path: root/render/thscreen.c
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authorJörg Frings-Fürst <>2014-09-01 13:56:46 +0200
committerJörg Frings-Fürst <>2014-09-01 13:56:46 +0200
commit22f703cab05b7cd368f4de9e03991b7664dc5022 (patch)
tree6f4d50beaa42328e24b1c6b56b6ec059e4ef21a5 /render/thscreen.c
Initial import of argyll version 1.5.1-8debian/1.5.1-8
Diffstat (limited to 'render/thscreen.c')
1 files changed, 474 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/render/thscreen.c b/render/thscreen.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0a5548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/render/thscreen.c
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+ * render2d
+ *
+ * Threshold screen pixel processing object.
+ * (Simplified from DPS code)
+ *
+ * Author: Graeme W. Gill
+ * Date: 8/9/2005
+ * Version: 1.00
+ *
+ * Copyright 2005, 2012 Graeme W. Gill
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * This material is licenced under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 :-
+ * see the License.txt file for licencing details.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "aconfig.h"
+#include "numlib.h"
+//#include "icc.h"
+#include "sort.h"
+//#include "xcolorants.h"
+#include "thscreen.h"
+/* Configuration: */
+#undef DEBUG
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+# define DBG(text) printf text ; fflush(stdout);
+# define DBG(text)
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Setup a set of screens */
+/* Screen data is used that best matches the requested parameters. */
+#include "screens.h" /* Pre-generated screen patterns */
+/* Screen a single color plane */
+void screen_thscreens( /* Pointer to dither function */
+ thscreens *t, /* Screening object pointer */
+ int width, int height, /* Width and height to screen in pixels */
+ int xoff, int yoff, /* Offset into screening pattern */
+ unsigned char *in, /* Input pixel buffer */
+ unsigned long ipitch, /* Increment between input lines */
+ unsigned char *out, /* Output pixel buffer */
+ unsigned long opitch /* Increment between output lines */
+) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < t->np; i++)
+ t->sc[i]->screen(t->sc[i], width, height, xoff, yoff, in + 2 * i, t->np, ipitch,
+ out + i, t->np, opitch);
+/* Delete a thscreens */
+void del_thscreens(thscreens *t) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < t->np; i++)
+ t->sc[i]->del(t->sc[i]);
+ free(t->sc);
+ free(t);
+/* Create a new thscreens object matching the parameters */
+thscreens *new_thscreens(
+ int exact, /* Return only exact matches */
+ int nplanes, /* Number of planes to screen */
+ double asp, /* Target aspect ratio (== dpiX/dpiY) */
+ int size, /* Target size */
+ sc_iencoding ie, /* Input encoding - must be scie_16 */
+ int oebpc, /* Output encoding bits per component - must be 8 */
+ int oelev, /* Output encoding levels. Must be <= 2 ^ oebpc */
+ int *oevalues, /* Optional output encoding values for each level */
+ /* Must be oelev entries. Default is 0 .. oelev-1 */
+ sc_oorder oo, /* Output bit ordering */
+ double overlap, /* Overlap between levels, 0 - 1.0 */
+ void **cntx, /* List of contexts for lookup table callback */
+ double (**lutfunc)(void *cntx, double in) /* List of callback function, NULL if none */
+) {
+ thscreens *t;
+ int i, bi = -1;
+ double bamatch; /* Best aspect match */
+ int bsize = 100000; /* Best size match */
+ int swap = 0; /* width and height will need swapping */
+ DBG(("thscreens: new called with:\n"));
+ DBG((" nplanes = 0x%x\n",nplanes));
+ DBG((" asp = %f\n",asp));
+ DBG((" ie = %d\n",ie));
+ DBG((" oebpc = %d\n",oebpc));
+ DBG((" oelev = %d\n",oelev));
+ DBG((" oo = %d\n",oo));
+ DBG((" overlap = %f\n",overlap));
+ if (asp < 1.0) { /* All screens[] have asp >= 1.0 */
+ asp = 1.0/asp;
+ swap = 1;
