path: root/app/wlib/mswlib/mswedit.c
diff options
authorJörg Frings-Fürst <>2016-12-28 16:52:56 +0100
committerJörg Frings-Fürst <>2016-12-28 16:52:56 +0100
commit7b358424ebad9349421acd533c2fa1cbf6cf3e3e (patch)
tree686678532eefed525c242fd214d0cfb2914726c5 /app/wlib/mswlib/mswedit.c
Initial import of xtrkcad version 1:4.0.2-2
Diffstat (limited to 'app/wlib/mswlib/mswedit.c')
1 files changed, 726 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/wlib/mswlib/mswedit.c b/app/wlib/mswlib/mswedit.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bb26ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/wlib/mswlib/mswedit.c
@@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <commdlg.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "mswint.h"
+struct wString_t {
+ char * valueP;
+ wIndex_t valueL;
+ wStringCallBack_p action;
+ };
+struct wInteger_t {
+ long low, high;
+ long * valueP;
+ long oldValue;
+ wIntegerCallBack_p action;
+ };
+struct wFloat_t {
+ double low, high;
+ double * valueP;
+ double oldValue;
+ wFloatCallBack_p action;
+ };
+static XWNDPROC oldEditProc = NULL;
+static XWNDPROC newEditProc;
+static void triggerString( wControl_p b );
+#ifdef LATER
+static void triggerInteger( wControl_p b );
+static void triggerFloat( wControl_p b );
+long FAR PASCAL _export pushEdit(
+ HWND hWnd,
+ UINT message,
+ UINT wParam,
+ LONG lParam )
+ /* Catch <Return> and cause focus to leave control */
+#ifdef WIN32
+ long inx = GetWindowLong( hWnd, GWL_ID );
+ short inx = GetWindowWord( hWnd, GWW_ID );
+ wControl_p b = mswMapIndex( inx );
+ switch (message) {
+ case WM_CHAR:
+ if ( b != NULL) {
+ switch( wParam ) {
+ case 0x0D:
+ case 0x1B:
+ case 0x09:
+ SetFocus( ((wControl_p)(b->parent))->hWnd );
+ SendMessage( ((wControl_p)(b->parent))->hWnd, WM_CHAR,
+ wParam, lParam );
+ /*SendMessage( ((wControl_p)(b->parent))->hWnd, WM_COMMAND,
+ inx, MAKELONG( hWnd, EN_KILLFOCUS ) );*/
+ return 0L;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case WM_KEYUP:
+ if ( b != NULL)
+ switch (b->type) {
+ case B_STRING:
+ if (((wString_p)b)->action)
+ mswSetTrigger( (wControl_p)b, triggerString );
+ break;
+#ifdef LATER
+ case B_INTEGER:
+ if (((wInteger_p)b)->action)
+ mswSetTrigger( (wControl_p)b, triggerInteger );
+ break;
+ case B_FLOAT:
+ if (((wFloat_p)b)->action)
+ mswSetTrigger( (wControl_p)b, triggerFloat );
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return CallWindowProc( oldEditProc, hWnd, message, wParam, lParam );
+ *****************************************************************************
+ *
+ * String Boxes
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************
+ */
+void wStringSetValue(
+ wString_p b,
+ const char * arg )
+ WORD len = strlen( arg );
+ SendMessage( b->hWnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (DWORD)arg );
+#ifdef WIN32
+ SendMessage( b->hWnd, EM_SETSEL, len, len );
+ SendMessage( b->hWnd, EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0L );
+ SendMessage( b->hWnd, EM_SETSEL, 0, MAKELPARAM(len,len) );
+ SendMessage( b->hWnd, EM_SETMODIFY, FALSE, 0L );
+void wStringSetWidth(
+ wString_p b,
+ wPos_t w )
+ int rc;
+ b->w = w;
+ rc = SetWindowPos( b->hWnd, HWND_TOP, 0, 0,
+ b->w, b->h, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOZORDER );
+const char * wStringGetValue(
+ wString_p b )
+ static char buff[256];
+ SendMessage( b->hWnd, WM_GETTEXT, sizeof buff, (DWORD)buff );
