(quent)YH( sections. )EP( )0 P(The mapping for elements and attributes that are defined in a complex type is described in )0 46 1 A(Section 2.8, "Mapping for Local Elements and Attributes")46 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(. )EP( )0 3 40 H(2.7.1)WB 134 Sn()WB 44 Sn( Mapping for Deriva)HY(tion)YH( by Exten)HY(sion)YH()EA()EH( )0 P(XML Schema deriva)HY(tion)YH( by exten)HY(sion)YH( is mapped to C++ public inher)HY(i)HY(tance)YH(. The base type of the exten)HY(sion)YH( becomes the base type for the result)HY(ing)YH( C++ class. )EP( )0 3 41 H(2.7.2)WB 135 Sn()WB 45 Sn( Mapping for Deriva)HY(tion)YH( by Restric)HY(tion)YH()EA()EH( )0 P(XML Schema deriva)HY(tion)YH( by restric)HY(tion)YH( is mapped to C++ public inher)HY(i)HY(tance)YH(. The base type of the restric)HY(tion)YH( becomes the base type for the result)HY(ing)YH( C++ class. XML Schema elements and attributes defined within restric)HY(tion)YH( do not result in any defi)HY(ni)HY(tions)YH( in the result)HY(ing)YH( C++ class. Instead, corre)HY(spond)HY(ing)YH( \201unre)HY(stricted)YH(\202 defi)HY(ni)HY(tions)YH( are inher)HY(ited)YH( from the base class. In the future versions of this mapping, such elements and attributes may result in redef)HY(i)HY(ni)HY(tions)YH( of acces)HY(sors)YH( and modi)HY(fiers)YH( to reflect their restricted seman)HY(tics)YH(. )EP( )0 2 42 H(2.8)WB 136 Sn()WB 46 Sn( Mapping for Local Elements and Attributes)EA()EH( )0 P(XML Schema element and attribute defi)HY(ni)HY(tions)YH( are called local if they appear within a complex type defi)HY(ni)HY(tion)YH(, an element group defi)HY(ni)HY(tion)YH(, or an attribute group defi)HY(ni)HY(tions)YH(. )EP( )0 P(Local XML Schema element and attribute defi)HY(ni)HY(tions)YH( have the same C++ mapping. There)HY(fore)YH(, in this section, local elements and attributes are collec)HY(tively)YH( called members. )EP( )0 P(While there are many differ)HY(ent)YH( member cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( combi)HY(na)HY(tions)YH( \201deter)HY(mined)YH( by the )SM(use)ES( attribute for attributes and the )SM(minOc)HY(curs)YH()ES( and )SM(maxOc)HY(curs)YH()ES( attributes for elements\202, the mapping divides all possi)HY(ble)YH( cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( combi)HY(na)HY(tions)YH( into three cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( classes: )EP( )0 DL( )0 DT()I(one)ES( )DD(attributes: )SM(use == "required")ES( )DD(attributes: )SM(use == "optional")ES( and has default or fixed value )DD(elements: )SM(minOc)HY(curs)YH( == "1")ES( and )SM(maxOc)HY(curs)YH( == "1")ES( )0 DT()I(optional)ES( )DD(attributes: )SM(use == "optional")ES( and doesn't have default or fixed value )DD(elements: )SM(minOc)HY(curs)YH( == "0")ES( and )SM(maxOc)HY(curs)YH( == "1")ES( )0 DT()I(sequence)ES( )DD(elements: )SM(maxOc)HY(curs)YH( > "1")ES( )LD( )0 P(An optional attribute with a default or fixed value acquires this value if the attribute hasn't been spec)HY(i)HY(fied)YH( in an instance docu)HY(ment)YH( \201see )0 92 1 A(Appendix A, "Default and Fixed Values")92 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(\202. This mapping places such optional attributes to the One cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( class.)EP( )0 P(A member is mapped to a set of public type defi)HY(ni)HY(tions)YH( \201)SM(typedef)ES(s\202 and a set of public acces)HY(sor)YH( and modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tions)YH(. Type defi)HY(ni)HY(tions)YH( have names derived from the member's name. The acces)HY(sor)YH( and modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( have the same name as the member. For example: )EP( ) 5 42 PR( )RP( )0 P(is mapped to:)EP( ) 11 41 PR(class object: xml_schema::type { public: typedef xml_schema::string member_type; const member_type& member \201\202 const; ... };)RP( )0 P(In addi)HY(tion)YH(, if a member has a default or fixed value, a static acces)HY(sor)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( is gener)HY(ated)YH( that returns this value. For example:)EP( ) 3 55 PR( )RP( )0 P(is mapped to:)EP( ) 14 39 PR(class object: xml_schema::type { public: typedef xml_schema::string data_type; const data_type& data \201\202 const; static const data_type& data_default_value \201\202; ... };)RP( )0 P(Names and seman)HY(tics)YH( of type defi)HY(ni)HY(tions)YH( for the member as well as signa)HY(tures)YH( of the acces)HY(sor)YH( and modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( depend on the member's cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( class and are described in the follow)HY(ing)YH( sub-sections. )EP( )0 3 43 H(2.8.1)WB 137 Sn()WB 47 Sn( Mapping for Members with the One Cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( Class)EA()EH( )0 P(For the One cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( class, the type defi)HY(ni)HY(tions)YH( consist of an alias for the member's type with the name created by append)HY(ing)YH( the )SM(_type)ES( suffix to the member's name. )EP( )0 P(The acces)HY(sor)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( come in constant and non-constant versions. The constant acces)HY(sor)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( returns a constant refer)HY(ence)YH( to the member and can be used for read-only access. The non-constant version returns an unre)HY(stricted)YH( refer)HY(ence)YH( to the member and can be used for read-write access. )EP( )0 P(The first modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( expects an argu)HY(ment)YH( of type refer)HY(ence)YH( to constant of the member's type. It makes a deep copy of its argu)HY(ment)YH(. Except for member's types that are mapped to funda)HY(men)HY(tal)YH( C++ types, the second modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( is provided that expects an argu)HY(ment)YH( of type auto)HY(matic)YH( pointer to the member's type. It assumes owner)HY(ship)YH( of the pointed to object and resets the passed auto)HY(matic)YH( pointer. For instance:)EP( ) 5 42 PR( )RP( )0 P(is mapped to:)EP( ) 25 41 PR(class object: xml_schema::type { public: // Type definitions. // typedef xml_schema::string member_type; // Accessors. // const member_type& member \201\202 const; member_type& member \201\202; // Modifiers. // void member \201const member_type&\202; void member \201std::auto_ptr\202; ... };)RP( )0 P(In addi)HY(tion)YH(, if requested by spec)HY(i)HY(fy)HY(ing)YH( the )SM(--gener)HY(ate)YH(-detach)ES( option and only for members of non-funda)HY(men)HY(tal)YH( C++ types, the mapping provides a detach func)HY(tion)YH( that returns an auto)HY(matic)YH( pointer to the member's type, for example:)EP( ) 10 30 PR(class object: xml_schema::type { public: ... std::auto_ptr detach_member \201\202; ... };)RP( )0 P(This func)HY(tion)YH( detaches the value from the tree leaving the member value unini)HY(tial)HY(ized)YH(. Access)HY(ing)YH( such an unini)HY(tial)HY(ized)YH( value prior to re-initial)HY(iz)HY(ing)YH( it results in unde)HY(fined)YH( behav)HY(ior)YH(.)EP( )0 P(The follow)HY(ing)YH( code shows how one could use this mapping:)EP( ) 16 66 PR(void f \201object& o\202 { using xml_schema::string; string s \201o.member \201\202\202; // get object::member_type& sr \201o.member \201\202\202; // get o.member \201"hello"\202; // set, deep copy o.member \201\202 = "hello"; // set, deep copy std::auto_ptr p \201new string \201"hello"\202\202; o.member \201p\202; // set, assumes ownership p = o.detach_member \201\202; // detach, member is uninitialized o.member \201p\202; // re-attach })RP( )0 3 44 H(2.8.2)WB 138 Sn()WB 48 Sn( Mapping for Members with the Optional Cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( Class)EA()EH( )0 P(For the Optional cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( class, the type defi)HY(ni)HY(tions)YH( consist of an alias for the member's type with the name created by append)HY(ing)YH( the )SM(_type)ES( suffix to the member's name and an alias for the container type with the name created by append)HY(ing)YH( the )SM(_optional)ES( suffix to the member's name. )EP( )0 P(Unlike acces)HY(sor)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( for the One cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( class, acces)HY(sor)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( for the Optional cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( class return refer)HY(ences)YH( to corre)HY(spond)HY(ing)YH( contain)HY(ers)YH( rather than directly to members. The acces)HY(sor)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( come in constant and non-constant versions. The constant acces)HY(sor)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( returns a constant refer)HY(ence)YH( to the container and can be used for read-only access. The non-constant version returns an unre)HY(stricted)YH( refer)HY(ence)YH( to the container and can be used for read-write access. )EP( )0 P(The modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( are over)HY(loaded)YH( for the member's type and the container type. The first modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( expects an argu)HY(ment)YH( of type refer)HY(ence)YH( to constant of the member's type. It makes a deep copy of its argu)HY(ment)YH(. Except for member's types that are mapped to funda)HY(men)HY(tal)YH( C++ types, the second modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( is provided that expects an argu)HY(ment)YH( of type auto)HY(matic)YH( pointer to the member's type. It assumes owner)HY(ship)YH( of the pointed to object and resets the passed auto)HY(matic)YH( pointer. The last modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( expects an argu)HY(ment)YH( of type refer)HY(ence)YH( to constant of the container type. It makes a deep copy of its argu)HY(ment)YH(. For instance: )EP( ) 5 56 PR( )RP( )0 P(is mapped to:)EP( ) 30 48 PR(class object: xml_schema::type { public: // Type definitions. // typedef xml_schema::string member_type; typedef optional member_optional; // Accessors. // const member_optional& member \201\202 const; member_optional& member \201\202; // Modifiers. // void member \201const member_type&\202; void member \201std::auto_ptr\202; void member \201const member_optional&\202; ... };)RP( )0 P(The )SM(optional)ES( class template is defined in an imple)HY(men)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH(-specific names)HY(pace)YH( and has the follow)HY(ing)YH( inter)HY(face)YH(. The )SM(auto_ptr)ES(-based construc)HY(tor)YH( and modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( are only avail)HY(able)YH( if the template argu)HY(ment)YH( is not a funda)HY(men)HY(tal)YH( C++ type. )EP( ) 97 52 PR(template class optional { public: optional \201\202; // Makes a deep copy. // explicit optional \201const X&\202; // Assumes ownership. // explicit optional \201std::auto_ptr\202; optional \201const optional&\202; public: optional& operator= \201const X&\202; optional& operator= \201const optional&\202; // Pointer-like interface. // public: const X* operator-> \201\202 const; )WR( X* operator-> \201\202; const X& operator* \201\202 const; X& operator* \201\202; typedef void \201optional::*bool_convertible\202 \201\202; operator bool_convertible \201\202 const; // Get/set interface. // public: bool present \201\202 const; const X& get \201\202 const; X& get \201\202; // Makes a deep copy. // void set \201const X&\202; // Assumes ownership.)WR( // void set \201std::auto_ptr\202; // Detach and return the contained value. // std::auto_ptr detach \201\202; void reset \201\202; }; template bool operator== \201const optional&, const optional&\202; template bool operator!