\# Notes: \# \# The "\u000" command is used to format the output. The command causes a blank line to appear between "bulleted" or "described" items. \# \cfg{html-local-head}{} \H{viewM} \i{View Menu} \G{png.d/mview.png} The \f{View Menu} shows commands affecting the display of the \f{Main Canvas} (\K{mainW}). \dd \f{Change Grid} - Displays the \f{Snap Grid} dialog. The \f{Snap Grid} forces the cursor (for some commands) to be on a grid to control track placement. \u000 \dd \f{Enable SnapGrid} - Enables (or disables) the \f{Snap Grid} (\K{cmdGrid}). \u000 \dd \f{Redraw} - Redraws the \f{Main Canvas}. \u000 \dd \f{Redraw All} - Redraws the \f{Main Canvas} and the \f{Map Window} (\K{cmdMap}). \u000 \dd \f{Show Snap-Grid} - Toggles display of the \f{Snap Grid} on and off. \u000 \dd \f{Magnetic Snap On/Off} - Toggles Magnets for Add Operations on and off. The magnets make tracks auto-align and shapes touch when the cursor or object is close. They can be defeated on each operation by holding down \e{Alt}. If the Magnets are off, holding down \e{Alt} will enable them. \u000 \dd \G{png.d/bmap.png} \f{ Show/Hide Map} - Toggles display of the \f{Map Window} on and off. \u000 \dd \f{Tool-bar} - Command button groups displayed on the \f{Tool-bar} are selected using the Tool-bar Configuration Menu (\K{toolbarM}). \u000 \dd \G{png.d/mzoomscale.png} \u000 \dd \f{Zoom} - This sub-menu is used to select a specific drawing scale ratio for the \f{Main Canvas}. \u000 \dd \f{Zoom In} - Increases magnification of the \f{Main Canvas}. \u000 \dd \f{Zoom Out} - Decreases magnification of the \f{Main Canvas}. \u000 When zooming in or out, the corresponding highlighted area of the \f{Map Window} (\K{cmdMap}) changes size to match that which appears on the \f{Main Canvas} (\K{mainW}). \rule \S{cmdGrid} Grid Dialog The \f{Grid} dialog, displayed by \f{Change Grid} on the View (\K{viewM}) menu, specifies the origin, angle and other parameters of the Snap Grid. The Snap Grid controls the position of the cursor during the \f{Curve} (\K{cmdCurve}), \f{Circle} (\K{cmdCircle}), \f{Modify} (\K{cmdModify}), \f{Straight} (\K{cmdStraight}), \f{Line Drawing} (\K{cmdDraw}) and \f{Turntable} (\K{cmdTurntable}) commands. \G{png.d/grid.png} The \f{Grid} dialog contains controls affecting the horizontal and vertical snap grid lines. Each dimension can be independently controlled. \dd The \f{Spacing} value specifies the distance between major grid lines, which are drawn as solid lines on the layout. \u000 \dd The \f{Divisions} value adds the minor Grid lines between the major Grid lines, which are drawn as a series of dots on the layout. Specifying a value of 0 or 1 as the division value removes the minor grid lines. \u000 \dd The Grid can be enabled or disabled in each dimension via the \f{Enable} check box. \u000 \dd The \f{X} and \f{Y} coordinates relate to the anchor point of the X and Y Axis. Default values for \f{X} and \f{Y} are zero (0). Entering a value of one for \f{X} causes the Main grid line on the Drawing Canvas to shift left one unit. Entering a value of two causes the Main grid line to shift by two units and so on. The \f{Y} axis is affected in the similar manner except the grid moves down rather than left. \u000 \dd Negative values can be used for X and Y values. Using such cause the Main Grid to shift right for the X Axis and up for the Y Axis. \u000 \dd The A coordinate relates to the Angle of grid rotation. The default value for this coordinate is zero. Entering a value greater than 0 and less than 90 will cause the Main Grid to rotate clockwise by the number of degrees entered. Entering a negative value causes the grid to rotate counter-clockwise. The origin and angle of the Grid can be adjusted directly or by dragging on the layout. \e{Left+Drag} moves the origin of the Grid, and \e{Right+Drag} rotates the grid. \e{Shift+Right-Click} (\K{cmdAcclKeys}) displays a pop-up menu allowing rotation of the grid by various predefined angles. Whether the Snap Grid is drawn is controlled by the \f{Show} check-box. Also, if the layout is Zoomed Out (\K{cmdZoom}) the minor and major grid lines may be too close together to be drawn. The minimum pixel distance between grid lines is controlled by the \f{Min Grid Spacing} value on the \f{Preferences} (\K{cmdPref}) dialog. \f{Note:} on slow machines drawing the Grid can take noticeable time. Performance can be improved by selecting a larger value for \f{Min Grid Spacing}. \G{png.d/bgsnap.png} \f{Grid Buttons} on the Tool-bar (\K{mainW}) can be used to Enable/Disable and to Show/Hide the Snap Grid. \rule \S{toolbarM}Tool-bar Configuration \G{png.d/mtoolbar.png} Command button groups displayed on the \f{Tool-bar} are selected using the Tool-bar Configuration Menu (\K{toolbarM}). If none of the command button groups are selected, the \f{Tool-bar} is not shown. \rule \S{cmdZoom} \i{Zoom} \G{png.d/bgzoom.png} The \f{Zoom In} and \f{Zoom Out} actions can also be accessed using buttons on the Tool Bar or usig the \f{Pan/Zoom} Mode button. The Mouse Wheel, PAGE DOWN and PAGE UP keys can also be used to zoom in and out. Holding down the Shift key while clicking the \f{Zoom In} or \f{Zoom Out} buttons sets the Drawing Scale to a \e{Programmed Zoom} value. \dd \e{\i{Zoom/Pan Shortcut Keys}} \lcont{ \u000 \b Keys '1'-'9' set the zoom to between 1::1 and 1::9. \u000 \b Key 'e' sets the zoom to a value that allows all the room to be shown and moves the origin of bottom left of the window to be 0,0 \u000 \b Key '0' or 'o' keeps the zoom as is, but moves the origin of the bottom left of the window to 0,0 \u000 \b Key 'c' moves the center of the window to the cursor position } Normally a zoom in more of more than 1:1 is not possible, however if the Ctrl key is held down while the \f{Zoom In} button is pressed a zoom less that 1:1 can be achieved. This function is useful when working on detail. Pressing the middle Zoom button on the Tool Bar pop-ups a list of Zoom factors that can be select from. \u000 \dd The Pan function can be accessed using the Mouse Wheel with \e{Shift} of the \e{Mouse Middle Button}. Adding \e{Ctrl} as well as \e{Shift} chnages Up to Left and Down to Right. Pan Left and Right can also be driven by the Horizontal Mouse Wheel (if available) or the Scroll Left/Right Guestures (if mapped by the Operating System). \rule \H{windowM} Window Menu \G{png.d/mwindow.png} The \f{Window Menu} typically contains selections for bringing any open window into view. It's used as follows; \dd \e{XTrackCAD} permits multiple dialog windows to be open at any one time. When a large number of windows are open it can become difficult to locate and bring a specific window into focus. Use the \f{Window Menu} function to select and bring the desired window to the top of the screen. \u000 \dd \G{png.d/openwindows.png} \u000 \dd Apart from bringing the \f{Map Window} (\K{cmdMap}) to the foreground, the \f{Map} menu item can also be used to re-opened a closed \f{Map Window}. \rule