path: root/xicc/xicc.h
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authorJörg Frings-Fürst <>2014-09-01 13:56:46 +0200
committerJörg Frings-Fürst <>2014-09-01 13:56:46 +0200
commit22f703cab05b7cd368f4de9e03991b7664dc5022 (patch)
tree6f4d50beaa42328e24b1c6b56b6ec059e4ef21a5 /xicc/xicc.h
Initial import of argyll version 1.5.1-8debian/1.5.1-8
Diffstat (limited to 'xicc/xicc.h')
1 files changed, 945 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xicc/xicc.h b/xicc/xicc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3969ebe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xicc/xicc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,945 @@
+#ifndef XICC_H
+#define XICC_H
+ * International Color Consortium color transform expanded support
+ *
+ * Author: Graeme W. Gill
+ * Date: 28/6/00
+ * Version: 1.00
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2011 Graeme W. Gill
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * This material is licenced under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUB LICENSE Version 3 :-
+ * see the License.txt file for licencing details.
+ *
+ * Based on the old iccXfm class.
+ */
+ * This library expands the icclib functionality,
+ * particularly in creating and exercising color transforms.
+ *
+ * For the moment, this support is concentrated around the
+ * Lut and Matrix subsets of the ICC profile tranforms.
+ *
+ * It is intended to allow color transformation, storage and retrieval
+ * of ICC profiles, while permitting inititialization from scattered
+ * data, reversing of the transform, and specific manipulations of
+ * the internal processing elements.
+ *
+ * This class bases much of it's functionality on that of the
+ * underlying icclib icmLuBase.
+ */
+#include "icc.h" /* icclib ICC definitions */
+#include "cgats.h" /* CGAT format */
+#include "rspl.h" /* rspllib thin plate spline definitions */
+#include "gamut.h" /* gamut definitions */
+#include "xutils.h" /* Utility functions */
+#include "xcam.h" /* CAM definitions */
+#include "xspect.h" /* Spectral conversion object */
+#include "xcolorants.h" /* Known colorants support */
+#include "insttypes.h" /* Instrument type support */
+#include "mpp.h" /* model printer profile support */
+#include "moncurve.h" /* monotonic curve support */
+ /* (more at the end) */
+#define XICC_USE_HK 1 /* [Set] Set to 1 to use Helmholtz-Kohlraush in all CAM conversions */
+#define XICC_NEUTRAL_CMYK_BLACK /* Use neutral axis black, else use K direction black. */
+#define XICC_BLACK_POINT_TOLL 0.5 /* Tollerance of CMYK black point location */
+#define XICC_BLACK_FIND_ABERR_WEIGHT 10.0 /* Weight of ab error against min L in BP */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* The "effective" PCS colorspace is the one specified by the PCS override, and */
+/* visible in the overal profile conversion. The "native" PCS colorspace is the one */
+/* that the underlying tags actually represent, and the PCS that the individual */
+/* stages within each profile type handle (unless the ICX_MERGED flag is set, in which */
+/* case the clut == native PCS appears to be the effective one). The conversion between */
+/* the native and effective PCS is generally done in the to/from_abs() conversions. */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Pseudo intents, valid as parameter to xicc get_luobj(): */
+/* Default Color Appearance Space, based on absolute colorimetric */
+#define icxAppearance ((icRenderingIntent)994)
+/* Represents icAbsoluteColorimetric, converted to Color Appearance space */
+#define icxAbsAppearance ((icRenderingIntent)995) /* Fixed D50 white point */
+/* Special Color Appearance Space, based on "absolute" perceptual */
+#define icxPerceptualAppearance ((icRenderingIntent)996)
+/* Default Color Appearance Space, based on "absolute" saturation */
+#define icxSaturationAppearance ((icRenderingIntent)997)
+/* These two are for completeness, they are unlikely to be useful: */
+/* Special Color Appearance Space, based on "absolute" perceptual */
+#define icxAbsPerceptualAppearance ((icRenderingIntent)998)
+/* Default Color Appearance Space, based on "absolute" saturation */
+#define icxAbsSaturationAppearance ((icRenderingIntent)999)
+/* Pseudo PCS colospace returned as PCS for intent icxAppearanceJab */
+#define icxSigJabData ((icColorSpaceSignature) icmMakeTag('J','a','b',' '))
+/* Pseudo PCS colospace returned as PCS for intent icxAppearanceJCh */
+#define icxSigJChData ((icColorSpaceSignature) icmMakeTag('J','C','h',' '))
+/* Pseudo PCS colospace returned as PCS */
+#define icxSigLChData ((icColorSpaceSignature) icmMakeTag('L','C','h',' '))
+/* Return a string description of the given enumeration value */
+const char *icx2str(icmEnumType etype, int enumval);
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* A 3x3 matrix model */