= \201const optional&, const optional&\202; template bool operator< \201const optional&, const optional&\202; template bool operator> \201const optional&, const optional&\202; template )WR( bool operator<= \201const optional&, const optional&\202; template bool operator>= \201const optional&, const optional&\202;)RP( )0 P(The follow)HY(ing)YH( code shows how one could use this mapping:)EP( ) 32 62 PR(void f \201object& o\202 { using xml_schema::string; if \201o.member \201\202.present \201\202\202 // test { string& s \201o.member \201\202.get \201\202\202; // get o.member \201"hello"\202; // set, deep copy o.member \201\202.set \201"hello"\202; // set, deep copy o.member \201\202.reset \201\202; // reset } // Same as above but using pointer notation: // if \201o.member \201\202\202 // test { string& s \201*o.member \201\202\202; // get o.member \201"hello"\202; // set, deep copy *o.member \201\202 = "hello"; // set, deep copy o.member \201\202.reset \201\202; // reset } std::auto_ptr p \201new string \201"hello"\202\202; o.member \201p\202; // set, assumes ownership p = new string \201"hello"\202; o.member \201\202.set \201p\202; // set, assumes ownership p = o.member \201\202.detach \201\202; // detach, member is reset o.member \201\202.set \201p\202; // re-attach)WR( })RP( )0 3 45 H(2.8.3)WB 139 Sn()WB 49 Sn( Mapping for Members with the Sequence Cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( Class)EA()EH( )0 P(For the Sequence cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( class, the type defi)HY(ni)HY(tions)YH( consist of an alias for the member's type with the name created by append)HY(ing)YH( the )SM(_type)ES( suffix to the member's name, an alias of the container type with the name created by append)HY(ing)YH( the )SM(_sequence)ES( suffix to the member's name, an alias of the iter)HY(a)HY(tor)YH( type with the name created by append)HY(ing)YH( the )SM(_iter)HY(a)HY(tor)YH()ES( suffix to the member's name, and an alias of the constant iter)HY(a)HY(tor)YH( type with the name created by append)HY(ing)YH( the )SM(_const_iter)HY(a)HY(tor)YH()ES( suffix to the member's name. )EP( )0 P(The acces)HY(sor)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( come in constant and non-constant versions. The constant acces)HY(sor)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( returns a constant refer)HY(ence)YH( to the container and can be used for read-only access. The non-constant version returns an unre)HY(stricted)YH( refer)HY(ence)YH( to the container and can be used for read-write access. )EP( )0 P(The modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( expects an argu)HY(ment)YH( of type refer)HY(ence)YH( to constant of the container type. The modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( makes a deep copy of its argu)HY(ment)YH(. For instance: )EP( ) 5 64 PR( )RP( )0 P(is mapped to:)EP( ) 26 64 PR(class object: xml_schema::type { public: // Type definitions. // typedef xml_schema::string member_type; typedef sequence member_sequence; typedef member_sequence::iterator member_iterator; typedef member_sequence::const_iterator member_const_iterator; // Accessors. // const member_sequence& member \201\202 const; member_sequence& member \201\202; // Modifier. // void member \201const member_sequence&\202; ... };)RP( )0 P(The )SM(sequence)ES( class template is defined in an imple)HY(men)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH(-specific names)HY(pace)YH(. It conforms to the sequence inter)HY(face)YH( as defined by the ISO/ANSI Stan)HY(dard)YH( for C++ \201ISO/IEC 14882:1998, Section 23.1.1, "Sequences"\202. Prac)HY(ti)HY(cally)YH(, this means that you can treat such a sequence as if it was )SM(std::vector)ES(. Two notable exten)HY(sions)YH( to the stan)HY(dard)YH( inter)HY(face)YH( that are avail)HY(able)YH( only for sequences of non-funda)HY(men)HY(tal)YH( C++ types are the addi)HY(tion)YH( of the over)HY(loaded)YH( )SM(push_back)ES( and )SM(insert)ES( as well as the )SM(detach_back)ES( and )SM(detach)ES( member func)HY(tions)YH(. The addi)HY(tional)YH( )SM(push_back)ES( and )SM(insert)ES( func)HY(tions)YH( accept an auto)HY(matic)YH( pointer to the element type instead of the constant refer)HY(ence)YH(. They assume owner)HY(ship)YH( of the pointed to object and resets the passed auto)HY(matic)YH( pointer. The )SM(detach_back)ES( and )SM(detach)ES( func)HY(tions)YH( detach the element value from the sequence container and, by default, remove the element from the sequence. These addi)HY(tional)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( have the follow)HY(ing)YH( signa)HY(tures)YH(:)EP( ) 22 46 PR(template class sequence { public: ... void push_back \201std::auto_ptr\202 iterator insert \201iterator position, std::auto_ptr\202 std::auto_ptr detach_back \201bool pop = true\202; iterator detach \201iterator position, std::auto_ptr& result, bool erase = true\202 ... })RP( )0 P(The follow)HY(ing)YH( code shows how one could use this mapping:)EP( ) 30 66 PR(void f \201object& o\202 { using xml_schema::string; object::member_sequence& s \201o.member \201\202\202; // Iteration. // for \201object::member_iterator i \201s.begin \201\202\202; i != s.end \201\202; ++i\202 { string& value \201*i\202; } // Modification. // s.push_back \201"hello"\202; // deep copy std::auto_ptr p \201new string \201"hello"\202\202; s.push_back \201p\202; // assumes ownership p = s.detach_back \201\202; // detach and pop s.push_back \201p\202; // re-append // Setting a new container. // object::member_sequence n; n.push_back \201"one"\202; n.push_back \201"two"\202; o.member \201n\202; // deep copy })RP( )0 2 46 H(2.9)WB 140 Sn()WB 50 Sn( Mapping for Global Elements)EA()EH( )0 P(An XML Schema element defi)HY(ni)HY(tion)YH( is called global if it appears directly under the )SM(schema)ES( element. A global element is a valid root of an instance docu)HY(ment)YH(. By default, a global element is mapped to a set of over)HY(loaded)YH( parsing and, option)HY(ally)YH(, seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( with the same name as the element. It is also possi)HY(ble)YH( to gener)HY(ate)YH( types for root elements instead of parsing and seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( func)HY(tions)YH(. This is primar)HY(ily)YH( useful to distin)HY(guish)YH( object models with the same root type but with differ)HY(ent)YH( root elements. See )0 51 1 A(Section 2.9.1, "Element Types")51 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D( for details. It is also possi)HY(ble)YH( to request the gener)HY(a)HY(tion)YH( of an element map which allows uniform parsing and seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( of multi)HY(ple)YH( root elements. See )0 52 1 A(Section 2.9.2, "Element Map")52 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D( for details. )EP( )0 P(The parsing func)HY(tions)YH( read XML instance docu)HY(ments)YH( and return corre)HY(spond)HY(ing)YH( object models. Their signa)HY(tures)YH( have the follow)HY(ing)YH( pattern \201)SM(type)ES( denotes element's type and )SM(name)ES( denotes element's name\202: )EP( ) 2 19 PR(std::auto_ptr name \201....\202;)RP( )0 P(The process of parsing, includ)HY(ing)YH( the exact signa)HY(tures)YH( of the parsing func)HY(tions)YH(, is the subject of )0 61 1 A(Chapter 3, "Parsing")61 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(. )EP( )0 P(The seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( write object models back to XML instance docu)HY(ments)YH(. Their signa)HY(tures)YH( have the follow)HY(ing)YH( pattern: )EP( ) 2 41 PR(void name \201&, const type&, ....\202;)RP( )0 P(The process of seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH(, includ)HY(ing)YH( the exact signa)HY(tures)YH( of the seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( func)HY(tions)YH(, is the subject of )0 78 1 A(Chapter 4, "Seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH(")78 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(. )EP( )0 3 47 H(2.9.1)WB 141 Sn()WB 51 Sn( Element Types)EA()EH( )0 P(The gener)HY(a)HY(tion)YH( of element types is requested with the )SM(--gener)HY(ate)YH(-element-map)ES( option. With this option each global element is mapped to a C++ class with the same name as the element. Such a class is derived from )SM(xml_schema::element_type)ES( and contains the same set of type defi)HY(ni)HY(tions)YH(, construc)HY(tors)YH(, and member func)HY(tion)YH( as would a type contain)HY(ing)YH( a single element with the One cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( class named )SM("value")ES(. In addi)HY(tion)YH(, the element type also contains a set of member func)HY(tions)YH( for access)HY(ing)YH( the element name and names)HY(pace)YH( as well as its value in a uniform manner. For example:)EP( ) 7 34 PR( ... )RP( )0 P(is mapped to:)EP( ) 62 59 PR(class type { ... }; class root: public xml_schema::element_type { public: // Element value. // typedef type value_type; const value_type& value \201\202 const; value_type& value \201\202; void value \201const value_type&\202; void value \201std::auto_ptr\202; // Constructors. // root \201const value_type&\202; root \201std::auto_ptr\202; root \201const xercesc::DOMElement&, xml_schema::flags = 0\202;)WR( root \201const root&, xml_schema::flags = 0\202; virtual root* _clone \201xml_schema::flags = 0\202 const; // Element name and namespace. // static const std::string& name \201\202; static const std::string& namespace_ \201\202; virtual const std::string& _name \201\202 const; virtual const std::string& _namespace \201\202 const; // Element value as xml_schema::type. // virtual const xml_schema::type* _value \201\202 const; virtual xml_schema::type* _value \201\202; }; void)WR( operator<< \201xercesc::DOMElement&, const root&\202;)RP( )0 P(The )SM(xml_schema::element_type)ES( class is a common base type for all element types and is defined as follows:)EP( ) 24 39 PR(namespace xml_schema { class element_type { public: virtual ~element_type \201\202; virtual element_type* _clone \201flags f = 0\202 const = 0; virtual const std::basic_string& _name \201\202 const = 0; virtual const std::basic_string& _namespace \201\202 const = 0; virtual xml_schema::type* _value \201\202 = 0; virtual const xml_schema::type* _value \201\202 const = 0; }; })RP( )0 P(The )SM(_value\201\202)ES( member func)HY(tion)YH( returns a pointer to the element value or 0 if the element is of a funda)HY(men)HY(tal)YH( C++ type and there)HY(fore)YH( is not derived from )SM(xml_schema::type)ES(. )EP( )0 P(Unlike parsing and seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( func)HY(tions)YH(, element types are only capable of parsing and seri)HY(al)HY(iz)HY(ing)YH( from/to a )SM(DOMEle)HY(ment)YH()ES( object. This means that the appli)HY(ca)HY(tion)YH( will need to perform its own XML-to-DOM parsing and DOM-to-XML seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH(. The follow)HY(ing)YH( section describes a mech)HY(a)HY(nism)YH( provided by the mapping to uniformly parse and seri)HY(al)HY(ize)YH( multi)HY(ple)YH( root elements.)EP( )0 3 48 H(2.9.2)WB 142 Sn()WB 52 Sn( Element Map)EA()EH( )0 P(When element types are gener)HY(ated)YH( for root elements it is also possi)HY(ble)YH( to request the gener)HY(a)HY(tion)YH( of an element map with the )SM(--gener)HY(ate)YH(-element-map)ES( option. The element map allows uniform parsing and seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( of multi)HY(ple)YH( root elements via the common )SM(xml_schema::element_type)ES( base type. The )SM(xml_schema::element_map)ES( class is defined as follows:)EP( ) 12 58 PR(namespace xml_schema { class element_map { public: static std::auto_ptr parse \201const xercesc::DOMElement&, flags = 0\202; static void serialize \201xercesc::DOMElement&, const element_type&\202; }; })RP( )0 P(The )SM(parse\201\202)ES( func)HY(tion)YH( creates the corre)HY(spond)HY(ing)YH( element type object based on the element name and names)HY(pace)YH( and returns it as a pointer to )SM(xml_schema::element_type)ES(. The )SM(seri)HY(al)HY(ize)YH(\201\202)ES( func)HY(tion)YH( seri)HY(al)HY(izes)YH( the passed element object to )SM(DOMEle)HY(ment)YH()ES(. Note that in case of )SM(seri)HY(al)HY(ize)YH(\201\202)ES(, the )SM(DOMEle)HY(ment)YH()ES( object should have the correct name and names)HY(pace)YH(. If no element type is avail)HY(able)YH( for an element, both func)HY(tions)YH( throw the )SM(xml_schema::no_element_info)ES( excep)HY(tion)YH(:)EP( ) 14 66 PR(struct no_element_info: virtual exception { no_element_info \201const std::basic_string& element_name, const std::basic_string& element_namespace\202; const std::basic_string& element_name \201\202 const; const std::basic_string& element_namespace \201\202 const; virtual const char* what \201\202 const throw \201\202; };)RP( )0 P(The appli)HY(ca)HY(tion)YH( can discover the actual type of the element object returned by )SM(parse\201\202)ES( either using )SM(dynamic_cast)ES( or by compar)HY(ing)YH( element names and names)HY(paces)YH(. The follow)HY(ing)YH( code frag)HY(ments)YH( illus)HY(trate)YH( how the element map can be used:)EP( ) 18 50 PR(// Parsing. // DOMElement& e = ... // Parse XML to DOM. auto_ptr r \201 xml_schema::element_map::parse \201e\202\202; if \201root1 r1 = dynamic_cast \201r.get \201\202\202\202 { ... } else if \201r->_name == root2::name \201\202 && r->_namespace \201\202 == root2::namespace_ \201\202\202 { root2& r2 \201static_cast \201*r\202\202; ... })RP( ) 13 68 PR(// Serialization. // xml_schema::element_type& r = ... string name \201r._name \201\202\202; string ns \201r._namespace \201\202\202; DOMDocument& doc = ... // Create a new DOMDocument with name and ns. DOMElement& e \201*doc->getDocumentElement \201\202\202; xml_schema::element_map::serialize \201e, r\202; // Serialize DOMDocument to XML.)RP( )0 2 49 H(2.10)WB 143 Sn()WB 53 Sn( Mapping for Global Attributes)EA()EH( )0 P(An XML Schema attribute defi)HY(ni)HY(tion)YH( is called global if it appears directly under the )SM(schema)ES( element. A global attribute does not have any mapping. )EP( )0 2 50 H(2.11)WB 144 Sn()WB 54 Sn( Mapping for )SM(xsi:type)ES( and Substi)HY(tu)HY(tion)YH( Groups)EA()EH( )0 P(The mapping provides optional support for the XML Schema poly)HY(mor)HY(phism)YH( features \201)SM(xsi:type)ES( and