path: root/misc/freeswitch/scripts/configuration.lua
diff options
authorStefan Wintermeyer <>2012-12-17 12:01:45 +0100
committerStefan Wintermeyer <>2012-12-17 12:01:45 +0100
commitb80bd744ad873f6fc43018bc4bfb90677de167bd (patch)
tree072c4b0e33d442528555b82c415f5e7a1712b2b0 /misc/freeswitch/scripts/configuration.lua
parent3e706c2025ecc5523e81ad649639ef2ff75e7bac (diff)
Start of GS5.
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/freeswitch/scripts/configuration.lua')
1 files changed, 229 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/freeswitch/scripts/configuration.lua b/misc/freeswitch/scripts/configuration.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..906d3f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/freeswitch/scripts/configuration.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+-- Gemeinschaft 5 dynamic freeswitch configuration
+-- (c) AMOOMA GmbH 2012
+function nodes(database, local_node_id)
+ local gateways_xml = '';
+ require 'common.node'
+ for node_id, node_record in pairs(common.node.Node:new{log=log, database=database}:all()) do
+ if node_id ~= local_node_id then
+ local node_parameters = {}
+ node_parameters['username'] =;
+ node_parameters['password'] = 'gemeinschaft';
+ node_parameters['proxy'] = node_record.ip_address;
+ node_parameters['register'] = 'false';
+ log:debug('NODE_GATEWAY ',, ' - name: ',, ', address: ', node_record.ip_address);
+ gateways_xml = gateways_xml .. xml:gateway(, node_parameters);
+ end
+ end
+ return gateways_xml;
+function gateways(profile_name)
+ local gateways_xml = '';
+ local gateways = common.configuration_file.get('/opt/freeswitch/scripts/ini/gateways.ini', false);
+ if not gateways then
+ return '';
+ end
+ for sofia_gateway, gateway_parameters in pairs(gateways) do
+ if tostring(gateway_parameters.profile) == profile_name then
+ log:debug('GATEWAY - name: ', sofia_gateway, ', address: ', gateway_parameters.proxy);
+ gateways_xml = gateways_xml .. xml:gateway(sofia_gateway, gateway_parameters);
+ end
+ end
+ return gateways_xml;
+function profile(database, sofia_ini, profile_name, index, domains, node_id)
+ local profile_parameters = sofia_ini['profile:' .. profile_name];
+ if not profile_parameters then
+ log:error('SOFIA_PROFILE ', index,' - name: ', profile_name, ' - no parameters');
+ return '';
+ end
+ -- set local bind address
+ if domains[index] then
+ profile_parameters['sip-ip'] = domains[index]['host'];
+ profile_parameters['rtp-ip'] = domains[index]['host'];
+ profile_parameters['force-register-domain'] = domains[index]['host'];
+ profile_parameters['force-subscription-domain'] = domains[index]['host'];
+ profile_parameters['force-register-db-domain'] = domains[index]['host'];
+ log:debug('SOFIA_PROFILE ', index,' - name: ', profile_name, ', domain: ', domains[index]['host'], ', sip_bind: ', profile_parameters['sip-ip'], ':', profile_parameters['sip-port']);
+ else
+ log:error('SOFIA_PROFILE ', index,' - name: ', profile_name, ' - no domains');
+ end
+ local gateways_xml = gateways(profile_name);
+ if index == 1 then
+ gateways_xml = gateways_xml .. nodes(database, node_id);
+ end
+ return xml:sofia_profile(profile_name, profile_parameters, gateways_xml);
+-- generate sofia.conf
+function conf_sofia(database)
+ local sofia_profile = "gemeinschaft";
+ require 'common.configuration_file'
+ local sofia_ini = common.configuration_file.get('/opt/freeswitch/scripts/ini/sofia.ini');
+ local dialplan_parameters = common.configuration_file.get('/opt/freeswitch/scripts/ini/dialplan.ini', 'parameters');
+ local local_node_id = tonumber(dialplan_parameters['node_id']) or 1;
+ require 'configuration.sip'
+ local domains = configuration.sip.Sip:new{ log = log, database = database}:domains();
+ sofia_profiles_xml = '';
+ for index, profile_name in ipairs(sofia_ini.profiles) do
+ sofia_profiles_xml = sofia_profiles_xml .. profile(database, sofia_ini, profile_name, index, domains, local_node_id);
+ end
+ XML_STRING = xml:document(xml:sofia(sofia_ini.parameters, sofia_profiles_xml))
+function conf_conference(database)
+ XML_STRING = xml:document(xml:conference());
+ require 'common.configuration_file'
+ local conference_ini = common.configuration_file.get('/opt/freeswitch/scripts/ini/conferences.ini');
+ local conference_parameters = conference_ini.parameters;
+ local event_name = params:getHeader("Event-Name")
+ if event_name == 'COMMAND' then
+ local conf_name = params:getHeader('conf_name');
+ local profile_name = params:getHeader('profile_name');
+ if conf_name then
+ require 'common.conference'
+ conference = common.conference.Conference:new{log=log, database=database}:find_by_id(conf_name);
+ if conference then
+ log:debug('CONFIG_CONFERENCE ', conf_name, ' name: ',, ', profile: ', profile_name);