+ return buff;
+static void triggerString(
+ wControl_p b )
+ wString_p bs = (wString_p)b;
+ int cnt;
+ if (bs->action) {
+ *(WPARAM*)&mswTmpBuff[0] = 78;
+ cnt = (int)SendMessage( bs->hWnd, (UINT)EM_GETLINE, 0, (DWORD)(LPSTR)mswTmpBuff );
+ mswTmpBuff[cnt] = '\0';
+ if (bs->valueP)
+ strcpy( bs->valueP, mswTmpBuff );
+ bs->action( mswTmpBuff, bs->data );
+ mswSetTrigger( NULL, NULL );
+ }
+LRESULT stringProc(
+ wControl_p b,
+ HWND hWnd,
+ UINT message,
+ WPARAM wParam,
+ LPARAM lParam )
+ wString_p bs = (wString_p)b;
+ int cnt;
+ int modified;
+ switch( message ) {
+ case WM_COMMAND:
+ switch (WCMD_PARAM_NOTF) {
+ modified = (int)SendMessage( bs->hWnd, (UINT)EM_GETMODIFY, 0, 0L );
+ if (!modified)
+ break;
+ *(WPARAM*)&mswTmpBuff[0] = 78;
+ cnt = (int)SendMessage( bs->hWnd, (UINT)EM_GETLINE, 0, (DWORD)(LPSTR)mswTmpBuff );
+ mswTmpBuff[cnt] = '\0';
+ if (bs->valueP)
+ strncpy( bs->valueP, mswTmpBuff, bs->valueL );
+ if (bs->action) {
+ bs->action( mswTmpBuff, bs->data );
+ mswSetTrigger( NULL, NULL );
+ }
+ break;
+ SendMessage( bs->hWnd, (UINT)EM_SETMODIFY, FALSE, 0L );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return DefWindowProc( hWnd, message, wParam, lParam );
+static callBacks_t stringCallBacks = {
+ mswRepaintLabel,
+ stringProc };
+wString_p wStringCreate(
+ wWin_p parent,
+ POS_T x,
+ POS_T y,
+ const char * helpStr,
+ const char * labelStr,
+ long option,
+ POS_T width,
+ char *valueP,
+ wIndex_t valueL,
+ wStringCallBack_p action,
+ void *data )
+ wString_p b;
+ RECT rect;
+ int index;
+ DWORD style = 0;
+ b = (wString_p)mswAlloc( parent, B_STRING, mswStrdup(labelStr), sizeof *b, data, &index );
+ mswComputePos( (wControl_p)b, x, y );
+ b->option = option;
+ b->valueP = valueP;
+ b->valueL = valueL;
+ b->labelY += 2;
+ b->action = action;
+ if (option & BO_READONLY)
+ style |= ES_READONLY;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ b->hWnd = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "EDIT", NULL,
+ b->x, b->y,
+ width, mswEditHeight,
+ ((wControl_p)parent)->hWnd, (HMENU)index, mswHInst, NULL );
+ b->hWnd = CreateWindow( "EDIT", NULL,
+ b->x, b->y,
+ width, mswEditHeight,
+ ((wControl_p)parent)->hWnd, (HMENU)index, mswHInst, NULL );
+ if (b->hWnd == NULL) {
+ mswFail("CreateWindow(STRING)");
+ return b;
+ }
+#ifdef CONTROL3D
+ Ctl3dSubclassCtl( b->hWnd);
+ newEditProc = MakeProcInstance( (XWNDPROC)pushEdit, mswHInst );
+ oldEditProc = (XWNDPROC)GetWindowLong(b->hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC );
+ SetWindowLong( b->hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)newEditProc );
+ if (b->valueP) {
+ SendMessage( b->hWnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (DWORD)b->valueP );
+ }
+ SendMessage( b->hWnd, EM_SETMODIFY, FALSE, 0L );
+ if ( !mswThickFont )
+ SendMessage( b->hWnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)mswLabelFont, 0L );
+ GetWindowRect( b->hWnd, &rect );
+ b->w = rect.right - rect.left;
+ b->h = rect.bottom -;
+ mswAddButton( (wControl_p)b, TRUE, helpStr );
+ mswCallBacks[B_STRING] = &stringCallBacks;
+ mswChainFocus( (wControl_p)b );
+ return b;
+#ifdef LATER
+ *****************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Integer Value Boxes
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************
+ */
+#define MININT ((long)0x80000000)
+#define MAXINT ((long)0x7FFFFFFF)
+void wIntegerSetValue(
+ wInteger_p b,
+ long arg )
