# XTrackCAD 5.2.0 # This file contains installation instructions and up-to-date information regarding XTrackCad. ## Contents ## * About XTrackCad * License Information * Installation * Upgrading from earlier releases * Bugs fixed * Building * Where to go for support ## About XTrackCad ## XTrackCad is a powerful CAD program for designing Model Railroad layouts. Some highlights: * Easy to use. * Supports any scale. * Supplied with parameter libraries for many popular brands of turnouts, plus the capability to define your own. * Automatic easement (spiral transition) curve calculation. * Extensive help files and video-clip demonstration mode. Availability: XTrkCad Fork is a project for further development of the original XTrkCad software. See the project homepage at for news and current releases. ## License Information ## **Copying:** XTrackCad is copyrighted by Dave Bullis and Martin Fischer and licensed as free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 which you can find in the file COPYING. # Installation # ## Dependencies ## XTrackCAD starting with V5.2 depends on some external libraries: + zlib Compression Library https://www.zlib.net/ + libzip for handling zip files https://libzip.org/ Additionally on Windows only + FreeImage image handling http://freeimage.sourceforge.net/ The Windows installer comes with these libraries so no additional downloads are necessary. On Linux and OSX the necessary libraries will need to be installed using the software installation tools of the operating system. ## Windows ## XTrackCad has only been tested on Windows 10. The MS-Windows version of XTrackCad is shipped as a self-extracting/ self-installing program using the NSIS Installer from Nullsoft Inc. Using Windows Explorer, locate the directory in which you downloaded or copied your new version of XTrackCAD. Start the installation program by double clicking on the **[xtrkcad-setup-5.2.0.exe][]** file icon. Follow the steps in the installation program. The installation lets you define the directory into which XTrackCAD is installed. The directory is created automatically if it doesn't already exist. A program folder named XTrackCAD 5 will be created during the installation process. This folder contains the program, documentation, parameter and example files. An existing installation of earlier versions of XTrackCad is not overwritten. A new program group named XTrackCAD 5 will be created in the Start menu. ## OSX ## XTrackCAD for Mac is shipped as a self-installing OSX package Start the install by double clicking on the **[xtrkcad-osx-5.2.0.dmg][]** file icon. Drag the package and drop into the Applications folder. You may receive a prompt telling you that the package is not signed. To install it anyway, go to the System Preferences page and select Security & Privacy. Hit the button marked "Install Anyway". If you have a previous version you will be asked if you want to replace it or install a second version. You will need to have installed the correct level of XQuartz for your level of OSX to run XTrackCAD on Mac - go to http://www.xquartz.org/ and download and then install the package. Remember to log out and in again (or reboot) if this your first xQuartz install. Once the XQuartz package has installed go to the XtrkCAD icon in Applications and double click on it. You may again be told the program is not signed. If so, again go to Systems Preferences->Security & Privacy and hit "Run Anyway". ## Linux ## XTrackCAD for LINUX is shipped as a RPM file and a self extracting archive. You will need libc6, X11R6, GTK+2.0. If you change the install package you should set the XTRKCADLIB enviroment variable For example if the install is within the /usr/local/share/xtrkcad directory. you could use - env XTRKCADLIB="/usr/local/share/xtrkcad/" xtrkcad ### Installing from the RPM package. ### Use your operating system's package manager to install XTrackCAD. ### Installing from the self-extracting archive. ### After downloading open a command line then as root run ./xtrkcad-setup-5.2.0.x86_64.sh --prefix=/usr/local --exclude-subdir This will install the executable in /usr/local/bin. A directory named xtrkcad will be created in /usr/local/share and all files will be unpacked into it. If you install XTrackCAD into another directory, set the XTRKCADLIB environment variable to point to that directory. # Release Info # ## Upgrade Information ## **Note:** This version of XTrackCAD comes with the several new features like backgroudn images or extensions to notes. In order to support this feature, an additional file format for layout files (.xtce) was added. The old .xtc format is still supported for reading and writing. So files from earlier versions of XTrackCAD can be read without problems. Layouts that were saved in the new format cannot be read by older versions of XTrackCAD. # Building # ## Overview ## The following instructions detail building XTrackCAD using CMake. CMake is a