+ DBG(("thscreens: aspect swap needed\n"));
+ }
+ if ((t = (thscreens *)calloc(1, sizeof(thscreens))) == NULL) {
+ DBG(("thscreens: malloc of thscreens failed\n"));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ t->np = nplanes; /* Number of planes */
+ DBG(("thscreens no planes = %d\n",t->np));
+ t->screen = screen_thscreens;
+ t->del = del_thscreens;
+ if ((t->sc = malloc(sizeof(thscreen *) * t->np)) == NULL) {
+ free(t);
+ DBG(("thscreens: malloc of thscreens->sc[] failed\n"));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ DBG(("thscreens: searching amongst %d screens, exact = %d\n",NO_SCREENS,exact));
+ DBG(("thscreens: looking for non-exact match\n"));
+ /* Synthesise a set of screens from what's there */
+ /* (Don't bother with matching the colorspace) */
+ for (i = 0;i < NO_SCREENS; i++) {
+ double thamatch; /* This aspect match */
+ int thsize; /* This size match */
+ thamatch = asp/screens[i].asp;
+ if (thamatch < 1.0)
+ thamatch = 1.0/thamatch;
+ if (bi < 0 || (thamatch < bamatch)) { /* No best or new best */
+ bamatch = thamatch;
+ bi = i;
+ DBG(("thscreens: new best with aspmatch %f\n",bamatch));
+ continue; /* On to next */
+ }
+ if (thamatch > bamatch) /* Worse aspect match */
+ continue;
+ /* Same on aspect ratio. Check size */
+ thsize = size - screens[i].size;
+ if (thsize < 0)
+ thsize = -thsize;
+ if (thsize < bsize) { /* New better size match */
+ bsize = thsize;
+ bi = i;
+ DBG(("thscreens: new best with size %d\n",bsize));
+ }
+ }
+ if (bi < 0) /* Strange */
+ return NULL;
+ /* Create each screening object from one defined screen. */
+ /* Use the 0'th plane screen */
+ /* Stagger the screens with a round of 9 offset */
+ for (i = 0; i < t->np; i++) {
+ int xoff = ((i % 3) * screens[bi].width)/3;
+ int yoff = (((i/3) % 3) * screens[bi].height)/3;
+ void *cx = NULL;
+ double (*lf)(void *cntx, double in) = 0;
+ if (cntx != NULL)
+ cx = cntx[i];
+ if (lutfunc != NULL)
+ lf = lutfunc[i];
+ DBG(("thscreens: creating plane %d/%d thscreen, offset %d %d\n",i,t->np,xoff,yoff));
+ if ((t->sc[i] = new_thscreen(screens[bi].width, screens[bi].height, xoff, yoff,
+ screens[bi].asp, swap, screens[bi].list[0],
+ ie, oebpc, oelev, oevalues, oo, overlap,
+ cx, lf)) == NULL) {
+ for (--i; i >= 0; i--)
+ t->sc[i]->del(t->sc[i]);
+ free(t->sc);
+ free(t);
+ DBG(("thscreens: new_thscreen() failed\n"));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ DBG(("thscreens: returning nonexact match\n"));
+ return t;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* The kernel screening routin */
+void thscreen16_8(
+ struct _thscreen *t, /* Screening object pointer */
+ int width, int height, /* Width and height to screen in pixels */
+ int xoff, int yoff, /* Offset into screening pattern (must be +ve) */
+ unsigned char *_in, /* Input pixel buffer */
+ unsigned long ipinc, /* Increment between input pixels */
+ unsigned long ipitch, /* Increment between input lines */
+ unsigned char *out, /* Output pixel buffer */
+ unsigned long opinc, /* Increment between output pixels */
+ unsigned long opitch /* Increment between output lines */
+) {
+ unsigned short *in = (unsigned short *)_in; /* Pointer to input pixel sized values */
+ int *lut = t->lut; /* Copy of 8 or 16 -> 16 bit lookup table */
+ unsigned char **oth, **eth; /* Current lines start, origin and end in screening table. */
+ int thtsize; /* Overall size of threshold table */
+ unsigned char **eeth; /* Very end of threshold table */
+ unsigned short *ein = in + height * ipitch; /* Vertical end pixel marker */
+ unsigned short *ein1; /* Horizontal end pixel markers */
+ {
+ unsigned char **sth; /* Start point of line intable */
+ sth = t->thp + (yoff % t->sheight) * t->twidth;
+ oth = sth + (xoff % t->swidth); /* Orgin of pattern to start from */
+ eth = sth + t->swidth; /* Ending point to wrap back */
+ thtsize = t->twidth * t->theight;