+struct _icxMatrixModel {
+ void *imp; /* Opaque implementation */
+ int isLab; /* Convert lookup to Lab */
+ void (*force) (struct _icxMatrixModel *p, double *targ, double *in);
+ void (*lookup) (struct _icxMatrixModel *p, double *out, double *in);
+ void (*del) (struct _icxMatrixModel *p);
+}; typedef struct _icxMatrixModel icxMatrixModel;
+/* Create a matrix model of a set of points, and return an object to lookup */
+/* points from the model. Return NULL on error. */
+icxMatrixModel *new_MatrixModel(
+int verb, /* NZ if verbose */
+int nodp, /* Number of points */
+cow *ipoints, /* Array of input points in XYZ space */
+int isLab, /* nz if data points are Lab */
+int quality, /* Quality metric, 0..3 (-1 == 2 orders only) */
+int isLinear, /* NZ if pure linear, gamma = 1.0 */
+int isGamma, /* NZ if gamma rather than shaper */
+int isShTRC, /* NZ if shared TRCs */
+int shape0gam, /* NZ if zero'th order shaper should be gamma function */
+int clipbw, /* Prevent white > 1 and -ve black */
+int clipprims, /* Prevent primaries going -ve */
+double smooth, /* Smoothing factor (nominal 1.0) */
+double scale /* Scale device values */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Basic class keeps extra state for an icc, and provides the */
+/* expanded set of methods. */
+/* Black generation rule */
+/* The rule is all in terms of device K and L* values */
+typedef enum {
+ icxKvalue = 0, /* K is specified as output K target by PCS auxiliary */
+ icxKlocus = 1, /* K is specified as proportion of K locus by PCS auxiliary */
+ icxKluma5 = 2, /* K is specified as locus by 5 parameters as a function of L */
+ icxKluma5k = 3, /* K is specified as K value by 5 parameters as a function of L */
+ icxKl5l = 4, /* K is specified as locus by 2x5 parameters as a function of L and K locus aux */
+ icxKl5lk = 5 /* K is specified as K value by 2x5 parameters as a function of L and K value aux */
+} icxKrule;
+/* Curve parameters */
+typedef struct {
+ double Ksmth; /* K smoothing filter extent */
+ double Kstle; /* K start level at white end (0.0 - 1.0)*/
+ double Kstpo; /* K start point as prop. of L locus (0.0 - 1.0) */
+ double Kenpo; /* K end point as prop. of L locus (0.0 - 1.0) */
+ double Kenle; /* K end level at Black end (0.0 - 1.0) */
+ double Kshap; /* K transition shape, 0.0-1.0 concave, 1.0-2.0 convex */
+ double Kskew; /* K transition shape skew, 1.0 = even */
+} icxInkCurve;
+/* Default black generation smoothing value */
+#define ICXINKDEFSMTH 0.09 /* Transition window of +/- ICXINKDEFSMTH */
+#define ICXINKDEFSKEW 2.0 /* Curve shape skew (matches typical device behaviour) */
+/* Structure to convey inking details */
+typedef struct {
+ double tlimit; /* Total ink limit, > 0.0 to < inputChan, < 0.0 == off */
+ double klimit; /* Black limit, > 0.0 to < 1.0, < 0.0 == off */
+ icxKrule k_rule; /* type of K generation rule */
+ int KonlyLmin; /* Use K only black Locus Lmin */
+ icxInkCurve c; /* K curve, or locus minimum curve */
+ icxInkCurve x; /* locus maximum curve if icxKl5l */
+} icxInk;
+/* Structure to convey inverse lookup clip handling details */
+struct _icxClip {
+ int nearclip; /* Flag - use near clipping not vector */
+ int LabLike; /* Flag Its an Lab like colorspace */
+ int fdi; /* Dimentionality of clip vector */
+ double ocent[MXDO]; /* base of center of clut output gamut */
+ double ocentv[MXDO]; /* vector direction of clut output clip target line */
+ double ocentl; /* clip target line length */
+}; typedef struct _icxClip icxClip;
+/* Structure to convey viewing conditions */
+typedef struct {
+ ViewingCondition Ev;/* Enumerated Viewing Condition */
+ double Wxyz[3]; /* Reference/Adapted White XYZ (Y range 0.0 .. 1.0) */
+ double La; /* Adapting/Surround Luminance cd/m^2 */
+ double Yb; /* Relative Luminance of Background to reference white */
+ double Lv; /* Luminance of white in the Viewing/Scene/Image field (cd/m^2) */
+ /* Ignored if Ev is set to other than vc_none */
+ double Yf; /* Flare as a fraction of the reference white (Y range 0.0 .. 1.0) */
+ double Fxyz[3]; /* The Flare white coordinates (typically the Ambient color) */
+ /* Will be taken from Wxyz if Fxyz == 0.0 */
+ char *desc; /* Possible description of this VC */
+} icxViewCond;
+/* Structure to convey gamut mapping intent */
+typedef struct {
+ int usecas; /* 0x0 Use Lab space */
+ /* 0x1 Use Color Appearance Space */
+ /* 0x2 Use Absolute Color Appearance Space */
+ /* 0x101 Use Color Appearance Space with luminence scaling */
+ int usemap; /* NZ if Gamut mapping should be used, else clip */
+ double greymf; /* Grey axis hue matching factor, 0.0 - 1.0 */
+ double glumwcpf; /* Grey axis luminance white compression factor, 0.0 - 1.0 */
+ double glumwexf; /* Grey axis luminance white expansion factor, 0.0 - 1.0 */