cross-platform build system, available at http://www.cmake.org, that can be used to generate builds for a variety of build tools ranging from "make" to Visual Studio and XCode. Using CMake you can build XTrackCAD on Windows, GNU/Linux, and Mac OSX using the build tool(s) of your choice. ### Building XTrackCAD on GNU/Linux ### * Obtain the current sources from Mercurial; I assume that they are stored locally at "~/src/xtrkcad". Note that the correct URL for read-only access to Mercurial is * Create a separate build directory; for these instructions I assume that your build directory is "~/build/xtrkcad". * Run CMake from the build directory, passing it the path to the source directory: $ cd ~/build/xtrkcad $ ccmake ~/src/xtrkcad * Press the "c" key to configure the build. After a few moments you will see four options to configure: CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE, CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, XTRKCAD_USE_GTK, and XTRKCAD_USE_GTK_CAIRO. * Use CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to control the build type. Enter "Debug" for a debug build, "Release" for a release build, etc. * Use CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to control where the software will be installed. For this example, I assume "~/install/xtrkcad". * Use XTRKCAD_USE_GETTEXT to add new locales (language translations). Choose "OFF" to use XTrackCAD's default language (English). Refer to http://www.xtrkcad.org/Wikka/Internationalization for additional information. * Use XTRKCAD_USE_GTK to control the user-interface back-end. Choose "OFF" for Windows, "ON" for all other platforms. * Use XTRKCAD_USE_DOXYGEN to enable the production of type, function, etc., documentation from the the source code. Requires doxygen if enabled. Enable if and only if you intend to hack on the code. * If you made any changes, press the "c" key again to update your new configuration. * Once everything is configured to your satisfaction, press the "g" key to generate makefiles for your build. * Compile XTrkCad using your new build: $ make * Install the new binary: $ make install * Run the installed binary: $ ~/install/xtrkcad/bin/xtrkcad * If XTRKCAD_USE_DOXYGEN was enabled: $ make docs-doxygen to create the internals documentation. Read this documentation by pointing your web browser at ~/build/xtrkcad/docs/doxygen/html/index.html. ### Building XTrackCAD on Mac OSX ### * You will need to install the following dependencies - I recommend using to obtain them: - GTK2 - gnome-icon-theme * Once the prerequisites are installed the build instructions are the same as for the GNU/Linux build, above. * Remember that to run XTrackCAD on OSX, you need to have X11 running with your DISPLAY set. ### Building XTrackCAD on Windows ### * Obtain the current sources from Mercurial; I assume that they are stored locally at "c:/src/xtrkcad". Note that the correct URL for read-only access to Mercurial is * Use the Windows Start menu to run CMake (cmake-gui). * Specify the source and build directories in the CMake window. You must provide a build directory outside the source tree - I use "c:/build/xtrkcad". * Press the "Configure" button to configure the build. You will be prompted for the type of build to generate. Choose your desired tool - I used "Visual Studio 15". After a few moments you will see two options to configure: CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX and XTRKCAD_USE_GTK. * Use CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to control where the software will be installed. The default "c:/Program Files/XTrkCAD" is a good choice. * Use XTRKCAD_USE_GETTEXT to add new locales (language translations). Choose "OFF" to use XTrackCAD's default language (English). Refer to for additional information. * Use XTRKCAD_USE_GTK to control the user-interface back-end. Choose "OFF" for Windows. * Use XTRKCAD_USE_DOXYGEN to enable the production of type, function, etc., documentation from the the source code. Requires doxygen if enabled. Enable if and only if you intend to hack on the code. * If you made any changes, press the "Configure" button again to update your new configuration. * Once everything is configured to your satisfaction, press the "OK" button to generate project files for your build. * Compile XTrackCad using the new project files. For example, start MSVC and open the "XTrkCAD.sln" solution file which is located in your build directory. * Build the "BUILD_ALL" project to build the software. * Build the "INSTALL" project to install the software. * Run XTrackCAD by double-clicking its icon located in the install directory - for example: c:/Program Files/XTrkCAD/bin/xtrkcad.exe. ## Where to go for support ## The following web addresses will be helpful for any questions or bug reports - The Yahoo!Group mailing list - The project website for the open source development - The official Sourceforge site Thanks for your interest in XTrackCAD.