+ b->oldValue = arg;
+ wsprintf( mswTmpBuff, "%ld", arg );
+ SendMessage( b->hWnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (DWORD)(LPSTR)mswTmpBuff );
+ SendMessage( b->hWnd, EM_SETMODIFY, FALSE, 0L );
+long wIntegerGetValue(
+ wInteger_p b )
+ return b->oldValue;
+static void triggerInteger(
+ wControl_p b )
+ wInteger_p bi = (wInteger_p)b;
+ int cnt;
+ long value;
+ char * cp;
+ if (bi->action) {
+ *(WPARAM*)&mswTmpBuff[0] = 78;
+ cnt = (int)SendMessage( bi->hWnd, (UINT)EM_GETLINE, 0, (DWORD)(LPSTR)mswTmpBuff );
+ mswTmpBuff[cnt] = '\0';
+ if (strcmp( mswTmpBuff, "-" )==0 )
+ return;
+ value = strtol( mswTmpBuff, &cp, 10 );
+ if (*cp != '\0' || value < bi->low || value > bi->high )
+ return;
+ if (bi->oldValue == value)
+ return;
+ if (bi->valueP)
+ *bi->valueP = value;
+ bi->oldValue = value;
+ bi->action( value, bi->data );
+ }
+LRESULT integerProc(
+ wControl_p b,
+ HWND hWnd,
+ UINT message,
+ WPARAM wParam,
+ LPARAM lParam )
+ wInteger_p bi = (wInteger_p)b;
+ int inx;
+ int cnt;
+ long value;
+ char * cp;
+ wBool_t ok;
+ int modified;
+ switch( message ) {
+ case WM_COMMAND:
+ switch (WCMD_PARAM_NOTF) {
+ ok = TRUE;
+ modified = (int)SendMessage( bi->hWnd, (UINT)EM_GETMODIFY, 0, 0L );
+ if (!modified)
+ break;
+ *(WPARAM*)&mswTmpBuff[0] = 78;
+ cnt = (int)SendMessage( bi->hWnd, (UINT)EM_GETLINE, 0, (DWORD)(LPSTR)mswTmpBuff );
+ mswTmpBuff[cnt] = '\0';
+ if (strcmp( mswTmpBuff, "-" )==0 && 0 >= bi->low && 0 <= bi->high ) {
+ value = 0;
+ } else {
+ value = strtol( mswTmpBuff, &cp, 10 );
+ if (*cp != '\0' || value < bi->low || value > bi->high ) {
+ inx = GetWindowWord( bi->hWnd, GWW_ID );
+ if (wWinIsVisible(bi->parent)) {
+ PostMessage( ((wControl_p)(bi->parent))->hWnd,
+ WM_NOTVALID, inx, 0L );
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ if (value < bi->low)
+ value = bi->low;
+ else
+ value = bi->high;
+ sprintf( mswTmpBuff, "%ld", value );
+ SendMessage( bi->hWnd, (UINT)WM_SETTEXT, 0,
+ (DWORD)(LPSTR)mswTmpBuff );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bi->oldValue = value;
+ if (bi->valueP)
+ *bi->valueP = value;
+ if (bi->action) {
+ bi->action( value, bi->data );
+ mswSetTrigger( NULL, NULL );
+ }
+ SendMessage( bi->hWnd, (UINT)EM_SETMODIFY, FALSE, 0L );
+ }
+ break;
+ wsprintf( mswTmpBuff, "Please enter a value between %ld and %ld",
+ bi->low, bi->high );
+ if (bi->low > MININT && bi->high < MAXINT)
+ sprintf( mswTmpBuff,
+ "Please enter an integer value between %ld and %ld",
+ bi->low, bi->high );
+ else if (bi->low > MININT)
+ sprintf( mswTmpBuff,
+ "Please enter an integer value greater or equal to %ld",
+ bi->low );
+ else if (bi->high < MAXINT)
+ sprintf( mswTmpBuff,
+ "Please enter an integer value less or equal to %ld",
+ bi->high );
+ else
+ strcpy( mswTmpBuff, "Please enter an integer value" );
+ MessageBox( bi->hWnd, mswTmpBuff, "Invalid entry", MB_OK );
+ SetFocus( bi->hWnd );
+#ifdef WIN32
+ SendMessage( bi->hWnd, EM_SETSEL, 0, 0x7fff );
+ SendMessage( bi->hWnd, EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0L );
+ SendMessage( bi->hWnd, EM_SETSEL, 0, MAKELONG(0,0x7fff) );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return DefWindowProc( hWnd, message, wParam, lParam );
+static callBacks_t integerCallBacks = {
+ mswRepaintLabel,
+ integerProc };
+wInteger_p wIntegerCreate(
+ wWin_p parent,
+ POS_T x,
+ POS_T y,
+ const char * helpStr,
+ const char * labelStr,
+ long option,
+ POS_T width,