+ double glumbcpf; /* Grey axis luminance black compression factor, 0.0 - 1.0 */
+ double glumbexf; /* Grey axis luminance black expansion factor, 0.0 - 1.0 */
+ double glumknf; /* Grey axis luminance knee factor, 0.0 - 1.0 */
+ double gamcpf; /* Gamut compression factor, 0.0 - 1.0 */
+ double gamexf; /* Gamut expansion factor, 0.0 - 1.0 */
+ double gamcknf; /* Gamut compression knee factor, 0.0 - 1.0 */
+ double gamxknf; /* Gamut expansion knee factor, 0.0 - 1.0 */
+ double gampwf; /* Gamut Perceptual Map weighting factor, 0.0 - 1.0 */
+ double gamswf; /* Gamut Saturation Map weighting factor, 0.0 - 1.0 */
+ double satenh; /* Saturation enhancement value, 0.0 - Inf */
+ char *as; /* Alias string (option name) */
+ char *desc; /* Possible description of this VC */
+ icRenderingIntent icci; /* Closest ICC intent */
+} icxGMappingIntent;
+struct _xicc {
+ /* Private: */
+ icc *pp; /* ICC profile we expand */
+ struct _xcal *cal; /* Optional device cal, NULL if none */
+ int nodel_cal; /* Flag, nz if cal was provided externally and shouldn't be deleted */
+ /* Public: */
+ void (*del)(struct _xicc *p);
+ /* "use" flags */
+#define ICX_CLIP_VECTOR 0x0000 /* If clipping is needed, clip in vector direction (default) */
+#define ICX_CLIP_NEAREST 0x0010 /* If clipping is needed, clip to nearest */
+#define ICX_MERGE_CLUT 0x0020 /* Merge the output() and out_abs() into the clut(), */
+ /* for improved performance on reading, and */
+ /* clipping in effective output space on inverse lookup. */
+ /* Reduces accuracy noticably though. */
+ /* Output output() and out_abs() become NOPs */
+#define ICX_CAM_CLIP 0x0100 /* Use CAM space during invfwd clipping lookup, */
+ /* irrespective of the native or effective PCS. */
+ /* Ignored if MERGE_CLUT is set or vector clip is used. */
+ /* May halve the inverse lookup performance! */
+#define ICX_INT_SEPARATE 0x0400 /* Handle 4 dimensional devices with fixed inking rules */
+ /* with an optimised internal separation pass, rather */
+ /* than a point by point inverse locus lookup . */
+#define ICX_FAST_SETUP 0x0800 /* Improve initial setup speed at the cost of throughput */
+#define ICX_VERBOSE 0x8000 /* Turn on verboseness during creation */
+ /* Returm a lookup object from the icc */
+ struct _icxLuBase * (*get_luobj) (struct _xicc *p,
+ int flags, /* clip, merge flags */
+ icmLookupFunc func, /* Functionality */
+ icRenderingIntent intent,/* Intent */
+ icColorSpaceSignature pcsor, /* PCS override (0 = def) */
+ icmLookupOrder order, /* Search Order */
+ icxViewCond *vc, /* Viewing Condition - only */
+ /* used if pcsor == CIECAM. */
+ /* or ICX_CAM_CLIP flag. */
+ icxInk *ink); /* inking details (NULL = def) */
+ /* Set a xluobj and icc table from scattered data */
+ /* Return appropriate lookup object */
+ /* NULL on error, check errc+err for reason */
+ /* "create" flags */
+#define ICX_SET_WHITE 0x00010000 /* find, set and make relative to the white point */
+#define ICX_SET_WHITE_US 0x00030000 /* find, set and make relative to the white point hue, */
+ /* but not scale to W L value, to avoid input clipping */
+#define ICX_SET_WHITE_C 0x00050000 /* find, set and make relative to the white point hue, */
+ /* and clip any cLUT values over D50 to D50 */
+#define ICX_SET_BLACK 0x00080000 /* find and set the black point */
+#define ICX_WRITE_WBL 0x00100000 /* Matrix: write White, Black & Luminance tags */
+#define ICX_CLIP_WB 0x00200000 /* Clip white and black to be < 1 and > 0 respectively */
+#define ICX_CLIP_PRIMS 0x00400000 /* Clip matrix primaries to be > 0 */
+#define ICX_NO_IN_SHP_LUTS 0x00800000 /* Lut/Mtx: Don't create input (Device) shaper curves. */
+#define ICX_NO_IN_POS_LUTS 0x01000000 /* LuLut: Don't create input (Device) postion curves. */
+#define ICX_NO_OUT_LUTS 0x02000000 /* LuLut: Don't create output (PCS) curves. */
+//#define ICX_2PASSSMTH 0x04000000 /* If LuLut: Use Gaussian smoothing */
+//#define ICX_EXTRA_FIT 0x08000000 /* If LuLut: Counteract scat data point errors. */
+/* And ICX_VERBOSE Turn on verboseness during creation */
+ struct _icxLuBase * (*set_luobj) (struct _xicc *p,
+ icmLookupFunc func, /* Functionality to set */
+ icRenderingIntent intent, /* Intent to set */
+ icmLookupOrder order, /* Search Order */
+ int flags, /* white/black point flags */
+ int no, /* Total Number of points */
+ int nobw, /* Number of points to look */
+ /* for white & black patches in */
+ cow *points, /* Array of input points */
+ icxMatrixModel *skm, /* Optional skeleton model */
+ double dispLuminance, /* > 0.0 if display luminance */
+ /* value and is known */
+ double wpscale, /* > 0.0 if input white pt is */
+ /* is to be scaled */
+ double smooth, /* RSPL smoothing factor, */
+ /* -ve if raw */
+ double avgdev, /* Avge Dev. of points */
