VERSION 2 DEMOINIT ORIG 8.000 0.000 0.000 STRAIGHT 1 DEMO 1 E 1.916667 32.771041 0.000000 E 1.916667 0.416667 180.000000 END STRAIGHT 2 DEMO 1 E 2.583333 0.833333 270.000000 E 37.083333 0.833333 90.000000 END REDRAW RESET MESSAGE This example will show the effect of using easements while joining tracks. First, we'll enable easements. END PARAMETER misc cmdEasement STEP PARAMETER easement val 0.500 BIGPAUSE PARAMETER easement ok MESSAGE _________________________________________ We've selected sharp easements. The minimum radius curve we can use will be 9.75" Notice the label on the Easement button has changed to 'Sharp'. END STEP COMMAND Join MOUSE 2 1.917 12.167 MOUSE 3 1.917 12.167 MOUSE 4 1.917 12.167 MOUSE 2 12.000 0.833 MESSAGE _________________________________________ Note the connecting curve does not quite meet the straight tracks. This the 'Offset'. END STEP MOUSE 3 14.000 0.833 MOUSE 3 11.833 0.833 MESSAGE _________________________________________ Here the connecting curve is too small. END STEP MOUSE 3 11.750 0.833 BIGPAUSE MOUSE 4 14.500 0.833 PARAMETER easement val 0.500 MESSAGE _________________________________________ The connecting curve is made of three tracks, the curve and two easement segments on each end. END STEP COMMAND Describe MOUSE 2 5.750 4.083 MOUSE 4 5.750 4.083 MOUSE 2 14.333 0.500 MOUSE 4 14.333 0.500 MOUSE 2 1.917 13.333 MOUSE 4 1.917 13.333 MESSAGE ========================================= END STEP CLEAR