+ long low,
+ long high,
+ long *valueP,
+ wIntegerCallBack_p action,
+ void *data )
+ wInteger_p b;
+ RECT rect;
+ int index;
+ DWORD style = 0;
+ b = mswAlloc( parent, B_INTEGER, mswStrdup(labelStr), sizeof *b, data, &index );
+ mswComputePos( (wControl_p)b, x, y );
+ b->option = option;
+ b->low = low;
+ b->high = high;
+ b->valueP = valueP;
+ b->labelY += 2;
+ b->action = action;
+ if (option & BO_READONLY)
+ style |= ES_READONLY;
+ b->hWnd = CreateWindow( "EDIT", NULL,
+ b->x, b->y,
+ width, mswEditHeight,
+ ((wControl_p)parent)->hWnd, (HMENU)index, mswHInst, NULL );
+ if (b->hWnd == NULL) {
+ mswFail("CreateWindow(INTEGER)");
+ return b;
+ }
+#ifdef CONTROL3D
+ Ctl3dSubclassCtl( b->hWnd);
+ newEditProc = MakeProcInstance( (XWNDPROC)pushEdit, mswHInst );
+ oldEditProc = (XWNDPROC)GetWindowLong(b->hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC );
+ SetWindowLong( b->hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)newEditProc );
+ if ( !mswThickFont )
+ SendMessage( b->hWnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)mswLabelFont, 0L );
+ if (b->valueP) {
+ wsprintf( mswTmpBuff, "%ld", *b->valueP );
+ SendMessage( b->hWnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (DWORD)(LPSTR)mswTmpBuff );
+ b->oldValue = *b->valueP;
+ } else
+ b->oldValue = 0;
+ SendMessage( b->hWnd, EM_SETMODIFY, FALSE, 0L );
+ GetWindowRect( b->hWnd, &rect );
+ b->w = rect.right - rect.left;
+ b->h = rect.bottom -;
+ mswAddButton( (wControl_p)b, TRUE, helpStr );
+ mswCallBacks[ B_INTEGER ] = &integerCallBacks;
+ mswChainFocus( (wControl_p)b );
+ return b;
+ *****************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Floating Point Value Boxes
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************
+ */
+#define MINFLT (-1000000)
+#define MAXFLT (1000000)
+void wFloatSetValue(
+ wFloat_p b,
+ double arg )
+ b->oldValue = arg;
+ sprintf( mswTmpBuff, "%0.3f", arg );
+ SendMessage( b->hWnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (DWORD)(LPSTR)mswTmpBuff );
+ SendMessage( b->hWnd, EM_SETMODIFY, FALSE, 0L );
+double wFloatGetValue(
+ wFloat_p b )
+ return b->oldValue;
+static void triggerFloat(
+ wControl_p b )
+ wFloat_p bf = (wFloat_p)b;
+ int cnt;
+ double value;
+ char * cp;
+ if (bf->action) {
+ *(WPARAM*)&mswTmpBuff[0] = 78;
+ cnt = (int)SendMessage( bf->hWnd, (UINT)EM_GETLINE, 0,
+ (DWORD)(LPSTR)mswTmpBuff );
+ mswTmpBuff[cnt] = '\0';
+ if (strcmp( mswTmpBuff, "-" )==0)
+ return;
+ value = strtod( mswTmpBuff, &cp );
+ if (*cp != '\0' || value < bf->low || value > bf->high )
+ return;
+ if (bf->oldValue == value)
+ return;
+ bf->oldValue = value;
+ if (bf->valueP)
+ *bf->valueP = value;
+ bf->action( wFloatGetValue(bf), bf->data );
+ }
+LRESULT floatProc(
+ wControl_p b,
+ HWND hWnd,
+ UINT message,
+ WPARAM wParam,
+ LPARAM lParam )
+ wFloat_p bf = (wFloat_p)b;
+ int inx;
+ int cnt;
+ double value;
+ char * cp;
+ wBool_t ok;
+ int modified;
+ switch( message ) {
+ case WM_COMMAND:
+ switch (HIWORD(lParam)) {
+ ok = TRUE;
+ modified = (int)SendMessage( bf->hWnd, (UINT)EM_GETMODIFY, 0, 0L );
+ if (!modified)
+ break;
+ *(WPARAM*)&mswTmpBuff[0] = 78;
+ cnt = (int)SendMessage( bf->hWnd, (UINT)EM_GETLINE, 0,
+ (DWORD)(LPSTR)mswTmpBuff );
+ mswTmpBuff[cnt] = '\0';
+ if (strcmp( mswTmpBuff, "-" )==0 && 0 >= bf->low && 0 <= bf->high ) {
+ value = 0;
+ } else {
+ value = strtod( mswTmpBuff, &cp );