+ icxViewCond *vc, /* Viewing Condition - only */
+ /* used if pcsor == CIECAM. */
+ /* or ICX_CAM_CLIP flag. */
+ icxInk *ink, /* inking details */
+ struct _xcal *cal, /* Optional cal Will override any */
+ /* existing, not deltd with xicc. */
+ int quality); /* Quality metric, 0..3 */
+ /* Return the devices viewing conditions. */
+ /* Return value 0 if it is well defined */
+ /* Return value 1 if it is a guess */
+ /* Return value 2 if it is not possible/appropriate */
+ int (*get_viewcond)(struct _xicc *p, icxViewCond *vc);
+ char err[512]; /* Error message */
+ int errc; /* Error code */
+}; typedef struct _xicc xicc;
+/* ~~~~~ */
+/* Might be good to add a slow but very precise vector and closest "clip to gamut" */
+/* function for use in setting white and black points. Use this in profile. */
+xicc *new_xicc(icc *picc);
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Expanded lookup object support */
+ /* Private: */ \
+ int trace; /* Optional run time tracing flag */ \
+ struct _xicc *pp; /* Pointer to XICC we're a part of */ \
+ icmLuBase *plu; /* Pointer to icm Lu we are expanding */ \
+ int flags; /* Flags passed to get_luobj */ \
+ icmLookupFunc func; /* Function passed to get_luobj */ \
+ icRenderingIntent intent; /* Effective/External Intent */ \
+ /* "in" and "out" are in reference to */ \
+ /* the requested lookup direction. */ \
+ icColorSpaceSignature ins; /* Effective/External Clr space of input */ \
+ icColorSpaceSignature outs; /* Effective/External Clr space of output */\
+ icColorSpaceSignature pcs; /* Effective/External PCS */ \
+ icColorSpaceSignature natis; /* Native input Clr space */ \
+ icColorSpaceSignature natos; /* Native output Clr space */ \
+ icColorSpaceSignature natpcs; /* Native PCS Clr space */ \
+ int inputChan; /* Num of input channels */ \
+ int outputChan; /* Num of output channels */ \
+ double ninmin[MXDI]; /* icc Native Input color space minimum */ \
+ double ninmax[MXDI]; /* icc Native Input color space maximum */ \
+ double noutmin[MXDO]; /* icc Native Output color space minimum */ \
+ double noutmax[MXDO]; /* icc Native Output color space maximum */ \
+ double inmin[MXDI]; /* icx Effective Input color space minimum */ \
+ double inmax[MXDI]; /* icx Effective Input color space maximum */ \
+ double outmin[MXDO]; /* icx Effective Output color space minimum */ \
+ double outmax[MXDO]; /* icx Effective Output color space maximum */ \
+ icxViewCond vc; /* Viewing Condition for CIECAM97s */ \
+ icxcam *cam; /* CAM conversion */ \
+ \
+ /* Attributes inhereted by ixcLu's */ \
+ int noisluts; /* Flag - If LuLut: Don't create input (Device) shaper curves. */ \
+ int noipluts; /* Flag - If LuLut: Don't create input (Device) position curves. */ \
+ int nooluts; /* Flag - If LuLut: Don't create output (PCS) curves. */ \
+ int nearclip; /* Flag - If clipping occurs, return the nearest solution, */ \
+ int mergeclut; /* Flag - If LuLut: Merge output() and out_abs() into clut(). */ \
+ int camclip; /* Flag - If LuLut: Use CIECAM for clut reverse lookup clipping */ \
+ int intsep; /* Flag - If LuLut: Do internal separation for 4d device */ \
+ int fastsetup; /* Flag - If LuLut: Do fast setup at cost of slower throughput */ \
+ \
+ /* Public: */ \
+ void (*del)(struct _icxLuBase *p); \
+ \
+ /* Return Internal native colorspaces */ \
+ void (*lutspaces) (struct _icxLuBase *p, icColorSpaceSignature *ins, int *inn, \
+ icColorSpaceSignature *outs, int *outn, \
+ icColorSpaceSignature *pcs); \
+ \
+ /* External effective colorspaces */ \
+ void (*spaces) (struct _icxLuBase *p, icColorSpaceSignature *ins, int *inn, \
+ icColorSpaceSignature *outs, int *outn, \
+ icmLuAlgType *alg, icRenderingIntent *intt, \
+ icmLookupFunc *fnc, icColorSpaceSignature *pcs); \
+ \
+ /* Get the Native input space and output space ranges */ \
+ void (*get_native_ranges) (struct _icxLuBase *p, \
+ double *inmin, double *inmax, /* Maximum range of inspace values */ \
+ double *outmin, double *outmax); /* Maximum range of outspace values */ \
+ \
+ \
+ /* Get the Effective input space and output space ranges */ \
+ void (*get_ranges) (struct _icxLuBase *p, \
+ double *inmin, double *inmax, /* Maximum range of inspace values */ \
+ double *outmin, double *outmax); /* Maximum range of outspace values */ \
+ \
+ \
+ /* Return the media white and black points */ \
+ /* in the effective PCS colorspace. */ \
+ /* (ie. these will be relative values for relative intent etc.) */ \
+ void (*efv_wh_bk_points)(struct _icxLuBase *p, double *wht, double *blk, double *kblk); \
+ \
+ /* Translate color values through profile */ \
+ /* 0 = success */ \
+ /* 1 = warning: clipping occured */ \
+ /* 2 = fatal: other error */ \
+ \
+ /* (Note that clipping is not a reliable means of detecting out of gamut in the */ \
+ /* lookup(bwd) call for clut based profiles, but is for inv_lookup() calls.) */ \
