#!/bin/sh -x # # Author: Aaron Voisine # Inkscape Modifications: Michael Wybrow # XTrackCAD Modifications: Timothy M. Shead if test "x$GTK_DEBUG_LAUNCHER" != x; then set -x fi if test "x$GTK_DEBUG_GDB" != x; then EXEC="gdb --args" else EXEC=exec fi name=`basename "$0"` tmp="$0" tmp=`dirname "$tmp"` tmp=`dirname "$tmp"` bundle=`dirname "$tmp"` bundle_contents="$bundle"/Contents bundle_res="$bundle_contents"/Resources bundle_lib="$bundle_res"/lib bundle_bin="$bundle_res"/bin bundle_data="$bundle_res"/share bundle_etc="$bundle_res"/etc # check X installed if type -p "X" & > /dev/null; then echo "XQuartz installed" else echo "XQuartz not installed" osascript -e 'display dialog "XQuartz is not installed, please install it from XQuartz.org" buttons "OK" default button 1 with title "Stop"' exit 1 fi #XTRKCAD_BUNDLE="`echo "$0" | sed -e 's/\/Contents\/MacOS\/XTrackCAD//'`" XTRKCAD_BUNDLE="`echo "$bundle" | sed -e 's_/Contents/MacOS/XTrackCAD_/_'`" XTRKCAD_RESOURCES="$XTRKCAD_BUNDLE/Contents/Resources" XTRKCAD_TEMP="/tmp/xtrkcad/$UID" XTRKCAD_ETC="$XTRKCAD_TEMP/etc" export GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE="$bundle_lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache" export GTK_IM_MODULE_FILE="$bundle_etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules" export PANGO_LIBDIR="$bundle_lib" export PANGO_SYSCONFDIR="$bundle_etc" export XDG_CONFIG_DIRS="$bundle_etc"/xdg export XDG_DATA_DIRS="$bundle_data" export GTK_DATA_PREFIX="$bundle_res" export GTK_EXE_PREFIX="$bundle_res" export GTK_PATH="$bundle_res" # export GTK2_RC_FILES="$bundle_etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" XTRKCAD_PANGO_RC_FILE="$XTRKCAD_RESOURCES/etc/pango/pangorc" I18NDIR="$bundle_data/locale" # Set the locale-related variables appropriately: unset LANG LC_MESSAGES LC_MONETARY LC_COLLATE # Has a language ordering been set? # If so, set LC_MESSAGES and LANG accordingly; otherwise skip it. # First step uses sed to clean off the quotes and commas, to change - to _, and change the names for the chinese scripts from "Hans" to CN and "Hant" to TW. APPLELANGUAGES=`defaults read .GlobalPreferences AppleLanguages | sed -En -e 's/\-/_/' -e 's/Hant/TW/' -e 's/Hans/CN/' -e 's/[[:space:]]*\"?([[:alnum:]_]+)\"?,?/\1/p' ` if test "$APPLELANGUAGES"; then # A language ordering exists. # Test, item per item, to see whether there is an corresponding locale. for L in $APPLELANGUAGES; do #test for exact matches: if test -f "$I18NDIR/${L}/LC_MESSAGES/$APP.mo"; then export LANG=$L break fi #This is a special case, because often the original strings are in US #English and there is no translation file. if test "x$L" == "xen_US"; then export LANG=$L break fi #OK, now test for just the first two letters: if test -f "$I18NDIR/${L:0:2}/LC_MESSAGES/$APP.mo"; then export LANG=${L:0:2} break fi #Same thing, but checking for any english variant. if test "x${L:0:2}" == "xen"; then export LANG=$L break fi; done fi unset APPLELANGUAGES L # If we didn't get a language from the language list, try the Collation preference, in case it's the only setting that exists. APPLECOLLATION=`defaults read .GlobalPreferences AppleCollationOrder` if test -z ${LANG} -a -n $APPLECOLLATION; then if test -f "$I18NDIR/${APPLECOLLATION:0:2}/LC_MESSAGES/$APP.mo"; then export LANG=${APPLECOLLATION:0:2} fi fi if test ! -z $APPLECOLLATION; then export LC_COLLATE=$APPLECOLLATION fi unset APPLECOLLATION # Continue by attempting to find the Locale preference. APPLELOCALE=`defaults read .GlobalPreferences AppleLocale` if test -f "$I18NDIR/${APPLELOCALE:0:5}/LC_MESSAGES/$APP.mo"; then if test -z $LANG; then export LANG="${APPLELOCALE:0:5}" fi elif test -z $LANG -a -f "$I18NDIR/${APPLELOCALE:0:2}/LC_MESSAGES/$APP.mo"; then export LANG="${APPLELOCALE:0:2}" fi #Next we need to set LC_MESSAGES. If at all possilbe, we want a full #5-character locale to avoid the "Locale not supported by C library" #warning from Gtk -- even though Gtk will translate with a #two-character code. if test -n $LANG; then #If the language code matches the applelocale, then that's the message #locale; otherwise, if it's longer than two characters, then it's #probably a good message locale and we'll go with it. if test $LANG == ${APPLELOCALE:0:5} -o $LANG != ${LANG:0:2}; then export LC_MESSAGES=$LANG #Next try if the Applelocale is longer than 2 chars and the language #bit matches $LANG elif test $LANG == ${APPLELOCALE:0:2} -a $APPLELOCALE > ${APPLELOCALE:0:2}; then export LC_MESSAGES=${APPLELOCALE:0:5} #Fail. Get a list of the locales in $PREFIX/share/locale that match #our two letter language code and pick the first one, special casing #english to set en_US elif test $LANG == "en"; then export LC_MESSAGES="en_US" else LOC=`find $PREFIX/share/locale -name $LANG???` for L in $LOC; do export LC_MESSAGES=$L done fi else #All efforts have failed, so default to US english export LANG="en_US" export LC_MESSAGES="en_US" fi CURRENCY=`echo $APPLELOCALE | sed -En 's/.*currency=([[:alpha:]]+).*/\1/p'` if test "x$CURRENCY" != "x"; then #The user has set a special currency. Gtk doesn't install LC_MONETARY files, but Apple does in /usr/share/locale, so we're going to look there for a locale to set LC_CURRENCY to. if test -f /usr/local/share/$LC_MESSAGES/LC_MONETARY; then if test -a `cat /usr/local/share/$LC_MESSAGES/LC_MONETARY` == $CURRENCY; then export LC_MONETARY=$LC_MESSAGES fi fi if test -z "$LC_MONETARY"; then FILES=`find /usr/share/locale -name LC_MONETARY -exec grep -H $CURRENCY {} \;` if test -n "$FILES"; then export LC_MONETARY=`echo $FILES | sed -En 's%/usr/share/locale/([[:alpha:]_]+)/LC_MONETARY.*%\1%p'` fi fi fi #No currency value means that the AppleLocale governs: if test -z "$LC_MONETARY"; then LC_MONETARY=${APPLELOCALE:0:5} fi #For Gtk, which only looks at LC_ALL: export LC_ALL=$LC_MESSAGES unset APPLELOCALE FILES LOC echo "XTrackCAD: Starting $0" echo "XTrackCAD: XTRKCAD_BUNDLE: $XTRKCAD_BUNDLE" # Setup temporary runtime files # -rf "$XTRKCAD_TEMP" # Because the bundle could be located anywhere at runtime, we have to # create temporary copies of the Pango configuration files that # reflect our current location #mkdir -p "$XTRKCAD_ETC/gtk-2.0" #sed -e 's|/opt/local|'"$XTRKCAD_RESOURCES|g" "$XTRKCAD_RESOURCES/etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders" > "$XTRKCAD_GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE" #sed -e 's|/opt/local|'"$XTRKCAD_RESOURCES|g" "$XTRKCAD_RESOURCES/etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules" > "$XTRKCAD_GTK_IM_MODULE_FILE" #mkdir -p "$XTRKCAD_ETC/pango" #sed -e 's|/opt/local/etc|'"$XTRKCAD_ETC|g" "$XTRKCAD_RESOURCES/etc/pango/pangorc" > "$XTRKCAD_ETC/pango/pangorc" #sed -e 's|/opt/local|\"'"$XTRKCAD_RESOURCES|g" -e "s/\.so/.so\"/g" "$XTRKCAD_RESOURCES/etc/pango/pango.modules" > "$XTRKCAD_ETC/pango/pango.modules" #export "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$XTRKCAD_RESOURCES/lib" #export "FONTCONFIG_PATH=$XTRKCAD_RESOURCES/etc/fonts" #export "GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE=$XTRKCAD_GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE" #export "GTK_IM_MODULE_FILE=$XTRKCAD_GTK_IM_MODULE_FILE" export "PANGO_RC_FILE=$XTRKCAD_PANGO_RC_FILE" export "PATH=$XTRKCAD_RESOURCES/bin:$PATH" export "XTRKCADLIB=$XTRKCAD_RESOURCES/xtrkcad" #export #exec "$XTRKCAD_BUNDLE/Contents/MacOS/XtrkCAD-bin" # Extra arguments can be added in environment.sh. EXTRA_ARGS= if test -f "$bundle_res/environment.sh"; then source "$bundle_res/environment.sh" fi # Strip out the argument added by the OS. if /bin/expr "x$1" : '^x-psn_' > /dev/null; then shift 1 fi $EXEC "$XTRKCAD_BUNDLE/Contents/MacOS/XtrkCAD-bin" "$@" echo "XTrackCAD: Finishing $0"