+ if (*cp != '\0' || value < bf->low || value > bf->high ) {
+ inx = GetWindowWord( bf->hWnd, GWW_ID );
+ if (wWinIsVisible(bf->parent)) {
+ PostMessage( ((wControl_p)(bf->parent))->hWnd,
+ WM_NOTVALID, inx, 0L );
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ if (value < bf->low)
+ value = bf->low;
+ else
+ value = bf->high;
+ sprintf( mswTmpBuff, "%0.3f", value );
+ SendMessage( bf->hWnd, (UINT)WM_SETTEXT, 0,
+ (DWORD)(LPSTR)mswTmpBuff );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bf->oldValue = value;
+ if (bf->valueP)
+ *bf->valueP = value;
+ if (bf->action) {
+ bf->action( value, bf->data );
+ mswSetTrigger( NULL, NULL );
+ }
+ SendMessage( bf->hWnd, (UINT)EM_SETMODIFY, FALSE, 0L );
+ }
+ break;
+ if (bf->low > MINFLT && bf->high < MAXFLT)
+ sprintf( mswTmpBuff,
+ "Please enter an float value between %0.3f and %0.3f",
+ bf->low, bf->high );
+ else if (bf->low > MINFLT)
+ sprintf( mswTmpBuff,
+ "Please enter an float value greater or equal to %0.3f",
+ bf->low );
+ else if (bf->high < MAXFLT)
+ sprintf( mswTmpBuff,
+ "Please enter an float value less or equal to %0.3f",
+ bf->high );
+ else
+ strcpy( mswTmpBuff, "Please enter an float value" );
+ MessageBox( bf->hWnd, mswTmpBuff, "Invalid entry", MB_OK );
+ SetFocus( bf->hWnd );
+#ifdef WIN32
+ SendMessage( bi->hWnd, EM_SETSEL, 0, 0x7fff );
+ SendMessage( bi->hWnd, EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0L );
+ SendMessage( bi->hWnd, EM_SETSEL, 0, MAKELONG(0,0x7fff) );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return DefWindowProc( hWnd, message, wParam, lParam );
+static callBacks_t floatCallBacks = {
+ mswRepaintLabel,
+ floatProc };
+wFloat_p wFloatCreate(
+ wWin_p parent,
+ POS_T x,
+ POS_T y,
+ const char * helpStr,
+ const char * labelStr,
+ long option,
+ POS_T width,
+ double low,
+ double high,
+ double *valueP,
+ wFloatCallBack_p action,
+ void *data )
+ wFloat_p b;
+ RECT rect;
+ int index;
+ DWORD style = 0;
+ b = mswAlloc( parent, B_FLOAT, mswStrdup(labelStr), sizeof *b, data, &index );
+ mswComputePos( (wControl_p)b, x, y );
+ b->option = option;
+ b->low = low;
+ b->high = high;
+ b->valueP = valueP;
+ b->labelY += 2;
+ b->action = action;
+ if (option & BO_READONLY)
+ style |= ES_READONLY;
+ b->hWnd = CreateWindow( "EDIT", NULL,
+ b->x, b->y,
+ width, mswEditHeight,
+ ((wControl_p)parent)->hWnd, (HMENU)index, mswHInst, NULL );
+ if (b->hWnd == NULL) {
+ mswFail("CreateWindow(FLOAT)");
+ return b;
+ }
+#ifdef CONTROL3D
+ Ctl3dSubclassCtl( b->hWnd);
+ newEditProc = MakeProcInstance( (XWNDPROC)pushEdit, mswHInst );
+ oldEditProc = (XWNDPROC)GetWindowLong(b->hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC );
+ SetWindowLong( b->hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)newEditProc );
+ if (b->valueP) {
+ b->oldValue = *b->valueP;
+ } else
+ b->oldValue = 0.0;
+ if (b->valueP)
+ sprintf( mswTmpBuff, "%0.3f", *b->valueP );
+ else
+ strcpy( mswTmpBuff, "0.000" );
+ if ( !mswThickFont )
+ SendMessage( b->hWnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)mswLabelFont, 0L );
+ SendMessage( b->hWnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (DWORD)(LPSTR)mswTmpBuff );
+ SendMessage( b->hWnd, EM_SETMODIFY, FALSE, 0L );
+ GetWindowRect( b->hWnd, &rect );
+ b->w = rect.right - rect.left;
+ b->h = rect.bottom -;
+ mswAddButton( (wControl_p)b, TRUE, helpStr );
+ mswCallBacks[ B_FLOAT ] = &floatCallBacks;
+ mswChainFocus( (wControl_p)b );
+ return b;