+ \
+ int (*lookup) (struct _icxLuBase *p, double *out, double *in); \
+ /* Requested conversion */ \
+ int (*inv_lookup) (struct _icxLuBase *p, double *out, double *in); \
+ /* Inverse conversion */ \
+ \
+ /* Given an xicc lookup object, returm a gamut object. */ \
+ /* Note that the Effective PCS must be Lab or Jab */ \
+ /* A icxLuLut type must be icmFwd or icmBwd, */ \
+ /* and for icmFwd, the ink limit (if supplied) */ \
+ /* will be applied. */ \
+ /* Return NULL on error, check xicc errc+err for reason */ \
+ gamut * (*get_gamut) (struct _icxLuBase *plu, /* xicc lookup object */ \
+ double detail); /* gamut detail level, 0.0 = def */ \
+ \
+ /* The following two functions expose the relative colorimetric native ICC PCS */ \
+ /* <--> absolute/CAM space transform, so that CAM based gamut compression */ \
+ /* can be applied in creating the ICC Lut tabls in profout.c. */ \
+ \
+ /* Given a native ICC relative XYZ or Lab PCS value, convert in the fwd */ \
+ /* direction into the nominated Effective output PCS (ie. Absolute, Jab etc.) */ \
+ void (*fwd_relpcs_outpcs) (struct _icxLuBase *p, icColorSpaceSignature is, \
+ double *out, double *in); \
+ \
+ /* Given a nominated Effective output PCS (ie. Absolute, Jab etc.), convert it */ \
+ /* in the bwd direction into a native ICC relative XYZ or Lab PCS value */ \
+ void (*bwd_outpcs_relpcs) (struct _icxLuBase *p, icColorSpaceSignature os, \
+ double *out, double *in); \
+ \
+/* Base xlookup object */
+struct _icxLuBase {
+}; typedef struct _icxLuBase icxLuBase;
+/* Monochrome Fwd & Bwd type object */
+struct _icxLuMono {
+ /* Overall lookups */
+ int (*fwd_lookup) (struct _icxLuBase *p, double *out, double *in);
+ int (*bwd_lookup) (struct _icxLuBase *p, double *out, double *in);
+ /* Components of Device to PCS lookup */
+ int (*fwd_curve) (struct _icxLuMono *p, double *out, double *in);
+ int (*fwd_map) (struct _icxLuMono *p, double *out, double *in);
+ int (*fwd_abs) (struct _icxLuMono *p, double *out, double *in);
+ /* Components of PCS to Device lookup */
+ int (*bwd_abs) (struct _icxLuMono *p, double *out, double *in);
+ int (*bwd_map) (struct _icxLuMono *p, double *out, double *in);
+ int (*bwd_curve) (struct _icxLuMono *p, double *out, double *in);
+}; typedef struct _icxLuMono icxLuMono;
+/* 3D Matrix Fwd & Bwd type object */
+struct _icxLuMatrix {
+ /* Overall lookups */
+ int (*fwd_lookup) (struct _icxLuBase *p, double *out, double *in);
+ int (*bwd_lookup) (struct _icxLuBase *p, double *out, double *in);
+ /* Components of Device to PCS lookup */
+ int (*fwd_curve) (struct _icxLuMatrix *p, double *out, double *in);
+ int (*fwd_matrix) (struct _icxLuMatrix *p, double *out, double *in);
+ int (*fwd_abs) (struct _icxLuMatrix *p, double *out, double *in);
+ /* Components of PCS to Device lookup */
+ int (*bwd_abs) (struct _icxLuMatrix *p, double *out, double *in);
+ int (*bwd_matrix) (struct _icxLuMatrix *p, double *out, double *in);
+ int (*bwd_curve) (struct _icxLuMatrix *p, double *out, double *in);
+}; typedef struct _icxLuMatrix icxLuMatrix;
+/* Multi-D. Lut type object */
+struct _icxLuLut {
+ /* private: */
+ icmLut *lut; /* ICC Lut that is being used */
+ rspl *inputTable[MXDI]; /* The input lookups */
+ rspl *clutTable; /* The multi dimention lookup */
+ rspl *cclutTable; /* Alternate multi dimention lookup in CAM space */
+ rspl *outputTable[MXDO]; /* The output lookups */
+ /* Inverted RSPLs used to speed ink limit calculation */
+ /* input' -> input */
+ rspl *revinputTable[MXDI];
+ /* In/Out lookup flags used for rspl init. callback */
+ int iol_out; /* Non-zero if output lookup */
+ int iol_ch; /* Channel */
+ /* In/Out inversion support */
+ double inputClipc[MXDI]; /* The input lookups clip center */
+ double outputClipc[MXDO]; /* The output lookups clip center */
+ /* clut inversion support */
+ double icent[MXDI]; /* center of input gamut */
+ double licent[MXDI]; /* last icent value used */
+ icxClip clip; /* Clip setup information */
+ int kch; /* Black ink channel if discovered */
+ /* -1 if not known or applicable */
+ /* (Only set by icxLu_comp_bk_point()) */
+ icxInk ink; /* inking details */
+ double Lmin, Lmax; /* L min/max for inking rule */
+ /* Auxiliary parameter flags, non-zero for inputs that will be */
+ /* used as auxiliary parameters the rspl input */
+ /* dimensionality exceeds the output dimension (i.e. CMYK->Lab) */
+ int auxm[MXDI];
+ /* Auxiliar linearization function - NULL if none */
+ /* Only the used auxiliary chanels need be calculated. */
+ /* ~~ not implimented yet ~~~ */
+// void (*auxlinf)(void *auxlinf_ctx, double inout[MXDI]);
+ /* Opaque context for auxlin */
+// void *auxlinf_ctx;
+ /* Temporary icm fwd abs XYZ LuLut used for setting up icx clut */
+ icmLuBase *absxyzlu;
