path: root/misc/freeswitch/scripts/dialplan/voicemail.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'misc/freeswitch/scripts/dialplan/voicemail.lua')
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/freeswitch/scripts/dialplan/voicemail.lua b/misc/freeswitch/scripts/dialplan/voicemail.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9dab79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/freeswitch/scripts/dialplan/voicemail.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+-- Gemeinschaft 5 module: voicemail class
+-- (c) AMOOMA GmbH 2012
+Voicemail = {}
+BEEP = 'tone_stream://%(1000,0,500)';
+RECORD_FILE_PREFIX = '/tmp/voicemail_';
+-- create voicemail object
+function, arg)
+ arg = arg or {}
+ object = arg.object or {}
+ setmetatable(object, self);
+ self.__index = self;
+ self.class = 'voicemail';
+ self.log = arg.log;
+ self.database = arg.database;
+ self.record = arg.record;
+ return object
+-- find voicemail account by sip account id
+function Voicemail.find_by_sip_account_id(self, id)
+ local sql_query = 'SELECT `a`.`id`, `a`.`uuid`, `a`.`auth_name`, `a`.`caller_name`, `b`.`name_path`, `b`.`greeting_path`, `a`.`voicemail_pin`, `b`.`password`, `c`.`host` AS `domain` \
+ FROM `sip_accounts` `a` LEFT JOIN `voicemail_prefs` `b` ON `a`.`auth_name` = `b`.`username` \
+ JOIN `sip_domains` `c` ON `a`.`sip_domain_id` = `c`.`id` \
+ WHERE `a`.`id` = ' .. tonumber(id);
+ local voicemail_account = nil;
+ self.database:query(sql_query, function(entry)
+ voicemail_account = Voicemail:new(self);
+ voicemail_account.record = entry;
+ = tonumber(;
+ voicemail_account.uuid = entry.uuid;
+ end)
+ return voicemail_account;
+-- Find Voicemail account by name
+function Voicemail.find_by_name(self, account_name)
+ id = tonumber(id) or 0;
+ local sql_query = string.format('SELECT * FROM `voicemail_prefs` WHERE `username`= "%s" LIMIT 1', account_name)
+ local record = nil
+ self.database:query(sql_query, function(voicemail_entry)
+ record = voicemail_entry
+ end)
+ if voicemail_account then
+ voicemail_account.account_name = account_name;
+ if record then
+ voicemail_account.name_path = record.name_path;
+ voicemail_account.greeting_path = record.greeting_path;
+ voicemail_account.password = record.password;
+ end
+ end
+ return voicemail_account
+-- Find Voicemail account by name
+function Voicemail.find_by_number(self, phone_number)
+ local sip_account = nil;
+ require "common.phone_number"
+ local phone_number_class = common.phone_number.PhoneNumber:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database };
+ local destination_number_object = phone_number_class:find_by_number(phone_number);
+ if destination_number_object and destination_number_object.record.phone_numberable_type == "SipAccount" then
+ return Voicemail:find_by_sip_account_id(destination_number_object.record.phone_numberable_id);
+ end
+ return false;
+function Voicemail.leave(self, caller, phone_number)
+ require 'common.str'
+ self.log:info('VOICEMAIL_LEAVE - account=',, '/', self.record.uuid, ', auth_name: ', self.record.auth_name, ', caller_name: ', self.record.caller_name);
+ caller:set_callee_id(phone_number, self.record.caller_name);
+ caller:answer();
+ caller:send_display(common.str.to_s(self.record.caller_name), common.str.to_s(phone_number));
+ caller:sleep(1000);
+ if not common.str.blank(self.record.greeting_path) then
+ caller.session:sayPhrase('voicemail_play_greeting', 'greeting:' .. tostring(self.record.greeting_path));
+ elseif not common.str.blank(self.record.name_path) then
+ caller.session:sayPhrase('voicemail_play_greeting', 'name:' .. tostring(self.record.name_path));
+ elseif not common.str.blank(phone_number) then
+ caller.session:sayPhrase('voicemail_play_greeting', (tostring(phone_number):gsub('[%D]', '')));
+ end
+ local record_file_name = RECORD_FILE_PREFIX .. caller.uuid .. '.wav';
+ caller.session:streamFile(BEEP);
+ self.log:info('VOICEMAIL_LEAVE - recording to file: ', tostring(record_file_name));
+ local result = caller.session:recordFile(record_file_name, MESSAGE_LENGTH_MAX, SILENCE_LEVEL, SILENCE_LENGTH_ABORT);
+ local duration = caller:to_i('record_seconds');
+ if duration >= MESSAGE_LENGTH_MIN then
+ self.log:info('VOICEMAIL_LEAVE - saving recorded message to voicemail, duration: ', duration);
+ require 'common.fapi'
+ common.fapi.FApi:new{ log = self.log, uuid = caller.uuid }:execute('vm_inject',
+ self.record.auth_name ..
+ '@' .. self.record.domain .. " '" ..
+ record_file_name .. "' '" ..
+ caller.caller_id_number .. "' '" ..
+ caller.caller_id_name .. "' '" ..
+ caller.uuid .. "'"
+ );
+ caller:set_variable('voicemail_message_len', duration);
+ else
+ caller:set_variable('voicemail_message_len');
+ end
+ os.remove(record_file_name);
+ return true;
+function Voicemail.send_notify(self, caller)
+ self.log:debug('VOICEMAIL_NOTIFY - account: ' .. self.record.auth_name .. ", id: " .. tostring(caller.uuid));
+ local file = io.popen("/opt/GS5/script/ '" .. tostring(self.record.auth_name) .. "' '" .. tostring(caller.uuid) .. "' 2>&1");
+ self.log:debug('VOICEMAIL_NOTIFY - result: ' .. tostring(file:read("*a")));
+ file:close();
+ return true;
+function, caller, authorized)
+ self.log:info('VOICEMAIL_MENU - account: ', self.record.auth_name);
+ if authorized then
+ caller:set_variable('voicemail_authorized', true);
+ end
+ caller:set_callee_id(phone_number, self.record.caller_name);
+ caller:answer();
+ caller:send_display(common.str.to_s(self.record.caller_name), common.str.to_s(phone_number));
+ caller:sleep(1000);
+ caller:set_variable('skip_greeting', true);
+ caller:set_variable('skip_instructions', true);
+ caller:execute('voicemail', 'check default ' .. self.record.domain .. ' ' .. self.record.auth_name);