// This code was generated by CLI, a command line interface // compiler for C++. // // Begin prologue. // #include // // End prologue. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace cli { // unknown_option // unknown_option:: ~unknown_option () throw () { } void unknown_option:: print (::std::wostream& os) const { os << "unknown option '" << option ().c_str () << "'"; } const char* unknown_option:: what () const throw () { return "unknown option"; } // unknown_argument // unknown_argument:: ~unknown_argument () throw () { } void unknown_argument:: print (::std::wostream& os) const { os << "unknown argument '" << argument ().c_str () << "'"; } const char* unknown_argument:: what () const throw () { return "unknown argument"; } // missing_value // missing_value:: ~missing_value () throw () { } void missing_value:: print (::std::wostream& os) const { os << "missing value for option '" << option ().c_str () << "'"; } const char* missing_value:: what () const throw () { return "missing option value"; } // invalid_value // invalid_value:: ~invalid_value () throw () { } void invalid_value:: print (::std::wostream& os) const { os << "invalid value '" << value ().c_str () << "' for option '" << option ().c_str () << "'"; } const char* invalid_value:: what () const throw () { return "invalid option value"; } // eos_reached // void eos_reached:: print (::std::wostream& os) const { os << what (); } const char* eos_reached:: what () const throw () { return "end of argument stream reached"; } // file_io_failure // file_io_failure:: ~file_io_failure () throw () { } void file_io_failure:: print (::std::wostream& os) const { os << "unable to open file '" << file ().c_str () << "' or read failure"; } const char* file_io_failure:: what () const throw () { return "unable to open file or read failure"; } // unmatched_quote // unmatched_quote:: ~unmatched_quote () throw () { } void unmatched_quote:: print (::std::wostream& os) const { os << "unmatched quote in argument '" << argument ().c_str () << "'"; } const char* unmatched_quote:: what () const throw () { return "unmatched quote"; } // scanner // scanner:: ~scanner () { } // argv_scanner // bool argv_scanner:: more () { return i_ < argc_; } const char* argv_scanner:: peek () { if (i_ < argc_) return argv_[i_]; else throw eos_reached (); } const char* argv_scanner:: next () { if (i_ < argc_) { const char* r (argv_[i_]); if (erase_) { for (int i (i_ + 1); i < argc_; ++i) argv_[i - 1] = argv_[i]; --argc_; argv_[argc_] = 0; } else ++i_; return r; } else throw eos_reached (); } void argv_scanner:: skip () { if (i_ < argc_) ++i_; else throw eos_reached (); } // argv_file_scanner // bool argv_file_scanner:: more () { if (!args_.empty ()) return true; while (base::more ()) { // See if the next argument is the file option. // const char* a (base::peek ()); const option_info* oi; if (!skip_ && (oi = find (a))) { base::next (); if (!base::more ()) throw missing_value (oi->option); if (oi->search_func != 0) { std::string f (oi->search_func (base::next (), oi->arg)); if (!f.empty ()) load (f); } else load (base::next ()); if (!args_.empty ()) return true; } else { if (!skip_) skip_ = (std::strcmp (a, "--") == 0); return true; } } return false; } const char* argv_file_scanner:: peek () { if (!more ()) throw eos_reached (); return args_.empty () ? base::peek () : args_.front ().c_str (); } const char* argv_file_scanner:: next () { if (!more ()) throw eos_reached (); if (args_.empty ()) return base::next (); else { hold_.swap (args_.front ()); args_.pop_front (); return hold_.c_str (); } } void argv_file_scanner:: skip () { if (!more ()) throw eos_reached (); if (args_.empty ()) return base::skip (); else args_.pop_front (); } const argv_file_scanner::option_info* argv_file_scanner:: find (const char* a) const { for (std::size_t i (0); i < options_count_; ++i) if (std::strcmp (a, options_[i].option) == 0) return &options_[i]; return 0; } void argv_file_scanner:: load (const std::string& file) { using namespace std; ifstream is (file.c_str ()); if (!is.is_open ()) throw file_io_failure (file); while (!is.eof ()) { string line; getline (is, line); if (is.fail () && !is.eof ()) throw file_io_failure (file); string::size_type n (line.size ()); // Trim the line from leading and trailing whitespaces. // if (n != 0) { const char* f (line.c_str ()); const char* l (f + n); const char* of (f); while (f < l && (*f == ' ' || *f == '\t' || *f == '\r')) ++f; --l; const char* ol (l); while (l > f && (*l == ' ' || *l == '\t' || *l == '\r')) --l; if (f != of || l != ol) line = f <= l ? string (f, l - f + 1) : string (); } // Ignore empty lines, those that start with #. // if (line.empty () || line[0] == '#') continue; string::size_type p (line.find (' ')); if (p == string::npos) { if (!skip_) skip_ = (line == "--"); args_.push_back (line); } else { string s1 (line, 0, p); // Skip leading whitespaces in the argument. // n = line.size (); for (++p; p < n; ++p) { char c (line[p]); if (c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\r') break; } string s2 (line, p); // If the string is wrapped in quotes, remove them. // n = s2.size (); char cf (s2[0]), cl (s2[n - 1]); if (cf == '"' || cf == '\'' || cl == '"' || cl == '\'') { if (n == 1 || cf != cl) throw unmatched_quote (s2); s2 = string (s2, 1, n - 2); } const option_info* oi; if (!skip_ && (oi = find (s1.c_str ()))) { if (s2.empty ()) throw missing_value (oi->option); if (oi->search_func != 0) { std::string f (oi->search_func (s2.c_str (), oi->arg)); if (!f.empty ()) load (f); } else load (s2); } else { args_.push_back (s1); args_.push_back (s2); } } } } template struct parser { static void parse (X& x, bool& xs, scanner& s) { std::string o (s.next ()); if (s.more ()) { std::string v (s.next ()); std::istringstream is (v); if (!(is >> x && is.eof ())) throw invalid_value (o, v); } else throw missing_value (o); xs = true; } }; template <> struct parser { static void parse (bool& x, scanner& s) { s.next (); x = true; } }; template <> struct parser { static void parse (std::string& x, bool& xs, scanner& s) { const char* o (s.next ()); if (s.more ()) x = s.next (); else throw missing_value (o); xs = true; } }; template struct parser > { static void parse (std::vector& c, bool& xs, scanner& s) { X x; bool dummy; parser::parse (x, dummy, s); c.push_back (x); xs = true; } }; template struct parser > { static void parse (std::set& c, bool& xs, scanner& s) { X x; bool dummy; parser::parse (x, dummy, s); c.insert (x); xs = true; } }; template struct parser > { static void parse (std::map& m, bool& xs, scanner& s) { std::string o (s.next ()); if (s.more ()) { std::string ov (s.next ()); std::string::size_type p = ov.find ('='); if (p == std::string::npos) { K k = K (); if (!ov.empty ()) { std::istringstream ks (ov); if (!(ks >> k && ks.eof ())) throw invalid_value (o, ov); } m[k] = V (); } else { K k = K (); V v = V (); std::string kstr (ov, 0, p); std::string vstr (ov, p + 1); if (!kstr.empty ()) { std::istringstream ks (kstr); if (!(ks >> k && ks.eof ())) throw invalid_value (o, ov); } if (!vstr.empty ()) { std::istringstream vs (vstr); if (!(vs >> v && vs.eof ())) throw invalid_value (o, ov); } m[k] = v; } } else throw missing_value (o); xs = true; } }; template void thunk (X& x, scanner& s) { parser::parse (x.*M, s); } template void thunk (X& x, scanner& s) { parser::parse (x.*M, x.*S, s); } } #include #include // help_options // help_options:: help_options () : help_ (), version_ (), proprietary_license_ () { } help_options:: help_options (int& argc, char** argv, bool erase, ::cli::unknown_mode opt, ::cli::unknown_mode arg) : help_ (), version_ (), proprietary_license_ () { ::cli::argv_scanner s (argc, argv, erase); _parse (s, opt, arg); } help_options:: help_options (int start, int& argc, char** argv, bool erase, ::cli::unknown_mode opt, ::cli::unknown_mode arg) : help_ (), version_ (), proprietary_license_ () { ::cli::argv_scanner s (start, argc, argv, erase); _parse (s, opt, arg); } help_options:: help_options (int& argc, char** argv, int& end, bool erase, ::cli::unknown_mode opt, ::cli::unknown_mode arg) : help_ (), version_ (), proprietary_license_ () { ::cli::argv_scanner s (argc, argv, erase); _parse (s, opt, arg); end = s.end (); } help_options:: help_options (int start, int& argc, char** argv, int& end, bool erase, ::cli::unknown_mode opt, ::cli::unknown_mode arg) : help_ (), version_ (), proprietary_license_ () { ::cli::argv_scanner s (start, argc, argv, erase); _parse (s, opt, arg); end = s.end (); } help_options:: help_options (::cli::scanner& s, ::cli::unknown_mode opt, ::cli::unknown_mode arg) : help_ (), version_ (), proprietary_license_ () { _parse (s, opt, arg); } void help_options:: print_usage (::std::wostream&) { } typedef std::map _cli_help_options_map; static _cli_help_options_map _cli_help_options_map_; struct _cli_help_options_map_init { _cli_help_options_map_init () { _cli_help_options_map_["--help"] = &::cli::thunk< help_options, bool, &help_options::help_ >; _cli_help_options_map_["--version"] = &::cli::thunk< help_options, bool, &help_options::version_ >; _cli_help_options_map_["--proprietary-license"] = &::cli::thunk< help_options, bool, &help_options::proprietary_license_ >; } }; static _cli_help_options_map_init _cli_help_options_map_init_; bool help_options:: _parse (const char* o, ::cli::scanner& s) { _cli_help_options_map::const_iterator i (_cli_help_options_map_.find (o)); if (i != _cli_help_options_map_.end ()) { (*(i->second)) (*this, s); return true; } return false; } void help_options:: _parse (::cli::scanner& s, ::cli::unknown_mode opt_mode, ::cli::unknown_mode arg_mode) { bool opt = true; while (s.more ()) { const char* o = s.peek (); if (std::strcmp (o, "--") == 0) { s.skip (); opt = false; continue; } if (opt && _parse (o, s)); else if (opt && std::strncmp (o, "-", 1) == 0 && o[1] != '\0') { switch (opt_mode) { case ::cli::unknown_mode::skip: { s.skip (); continue; } case ::cli::unknown_mode::stop: { break; } case ::cli::unknown_mode::fail: { throw ::cli::unknown_option (o); } } break; } else { switch (arg_mode) { case ::cli::unknown_mode::skip: { s.skip (); continue; } case ::cli::unknown_mode::stop: { break; } case ::cli::unknown_mode::fail: { throw ::cli::unknown_argument (o); } } break; } } } // options // options:: options () : disable_warning_ (), disable_warning_specified_ (false), options_file_ (), options_file_specified_ (false), show_sloc_ (), sloc_limit_ (), sloc_limit_specified_ (false), proprietary_license_ (), custom_literals_ (), custom_literals_specified_ (false), preserve_anonymous_ (), show_anonymous_ (), anonymous_regex_ (), anonymous_regex_specified_ (false), anonymous_regex_trace_ (), morph_anonymous_ (), location_map_ (), location_map_specified_ (false), location_regex_ (), location_regex_specified_ (false), location_regex_trace_ (), file_per_type_ (), type_file_regex_ (), type_file_regex_specified_ (false), type_file_regex_trace_ (), schema_file_regex_ (), schema_file_regex_specified_ (false), schema_file_regex_trace_ (), fat_type_file_ (), file_list_ (), file_list_specified_ (false), file_list_prologue_ (), file_list_prologue_specified_ (false), file_list_epilogue_ (), file_list_epilogue_specified_ (false), file_list_delim_ ("\n"), file_list_delim_specified_ (false), disable_multi_import_ (), disable_full_check_ () { } void options:: print_usage (::std::wostream& os) { os << "--disable-warning Disable printing warning with id ." << ::std::endl; os << "--options-file Read additional options from ." << ::std::endl; os << "--show-sloc Show the number of generated physical source lines" << ::std::endl << " of code (SLOC)." << ::std::endl; os << "--sloc-limit Check that the number of generated physical source" << ::std::endl << " lines of code (SLOC) does not exceed ." << ::std::endl; os << "--proprietary-license Indicate that the generated code is licensed under" << ::std::endl << " a proprietary license instead of the GPL." << ::std::endl; os << "--custom-literals Load custom XML string to C++ literal mappings" << ::std::endl << " from ." << ::std::endl; os << "--preserve-anonymous Preserve anonymous types." << ::std::endl; os << "--show-anonymous Show elements and attributes that are of anonymous" << ::std::endl << " types." << ::std::endl; os << "--anonymous-regex Add to the list of regular expressions" << ::std::endl << " used to derive names for anonymous types from the" << ::std::endl << " enclosing attributes/elements." << ::std::endl; os << "--anonymous-regex-trace Trace the process of applying regular expressions" << ::std::endl << " specified with the '--anonymous-regex' option." << ::std::endl; os << "--location-map
    = Map the original schema location
      that is" << ::std::endl << " specified in the XML Schema include or import" << ::std::endl << " elements to new schema location ." << ::std::endl; os << "--location-regex Add to the list of regular expressions" << ::std::endl << " used to map schema locations that are specified in" << ::std::endl << " the XML Schema include or import elements." << ::std::endl; os << "--location-regex-trace Trace the process of applying regular expressions" << ::std::endl << " specified with the '--location-regex' option." << ::std::endl; os << "--file-per-type Generate a separate set of C++ files for each type" << ::std::endl << " defined in XML Schema." << ::std::endl; os << "--type-file-regex Add to the list of regular expressions" << ::std::endl << " used to translate type names to file names when" << ::std::endl << " the '--file-per-type' option is specified." << ::std::endl; os << "--type-file-regex-trace Trace the process of applying regular expressions" << ::std::endl << " specified with the '--type-file-regex' option." << ::std::endl; os << "--schema-file-regex Add to the list of regular expressions" << ::std::endl << " used to translate schema file names when the" << ::std::endl << " '--file-per-type' option is specified." << ::std::endl; os << "--schema-file-regex-trace Trace the process of applying regular expressions" << ::std::endl << " specified with the '--schema-file-regex' option." << ::std::endl; os << "--fat-type-file Generate code corresponding to global elements" << ::std::endl << " into type files instead of schema files when the" << ::std::endl << " '--type-file-regex' option is specified." << ::std::endl; os << "--file-list Write a list of generated C++ files to ." << ::std::endl; os << "--file-list-prologue Insert at the beginning of the file list." << ::std::endl; os << "--file-list-epilogue Insert at the end of the file list." << ::std::endl; os << "--file-list-delim Delimit file names written to the file list with" << ::std::endl << " instead of new lines." << ::std::endl; } typedef std::map _cli_options_map; static _cli_options_map _cli_options_map_; struct _cli_options_map_init { _cli_options_map_init () { _cli_options_map_["--disable-warning"] = &::cli::thunk< options, NarrowStrings, &options::disable_warning_, &options::disable_warning_specified_ >; _cli_options_map_["--options-file"] = &::cli::thunk< options, std::string, &options::options_file_, &options::options_file_specified_ >; _cli_options_map_["--show-sloc"] = &::cli::thunk< options, bool, &options::show_sloc_ >; _cli_options_map_["--sloc-limit"] = &::cli::thunk< options, std::size_t, &options::sloc_limit_, &options::sloc_limit_specified_ >; _cli_options_map_["--proprietary-license"] = &::cli::thunk< options, bool, &options::proprietary_license_ >; _cli_options_map_["--custom-literals"] = &::cli::thunk< options, NarrowString, &options::custom_literals_, &options::custom_literals_specified_ >; _cli_options_map_["--preserve-anonymous"] = &::cli::thunk< options, bool, &options::preserve_anonymous_ >; _cli_options_map_["--show-anonymous"] = &::cli::thunk< options, bool, &options::show_anonymous_ >; _cli_options_map_["--anonymous-regex"] = &::cli::thunk< options, NarrowStrings, &options::anonymous_regex_, &options::anonymous_regex_specified_ >; _cli_options_map_["--anonymous-regex-trace"] = &::cli::thunk< options, bool, &options::anonymous_regex_trace_ >; _cli_options_map_["--morph-anonymous"] = &::cli::thunk< options, bool, &options::morph_anonymous_ >; _cli_options_map_["--location-map"] = &::cli::thunk< options, NarrowStrings, &options::location_map_, &options::location_map_specified_ >; _cli_options_map_["--location-regex"] = &::cli::thunk< options, NarrowStrings, &options::location_regex_, &options::location_regex_specified_ >; _cli_options_map_["--location-regex-trace"] = &::cli::thunk< options, bool, &options::location_regex_trace_ >; _cli_options_map_["--file-per-type"] = &::cli::thunk< options, bool, &options::file_per_type_ >; _cli_options_map_["--type-file-regex"] = &::cli::thunk< options, NarrowStrings, &options::type_file_regex_, &options::type_file_regex_specified_ >; _cli_options_map_["--type-file-regex-trace"] = &::cli::thunk< options, bool, &options::type_file_regex_trace_ >; _cli_options_map_["--schema-file-regex"] = &::cli::thunk< options, NarrowStrings, &options::schema_file_regex_, &options::schema_file_regex_specified_ >; _cli_options_map_["--schema-file-regex-trace"] = &::cli::thunk< options, bool, &options::schema_file_regex_trace_ >; _cli_options_map_["--fat-type-file"] = &::cli::thunk< options, bool, &options::fat_type_file_ >; _cli_options_map_["--file-list"] = &::cli::thunk< options, NarrowString, &options::file_list_, &options::file_list_specified_ >; _cli_options_map_["--file-list-prologue"] = &::cli::thunk< options, NarrowString, &options::file_list_prologue_, &options::file_list_prologue_specified_ >; _cli_options_map_["--file-list-epilogue"] = &::cli::thunk< options, NarrowString, &options::file_list_epilogue_, &options::file_list_epilogue_specified_ >; _cli_options_map_["--file-list-delim"] = &::cli::thunk< options, NarrowString, &options::file_list_delim_, &options::file_list_delim_specified_ >; _cli_options_map_["--disable-multi-import"] = &::cli::thunk< options, bool, &options::disable_multi_import_ >; _cli_options_map_["--disable-full-check"] = &::cli::thunk< options, bool, &options::disable_full_check_ >; } }; static _cli_options_map_init _cli_options_map_init_; bool options:: _parse (const char* o, ::cli::scanner& s) { _cli_options_map::const_iterator i (_cli_options_map_.find (o)); if (i != _cli_options_map_.end ()) { (*(i->second)) (*this, s); return true; } return false; } // Begin epilogue. // // // End epilogue.