+ /* Optional function to compute the input chanel */
+ /* sum from the raw rspl input values. NULL if not used. */
+ /* Use this to take account of any transformation beyond */
+ /* the input space, or 6 color masquerading as 4 etc. */
+ double (*limitf)(void *limitf_ctx, float in[MXDI]); /* ~~ not implimented yet */
+ /* Opaque context for limitf */
+ void *limitf_ctx;
+ /* Input space sum limit. Points with a limitf() over */
+ /* this number will not be considered in gamut. Valid if gt 0 */
+ double slimit;
+ /* public: */
+ /* Note that black inking rules are always defined and provided */
+ /* in dev[] and pcs[] space, even for component functions */
+ /* (ie. the implementation of the inking rule deals with */
+ /* the dev<->dev' and pcs<->pcs' conversions) */
+ /* Requested direction component lookup */
+ int (*in_abs) (struct _icxLuLut *p, double *out, double *in);
+ int (*matrix) (struct _icxLuLut *p, double *out, double *in);
+ int (*input) (struct _icxLuLut *p, double *out, double *in);
+ int (*clut) (struct _icxLuLut *p, double *out, double *in);
+ int (*clut_aux)(struct _icxLuLut *p, double *out, double *olimit,
+ double *auxv, double *in);
+ int (*output) (struct _icxLuLut *p, double *out, double *in);
+ int (*out_abs) (struct _icxLuLut *p, double *out, double *in);
+ /* Inverse direction component lookup (in reverse order) */
+ int (*inv_out_abs) (struct _icxLuLut *p, double *out, double *in);
+ int (*inv_output) (struct _icxLuLut *p, double *out, double *in);
+ int (*inv_clut) (struct _icxLuLut *p, double *out, double *in);
+ int (*inv_clut_aux)(struct _icxLuLut *p, double *out, double *auxv,
+ double *auxr, double *auxt, double *clipd, double *in);
+ int (*inv_input) (struct _icxLuLut *p, double *out, double *in);
+ int (*inv_matrix) (struct _icxLuLut *p, double *out, double *in);
+ int (*inv_in_abs) (struct _icxLuLut *p, double *out, double *in);
+ /* Get locus information for a clut (see xlut.c for details) */
+ int (*clut_locus) (struct _icxLuLut *p, double *locus, double *out, double *in);
+ /* Get various types of information about the LuLut */
+ void (*get_info) (struct _icxLuLut *p, icmLut **lutp,
+ icmXYZNumber *pcswhtp, icmXYZNumber *whitep,
+ icmXYZNumber *blackp);
+ /* Get the matrix contents */
+ void (*get_matrix) (struct _icxLuLut *p, double m[3][3]);
+}; typedef struct _icxLuLut icxLuLut;
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Utility declarations and functions */
+/* Profile Creation Suplimental Information structure */
+struct _profxinf {
+ icmSig manufacturer; /* Device manufacturer ICC Sig, 0 for default */
+ char *deviceMfgDesc; /* Manufacturer text description, NULL for none */
+ icmSig model; /* Device model ICC Sig, 0 for default */
+ char *modelDesc; /* Model text description, NULL for none */
+ icmSig creator; /* Profile creator ICC Sig, 0 for default */
+ char *profDesc; /* Text profile description, NULL for default */
+ char *copyright; /* Copyrigh text, NULL for default */
+ /* Attribute flags */
+ int transparency; /* NZ for Trasparency, else Reflective */
+ int matte; /* NZ for Matte, else Glossy */
+ int negative; /* NZ for Negative, else Positive */
+ int blackandwhite; /* NZ for BlackAndWhite, else Color */
+ /* Default intent */
+ icRenderingIntent default_ri; /* Default rendering intent */
+ /* Other stuff ICC ?? */
+}; typedef struct _profxinf profxinf;
+/* Set an icc's Lut tables, and take care of auxiliary continuity problems. */
+/* Only useful if there are auxiliary device output chanels to be set. */
+int icxLut_set_tables_auxfix(
+icmLut *p, /* Pointer to icmLut object */
+void *cbctx, /* Opaque callback context pointer value */
+icColorSpaceSignature insig, /* Input color space */
+icColorSpaceSignature outsig, /* Output color space */
+void (*infunc)(void *cbctx, double *out, double *in),
+ /* Input transfer function, inspace->inspace' (NULL = default) */
+double *inmin, double *inmax, /* Maximum range of inspace' values */
+ /* (NULL = default) */
+void (*clutfunc)(void *cbntx, double *out, double *aux, double *auxr, double *pcs, double *in),
+ /* inspace' -> outspace' transfer function, also */
+ /* return the internal target PCS and the (packed) auxiliary locus */
+ /* range as [min0, max0, min1, max1...], and the actual auxiliary */
+ /* target used. */
+void (*clutpcsfunc)(void *cbntx, double *out, double *aux, double *pcs),
+ /* Internal PCS + actual aux_target -> outspace' transfer function */
+void (*clutipcsfunc)(void *cbntx, double *pcs, double *olimit, double *auxv, double *in),
+ /* outspace' -> Internal PCS + auxv check function */
+double *clutmin, double *clutmax, /* Maximum range of outspace' values */
+ /* (NULL = default) */
+void (*outfunc)(void *cbntx, double *out, double *in)
+ /* Output transfer function, outspace'->outspace (NULL = deflt) */