substi)HY(tu)HY(tion)YH( groups\202 which can be requested with the )SM(--gener)HY(ate)YH(-poly)HY(mor)HY(phic)YH()ES( option. When used, the dynamic type of a member may be differ)HY(ent)YH( from its static type. Consider the follow)HY(ing)YH( schema defi)HY(ni)HY(tion)YH( and instance docu)HY(ment)YH(: )EP( ) 28 62 PR( )RP( )0 P(In the result)HY(ing)YH( object model, the container for the )SM(root::item)ES( member will have two elements: the first element's type will be )SM(base)ES( while the second element's \201dynamic\202 type will be )SM(derived)ES(. This can be discov)HY(ered)YH( using the )SM(dynamic_cast)ES( oper)HY(a)HY(tor)YH( as shown in the follow)HY(ing)YH( example: )EP( ) 17 56 PR(void f \201root& r\202 { for \201root::item_const_iterator i \201r.item \201\202.begin \201\202\202; i != r.item \201\202.end \201\202 ++i\202 { if \201derived* d = dynamic_cast \201&\201*i\202\202\202 { // derived } else { // base } } })RP( )0 P(The )SM(_clone)ES( virtual func)HY(tion)YH( should be used instead of copy construc)HY(tors)YH( to make copies of members that might use poly)HY(mor)HY(phism)YH(: )EP( ) 10 56 PR(void f \201root& r\202 { for \201root::item_const_iterator i \201r.item \201\202.begin \201\202\202; i != r.item \201\202.end \201\202 ++i\202 { std::auto_ptr c \201i->_clone \201\202\202; } })RP( )0 P(The mapping can often auto)HY(mat)HY(i)HY(cally)YH( deter)HY(mine)YH( which types are poly)HY(mor)HY(phic)YH( based on the substi)HY(tu)HY(tion)YH( group decla)HY(ra)HY(tions)YH(. However, if your XML vocab)HY(u)HY(lary)YH( is not using substi)HY(tu)HY(tion)YH( groups or if substi)HY(tu)HY(tion)YH( groups are defined in a sepa)HY(rate)YH( schema, then you will need to use the )SM(--poly)HY(mor)HY(phic)YH(-type)ES( option to specify which types are poly)HY(mor)HY(phic)YH(. When using this option you only need to specify the root of a poly)HY(mor)HY(phic)YH( type hier)HY(ar)HY(chy)YH( and the mapping will assume that all the derived types are also poly)HY(mor)HY(phic)YH(. Also note that you need to specify this option when compil)HY(ing)YH( every schema file that refer)HY(ences)YH( the poly)HY(mor)HY(phic)YH( type. Consider the follow)HY(ing)YH( two schemas as an example:)EP( ) 13 55 PR( )RP( ) 18 70 PR( )RP( )0 P(In this example we need to specify ")SM(--poly)HY(mor)HY(phic)YH(-type base)ES(" when compil)HY(ing)YH( both schemas because the substi)HY(tu)HY(tion)YH( group is declared in a schema other than the one defin)HY(ing)YH( type )SM(base)ES(.)EP( )0 P(You can also indi)HY(cate)YH( that all types should be treated as poly)HY(mor)HY(phic)YH( with the )SM(--poly)HY(mor)HY(phic)YH(-type-all)ES(. However, this may result in slower gener)HY(ated)YH( code with a greater foot)HY(print)YH(.)EP( )0 2 51 H(2.12)WB 145 Sn()WB 55 Sn( Mapping for )SM(any)ES( and )SM(anyAt)HY(tribute)YH()ES()EA()EH( )0 P(For the XML Schema )SM(any)ES( and )SM(anyAt)HY(tribute)YH()ES( wild)HY(cards)YH( an optional mapping can be requested with the )SM(--gener)HY(ate)YH(-wild)HY(card)YH()ES( option. The mapping repre)HY(sents)YH( the content matched by wild)HY(cards)YH( as DOM frag)HY(ments)YH(. Because the DOM API is used to access such content, the Xerces-C++ runtime should be initial)HY(ized)YH( by the appli)HY(ca)HY(tion)YH( prior to parsing and should remain initial)HY(ized)YH( for the life)HY(time)YH( of objects with the wild)HY(card)YH( content. For more infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( on the Xerces-C++ runtime initial)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( see )0 62 1 A(Section 3.1, "Initial)HY(iz)HY(ing)YH( the Xerces-C++ Runtime")62 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(. )EP( )0 P(The mapping for )SM(any)ES( is similar to the mapping for local elements \201see )0 46 1 A(Section 2.8, "Mapping for Local Elements and Attributes")46 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(\202 except that the type used in the wild)HY(card)YH( mapping is )SM(xercesc::DOMEle)HY(ment)YH()ES(. As with local elements, the mapping divides all possi)HY(ble)YH( cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( combi)HY(na)HY(tions)YH( into three cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( classes: )I(one)ES(, )I(optional)ES(, and )I(sequence)ES(. )EP( )0 P(The mapping for )SM(anyAt)HY(tribute)YH()ES( repre)HY(sents)YH( the attributes matched by this wild)HY(card)YH( as a set of )SM(xercesc::DOMAttr)ES( objects with a key being the attribute's name and names)HY(pace)YH(.)EP( )0 P(Similar to local elements and attributes, the )SM(any)ES( and )SM(anyAt)HY(tribute)YH()ES( wild)HY(cards)YH( are mapped to a set of public type defi)HY(ni)HY(tions)YH( \201type)HY(defs)YH(\202 and a set of public acces)HY(sor)YH( and modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tions)YH(. Type defi)HY(ni)HY(tions)YH( have names derived from )SM("any")ES( for the )SM(any)ES( wild)HY(card)YH( and )SM("any_attribute")ES( for the )SM(anyAt)HY(tribute)YH()ES( wild)HY(card)YH(. The acces)HY(sor)YH( and modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( are named )SM("any")ES( for the )SM(any)ES( wild)HY(card)YH( and )SM("any_attribute")ES( for the )SM(anyAt)HY(tribute)YH()ES( wild)HY(card)YH(. Subse)HY(quent)YH( wild)HY(cards)YH( in the same type have escaped names such as )SM("any1")ES( or )SM("any_attribute1")ES(. )EP( )0 P(Because Xerces-C++ DOM nodes always belong to a )SM(DOMDoc)HY(u)HY(ment)YH()ES(, each type with a wild)HY(card)YH( has an asso)HY(ci)HY(ated)YH( )SM(DOMDoc)HY(u)HY(ment)YH()ES( object. The refer)HY(ence)YH( to this object can be obtained using the acces)HY(sor)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( called )SM(dom_docu)HY(ment)YH()ES(. The access to the docu)HY(ment)YH( object from the appli)HY(ca)HY(tion)YH( code may be neces)HY(sary)YH( to create or modify the wild)HY(card)YH( content. For example: )EP( ) 6 37 PR( )RP( )0 P(is mapped to:)EP( ) 37 73 PR(class object: xml_schema::type { public: // any // const xercesc::DOMElement& any \201\202 const; void any \201const xercesc::DOMElement&\202; ... // any_attribute // typedef attribute_set any_attribute_set; typedef any_attribute_set::iterator any_attribute_iterator; typedef any_attribute_set::const_iterator any_attribute_const_iterator; const any_attribute_set& any_attribute \201\202 const; any_attribute_set& any_attribute \201\202; ... // DOMDocument object for wildcard content. // const xercesc::DOMDocument& dom_document \201\202 const;)WR( xercesc::DOMDocument& dom_document \201\202; ... };)RP( )0 P(Names and seman)HY(tics)YH( of type defi)HY(ni)HY(tions)YH( for the wild)HY(cards)YH( as well as signa)HY(tures)YH( of the acces)HY(sor)YH( and modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( depend on the wild)HY(card)YH( type as well as the cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( class for the )SM(any)ES( wild)HY(card)YH(. They are described in the follow)HY(ing)YH( sub-sections. )EP( )0 3 52 H(2.12.1)WB 146 Sn()WB 56 Sn( Mapping for )SM(any)ES( with the One Cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( Class)EA()EH( )0 P(For )SM(any)ES( with the One cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( class, there are no type defi)HY(ni)HY(tions)YH(. The acces)HY(sor)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( come in constant and non-constant versions. The constant acces)HY(sor)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( returns a constant refer)HY(ence)YH( to )SM(xercesc::DOMEle)HY(ment)YH()ES( and can be used for read-only access. The non-constant version returns an unre)HY(stricted)YH( refer)HY(ence)YH( to )SM(xercesc::DOMEle)HY(ment)YH()ES( and can be used for read-write access. )EP( )0 P(The first modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( expects an argu)HY(ment)YH( of type refer)HY(ence)YH( to constant )SM(xercesc::DOMEle)HY(ment)YH()ES( and makes a deep copy of its argu)HY(ment)YH(. The second modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( expects an argu)HY(ment)YH( of type pointer to )SM(xercesc::DOMEle)HY(ment)YH()ES(. This modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( assumes owner)HY(ship)YH( of its argu)HY(ment)YH( and expects the element object to be created using the DOM docu)HY(ment)YH( asso)HY(ci)HY(ated)YH( with this instance. For example: )EP( ) 5 30 PR( )RP( )0 P(is mapped to:)EP( ) 22 35 PR(class object: xml_schema::type { public: // Accessors. // const xercesc::DOMElement& any \201\202 const; xercesc::DOMElement& any \201\202; // Modifiers. // void any \201const xercesc::DOMElement&\202; void any \201xercesc::DOMElement*\202; ... };)RP( )0 P(The follow)HY(ing)YH( code shows how one could use this mapping:)EP( ) 10 66 PR(void f \201object& o, const xercesc::DOMElement& e\202 { using namespace xercesc; DOMElement& e1 \201o.any \201\202\202; // get o.any \201e\202 // set, deep copy DOMDocument& doc \201o.dom_document \201\202\202; o.any \201doc.createElement \201...\202\202; // set, assumes ownership })RP( )0 3 53 H(2.12.2)WB 147 Sn()WB 57 Sn( Mapping for )SM(any)ES( with the Optional Cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( Class)EA()EH( )0 P(For )SM(any)ES( with the Optional cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( class, the type defi)HY(ni)HY(tions)YH( consist of an alias for the container type with name )SM(any_optional)ES( \201or )SM(any1_optional)ES(, etc., for subse)HY(quent)YH( wild)HY(cards)YH( in the type defi)HY(ni)HY(tion)YH(\202. )EP( )0 P(Unlike acces)HY(sor)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( for the One cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( class, acces)HY(sor)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( for the Optional cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( class return refer)HY(ences)YH( to corre)HY(spond)HY(ing)YH( contain)HY(ers)YH( rather than directly to )SM(DOMEle)HY(ment)YH()ES(. The acces)HY(sor)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( come in constant and non-constant versions. The constant acces)HY(sor)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( returns a constant refer)HY(ence)YH( to the container and can be used for read-only access. The non-constant version returns an unre)HY(stricted)YH( refer)HY(ence)YH( to the container and can be used for read-write access. )EP( )0 P(The modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( are over)HY(loaded)YH( for )SM(xercesc::DOMEle)HY(ment)YH()ES( and the container type. The first modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( expects an argu)HY(ment)YH( of type refer)HY(ence)YH( to constant )SM(xercesc::DOMEle)HY(ment)YH()ES( and makes a deep copy of its argu)HY(ment)YH(. The second modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( expects an argu)HY(ment)YH( of type pointer to )SM(xercesc::DOMEle)HY(ment)YH()ES(. This modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( assumes owner)HY(ship)YH( of its argu)HY(ment)YH( and expects the element object to be created using the DOM docu)HY(ment)YH( asso)HY(ci)HY(ated)YH( with this instance. The third modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( expects an argu)HY(ment)YH( of type refer)HY(ence)YH( to constant of the container type and makes a deep copy of its argu)HY(ment)YH(. For instance: )EP( ) 5 44 PR( )RP( )0 P(is mapped to:)EP( ) 29 40 PR(class object: xml_schema::type { public: // Type definitions. // typedef element_optional any_optional; // Accessors. // const any_optional& any \201\202 const; any_optional& any \201\202; // Modifiers. // void any \201const xercesc::DOMElement&\202; void any \201xercesc::DOMElement*\202; void any \201const any_optional&\202; ... };)RP( )0 P(The )SM(element_optional)ES( container is a special)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( of the )SM(optional)ES( class template described in )0 48 1 A(Section 2.8.2, "Mapping for Members with the Optional Cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( Class")48 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(. Its inter)HY(face)YH( is presented below: )EP( ) 72 71 PR(class element_optional { public: explicit element_optional \201xercesc::DOMDocument&\202; // Makes a deep copy. // element_optional \201const xercesc::DOMElement&, xercesc::DOMDocument&\202; // Assumes ownership. // element_optional \201xercesc::DOMElement*, xercesc::DOMDocument&\202; element_optional \201const element_optional&, xercesc::DOMDocument&\202; public: element_optional& operator= \201const xercesc::DOMElement&\202; element_optional& operator= \201const element_optional&\202; // Pointer-like interface. // public: const xercesc::DOMElement* operator-> \201\202 const; xercesc::DOMElement* operator-> \201\202;)WR( const xercesc::DOMElement& operator* \201\202 const; xercesc::DOMElement& operator* \201\202; typedef void \201element_optional::*bool_convertible\202 \201\202; operator bool_convertible \201\202 const; // Get/set interface. // public: bool present \201\202 const; const xercesc::DOMElement& get \201\202 const; xercesc::DOMElement& get \201\202; // Makes a deep copy. // void set \201const xercesc::DOMElement&\202; // Assumes ownership. // void)WR( set \201xercesc::DOMElement*\202; void reset \201\202; }; bool operator== \201const element_optional&, const element_optional&\202; bool operator!