VERSION 1 DEMOINIT ORIG 12.000 0.000 0.000 PARAMETER display description-fontsize 18 REDRAW RESET MOUSE 1 1.5 1.5 MESSAGE In the drawing area of the main window you can see an hollow upwards arrow which represents the mouse cursor. In this demo the mouse will move about to show you the actions of different commands. The hollow arrow represents the mouse cursor without a mouse button being pressed. END STEP MOUSE 1 34.560 28.000 CLEAR MESSAGE When the left mouse button would be pressed, the mouse cursor appears to flash and the hollow arrow is replaced by a solid left-pointing red arrow while the button is pressed. Note: these color changes occur only during the demo to simulate mouse button presses. END STEP MOUSE 2 34.560 28.000 #RESET MESSAGE _________________________________________ Moving the mouse while a mouse button is pressed is called 'dragging'. END STEP MOUSE 3 36.160 4.000 #RESET MESSAGE _________________________________________ When the left mouse button is released, the mouse cursor flashes and the hollow up black arrow is restored. END STEP MOUSE 4 36.160 4.000 RESET MESSAGE _________________________________________ Dragging with the right button is simulated by a blue right-facing solid cursor. END STEP MOUSE 5 36.160 4.000 MOUSE 6 3.680 4.800 #RESET MESSAGE __________________________________________ Release Right Click END STEP MOUSE 7 3.680 4.800 RESET MESSAGE ========================================= END STEP CLEAR MESSAGE Sometimes the Shift key is held down while using the mouse This is indicated by an outlined arrow with the letter S near the arrow. END STEP KEYSTATE 2 MOUSE 1 7.520 26.080 RESET MESSAGE __________________________________________ The left mouse button is held down with the Shift and dragged for a Left-Shift-Drag. END STEP KEYSTATE 2 MOUSE 2 7.520 26.080 KEYSTATE 2 MOUSE 3 7.520 4.800 KEYSTATE 2 MOUSE 4 7.520 4.800 STEP CLEAR MESSAGE ___________________________________________ Sometimes the Control key is held down while using the mouse. This is indicated with an upward filled arrow head with the letter C near the arrow END STEP KEYSTATE 4 MOUSE 1 7.520 26.080 RESET MESSAGE __________________________________________ If while the Control is held the Left mouse button is held down it is a Ctrl-Move and a Ctrl-Left-Drag. This is indicated by an an left-facing open-headed arrow with the letter C near it. END STEP KEYSTATE 4 MOUSE 2 7.520 26.080 KEYSTATE 4 MOUSE 3 3.680 4.800 KEYSTATE 4 MOUSE 4 3.680 4.800 RESET MESSAGE ___________________________________________ You can also use the Control key with the Right mouse button. This is indicated with a right-facing filled arrow with an open arrow head and the letter C near the arrow END STEP KEYSTATE 4 MOUSE 5 3.680 4.080 KEYSTATE 4 MOUSE 6 26.520 26.080 KEYSTATE 4 MOUSE 7 26.520 26.080 RESET MESSAGE ========================================= END STEP CLEAR