+/* Return an enumerated viewing condition */
+/* Return enumeration if OK, -999 if there is no such enumeration. */
+/* xicc may be NULL if just the description is wanted, */
+/* or an explicit white point is provided. */
+int xicc_enum_viewcond(
+xicc *p, /* Expanded profile to get white point (May be NULL if desc NZ) */
+icxViewCond *vc, /* Viewing parameters to return, May be NULL if desc is nz */
+int no, /* Enumeration to return, -1 for default, -2 for none */
+char *as, /* String alias to number, NULL if none */
+int desc, /* NZ - Just return a description of this enumeration in vc */
+double *wp /* Provide white point if xicc is NULL */
+/* Debug: dump a Viewing Condition to standard out */
+void xicc_dump_viewcond(icxViewCond *vc);
+/* Debug: dump an Inking setup to standard out */
+void xicc_dump_inking(icxInk *ik);
+/* Return enumerated gamut mapping intents */
+/* Return 0 if OK, 1 if there is no such enumeration. */
+/* Note the following fixed numbers meanings: */
+#define icxNoGMIntent -1
+#define icxDefaultGMIntent -2
+#define icxAbsoluteGMIntent -3
+#define icxRelativeGMIntent -4
+#define icxPerceptualGMIntent -5
+#define icxSaturationGMIntent -6
+#define icxIllegalGMIntent -999
+int xicc_enum_gmapintent(icxGMappingIntent *gmi, int no, char *as);
+void xicc_dump_gmi(icxGMappingIntent *gmi);
+/* - - - - - - - - - - */
+/* Utility functions: */
+/* Given an open icc profile, */
+/* guess which channel is the black. */
+/* Return -1 if there is no black channel or it can't be guessed */
+int icxGuessBlackChan(icc *p);
+/* Given an icc profile, try and create an xcal */
+/* Return NULL on error or no cal */
+struct _xcal *xiccReadCalTag(icc *p);
+/* A callback that uses an xcal, that can be used with icc get_tac */
+void xiccCalCallback(void *cntx, double *out, double *in);
+/* Given an xicc icc profile, estmate the total ink limit and black ink limit. */
+void icxGetLimits(xicc *p, double *tlimit, double *klimit);
+/* Using the above function, set default total and black ink values */
+void icxDefaultLimits(xicc *p, double *tlout, double tlin, double *klout, double klin);
+/* Given a calibrated total ink limit and an xcal, return the */
+/* equivalent underlying (pre-calibration) total ink limit. */
+/* This is the maximum equivalent, that makes sure that */
+/* the calibrated limit is met or exceeded. */
+double icxMaxUnderlyingLimit(struct _xcal *cal, double ilimit);
+/* - - - - - - - - - - */
+/* Utility function - compute the clip vector direction. */
+/* return NULL if vector clip isn't used. */
+double *icxClipVector(
+icxClip *p, /* Clipping setup information */
+double *in, /* Target point */
+double *cdirv /* Space for returned clip vector */
+/* - - - - - - - - - - */
+/* CIE XYZ to perceptual Lab with partial derivatives. */
+void icxdXYZ2Lab(icmXYZNumber *w, double *out, double dout[3][3], double *in);
+/* Return the normal Delta E squared, given two Lab values, */
+/* including partial derivatives. */
+double icxdLabDEsq(double dout[2][3], double *Lab0, double *Lab1);
+/* Return the CIE94 Delta E color difference measure, squared */
+/* including partial derivatives. */
+double icxdCIE94sq(double dout[2][3], double Lab0[3], double Lab1[3]);
+/* Return the normal Delta E given two Lab values, */
+/* including partial derivatives. */
+double icxdLabDE(double dout[2][3], double *Lab0, double *Lab1);
+/* Return the CIE94 Delta E color difference measure */
+/* including partial derivatives. */
+double icxdCIE94(double dout[2][3], double Lab0[3], double Lab1[3]);
+/* - - - - - - - - - - */
+/* Power like function, based on Graphics Gems adjustment curve. */
+/* Avoids "toe" problem of pure power. */
+/* Adjusted so that "power" 2 and 0.5 agree with real power at 0.5 */
+double icx_powlike(double vv, double pp);
+/* Compute the necessary aproximate power, to transform */
+/* the given value from src to dst. They are assumed to be */
+/* in the range 0.0 .. 1.0 */
+double icx_powlike_needed(double src, double dst);
+/* - - - - - - - - - - */
+/* Transfer function */
+double icxTransFunc(
+double *v, /* Pointer to first parameter */
+int luord, /* Number of parameters */
+double vv /* Source of value */
+/* Inverse Transfer function */
+double icxInvTransFunc(
+double *v, /* Pointer to first parameter */
+int luord, /* Number of parameters */
+double vv /* Source of value */
+/* Transfer function with scaling */
+double icxSTransFunc(
+double *v, /* Pointer to first parameter */
+int luord, /* Number of parameters */
+double vv, /* Source of value */
+double min, /* Scale values */
+double max
+/* Inverse Transfer function with scaling */
+double icxInvSTransFunc(
+double *v, /* Pointer to first parameter */
+int luord, /* Number of parameters */
+double vv, /* Source of value */