= \201const element_optional&, const element_optional&\202;)RP( )0 P(The follow)HY(ing)YH( code shows how one could use this mapping:)EP( ) 25 69 PR(void f \201object& o, const xercesc::DOMElement& e\202 { using namespace xercesc; DOMDocument& doc \201o.dom_document \201\202\202; if \201o.any \201\202.present \201\202\202 // test { DOMElement& e1 \201o.any \201\202.get \201\202\202; // get o.any \201\202.set \201e\202; // set, deep copy o.any \201\202.set \201doc.createElement \201...\202\202; // set, assumes ownership o.any \201\202.reset \201\202; // reset } // Same as above but using pointer notation: // if \201o.member \201\202\202 // test { DOMElement& e1 \201*o.any \201\202\202; // get o.any \201e\202; // set, deep copy o.any \201doc.createElement \201...\202\202; // set, assumes ownership o.any \201\202.reset \201\202; // reset } })RP( )0 3 54 H(2.12.3)WB 148 Sn()WB 58 Sn( Mapping for )SM(any)ES( with the Sequence Cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( Class)EA()EH( )0 P(For )SM(any)ES( with the Sequence cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( class, the type defi)HY(ni)HY(tions)YH( consist of an alias of the container type with name )SM(any_sequence)ES( \201or )SM(any1_sequence)ES(, etc., for subse)HY(quent)YH( wild)HY(cards)YH( in the type defi)HY(ni)HY(tion)YH(\202, an alias of the iter)HY(a)HY(tor)YH( type with name )SM(any_iter)HY(a)HY(tor)YH()ES( \201or )SM(any1_iter)HY(a)HY(tor)YH()ES(, etc., for subse)HY(quent)YH( wild)HY(cards)YH( in the type defi)HY(ni)HY(tion)YH(\202, and an alias of the constant iter)HY(a)HY(tor)YH( type with name )SM(any_const_iter)HY(a)HY(tor)YH()ES( \201or )SM(any1_const_iter)HY(a)HY(tor)YH()ES(, etc., for subse)HY(quent)YH( wild)HY(cards)YH( in the type defi)HY(ni)HY(tion)YH(\202. )EP( )0 P(The acces)HY(sor)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( come in constant and non-constant versions. The constant acces)HY(sor)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( returns a constant refer)HY(ence)YH( to the container and can be used for read-only access. The non-constant version returns an unre)HY(stricted)YH( refer)HY(ence)YH( to the container and can be used for read-write access. )EP( )0 P(The modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( expects an argu)HY(ment)YH( of type refer)HY(ence)YH( to constant of the container type. The modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( makes a deep copy of its argu)HY(ment)YH(. For instance: )EP( ) 5 52 PR( )RP( )0 P(is mapped to:)EP( ) 25 58 PR(class object: xml_schema::type { public: // Type definitions. // typedef element_sequence any_sequence; typedef any_sequence::iterator any_iterator; typedef any_sequence::const_iterator any_const_iterator; // Accessors. // const any_sequence& any \201\202 const; any_sequence& any \201\202; // Modifier. // void any \201const any_sequence&\202; ... };)RP( )0 P(The )SM(element_sequence)ES( container is a special)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( of the )SM(sequence)ES( class template described in )0 49 1 A(Section 2.8.3, "Mapping for Members with the Sequence Cardi)HY(nal)HY(ity)YH( Class")49 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(. Its inter)HY(face)YH( is similar to the sequence inter)HY(face)YH( as defined by the ISO/ANSI Stan)HY(dard)YH( for C++ \201ISO/IEC 14882:1998, Section 23.1.1, "Sequences"\202 and is presented below: )EP( ) 178 70 PR(class element_sequence { public: typedef xercesc::DOMElement value_type; typedef xercesc::DOMElement* pointer; typedef const xercesc::DOMElement* const_pointer; typedef xercesc::DOMElement& reference; typedef const xercesc::DOMElement& const_reference; typedef iterator; typedef const_iterator; typedef reverse_iterator; typedef const_reverse_iterator; typedef size_type; typedef difference_type; typedef allocator_type; public: explicit element_sequence \201xercesc::DOMDocument&\202; // DOMElement cannot be default-constructed. // // explicit // element_sequence \201size_type n\202; element_sequence \201size_type n, const xercesc::DOMElement&, xercesc::DOMDocument&\202; )WR( template element_sequence \201const I& begin, const I& end, xercesc::DOMDocument&\202; element_sequence \201const element_sequence&, xercesc::DOMDocument&\202; element_sequence& operator= \201const element_sequence&\202; public: void assign \201size_type n, const xercesc::DOMElement&\202; template void assign \201const I& begin, const I& end\202; public: // This version of resize can only be used to shrink the // sequence because DOMElement cannot be default-constructed. // void resize \201size_type\202; void resize \201size_type, const xercesc::DOMElement&\202; public: size_type)WR( size \201\202 const; size_type max_size \201\202 const; size_type capacity \201\202 const; bool empty \201\202 const; void reserve \201size_type\202; void clear \201\202; public: const_iterator begin \201\202 const; const_iterator end \201\202 const; iterator begin \201\202; iterator end \201\202; )WR( const_reverse_iterator rbegin \201\202 const; const_reverse_iterator rend \201\202 const reverse_iterator rbegin \201\202; reverse_iterator rend \201\202; public: xercesc::DOMElement& operator[] \201size_type\202; const xercesc::DOMElement& operator[] \201size_type\202 const; xercesc::DOMElement& at \201size_type\202; const xercesc::DOMElement& at \201size_type\202 const; xercesc::DOMElement& front \201\202; const xercesc::DOMElement& front \201\202 const;)WR( xercesc::DOMElement& back \201\202; const xercesc::DOMElement& back \201\202 const; public: // Makes a deep copy. // void push_back \201const xercesc::DOMElement&\202; // Assumes ownership. // void push_back \201xercesc::DOMElement*\202; void pop_back \201\202; // Makes a deep copy. // iterator insert \201iterator position, const xercesc::DOMElement&\202; // Assumes ownership. // iterator insert \201iterator position, xercesc::DOMElement*\202;)WR( void insert \201iterator position, size_type n, const xercesc::DOMElement&\202; template void insert \201iterator position, const I& begin, const I& end\202; iterator erase \201iterator position\202; iterator erase \201iterator begin, iterator end\202; public: // Note that the DOMDocument object of the two sequences being // swapped should be the same. // void swap \201sequence& x\202; }; inline bool operator== \201const element_sequence&, const element_sequence&\202; inline bool operator!= \201const element_sequence&, const element_sequence&\202;)RP( )0 P(The follow)HY(ing)YH( code shows how one could use this mapping:)EP( ) 20 63 PR(void f \201object& o, const xercesc::DOMElement& e\202 { using namespace xercesc; object::any_sequence& s \201o.any \201\202\202; // Iteration. // for \201object::any_iterator i \201s.begin \201\202\202; i != s.end \201\202; ++i\202 { DOMElement& e \201*i\202; } // Modification. // s.push_back \201e\202; // deep copy DOMDocument& doc \201o.dom_document \201\202\202; s.push_back \201doc.createElement \201...\202\202; // assumes ownership })RP( )0 3 55 H(2.12.4)WB 149 Sn()WB 59 Sn( Mapping for )SM(anyAt)HY(tribute)YH()ES()EA()EH( )0 P(For )SM(anyAt)HY(tribute)YH()ES( the type defi)HY(ni)HY(tions)YH( consist of an alias of the container type with name )SM(any_attribute_set)ES( \201or )SM(any1_attribute_set)ES(, etc., for subse)HY(quent)YH( wild)HY(cards)YH( in the type defi)HY(ni)HY(tion)YH(\202, an alias of the iter)HY(a)HY(tor)YH( type with name )SM(any_attribute_iter)HY(a)HY(tor)YH()ES( \201or )SM(any1_attribute_iter)HY(a)HY(tor)YH()ES(, etc., for subse)HY(quent)YH( wild)HY(cards)YH( in the type defi)HY(ni)HY(tion)YH(\202, and an alias of the constant iter)HY(a)HY(tor)YH( type with name )SM(any_attribute_const_iter)HY(a)HY(tor)YH()ES( \201or )SM(any1_attribute_const_iter)HY(a)HY(tor)YH()ES(, etc., for subse)HY(quent)YH( wild)HY(cards)YH( in the type defi)HY(ni)HY(tion)YH(\202. )EP( )0 P(The acces)HY(sor)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( come in constant and non-constant versions. The constant acces)HY(sor)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( returns a constant refer)HY(ence)YH( to the container and can be used for read-only access. The non-constant version returns an unre)HY(stricted)YH( refer)HY(ence)YH( to the container and can be used for read-write access. )EP( )0 P(The modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( expects an argu)HY(ment)YH( of type refer)HY(ence)YH( to constant of the container type. The modi)HY(fier)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( makes a deep copy of its argu)HY(ment)YH(. For instance: )EP( ) 6 37 PR( ... )RP( )0 P(is mapped to:)EP( ) 25 73 PR(class object: xml_schema::type { public: // Type definitions. // typedef attribute_set any_attribute_set; typedef any_attribute_set::iterator any_attribute_iterator; typedef any_attribute_set::const_iterator any_attribute_const_iterator; // Accessors. // const any_attribute_set& any_attribute \201\202 const; any_attribute_set& any_attribute \201\202; // Modifier. // void any_attribute \201const any_attribute_set&\202; ... };)RP( )0 P(The )SM(attribute_set)ES( class is an asso)HY(cia)HY(tive)YH( container similar to the )SM(std::set)ES( class template as defined by the ISO/ANSI Stan)HY(dard)YH( for C++ \201ISO/IEC 14882:1998, Section 23.3.3, "Class template set"\202 with the key being the attribute's name and names)HY(pace)YH(. Unlike )SM(std::set)ES(, )SM(attribute_set)ES( allows search)HY(ing)YH( using names and names)HY(paces)YH( instead of )SM(xercesc::DOMAttr)ES( objects. It is defined in an imple)HY(men)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH(-specific names)HY(pace)YH( and its inter)HY(face)YH( is presented below: )EP( ) 166 70 PR(class attribute_set { public: typedef xercesc::DOMAttr key_type; typedef xercesc::DOMAttr value_type; typedef xercesc::DOMAttr* pointer; typedef const xercesc::DOMAttr* const_pointer; typedef xercesc::DOMAttr& reference; typedef const xercesc::DOMAttr& const_reference; typedef iterator; typedef const_iterator; typedef reverse_iterator; typedef const_reverse_iterator; typedef size_type; typedef difference_type; typedef allocator_type; public: attribute_set \201xercesc::DOMDocument&\202; template attribute_set \201const I& begin, const I& end, xercesc::DOMDocument&\202; attribute_set \201const attribute_set&, xercesc::DOMDocument&\202; attribute_set& operator= \201const attribute_set&\202; public:)WR( const_iterator begin \201\202 const; const_iterator end \201\202 const; iterator begin \201\202; iterator end \201\202; const_reverse_iterator rbegin \201\202 const; const_reverse_iterator rend \201\202 const; reverse_iterator rbegin \201\202; reverse_iterator rend \201\202; public: size_type size \201\202 const; size_type max_size \201\202 const;)WR( bool empty \201\202 const; void clear \201\202; public: // Makes a deep copy. // std::pair insert \201const xercesc::DOMAttr&\202; // Assumes ownership. // std::pair insert \201xercesc::DOMAttr*\202; // Makes a deep copy. // iterator insert \201iterator position, const xercesc::DOMAttr&\202; // Assumes ownership. // iterator insert \201iterator position, xercesc::DOMAttr*\202; template void)WR( insert \201const I& begin, const I& end\202; public: void erase \201iterator position\202; size_type erase \201const std::basic_string& name\202; size_type erase \201const std::basic_string& namespace_, const std::basic_string& name\202; size_type erase \201const XMLCh* name\202; size_type erase \201const XMLCh* namespace_, const XMLCh* name\202; void erase \201iterator begin, iterator end\202; public: size_type count \201const std::basic_string& name\202 const; size_type count \201const std::basic_string& namespace_, const std::basic_string& name\202 const; )WR( size_type count \201const XMLCh* name\202 const; size_type count \201const XMLCh* namespace_, const XMLCh* name\202 const; iterator find \201const std::basic_string& name\202; iterator find \201const std::basic_string& namespace_, const std::basic_string& name\202; iterator find \201const XMLCh* name\202; iterator find \201const XMLCh* namespace_, const XMLCh* name\202; const_iterator find \201const std::basic_string& name\202 const; const_iterator find \201const std::basic_string& namespace_, const std::basic_string& name\202 const; const_iterator find \201const XMLCh* name\202 const; const_iterator)WR( find \201const XMLCh* namespace_, const XMLCh* name\202 const; public: // Note that the DOMDocument object of the two sets being // swapped should be the same. // void swap \201attribute_set&\202; }; bool operator== \201const attribute_set&, const attribute_set&\202; bool operator!