+ eeth = t->thp + thtsize; /* very end of table */
+ }
+ ein1 = in + ipinc * width;
+ /* For each line: */
+ for (; in < ein; in += ipitch, ein1 += ipitch, out += opitch) {
+ unsigned char **th = oth; /* Threshold table origin */
+ unsigned short *ip = in; /* Horizontal input pointer */
+ unsigned char *op = out; /* Horizontal output pointer */
+ /* Do pixels one output byte at a time */
+ for (; ip < ein1; ip += ipinc, op += opinc) {
+ int tt = lut[*ip];
+ *op = (unsigned char)th[0][tt];
+ if (++th >= eth)
+ th -= t->swidth;
+ }
+ /* Advance screen table pointers with vertical wrap */
+ oth += t->twidth;
+ eth += t->twidth;
+ if (eth > eeth) {
+ oth -= thtsize;
+ eth -= thtsize;
+ }
+ }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* We're done with the screening object */
+static void th_del(
+ thscreen *t
+) {
+ if (t->lut != NULL)
+ free(t->lut);
+ if (t->thp != NULL)
+ free(t->thp);
+ free(t);
+/* Create a new thscreen object */
+/* Return NULL on error */
+thscreen *new_thscreen(
+ int width, /* width in pixels of screen */
+ int height, /* Height in pixels of screen */
+ int xoff, int yoff, /* Pattern offsets into width & height */
+ double asp, /* Aspect ratio of screen (== dpiX/dpiY) */
+ int swap, /* Swap X & Y to invert aspect ratio & swap width/height */
+ ccoord *thli, /* Pointer to list of threshold coordinates */
+ sc_iencoding ie, /* Input encoding - must be scie_16 */
+ int oebpc, /* Output encoding bits per component - must be 8 */
+ int oelev, /* Output encoding levels. Must be <= 2 ^ oebpc */
+ int *oevalues, /* Optional output encoding values for each level */
+ /* Must be oelev entries. Default is 0 .. oelev-1 */
+ sc_oorder oo, /* Output bit ordering */
+ double olap, /* Overlap between levels, 0 - 1.0 */
+ void *cntx, /* Context for LUT table callback */
+ double (*lutfunc)(void *cntx, double in) /* Callback function, NULL if none */
+) {
+ thscreen *t; /* Object being created */
+ int npix; /* Total pixels in screen */
+ double mrang; /* threshold modulation range */
+ double **fthr; /* Floating point threshold array */
+ int i, j;
+ DBG(("new_thscreen() called, oebpc = %d\n",oebpc));
+ DBG(("new_thscreen() called, oelev = %d\n",oelev));
+ /* Sanity check overlap */
+ if (olap < 0.0)
+ olap = 0.0;
+ else if (olap > 1.0)
+ olap = 1.0;
+ /* Sanity check parameters */
+ if (ie != scie_16) {
+ DBG(("new_thscreen() ie %d != scie_16\n",ie));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (oebpc != 8) {
+ DBG(("new_thscreen() oebpc %d != 8\n",oebpc));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (oelev < 2 || oelev > (1 << oebpc)) {
+ DBG(("new_thscreen() oelev %d > 2^%d = %d\n",oelev,1 << oebpc,oebpc));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ((t = (thscreen *)calloc(1, sizeof(thscreen))) == NULL) {
+ DBG(("new_thscreen() calloc failed\n"));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Instantiation parameters */
+ t->ie = ie;
+ t->oebpc = oebpc;
+ t->oelev = oelev;
+ if (oevalues != NULL) {
+ for (i = 0; i < t->oelev; i++) {
+ if (oevalues[i] >= (1 << t->oebpc)) {
+ DBG(("new_thscreen() oevalues[%d] value %d can't fit in %d bits\n",i,oevalues[i],t->oebpc));
+ free(t);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ t->oevalues[i] = oevalues[i];
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; i < t->oelev; i++)
+ t->oevalues[i] = i;
+ }
+ t->oo = oo;
+ t->overlap = olap;
+ /* Create a suitable LUT from the given function */
+ /* Input is either 8 or 16 bits, output is always 16 bits */
+ DBG(("new_thscreen() about to create LUT\n"));
+ if ((t->lut = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * 65536)) == NULL) {
+ free(t);
+ DBG(("new_thscreen() malloc of 16 bit LUT failed\n"));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 65536; i++) {
+ if (lutfunc != NULL) {
+ double v = i/65535.0;