+ conference_parameters['caller-id-name'] = or '';
+ XML_STRING = xml:document(xml:conference(xml:conference_profile(profile_name, conference_parameters)));
+ else
+ log:error('CONFIG_CONFERENCE ', conf_name, ' - conference not found');
+ end
+ else
+ log:notice('CONFIG_CONFERENCE - no conference name');
+ end
+ else
+ log:debug('CONFIG_CONFERENCE ', conf_name, ' - event: ', event_name);
+ end
+function directory_sip_account(database)
+ local key = params:getHeader('key');
+ local auth_name = params:getHeader('user');
+ local domain = params:getHeader('domain');
+ local purpose = params:getHeader('purpose');
+ if auth_name and auth_name ~= '' then
+ -- sip account or gateway
+ if string.len(auth_name) > 3 and auth_name:sub(1, 3) == 'gw+' then
+ local gateway_name = auth_name:sub(4);
+ domain = domain or freeswitch.API():execute('global_getvar', 'domain');
+ require 'configuration.sip'
+ log:notice('DATABASE: ', database);
+ local sip_gateway = configuration.sip.Sip:new{ log = log, database = database}:find_gateway_by_name(gateway_name);
+ if sip_gateway ~= nil and next(sip_gateway) ~= nil then
+ log:debug('DIRECTORY_GATEWAY - name: ', gateway_name, ', auth_name: ', auth_name);
+ XML_STRING = xml:document(xml:directory(xml:gateway_user(sip_gateway, gateway_name, auth_name), domain));
+ else
+ log:debug('DIRECTORY_GATEWAY - gateway not found - name: ', gateway_name, ', auth_name: ', auth_name);
+ end
+ else
+ require 'common.sip_account'
+ local sip_account = common.sip_account.SipAccount:new{ log = log, database = database}:find_by_auth_name(auth_name, domain);
+ if sip_account ~= nil then
+ if tostring(purpose) == 'publish-vm' then
+ log:debug('DIRECTORY_SIP_ACCOUNT - purpose: VoiceMail, auth_name: ', sip_account.record.auth_name, ', caller_name: ', sip_account.record.caller_name, ', domain: ', domain);
+ XML_STRING = xml:document(xml:directory(xml:group_default(xml:user(sip_account.record)), domain));
+ else
+ log:debug('DIRECTORY_SIP_ACCOUNT - auth_name: ', sip_account.record.auth_name, ', caller_name: ', sip_account.record.caller_name, ', domain: ', domain);
+ XML_STRING = xml:document(xml:directory(xml:user(sip_account.record), domain));
+ end
+ else
+ log:debug('DIRECTORY_SIP_ACCOUNT - sip account not found - auth_name: ', auth_name, ', domain: ', domain);
+ -- fake sip_account configuration
+ sip_account = {
+ auth_name = auth_name,
+ id = 0,
+ uuid = '',
+ password = tostring(math.random(0, 65534)),
+ voicemail_pin = '',
+ state = 'inactive',
+ caller_name = '',
+ sip_accountable_type = 'none',
+ sip_accountable_id = 0,
+ }
+ XML_STRING = xml:document(xml:directory(xml:user(sip_account), domain))
+ end
+ end
+ elseif tostring(XML_REQUEST.key_name) == 'name' and tostring(XML_REQUEST.key_value) ~= '' then
+ log:debug('DOMAIN_DIRECTORY - domain: ', XML_REQUEST.key_value);
+ XML_STRING = xml:document(xml:directory(nil, XML_REQUEST.key_value));
+ end
+local log_identifier = XML_REQUEST.key_value or 'CONFIG';
+-- set logger
+require 'common.log'
+log = common.log.Log:new();
+log.prefix = '#C# [' .. log_identifier .. '] ';
+-- return a valid xml document
+require 'configuration.freeswitch_xml'
+xml = configuration.freeswitch_xml.FreeSwitchXml:new();
+XML_STRING = xml:document();
+local database = nil;
+-- log:debug('CONFIG_REQUEST section: ', XML_REQUEST.section, ', tag: ', XML_REQUEST.tag_name, ', key: ', XML_REQUEST.key_value);
+if XML_REQUEST.section == 'configuration' and XML_REQUEST.tag_name == 'configuration' then
+ -- database connection
+ require 'common.database'
+ database = common.database.Database:new{ log = log }:connect();
+ if database:connected() == false then
+ log:error('CONFIG_REQUEST - cannot connect to Gemeinschaft database');
+ return false;
+ end
+ if XML_REQUEST.key_value == 'sofia.conf' then
+ conf_sofia(database);
+ elseif XML_REQUEST.key_value == "conference.conf" then
+ conf_conference(database);
+ end
+elseif XML_REQUEST.section == 'directory' and XML_REQUEST.tag_name == '' then
+ log:debug('SIP_ACCOUNT_DIRECTORY - initialization phase');
+elseif XML_REQUEST.section == 'directory' and XML_REQUEST.tag_name == 'domain' then
+ if params == nil then
+ log:error('SIP_ACCOUNT_DIRECTORY - no parameters');
+ return false;
+ end
+ require 'common.database'
+ database = common.database.Database:new{ log = log }:connect();
+ if not database:connected() then
+ log:error('CONFIG_REQUEST - cannot connect to Gemeinschaft database');
+ return false;
+ end
+ directory_sip_account(database);
+ log:error('CONFIG_REQUEST - no configuration handler, section: ', XML_REQUEST.section, ', tag: ', XML_REQUEST.tag_name);
+-- ensure database handler is released on exit
+if database then
+ database:release();