= \201const attribute_set&, const attribute_set&\202;)RP( )0 P(The follow)HY(ing)YH( code shows how one could use this mapping:)EP( ) 25 73 PR(void f \201object& o, const xercesc::DOMAttr& a\202 { using namespace xercesc; object::any_attribute_set& s \201o.any_attribute \201\202\202; // Iteration. // for \201object::any_attribute_iterator i \201s.begin \201\202\202; i != s.end \201\202; ++i\202 { DOMAttr& a \201*i\202; } // Modification. // s.insert \201a\202; // deep copy DOMDocument& doc \201o.dom_document \201\202\202; s.insert \201doc.createAttribute \201...\202\202; // assumes ownership // Searching. // object::any_attribute_iterator i \201s.find \201"name"\202\202; i = s.find \201"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", "lang"\202; })RP( )0 2 56 H(2.13)WB 150 Sn()WB 60 Sn( Mapping for Mixed Content Models)EA()EH( )0 P(XML Schema mixed content models do not have a direct C++ mapping. Instead, infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( in XML instance docu)HY(ments)YH(, corre)HY(spond)HY(ing)YH( to a mixed content model, can be accessed using generic DOM nodes that can option)HY(ally)YH( be asso)HY(ci)HY(ated)YH( with object model nodes. See )0 90 1 A(Section 5.1, "DOM Asso)HY(ci)HY(a)HY(tion)YH(")90 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D( for more infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( about keeping asso)HY(ci)HY(a)HY(tion)YH( with DOM nodes. )EP( )0 1 57 H(3)WB 151 Sn()WB 61 Sn( Parsing)EA()EH( )0 P(This chapter covers various aspects of parsing XML instance docu)HY(ments)YH( in order to obtain corre)HY(spond)HY(ing)YH( tree-like object model. )EP( )0 P(Each global XML Schema element in the form:)EP( ) 1 34 PR()RP( )0 P(is mapped to 14 over)HY(loaded)YH( C++ func)HY(tions)YH( in the form:)EP( ) 96 65 PR(// Read from a URI or a local file. // std::auto_ptr name \201const std::basic_string& uri, xml_schema::flags = 0, const xml_schema::properties& = xml_schema::properties \201\202\202; std::auto_ptr name \201const std::basic_string& uri, xml_schema::error_handler&, xml_schema::flags = 0, const xml_schema::properties& = xml_schema::properties \201\202\202; std::auto_ptr name \201const std::basic_string& uri, xercesc::DOMErrorHandler&, xml_schema::flags = 0, const xml_schema::properties& = xml_schema::properties \201\202\202; // Read from std::istream. // std::auto_ptr name \201std::istream&, xml_schema::flags = 0, const xml_schema::properties& = xml_schema::properties \201\202\202; std::auto_ptr name \201std::istream&,)WR( xml_schema::error_handler&, xml_schema::flags = 0, const xml_schema::properties& = xml_schema::properties \201\202\202; std::auto_ptr name \201std::istream&, xercesc::DOMErrorHandler&, xml_schema::flags = 0, const xml_schema::properties& = xml_schema::properties \201\202\202; std::auto_ptr name \201std::istream&, const std::basic_string& id, xml_schema::flags = 0, const xml_schema::properties& = xml_schema::properties \201\202\202; std::auto_ptr name \201std::istream&, const std::basic_string& id, xml_schema::error_handler&, xml_schema::flags = 0, const xml_schema::properties& = xml_schema::properties \201\202\202; std::auto_ptr name \201std::istream&, const std::basic_string& id, xercesc::DOMErrorHandler&, xml_schema::flags = 0, const xml_schema::properties& = xml_schema::properties \201\202\202;)WR( // Read from InputSource. // std::auto_ptr name \201xercesc::InputSource&, xml_schema::flags = 0, const xml_schema::properties& = xml_schema::properties \201\202\202; std::auto_ptr name \201xercesc::InputSource&, xml_schema::error_handler&, xml_schema::flags = 0, const xml_schema::properties& = xml_schema::properties \201\202\202; std::auto_ptr name \201xercesc::InputSource&, xercesc::DOMErrorHandler&, xml_schema::flags = 0, const xml_schema::properties& = xml_schema::properties \201\202\202; // Read from DOM. // std::auto_ptr name \201const xercesc::DOMDocument&, xml_schema::flags = 0, const xml_schema::properties& = xml_schema::properties \201\202\202;)WR( std::auto_ptr name \201xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr&, xml_schema::flags = 0, const xml_schema::properties& = xml_schema::properties \201\202\202;)RP( )0 P(You can choose between reading an XML instance from a local file, URI, )SM(std::istream)ES(, )SM(xercesc::Input)HY(Source)YH()ES(, or a pre-parsed DOM instance in the form of )SM(xercesc::DOMDoc)HY(u)HY(ment)YH()ES(. Each of these parsing func)HY(tions)YH( is discussed in more detail in the follow)HY(ing)YH( sections. )EP( )0 2 58 H(3.1)WB 152 Sn()WB 62 Sn( Initial)HY(iz)HY(ing)YH( the Xerces-C++ Runtime)EA()EH( )0 P(Some parsing func)HY(tions)YH( expect you to initial)HY(ize)YH( the Xerces-C++ runtime while others initial)HY(ize)YH( and termi)HY(nate)YH( it as part of their work. The general rule is as follows: if a func)HY(tion)YH( has any argu)HY(ments)YH( or return a value that is an instance of a Xerces-C++ type, then this func)HY(tion)YH( expects you to initial)HY(ize)YH( the Xerces-C++ runtime. Other)HY(wise)YH(, the func)HY(tion)YH( initial)HY(izes)YH( and termi)HY(nates)YH( the runtime for you. Note that it is legal to have nested calls to the Xerces-C++ initial)HY(ize)YH( and termi)HY(nate)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( as long as the calls are balanced. )EP( )0 P(You can instruct parsing func)HY(tions)YH( that initial)HY(ize)YH( and termi)HY(nate)YH( the runtime not to do so by passing the )SM(xml_schema::flags::dont_initial)HY(ize)YH()ES( flag \201see )0 63 1 A(Section 3.2, "Flags and Prop)HY(er)HY(ties)YH(")63 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(\202. )EP( )0 2 59 H(3.2)WB 153 Sn()WB 63 Sn( Flags and Prop)HY(er)HY(ties)YH()EA()EH( )0 P(Parsing flags and prop)HY(er)HY(ties)YH( are the last two argu)HY(ments)YH( of every parsing func)HY(tion)YH(. They allow you to fine-tune the process of instance vali)HY(da)HY(tion)YH( and parsing. Both argu)HY(ments)YH( are optional. )EP( )0 P(The follow)HY(ing)YH( flags are recog)HY(nized)YH( by the parsing func)HY(tions)YH(:)EP( )0 DL( )0 DT()SM(xml_schema::flags::keep_dom)ES( )DD(Keep asso)HY(ci)HY(a)HY(tion)YH( between DOM nodes and the result)HY(ing)YH( object model nodes. For more infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( about DOM asso)HY(ci)HY(a)HY(tion)YH( refer to )0 90 1 A(Section 5.1, "DOM Asso)HY(ci)HY(a)HY(tion)YH(")90 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(. )0 DT()SM(xml_schema::flags::own_dom)ES( )DD(Assume owner)HY(ship)YH( of the DOM docu)HY(ment)YH( passed. This flag only makes sense together with the )SM(keep_dom)ES( flag in the call to the parsing func)HY(tion)YH( with the )SM(xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr)ES( argu)HY(ment)YH(. )0 DT()SM(xml_schema::flags::dont_vali)HY(date)YH()ES( )DD(Do not vali)HY(date)YH( instance docu)HY(ments)YH( against schemas. )0 DT()SM(xml_schema::flags::dont_initial)HY(ize)YH()ES( )DD(Do not initial)HY(ize)YH( the Xerces-C++ runtime. )LD( )0 P(You can pass several flags by combin)HY(ing)YH( them using the bit-wise OR oper)HY(a)HY(tor)YH(. For example:)EP( ) 4 61 PR(using xml_schema::flags; std::auto_ptr r \201 name \201"test.xml", flags::keep_dom | flags::dont_validate\202\202;)RP( )0 P(By default, vali)HY(da)HY(tion)YH( of instance docu)HY(ments)YH( is turned on even though parsers gener)HY(ated)YH( by XSD do not assume instance docu)HY(ments)YH( are valid. They include a number of checks that prevent construc)HY(tion)YH( of incon)HY(sis)HY(tent)YH( object models. This, however, does not mean that an instance docu)HY(ment)YH( that was success)HY(fully)YH( parsed by the XSD-gener)HY(ated)YH( parsers is valid per the corre)HY(spond)HY(ing)YH( schema. If an instance docu)HY(ment)YH( is not "valid enough" for the gener)HY(ated)YH( parsers to construct consis)HY(tent)YH( object model, one of the excep)HY(tions)YH( defined in )SM(xml_schema)ES( names)HY(pace)YH( is thrown \201see )0 64 1 A(Section 3.3, "Error Handling")64 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(\202. )EP( )0 P(For more infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( on the Xerces-C++ runtime initial)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( refer to )0 62 1 A(Section 3.1, "Initial)HY(iz)HY(ing)YH( the Xerces-C++ Runtime")62 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(. )EP( )0 P(The )SM(xml_schema::prop)HY(er)HY(ties)YH()ES( class allows you to program)HY(mat)HY(i)HY(cally)YH( specify schema loca)HY(tions)YH( to be used instead of those spec)HY(i)HY(fied)YH( with the )SM(xsi::schemaLo)HY(ca)HY(tion)YH()ES( and )SM(xsi::noNames)HY(paceSchemaLo)HY(ca)HY(tion)YH()ES( attributes in instance docu)HY(ments)YH(. The inter)HY(face)YH( of the )SM(prop)HY(er)HY(ties)YH()ES( class is presented below: )EP( ) 9 70 PR(class properties { public: void schema_location \201const std::basic_string& namespace_, const std::basic_string& location\202; void no_namespace_schema_location \201const std::basic_string& location\202; };)RP( )0 P(Note that all loca)HY(tions)YH( are rela)HY(tive)YH( to an instance docu)HY(ment)YH( unless they are URIs. For example, if you want to use a local file as your schema, then you will need to pass )SM(file:///abso)HY(lute)YH(/path/to/your/schema)ES( as the loca)HY(tion)YH( argu)HY(ment)YH(. )EP( )0 2 60 H(3.3)WB 154 Sn()WB 64 Sn( Error Handling)EA()EH( )0 P(As discussed in )0 13 1 A(Section 2.2, "Error Handling")13 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(, the mapping uses the C++ excep)HY(tion)YH( handling mech)HY(a)HY(nism)YH( as its primary way of report)HY(ing)YH( error condi)HY(tions)YH(. However, to handle recov)HY(er)HY(able)YH( parsing and vali)HY(da)HY(tion)YH( errors and warn)HY(ings)YH(, a call)HY(back)YH( inter)HY(face)YH( maybe preferred by the appli)HY(ca)HY(tion)YH(.)EP( )0 P(To better under)HY(stand)YH( error handling and report)HY(ing)YH( strate)HY(gies)YH( employed by the parsing func)HY(tions)YH(, it is useful to know that the trans)HY(for)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( of an XML instance docu)HY(ment)YH( to a stat)HY(i)HY(cally)YH(-typed tree happens in two stages. The first stage, performed by Xerces-C++, consists of parsing an XML docu)HY(ment)YH( into a DOM instance. For short, we will call this stage the XML-DOM stage. Vali)HY(da)HY(tion)YH(, if not disabled, happens during this stage. The second stage, performed by the gener)HY(ated)YH( parsers, consist of parsing the DOM instance into the stat)HY(i)HY(cally)YH(-typed tree. We will call this stage the DOM-Tree stage. Addi)HY(tional)YH( checks are performed during this stage in order to prevent construc)HY(tion)YH( of incon)HY(sis)HY(tent)YH( tree which could other)HY(wise)YH( happen when vali)HY(da)HY(tion)YH( is disabled, for example.)EP( )0 P(All parsing func)HY(tions)YH( except the one that oper)HY(ates)YH( on a DOM instance come in over)HY(loaded)YH( triples. The first func)HY(tion)YH( in such a triple reports error condi)HY(tions)YH( exclu)HY(sively)YH( by throw)HY(ing)YH( excep)HY(tions)YH(. It accu)HY(mu)HY(lates)YH( all the parsing and vali)HY(da)HY(tion)YH( errors of the XML-DOM stage and throws them in a single instance of the )SM(xml_schema::parsing)ES( excep)HY(tion)YH( \201described below\202. The second and the third func)HY(tions)YH( in the triple use call)HY(back)YH( inter)HY(faces)YH( to report parsing and vali)HY(da)HY(tion)YH( errors and warn)HY(ings)YH(. The two call)HY(back)YH( inter)HY(faces)YH( are )SM(xml_schema::error_handler)ES( and )SM(xercesc::DOMEr)HY(rorHan)HY(dler)YH()ES(. For more infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( on the )SM(xercesc::DOMEr)HY(rorHan)HY(dler)YH()ES( inter)HY(face)YH( refer to the Xerces-C++ docu)HY(men)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH(. The )SM(xml_schema::error_handler)ES( inter)HY(face)YH( is presented below: )EP( ) 23 51 PR(class error_handler { public: struct severity { enum value { warning, error, fatal }; }; virtual bool handle \201const std::basic_string& id, unsigned long line, unsigned long column, severity, const std::basic_string& message\202 = 0; virtual ~error_handler \201\202; };)RP( )0 P(The )SM(id)ES( argu)HY(ment)YH( of the )SM(error_handler::handle)ES( func)HY(tion)YH( iden)HY(ti)HY(fies)YH( the resource being parsed \201e.g., a file name or URI\202. )EP( )0 P(By return)HY(ing)YH( )SM(true)ES( from the )SM(handle)ES( func)HY(tion)YH( you instruct the parser to recover and continue parsing. Return)HY(ing)YH( )SM(false)ES( results in termi)HY(na)HY(tion)YH( of the parsing process. An error with the )SM(fatal)ES( sever)HY(ity)YH( level results in termi)HY(na)HY(tion)YH( of the parsing process no matter what is returned from the )SM(handle)ES( func)HY(tion)YH(. It is safe to throw an excep)HY(tion)YH( from the )SM(handle)ES( func)HY(tion)YH(. )EP( )0 P(The DOM-Tree stage reports error condi)HY(tions)YH( exclu)HY(sively)YH( by throw)HY(ing)YH( excep)HY(tions)YH(. Indi)HY(vid)HY(ual)YH( excep)HY(tions)YH( thrown by the parsing func)HY(tions)YH( are described in the