+double min, /* Scale values */
+double max
+/* Transfer function with partial derivative */
+/* with respect to the parameters. */
+double icxdpTransFunc(
+double *v, /* Pointer to first parameter */
+double *dv, /* Return derivative wrt each parameter [luord] */
+int luord, /* Number of parameters */
+double vv /* Source of value */
+/* Transfer function with scaling and */
+/* partial derivative with respect to the parameters. */
+double icxdpSTransFunc(
+double *v, /* Pointer to first parameter */
+double *dv, /* Return derivative wrt each parameter [luord] */
+int luord, /* Number of parameters */
+double vv, /* Source of value */
+double min, /* Scale values */
+double max
+/* Transfer function with partial derivative */
+/* with respect to the input value. */
+double icxdiTransFunc(
+double *v, /* Pointer to first parameter */
+double *pdv, /* Return derivative wrt source value [1] */
+int luord, /* Number of parameters */
+double vv /* Source of value */
+/* Transfer function with scaling and */
+/* partial derivative with respect to the input value. */
+double icxdiSTransFunc(
+double *v, /* Pointer to first parameter */
+double *pdv, /* Return derivative wrt source value [1] */
+int luord, /* Number of parameters */
+double vv, /* Source of value */
+double min, /* Scale values */
+double max
+/* Transfer function with partial derivative */
+/* with respect to the parameters and the input value. */
+double icxdpdiTransFunc(
+double *v, /* Pointer to first parameter */
+double *dv, /* Return derivative wrt each parameter [luord] */
+double *pdin, /* Return derivative wrt source value [1] */
+int luord, /* Number of parameters */
+double vv /* Source of value */
+/* Transfer function with scaling and */
+/* partial derivative with respect to the */
+/* parameters and the input value. */
+double icxdpdiSTransFunc(
+double *v, /* Pointer to first parameter */
+double *dv, /* Return derivative wrt each parameter [luord] */
+double *pdin, /* Return derivative wrt source value [1] */
+int luord, /* Number of parameters */
+double vv, /* Source of value */
+double min, /* Scale values */
+double max
+/* Should add/move the spectro/moncurve stuff in here, */
+/* since it has offset and scaling. */
+/* - - - - - - - - - - */
+/* Multi-plane interpolation - uses base + di slope values. */
+/* Parameters are assumed to be fdi groups of di + 1 parameters. */
+void icxPlaneInterp(
+double *v, /* Pointer to first parameter [fdi * (di + 1)] */
+int fdi, /* Number of output channels */
+int di, /* Number of input channels */
+double *out, /* Resulting fdi values */
+double *in /* Input di values */
+/* Matrix cube interpolation. with partial derivative */
+/* with respect to the input and parameters. */
+void icxdpdiPlaneInterp(
+double *v, /* Pointer to first parameter value [fdi * (di + 1)] */
+double *dv, /* Return [1 + di] deriv. wrt each parameter v */
+double *din, /* Return [fdi * di] deriv. wrt each input value */
+int fdi, /* Number of output channels */
+int di, /* Number of input channels */
+double *out, /* Resulting fdi values */
+double *in /* Input di values */
+/* - - - - - - - - - - */
+/* Matrix cube interpolation - interpolate between 2^di output corner values. */
+/* Parameters are assumed to be fdi groups of 2^di parameters. */
+void icxCubeInterp(
+double *v, /* Pointer to first parameter */
+int fdi, /* Number of output channels */
+int di, /* Number of input channels */
+double *out, /* Resulting fdi values */
+double *in /* Input di values */
+/* Matrix cube interpolation. with partial derivative */
+/* with respect to the input and parameters. */
+void icxdpdiCubeInterp(
+double *v, /* Pointer to first parameter value */
+double *dv, /* Return [fdi * 2^di] deriv wrt each parameter v */
+double *din, /* Return [fdi * di] deriv wrt each input value */
+int fdi, /* Number of output channels */
+int di, /* Number of input channels */
+double *out, /* Resulting fdi values */
+double *in /* Input di values */
+/* - - - - - - - - - - */
+/* 3x3 matrix multiplication, with the matrix in a 1D array */
+/* with respect to the input and parameters. */
+void icxMulBy3x3Parm(
+ double out[3], /* Return input multiplied by matrix */
+ double mat[9], /* Matrix organised in [slow][fast] order */
+ double in[3] /* Input values */
+/* 3x3 matrix multiplication, with partial derivatives */
+/* with respect to the input and parameters. */
+void icxdpdiMulBy3x3Parm(
+ double out[3], /* Return input multiplied by matrix */
+ double dv[3][9], /* Return deriv for each [output] with respect to [param] */
+ double din[3][3], /* Return deriv for each [output] with respect to [input] */
+ double mat[9], /* Matrix organised in [slow][fast] order */
+ double in[3] /* Input values */
+/* - - - - - - - - - - */
+#include "xcal.h"
+#endif /* XICC_H */