path: root/numlib/zbrent.c
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authorJörg Frings-Fürst <>2014-09-01 13:56:46 +0200
committerJörg Frings-Fürst <>2014-09-01 13:56:46 +0200
commit22f703cab05b7cd368f4de9e03991b7664dc5022 (patch)
tree6f4d50beaa42328e24b1c6b56b6ec059e4ef21a5 /numlib/zbrent.c
Initial import of argyll version 1.5.1-8debian/1.5.1-8
Diffstat (limited to 'numlib/zbrent.c')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/numlib/zbrent.c b/numlib/zbrent.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a811818
--- /dev/null
+++ b/numlib/zbrent.c
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+/* 1 dimentional root finding code */
+/* inspired by the Van Wijngaarden-Dekker-Brent */
+/* method algorithm presented in */
+/* "Numerical Recipes in C", by W.H.Press, */
+/* B.P.Flannery, S.A.Teukolsky & W.T.Vetterling. */
+ * Copyright 2000 Graeme W. Gill
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This material is licenced under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 :-
+ * see the License.txt file for licencing details.
+ */
+#include "numsup.h"
+#include "zbrent.h"
+#undef DEBUG
+#define ZBRACK_MAXTRY 40 /* Maximum tries to bracket */
+#define ZBRACK_GOLD 1.618034 /* Golden ratio */
+/* Bracket search function */
+/* return 0 on sucess */
+/* -1 on no range */
+/* -2 on too many itterations */
+int zbrac(
+double *x1p, /* Input and output bracket values */
+double *x2p, /* Min and Max */
+double (*func)(void *fdata, double tp), /* function to evaluate */
+void *fdata /* Opaque data pointer */
+) {
+ int i;
+ double x1, x2; /* Bracket under consideration */
+ double f1, f2; /* Function values at points x1 and x2 */
+ x1 = *x1p;
+ x2 = *x2p;
+ if (x1 == x2) /* Nowhere to go */
+ return -1;
+ f1 = (*func)(fdata, x1); /* Initial function values */
+ f2 = (*func)(fdata, x2);
+ for (i = 0; i < ZBRACK_MAXTRY; i++) {
+ if ((f1 * f2) < 0.0) {
+ *x1p = x1;
+ *x2p = x2;
+ return 0; /* If signs are opposite, we're done */
+ }
+ if (fabs(f2) > fabs(f1)) { /* Move smaller in direction away from larger */
+ x1 += ZBRACK_GOLD * (x1 - x2);
+ f1 = (*func)(fdata, x1);
+ } else {
+ x2 += ZBRACK_GOLD * (x2 - x1);
+ f2 = (*func)(fdata, x2);
+ }
+ }
+ return -2;
+#define ZBRENT_MAXIT 100
+/* Root finder */
+/* return 0 on sucess */
+/* -1 on root not bracketed */
+/* -2 on too many itterations */
+int zbrent(
+double *rv, /* Return value */
+double ax, /* Bracket to search */
+double bx, /* (Min, Max) */
+double tol, /* Desired tollerance */
+double (*func)(void *fdata, double tp), /* function to evaluate */
+void *fdata /* Opaque data pointer */
+) {
+ int i;
+ double cx; /* Trial points, bx = best current */
+ double af ,bf, cf; /* Function values at those points */
+ af = (*func)(fdata, ax);
+ bf = (*func)(fdata, bx);
+ /* Sanity check bracketing */
+ if (af * bf > 0.0)
+ return -1; /* No good */
+ cx = bx; /* Force bisection for first itter */
+ cf = bf;
+ for (i = 0; i < ZBRENT_MAXIT; i++) {
+ double xdel; /* Bisection delta to bx */
+ double del = 1e80; /* Delta to be applied to bx */
+ double pdel = 1e80; /* Last del from interpolation step */
+ double tol1; /* Minimum reasonable change in bx */
+ /* Make bx and cx straddle root */
+ if (bf * cf > 0.0) { /* bx and cx don't straddle root */
+ cx = ax; /* ax must, so make cx = ax */
+ cf = af;
+ pdel = del = bx - ax;
+ }
+ /* Make bx be point closest to solution */
+ if (fabs(cf) < fabs(bf)) {
+ ax = bx; /* swap bx & cx, and make ax == new cx */
+ af = bf;
+ bx = cx;
+ bf = cf;
+ cx = ax;
+ cf = af;
+ }
+ tol1 = (0.5 * tol) + (2.0 * DBL_EPSILON * fabs(bx)); /* Minimum tollerable bx move */
+ xdel = 0.5 * (cx - bx); /* Delta to bx for bisection move */
+ if (bf == 0.0 || fabs(xdel) <= tol1) { /* If exact soln, or last was min move */
+ *rv = bx;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (fabs(pdel) >= tol1 && fabs(af) > fabs(bf)) { /* Try inv. quadratic interpolation */
+ double P, Q;
+ if (ax == cx) { /* Only have 2 points, use extrapolation */
+ double R;
+ R = bf / cf;
+ P = (cx - bx) * R;
+ Q = R - 1.0;
+ } else { /* Brent's interpolation of 3 points */
+ double R, S, T;
+ R = bf / cf;
+ S = bf / af;
+ T = af / cf;
+ P = S * ((T * (R - T) * (cx - bx)) - ((1.0 - R) * (bx - ax)));
+ Q = (T - 1.0) * (R - 1.0) * (S - 1.0);
+ }
+ if (P < 0.0) /* Keep sign of P/Q with abs(P) */
+ Q = -Q;
+ P = fabs(P);
+ {
+ double min1, min2;
+ min1 = (3.0 * xdel * Q) - (tol1 * fabs(Q));
+ min2 = fabs(pdel * Q);
+ if (min2 < min1)
+ min1 = min2;
+ if ((2.0 * P) < min1) { /* Interpolation looks OK */
+ pdel = del; /* Remember last delta */
+ del = P / Q; /* Next delta */
+ } else {
+ pdel = del = xdel; /* Use bisection */
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ pdel = del = xdel; /* Use bisection */
+ }
+ ax = bx; /* a keeps previous best point */
+ af = bf;
+ if (fabs(del) > tol1) /* Delta looks reasonable */
+ bx += del;
+ else
+ bx += (xdel > 0.0 ? tol1 : -tol1); /* Do minimum move in direction of bisection */
+ bf = (*func)(fdata, bx);
+ }
+ return -2; /* Too many iterations */