+ v = lutfunc(cntx, v);
+ t->lut[i] = (int)(v * 65535.0 + 0.5);
+ } else
+ t->lut[i] = i;
+ }
+ /* Screen definition parameters */
+ if (swap) {
+ t->asp = 1.0/asp;
+ t->swidth = height;
+ t->sheight = width;
+ } else {
+ t->asp = asp;
+ t->swidth = width;
+ t->sheight = height;
+ }
+ DBG(("new_thscreen() target width %d, height %d, asp %f\n",t->swidth,t->sheight,t->asp));
+ DBG(("new_thscreen() given width %d, height %d, asp %f\n",width,height,asp));
+ npix = t->swidth * t->sheight; /* Total pixels */
+ /* Allow for read of a words worth of pixels from within screen: */
+ DBG(("new_thscreen() tot pix %d, lev %d, bpp %d\n",npix,t->oelev,t->oebpc));
+ t->twidth = t->swidth + (8/t->oebpc) -1;
+ t->theight = t->sheight;
+ DBG(("new_thscreen() th table size = %d x %d\n",t->twidth,t->theight));
+ DBG(("new_thscreen() about to turn screen list into float threshold matrix\n"));
+ /* Convert the list of screen cells into a floating point threshold array */
+ fthr = dmatrix(0, t->sheight-1, 0, t->swidth-1); /* Temporary matrix */
+ if (swap) {
+ double tt = xoff; /* Swap offsets to align with orientation */
+ xoff = yoff;
+ yoff = tt;
+ for (i = 0; i < npix; i++)
+ fthr[thli[i].x][thli[i].y] = (double)(i/(npix - 1.0));
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; i < npix; i++)
+ fthr[thli[i].y][thli[i].x] = (double)(i/(npix - 1.0));
+ }
+ /* The range that the screen has to modulate */
+ /* over to cross all the thresholds evenly. */
+ mrang = 65535.0/(t->oelev - 1.0);
+ DBG(("new_thscreen() raw modulation rande = %f\n",mrang));
+ /* Modify the modulation range to accomodate any level overlap */
+ if (olap > 0.0 && t->oelev > 2) {
+ mrang = ((t->oelev - 2.0) * olap * mrang + 65535.0)/(t->oelev - 1.0);
+ DBG(("new_thscreen() modulation adjusted for overlap = %f\n",mrang));
+ }
+ /* Init the threshold table. It holds the quantized, encoded output */
+ /* values, allowing an input value offset by the screen to be */
+ /* thresholded directly into the output value. We allow a guard band at */
+ /* each end for the effects of the screen modulating the input value. */
+ DBG(("new_thscreen() about to init threshold table\n"));
+ t->tht = &t->_tht[32768]; /* base allows for -ve & +ve range */
+ for (i = -32768; i < (2 * 65536) + 32768; i++) {
+ if (i < mrang) { /* Lower guard band */
+ t->tht[i] = t->oevalues[0];
+ } else if (i >= 65535) { /* Upper guard band */
+ t->tht[i] = t->oevalues[t->oelev-1];
+ } else { /* Middle range */
+ t->tht[i] = t->oevalues[1 + (int)((t->oelev - 2.0) * (i - mrang)/(65535.0 - mrang))];
+ }
+ }
+ /* Allocate the 2D table of pointers into the */
+ /* threshold table that encodes the screen offset. */
+ if ((t->thp = (unsigned char **)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char *)
+ * t->twidth * t->theight)) == NULL) {
+ free_dmatrix(fthr, 0, t->sheight-1, 0, t->swidth-1);
+ free(t->lut);
+ free(t);
+ DBG(("new_thscreen() malloc of threshold pointer matrix failed\n"));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Setup the threshold pointer array to point into the apropriate */
+ /* point into the threshold array itself. This implicitly adds */
+ /* the screen pattern offset value to the input before thresholding it. */
+ /* The input screen offsets are applied at this point too. */
+ DBG(("new_thscreen() about to init threshold pointer table\n"));
+ for (i = 0; i < t->twidth; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < t->theight; j++) {
+ double sov = fthr[(j+yoff) % t->sheight][(i+xoff) % t->swidth];
+ int tho = (int)((mrang - 1.0) * (1.0 - sov) + 0.5);
+ t->thp[j * t->twidth + i] = &t->tht[tho];
+ }
+ }
+ free_dmatrix(fthr, 0, t->sheight-1, 0, t->swidth-1);
+ DBG(("new_thscreen() about to setup method pointers\n"));
+ /* Methods */
+ t->screen = thscreen16_8;
+ t->del = th_del;
+ DBG(("new_thscreen() done\n"));
+ return t;