follow)HY(ing)YH( sub-sections. )EP( )0 3 61 H(3.3.1)WB 155 Sn()WB 65 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::parsing)ES()EA()EH( ) 57 56 PR(struct severity { enum value { warning, error }; severity \201value\202; operator value \201\202 const; }; struct error { error \201severity, const std::basic_string& id, unsigned long line, unsigned long column, const std::basic_string& message\202; severity severity \201\202 const; const std::basic_string& id \201\202 const; unsigned long line \201\202 const; unsigned long column \201\202 const;)WR( const std::basic_string& message \201\202 const; }; std::basic_ostream& operator<< \201std::basic_ostream&, const error&\202; struct diagnostics: std::vector { }; std::basic_ostream& operator<< \201std::basic_ostream&, const diagnostics&\202; struct parsing: virtual exception { parsing \201\202; parsing \201const diagnostics&\202; const diagnostics& diagnostics \201\202 const; virtual const char* what \201\202 const throw \201\202; };)RP( )0 P(The )SM(xml_schema::parsing)ES( excep)HY(tion)YH( is thrown if there were parsing or vali)HY(da)HY(tion)YH( errors reported during the XML-DOM stage. If no call)HY(back)YH( inter)HY(face)YH( was provided to the parsing func)HY(tion)YH(, the excep)HY(tion)YH( contains a list of errors and warn)HY(ings)YH( acces)HY(si)HY(ble)YH( using the )SM(diag)HY(nos)HY(tics)YH()ES( func)HY(tion)YH(. The usual condi)HY(tions)YH( when this excep)HY(tion)YH( is thrown include malformed XML instances and, if vali)HY(da)HY(tion)YH( is turned on, invalid instance docu)HY(ments)YH(. )EP( )0 3 62 H(3.3.2)WB 156 Sn()WB 66 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::expected_element)ES()EA()EH( ) 16 60 PR(struct expected_element: virtual exception { expected_element \201const std::basic_string& name, const std::basic_string& namespace_\202; const std::basic_string& name \201\202 const; const std::basic_string& namespace_ \201\202 const; virtual const char* what \201\202 const throw \201\202; };)RP( )0 P(The )SM(xml_schema::expected_element)ES( excep)HY(tion)YH( is thrown when an expected element is not encoun)HY(tered)YH( by the DOM-Tree stage. The name and names)HY(pace)YH( of the expected element can be obtained using the )SM(name)ES( and )SM(names)HY(pace)YH(_)ES( func)HY(tions)YH( respec)HY(tively)YH(. )EP( )0 3 63 H(3.3.3)WB 157 Sn()WB 67 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::unex)HY(pected)YH(_element)ES()EA()EH( ) 25 72 PR(struct unexpected_element: virtual exception { unexpected_element \201const std::basic_string& encountered_name, const std::basic_string& encountered_namespace, const std::basic_string& expected_name, const std::basic_string& expected_namespace\202 const std::basic_string& encountered_name \201\202 const; const std::basic_string& encountered_namespace \201\202 const; const std::basic_string& expected_name \201\202 const; const std::basic_string& expected_namespace \201\202 const; virtual const char* what \201\202 const throw \201\202; };)RP( )0 P(The )SM(xml_schema::unex)HY(pected)YH(_element)ES( excep)HY(tion)YH( is thrown when an unex)HY(pected)YH( element is encoun)HY(tered)YH( by the DOM-Tree stage. The name and names)HY(pace)YH( of the encoun)HY(tered)YH( element can be obtained using the )SM(encoun)HY(tered)YH(_name)ES( and )SM(encoun)HY(tered)YH(_names)HY(pace)YH()ES( func)HY(tions)YH( respec)HY(tively)YH(. If an element was expected instead of the encoun)HY(tered)YH( one, its name and names)HY(pace)YH( can be obtained using the )SM(expected_name)ES( and )SM(expected_names)HY(pace)YH()ES( func)HY(tions)YH( respec)HY(tively)YH(. Other)HY(wise)YH( these func)HY(tions)YH( return empty strings. )EP( )0 3 64 H(3.3.4)WB 158 Sn()WB 68 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::expected_attribute)ES()EA()EH( ) 16 62 PR(struct expected_attribute: virtual exception { expected_attribute \201const std::basic_string& name, const std::basic_string& namespace_\202; const std::basic_string& name \201\202 const; const std::basic_string& namespace_ \201\202 const; virtual const char* what \201\202 const throw \201\202; };)RP( )0 P(The )SM(xml_schema::expected_attribute)ES( excep)HY(tion)YH( is thrown when an expected attribute is not encoun)HY(tered)YH( by the DOM-Tree stage. The name and names)HY(pace)YH( of the expected attribute can be obtained using the )SM(name)ES( and )SM(names)HY(pace)YH(_)ES( func)HY(tions)YH( respec)HY(tively)YH(. )EP( )0 3 65 H(3.3.5)WB 159 Sn()WB 69 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::unex)HY(pected)YH(_enumer)HY(a)HY(tor)YH()ES()EA()EH( ) 10 65 PR(struct unexpected_enumerator: virtual exception { unexpected_enumerator \201const std::basic_string& enumerator\202; const std::basic_string& enumerator \201\202 const; virtual const char* what \201\202 const throw \201\202; };)RP( )0 P(The )SM(xml_schema::unex)HY(pected)YH(_enumer)HY(a)HY(tor)YH()ES( excep)HY(tion)YH( is thrown when an unex)HY(pected)YH( enumer)HY(a)HY(tor)YH( is encoun)HY(tered)YH( by the DOM-Tree stage. The enumer)HY(a)HY(tor)YH( can be obtained using the )SM(enumer)HY(a)HY(tor)YH()ES( func)HY(tions)YH(. )EP( )0 3 66 H(3.3.6)WB 160 Sn()WB 70 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::expected_text_content)ES()EA()EH( ) 5 47 PR(struct expected_text_content: virtual exception { virtual const char* what \201\202 const throw \201\202; };)RP( )0 P(The )SM(xml_schema::expected_text_content)ES( excep)HY(tion)YH( is thrown when a content other than text is encoun)HY(tered)YH( and the text content was expected by the DOM-Tree stage. )EP( )0 3 67 H(3.3.7)WB 161 Sn()WB 71 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::no_type_info)ES()EA()EH( ) 14 60 PR(struct no_type_info: virtual exception { no_type_info \201const std::basic_string& type_name, const std::basic_string& type_namespace\202; const std::basic_string& type_name \201\202 const; const std::basic_string& type_namespace \201\202 const; virtual const char* what \201\202 const throw \201\202; };)RP( )0 P(The )SM(xml_schema::no_type_info)ES( excep)HY(tion)YH( is thrown when there is no type infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( asso)HY(ci)HY(ated)YH( with a type spec)HY(i)HY(fied)YH( by the )SM(xsi:type)ES( attribute. This excep)HY(tion)YH( is thrown by the DOM-Tree stage. The name and names)HY(pace)YH( of the type in ques)HY(tion)YH( can be obtained using the )SM(type_name)ES( and )SM(type_names)HY(pace)YH()ES( func)HY(tions)YH( respec)HY(tively)YH(. Usually, catch)HY(ing)YH( this excep)HY(tion)YH( means that you haven't linked the code gener)HY(ated)YH( from the schema defin)HY(ing)YH( the type in ques)HY(tion)YH( with your appli)HY(ca)HY(tion)YH( or this schema has been compiled without the )SM(--gener)HY(ate)YH(-poly)HY(mor)HY(phic)YH()ES( option. )EP( )0 3 68 H(3.3.8)WB 162 Sn()WB 72 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::not_derived)ES()EA()EH( ) 23 67 PR(struct not_derived: virtual exception { not_derived \201const std::basic_string& base_type_name, const std::basic_string& base_type_namespace, const std::basic_string& derived_type_name, const std::basic_string& derived_type_namespace\202; const std::basic_string& base_type_name \201\202 const; const std::basic_string& base_type_namespace \201\202 const; const std::basic_string& derived_type_name \201\202 const; const std::basic_string& derived_type_namespace \201\202 const; virtual const char* what \201\202 const throw \201\202; };)RP( )0 P(The )SM(xml_schema::not_derived)ES( excep)HY(tion)YH( is thrown when a type spec)HY(i)HY(fied)YH( by the )SM(xsi:type)ES( attribute is not derived from the expected base type. This excep)HY(tion)YH( is thrown by the DOM-Tree stage. The name and names)HY(pace)YH( of the expected base type can be obtained using the )SM(base_type_name)ES( and )SM(base_type_names)HY(pace)YH()ES( func)HY(tions)YH( respec)HY(tively)YH(. The name and names)HY(pace)YH( of the offend)HY(ing)YH( type can be obtained using the )SM(derived_type_name)ES( and )SM(derived_type_names)HY(pace)YH()ES( func)HY(tions)YH( respec)HY(tively)YH(. )EP( )0 3 69 H(3.3.9)WB 163 Sn()WB 73 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::no_prefix_mapping)ES()EA()EH( ) 10 57 PR(struct no_prefix_mapping: virtual exception { no_prefix_mapping \201const std::basic_string& prefix\202; const std::basic_string& prefix \201\202 const; virtual const char* what \201\202 const throw \201\202; };)RP( )0 P(The )SM(xml_schema::no_prefix_mapping)ES( excep)HY(tion)YH( is thrown during the DOM-Tree stage if a names)HY(pace)YH( prefix is encoun)HY(tered)YH( for which a prefix-names)HY(pace)YH( mapping hasn't been provided. The names)HY(pace)YH( prefix in ques)HY(tion)YH( can be obtained using the )SM(prefix)ES( func)HY(tion)YH(. )EP( )0 2 70 H(3.4)WB 164 Sn()WB 74 Sn( Reading from a Local File or URI)EA()EH( )0 P(Using a local file or URI is the simplest way to parse an XML instance. For example:)EP( ) 4 67 PR(using std::auto_ptr; auto_ptr r1 \201name \201"test.xml"\202\202; auto_ptr r2 \201name \201"http://www.codesynthesis.com/test.xml"\202\202;)RP( )0 2 71 H(3.5)WB 165 Sn()WB 75 Sn( Reading from )SM(std::istream)ES()EA()EH( )0 P(When using an )SM(std::istream)ES( instance, you may also pass an optional resource id. This id is used to iden)HY(tify)YH( the resource \201for example in error messages\202 as well as to resolve rela)HY(tive)YH( paths. For instance:)EP( ) 12 48 PR(using std::auto_ptr; { std::ifstream ifs \201"test.xml"\202; auto_ptr r \201name \201ifs, "test.xml"\202\202; } { std::string str \201"..."\202; // Some XML fragment. std::istringstream iss \201str\202; auto_ptr r \201name \201iss\202\202; })RP( )0 2 72 H(3.6)WB 166 Sn()WB 76 Sn( Reading from )SM(xercesc::Input)HY(Source)YH()ES()EA()EH( )0 P(Reading from a )SM(xercesc::Input)HY(Source)YH()ES( instance is similar to the )SM(std::istream)ES( case except the resource id is main)HY(tained)YH( by the )SM(Input)HY(Source)YH()ES( object. For instance:)EP( ) 2 34 PR(xercesc::StdInInputSource is; std::auto_ptr r \201name \201is\202\202;)RP( )0 2 73 H(3.7)WB 167 Sn()WB 77 Sn( Reading from DOM)EA()EH( )0 P(Reading from a )SM(xercesc::DOMDoc)HY(u)HY(ment)YH()ES( instance allows you to setup a custom XML-DOM stage. Things like DOM parser reuse, schema pre-parsing, and schema caching can be achieved with this approach. For more infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( on how to obtain DOM repre)HY(sen)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH( from an XML instance refer to the Xerces-C++ docu)HY(men)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH(. In addi)HY(tion)YH(, the )R8 2 A(C++/Tree Mapping FAQ)EA( shows how to parse an XML instance to a Xerces-C++ DOM docu)HY(ment)YH( using the XSD runtime util)HY(i)HY(ties)YH(. )EP( )0 P(The last parsing func)HY(tion)YH( is useful when you would like to perform your own XML-to-DOM parsing and as)HY(so)HY(ciate)YH( the result)HY(ing)YH( DOM docu)HY(ment)YH( with the object model nodes. If parsing is successe)HY(ful)YH(, the auto)HY(matic)YH( )SM(DOMDoc)HY(u)HY(ment)YH()ES( pointer is reset and the result)HY(ing)YH( object model assumes owner)HY(ship)YH( of the DOM docu)HY(ment)YH( passed. For example:)EP( ) 6 72 PR(xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr doc = ... std::auto_ptr r \201 name \201doc, xml_schema::flags::keep_dom | xml_schema::flags::own_dom\202\202; // At this point doc is reset to 0.)RP( )0 1 74 H(4)WB 168 Sn()WB 78 Sn( Seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH()EA()EH( )0 P(This chapter covers various aspects of seri)HY(al)HY(iz)HY(ing)YH( a tree-like object model to DOM or XML. In this regard, seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( is compli)HY(men)HY(tary)YH( to the reverse process of parsing a DOM or XML instance into an object model which is discussed in )0 61 1 A(Chapter 3, "Parsing")61 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(. Note that the gener)HY(a)HY(tion)YH( of the seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( code is optional and should be explic)HY(itly)YH( requested with the )SM(--gener)HY(ate)YH(-seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH()ES( option. See the )R9 2 A(XSD Compiler Command Line Manual)EA( for more infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH(. )EP( )0 P(Each global XML Schema element in the form: )EP( ) 1 38 PR()RP( )0 P(is mapped to 8 over)HY(loaded)YH( C++ func)HY(tions)YH( in the form:)EP( ) 70 53 PR(// Serialize to std::ostream. // void name \201std::ostream&, const type&, const xml_schema::namespace_fomap& = xml_schema::namespace_infomap \201\202, const std::basic_string& encoding = "UTF-8", xml_schema::flags = 0\202; void name \201std::ostream&, const type&, xml_schema::error_handler&, const xml_schema::namespace_infomap& = xml_schema::namespace_infomap \201\202, const std::basic_string& encoding = "UTF-8", xml_schema::flags = 0\202; void name \201std::ostream&, const type&, xercesc::DOMErrorHandler&, const xml_schema::namespace_infomap& = xml_schema::namespace_infomap \201\202, const std::basic_string& encoding = "UTF-8", xml_schema::flags = 0\202; // Serialize to XMLFormatTarget. //)WR( void name \201xercesc::XMLFormatTarget&, const type&, const xml_schema::namespace_infomap& = xml_schema::namespace_infomap \201\202, const std::basic_string& encoding = "UTF-8", xml_schema::flags = 0\202; void name \201xercesc::XMLFormatTarget&, const type&, xml_schema::error_handler&, const xml_schema::namespace_infomap& = xml_schema::namespace_infomap \201\202, const std::basic_string& encoding = "UTF-8", xml_schema::flags = 0\202; void name \201xercesc::XMLFormatTarget&, const type&, xercesc::DOMErrorHandler&, const xml_schema::namespace_infomap& = xml_schema::namespace_infomap \201\202, const std::basic_string& encoding = "UTF-8", xml_schema::flags = 0\202; // Serialize to DOM. // xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr)WR( name \201const type&, const xml_schema::namespace_infomap& xml_schema::namespace_infomap \201\202, xml_schema::flags = 0\202; void name \201xercesc::DOMDocument&, const type&, xml_schema::flags = 0\202;)RP( )0 P(You can choose between writing XML to )SM(std::ostream)ES( or )SM(xercesc::XMLFor)HY(mat)HY(Tar)HY(get)YH()ES( and creat)HY(ing)YH( a DOM instance in the form of )SM(xercesc::DOMDoc)HY(u)HY(ment)YH()ES(. Seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( to )SM(ostream)ES( or )SM(XMLFor)HY(mat)HY(Tar)HY(get)YH()ES( requires a consid)HY(er)HY(ably)YH( less work while seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( to DOM provides for greater flex)HY(i)HY(bil)HY(ity)YH(. Each of these seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( is discussed in more detail in the follow)HY(ing)YH( sections. )EP( )0 2 75 H(4.1)WB 169 Sn()WB 79 Sn( Initial)HY(iz)HY(ing)YH( the Xerces-C++ Runtime)EA()EH( )0 P(Some seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( expect you to initial)HY(ize)YH( the Xerces-C++ runtime while others initial)HY(ize)YH( and termi)HY(nate)YH( it as part of their work. The general rule is as follows: if a func)HY(tion)YH( has any argu)HY(ments)YH( or return a value that is an instance of a Xerces-C++ type, then this func)HY(tion)YH( expects you to initial)HY(ize)YH( the Xerces-C++ runtime. Other)HY(wise)YH(, the func)HY(tion)YH( initial)HY(izes)YH( and termi)HY(nates)YH( the runtime for you. Note that it is legal to have nested calls to the Xerces-C++ initial)HY(ize)YH( and termi)HY(nate)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( as long as the calls are balanced. )EP( )0 P(You can instruct seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( that initial)HY(ize)YH( and termi)HY(nate)YH( the runtime not to do so by passing the )SM(xml_schema::flags::dont_initial)HY(ize)YH()ES( flag \201see )0 81 1 A(Section 4.3, "Flags")81 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(\202. )EP( )0 2 76 H(4.2)WB 170 Sn()WB 80 Sn( Names)HY(pace)YH( Infomap and Char)HY(ac)HY(ter)YH( Encod)HY(ing)YH()EA()EH( )0 P(When a docu)HY(ment)YH( being seri)HY(al)HY(ized)YH( uses XML names)HY(paces)YH(, custom prefix-names)HY(pace)YH( asso)HY(ci)HY(a)HY(tions)YH( can to be estab)HY(lished)YH(. If custom prefix-names)HY(pace)YH( mapping is not provided then generic prefixes \201)SM(p1)ES(, )SM(p2)ES(, etc\202 are auto)HY(mat)HY(i)HY(cally)YH( assigned to names)HY(paces)YH( as needed. Also, if you would like the result)HY(ing)YH( instance docu)HY(ment)YH( to contain the )SM(schemaLo)HY(ca)HY(tion)YH()ES( or )SM(noNames)HY(paceSchemaLo)HY(ca)HY(tion)YH()ES( attributes, you will need to provide names)HY(pace)YH(-schema asso)HY(ci)HY(a)HY(tions)YH(. The )SM(xml_schema::names)HY(pace)YH(_infomap)ES( class is used to capture this infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH(:)EP( ) 16 63 PR(struct namespace_info { namespace_info \201\202; namespace_info \201const std::basic_string& name, const std::basic_string& schema\202; std::basic_string name; std::basic_string schema; }; // Map of namespace prefix to namespace_info. // struct namespace_infomap: public std::map, namespace_info> { };)RP( )0 P(Consider the follow)HY(ing)YH( asso)HY(ci)HY(a)HY(tions)YH( as an example:)EP( ) 4 52 PR(xml_schema::namespace_infomap map; map["t"].name = "http://www.codesynthesis.com/test"; map["t"].schema = "test.xsd";)RP( )0 P(This map, if passed to one of the seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( func)HY(tions)YH(, could result in the follow)HY(ing)YH( XML frag)HY(ment)YH(:)EP( ) 4 72 PR( )RP( )0 P(As you can see, the seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( auto)HY(mat)HY(i)HY(cally)YH( added names)HY(pace)YH( mapping for the )SM(xsi)ES( prefix. You can change this by provid)HY(ing)YH( your own prefix:)EP( ) 6 62 PR(xml_schema::namespace_infomap map; map["xsn"].name = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; map["t"].name = "http://www.codesynthesis.com/test"; map["t"].schema = "test.xsd";)RP( )0 P(This could result in the follow)HY(ing)YH( XML frag)HY(ment)YH(:)EP( ) 4 72 PR( )RP( )0 P(To specify the loca)HY(tion)YH( of a schema without a names)HY(pace)YH( you can use an empty prefix as in the example below: )EP( ) 3 34 PR(xml_schema::namespace_infomap map; map[""].schema = "test.xsd";)RP( )0 P(This would result in the follow)HY(ing)YH( XML frag)HY(ment)YH(:)EP( ) 3 59 PR( )RP( )0 P(To make a partic)HY(u)HY(lar)YH( names)HY(pace)YH( default you can use an empty prefix, for example:)EP( ) 4 51 PR(xml_schema::namespace_infomap map; map[""].name = "http://www.codesynthesis.com/test"; map[""].schema = "test.xsd";)RP( )0 P(This could result in the follow)HY(ing)YH( XML frag)HY(ment)YH(:)EP( ) 4 70 PR( )RP( )0 P(Another bit of infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( that you can pass to the seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( is the char)HY(ac)HY(ter)YH( encod)HY(ing)YH( method that you would like to use. Common values for this argu)HY(ment)YH( are )SM("US-ASCII")ES(, )SM("ISO8859-1")ES(, )SM("UTF-8")ES(, )SM("UTF-16BE")ES(, )SM("UTF-16LE")ES(, )SM("UCS-4BE")ES(, and )SM("UCS-4LE")ES(. The default encod)HY(ing)YH( is )SM("UTF-8")ES(. For more infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( on encod)HY(ing)YH( methods see the ")R12 2 A(Char)HY(ac)HY(ter)YH( Encod)HY(ing)YH()EA(" article from Wikipedia. )EP( )0 2 77 H(4.3)WB 171 Sn()WB 81 Sn( Flags)EA()EH( )0 P(Seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( flags are the last argu)HY(ment)YH( of every seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( func)HY(tion)YH(. They allow you to fine-tune the process of seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH(. The flags argu)HY(ment)YH( is optional. )EP( )0 P(The follow)HY(ing)YH( flags are recog)HY(nized)YH( by the seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( func)HY(tions)YH(:)EP( )0 DL( )0 DT()SM(xml_schema::flags::dont_initial)HY(ize)YH()ES( )DD(Do not initial)HY(ize)YH( the Xerces-C++ runtime. )0 DT()SM(xml_schema::flags::dont_pretty_print)ES( )DD(Do not add extra spaces or new lines that make the result)HY(ing)YH( XML slightly bigger but easier to read. )0 DT()SM(xml_schema::flags::no_xml_decla)HY(ra)HY(tion)YH()ES( )DD(Do not write XML decla)HY(ra)HY(tion)YH( \201\202. )LD( )0 P(You can pass several flags by combin)HY(ing)YH( them using the bit-wise OR oper)HY(a)HY(tor)YH(. For example:)EP( ) 9 45 PR(std::auto_ptr r = ... std::ofstream ofs \201"test.xml"\202; xml_schema::namespace_infomap map; name \201ofs, *r, map, "UTF-8", xml_schema::flags::no_xml_declaration | xml_schema::flags::dont_pretty_print\202;)RP( )0 P(For more infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( on the Xerces-C++ runtime initial)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( refer to )0 79 1 A(Section 4.1, "Initial)HY(iz)HY(ing)YH( the Xerces-C++ Runtime")79 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(. )EP( )0 2 78 H(4.4)WB 172 Sn()WB 82 Sn( Error Handling)EA()EH( )0 P(As with the parsing func)HY(tions)YH( \201see )0 64 1 A(Section 3.3, "Error Handling")64 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(\202, to better under)HY(stand)YH( error handling and report)HY(ing)YH( strate)HY(gies)YH( employed by the seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( func)HY(tions)YH(, it is useful to know that the trans)HY(for)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( of a stat)HY(i)HY(cally)YH(-typed tree to an XML instance docu)HY(ment)YH( happens in two stages. The first stage, performed by the gener)HY(ated)YH( code, consist of build)HY(ing)YH( a DOM instance from the stat)HY(i)HY(cally)YH(-typed tree . For short, we will call this stage the Tree-DOM stage. The second stage, performed by Xerces-C++, consists of seri)HY(al)HY(iz)HY(ing)YH( the DOM instance into the XML docu)HY(ment)YH(. We will call this stage the DOM-XML stage. )EP( )0 P(All seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( except the two that seri)HY(al)HY(ize)YH( into a DOM instance come in over)HY(loaded)YH( triples. The first func)HY(tion)YH( in such a triple reports error condi)HY(tions)YH( exclu)HY(sively)YH( by throw)HY(ing)YH( excep)HY(tions)YH(. It accu)HY(mu)HY(lates)YH( all the seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( errors of the DOM-XML stage and throws them in a single instance of the )SM(xml_schema::seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH()ES( excep)HY(tion)YH( \201described below\202. The second and the third func)HY(tions)YH( in the triple use call)HY(back)YH( inter)HY(faces)YH( to report seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( errors and warn)HY(ings)YH(. The two call)HY(back)YH( inter)HY(faces)YH( are )SM(xml_schema::error_handler)ES( and )SM(xercesc::DOMEr)HY(rorHan)HY(dler)YH()ES(. The )SM(xml_schema::error_handler)ES( inter)HY(face)YH( is described in )0 64 1 A(Section 3.3, "Error Handling")64 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(. For more infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( on the )SM(xercesc::DOMEr)HY(rorHan)HY(dler)YH()ES( inter)HY(face)YH( refer to the Xerces-C++ docu)HY(men)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH(. )EP( )0 P(The Tree-DOM stage reports error condi)HY(tions)YH( exclu)HY(sively)YH( by throw)HY(ing)YH( excep)HY(tions)YH(. Indi)HY(vid)HY(ual)YH( excep)HY(tions)YH( thrown by the seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( are described in the follow)HY(ing)YH( sub-sections. )EP( )0 3 79 H(4.4.1)WB 173 Sn()WB 83 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH()ES()EA()EH( ) 11 39 PR(struct serialization: virtual exception { serialization \201\202; serialization \201const diagnostics&\202; const diagnostics& diagnostics \201\202 const; virtual const char* what \201\202 const throw \201\202; };)RP( )0 P(The )SM(xml_schema::diag)HY(nos)HY(tics)YH()ES( class is described in )0 65 1 A(Section 3.3.1, ")SM(xml_schema::parsing)ES(")65 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(. The )SM(xml_schema::seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH()ES( excep)HY(tion)YH( is thrown if there were seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( errors reported during the DOM-XML stage. If no call)HY(back)YH( inter)HY(face)YH( was provided to the seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( func)HY(tion)YH(, the excep)HY(tion)YH( contains a list of errors and warn)HY(ings)YH( acces)HY(si)HY(ble)YH( using the )SM(diag)HY(nos)HY(tics)YH()ES( func)HY(tion)YH(. )EP( )0 3 80 H(4.4.2)WB 174 Sn()WB 84 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::unex)HY(pected)YH(_element)ES()EA()EH( )0 P(The )SM(xml_schema::unex)HY(pected)YH(_element)ES( excep)HY(tion)YH( is described in )0 67 1 A(Section 3.3.3, ")SM(xml_schema::unex)HY(pected)YH(_element)ES(")67 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(. It is thrown by the seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( during the Tree-DOM stage if the root element name of the provided DOM instance does not match with the name of the element this seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( is for. )EP( )0 3 81 H(4.4.3)WB 175 Sn()WB 85 Sn( )SM(xml_schema::no_type_info)ES()EA()EH( )0 P(The )SM(xml_schema::no_type_info)ES( excep)HY(tion)YH( is described in )0 71 1 A(Section 3.3.7, ")SM(xml_schema::no_type_info)ES(")71 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(. It is thrown by the seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( during the Tree-DOM stage when there is no type infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( asso)HY(ci)HY(ated)YH( with a dynamic type of an element. Usually, catch)HY(ing)YH( this excep)HY(tion)YH( means that you haven't linked the code gener)HY(ated)YH( from the schema defin)HY(ing)YH( the type in ques)HY(tion)YH( with your appli)HY(ca)HY(tion)YH( or this schema has been compiled without the )SM(--gener)HY(ate)YH(-poly)HY(mor)HY(phic)YH()ES( option. )EP( )0 2 82 H(4.5)WB 176 Sn()WB 86 Sn( Seri)HY(al)HY(iz)HY(ing)YH( to )SM(std::ostream)ES()EA()EH( )0 P(In order to seri)HY(al)HY(ize)YH( to )SM(std::ostream)ES( you will need an object model, an output stream and, option)HY(ally)YH(, a names)HY(pace)YH( infomap. For instance:)EP( ) 14 61 PR(// Obtain the object model. // std::auto_ptr r = ... // Prepare namespace mapping and schema location information. // xml_schema::namespace_infomap map; map["t"].name = "http://www.codesynthesis.com/test"; map["t"].schema = "test.xsd"; // Write it out. // name \201std::cout, *r, map\202;)RP( )0 P(Note that the output stream is treated as a binary stream. This becomes impor)HY(tant)YH( when you use a char)HY(ac)HY(ter)YH( encod)HY(ing)YH( that is wider than 8-bit )SM(char)ES(, for instance UTF-16 or UCS-4. For example, things will most likely break if you try to seri)HY(al)HY(ize)YH( to )SM(std::ostringstream)ES( with UTF-16 or UCS-4 as an encod)HY(ing)YH(. This is due to the special value, )SM('\2000')ES(, that will most likely occur as part of such seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( and it won't have the special meaning assumed by )SM(std::ostringstream)ES(. )EP( )0 2 83 H(4.6)WB 177 Sn()WB 87 Sn( Seri)HY(al)HY(iz)HY(ing)YH( to )SM(xercesc::XMLFor)HY(mat)HY(Tar)HY(get)YH()ES()EA()EH( )0 P(Seri)HY(al)HY(iz)HY(ing)YH( to an )SM(xercesc::XMLFor)HY(mat)HY(Tar)HY(get)YH()ES( instance is similar the )SM(std::ostream)ES( case. For instance: )EP( ) 38 63 PR(using std::auto_ptr; // Obtain the object model. // auto_ptr r = ... // Prepare namespace mapping and schema location information. // xml_schema::namespace_infomap map; map["t"].name = "http://www.codesynthesis.com/test"; map["t"].schema = "test.xsd"; using namespace xercesc; XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize \201\202; { // Choose a target. // auto_ptr ft; if \201argc != 2\202 { ft = auto_ptr \201new StdOutFormatTarget \201\202\202; } else { ft = auto_ptr \201 new LocalFileFormatTarget \201argv[1]\202\202; })WR( // Write it out. // name \201*ft, *r, map\202; } XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate \201\202;)RP( )0 P(Note that we had to initial)HY(ize)YH( the Xerces-C++ runtime before we could call this seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( func)HY(tion)YH(.)EP( )0 2 84 H(4.7)WB 178 Sn()WB 88 Sn( Seri)HY(al)HY(iz)HY(ing)YH( to DOM)EA()EH( )0 P(The mapping provides two over)HY(loaded)YH( func)HY(tions)YH( that imple)HY(ment)YH( seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( to a DOM instance. The first creates a DOM instance for you and the second seri)HY(al)HY(izes)YH( to an exist)HY(ing)YH( DOM instance. While seri)HY(al)HY(iz)HY(ing)YH( to a new DOM instance is similar to seri)HY(al)HY(iz)HY(ing)YH( to )SM(std::ostream)ES( or )SM(xercesc::XMLFor)HY(mat)HY(Tar)HY(get)YH()ES(, seri)HY(al)HY(iz)HY(ing)YH( to an exist)HY(ing)YH( DOM instance requires quite a bit of work from your side. You will need to set all the custom names)HY(pace)YH( mapping attributes as well as the )SM(schemaLo)HY(ca)HY(tion)YH()ES( and/or )SM(noNames)HY(paceSchemaLo)HY(ca)HY(tion)YH()ES( attributes. The follow)HY(ing)YH( listing should give you an idea about what needs to be done: )EP( ) 24 67 PR(// Obtain the object model. // std::auto_ptr r = ... using namespace xercesc; XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize \201\202; { // Create a DOM instance. Set custom namespace mapping and schema // location attributes. // DOMDocument& doc = ... // Serialize to DOM. // name \201doc, *r\202; // Serialize the DOM document to XML. // ... } XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate \201\202;)RP( )0 P(For more infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( on how to create and seri)HY(al)HY(ize)YH( a DOM instance refer to the Xerces-C++ docu)HY(men)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH(. In addi)HY(tion)YH(, the )R8 2 A(C++/Tree Mapping FAQ)EA( shows how to imple)HY(ment)YH( these oper)HY(a)HY(tions)YH( using the XSD runtime util)HY(i)HY(ties)YH(. )EP( )0 1 85 H(5)WB 179 Sn()WB 89 Sn( Addi)HY(tional)YH( Func)HY(tion)HY(al)HY(ity)YH()EA()EH( )0 P(The C++/Tree mapping provides a number of optional features that can be useful in certain situ)HY(a)HY(tions)YH(. They are described in the follow)HY(ing)YH( sections.)EP( )0 2 86 H(5.1)WB 180 Sn()WB 90 Sn( DOM Asso)HY(ci)HY(a)HY(tion)YH()EA()EH( )0 P(Normally, after parsing is complete, the DOM docu)HY(ment)YH( which was used to extract the data is discarded. However, the parsing func)HY(tions)YH( can be instructed to preserve the DOM docu)HY(ment)YH( and create an asso)HY(ci)HY(a)HY(tion)YH( between the DOM nodes and object model nodes. When there is an asso)HY(ci)HY(a)HY(tion)YH( between the DOM and object model nodes, you can obtain the corre)HY(spond)HY(ing)YH( DOM element or attribute node from an object model node as well as perform the reverse tran)HY(si)HY(tion)YH(: obtain the corre)HY(spond)HY(ing)YH( object model from a DOM element or attribute node.)EP( )0 P(Main)HY(tain)HY(ing)YH( DOM asso)HY(ci)HY(a)HY(tion)YH( is normally useful when the appli)HY(ca)HY(tion)YH( needs access to XML constructs that are not preserved in the object model, for example, text in the mixed content model. Another useful aspect of DOM asso)HY(ci)HY(a)HY(tion)YH( is the ability of the appli)HY(ca)HY(tion)YH( to navi)HY(gate)YH( the docu)HY(ment)YH( tree using the generic DOM inter)HY(face)YH( \201for example, with the help of an XPath proces)HY(sor)YH(\202 and then move back to the stat)HY(i)HY(cally)YH(-typed object model. Note also that while you can change the under)HY(ly)HY(ing)YH( DOM docu)HY(ment)YH(, these changes are not reflected in the object model and will be ignored during seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH(. If you need to not only access but also modify some aspects of XML that are not preserved in the object model, then type customiza)HY(tion)YH( with custom parsing constructs and seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( oper)HY(a)HY(tors)YH( should be used instead.)EP( )0 P(To request DOM asso)HY(ci)HY(a)HY(tion)YH( you will need to pass the )SM(xml_schema::flags::keep_dom)ES( flag to one of the parsing func)HY(tions)YH( \201see )0 63 1 A(Section 3.2, "Flags and Prop)HY(er)HY(ties)YH(")63 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D( for more infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH(\202. In this case the DOM docu)HY(ment)YH( is retained and will be released when the object model is deleted. Note that since DOM nodes "out-live" the parsing func)HY(tion)YH( call, you need to initial)HY(ize)YH( the Xerces-C++ runtime before calling one of the parsing func)HY(tions)YH( with the )SM(keep_dom)ES( flag and termi)HY(nate)YH( it after the object model is destroyed \201see )0 62 1 A(Section 3.1, "Initial)HY(iz)HY(ing)YH( the Xerces-C++ Runtime")62 0 TN TL()Ec /AF f D(\202. The DOM asso)HY(ci)HY(a)HY(tion)YH( is also main)HY(tained)YH( in complete copies of the object model \201that is, the DOM docu)HY(ment)YH( is cloned and asso)HY(ci)HY(a)HY(tions)YH( are reestab)HY(lished)YH(\202.)EP( )0 P(To obtain the corre)HY(spond)HY(ing)YH( DOM node from an object model node you will need to call the )SM(_node)ES( acces)HY(sor)YH( func)HY(tion)YH( which returns a pointer to )SM(DOMNode)ES(. You can then query this DOM node's type and cast it to either )SM(DOMAttr*)ES( or )SM(DOMEle)HY(ment)YH(*)ES(. To obtain the corre)HY(spond)HY(ing)YH( object model node from a DOM node, the DOM user data API is used. The )SM(xml_schema::dom::tree_node_key)ES( vari)HY(able)YH( contains the key for object model nodes. The follow)HY(ing)YH( schema and code frag)HY(ment)YH( show how to navi)HY(gate)YH( from DOM to object model nodes and in the oppo)HY(site)YH( direc)HY(tion)YH(:)EP( ) 7 37 PR( )RP( ) 42 68 PR(using namespace xercesc; XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize \201\202; { // Parse XML to object model. // std::auto_ptr r = root \201 "root.xml", xml_schema::flags::keep_dom | xml_schema::flags::dont_initialize\202; DOMNode* n = root->_node \201\202; assert \201n->getNodeType \201\202 != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE\202; DOMElement* re = static_cast \201n\202; // Get the 'a' element. Note that it is not necessarily the // first child node of 'root' since there could be whitespace // nodes before it. // DOMElement* ae; for \201n = re->getFirstChild \201\202; n != 0; n = n->getNextSibling \201\202\202 { if \201n->getNodeType \201\202 == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE\202 { ae = static_cast \201n\202; break; } } )WR( // Get from the 'a' DOM element to xml_schema::string object model // node. // xml_schema::type& t \201 *reinterpret_cast \201 ae->getUserData \201xml_schema::dom::tree_node_key\202\202\202; xml_schema::string& a \201dynamic_cast \201t\202\202; } XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate \201\202;)RP( )0 P(The 'mixed' example which can be found in the XSD distri)HY(bu)HY(tion)YH( shows how to handle the mixed content using DOM asso)HY(ci)HY(a)HY(tion)YH(.)EP( )0 2 87 H(5.2)WB 181 Sn()WB 91 Sn( Binary Seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH()EA()EH( )0 P(Besides reading from and writing to XML, the C++/Tree mapping also allows you to save the object model to and load it from a number of prede)HY(fined)YH( as well as custom data repre)HY(sen)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH( formats. The prede)HY(fined)YH( binary formats are CDR \201Common Data Repre)HY(sen)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH(\202 and XDR \201eXter)HY(nal)YH( Data Repre)HY(sen)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH(\202. A custom format can easily be supported by provid)HY(ing)YH( inser)HY(tion)YH( and extrac)HY(tion)YH( oper)HY(a)HY(tors)YH( for basic types.)EP( )0 P(Binary seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( saves only the data without any meta infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH( or markup. As a result, saving to and loading from a binary repre)HY(sen)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH( can be an order of magni)HY(tude)YH( faster than parsing and seri)HY(al)HY(iz)HY(ing)YH( the same data in XML. Further)HY(more)YH(, the result)HY(ing)YH( repre)HY(sen)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH( is normally several times smaller than the equiv)HY(a)HY(lent)YH( XML repre)HY(sen)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH(. These prop)HY(er)HY(ties)YH( make binary seri)HY(al)HY(iza)HY(tion)YH( ideal for inter)HY(nal)YH( data exchange and storage. A typical appli)HY(ca)HY(tion)YH( that uses this facil)HY(ity)YH( stores the data and commu)HY(ni)HY(cates)YH( within the system using a binary format and reads/writes the data in XML when commu)HY(ni)HY(cat)HY(ing)YH( with the outside world.)EP( )0 P(In order to request the gener)HY(a)HY(tion)YH( of inser)HY(tion)YH( oper)HY(a)HY(tors)YH( and extrac)HY(tion)YH( construc)HY(tors)YH( for a specific prede)HY(fined)YH( or custom data repre)HY(sen)HY(ta)HY(tion)YH( stream, you will need to use the )SM(--gener)HY(ate)YH(-inser)HY(tion)YH()ES( and )SM(--gener)HY(ate)YH(-extrac)HY(tion)YH()ES( compiler options. See the )R9 2 A(XSD Compiler Command Line Manual)EA( for more infor)HY(ma)HY(tion)YH(.)EP( )0 P(Once the inser)HY(tion)YH( oper)HY(a)HY(tors)YH( and extrac)HY(tion)YH( construc)HY(tors)YH( are gener)HY(ated)YH(, you can use the )SM(xml_schema::istream)ES( and )SM(xml_schema::ostream)ES( wrapper stream templates to save the object model to and load it from a specific format. The follow)HY(ing)YH( code frag)HY(ment)YH( shows how to do this using ACE \201Adap)HY(tive)YH( Commu)HY(ni)HY(ca)HY(tion)YH( Envi)HY(ron)HY(ment)YH(\202 CDR streams as an example:)EP( ) 8 37 PR( )RP( ) 21 51 PR(// Parse XML to object model. // std::auto_ptr r = root \201"root.xml"\202; // Save to a CDR stream. // ACE_OutputCDR ace_ocdr; xml_schema::ostream ocdr \201ace_ocdr\202; ocdr << *r; // Load from a CDR stream. // ACE_InputCDR ace_icdr \201buf, size\202; xml_schema::istream icdr \201ace_icdr\202; std::auto_ptr copy \201new object \201icdr\202\202; // Serialize to XML. // root \201std::cout, *copy\202;)RP( )0 P(The XSD distri)HY(bu)HY(tion)YH( contains a number of exam)HY(ples)YH( that show how to save the object model to and load it from CDR, XDR, and a custom format.)EP( )0 1 88 H(Appendix)WB 182 Sn()WB 92 Sn( A \236 Default and Fixed Values)EA()EH( )0 P(The follow)HY(ing)YH( table summa)HY(rizes)YH( the effect of default and fixed values \201spec)HY(i)HY(fied)YH( with the )SM(default)ES( and )SM(fixed)ES( attributes, respec)HY(tively)YH(\202 on attribute and element values. The )SM(default)ES( and )SM(fixed)ES( attributes are mutu)HY(ally)YH( exclu)HY(sive)YH(. It is also worth)HY(while)YH( to note that the fixed value seman)HY(tics)YH( is a super)HY(set)YH( of the default value seman)HY(tics)YH(. )EP( )1 PT( )BR( )BR( )WB NL /TE t D NP TU PM 0 eq and{/Pn () D showpage}if end restore